## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X TX_AboutPrgInfo ; MagiCX About TX_AboutUsrInfo ; User information TX_AboutUsrInfo1 ; Name TX_AboutUsrInfo2 ; Street TX_AboutUsrInfo3 ; City TX_AboutUsrInfo4 ; Country TX_AboutUsrInfo5 ; Phone TX_AboutUsrInfo6 ; Serial.No. TX_AboutUsrNotReg ; Not registered TX_AboutOKReg ; _Register/Update TX_AboutContinue ; _Continue TX_GadOkText ; _Ok TX_GadCancelText ; _Cancel TX_MainWinTitle ; MagicCX %s - %s - Kai Iske TX_MainMenuProject ; Project TX_MainMenuModMan ; Call ModulesManager... TX_MainMenuHide ; Hide TX_MainMenuAbout ; About... TX_MainMenuQuit ; Quit TX_MainMenuHideKey TX_MainMenuAboutKey TX_MainMenuQuitKey TX_MainWinEditorTitle ; Editors TX_MainWinWindows ; Window related TX_MainWinMouse ; Mouse related TX_MainWinBlanker ; Blanking TX_MainWinClock ; Clock TX_MainWinMouseCycling ; Mouse Cycling TX_MainWinKeyCycling ; Key Cycling TX_MainWinSpecCycling ; Special Cycling TX_MainWinMisc1 ; Miscellaneous 1 TX_MainWinMisc2 ; Miscellaneous 2 TX_MainWinHotKey ; HotKey definitions TX_MainWinHuntWindows ; Hunt windows TX_MainWinLockWin ; Lock windows TX_MainWinPhoneBill ; Telephone bill TX_MainWinTagScreens ; TagScreens TX_MainWinFKeys ; Function Keys TX_MainWinGrabber ; Grabber TX_MainWinSelScreen ; Select Screen TX_MainWinAlarm ; Alarm TX_MainWinExplodingWindows ; Exploding Windows TX_MainWinFormatter ; Formatter TX_MainWinToolAlias ; ToolAlias TX_MainWinAnalogClock ; Analog clock TX_MainWinCycle2Menu ; Cycle to menu TX_MainWinMoveSizer ; MoveSizer TX_MainWinCalendar ; Calendar TX_MainWinWBGauge ; WBGauge TX_MainWinNewString ; NewString TX_MainWinPointerPatch ; PointerPatch TX_MainWinCPULoad ; CPULoad TX_MainWinScreenTab ; ScreenTab TX_MainWinDateWindow ; DateWindow TX_MainWinNewLookProp ; NewLookProp TX_MainWinWBMore ; WBMore TX_MainWinResetHandler ; ResetHandler TX_MainWinReKeyIt ; ReKeyIt TX_MainWinUse ; _Use TX_MainWinSave ; _Save TX_MainWinHide ; _Hide TX_MainWinQuit ; _Quit TX_MainWinInfo ; Information TX_InfoPageLine1 ; Welcome to MagicCX TX_InfoPageLine2 ; If you have not yet registered TX_InfoPageLine3 ; or if you are using an illegal TX_InfoPageLine4 ; copy, please consider registering TX_InfoPageUnreg ; Unregistered user TX_WinEditMiddleButton ; M_id button activate TX_WinEditRightButton ; Ri_ght button activate TX_WinEditActivate ; Window _activation TX_WinEditReactivate ; Window _reactivation TX_WinEditSunMouse ; Sun _mouse TX_WinEditSunDelay ; Sun mouse _delay TX_WinEditActToFront ; _Bring to front TX_WinEditWinClose ; Close _window by key TX_WinEditCloseKey ; Close _key TX_MouseEditLeftyMouse ; _Lefty mouse TX_MouseEditDoAccel ; _Mouse Acceleration TX_MouseEditAccelRelToScreen ; _Rel. to Screen-width TX_MouseEditAccel ; _Acceleration TX_MouseEditThresh ; _Threshhold TX_MouseEditHoldMouse ; H_old mouse TX_MouseEditHoldX ; Hold _X TX_MouseEditHoldY ; Hold _Y TX_BlankEditScrOn ; Sc_reen blanker TX_BlankEditScrTime ; S_creen time TX_BlankEditUnblank ; Unblank _with TX_BlankEditUnblank1 ; Mouse+Key+Joy+Disk TX_BlankEditUnblank2 ; Mouse+Key+Disk TX_BlankEditUnblank3 ; Mouse+Joy+Disk TX_BlankEditUnblank4 ; Mouse+Key+Joy TX_BlankEditUnblank5 ; Mouse+Disk TX_BlankEditUnblank6 ; Mouse+Key TX_BlankEditUnblank7 ; Mouse+Joy TX_BlankEditUnblank8 ; Mouse TX_BlankEditUnblank9 ; Key+Joy TX_BlankEditUnblank10 ; Key+Disk TX_BlankEditUnblank11 ; Key TX_BlankEditUnblank12 ; Joy+Disk TX_BlankEditUnblank13 ; Joy TX_BlankEditEdges ; _Blank corners... TX_BlankEditMore ; _Advanced... TX_BlankEditMoreTitle ; Screen blanker advanced settings TX_BlankEditEatChar ; E_at first char TX_BlankEditNoConnect ; _No blank with carrier TX_BlankEditType ; B_lanker type TX_BlankEditBlanker ; Blanker TX_BlankEditDimmer ; Dimmer TX_BlankEditExternal ; External module TX_BlankEditRandom ; External module at random TX_BlankEditDimming ; _Dimming () TX_BlankEditExternalName ; _External module TX_BlankEditExtPri ; Blanker task _priority TX_BlankEditModeID ; Screen _Mode TX_BlankEditEditExternal ; _Configure module... TX_BlankEditKeyBlank ; Blank on _keystroke TX_BlankEditMouseOn ; _Mouse blanker TX_BlankEditMouseTime ; M_ouse time TX_BlankEditTest ; _Test blanker TX_BlankEditFrameTitle1 ; Advanced settings TX_BlankEditFrameTitle2 ; External blankers TX_BlankEditPW ; _Password TX_BlankEditReselect ; _Reselect timeout TX_BlankEditEdgesTitle ; Blanker corners TX_BlankEditBlankEdge ; _Blank corner TX_BlankEditNoBlankEdge ; _No blank corner TX_BlankEditBlankEdge1 ; --- None --- TX_BlankEditBlankEdge2 ; Upper/Left TX_BlankEditBlankEdge3 ; Upper/Right TX_BlankEditBlankEdge4 ; Lower/Left TX_BlankEditBlankEdge5 ; Lower/Right TX_ClockEditDisplay ; Display _clock TX_ClockEditDispTime ; Diplay _time TX_ClockEditDispSecs ; Dis_play secs TX_ClockEditDispDate ; Display _date TX_ClockEditDispWin ; Display in _window TX_ClockEditDispDay ; Display d_ay TX_ClockEditDispShort ; Short da_yname TX_ClockEditDispMouse ; Show mouse c_oords TX_ClockEditEnvVars ; Set ENV _vars TX_ClockEditDisplayFollow ; _Follow to screen TX_ClockEditDisplayFollowToPubOnly ; Only on Pu_bScreens TX_ClockEditDisplayVirtMem ; V_irtual memory TX_ClockEditDisplayAMPM ; 12-Hour _mode TX_ClockEditDisplayDispCPU ; CPU mete_r TX_ClockEditMore ; _Edit default and pages... TX_ClockEditMoreTitle ; Edit clock default and pages TX_ClockEditFormat ; _Date format TX_ClockEditFormat1 ; MM-DD-YY TX_ClockEditFormat2 ; DD-MM-YY TX_ClockEditFormat3 ; MM.DD.YY TX_ClockEditFormat4 ; DD.MM.YY TX_ClockEditFormat5 ; DD-MMM-YY TX_ClockEditFormat6 ; DD.MMM.YY TX_ClockEditWidth ; _Gauge width TX_ClockEditUserFormat ; _User format TX_ClockEditMoreSettings ; Settings TX_ClockEditMoreExclude ; Page Exclusion TX_ClockEditExPage ; Exclusion _Page TX_ClockEditPage1 ; Time TX_ClockEditPage2 ; Time + memory TX_ClockEditPage3 ; Time + gauge TX_ClockEditPage4 ; ChipMem and FastMem TX_ClockEditPage5 ; Complete memory TX_ClockEditPage6 ; Gauge memory TX_ClockEditPage7 ; Connect time TX_ClockEditPage8 ; User definable page TX_ClockEditExclude ; _Exclude TX_CycleEditFrontOn ; Cycle _front TX_CycleEditFrontClicks ; F_ront clicks TX_CycleEditFrontKey ; Fr_ont key TX_CycleEditMiddleOn ; C_ycle screens TX_CycleEditMiddleClicks ; S_creen clicks TX_CycleEditMiddleKey ; Sc_reen key TX_CycleEditBackOn ; Cycle _back TX_CycleEditBackClicks ; B_ack clicks TX_CycleEditBackKey ; Ba_ck key TX_KeyCycleScrFront ; Scr_een to front TX_KeyCycleScrFrontKey ; Sc_reen to front key TX_KeyCycleScrBack ; Screen t_o back TX_KeyCycleScrBackKey ; Scree_n to back key TX_KeyCycleWinFront ; _Window to front TX_KeyCycleWinFrontKey ; W_indow to front key TX_KeyCycleWinBack ; Win_dow to back TX_KeyCycleWinBackKey ; Window _to back key TX_NameCycleNameCycleOn ; Special c_ycling TX_NameCycleKey ; Special _key TX_NameCycleNames ; _Window names TX_NameCycleName ; N_ame TX_NameCycleNewName ; _New TX_NameCycleCloneName ; _Clone TX_NameCycleRemName ; _Remove TX_MiscEditMMBShift ; _MMB Shift TX_MiscEditMMBShiftLeft ; MMB Shi_ft+Left TX_MiscEditDriveClick ; _No drive click TX_MiscEditNoDispBeep ; No _DisplayBeep() TX_MiscEditMapUmlaut ; Ma_p Umlauts TX_MiscEditMouse2Menu ; M_ouse to menu TX_MiscEditMenuWrap ; Menu _wrap TX_MiscEditString2Menu ; String _to menu TX_MiscEditWildStar ; W_ild Star TX_MiscEditUpperPub ; Upper PubS_creen TX_MiscEditDoubleX ; Double _X TX_MiscEditSystemStar ; System wi_ld star TX_MiscEditUserShell ; UserShe_ll TX_MiscEditKeyClick ; _Key click TX_MiscEditKeyClickAll ; _All keys TX_MiscEditKeyClickRepeat ; _Repeat TX_MiscEditKeyClickMode ; Click s_ound TX_MiscEditKeyClickMode1 ; Internal TX_MiscEditKeyClickMode2 ; 8SVX-Sound TX_MiscEditKeyClickSample ; Click s_ample TX_MiscEditClickVol ; Click _volume TX_MiscEditEnterASCII ; _Enter ASCII TX_MiscEditASCIIKey ; ASCII ke_y TX_HotKeyEditHotKeys ; H_otKeys TX_HotKeyEditHotKey1 ; Page TX_HotKeyEditHotKey2 ; Blank TX_HotKeyEditHotKey3 ; UserShell TX_HotKeyEditHotKey4 ; Memory Snapshot TX_HotKeyEditHotKey5 ; Center Screen TX_HotKeyEditHotKey6 ; HuntWindows TX_HotKeyEditHotKey7 ; Formatter TX_HotKeyEditHotKey8 ; Upper PubScreen TX_HotKeyEditHotKey9 ; Open/Close all TX_HotKeyEditHotKey10 ; Clock on/off TX_HotKeyEditHotKey11 ; Analog clock on/off TX_HotKeyEditHotKey12 ; Calendar on/off TX_HotKeyEditHotKey13 ; FKeys on/off TX_HotKeyEditHotKey14 ; SunMouse on/off TX_HotKeyEditHotKey15 ; Mouse to menu on/off TX_HotKeyEditHotKey16 ; LeftyMouse on/off TX_HotKeyEditHotKey17 ; Map Umlauts on/off TX_HotKeyEditHotKey18 ; Display mouse on/off TX_HotKeyEditHotKey19 ; Mouse acceleration TX_HotKeyEditHotKey20 ; Insert Date TX_HotKeyEditHotKey21 ; Insert intern. Date TX_HotKeyEditHotKey22 ; Screen Select TX_HotKeyEditHotKey23 ; Bill TX_HotKeyEditHotKey24 ; Character page TX_HotKeyEditHotKey25 ; Cycle connect TX_HotKeyEditHotKey26 ; Build connect TX_HotKeyEditHotKey27 ; Save screen TX_HotKeyEditHotKey28 ; Save window TX_HotKeyEditHotKey29 ; Print screen TX_HotKeyEditHotKey30 ; Print window TX_HotKeyEditActive ; HotKey _active TX_HotKeyEditDescr ; Description TX_HotKeyEditDescr1 ; Flip through display pages TX_HotKeyEditDescr2 ; Immediate blanking TX_HotKeyEditDescr3 ; Open a shell TX_HotKeyEditDescr4 ; Memory Snapshotting TX_HotKeyEditDescr5 ; Center active Screen TX_HotKeyEditDescr6 ; Hunt active window TX_HotKeyEditDescr7 ; Open formatter TX_HotKeyEditDescr8 ; Make active screen public TX_HotKeyEditDescr9 ; Open/Close all windows TX_HotKeyEditDescr10 ; Turn clock on/off TX_HotKeyEditDescr11 ; Turn analog clock on/off TX_HotKeyEditDescr12 ; Turn calendar on/off TX_HotKeyEditDescr13 ; Turn FKeys on/off TX_HotKeyEditDescr14 ; Turn SunMouse on/off TX_HotKeyEditDescr15 ; Turn Mouse to menu on/off TX_HotKeyEditDescr16 ; Turn LeftyMouse on/off TX_HotKeyEditDescr17 ; Turn MapUmlauts on/off TX_HotKeyEditDescr18 ; Turn Mouse coords on/off TX_HotKeyEditDescr19 ; Mouse acceleration on/off TX_HotKeyEditDescr20 ; Insert current date TX_HotKeyEditDescr21 ; Insert intern. date TX_HotKeyEditDescr22 ; Open Screen Select window TX_HotKeyEditDescr23 ; Pop up Bill window TX_HotKeyEditDescr24 ; Pop up character page TX_HotKeyEditDescr25 ; Cycle through connects TX_HotKeyEditDescr26 ; Manual connect TX_HotKeyEditDescr27 ; Grab+Save active screen TX_HotKeyEditDescr28 ; Grab+Save active window TX_HotKeyEditDescr29 ; Grab+Print active screen TX_HotKeyEditDescr30 ; Grab+Print active window TX_HotKeyEditHotKey ; _Definition TX_HuntEditHuntWindows ; Hunt _windows TX_HuntEditBringToFront ; _Bring to front TX_HuntEditDoHoriz ; _Adjust X TX_HuntEditHuntHoriz ; _X Adjustment TX_HuntEditDoVert ; A_djust Y TX_HuntEditHuntVert ; _Y Adjustment TX_HuntEditHuntHoriz1 ; Left TX_HuntEditHuntHoriz2 ; Right TX_HuntEditHuntHoriz3 ; Center TX_HuntEditHuntVert1 ; Top TX_HuntEditHuntVert2 ; Bottom TX_HuntEditHuntVert3 ; Center TX_LockEditType ; Entry _type TX_LockEditEntries ; _Entries TX_LockEditWindows ; Windows TX_LockEditTasks ; Tasks TX_LockEditEntryName ; Entry n_ame TX_LockEditNewEntry ; _New TX_LockEditDelEntry ; _Remove TX_PhoneEditSettingsTitle ; Standard settings TX_PhoneEditOpenBill ; _Open bill window TX_PhoneEditBillActive ; _Bill active on openup TX_PhoneEditBillZipped ; Bill _zoomed TX_PhoneEditConnectTime ; _Connecttime TX_PhoneEditPopDelay ; Popup _delay TX_PhoneEditEditBillWin ; _Configure bill... TX_PhoneEditEditRates ; Edit _rates... TX_PhoneEditEditAreaCodes ; Edit _AreaCodes... TX_PhoneEditEditDevices ; Edit _devices... TX_PhoneEditPubScreens ; _Public Screens TX_PhoneEditLogTitle ; Logfile settings TX_PhoneEditShowLog ; Show _log... TX_PhoneEditDelLog ; D_elete log TX_PhoneEditLogName ; Lo_gname TX_PhoneEditFullCost ; Full costs TX_PhoneEditEditBillWinTitle ; Edit Bill window TX_PhoneEditRatesWinTitle ; Edit telephone bill rates TX_PhoneEditTimesTitle ; Times TX_PhoneEditTimes ; _Time TX_PhoneEditAddTime ; _Add time TX_PhoneEditRemTime ; Remo_ve time TX_PhoneEditEdTime ; Edit ti_me TX_PhoneEditRatesTitle ; Rates and Dates TX_PhoneEditTimeZone ; Time _zone TX_PhoneEditFirstTitle ; First Unit TX_PhoneEditFirstCost ; _Cents/Unit TX_PhoneEditFirstDuration ; _Duration TX_PhoneEditFollowTitle ; Following Units TX_PhoneEditFollowCost ; Ce_nts/Unit TX_PhoneEditFollowDuration ; D_uration TX_PhoneEditDates ; Day_s and Dates TX_PhoneEditAddDate ; Add dat_e TX_PhoneEditAddDay ; Add da_y TX_PhoneEditEditEntry ; Edit ent_ry... TX_PhoneEditCloneEntry ; C_lone entry TX_PhoneEditRemEntry ; Rem_ove entry TX_PhoneEditEditDateTitle ; Date TX_PhoneEditDateDay ; _Day TX_PhoneEditDateDate ; D_ate TX_PhoneEditEditDayTitle ; Day(s) TX_PhoneEditSunday ; _Sunday TX_PhoneEditMonday ; _Monday TX_PhoneEditTuesday ; _Tuesday TX_PhoneEditWednesday ; _Wednesday TX_PhoneEditThursday ; T_hursday TX_PhoneEditFriday ; F_riday TX_PhoneEditSaturday ; S_aturday TX_PhoneEditDayComment ; Comment TX_PhoneEditStandardEntry ; Standard settings TX_PhoneEditJanuary ; January TX_PhoneEditFebruary ; February TX_PhoneEditMarch ; March TX_PhoneEditApril ; April TX_PhoneEditMay ; May TX_PhoneEditJune ; June TX_PhoneEditJuly ; July TX_PhoneEditAugust ; August TX_PhoneEditSeptember ; September TX_PhoneEditOctober ; October TX_PhoneEditNovember ; November TX_PhoneEditDecember ; December TX_PhoneEditDateEntry ; Date TX_PhoneEditDayEntry ; Days TX_PhoneEditNoComment No comment TX_PhoneEditEditTimeTitle ; Time TX_PhoneEditEditTime ; _Time TX_PhoneEditDevsTitle ; Edit telephone bill devices TX_PhoneEditDevices ; _Devices TX_PhoneEditDevActive ; Device ac_tive TX_PhoneEditDevName ; Device n_ame TX_PhoneEditUnit ; _Unit number TX_PhoneEditNewDev ; _New TX_PhoneEditCloneDev ; _Clone TX_PhoneEditRemDev ; _Remove TX_PhoneEditDevUnitTxt ; Unit %5ld TX_PhoneEditAreaWinTitle ; Edit telephone bill AreaCodes TX_PhoneEditAreaCodes ; _AreaCodes TX_PhoneEditAreaCode ; Ar_eaCode TX_PhoneEditAreaTimeZone ; _TimeZone TX_PhoneEditAreaZoneTxt ; Zone: %ld TX_PhoneEditNewArea ; _New TX_PhoneEditCloneArea ; _Clone TX_PhoneEditRemArea ; _Remove TX_PhoneEditAreaDefTimeZone ; _Default TimeZone TX_PhoneEditLogToWhere ; How would you like to view the logfile? TX_PhoneEditLogGads ; Save to file|Display in window TX_PhoneEditLogZone ; Zone TX_PhoneEditLogTime ; Time TX_PhoneEditLogCost ; Cost TX_PhoneEditLogManual ; manual connect TX_PhoneEditPressKey ; < Press any key to continue >\x0a TX_TagEditInfo1 ; Caution: Setting the global tag TX_TagEditInfo2 ; is very dangerous and should TX_TagEditInfo3 ; be left to experienced users. TX_TagEditTagScreens ; _TagScreens active TX_TagEditUseGlobal ; Use _global TX_TagEditEditGlobal ; G_lobal settings... TX_TagEditType ; T_ype TX_TagEditScreens ; Screennames TX_TagEditTasks ; Tasknames TX_TagEditEntries ; _Entries TX_TagEditEntryName ; Entry n_ame TX_TagEditEditEntry ; E_dit... TX_TagEditNewEntry ; _New TX_TagEditCloneEntry ; _Clone TX_TagEditRemEntry ; _Remove TX_TagEditEditEntryTitle ; Edit TagScreen Entry TX_TagEditHardPatch ; Hard _Patch TX_TagEditAutoScroll ; _AutoScroll TX_TagEditBlackBorder ; _BlackBorder TX_TagEditSAPens ; _SAPens TX_TagEditAutoCenter ; A_utoCenter TX_TagEditInterleaved ; Interlea_ved TX_TagEditLikeWB ; _LikeWB TX_TagEditSASYSPens ; SA-S_ystem-Pens TX_TagEditScreen ; Set S_creenMode TX_TagEditModeID ; _ModeID TX_TagEditDoWidth ; Change wi_dth TX_TagEditDoHeight ; Chang_e height TX_TagEditWidth ; _Width TX_TagEditHeight ; _Height TX_TagEditDoDepth ; Chan_ge depth TX_TagEditDepth ; Dep_th TX_TagEditMakePublic ; Ma_ke screen public TX_TagEditPubName ; Publ_ic name TX_TagEditFont ; Set _Font TX_TagEditFontAttr ; Fo_nt TX_TagEditUnknownModeID ; Unknown Screenmode TX_TagSize ; Size TX_TagEditPicassoPlanar ; Picasso Plana_r TX_TagEditPicassoRefresh ; Picasso Refresh (_1) TX_TagEditPicassoRate ; Rate (_2) TX_TagEditEditTags ; Edit _tags... TX_TagEditEditModes ; Edit _interceptions... TX_TagEditEditTagsTitle ; Edit TagScreens Tags TX_TagEditEditModesTitle ; Edit TagScreens Interceptions TX_TagEditIntercept ; Interception _active TX_TagEditInterModes ; _ModeIDs TX_TagEditInterModeID ; Mode_ID TX_TagEditNewMode ; _New TX_TagEditDelMode ; _Remove TX_FKeyEditOn ; _FKeys active TX_FKeyEditQual ; Qua_lifier TX_FKeyEditNone ; None TX_FKeyEditShift ; Shift TX_FKeyEditAlt ; Alt TX_FKeyEditAmiga ; Amiga TX_FKeyEditControl ; Control TX_FKeyEditSetHalf ; Sh_own TX_FKeyEdit1Half ; 1. Half TX_FKeyEdit2Half ; 2. Half TX_FKeyEditF1 ; F_1 TX_FKeyEditF2 ; F_2 TX_FKeyEditF3 ; F_3 TX_FKeyEditF4 ; F_4 TX_FKeyEditF5 ; F_5 TX_FKeyEditF6 ; F_6 TX_FKeyEditF7 ; F_7 TX_FKeyEditF8 ; F_8 TX_FKeyEditF9 ; F_9 TX_FKeyEditF10 ; F1_0 TX_FKeyEditModeF1 ; Mode _a TX_FKeyEditModeF2 ; Mode _b TX_FKeyEditModeF3 ; Mode _c TX_FKeyEditModeF4 ; Mode _d TX_FKeyEditModeF5 ; Mode _e TX_FKeyEditModeF6 ; Mode _a TX_FKeyEditModeF7 ; Mode _b TX_FKeyEditModeF8 ; Mode _c TX_FKeyEditModeF9 ; Mode _d TX_FKeyEditModeF10 ; Mode _e TX_FKeyEditString ; String TX_FKeyEditCommand ; CMD TX_GrabEditSaveClip ; Save to _clipboard TX_GrabEditGrabDir ; _Default directory TX_GrabEditAskFile ; _Ask for filename TX_GrabEditCreateInfo ; C_reate .info TX_GrabEditIncludeBorder ; _Include window border TX_GrabEditNotify ; _Notification TX_GrabEditNotify1 ; None TX_GrabEditNotify2 ; DisplayBeep() TX_GrabEditNotify3 ; 8SVX-Sound TX_GrabEditSound ; S_oundname TX_GrabEditVolume ; _Volume TX_GrabEditTest ; _Test sample TX_SelScrEditRightButton ; Select _menu TX_SelScrEditMenuOnlyScr ; _Only screens TX_SelScrEditSmartDepth ; Smart _depth active TX_SelScrEditSmartQual ; Smart depth _key TX_AlarmEditAlarmOn ; _Alarm active TX_AlarmEditAlarmTimeHour ; Alarm time (_Hour) TX_AlarmEditAlarmTimeMin ; Alarm time (M_inutes) TX_AlarmEditShowReq ; Show _Requester TX_AlarmEditReqText ; Requester te_xt TX_AlarmEditMode ; Alarm _mode TX_AlarmEditSample ; Alarm sam_ple TX_AlarmEditAlarmVol ; Sample _volume TX_AlarmEditTestAlarm ; T_est sample TX_AlarmEditByHour ; _Every hour TX_AlarmEditByHourPeriod ; _Period TX_AlarmEditByHourPeriod1 ; Hour TX_AlarmEditByHourPeriod2 ; Hour + Halfs TX_AlarmEditByHourPeriod3 ; Hour + Quarters TX_AlarmEditHourMode ; H_our mode TX_AlarmEditBeep ; DisplayBeep() TX_AlarmEditDoSample ; 8SVX-Sound TX_AlarmEditHourSample ; _Hour sample TX_AlarmEditHourVol ; Sample _volume TX_AlarmEditTestByHour ; T_est sample TX_AlarmEditSetAlarm ; Configure _alarm... TX_AlarmEditSetByHour ; Configure by h_our... TX_AlarmEditAlarmTitle ; Alarm settings TX_AlarmEditByHourTitle ; By hour settings TX_AlarmEditAlarmTimerState ; _Timer state TX_AlarmEditAlarmTimerOn ; Disabled TX_AlarmEditAlarmTimerOff ; Running TX_AlarmEditAlarmTimerHour ; Timer (_Hours) TX_AlarmEditAlarmTimerMin ; Timer (M_inutes) TX_AlarmEditTimerShowReq ; Show _Requester TX_AlarmEditTimerReqText ; Requester te_xt TX_AlarmEditTimerMode ; Timer _mode TX_AlarmEditTimerSample ; Timer sam_ple TX_AlarmEditTimerAlarmVol ; Sample _volume TX_AlarmEditTimerTestAlarm ; Test _sample TX_AlarmEditAlarmTimerTitle ; Timer settings TX_AlarmEditSetTimer ; Configure _Timer TX_ExpWinEditOn ; Exploding _Windows TX_ExpWinOrigin ; _Explode/Implode TX_ExpWinOrigin1 ; Center TX_ExpWinOrigin2 ; Mouse TX_ExpWinOrigin3 ; Mouse -> Center TX_ExpWinOrigin4 ; Center -> Mouse TX_ExpWinExpOn ; E_xplode TX_ExpWinExpFrames ; Ex_plode frames TX_ExpWinImpOn ; _Implode TX_ExpWinImpFrames ; I_mplode frames TX_ExpWinSizeOn ; Si_zing TX_ExpWinSizeFrames ; Sizi_ng frames TX_ExpWinMoveOn ; M_oving TX_ExpWinMoveFrames ; Mo_ving frames TX_FormatEditOn ; _Formatter active TX_FormatEditDF0 ; DF_0: TX_FormatEditDF1 ; DF_1: TX_FormatEditDF2 ; DF_2: TX_FormatEditDF3 ; DF_3: TX_FormatEditAutoLabel ; _Auto label TX_FormatEditMaxLabels ; H_ighest label TX_FormatEditFormatter ; F_ormatter TX_FormatEditFormatterLabel ; _Label TX_ToolAliasOn ; ToolAlias _active TX_ToolAliasIntercept ; _Intercept unknown TX_ToolAliasList ; _Tools TX_ToolAliasOldName ; _Old name TX_ToolAliasNewName ; N_ew name TX_ToolAliasNew ; _New TX_ToolAliasClone ; _Clone TX_ToolAliasRem ; _Remove TX_AnalogOn ; _Analog clock active TX_AnalogSettings ; S_ettings... TX_AnalogHandCols ; Ha_nd colors... TX_AnalogBackCols ; _Background colors... TX_AnalogPatternType ; _Pattern type TX_AnalogPatternSolid ; Solid TX_AnalogPatternPattern ; 4x4 Pattern TX_AnalogPatternPicture ; ILBM Picture TX_AnalogPatternPicture2 ; ILBM Picture remapped TX_AnalogPatternCols ; Pattern _colors... TX_AnalogPicture ; P_icture name TX_AnalogSettingsTitle ; Analog clock setting TX_AnalogSecs ; _Show seconds TX_AnalogStayOnTop ; _Window always in front TX_AnalogOval ; O_val TX_AnalogSameSize ; Hi_gh noon same size TX_AnalogMarks ; Sh_ow TX_AnalogMarks1 ; Minutes TX_AnalogMarks2 ; Hours TX_AnalogMarks3 ; Quarters TX_AnalogMarks4 ; One TX_AnalogMarks5 ; None TX_AnalogHandStyle ; Hand st_yle TX_AnalogHandStyle1 ; Line TX_AnalogHandStyle2 ; Triangle TX_AnalogHandStyle3 ; Rhombus TX_AnalogHandStyle4 ; Rectangle TX_AnalogHandSize ; Hand si_ze TX_AnalogHandSize1 ; Very thin TX_AnalogHandSize2 ; Thin TX_AnalogHandSize3 ; Normal TX_AnalogHandSize4 ; Thick TX_AnalogHandSize5 ; Very thick TX_AnalogShadow ; _Draw shadow TX_AnalogBorderStyle ; _Border style TX_AnalogBorderStyle1 ; None TX_AnalogBorderStyle2 ; Single TX_AnalogBorderStyle3 ; Double TX_AnalogHires ; Border _hires TX_AnalogInterlace ; Border _interlaced TX_AnalogHandColsTitle ; Hand colors TX_AnalogBackColsTitle ; Background colors TX_AnalogPatternColsTitle ; Pattern colors TX_AnalogSecCol ; _Seconds TX_AnalogMinAPen ; _Minute TX_AnalogMinOPen ; Minute _border TX_AnalogHourAPen ; _Hour TX_AnalogHourOPen ; H_our border TX_AnalogShadowPen ; Sh_adow TX_AnalogHighCol ; _High noon TX_AnalogQuarterCol ; _Quarter TX_AnalogHourCol ; H_ours TX_AnalogMinCol ; _Minutes TX_AnalogBorder1 ; Border fill _inactive TX_AnalogBorder2 ; Border _shine TX_AnalogBorder3 ; Border sha_dow TX_AnalogBorder4 ; Border fill _active TX_AnalogPattern1 ; Pattern _1 TX_AnalogPattern2 ; Pattern _2 TX_AnalogPattern3 ; Pattern _3 TX_AnalogPattern4 ; Pattern _4 TX_Cyc2MenuSticky ; Sticky _menus TX_Cyc2MenuPopUpWhen ; Popup _level TX_Cyc2MenuPopUp ; Popup _type TX_Cyc2MenuPopUp1 ; Below container TX_Cyc2MenuPopUp2 ; Over active TX_Cyc2MenuSeperate ; _Draw seperator TX_Cyc2MenuLook ; Menu t_ype TX_Cyc2MenuLook1 ; Menu-like TX_Cyc2MenuLook2 ; Menu-like (NewLook) TX_Cyc2MenuLook3 ; Gadget-like TX_Cyc2MenuFrame ; _Frame type TX_Cyc2MenuFrame1 ; Normal TX_Cyc2MenuFrame2 ; Recessed TX_Cyc2MenuFrame3 ; Double TX_Cyc2MenuHiLite ; H_ilite Box TX_Cyc2MenuHiLite1 ; None TX_Cyc2MenuHiLite2 ; Raised TX_Cyc2MenuHiLite3 ; Recessed TX_Cyc2MenuUnfilled ; U_nfilled TX_Cyc2MenuZoomTime ; _Zoom time TX_Cyc2MenuZoomMode ; Zoom m_ode TX_Cyc2MenuZoomMode1 ; Create + Remove TX_Cyc2MenuZoomMode2 ; Create TX_Cyc2MenuZoomMode3 ; Remove TX_Cyc2MenuLayout ; Menu la_yout... TX_Cyc2MenuLayoutTitle ; Cycle2Menu Layout TX_Cyc2MenuSpacing ; Entry _spacing TX_Cyc2MenuUseScrFont ; _Use Screen Font TX_MoveSizeMove ; _Move window TX_MoveSizeMoveKey ; Move _key TX_MoveSizeNonDrag ; _Drag nondraggable TX_MoveSizeSize ; S_ize window TX_MoveSizeSizeKey ; Si_ze key TX_MoveSizeNonSize ; Size _nonsizeable TX_MoveSizeBorderSize ; _Border size TX_MoveSizeCornerSize ; _Corner size TX_MoveSizeInfo ; Info _window TX_CalCalendar ; _Calendar active TX_CalSettings ; S_ettings... TX_CalSetCols ; C_olors... TX_CalPatternType ; _Pattern type TX_CalPatternType1 ; Solid TX_CalPatternType2 ; 4x4 Pattern TX_CalPatternType3 ; ILBM Picture TX_CalPatternType4 ; ILBM Picture remapped TX_CalSetPattern ; Pa_ttern colors... TX_CalPatternPic ; P_icture name TX_CalendarSettingsTitle ; Calendar settings TX_CalStayOnTop ; _Window always in front TX_CalDrawMode ; _Display mode TX_CalDrawMode1 TX_CalDrawMode2 TX_CalDrawMode3 ; Plain TX_CalBorderSize ; _Border size TX_CalMonth ; D_ay/Month information TX_CalMonth1 ; Day + Month TX_CalMonth2 ; Day TX_CalMonth3 ; Month TX_CalMonth4 ; None TX_CalBorderType ; Border s_tyle TX_CalBorderType1 ; None TX_CalBorderType2 ; Single TX_CalBorderType3 ; Double TX_CalBorderHires ; Border _hires TX_CalBorderInterlace ; Border _interlace TX_CalFont ; Di_git font TX_CalMonthFont ; Te_xt font TX_CalColsTitle ; Calendar colors TX_CalPaperCol ; _Paper color TX_CalTextCol ; _Digit color TX_CalDayCol ; D_ay color TX_CalMonthCol ; _Month color TX_CalPaperBorderCol ; Paper _border color TX_CalBorder1 ; Border fill _inactive TX_CalBorder2 ; Border _shine TX_CalBorder3 ; Border s_hadow TX_CalBorder4 ; Border fi_ll active TX_CalPatternColsTitle ; Calendar pattern colors TX_CalPattern1 ; Pattern _1 TX_CalPattern2 ; Pattern _2 TX_CalPattern3 ; Pattern _3 TX_CalPattern4 ; Pattern _4 TX_WBGaugeLook ; _Gauge look TX_WBGaugeLook1 ; OS 2.x type TX_WBGaugeLook2 ; OS 3.x type TX_WBGaugeLook3 ; Plain raised TX_WBGaugeLook4 ; 3D raised TX_WBGaugeTruncate ; _Truncate title TX_WBGaugeOnlyRAM ; _Only RAM: TX_NewStrWordMove ; _Move word TX_NewStrWordDel ; _Delete word TX_NewStrESC ; _Exit using ESC TX_NewStrESCCancel ; ESC cancel _input TX_NewStrCursor ; _Cursor move TX_NewStrClip ; C_lip support TX_NewStrCase ; _Toggle case TX_NewStrComAsAlt ; _Amiga keys TX_PPatchDoBusy ; _Patch BusyPointer TX_PPatchDoPatch ; P_atch other pointers TX_PPatchXRes ; _X Resolution TX_PPatchXRes1 ; Acc. to screen TX_PPatchXRes2 ; High-Res TX_PPatchYRes ; _Y Resolution TX_PPatchYRes1 ; Acc. to screen TX_PPatchYRes2 ; Acc. to screen; keep aspect TX_PPatchYRes3 ; High-Res TX_PPatchYRes4 ; High-Res; keep aspect TX_CPULoadActive ; CPULoad _active TX_CPULoadFrontPen ; _Front pen TX_CPULoadFrontPeakPen ; Peak F_ront pen TX_CPULoadBackPen ; _Back pen TX_CPULoadPeakLevel ; _Peak level TX_CPULoadPeakPen ; P_eak pen TX_ScreenTabEditEntryTitle ; Edit ScreenTab special entry TX_ScreenTabActive ; ScreenTab _active TX_ScreenTabAddNoTitles ; Add empty _titles TX_ScreenTabScrKey ; S_creen key TX_ScreenTabWinKey ; _Window key TX_ScreenTabList ; App_list TX_ScreenTabNew ; _New TX_ScreenTabEdit ; _Edit TX_ScreenTabDel ; _Delete TX_ScreenTabOldName ; _Original name TX_ScreenTabNewName ; _New name TX_ScreenTabEntryType ; Name _type TX_ScreenTabEntryType1 ; Task name TX_ScreenTabEntryType2 ; Screen name TX_ScreenTabIgnore ; _Ignore entry TX_ScreenTabAddScrWinTitles ; _Add emtpy titles TX_DateWindowActive ; DateWindow _active TX_DateWindowFont ; DateWindow _Font TX_NewLookPropOn ; NewLookProp _active TX_NewLookPropSliderStyle ; S_lider style TX_NewLookPropSliderStyle1 ; Raised/Raised TX_NewLookPropSliderStyle2 ; Raised/Recessed TX_NewLookPropSliderStyle3 ; Raised/Raised/Spot TX_NewLookPropSliderStyle4 ; Raised/Recessed/Spot TX_WBMoreTitle ; Enhance _Title TX_WBMoreAbout ; Enhance _Requester TX_WBMoreFlushMenu ; Create _Flush menu TX_WBMoreFlushCommand ; Flush _command TX_ResetHandlerActive ; ResetHandler _active TX_ResetHandlerTimeOut ; _Timeout TX_ReKeyItInfoLine1 ; Original, Source Michael Barsoom TX_ReKeyItInfoLine2 ; Used with kind permission TX_ReKeyItActive ; ReKeyIt _active TX_ReKeyItEntries ; _Entries TX_ReKeyItCommand ; Comman_d TX_ReKeyItScan ; Scan _menus TX_SelectEntryWinTitle ; Select an entry TX_SelectEntryList ; _Entries TX_SelectEntrySelect ; _Select... TX_SelectEntryNoFKeyCmds ; Function Keys module not loaded.\x0aCan not obtain list of available commands. TX_SelectColorTitle ; Please select a color TX_SelectBlankerModeID ; Please select a ModeID for the blanker TX_PosWinTitle ; Position me! TX_HotKeyDefineTitle ; Define HotKey for %s TX_HotKeyDefineGroup ; HotKey TX_HotKeyDefineOk TX_HotKeyDefineCancel ; Cancel TX_HotKeyDefineMan ; Manually... TX_HotKeyDefineManTitle ; Enter HotKey manually TX_SelectDevice ; Please locate a device TX_SelectLogFile ; Please locate the phone bill log file TX_SelectLogOutput ; Select a file for formatted output TX_SelectModeID ; Please select a Screenmode TX_SelectFont ; Please select a Font TX_SelectGrabDrawer ; Please select a new output drawer TX_SelectGrabNotify ; Please locate an 8SVX sound for notification TX_SelectAlarmSample ; Please locate an 8SVX sound for the alarm TX_SelectAlarmHourSample ; Please locate an 8SVX sound for the by hour alarm TX_SelectAlarmTimerSample ; Please locate an 8SVX sound for the timer TX_SelectOldTool ; Please select the old tool TX_SelectNewTool ; Please select a new tool TX_SelectAnalogPicture ; Please select a new background picture for AnalogClock TX_SelectCalendarPicture ; Please select a new background picture for Calendar TX_SelectUserShell ; Please select a new command for UserShell TX_SelectKeyClick ; Please locate an 8SVX sound for the Key Click TX_SelectWBMoreCommand ; Please locate a command to be executed for WBMore TX_RequestTitle ; MagicCX-Prefs message TX_OkText TX_OkNoText ; Ok|Cancel TX_ErrLibMissed ; %s version %ld\x0acould not be opened. TX_ErrNoMem ; Out of memory. TX_ErrNoWin ; Window could not be opened. TX_ErrRestart ; MagicCX-Prefs may only be launched once. TX_ErrTimeWontOpen ; The display window won`t open.\x0aResuming titlebar display. TX_ErrNotAllEntries ; Not all entries could be added.\x0aProbably due to a lack of memory. TX_ErrNoEntries ; No entries were found you might\x0aselect from. Aborting. TX_ErrNewPrefs ; You tried to load a prefs file which\x0awas created by a newer version of MagicCX.\x0aThis format is not supported by your version. TX_ErrNoDriveInfo ; Information about connected drives\x0acould not be gathered. TX_ErrNotRegistered ; Sorry, you are not registered.\x0aSaving the preferences is only\x0aallowed for registered users. TX_ErrNoSample ; Sample could not be loaded. TX_ErrDelLog ; Really delete the log file? TX_IFFErrEOF ; IFF-Error\x0aEnd of file reached before being\x0aseeked completely. TX_IFFErrEOC ; IFF-Error\x0aAn IFF-Chunk could not be\x0aread completely. TX_IFFErrNoScope ; IFF-Error\x0aChunk`s contents wasn`t found\x0aat correct location. TX_IFFErrNoMem ; IFF-Error\x0aInternal memory couldn`t be allocated. TX_IFFErrRead ; IFF-Error\x0aError while reading\x0aMaybe the file couldn`t be found.\x0a%s TX_IFFErrWrite ; IFF-Error\x0aError while writing\x0aMaybe the file couldn`t be found.\x0a%s TX_IFFErrSeek ; IFF-Error\x0aError while seeking the file.\x0a%s TX_IFFErrMangled ; IFF-Error\x0aData corrupt within file.\x0a%s TX_IFFErrSyntax ; IFF-Error\x0aSyntax error found in IFF file.\x0a%s TX_IFFErrNotIFF ; IFF-Error\x0aFile\x0a%s\x0ais not an IFF file. TX_STDDosError ; Unknown DOS-Error %ld:\x0a; TX_DOSObjInUse ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aFile in use. No access possible. TX_DOSObjExists ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aObject already exists. TX_DOSDirNotFound ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aDirectory not found.\x0a%s TX_DOSObjNotFound ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aObject not found.\x0a%s TX_DOSDiskNotVal ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aDisk not validated. TX_DOSDiskWritePrtcd ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aDisk write-protected. TX_DOSDiskFull ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aDisk full. TX_DOSDelPrtcd ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aFile delete-protected.\x0a%s TX_DOSWritePrtcd ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aFile write-protected.\x0a%s TX_DOSReadPrtcd ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aFile read-protected.\x0a%s TX_DOSNotADosDisk ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aNot a DOS-Disk. TX_DOSNoDisk ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aNo disk found. TX_AmigaGuideErr ; AmigaGuide-Error:\x0a%s