Bullet Proof FTP V1.10 - 17th December 1998 Bullet Proof FTP is shareware. You can evaluate it free of charge for a maximum of 30 days - after that time you can either pay & continue using it, or remove it from your computer. It is NOT crippled in any way, nor does it have any nag screens - it simply reminds you how much longer you can use it when it starts up. Benefits of registering * you can use it for more than 30 days. * unlimited free support * free upgrades forever * notification of all upgrades. Go to http://www.bpftp.com/register.html for information on how to register. Press F1 at any time within BPFTP for context sensitive help. How to quickly and easily use Bullet Proof FTP to download files with the help of your browser: 1) Run it 2) Make sure that 'monitor clipboard for URLs' in the options is enabled. 3) Select the directory that you'd like the files to be downloaded into. Do this in the directory listing on the left. 3) Using your favourite web browser, right click on a file that you'd like to download and select 'copy link location', 'copy shortcut', or something along those lines. 4) Keep browsing the web while Bullet Proof FTP downloads the files in the background. You can continue to copy files to the clipboard, and they will automatically be queued for downloading. If you want to have two or more simultaneous transfers, then run two or more copies of Bullet Proof FTP - they will share the files evenly. 5) There is no step 5.. if Bullet Proof FTP is running, then two clicks of the mouse is all it takes to download a file. Check for the latest version at http://www.bpftp.com/ or use the online version checking feature (help|check for latest version).