1.0.2 7.10.1997 - Tab bug fixed - Entering and leaving network bug fixed 1.0.1B 2.10.1997 - Now it is possible to chat and see new games 1.0 15.9.1997 - All sound effect included 1.0pre 12.9.1997 - Release version except sound effects. - Cop cap cruising around park bug fixed. - Network trafic reduced. - other small fixes. 1.0b11r1 9.9.1997 - Gangster can belong only one group at the time. - Game over screen have now better color to lines. - Music and effect volume slider have now wider range. 1.0b10r9 3.9.1997 - AI has been added to the practise mode. - Demo versions can now join and play with full versions - A bug in raid/demolish etc. button visibilty fixed. 1.0b10r2 2.9.1997 - ghost bug in arrests fixed. - bug in market share display fixed. - FBI "visits" you last now 30 secs instead of earlier 60 secs. - unload cadillac bug fixed. - starting location selection randomization has been improved. - upgrade already seen businesses bug fixed. - New support building : fake business. - Units are now properly visible when seen by buildings. - right click on enemy business now extorts instead of attacking. - give money command. - initial player funds can no be set. 1.0b10r1 29.8.1996 - new sound effects - more graphics - new bribing rules - enhanced server communication Changes in bribing rules ------------------------ - Order of army advances is now pistol man, sniper, shotgun man, hit man, transport, thompson. - new FBI information advances : show enemy money, show nr of enemy gangsters, show enemy market shares, reveal location of one enemy gangster. - new advances from FBI : get a snitch in enemy forces, interrogate enemy (=freeze enemy UI for 1 minute) - new advances from politicians : recruit thief, demolish buildings, investigate enemy businesses, investigate bribing, start a rumour on enemy, initiate laws. - new advances from police : permits for businesses, release gangsters from jail, raid businesses, arrest enemy gangsters. Server ------ - new games will show up faster. Misc ----- - Player ping times are shown. - Dead players are no longer shown in the message and alliance windows. 1.0b9r1 20.8.1997 - New faces to gangsters. 1.0b8r6 19.8.1997 - Terrorist attacks cadillacs automatically - Drive-by shooting is now less effective - Business model has been modified 1.0b8r5 19.8.1997 - Only max player amount can join to game. - When game is waiting player longer than 10 second, info window is displayed. - in game chat messages are drawn by green color, and win and lose messages are drawn by red color. 1.0b8r4 18.8.1997 - Crash after HQ destruction fixed. 1.0b8r2 16.8.1997 - New sign to updraded business. 1.0b8r1 14.8.1997 - Cars drive no longer on the sidewalk - Hq can now be repaired and set as a primary training center - Units heal over time - Player has to pay for training and collection center maintenance - Snipers can't change target during aiming anymore, i.e. big groups of snipers aren't effective anymore - Drive-by shooting is less effective - Now when car is destroyed passangers receive damage - Hitman has now two types of attacks. First attack kills the target, others are much less effective. 1.0b7r1 11.8.1997 - Lots new graphics. - New units: car (thompson man in car and you have driveby), thief. - Any unit can be disguised. - New business model. - ctrl-[home|end|pageup|pagedown] to adjust effect volume in game. - shift-[home|end|pageup|pagedown] to adjust music volume in game. 1.0b6r18 11.8.1997 - Tab will now go through all players alive men. - Enter will send message to all players. 1.0b6r2 30.7.1997 - Money, income and men statistics added to game over screen. - New progress graphics. 1.0b6r1 28.7.1997 - New voices added. Not final. 1.0b5r5 24.7.1997 - Shift-# selects and centers to ganster group. - It is now possible to set building to quick key by using ctrl-#. After that pressing # view is centered to that building. - In join game or start new game screen by pressing escape key, current chat text is removed. - Diagonal scrolling. 1.0b5r4 22.7.1997 - h-key centers to HQ. - Music added to game. 1.0b5r3 17.7.1997 - Map size upto 200*200 is supported now. - Hitman is weaker. - Police car is much cool looking now. 1.0b5r2 16.7.1997 - No ganster selected and g, a or e quick key will be pressed, game don't crash anymore. - Some machines suffered slowdown when text is printed to screen. We hope that is fixed now. 1.0b5r1 11.7.1997 - Now it is not possible to make man fight by constantly clicking new go commands. - Extorting the same business with the same ganster by giving new extort command leads faster cop calling. 1.0b4r8 9.7.1997 - Attacking own men crash fixed. 1.0b4r7 8.7.1997 - Game can be started from KALI. - Now winner and loser have different Game Over screens. - Now it is possible to chat in Game Over screen. - Player's relative position dialog added. 1.0b4r6 3.7.1997 - Terrorist movement default mode is now bypass enemy - Gangster can no longer shoot himself - Fixed bugs causing crashes - Gangster death animation - New gangsters shotgun man and hitman - Routing loop bug fixed - Allied victory victory condition - Routing improved - When neutral business is overtaken the money is resetted to 0 1.0b4r5 2.7.1997 - Animation to dyeing ganster. - Recruiting button display bug fixed. 1.0b4r4 1.7.1997 - Terrorist's default move mode is by pass enemy. - Suicide is not possible. - When gansters dies, seeing range will slowly decrease. - Old money is lost, when neutral business is extorced. 1.0b4r3 1.7.1997 - last character cutting fixed in chat screen. 1.0b4r2 30.6.1997 - ServerListServer replication supported. 1.0b4r1 18.6.1997 - Disappearing area selection fixed. - Tab do not crash game anymore. - Chat screen added. 1.0b3r4 17.6.1997 - Description field removed from Start network game, Join network game and Network game in progress displays. - Game server description/advertice field added to Start network game, Join network game and Network game in progress displays. 1.0b3r3 16.6.1997 - Player no longer looses when the debt is higher than 200 000 dollars. - Gangsters start resigning when player can't pay their salaries. Resigned gangsters attack the remaining loyal gangsters. - Now player looses when the debt is higher than 200 000 dollars, he doesn't have any gangsters and income is negative. - Multiple clicks when upgrading/recruiting bug fixed. - Shooting through building bug fixed. - Collecting enemy's money bug fixed. - Consistency bug fixed. - Now the attack target blinks in the small map. - Repairing is now 50 % slower, i.e. 5 hit points/second. - Sniper now shoots once in 7 seconds (was 6). - Sniper now restarts aiming when hit. - Now when a collector is killed the owner get message stole $XX. - The dying screams can now longer be heard from the non-visible areas. 1.0b3r2 16.6.1997 - When joinning the game, compatibility is checked. - Cursor is now restored to arrow, when game ends. 1.0b3r1 15.6.1997 - Game syncronication error fixed. 1.0b2r4 13.6.1997 - Now it is possible to configure four different message sending group. 1.0b2r3 11.6.1997 - Licence authentication is now done only once per program start. - Licence input screen added. Displayed only if licence is not inputed. - Now verifies that list server receives game removing message. - Multiple instance of the same licence is now informet correctly. 1.0b2r2 6.6.1997 - Go and Attack buttons are new now. - More space to recruit buttons. - Game client can be configured to use global list servers or local list server. 1.0b2r1 5.6.1997 - Uncollected money is now show in business info. 1.0b1r5 3.6.1997 - Business repair bug fixed. - When moving sniper's visible radius in now only 8 (old 15) squares. - Sniper now shoots once in 6 (old 5) rounds. - Hq's hit points have been increased. - All units have now different attack strengths againts gangsters and buildings. - Order of army bribing advantages is now thug, gun man, terrorist, sniper, thompson man. - Bribing is now faster in all the categories. - The amount of units and their type affects now the ease of extortion, i.e. extortion attempt with 5 terrorists is more likely to succeed than with 1 thug. - The 'ask police to raid business' bug fixed. - Money carried by collector that is killed is now transferred to the owner of the killer. - It takes now 4 - 8 minutes to get a replacement for a dead collector. - The business signs stop rotating, if their collector dies. - Enemy businesses no longer call police, when extortion attempt fails. (neutral ones still do) - It is now easier to extort enemy businesses. 1.0b1r6 4.6.1997 - 'Victory condition evaluation when player drops bug' fixed. - Attack animation direction corrected. 1.0b1r4 3.6.1997 - Fix to list server connection. - Short cut keys and quick keys to user defined groups added. 1.0b1r3 2.6.1997 - Gangster movement animation is now smoother. 1.0b1r2 2.6.1997 - Now it is possible to repair illegal business! - Multible list servers are supported now! 1.0b1r1 31.5.1997 - If Join game will fail, it will be detected now! 1.0b1 Inital version 28.5.1997