Object Properties Pop-up

This pop-up options menu can be accessed by right clicking on one of the following buttons:

Position: Gives you the position on the x, y and z axis. You can modify this value simply by entering another real number in either three fields.

Rotation: Gives you the values or rotation for the x, y and z axis. You can change these values by entering a real number for the desired axis.

Scale: Determines the scaling of an object. You can change the scaling factor for each axis by entering a real value.

Type: This field gives you information on the type of object, either a camera, or just a simple object.

Name: Gives you the name of the object.

Number of Faces: Tells you the number of faces on the particular object. Note that you cannot edit this field.

Number of Vertices: Tells you the number of vertices of an object. This field cannot be edited.

Number of Normals: Tell you how many normals that the object has. This field can not be edited.