Short: ProTracker Pro V3.31 Description: New Protracker based on V3.15 including new features Author: Romeo Delta 'Blastro' 10 Type: mus/edit Version: V3.31 Release 1 ____ _____________________________ _ / \/ ______________ \___/ _____ _ / /\ \____ \| | __/ / |____ \ _/ \/ \_ | \_ | \_ \ | | \_ \__________/_____/ |___| \__l_______/ RD10 presents: ProTracker Pro V3.31 Release1 24th. February 1996 Rights & Copyrights ------------------- Difficult to say. In princip all trackers based on Karsten Obarskis SoundTracker (commercial, 1986). But after all the Sound/Noise/ProTracker mutations these are completly new programs. If you in order of right i think you must buy an old Soundtracker from K.Obarksi (Reline Software Germany) if you use any Sound/Noise/Protracker. On the view of the programmers of ProTracker the copyrights are: Protracker V3.X are © 1992-1993 Cryptoburners, ©1996 TEC Design/RD10 (improvements) and are FREEWARE. For additional Cryptoburner copyrights read his docs. Any payment and distribution what are over the costs of 5 DM per unit is strictly prohibited. Protracker is not an commercial tool! The distributors of the AMINET serie, Fred Fish and all bulletin boards who works without payement have the right to spread this package without request. Prologue -------- In oppositon to other programmers i release significiant changed new version much more often than in other projects. I think its better to make a transpa- rent view of all interested users shortly possible. And if anybody in affront with the dayly releases: the change of PT315 against PT318 from Cryptoburners has had only 2 changes (or shall i say bugfixes), so take a look to our work. First thank must going to all your dozends fanatic Beta Testers who bombed me with suggestions and bug reports. It seems to be a great interest on a new Pro- tracker, so I don't understand Cryptoburners apathic standing to the project. Hope that the PT project is the logical way of this great standart music tool who so much programmers created. Anyway ... So, dudes, this is after all Betas a 100% tested and in all functions workable Protracker version with the great 3.15 feable and most known functions from other projects. (Wrote it in Final beta, but here change of Assembler broke some short branches, now we are back by Devpac :-). Over the years defines the Noise/ProTracker an standart in composing electronic music. Many clones and enhacements follows, but Protracker IS the standart who use almost all tracker composers. Today two familys of the protracker series exists on Amiga: Amiga Freelancers Pro- racker V2.X and Cryptoburners V3.XX. These programs are based on the Protracker V1.1B sources and follows different ways: The V2.X series is much more stable, but blocked the multi tasking much more. Additionaly the screen layout and handling is out of date. The V3.X series (other programmmers, other point of views) is in MedRes (640x256), locks also much better and has a lot of features added. But as musician it is angry to see that Cryptoburners has kicked out 2 impressive tools: PLST and PED, the sample management tools. The help function, sadly for beginners, they are also kicked out. As I saw ProTracker V3.X first, i was impressed. Better design and better track handling. But over the months I must see that V3.X is unstable. Many musicians use the V2.X releases; if I made in hours an module and and guru follows I was too angry to make this experiment at an 2th. point. (Simply try in V3.15 the follow: Open Sampler Window, than Disk window, load a sample and leave Disk Window open. Toggle Loop On/Off and change loop repeats. Great ey? Thats not too theoretical, that bug i have seen on first day i use it.) Now, nobody is perfect. Over 2 years was Protracker not updated. Cryptoburners ride another way, so i think that I have the right to made the completest Pro- tracker on amiga ever made (what a phrase, hope nobody can remember that I spoke this words already in 1987 to Soundtracker V2 :-) ). Over the christmas days I reassembled the last official Protracker V3.X, release V3.15 from 1993. Many hours of debugging follows, and I had seen that Cryptoburners stoppled in a view parts the code a bit. The key quests e.g. are extremly lazy, over the whole code many doubles and loops are mystified (try to use the same keys if sampler/disk window is opened and you are in great wondering). But thats the consequence they are change the input rawkey system radical. For musi- cians the new key system not so good, but multitasking friendly. But if i make music i make music without compromises, sorry, so i kicked new code also out. This release is dedicated Romeo Knight, best musician ever works on the keyboard, and a distribute on a time, as money in this consum-world not infiltrating the computer world. What will the final product be? ------------------------------- 1. More stable and seriously to use 2. Old keymap handling (if i pressed 8 keys i will see 8 :-) ) 3. Help included and updated to V3.X standart 4. PLST included 5. PED included 6. Different analyzer included 7. Screen mode requester (difficult, much work :-/) What will the final product NOT be? ----------------------------------- 1. Leave the way of Protracker handling 2. Other shortcuts if possible 3. More Tracks if AT not brings an new soundchip What is different to other Protrackers? --------------------------------------- - HELP select = CTRL Help select for Help key - PLST select = LSHIFT Help select for Help key LALT ä call - PED select = LALT Help select for Help key LAT ö call Info system = LALT # - Key repeat: By all original Protrackers i have a single event by pressing a key, and if i locked CAPS lock, repeat is on. ProTracker V3.30 use the standart input.device, so i have to adjust the repeat an his delay with the work- bench Prefs (Prefs/Input). Repeat is toggled on if CAPS LOCK active always all other Protrackers again. Bugfixes against original Protracker V3.15: ------------------------------------------- - Loop Guru error (see prologue) - several D4-D7 destroys (hey, see ShowText routine to calculate what registers are public!) - sample calculation (end detect buggy) - AGA Sprite fix by using hires pointer or/and VGA Only - Arrow key down (by kicking out PLST you are snapped also an RTS:-( ) - doubled marked lines in Dir Window - several key quests History: ------- 24.01.96 Initial Release - AGA fix from Protracker Screen - Fix Hires Sprite/Mouse pointer problem with Protracker - DMA handling fixed to longwords - load routine from MOD`s (Try to load a MOD with sample names ASC`s greater than $120 in the original,hope it works now perfect - key quests (I`am in progress to write a completly new routine, in present i simple block all illegal quests :-( ) - Sample memory allocation (try to load an sample in an virgin Protracker V3.X, open sample window, select Loop On and slide the end loop marker :-( ) or wonder if you hear in some looped samples dirty high knacks on end) 30.01.96 - Help System reincluded (Try to press the help key) Beta 1 - Wrong code for Memory pools rewritten (args, i hate reassembled code) - System messages included on a view points (Status line) 12.02.96 - PLST included Beta 2 - Keymap quests completly rewritten - Input Handler improved - shortcuts for german keys implemented :-) - GFX pac format changed (faster) - bugfixed a view parts (Arrow keys, DoDataLoad etc) - while playing MOD (not Pattern) and Sampler Screen is opened note-key pressing now works - little mytsterious: Tooltype in ProTracker was not correct setted an some people cry that PT no started (I use other icons than the originals or prefer Shell) To do: ------ 18.02.96 - Cleaned up whole code from unused code Beta 3 - fixed Screen swap (LAmiga N/M) with setted Textflag - fixed old Problem with crash if Dir and Sampler Window is open and you load first sample, clicked on 'Loop On/off' and draw the loop sprites (cludge, but works perfect) (its a problem by using same Sprite flags for sampler and dir list scroller) - included PED. Original code is almost useless. Original code seems to be coded by trial & error and extreme buggy by variable Screens. To do in PED: * Mouse quests by direct clicking on names variable PLST entries (fixed on 2500 since i have the config part new written) * hangup problem by scan and over 3500 Files * Finetune Flag * decimal show of numerical entries - hangups on input device - PLST fixed by empty entries in PLSTMemOffset - Sampler window offsets - FIB_FileType fixes for other File Systems - all external cfg/data files kicked in S: (PLST/ etc) - Memory fix for GFX screens (RAM lost by ending) - some cosmetical stuff (TXT,GFX) 19.02.96 Sorry, but by cleaning the code i forgot some routines to Beta 3 Fix include. - Memory Pool for PLST now cleared by exit (no loosing RAM anymore) - CTRL+ keymap requests are cleaned. - Added Mouse quests for the PLST and PED gadgets on mainscreen - Scrollroutines for PLST and PED completly new written because the old are too buggy - added delays in PLST/PED scroll up/down - last sample now becomes the correct offset. Before it was 25 Bytes too long - PED had ignored the first PLSTmem Sample entry. Now fixed - Samples with Spaces in filenames now correctly recognised 20.02.96 Final Beta - forgot the key quests in Pattern insert/del etc. Now works with the new keyboard handler - PED now works in all functions and 300 lines assembly language more - Added scroller buttons to PLST - Improved PLST lister - fixed Bitplane 0 in all GFX. If you work with other background than black it was ugly. Now correct. - Several layout changes in PLST,PED etc - Added Screen switch buttons to PED, PLST, Help etc - new: Info System (check it) - Added several shortcuts (test it, documentation follows, e.g. LALT / = Setup Display) - Fixed problem with the Loop On Flag + PLST screen - Now Mouse clicks in PLST/PED etc correct calculated with Cryptoburners mouse table system - Mouse clicks in PED lister now works (Delete/Edit) - Added all functions also as buttons on Main Screen (Help/Info/PLST/PED) 21.02.96 First Release. No risk no fun, but by final beta the changing of Assembler are angry. OMA incredible fast, but error check are lazy :-(. Now we have hopefully a better result and check all functions AFTER last compilation. Ok, I`am stupid :-) - Fixed my bugs: PED Enterdisk, Loop not changeable - Find finaly the loop guru error if Currentscreen not main: ShowSampleInfo was not blended out - InfoSystem - Config Save now again correct - included a view register saves to made the code more stable - now tested by the best method: by making a module 8-) 23.02.96 - keyboard routines overwritten, repeat now stable by most functions and most problems forgotten - old CAPS Lock on/off switch to toggle keyboard repeat again included. Too many musicians like this function - Info system enhaced and debugged. Forgot to clear the 32. line by info. Now realtime-calculation of modules included! - New shortcuts: LALT + , Volume down LALT + . Volume up LALT + - Preferences LALT + ö PED LALT + ä PLST LALT + # Info System (german keyboard) - harmonised the whole interface, e.g time infos and analysers also visible if other EGs opened - volume slider refresh now always correct - included load check of old 2.3 100-Pattern mod, blocked (if anyone needs 100Pattern Mode i must include this) - rearranged some GFX - All code if aviable now in Fast RAM - new replay routine from Håvard Pedersen (PTSupport Arc) included, it seems to be much more stable then the old - added some internal code sanity checks 24.02.96 - Shifted keymaps in Getlines works again - correct gadgets in Disk Format functions - removed bug who makes more marked lines in DirWindow then on mouse position if medium are slow enough - improved speed of playtime calculation - reset the keyboard shortcuts LALT,CTRL etc. now correct in all situations - IFF8SVX detection saver in work: - SMP2Mod include - PositionEditor include - updated, complete documentation - new, compatible sound effects - XPK/XFD support - Screamtracker convert (max 4 channels) - use of localised keymaps - Analyzer include - a view small things (e.g. use RETURN in Dir Screen, Cursor keys in Sampler etc) - new preferences scheme what saved ALL cuts Epilogue -------- Protracker V3.30 Pro fix is intensive tested in the last weeks by many persons, and as result of the fixing a few bugs compensed, other bugs always present. It seems to be that Cryptoburners has no interest to support the Protracker project anymore, so i think it`s right to release this. I hope this is a little help to all of you who made MOD`s. If anybody has interest to force the protracker project back to the way of 1996, please contact me and if you are serious you request the complete source codes, documents etc. Today the source is to 80% COMPLETE documented and relabeled. The last word goes to Cryptoburners. Your work is impressive. Too sad that the developement of Protracker is stopped. That has this great tool not complained. Thanks must going to Håvard Pedersen ( for his great PTSupport AmigaGuide Documentation i had included here. RD10 --------- And always remember: the future is unwritten ---------