Well, it seems some people are having a problem or 2 with bleem..... here is some answers that may fix your problems... Q) I go to start bleem, and my hdd reads....but nothing after that?! A) There is a BUG in this beta...which is fixed in the new beta's, that causes bleem not to run on CYRIX processors.... so if you got a cyrix processor...you MAY have to wait ... Q) Tekken3 runs slow..so does a few other games?! A)Tekken3 has a bug in this version, which is FIXED in the current betas :). don't worry..it will fly in the final!! (not just because of the color mdec, or d3d enhancements). Q)When i start bleem...my cdrom reads, it looks like it's working...but i got no video?! A)Install DirectX6..this is a MUST..if you do have it installed, you MAY need to reinstall it! Http://www.microsoft.com/directx should help :) Q)I get "Illegal Operation" when i go to start bleem..help! A) Try starting bleem with no cd in...if you put in a cd and get this problem, it may be caused by a few things..In controll panel, go to SYSTEM..then DEVICE MANAGER. double click "CDROM"... when your cdrom device name appears, double click it... go to the settings tab located at the top..if DMA is clicked..UNCLICK it..then restart your pc..... also, games like RIDGE RACER HYPER (the 2nd cd that comes with ridge racer 4), have a bug that even i noticed in this version......try another game..... also...if you get this problem with any game..get the NEWEST video and soundcard drivers for your devices...if you dont know where to look, check WWW.WINFILES.COM ..they have every resource to every hardware manufacturer available.. then after installing the new drivers install directx6 again..this helps :) Q) I am running Windows95(c) and no matter what..i am getting errors.. A) as it seems....a FEW people running windows95 (osr1 seems to be the biggest problem) experience difficulties..this is fixed in the new betas...but if you do own a Windows98 cd, install it...(it's a slightly better OS anyway) :) Please....if you are having problems...note that this is an UNSUPPORTED beta... and it's also fairly old...alot of the bugs found in it, are fixed in the NEW betas, and will be fixed in the final.....but we hope in some way , we have been able to help you get around any problems you may be having!! Thanx from the Http://surf.to/bleem crew!!!!