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Frodo Installation Page

Frodo uses a standard installation utility to install itself where it is needed.  Simply unzip the files into a folder and run the SETUP.EXE program.. 

Frodo requires DirectX.  You can get this free from the Microsoft DirectX web site at for the latest version. Note: Windows NT requires service pack 3, which will provide DirectX version 3. Windows 95 can use the latest version. Without DirectX, you will get an error loading file ddraw.dll.  Frodo has full support for DirectDraw and DirectSound.

You can start one of three flavors of Frodo by clicking on either the Frodo, FrodoPC, or FrodoSC icon.  You can get help by selecting Help and contents.  This will start whatever browser you have configured to read your HTML pages.  The pages are stored on your hard drive and you will not be connected to the internet through your ISP unless you click on a link in the document that requires the internet -- such as sending mail or referencing a non-frodo page.

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