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Frodo Main Page

Long ago in computer terms (early 80's), there was a computer introduced called the Commodore 64. It was a machine like no other. It had chips dedicated to producing music on as many as three channels! It had great graphics, and ended up being a wonderful game machine. Within a short period of time, the Commodore 64 had many thousands of games available for it.

Now that we have reached Pentium level performance on our PCs, we can finally emulate what the Commodore did so long ago. Frodo is one of many emulators available for the Commodore. The price is certainly right, as it a FREE emulator. And the source code is available for your own private use and enhancement.

You can obtain the Frodo emulator and the source code directly from the web. You can also download a preview of the upcoming release. boldly states Get It!.

Frodo was written by Christian Bauer for the Amiga. The version you can obtain on my web site is for Windows 32 bit systems (Windows 95 and NT). J Richard Sladkey was the original author of the Windows port. As he got too busy to continue work on it, I took over and finished the work for the Win32 version.

Installation is fairly simple. I stuck an installer program on it to make it even simpler. I have provided more detailed instructions for those who need it.

A troubleshooting page is provided to help you get Frodo working on your system.

This page contains all of the new features that can be found in the current version.

The Tips and Tricks page includes tips on making Frodo better and using it to its full capacity, and it also includes reports on how to run games that I have been asked to look at.

I have many future plans for Frodo, although I do not always have the time to work on it. You can see all of the ideas that I have as well as those suggested by other users. Feel free to take the source code and make the modifications yourself.

If you are interested, you can find out more about my history behind the Commodore 64 scene. You may get a snicker or two.

The manual is provided with the software. But for those who want to see what Frodo is all about before downloading it, I have put the manual on the web.

I respond to many users questions about Frodo, but I ask that you refer to this page first before asking me, as many of the questions are already answered and I have specific information I need to know before I can help you.

Maintaining Frodo has certain expenses behind it that I absorb, including keeping up this web page and investing time. I do not ask for any money for doing this. I merely ask that you refer any contractors & subs you know to my business page.

There have been <Counter> hits on this page ever since I announced Frodo 4.1 on the Usenet December 28, 1997.

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