PMODE/W v. 1.33 DOS Extender

PMODE/W is a DOS extender for the Watcom C/C++ package. It allows DOS programs to run in full 32 bit protected mode, with access to all memory available in the system. PMODE/W basically extends the DOS environment to protected mode and provides a simple interface to the real mode DOS system services for your code. PMODE/W takes care of all aspects of running the system in protected mode and maintaining compatibility with the underlying real mode software. PMODE/W deals with low level necessities such as descriptor tables, memory management, IRQ and interrupt redirection, real/protected mode translation functions, exception handling, and other miscellaneous aspects of running in protected mode. Your code does not need to deal with specific aspects of different systems, such as XMS/EMS/VCPI/DPMI availability. PMODE/W will run on top of almost any system and provide common protected mode services to your program through the DPMI interface specification, as well as most standard DOS functions extended for protected mode use.

Replica for Windows v.1.0.1

To standardize a modular, software interface to display and audio devices. The VBE interface is intended to simplify and encourage the development of applications that wish to use graphics, video, and audio devices.