éMSG:FROM: PSPINFO --AUSVM1 TO: Distribution List +11/21/94 10:26:08 To: Distribution List From: PSP Marketing Communications 11100 Metric, Bldg. 808 Austin, Texas Subject: Galactic Civlizations now #3 on games list on Internet ======================================================================== This note contains information from Ashish Gupta of PSP Marketing Strategies and is being distributed FYI. Please let me know if you do not want to be on this distribution list. ======================================================================== *** Forwarding note from AGUPTA --AUSVM1 11/21/94 10:19 *** To: PSPINFO --AUSVM1 *** Resending note of 11/21/94 10:40 Subject: Galactic Civlizations now #3 on games list on Internet Never has an OS/2 Warp game made it to #3 in less than 2 weeks. This is great news and demonstrates how OS/2 Warp is trully taking off. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Subject: Galactic Civlizations now #3 on games list on Internet From: Steve.Barnes@f347.n109.z1.fidonet.org (Steve Barnes) Date: 19 Nov 94 14:58:08 -0500 Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy Subject: GALCIV IS NOW #3!!!!! Message-ID: The OS/2 game "Galactic Civilizations" is totally blowing away the competition on the Internet Top 100. This is a vote by hundreds of users on the internet that helps determine how popular a given game is. It is looked at by retailers, publishers, and users all over the world! A lot of people cnosider this list THE most accurate list of judging how good ííor badùù a game is! In just 2 weeks of being widely available, GalCiv has jumped all the way to NUMBER 3 on the top 100! No OS/2 game has ever even been on the list and GalCiv is now poised to knock DOOM for DOS out of its place! Completely amazing! ============================================================================= The Net PC Games Top 100 Edition 99 - Week 47 - November 21, 1994 ============================================================================= TW LW NW Title Developer/Publisher(s) Cat ID Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ( 2)ª 6 Doom 2: Hell on Earth Id/GT/Virgin AC í1502ù 464 2 ( 1) 49 Doom (+hacked add-ons) {S} Id AC í1386ù 415 3 ( 6)ª 5 Galactic Civilizations (OS/2) Stardock/AIM ST í1508ù 392 4 ( 3) 31 U.F.O.: Enemy Unknown (+X-Com) Mythos/MicroProse ST í1437ù 329 5 ( 4) 18 Tie Fighter LucasArts/Virgin AC í1473ù 240 6 ( 5) 7 Colonization MicroProse ST í1496ù 218 7 ( 7) 99 Civilization MicroProse ST í1002ù 232 8 ( 8) 59 Master of Orion SimTex/MicroProse ST í1344ù 219 9 ( 9) 6 Master of Magic SimTex/MicroProse ST í1501ù 207 Finally, after many many weeks, Doom has been pushed away from the number one position by... Doom 2! The question is: how long will Doom 2 be able to hold this position? Galactic Civilization is sky-rocketing towards that same #1 position. Could this be the first OS/2 game to hit #1? The margins are small... -------------------------------------END EXCERPT--------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to vote: email: jojo@hacktic.nl with as subject 'Votes' and as body: 5 GALACTIC CIVILIZATIONS (OS/2) Stardock/AIM í1508ù plus any other games you want. You can only distribute 20 points total, no more than 5 per game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to get Galactic Civilizations for yourself, you can order it from places like Indeliable Blue, CompUSA, Egghead, and others. You can also get it from the developers by calling: 313 782-2248 or faxing them at 313 782-9868 There is also an internet address you can order it at but I don't know the address off the top of my head. WAKE UP ISVs!!!!! OS/2 products are obviously in demand!!! ************************************************************** STEVEN BARNES Team OS/2 --------- Fidonet: Steve Barnes 1:109/347 Internet: Steve.Barnes@f347.n109.z1.fidonet.org Mike Engelberg, (8-) or (407-) 982-0500, fax (8-) or (407-) 443-5214 Internal Zip 5407, Building 005, Room 1F118 IBM, 1000 N.W. 51st St., Boca Raton FL 33431 Internet dsnews@vnet.ibm.com, TCP/IP, IBMMAIL USIB33NP Galactic Civlizations now #3 on games list on Internet F