-------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAR Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Copyright 1994-99 Eugene Roshal. All rights reserved. 28-February-1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Published by Eugene Roshal with assistance from the users of RAR, UNRAR, related utilities, and the RAR support sites. This document may be freely distributed for non-commercial and information purposes. This document may not, under any circumstance, be traded, sold, or otherwise used for commercial gain or purposes without prior written consent of Eugene Roshal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions listed in this FAQ: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: When I download a RAR archive using Netscape Navigator or communicator, the file is corrupt, what's wrong? Q: While I can see that RAR is a great program with a terrific user interface, there appear to be no facilities available to convert my existing archived files to RAR format. Q: RAR incorporates a number of different compression "methods", what are the advantages and disadvantages of using them and which one would you recommend for daily use? Q: I've heard a lot about "Solid" archives. What are they and how can I use them? Q: How could a user of my BBS (E-mail system, FTP server etc) extract files from RAR archives while RAR is shareware and one must register after a 40 day evaluation period? Q: I failed to extract files from a solid multivolume RAR archive because one archive volume was damaged (bad floppy diskette). Help me! Questions and Answers: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: When I download a RAR archive using Netscape Navigator or Communicator, the file is corrupt, what's wrong? A: Apache HTTP server erroneously reports the RAR archive type as text/plain and as a result, Netscape Navigator/Communicator treats the file as plain text. To prevent this happening, those webmasters, who use Apache, should create .htaccess file in each directory which has RAR archives and add the following string to it: AddType application/x-rar-compressed rar If .htaccess already exists, this string should be added to the already existing file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: While I can see that RAR is a great program with a terrific user interface, there appear to be no facilities available to convert my existing archived files to RAR format. A: You are using an older version of RAR than 1.54 which includes it's own conversion utility called RCVT. This utility is FREE for RAR users and will handle most of your file conversion needs, including the updating of you FILES.BBS lists. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: RAR incorporates a number of different compression "methods", what are the advantages and disadvantages of using them and which one would you recommend for daily use? A: RAR contains 6 different methods of compressing files, which one you use would depend upon your requirements. i.e. how much you demand the file be compressed balanced against how much time you are willing to devote to the compression process. There is always a trade-off and the final choice must be yours. Our recommendation is to leave compression as "Normal" unless you have good reason to change it. Store No compression is used at all, the files are simply collected into the archive. This method is quite fast and is useful for simply copying files from one place to another. Fastest The fastest compression method is applied. This is slower than the "store" method. Fast A slightly better compression method is used, resulting in a smaller file. Normal A better compression method is used to achieve (almost) optimal compression, at a slight cost in time. Good A better compression method gains another increase of (0.1 - 0.3%) Best Uses the best compression method of all at the cost of 20% - 100% more time, for the purists only. Here are the results of a compression test: Method used Time taken % Compressed size % -m0 6.64 37.9 354262 100.00 -m1 17.52 100.0 270534 76.37 -m2 17.61 100.5 269431 76.05 -m3 18.18 103.8 268314 75.74 -m4 19.22 116.6 268123 75.68 -m5 20.43 119.7 268091 75.68 As you can see, as the packing method improves, the time required increases, but the increase in time is proportionally much greater than the gain acheived. This why the default and recommended method is set to -m3 If you wish to obtain the 'ultimate' compression from RAR, without regard for the time taken, then the best general set of rules would be: .. Use the -s -m5 and -ds switches .. Use the @ command with a file containing a list of the files to be archived. .. Create the list of files to be archived using the following rule: all files should be 'grouped' according to file contents (ANSI-code, ASCII source, binary, executable, etc) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I've heard a lot about "Solid" archives. What are they and how can I use them? A: It has been well known, for a long time, that one method of increasing the efficiency of compression, was to copy all the files to be compressed into a single file, before compressing them. This is called creating a "Solid" file before compressing. There are programs around which indeed perform this operation and act as a pre-processor to another archiver. RAR handles this function internally and invisibly to the user, it simply "sees" all files together as a single data stream, with the end result that the final output is significantly smaller than it would otherwise be. The gain to be had from this type of archive can be significant and can be 10% - 60% of the size of the original archive. As with any other gain, there is a price to be paid and that price should be taken into consideration before creating a "Solid" archive. The best way to understand if using a solid archive is best for you is to answer the following questions: Q: How often are you going to update or modify the archive? A: Probably never .. Use a solid archive Rarely .. Use a solid archive Frequently .. Use a normal archive Q: Are you using RAR as a packer for an electronic mail system? A: Yes .. Use a solid archive IMPORTANT NOTE: Beware that to extract a file from solid archive RAR scans the whole archive from the beginning. If you are using RAR to store archives to some unreliable storage media (e.g. floppy disks, streamer tapes etc.) you should better use normal, non solid mode. And you definetely should use the recovery option. It is impossible to extract files after damaged place in the solid archive. However in some cases special recovery information helps to rebuild the damaged archive if it is stored to the archive (the recovery option was on, the '-rr' switch or 'rr' command applied). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How could a user of my BBS (E-mail system, FTP server etc) extract files from RAR archives while RAR is shareware and one must register after a 40 day evaluation period? A: The RAR distribution archive contains a free unRAR utility, UNRAR.EXE, which can be used, without paying a license fee, by anyone wanting to extract archives created by RAR. As an additional BONUS to this, the source code of a portable unRAR is included with RAR version above 1.53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I failed to extract files from a solid multivolume RAR archive because one archive volume was damaged (bad floppy diskette). Help me! A: First of all, you should use RAR recovery option (-rr) when storing archives onto not reliable media as the floppies are. Generally, it is not recommended to create solid archives in this case, use the normal (non solid) mode instead. You should be aware, that to extract files from a particular solid volume RAR scans the whole set of previous archive volumes (.rar or .exe, .r00, .r01 etc). Steps of recovering process if you have damaged volume of solid archive: 1) Try to repair the damaged volume (the 'r' option, 'repair' command). It helps sometimes if RAR recovery was used when creating archive. Rename recovered volume _recover.rar to the actual volume name and try to process your archive from the first volume to the newly recovered (if recovery were not used, RAR builds _reconst.rar). 2) If previous procedure was not to any avail, then, unfortunately, chances to restore files are reduced. You should have source files contained in damaged volume (from the file where archive is broken upto the end of the volume). And, you should extract all files from all volumes until the CRC error in damaged place. Re-create volumes of the archive including damaged one, calling RAR with the same options and archiving all files in the same order as when you created the archive for the first time. If after that you are able to extract files from next volumes, you should say a hundred times "Thank you, my Lord!! I will never use again bad floppies, nor store multivolume solid archive to them without the recovery option when there is a bare suspicion (0.000000001 percent of possibility) that the storage media is unreliable". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end of file "RAR_faq.txt" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------