10004 Interrupted system call 10009 Bad file number 10013 Permission denied 10014 Bad address 10022 Invalid argument 10024 Too many open files 10035 Operation would block 10036 Operation now in progress 10037 Operation, already in progress 10038 Socket operation on non-socket 10039 Destination address required 10040 Message too long 10041 Protocol wrong type for socket 10042 Bad protocol option 10043 Protocol not supported 10044 Socket type not supported 10045 Operation not supported on socket 10046 Protocol family not supported 10047 Address family not supported by protocol family 10048 Address already in use 10049 Can't assign requested address 10050 Network is down 10051 Network is unreachable 10052 Net dropped connection or reset 10053 Software caused connection abort 10054 Connection reset by peer 10055 No buffer space available 10056 Socket is already connected 10057 Socket is not connected 10058 Can't send after socket shutdown 10059 Too many references, can't splice 10060 Connection timed out 10061 Connection refused 10062 Too many levels of symbolic links 10063 File name too long 10064 Host is down 10065 No Route to Host 10066 Directory not empty 10067 Too many processes 10068 Too many users 10069 Disc Quota Exceeded 10070 Stale NFS file handle 10071 Too many levels of remote in path 10091 Network SubSystem is unavailable 10092 WINSOCK DLL Version out of range 10093 Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed 10101 Socket Disconnected 11001 Host not found 11002 Non-Authoritative Host not found 11003 Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP 11004 Valid name, no data record of requested type 11601 Error %d (%s) finding address for host 11602 Error %d (%s) calling WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr 11603 Error %d (%s) calling WSAAsyncGetHostByName 11604 Error %d (%s) calling WSAAsyncGetServByName 11605 Error %d (%s) calling WSAAsyncGetServByPort 11608 Error %d (%s) connecting 11609 Error %d (%s) creating new socket 11612 Error %d (%s) getting # of bytes in Receive Buffer 11614 Error %d (%s) recieving 11615 Error %d (%s) sending 11616 Error %d (%s) starting up WinSock 11617 No address specified 11618 Socket not open 11619 Can't do reverse lookup on address 11620 Socket Already opened 11622 Winsock DLL Already Loaded, Cannot change name 14001 BrainTree Reg-O-Matic 14002 United States 14003 You must remove all copies of %s from your CPU or CPUs rendering them inoperable and destroy all copies of %s. 14004 Is it OK to CLOSE BRAINTREE REG-O-MATIC|without completing the registration process? 14005 LICENSE AGREEMENT 14006 USER INFORMATION 14007 SURVEY 14008 (Page 1 of 2) 14009 (Page 2 of 2) 14010 ORDER DETAILS 14011 myid@myhost.com 14012 A valid EMAIL ADDRESS is required (ie. myid@myhost.com)! 14013 Please enter your own E-Mail Address! 14014 The PASSWORD and/or AUTHORIZATION|CODE were invalid! 14015 A valid 6 to 32 character upper case|PASSWORD is required! 14016 A valid 2-part 64 character upper case|AUTHORIZATION CODE is required! 14017 Purchase Orders: 14018 Purchase orders (net 30 days) are only accepted from government, accredited educational institutions, and major corporations, provided that they are submitted on purchase order forms with a purchase order number. 14019 Due to the extra work involved in processing purchasing orders you are encouraged to pay by credit card, check, money order or cash when possible, particularly for small orders. 14020 Software Enablement: 14021 After your order is processed, one or more encrypted Authorization Codes, (with detailed instructions on how to complete your order) will be sent to you via %s. 14022 Each of the codes will enable a single copy of %s to allow full unrestricted use of the software Modules/Features listed below. 14023 Trial 14024 &Finish 14025 &Next -> 14026 <- &Back 14027 &Print 14028 Address &3: 14029 City/St/&Zip: 14030 Credit Card (by Internet: BEST!!) 14031 Credit Card (by Fax/E-Mail/Mail) 14032 Cash 14033 Check 14034 Money Order 14035 Purchase Order (by Fax/E-Mail/Mail) 14036 Send by E-Mail 14037 Send by Fax 14038 Send by Standard Mail 14039 Not Required 14040 The %s field is required! 14041 This is a required field! 14042 I &Decline 14043 I &Agree 14044 &Cancel 14045 It has been %d day%s since you last verified that|you have the latest software version. Would|you like to check your version now? 14046 All orders are subject to the %s License Agreement. 14047 Please verify that the below-listed information is correct, then sign and date this form and send it with full payment, in US dollars drawn on a US bank%s to 14048 (see: International Payment Policy), 14049 Payment must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank or a postal or international money order or a certified (or cashier's) check drawn on a US bank. 14050 Personal and/or company checks from non-US banks cannot be processed and will be returned. If a check is drawn on a non-US bank, it will only be accepted if it is drawn on the US branch of a non-US bank. 14051 Please verify that the below-listed information is correct, then sign and date this form and fax %s 14052 or send %s 14053 International Payment Policy: 14054 Any questions about the status of an order, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc. must be directed to 14055 Thank you for your order! 14056 --- %s -------------------------------------------------- 14057 Each of the enclosed Pre-Payment Tokens may only be used once to enable a 14058 single copy of the software. Afterwards, the token will be expired on the 14059 BrainTree Registration Server. For safety, please make a backup copy of 14060 this file to a floppy disk. 14061 To redeem a Pre-Payment Token: 14062 1. Install and Start %s, if necessary; 14063 3. If the FREE PREVIEWS page is displayed, select one or more 14064 modules to preview then click on the "OK" button to continue; 14065 4. If the LICENSE AGREEMENT page is displayed, please review the 14066 agreement then click on the "I Agree" button to continue; 14067 5. Fill in all of the USER INFORMATION fields, if necessary, then 14068 click on the "Options" button then click on "Pre-Paid 14069 Registration" menu item to continue; 14070 6. Make sure that you are connected to the Internet; 14071 7. Enter a 6 to 32 character long Password (that you make up); 14072 8. Enter a 32-character long Pre-Payment Token into the Payment 14073 Token field (Note: you can use Windows Cut and Paste to make 14074 this easier) then click the "Finish" button to connect to the 14075 BrainTree Registration Server. 14076 The Pre-Payment Tokens will enable the following module(s): 14077 To complete your registration, you must be connected|to the Internet. Are you connected to the Internet? 14078 BrainTree Reg-O-Matic was unable to upload your registration data to|the Registration Server. The data will be uploaded at a later time. 14079 BrainTree Reg-O-Matic was unable to send e-mail|at this time. The e-mail will be sent at a later time. 14080 A proof-of-purchase/receipt was written to %s. You MUST HAVE this to re-install your software in case of disk failure. It is strongly recommended that you backup now.||Would you like to backup now? 14081 Your credit card is about to be charged %m, with an|UNCONDITIONAL 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.|This amount will appear on your credit card statement as|a charge by BrainTree Ltd., Bayside NY.||Is it OK to complete this order? 14082 The system "timed out" while waiting for a payment|approval. This is typically caused by heavy network|traffic. The system will attempt to complete the|payment approval process at a latter time. 14083 To install the software, exit this program then extract %s into its own directory then follow the instructions in the enclosed README.TXT file. 14084 To install the software, exit this program then execute %s. 14085 %s was successfully downloaded. 14086 You already have the latest software version! 14087 You do not have the latest software version.|Would like like to download it now? 14088 To verify that you have the current software version you|must be connected to the Internet. Are you connected|to the Internet? 14089 Version Checking has been disabled! 14090 "%s" is an invalid FTP URL! 14091 BrainTree Reg-O-Matic was unable to upload data to|the BrainTree Registration Server at this time. Is it OK|to print an Order Form, instead? 14092 The BrainTree Reg-O-Matic configuration file is invalid! 14093 Downloading Current Version Data 14094 BrainTree Reg-O-Matic was unable to check your software|version at this time. 14095 BrainTree Reg-O-Matic was unable to connect to|the FTP Server at this time. 14098 To download the demo, you must be connected|to the Internet. Are you connected to the Internet? 14099 Thank you for completing your registration! Complete instructions on how to use Pre-Payment Tokens to enable %s were saved to %s. 14100 Your quantity purchase will return %d pre-payment tokens. Each can be used to authorize an individual copy of %s. Would you like to use one of the tokens to automatically authorize this copy of the software? 14101 Is it OK to print an Order Form? 14102 The %s configuration file is missing! 14103 You just installed a new version of %s. If you ever wish to revert to the prior version, you will need to use your current Password and Authorization code. Would you like to make a backup copy of these? 14104 Are you sure that you wish to go on without making a backup copy? 14105 Your Password and Authorization code were saved in %s. 14113 BrainTree Reg-O-Matic configuration file version %f was expected but version %f was found! Please call %s technical support at %s, fax %s or send e-mail to %s. 14114 A valid %s NUMBER (in ###-###-#### format) is required! 14115 Please enter your FULL NAME, without abbreviations! 14116 A valid STATE/PROVINCE is required! 14117 A valid POSTAL CODE is required! 14118 A valid QUANTITY is required! 14119 One or more of the selected items were already purchased! 14120 Please select one or more items! 14121 A valid CREDIT CARD NUMBER is required|(%s only)! 14122 A valid EXPIRATION DATE (in MMYY format) is required! 14123 An active EXPIRATION DATE (in MMYY format) is required! 14124 A valid PASSWORD is required! 14125 The QUANTITY field may not exceed %d!|The value was reset to 1. 14126 The TOTAL DUE amount may not exceed|%m! The QUANTITY was reset to 1. 14127 BrainTree Reg-O-Matic needs to be connected to|the Internet in order to send an Order Confirmation.|Are you connected to the Internet? 14128 The demo could not be downloaded at this time. Please try to|download the demo at a later time. Alternately, you can request|a demo by calling %s (or %s, in the USA|only), e-mailing %s or faxing %s. 14129 Here are your %s Pre-Payment Tokens: 14130 Suspending Previews restricts access to all previewed modules. The program will operate normally and the reminder screens will be disabled. %s||Do you wish to suspend Previews? 14131 You can resume Previewing by %s. 14132 Note: you WILL NOT be able to resume Previews in the future. 14133 An active Module number must be specified 14134 If you lose your proof-of-purchase/receipt you will not be able to re-install your software in case of disk failure. Your vendor does not have this information! ||Would you like to backup your receipt now? 14135 The "%s" feature is %s! Would you like to purchase it now? 14136 The system date has been reset. The "%s" feature is %s! 14137 Would you like to preview the "%s" feature now? 14138 BrainTree Reg-O-Matic will request payment|confirmation at a later time. 14139 Is it OK to RESET REGISTRATION INFORMATION? 14140 One or more Free Previews were resumed! 14141 The free preview for the "%s" feature has been suspended. Would you like to resume previewing? 14142 An active Sales-Item number must be specified 14143 The %s parameter must be <= to the %s parameter 14201 Unable to resolve DNS: the %s was not found! 14202 An INVALID AUTHENTICATION BLOCK was received! 14203 United States 14204 %s was unable to upload your registration data|to the %s at this time. The data %s|be uploaded at a later time. 14205 Connecting to %s Server #%d... 14206 Connected to %s Server #%d 14207 Unable to Connect to %s Server #%d 14208 Disconnected from %s Server #%d 14209 <> 14210 Uploading %s Data 14211 Registration Completed! 14212 Thank you for completing your registration! 14213 The Network Connection Timed Out 14214 Requesting Authorization Data 14215 Invalid Registration Data 14216 myid@myhost.com 14217 A valid EMAIL ADDRESS is required (ie. myid@myhost.com)! 14218 Please enter your own E-Mail Address! 14219 The PASSWORD and/or AUTHORIZATION|CODE were invalid! 14220 A valid 6 to 32 character upper case|PASSWORD is required! 14221 A valid 32 character case sensitive|AUTHORIZATION CODE is required! 14222 Thank you for registering %s! 14223 Address &3 14224 City/St/&Zip 14225 The %s field is required! 14226 This is a required field! 14227 DNS Lookup: Resolving Domain Name 14228 Is it OK to overwrite %s? 14229 BrainTree FTP 14230 Logging onto %s Server #%d 14231 Downloading: %s (%1.0n kb) 14232 A valid "Addresses" value is required 14233 A valid "%s" is required 14234 To resolve this problem, please call BrainTree Technical Support at %s, or send the above infomation (and a short narrative describing what you were doing when the error occured) via e-mail to %s or fax to %s. 61440 Cannot assign a %s to a %s 61441 Cannot create file %s 61442 Cannot open file %s 61443 Stream read error 61444 Stream write error 61445 Out of memory while expanding memory stream 61446 Can't write to a read-only resource stream 61447 WriteObject called twice for the same instance 61448 Class %s not found 61449 Invalid stream format 61450 Resource %s not found 61451 Resource %s is of incorrect class 61452 List index out of bounds 61453 Operation not allowed on sorted string list 61454 String list does not allow duplicates 61455 Tab index out of bounds 61456 A component named %s already exists 61457 ''%s'' is not a valid component name 61458 A class named %s already exists 61459 ''%s'' is not a valid integer value 61460 Line too long 61461 Invalid property value 61462 Invalid property path 61463 Property does not exist 61464 Property is read-only 61465 Error reading %s.%s: %s 61466 Ancestor for '%s' not found 61467 Bitmap image is not valid 61468 Icon image is not valid 61469 Metafile is not valid 61470 Bitmap is empty 61471 Cannot change the size of an icon 61472 Unknown picture file extension (.%s) 61473 Unsupported clipboard format 61474 Out of system resources 61475 Canvas does not allow drawing 61476 Invalid image size 61477 Too many images 61478 Image dimensions do not match image list dimensions 61479 Invalid ImageList 61480 Unable to Replace Image 61481 Invalid ImageList Index 61482 Error creating window device context 61483 Client of TDrag not initialized 61484 Error creating window class 61485 Error creating window 61486 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window 61487 Control '%s' has no parent window 61488 Cannot hide an MDI Child Form 61489 Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide 61490 Cannot make a visible window modal 61491 Scrollbar property out of range 61492 %s property out of range 61493 Menu index out of range 61494 Menu inserted twice 61495 Sub-menu is not in menu 61496 Not enough timers available 61497 Printer is not currently printing 61498 Printing in progress 61499 Printer index out of range 61500 Printer selected is not valid 61501 %s on %s 61502 GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex 61503 Cannot have more than one MDI form per application 61504 Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active 61505 Invalid component registration 61506 Can only modify an image if it contains a bitmap 61507 A control cannot have itself as its parent 61508 OK 61509 Cancel 61510 &Yes 61511 &No 61512 &Help 61513 &Close 61514 &Ignore 61515 &Retry 61516 Abort 61517 &All 61518 Cannot drag a form 61519 PutObject to undefined item 61520 Could not load CARDS.DLL 61521 Duplicate CardId found 61522 An error returned from DDE ($0%x) 61523 DDE Error - conversation not established ($0%x) 61524 Error occurred when DDE ran out of memory ($0%x) 61525 Unable to connect DDE conversation 61526 FB 61527 FG 61528 BG 61529 Cannot load older version of TShape 61530 Metafiles 61531 Enhanced Metafiles 61532 Icons 61533 Bitmaps 61534 Grid too large for operation 61535 Too many rows or columns deleted 61536 Grid index out of range 61537 Fixed column count must be less than column count 61538 Fixed row count must be less than row count 61539 %s on line %d 61540 Identifier expected 61541 String expected 61542 Number expected 61543 ''%s'' expected 61544 %s expected 61545 Invalid numeric value 61546 Invalid string constant 61547 Invalid property value 61548 Invalid binary value 61549 Outline index not found 61550 Parent must be expanded 61551 Invalid value for current item 61552 Invalid input value 61553 Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes 61554 Invalid outline index 61555 Incorrect level assignment 61556 Invalid selection 61557 File load error 61558 Line too long 61559 Maximum outline depth exceeded 61560 Warning 61561 Error 61562 Information 61563 Confirm 61564 &Yes 61565 &No 61566 OK 61567 Cancel 61568 &Help 61569 No help available 61570 Help 61571 &Abort 61572 &Retry 61573 &Ignore 61574 &All 61575 BkSp 61576 Tab 61577 Esc 61578 Enter 61579 Space 61580 PgUp 61581 PgDn 61582 End 61583 Home 61584 Left 61585 Up 61586 Right 61587 Down 61588 Ins 61589 Del 61590 Shift+ 61591 Ctrl+ 61592 Alt+ 61593 (Unknown) 61594 (None) 61595 Value must be between %d and %d 61596 Cannot create a default method name for an unnamed component 61597 Invalid argument to date encode 61598 Invalid argument to time encode 61599 ''%s'' is not a valid date 61600 ''%s'' is not a valid time 61601 ''%s'' is not a valid date and time 61602 Invalid file name - %s 61603 All files (*.*)|*.* 61604 All 61605 : [ - no volume label - ] 61606 Unable to insert a line 61607 The specified directory does not exist. Create it? 61608 Select Directory 61609 Directory &Name: 61610 D&rives: 61611 &Directories: 61612 &Files: (*.*) 61613 Ne&twork... 61614 Color 61615 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP 61616 Invalid clipboard format 61617 Clipboard does not support Icons 61618 Default 61619 Text exceeds memo capacity 61620 Custom Colors 61621 Operation not supported on selected printer 61622 There is no default printer currently selected 61623 Unable to write to %s 61624 Bits index out of range 61625 (Untitled) 61626 Invalid data type for '%s' 61627 Failed to create key %s 61628 Failed to set data for '%s' 61629 Failed to get data for '%s' 61630 Synchronize called when main VCL thread in a WaitFor call 61631 Unknown RichEdit conversion file extension (.%s) 61632 Menu '%s' is already being used by another form 65408 '%s' is not a valid integer value 65409 '%s' is not a valid floating point value 65410 '%s' is not a valid date 65411 '%s' is not a valid time 65412 '%s' is not a valid date and time 65413 Invalid argument to time encode 65414 Invalid argument to date encode 65415 Out of memory 65416 I/O error %d 65417 File not found 65418 Invalid filename 65419 Too many open files 65420 File access denied 65421 Read beyond end of file 65422 Disk full 65423 Invalid numeric input 65424 Division by zero 65425 Range check error 65426 Integer overflow 65427 Invalid floating point operation 65428 Floating point division by zero 65429 Floating point overflow 65430 Floating point underflow 65431 Invalid pointer operation 65432 Invalid class typecast 65433 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p 65434 Stack overflow 65435 Control-C hit 65436 Privileged instruction 65437 Operation aborted 65438 Exception %s in module %s at %p.\n%s%s 65439 Application Error 65440 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument 65441 No argument for format '%s' 65442 Invalid variant type conversion 65443 Invalid variant operation 65444 Variant method calls not supported 65445 Read 65446 Write 65447 Format result longer than 4096 characters 65448 Format string too long 65449 Error creating variant array 65450 Variant is not an array 65451 Variant array index out of bounds 65452 External exception %x 65472 Jan 65473 Feb 65474 Mar 65475 Apr 65476 May 65477 Jun 65478 Jul 65479 Aug 65480 Sep 65481 Oct 65482 Nov 65483 Dec 65488 January 65489 February 65490 March 65491 April 65492 May 65493 June 65494 July 65495 August 65496 September 65497 October 65498 November 65499 December 65504 Sun 65505 Mon 65506 Tue 65507 Wed 65508 Thu 65509 Fri 65510 Sat 65511 Sunday 65512 Monday 65513 Tuesday 65514 Wednesday 65515 Thursday 65516 Friday 65517 Saturday