MMDJM00V4 Dustbin Printer Calculator Types Investment Markers Regular Budget Insurance VAT CODES 'Printer 'Help 'Calculator 'Types 'Markers 'Regular 'Budget 'Investment 'Barclays 'Leeds 'Visa Card 'Marks & Spen 'Fosters 'Clare 'Michael 'Insurance 'Dustbin Cashpoint Machine Charity Donations Car Expenses Account Charges Car Insurance Clothes Electricity Entertainment Gifts House Insurance House Keeping Hobbies & Interests Holidays House Repairs & Maintenance Interest Life Insurance Local Tax Miscelaneous Mortgage Pension Petrol Salary School Costs Shoes Telephone Transfer Between Accounts TV License Water Rates Work Expenses Wifes Wages Clare Jenny (The Wife) Michael Acme PLC Shares BPL Shares Haywood Unit Trusts Helcom Unit Trusts Premium Bonds Saving Certificates /MORT Mortgage Repayment #LINS Life Insurance Gas Monthly Payment Salary ,ELEC Electricity Payment 3TRAN Michaels Savings 3TRAN Clares Savings 4TRAN Savings To Leeds 5PENS Pension Barclays Current Account 23456 Barclays Barclays Visa Card count 2929 3333 4444 5555 Visa Card Clare's Barclays Account 6364 474454345 Clare Fosters Charge Card 364 474454345 Fosters Leeds Liquid Gold 364 474454345 Leeds Marks & Spencers Charge Card 364 474454345 Marks & Spen Michaels Barclay Account 454657 4545475847 Michael AMinimum Balance Of 500, the current interest rate is 11.4% Barclaycard Payment Insurance Renewall New Jacket Life Insurance Cashpoint Machine Telephone Bill Shopping Trip Account Interest Electricity Payment Cashpoint Machine Jennys Wages Oil, Filter & Plugs Mortgage Repayment Gas Monthly Payment Video Repair Clares Savings Michaels Savings Savings To Leeds Pension Wall Paper Cashpoint 300mm Camera Lens Salary Cashpoint !TRAN Barclaycard Payment "FOOD Food Shopping Trip #LINS Life Insurance $CEXP New Exhaust 'TVLI TV License 'WATR Water Rates +CASH Cashpoint ,ELEC Electricity Payment /MORT Mortgage Repayment Gas Monthly Payment 3TRAN Clares Savings 3TRAN Michaels Savings 4TRAN Savings To Leeds 5PENS Pension Salary