Date: 22 Feb 95 00:00:03 From: Rein De Jong of 2:500/147.2 To : Edwin Wijburg of OS2.500 Subj: videodriver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MSGID: 2:500/147.2 E1A9FF84 REPLY: 2:500/15.0 2f45c270 Hallo Edwin, Op 18 Feb 95 schreef je aan Rein De Jong: RDJ> Toch is de 2.1 ondersteuning wel goed. Gisteren een Stealth 64 onder RDJ> WARP aan de praat gekregen met de 2,1 drivers. Het ziet er goed en RDJ> snel uit. EW> Dit is wreed ....!! Hoe dan? EW> HOE DAN !!!! ;-) Er is een file S64WAR.TXT die zwerft op het IBM en op Fernwood BBS'en rond. Omdat het niet zo groot is, denk ik dat het wel toegestaan is het in de echo te plaatsen. Volgens die handleiding heb ik het gedaan. Hoewel dat over VRAM gaat, geldt het ook voor de DRAM uitvoering. Hier volgt de tekst: ======================================================================= Stealth 64 VRAM README.S3 ======================================================================= INSTALLATION NOTES: ------------------- 1. You must have OS/2 DOS Support installed in order to install this driver. 2. The OS/2 ATTRIB command is used during installation. If you elected not to install the OS/2 System Utility Programs or you have deleted the ATTRIB, command you must use Selective Install to restore the ATTRIB command before continuing. 3. If you previously installed SVGA support, return to VGA resolution using the new SETVGA procedure found at the end of this README before you install this driver. 4. You must have run the S64MODE.EXE utility and selected a monitor from the Stealth 64 Installation disk prior to installing these drivers. If you have not done this, do so now. Refer to instructions in the Stealth 64 User's Manual for running S64MODE.EXE and selecting a monitor. INSTALLATION: ------------- This video accelerator driver is compatible with OS/2 2.1. Do not install it over any display driver other than VGA. 1. Place the Stealth 64 VRAM OS/2 driver diskette into drive A (or any other diskette drive). 2. Open an OS/2 full-screen or OS/2 window session. 3. Change to the OS/2 directory. Then type 'attrib -r -s -h screen0*.sys'. 4. Then switch to the floppy drive where you inserted the Stealth 64 OS/2 driver disk. Then, at the prompt, type the following command: S3INST A: C: *** It is important that you do this from the floppy drive. where: A: is the diskette drive C: is the drive where OS/2 2.1 is installed This command will copy all necessary files to the OS/2 drive. You will be requested to put disk #2 into the drive. 5. When S3INST has completed executing, remove the diskette from the diskette drive, perform a shutdown, and then restart the system. 6. Open the "OS/2 System" folder. 7. Open the "System Setup" folder. 8. Open the "Display Driver Install" (DSPINSTL) object. When the Display Driver Install window appears, "S3" should be the default choice. Select "OK". When the Monitor Configuration/Selection Utility window appears, the "Install Using Defaults for Monitor Type" option is preselected. Select the "Install Using Display Adapter Utility Program" option, then select "OK". 9. The Monitor Configuration/Selection Utility Location windows should appear. For the Utility Location, type: C:\S64\UTIL\S64MODE.EXE MONITOR If you installed S64MODE into a different directory, modify the above path accordingly. Select "OK". 10. When the source directory pop-up window appears, insert the S3 Video Accelerator Driver diskette and select Install. DSPINSTL determines the hardware configuration by creating the SVGADATA.PMI file on the drive where the OS2 directory is located. If the SVGADATA.PMI file has not been created, the adapter will not be supported. 11. When the installation is complete, do the following: a. Open "OS/2 System". b. Open "System Setup". c. Open the "System" object. The Screen page of the Settings notebook lists all the supported resolutions for your configuration. d. Select a resolution; then, close the notebook. 12. Perform a shutdown; then, restart the system. Note that during the installation of this driver a DISPLAY.LOG file is created in the OS2\INSTALL directory. This file identifies the OS/2 2.1 system files that were updated and indicates whether the installation was successful. The contents of this file might be useful if you need to report an installation problem to Diamond Computer Systems. Known Limitations ----------------- DOS Sessions and Applications ----------------------------- With the program VPIC6 under FS DOS, GIFs cannot be viewed in the 1280x1024 resolution. OS/2 Full Screen Sessions and Applications ------------------------------------------ Context switching from Win-OS/2 full screen to OS/2 full screen may produce a distorted text in OS/2 full screen. MMPM/2 ------ Digital Video, will display black on the screen. Contacting DIAMOND ------------------ Diamond can be reached through a number of ways: Postal Service : Diamond Computer Systems, Inc. 1130 East Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Voice (Main) : (408) 736-2000 Voice (TechSppt): (408) 736-2000 [M-F 6-7; Sat 8-4 Pacific] [plus 24hr automated help] FAX (Main) : (408) 730-5750 FAX (Support) : (408) 773-8000 BBS (to 2400) : (408) 730-1100 BBS (9600+) : (408) 524-9301 CompuServe : GO DMNDONLINE America Online : GO DIAMOND All product names listed are trademarks or copyrights of their respective owners. ======================================================================= Diamond Computer Systems, Inc. (c) 1993-94 (408) 736-2000 All Rights Reserved ======================================================================= $Id: readme.tx@ 1.9 1994/05/19 00:11:57 FFAZZIO Exp, DJOHNSON ES $ ======================================================================= Succes! Groetjes/ /Rein. --- MBM v3.31d * Origin: Waar moet ik mijn Vos bergen (2:500/147.2) PATH: 500/147 7 116 SEEN-BY: 500/7 9 100 109 110 114 116 120 121 128 131 132 147 149 155 --------------------------------=ð!ð=-----------------------------------------