Totally, there are 2 important file in the package: 1. PSXVIDEO.EXE - A PSX movie to AVI convertion tool for Win95/Win32s 2. CDXA.EXE - A PSX CD file to IBM-PC compatible file convertor. Basically, it used to convert *.XA, *.XAS in PSX CD to *.STR format, in order for PSXVIDEO.EXE to convert. Simple Menu: 1. PSXVIDEO.EXE In menu, Option->Option->Compressor Option, there are totally 6 compressor to choose. In general, selecting "Microsoft Video 1" can handle most of the PSX GAMES' Movie. Basically, this convertor can ONLY convert *.STR or *.MOV file. Most of the PSX Games' CD haven't any *.STR file or *.MOV. In this case, you need to find *.XA file and use CDXA.EXE to convert it to a *.STR file. After you find a *.STR in CD, select "Open" in Menu, Then select this *.STR file (for best performence, please copy it from CD to harddisk before convertion). After you select the *.STR(source file), then a "Save as" dialog box will come out, type the destination file that you want to create. That's all. 2. CDXA.exe A DOS based program. Notice that this program can ONLY use with MSCDEX.EXE compatiable CD-ROM drive. Eg. Tekken 2 Since you can't find anythings *.STR movie file within the CD, however, there is a *.XA file inside. Therefore, you can use CDXA.EXE to convert *.XA file to *.STR movie file. Type the following in command line to convert: "CDXA d:\tekken2\tekken2.xa tekken.str" ^ ^destination file to create on Harddisk | | +---- Must a CD-ROM driver letter, please DON'T copy this *.XA to harddisk before convertion, since this file is not a DOS Compatible file. =========================================================================