Date: 06 Feb 95 14:35:03 From: Johan Siegers of 2:283/512.16 To : Jeroen Vonk of OS2.028 Subj: Stealth 64 VRAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PID: TB-Point 0.15+/PC JSe2065edb MSGID: 2:283/512.16 2f363611 REPLY: 2:286/401.17@FidoNet 0f00bfb9 Hi Jeroen, JV> [...Stealth 64 VRAM...] JV> Hij is niet te gebruiken met OS/2 Warp, het schijnt dat de directories JV> verandert zijn.... Er zijn veel meer mensen die problemen hebben met de Stealth 64, gelukkig zijn er ook mensen die een oplossing vinden ;-) [Quote Mode on] Hardware Diamond Stealth 64 VL with 2 meg VRAM. Diamond Stealth 64 PCI with 4 meg VRAM. Problem S3 drivers supplied with Warp do not drive some Diamond Stealth 64 cards properly. Fix 1. ftp the files and from, in the /os2/2_1/drivers directory. 2. Unzip each file to its own 1.44 floppy, and use the LABEL command to label the floppies S3 DRV1 and S3 DRV2. 3. Run the S64MODE.exe command, which is on floppy #1. 4. Edit the S3INST.CMD (which is on both floppies) and change all references to \OS2 directory to read \OS2\BOOT. 5. Run the S3INST.CMD on floppy #1. Syntax is S3INST a: d: (where d: is the os/2 boot drive) 6. Reboot when prompted to do so. 7. Open OS/2 System, System Setup, Selective Install (NOT Device Driver Install as the readme says) 8. At the selective install menu, click on Primary display, scroll to the top of the selections, and select 32 Bit S3 Display Drivers v2.4. 9. Click on OK. 10. At next screen, click on Install. 11. The next screen (for me) offers I:\os2image as default. Change that to read A:\ and click on install. 12. Select either "Install Using Defaults for Monitor Type" or "Install using Display Adapter Utility Program." 13. When it says "Insert the diskette with the following label into Drive A: "S3 Display Driver Diskette 2", insert the diskette that you previously labelled S3DRV2, and click on OK. 14. Insert MS Windows diskettes as prompted. This was 1, 5, and 6 for me. 15. Reboot when prompted. 16. Open OS/2 System, System Setup, System, and select the screen page of the settings notebook. You should now have a number of choices for screen resolution. I like 1280x1024x256. 17. Select desired resolution, close notebook, and reboot. Bob Rayburn, Tacoma WA, USA. [Quote mode off] Note: De files (964os1 en 964os2) staan ook op het IBM OS/2 BBS Cu, Johan --- The-Box Point 0.15+ PC * Origin: - CIS: 100120,2502 (2:283/512.16) PATH: 283/512 280/0 284/2 5 506 SEEN-BY: 28/900 280/0 2 4 10 301 601 701 801 901 281/1 282/1 283/1 5 35 501 506 SEEN-BY: 283/512 513 514 516 523 527 531 550 551 555 284/2 3 4 5 6 7 107 117 SEEN-BY: 284/202 205 207 211 215 502 503 504 506 508 509 510 512 513 515 516 --------------------------------=ð!ð=-----------------------------------------