"A Bryce Summer — Tutorial"
or "How to fix you up a nice summer with Bryce in 30 easy steps"

by Jean-Pierre Lapointe & Denis Vallée, Technologies Optim Inc.
(c) Copyright 1998, Technologies Optim Inc.

Step 6

Create another mountain. Go to the Terrain/Object edition window, and select the Mountain02.tif file in the BumpMaps folder.

Choose Picture screen

In the “Grid” menu, select again “512 — ultra-fine”. Add erosion to the elevation the same way as for the first one.


When finished, click the checkmark.


Step 7

Associate the “Mounts” family to the second mountain, and place it completely in front of the first one on the Z axis.

Mountain 2 placed in front of Mountain 1


Step 8

In the “View Options” pop-up menu, select “From Right”.

View Options pop-up menu

Align the end of mountain 2 with the end of mountain 1.

Fine tuning of mountain alignment

If you render the current scene, you should get a result like the following.

Mountain Elevation

Save your project!

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