## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X TX_WinTitle ; MCX Modules Manager - %ld.%ld - %s - Kai Iske TX_ListType ; _Module type TX_Modules ; Modules TX_Blankers ; Blankers TX_ListTitle ; Toggle active state using TX_Ok ; _Ok TX_Cancel ; _Cancel TX_Installed ; Installed TX_RequestTitle ; MagicCX-Modules Manager message TX_OkText TX_ErrLibMissed ; %s version %ld\x0acould not be opened. TX_ErrNoMem ; Out of memory. TX_ErrNoWin ; Window could not be opened. TX_ErrNotAllEntries ; Not all entries could be added.\x0aProbably due to a lack of memory. TX_ErrMove ; A problem occured while changing state of:\x0a%s TX_ErrChanges ; Changes to the modules will only take\x0aeffect when MagicCX is launched again! TX_ErrOnlyV39 ; ModulesManager requires OS 3.x and up. TX_STDDosError ; Unknown DOS-Error %ld:\x0a; TX_DOSObjInUse ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aFile in use. No access possible. TX_DOSObjExists ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aObject already exists. TX_DOSDirNotFound ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aDirectory not found.\x0a%s TX_DOSObjNotFound ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aObject not found.\x0a%s TX_DOSDiskNotVal ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aDisk not validated. TX_DOSDiskWritePrtcd ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aDisk write-protected. TX_DOSDiskFull ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aDisk full. TX_DOSDelPrtcd ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aFile delete-protected.\x0a%s TX_DOSWritePrtcd ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aFile write-protected.\x0a%s TX_DOSReadPrtcd ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aFile read-protected.\x0a%s TX_DOSNotADosDisk ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aNot a DOS-Disk. TX_DOSNoDisk ; DOS-Error %ld:\x0aNo disk found.