; Comrade * Kitty ; "Software for the Proleteriat" ; -------------------------------- ; Author: bren tamilio | comrade@antisocial.com ; Copyright (C) 1998, bren tamilio PRODUCT: ScreenSnatch v1.x.x DATE: 1 June 1998 DESCRIPTION: ScreenSnatch, very simply, takes a snapshot of your desktop and writes it to a BMP file. It has a very simple, but attractive User Interface, and is quite easy to install and use without help. The snapshot can be loaded into your favorite graphic editor and manipulated to your lil heart's content. Enjoy! PLATFORM: Windows 95/98/NT REQUIREMENTS: MS Visual Basic 5.0 Runtimes WARE STATUS: Freeware. This file may be freely distributed as long as no fee is paid for it where the author is not compensated with due royalty. THE AUTHOR'S FATUOUS, SELF-INDULGENT BLURB: I have been looking for a simple, straightforward screen capture utility for quite some time. Although there are several very complex ones out there that are more versatile than this one, they all seem to make the process of capturing a screen and writing it to a graphic file quite complicated. ScreenCapture was written to make it as simple as possible for the user to do what she/he wants with such an application, without any hassling about, annoying nag screens, little tips of the day, confusing customizations, or whatever. This coding for this project is not complex, which is why I don't understand charging a $15-$40 reg fee. So please, enjoy it and let me know if you use it and like it. >> User License Agreement ------------------------- HELP: No Technical Support Available or Provided. WARRANTY: None. This Software is distributed "as is"; user (you) accepts all responsibility for usage. The author may not be held accountable for any damages incurred upon you, your computer(s) or data, or (frankly) anything else one could possible blame this software for damage incurred. USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. The program has been meticulously debugged and tested on several machines. If you discover a bug, please report it to the preceeding email address. Thanks, and enjoy! ------------------------- RANDOM: bren tamilio has not now, nor ever been (nor will ever be) a member of the Communist Party.