Super Toroid

A SuperToroid is a unique primitive which is derived from a torus that has modifiers which soften and tighten the edges to produce many different types of shapes.


  1. Click on the Super Toroid Icon (Create/Primitves)

  2. Click in the active viewport and begin draging to set the outer radius of the torus.

  3. Click when finished and move the mouse to define the inner radius of the torus.

  4. Click when finished to begin adjusting the N2 modifier.

  5. Click when finished to begin adjusting the N1 Modifier.

  6. You may right click at anytime to complete the shape without going on to the next modifier if you are satisfied with the shape.

The is an endless possibility of possible shapes that can be derived from different numerical combinations of both modifiers

N1=1 N2=3

N1=1 N2=1

N1=0 N2=1

N1=2 N2=6

Horizontal Slices: Adjust how many Horizontal slices there are in the initial cube. Shapes don't lose polygon count however during modification. Shapes with a higher polygon (slice) count appear smoother and react better with lighting.

Vertical Slices: Adjust how many Vertical slices there are in the initial cube. Shapes don't lose polygon count however during modification. Shapes with a higher polygon (slice) count appear smoother and react better with lighting.