═══ 1. CSD WR05050 ═══ This document gives a brief description of each APAR which has a fix included in CSD WR05050 for OS/2 Extended Edition 1.3. The descriptions are grouped in sections by major components of OS/2 EE. In each section, the descriptions are ordered by APAR number. ═══ 1.1. BASE OPERATING SYSTEM ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05050 which relate to the OS/2 base operating system. ═══ 1.1.1. JR00007: 128th and 129th Characters on Line Overlap ═══ JR00007: 128th and 129th Characters on Line Overlap The 128th and 129th characters overlap when a line of text greater than 128 characters was printed. ═══ 1.1.2. JR01761: PicShow Displayed PIF Files Incorrectly ═══ JR01761: PicShow Displayed PIF Files Incorrectly Certain symbol sets did not display properly when converted to outline fonts. ═══ 1.1.3. JR02056: Metafiles Not Created Properly ═══ JR02056: Metafiles Not Created Properly When the output from an application was spooled, the spooler issued GPIImage to build a metafile. If an image was over the limit of 32759 bytes, the metafile record would be corrupted. ═══ 1.1.4. JR02202: Could Not Use Second Drawer on 4019 Printer ═══ JR02202: Could Not Use Second Drawer on 4019 Printer The second drawer on a 4019 printer could not be accessed. The code is changed so in the future all print jobs which do not have job properties assigned to them, that is all Base OS/2 print jobs, will be printed with the job properties of the queue they are printing from. The job properties are applied after spooling, so the properties picked up are the queue+job properties of the queue. ═══ 1.1.5. JR02270: Printer Driver Output Was Corrupted ═══ JR02270: Printer Driver Output Was Corrupted When transverse was specified in an OEM application, the A4 form was printed fine except that the top portion was truncated. When no transverse printing was specified, the output was transversed and the output A4 form appeared sideways. ═══ 1.1.6. JR02688: Move Cmd With Wildcard Truncated Filename ═══ JR02688: Move Cmd With Wildcard Truncated Filename When the last character of a filename was also earlier in the filename, the MOVE command would truncate the filename if a wildcard ("*") was used. For example, "MOVE *E.TXT" would truncate "FILENAME.TXT" to "FILE.EXT." This error occurred with either HPFS or FAT file system. ═══ 1.1.7. JR02860: DOSCallNmpipe Did Not Return Error ═══ JR02860: DOSCallNmpipe Did Not Return Error DOSCallNmpipe returned a 0 when it should have returned a 3 (path not found). ═══ 1.1.8. JR02876: Shading Was Missing From Plot On 6182 ═══ JR02876: Shading Was Missing From Plot On 6182 With GDDM OS/2 Link, shading was missing from plots on a 6182 or 7372. Also, if stall colors were redefined, the wrong colors were used. ═══ 1.1.9. JR02890: IBM3852 Driver Used Wrong Color Lookup ═══ JR02890: IBM3852 Driver Used Wrong Color Lookup The IBM3852 driver used the wrong color lookup for all bits on and all bits off, causing some printouts to appear inverted. ═══ 1.1.10. JR02902: Manual C10 Envelope Form Not Printed ═══ JR02902: Manual C10 Envelope Form Not Printed Envelopes were not printed as displayed when a 4019 was used with the PostScript option. ═══ 1.1.11. JR02910: Dual Form Outputed From One Tray ═══ JR02910: Dual Form Outputed From One Tray The dual form option under the IBM4019 driver version 1.80 resulted in output from a single tray. ═══ 1.1.12. JR03015: Printer Printed in Only One Direction ═══ JR03015: Printer Printed in Only One Direction With the EPSON print driver, when the spooler was active, an Epson DF-5000 would only print in one direction. If the spooler was disabled, the printer printed in both directions. ═══ 1.1.13. JR03027: Trap D With OD_DIRECT and PMPRINT ═══ JR03027: Trap D With OD_DIRECT and PMPRINT Under some circumstances, a customer's print application trapped using DevOpenDC with OD_Direct. The trap only occurred when the spooler was enabled and there were jobs in the queue. ═══ 1.1.14. JR03091: GPICharStrInAT Function Call Failed ═══ JR03091: GPICharStrInAT Function Call Failed GPICharStringAT failed with Courier Fonts, 12 points, if the string was 170 bytes or more. The string would wrap over itself after the 170th byte. ═══ 1.1.15. JR03122: Properties Panel Did Not Appear With Alt ═══ JR03122: Properties Panel Did Not Appear With Alt Dialog boxes were not functioning as expected. If the user selected the group "Main," selected any item from the group, selected "Properties", and then pressed the Alt key, a system menu with items "Move" and "Close" would be displayed instead of the Properties panel. ═══ 1.1.16. JR03181: Outline Font Did Not Return Hit Info ═══ JR03181: Outline Font Did Not Return Hit Info When an application made a call to a segment containing outline fonts, there was no return of correlation hits. The call worked correctly on filled text. ═══ 1.1.17. JR03198: PMEXEC Trap on Invisible Desktop Mgr Group ═══ JR03198: PMEXEC Trap on Invisible Desktop Mgr Group If "Hide" was run from the Desktop Manager window, all groups would disappear one by one and a list of tasks would appear. If the user selected the Desktop Manager window immediately afterward, clicked on where a group would have been (in the white area), and selected "Group" and then "Properties", a trap D occurred. ═══ 1.1.18. JR03254: Changing Default Color on 6182 Caused Error ═══ JR03254: Changing Default Color on 6182 Caused Error On a 6182, a change in the default stall colors caused an error. correct GDDM OS/2-link output on PS/2 connected plotter. ═══ 1.1.19. JR03262: GPIQueryKerningPairs Caused Trap ═══ JR03262: GPIQueryKerningPairs Caused Trap An OEM application trapped when a GPIQueryKerningPairs request was handled improperly. ═══ 1.1.20. JR03298: REINST, INSTAID Erased CONFIG Device Stmt ═══ JR03298: REINST, INSTAID Erased CONFIG Device Stmt REINST and INSTAID caused the second device statement in CONFIG.SYS to disappear. After either commmand was run, the device statement "DEVICE=EXTDSKDD.SYS" was no longer in the file. ═══ 1.1.21. JR03359: DOSWrite Returned Code 109 (Pipe Broken) ═══ JR03359: DOSWrite Returned Code 109 (Pipe Broken) DOSWrite returned error code 109 (broken pipe) when writing to a local name pipe. The pipe was open and the error was intermittent. ═══ 1.1.22. JR03378: Alt-Downarrow Did Not Display Droplist ═══ JR03378: Alt-Downarrow Did Not Display Droplist The combo box did not display a droplist when using CBS_DROPDOWN style in *.dlg file. Instead, the dialog showed the list control separate from the entry field. Users could not then use the Alt-Down arrow key combination to get to the list box. Users could only get to the list control by using the mouse. ═══ 1.1.23. JR03384: DOS Apps Received Bad Parms From PMEXEC ═══ JR03384: DOS Apps Received Bad Parms From PMEXEC An invalid parameter was passed to a DOS program when the program started from Presentation Manager. ═══ 1.1.24. JR03395: No Error Msg For Failed Print Job ═══ JR03395: No Error Msg For Failed Print Job When an error was detected by the spooler during a print job, the job simply ended and the next job began. No indication was made to the user that a problem had occurred. ═══ 1.1.25. JR03401: Int 21 Country Info Not Correct ═══ JR03401: Int 21 Country Info Not Correct Incorrect country information was returned by 38H INT21 after the code page was changed. ═══ 1.1.26. JR03421: Trap 8 When App Stopped With Ctrl-C ═══ JR03421: Trap 8 When App Stopped With Ctrl-C A print monitor application generated a trap 8 and an internal processing error if it was interrupted by a Ctrl-C while it was running. Then an IPL was needed. ═══ 1.1.27. JR03448: Restore Failed With Trap D and SYS1811 ═══ JR03448: Restore Failed With Trap D and SYS1811 A trap D occurred during a restore from a backup diskette that contained a very large number of small files. The trap happened after many files had been restored. ═══ 1.1.28. JR03481: Second Arrow on Scrollbar ═══ JR03481: Second Arrow on Scrollbar The user was able to drag the right arrow out of the scrollbar, causing a second arrow to appear on the scrollbar. ═══ 1.1.29. JR03485: Rename Resulted in PMV1013 in File Manager ═══ JR03485: Rename Resulted in PMV1013 in File Manager A rename of multiple files from the search-results screen of File Manager caused a PMV1013 error. ═══ 1.1.30. JR03492: File Changes Lost Saving to Full Diskette ═══ JR03492: File Changes Lost Saving to Full Diskette When the user edited a file from a nearly full diskette on the system editor and increased the file size to a size larger than the space left on the diskette, the machine would lock up when the user saved the file back to the diskette. After a period of time a popup message said the sytem editor was not responding. Changes to the file were lost. ═══ 1.1.31. JR03500: ABIOS Patch for DMA Async Problems ═══ JR03500: ABIOS Patch for DMA Async Problems For all Model 95s and Model 57s, a new BIOS patch wild card has been introduced to solve DMA asyncronous problems. The patch file ABIOS.SYS has been added. It will determine which machines to install itself on and can load on all machines. ═══ 1.1.32. JR03526: Trap Exiting DOS Box With C-Esc or Alt-Esc ═══ JR03526: Trap Exiting DOS Box With C-Esc or Alt-Esc This problem occurred with XGA drivers from the XGA 1.01 support diskette and a system configured for dual monitors. When the user attempted to exit the DOS Box with Ctrl-Esc or Alt-Esc, a trap D occurred. ═══ 1.1.33. JR03529: IBM5216 Printer Drvr Returned Wrong Device ═══ JR03529: IBM5216 Printer Drvr Returned Wrong Device The IBM5216 Print driver was reporting (via DevQueryCaps(...Caps_Technology...)) that the 5216 Printer, a Daisy-Wheel, was a Raster Device. The driver now returns Caps_Tech_Unknown for the Caps_Technology query against the 5216 driver. ═══ 1.1.34. JR03532: Errors Displaying Metafile ═══ JR03532: Errors Displaying Metafile The Display Picture Utility with a user-written program which used GPIPlayMetaFile resulted in a graphics file error. Picshow displayed erroneous messages when it trying to display a metafile. ═══ 1.1.35. JR03535: Print Job Could Not Be Cancelled ═══ JR03535: Print Job Could Not Be Cancelled A print job could not be cancelled once it started printing. ═══ 1.1.36. JR03545: Incorrect Pens Used With IBM7372 Plotter ═══ JR03545: Incorrect Pens Used With IBM7372 Plotter Incorrect pens were used with the IBM7372 plotter. ═══ 1.1.37. JR03554: Dump Facility Hung With > 1 RTIC Adapter ═══ JR03554: Dump Facility Hung With > 1 RTIC Adapter The system hung while dumping to the first dump diskette. The system started to dump to the diskette, the drive A: light went out, and the Stand-Alone-Dump Facility never asked for a second diskette. This occurred with two (2) Portmaster cards installed in system. ═══ 1.1.38. JR03558: Path For Log Caused CRC Check (SYS0023) ═══ JR03558: Path For Log Caused CRC Check (SYS0023) Using the OS/2 Log facility, a customer received a SYS0023 message. The Log facility default is to place the LOG0001.DAT file in the C:\OS2 system subdirectory. If the user tried to put the log file in another location, the user was given a SYS0023 (CRC Error) message and instructed to format the hard drive. This message was incorrect. The message should indicate that the filename parameter is wrong. ═══ 1.1.39. JR03564: Trap D When Jobs Released From Mult Queues ═══ JR03564: Trap D When Jobs Released From Mult Queues If a duplicate file was sent to more than one printer and the queues were held, and if the queues were released so the files attempted to process at the same time, a trap occurred in the PCL driver, and the Print Manager died. ═══ 1.1.40. JR03571: Drop-Down Combo Box Incorrect Positioning ═══ JR03571: Drop-Down Combo Box Incorrect Positioning A dropdown combo box double selection caused a return to the top of the list. ═══ 1.1.41. JR03593: CICS OS/2 Storage Allocation Error ═══ JR03593: CICS OS/2 Storage Allocation Error A customer reported that after printing extensively for a period of 10 days the system appeared to run out of memory resources. ═══ 1.1.42. JR03594: WinSetWindowText Problem ═══ JR03594: WinSetWindowText Problem There was a problem with WinSetWindowText if the null terminator was the last byte of a segment. ═══ 1.1.43. JR03604: Hourglass Disappeared in Cut Operation ═══ JR03604: Hourglass Disappeared in Cut Operation The System Editor cut-operation hourglass disappeared before the process had finished. ═══ 1.1.44. JR03608: MOUSE.SYS Did Not Work With OEM Software ═══ JR03608: MOUSE.SYS Did Not Work With OEM Software An OEM application that ran in the DOS Box failed with 1.3 MOUSE.SYS. When the user moved the mouse to the panel through the image on the screen and the pointer hit the edge of the screen, control was lost. The screen should scroll to the left until the mouse pointer is moved from the right most edge of the screen to the left. The screen continued to scroll until it reached the end. ═══ 1.1.45. JR03611: C-Break and End Task Failed to Close App ═══ JR03611: C-Break and End Task Failed to Close App Ctrl-Break or End Task from Task Manager failed to close an application running in OS/2 mode. When reading from a pipe that had become broken, the DOSREAD function call gave a return code of zero with a bytes-read length of zero. The function should return 109, Error_Broken_Pipe. ═══ 1.1.46. JR03620: Trap D Exiting 4-Level DOS Exec Pgrm String ═══ JR03620: Trap D Exiting 4-Level DOS Exec Pgrm String A trap D occurred when a user exited a four-level DOS exec program string. The trap occurred because the pointer to the title string passed by CMD.EXE was pointing to zeroes. ═══ 1.1.47. JR03622: Problems Setting Current Drive ═══ JR03622: Problems Setting Current Drive A user chose Main + Program + Properties and changed the working directory to disk drive A: without having a diskette in the drive. An error message was displayed which said that "Device A: is not ready" and gave three options. When the user chose "End the Program," the user was returned to PM but Group Main and Desktop Manager were no longer there. Group Main and Desktop Manager should have remained. ═══ 1.1.48. JR03626: Characters Hard to Distinguish on 8513 ═══ JR03626: Characters Hard to Distinguish on 8513 It was hard to distinguish between several letters in a window on a 8513 display. The problem characters were mainly 0 and 8, but also capital A and R, lower case L and 1, lower case M and N, and capital Q and O. ═══ 1.1.49. JR03635: DOSOpen Accepted Invalid Filename ═══ JR03635: DOSOpen Accepted Invalid Filename When DOSOpen was given an invalid filename, such as "A: .EXT", it created the file and did not return an error. ═══ 1.1.50. JR03664: Focus Rect Did Not Scroll With Listbox ═══ JR03664: Focus Rect Did Not Scroll With Listbox When the user moved part of a listbox off the top of the screen and scrolled up to select the top item on the list, the selection worked correctly, but the Rectangle Focus did not move up. ═══ 1.1.51. JR03665: XGA Driver Screen Update Problem ═══ JR03665: XGA Driver Screen Update Problem A customer used the XGA driver to run some OEM applications. When the customer was editing a text field at a certain point, the characters became invisible. ═══ 1.1.52. JR03692: Default VIEWMATRIX Lost After Bitmap Print ═══ JR03692: Default VIEWMATRIX Lost After Bitmap Print The PostScript driver lost track of the current default view matrix. ═══ 1.1.53. JR03698: EAUTIL Produced Incorrect Data Length ═══ JR03698: EAUTIL Produced Incorrect Data Length EAUTIL produced an incorrect data length. If an icon file was created with the Icon Editor and the EAs were separated into a file, the data length word in that file was incorrect. ═══ 1.1.54. JR03705: LN_SETFOCUS Sent at the Wrong Time ═══ JR03705: LN_SETFOCUS Sent at the Wrong Time An LN_SETFOCUS message was incorrectly sent from the listbox when the user clicked on the scrollbar of the listbox. ═══ 1.1.55. JR03707: Vertical Scroll Out of Synch After Resizing ═══ JR03707: Vertical Scroll Out of Synch After Resizing In a PM window which contained a listbox, such as Print Manager, the slider box position was incorrect after the window was maximized and restored. ═══ 1.1.56. JR03720: Thread 1 Hung on Exit From Multithread Task ═══ JR03720: Thread 1 Hung on Exit From Multithread Task In an application, a parent process started a child process which monitored one modem waiting for a call. When a call was established, the program could spawn up to 8 threads. When the user hung up the line, DOSExit was issued. All threads appeared to end correctly except thread one which intermittently did not end. The line hung as a result. ═══ 1.1.57. JR03721: Some Network Drives Not Selectable ═══ JR03721: Some Network Drives Not Selectable Network drives greater than P: were not selectable under properties/ICON. ═══ 1.1.58. JR03732: DIR From DLR to HPFS Drive Incomplete ═══ JR03732: DIR From DLR to HPFS Drive Incomplete The HPFS File System returned invalid information from a call to FindFromName with the '.' subdirectory as the Name Argument. ═══ 1.1.59. JR03740: Text Rotation Failed For Some Angles ═══ JR03740: Text Rotation Failed For Some Angles With an OEM application, when plotted text was rotated 90 degrees, words were rotated correctly but each character was unrotated. ═══ 1.1.60. JR03747: DOS Box Hung First Time Activated ═══ JR03747: DOS Box Hung First Time Activated The first time the user tried to enter the DOS Box, the PM screen remained and DOS did not come up. When the user pressed Ctrl-Esc to go back to PM and tried to enter DOS a second time, it worked correctly. This occurs with an 8514/A adapter. ═══ 1.1.61. JR03790: SHD Files Left in Spooler Directories ═══ JR03790: SHD Files Left in Spooler Directories Shadow jobs were left if a high priority application printed a small print job. There was a scheduling/priority problem which caused DOSDelete to return "File not found" and leave the SHD files. ═══ 1.1.62. JR03792: File System Problem; Batch File Failed ═══ JR03792: File System Problem; Batch File Failed A batch file for a COBOL/FORTRAN test failed. This was caused by a File System problem. Modifications have been made to Opncreat.ASM. ═══ 1.1.63. JR03797: System Editor Msg During Save Was Confusing ═══ JR03797: System Editor Msg During Save Was Confusing In the system editor, when a file did not need to be saved and the user tried to save it, a message said "File has not changed. It will not be saved." It should be more clear that the file has not been changed since it was last saved and does not need to be saved. ═══ 1.1.64. JR03798: Spooler Failed With Large LPT Chain Buffers ═══ JR03798: Spooler Failed With Large LPT Chain Buffers If a device driver was installed on a printer that used a monitor buffer that was larger than 128 bytes, the spooler did not work correctly with the port (i.e. if the device driver sent more than 256 bytes to the spooler's monitor thread, the spooler dropped the monitor for the port). ═══ 1.1.65. JR03818: Type1 PostScript Font Problems > 30 Point ═══ JR03818: Type1 PostScript Font Problems > 30 Point With the IBM Logo 8 Bar Font, a font greater than 30-points would crash. ═══ 1.1.66. JR03835: Minimized Window Restored at Keyboard PW ═══ JR03835: Minimized Window Restored at Keyboard PW If a minimized window had focus when the keyboard-lock program locked the machine, it was restored when the keyboard password was entered. ═══ 1.1.67. JR03836: MS Serial Mouse Did Not Work on 8590-0J9 ═══ JR03836: MS Serial Mouse Did Not Work on 8590-0J9 On Models 90 and 95, the serial ports had DMA arbitration set on by default. This condition interfered with the MS serial mouse driver so that the mouse pointer would not move. ═══ 1.1.68. JR03848: I/O Disk Priority Needed to be Updated ═══ JR03848: I/O Disk Priority Needed to be Updated A fix has been provided to advance the disk I/O priority operation from the 1.2 algorithm to the 1.3 thread-priority based I/O. After this code is incorporated, the CONFIG.SYS will be updated to "Priority_Disk_I/O=YES." If the statement is "Priority_Disk_I/O=NO", the 1.2 algorithm is used. ═══ 1.1.69. JR03849: Blank Lines Not Saved in Qry/Proc Windows ═══ JR03849: Blank Lines Not Saved in Qry/Proc Windows In an SQL Query or Procedures Window, blank lines were deleted when the user saved/exited the file. ═══ 1.1.70. JR03872: MLE Did Not Release Handles ═══ JR03872: MLE Did Not Release Handles OS/2 EE 1.30.1 and CSD WR05015 had an incompatibility with some applications that used the -P (Downward compatibility) run-time command-line option. The applications received the message "ESL1010 Window limit exceeded". Some applications that used word wrap in multiple line entry (MLE) fields within a dialog box received the message "Error clearing object: Window handles of object not found." ═══ 1.1.71. JR03883: Host Print and Screen Print Slow ═══ JR03883: Host Print and Screen Print Slow The HP driver was slower than the previous driver when doing print screens and host printing. ═══ 1.1.72. JR03885: Trace Formatter Failed With Trap D ═══ JR03885: Trace Formatter Failed With Trap D The Trace Formatter caused a trap D when formatting Database Manager major code B7 records with a length of B700. ═══ 1.1.73. JR03909: Wrong Default Font for Help Facility ═══ JR03909: Wrong Default Font for Help Facility The OS/2 Help Facility had a different default font in OS/2 EE 1.20 than OS/2 EE 1.30. The customer created a help file for monospace text. The text was larger in 1.3 and could not be changed with the Tag Language. The text rolled off the screen to the right. No scroll bar was present on the screen bottom to scroll the screen. ═══ 1.1.74. JR03943: Lock Program Locked Too Quickly ═══ JR03943: Lock Program Locked Too Quickly Lockup did not wait the full timeout value before locking the system after the user switched out of a full-screen session. ═══ 1.1.75. JR03957: Opaque Text Not Printed Correctly ═══ JR03957: Opaque Text Not Printed Correctly When the background was set to Opaque with the GPISetAttrs API and Opaque text was requested, the text appeared transparent. ═══ 1.1.76. JR03958: Wrong Insert Mode With NUMLOCK On ═══ JR03958: Wrong Insert Mode With NUMLOCK On In some circumstances, in File Manager, when Numlock and Insert were both on, the cursor was incorrectly in replace mode. ═══ 1.1.77. JR03962: No Error Msg For Insufficient Disk Space ═══ JR03962: No Error Msg For Insufficient Disk Space The spooler did not generate an error or message box when the spool file's disk was full. ═══ 1.1.78. JR03963: Unable to Print Graphics With Laserjet IIP ═══ JR03963: Unable to Print Graphics With Laserjet IIP A user received "Printer Not Responding! Retry?" when attempting to print OEM graphics on a Laserjet IIP. The Laserjet IIP driver uses mode 2 compression which does make the code more efficient, however it has limited the maximum size of the graphics it can print. The code has been modified so IIP can handle the same size graphics as series II and IID. ═══ 1.1.79. JR03964: Memory Compaction Used 286 Instruction Set ═══ JR03964: Memory Compaction Used 286 Instruction Set Memory Compaction on a 386 did not take advantage of the doubleword capability of the 386 processor. This related to poor performance for Memory Compaction, especially noticeable in large products such as Office Vision. ═══ 1.1.80. JR03974: Group Main Should Not Close If Active Error ═══ JR03974: Group Main Should Not Close If Active Error A user closed Group Main when there was an active error message waiting for a response. The user then tried to cancel the error message and a trap occurred. Group Main should not close if there is an active error message pending. ═══ 1.1.81. JR03997: Driver Set Handshaking For Parallel Plotter ═══ JR03997: Driver Set Handshaking For Parallel Plotter The plotter driver was setting hardware handshaking for serial communications when the plotter was a parallel plotter. Handshaking should only be set for serial printing. ═══ 1.1.82. JR04010: WinCalcFrameRect Returned Invalid Size ═══ JR04010: WinCalcFrameRect Returned Invalid Size When passed a client rectangle that was smaller that the minimum frame window, WinCalcFrameRect did not adjust the rectangle to the proper size. ═══ 1.1.83. JR04020: Input Characters Mistaken for Mnemonics ═══ JR04020: Input Characters Mistaken for Mnemonics In a MultiLine Entry field, if the user typed a mnemonic character which was also defined by a Pushbutton, and if this was the last character entered prior to the beep, then a response was taken for the mnemonic. ═══ 1.1.84. JR04021: Hung When Window With Matrix Closed ═══ JR04021: Hung When Window With Matrix Closed A system hang occurred with an OEM application and the XGA driver. This occurred when the user was in a matrix in the application and closed a window. Invalid data was passed from the display driver to the engine during matrix calculation. ═══ 1.1.85. JR04022: XCOPY Output Not Redirected ═══ JR04022: XCOPY Output Not Redirected When XCOPY was issued in the DOS mode and the output was redirected to a file, the output was never put into the file. ═══ 1.1.86. JR04025: Control Panel Displayed Incorrectly ═══ JR04025: Control Panel Displayed Incorrectly After CSD WR05015 was applied, the control panel was incorrectly displayed. The control panel display size was incorrect, there was no action bar when a large font was used, and there was no access to functions other than time, date, cursor-blink, and double-click. The user could use the MAKEINI utility to correct the control panel, but all previous setup info was lost. ═══ 1.1.87. JR04030: Response in Listbox Taken as Mnemonic ═══ JR04030: Response in Listbox Taken as Mnemonic The listbox processing allowed key messages to be checked against accelerator keys on other objects in the dialog box. Now key messages will only processed by the dialog box object which has the focus. ═══ 1.1.88. JR04031: 10K Heap Not Deallocated After InSertItem ═══ JR04031: 10K Heap Not Deallocated After InSertItem The listbox control was not freeing its private heap upon window destruction. After time the system would degrade if a process created and destroyed many listboxes without being destroyed itself. ═══ 1.1.89. JR04035: Trap When Space Entered in MLE ═══ JR04035: Trap When Space Entered in MLE A customer's application trapped when "xxx ......" was entered in an MLE. The problem occurred only if a space was typed right after the three Xs. The problem would be reproduced if periods were then entered after the space character. ═══ 1.1.90. JR04050: Trap on Attempt to Access Deleted Semaphore ═══ JR04050: Trap on Attempt to Access Deleted Semaphore A timing window in a customer-provided test case caused a semaphore handle to become invalid causing a trap D the next time the semaphore was accessed. ═══ 1.1.91. JR04108: PicPrint Said Prtr Deleted From Print Mgr ═══ JR04108: PicPrint Said Prtr Deleted From Print Mgr ACONNS has its own PM printer driver. Define a printer/queue using the ACONNS driver. Start PicPrint and select control option on the menu bar, then select change printer. From the list of printers displayed, select the one with ACONNS driver and press select button. Message back says printer deleted from Print Manager: Not true! appears that PicPrint is only handling flag attributes of 00 or 01, where ACONNS is returning 02 or 03, and it breaks the code. ═══ 1.1.92. JR04118: Some Fonts Didn't Work With PP_FontNameSize ═══ JR04118: Some Fonts Didn't Work With PP_FontNameSize The customer reported a problem using outline fonts with WinSetPresParams(... PP_FontNameSize...) on control windows. ═══ 1.1.93. JR04122: DB Install Failed on Large Media ═══ JR04122: DB Install Failed on Large Media When the user tried to install Database Manager on a newly formatted 2.3GB hard file, the system returned a message saying there was not enough space on the destination drive. ═══ 1.1.94. JR04128: IBM5152 Drvr Did Not Support Null Devices ═══ JR04128: IBM5152 Drvr Did Not Support Null Devices The internal lists of the IBM printer drivers did not support certain null device names, causing an error during the access of ports other than LPT or COMx. ═══ 1.1.95. JR04132: Could Not Format Large Media ═══ JR04132: Could Not Format Large Media The user could not format a drive of less capacity than the media. The message "The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk" was displayed. Also, no error was returned on an attempt to format a disk greater than 10 MB. ═══ 1.1.96. JR04133: Erase With /P Displayed Prompt in English ═══ JR04133: Erase With /P Displayed Prompt in English When the /P parameter was used with the Erase command, the message "Delete (Y/N)?" was returned in English. The message was not supported for the national languages. ═══ 1.1.97. JR04134: DOSWaitNmPipe Did Not Block ═══ JR04134: DOSWaitNmPipe Did Not Block When DOSWaitNmPipe was called against a network pipe belonging to the second UNC IFS, the API always returns no_error. In this problem scenario, DOSWaitNmPipe is expected to block until the pipe becomes available. ═══ 1.1.98. JR04135: German Warning Tag in English ═══ JR04135: German Warning Tag in English The "Warning" tag appeared in English in the German driver 7.220. ═══ 1.1.99. JR04143: Danish Lockup Message in English ═══ JR04143: Danish Lockup Message in English The user started the lockup function, locked the system, and then typed the wrong password. The error message had for the main title "Lock Up" in English for the Danish version. It should have been in Danish. ═══ 1.1.100. JR04145: Not All Bitmap Files Shown in Listbox ═══ JR04145: Not All Bitmap Files Shown in Listbox When the user tried to show the bitmap files in the listbox, not all the files were listed. This occurred because lockup was checking the archive bit. ═══ 1.1.101. JR04165: Async Child Command Did Not Finish ═══ JR04165: Async Child Command Did Not Finish If any process within a screen group was sleeping inside a KbdCharIn call, the delivery of the process completion event information to all other processes was stalled until a key was pressed. ═══ 1.1.102. JR04174: PM Apps Would Not Print With Envelope Opt ═══ JR04174: PM Apps Would Not Print With Envelope Opt In OS/2 EE, 1.3 (5015), when a 4216 Driver was used, PM applications would not print with the Envelope Form Option. Non-PM applications worked. When a PM application attempted to use the Envelope Form, it generates a "Forms mismatch error". The printer was a 4216-031. ═══ 1.1.103. JR04178: Excel Chart Legend Was Wrong Size ═══ JR04178: Excel Chart Legend Was Wrong Size In an OEM database application, the legend was displayed in a box that was too small, causing the text to be clipped. This only happened with the Helvetica 10 Font. When the font was changed, the output was correct. ═══ 1.1.104. JR04181: DEVIOCTL Second Parameter Was Incorrect ═══ JR04181: DEVIOCTL Second Parameter Was Incorrect The second parameter to DOSDevIOCtl should be a pointer to the command-specific argument list. XGARING0.SYS expected a function number and not a pointer. This caused problems if OS/2 manipulated this value on the assumption that it was an address. The XGARING0 IOCTL function should be changed to expect a pointer to the function number, and the PM display driver and BVH should pass pointers. ═══ 1.1.105. JR04183: Screen Not Correctly Refreshed After Scroll ═══ JR04183: Screen Not Correctly Refreshed After Scroll In a PM application, when the user scrolled off and back on the screen in a MLE (multi-line edit) session, the screen was not properly refreshed. This occurred because, in some circumstances, there was no stop at the end of the scroll range. ═══ 1.1.106. JR04184: GPIQueryFonts Returned Wrong Result For XGA ═══ JR04184: GPIQueryFonts Returned Wrong Result For XGA The XGA driver was returning 1 for a call to GPIQueryFonts if a non existent face name was queried. A change has been made to the driver to return 0 for nonexistent face names. ═══ 1.1.107. JR04185: File Mgr Truncated HPFS Names to FAT ═══ JR04185: File Mgr Truncated HPFS Names to FAT When File Manager was used to copy HPFS files to a diskette, the file names were truncated to FAT names. File Manager did not give the user a chance to rename the files to maintain unique names on the diskette. When a file name was truncated to a name that already existed on the diskette, the file was copied over the existing one. The code has now been changed to display a warning when files are renamed to duplicate names. ═══ 1.1.108. JR04186: DevEscape Did Not Return If Printer Offline ═══ JR04186: DevEscape Did Not Return If Printer Offline DevEscape did not return to the user's code if the printer was offline. When a message was displayed on the screen and the user pressed Cancel, the DevEscape call never returned, causing the user's application to hang. ═══ 1.1.109. JR04189: XGA Dual Screen: PM Screen Switched to VGA ═══ JR04189: XGA Dual Screen: PM Screen Switched to VGA When a user is running with one display attached to an XGA and another attached to the planar VGA, full-screen sessions should be displayed on the VGA screen and the PM screen should be frozen on the XGA screen. This worked the first time a full-screen session was entered, but a switch to PM and then back to the full screen resulted in both screens displaying the full-screen session. In some cases the display attached to the planar VGA was slightly corrupted. ═══ 1.1.110. JR04196: XGA: Real Mode App Corrupted PM Desktop ═══ JR04196: XGA: Real Mode App Corrupted PM Desktop With an OEM file viewer application in the DOS Box, the PM desktop could be corrupted with the XGA DISPLAY.DLL. Symptoms included a black background (which was restored when redrawn), black title bars (only when inactive), and black window borders (always). ═══ 1.1.111. JR04197: XGA: CharStringPos Positioning Was Incorrect ═══ JR04197: XGA: CharStringPos Positioning Was Incorrect If CharStringPos is called with the following parameters: Transform required, clipping to the opaque rectangle and use of the current position as the start position, with no other options, then the text was not correctly positioned. ═══ 1.1.112. JR04209: COM02.SYS Caused Internal Processing Error ═══ JR04209: COM02.SYS Caused Internal Processing Error This problem was caused by having interrupts enabled when the buffer head pointer was checked in COM02.SYS. If a read interrupt came in during the head pointer check, COM02 could miscalculate the number of bytes remaining to be read, and send 64K bytes to the user. This caused IPEs and other errors. ═══ 1.1.113. JR04211: REXX Stream Cmd Return Code Inconsistencies ═══ JR04211: REXX Stream Cmd Return Code Inconsistencies The REXX stream command had inconsistencies in the return code. REXX was returning "Ready:" with a colon. The colon should not follow the return code string. ═══ 1.1.114. JR04212: REXX CharOut Incorrectly Returned 0 ═══ JR04212: REXX CharOut Incorrectly Returned 0 The REXX CharOut function should return the number of characters that it did not write to the file. It was only returning 0. ═══ 1.1.115. JR04221: PostScript Driver Picked Wrong Paper Bin ═══ JR04221: PostScript Driver Picked Wrong Paper Bin The PostScript driver selected the wrong paper bin on User Defined forms. This only affected jobs that received their DriverData from the queue. ═══ 1.1.116. JR04224: Host-Directed Jobs Lost ═══ JR04224: Host-Directed Jobs Lost When several small jobs were printed on a PS/2 Model 95, only the first job was printed. ═══ 1.1.117. JR04229: CM Shut Down After VioSetOrg ═══ JR04229: CM Shut Down After VioSetOrg Communications Manager shut down after VioSetOrg, a PM call, was called with invalid window coordinates. ═══ 1.1.118. JR04248: Problems Starting Presentation Manager ═══ JR04248: Problems Starting Presentation Manager A user had problems starting PM after installing WR05015 level code. The problems were caused by a reinstallation of 1.2 level INI files on top of a 1.3 system. This can be done, but the INI files need to be processed by MAKEINI because the system DLLs which are loaded at PM startup have changed. A related problem, having to do with the environment string stored for programs in the INI files, has also been resolved. ═══ 1.1.119. JR04262: Blue Band When Switched to PM ═══ JR04262: Blue Band When Switched to PM Using the VGA Driver and switching to PM from the view mode of a word-processing program caused a blue band across the display. ═══ 1.1.120. JR04267: File Mgr Search Trap With Wrong-Format Date ═══ JR04267: File Mgr Search Trap With Wrong-Format Date When a date was entered in the wrong format for a File Manager search, a trap occurred. ═══ 1.1.121. JR04277: VIEW Could Not Open More Than 5 INF Files ═══ JR04277: VIEW Could Not Open More Than 5 INF Files The VIEW command was failing to open more than five INF files because VIEWDOC (the View Server) had run out of handles. The number of file handles has now been increased to 50. ═══ 1.1.122. JR04278: Print Mgr Did Not Refresh Prtr Queue on LAN ═══ JR04278: Print Mgr Did Not Refresh Prtr Queue on LAN Under certain conditions Print Manager did not refresh the printer queue when printing to a server printer across the LAN. ═══ 1.1.123. JR04292: Wrong Help in "Help for Help" ═══ JR04292: Wrong Help in "Help for Help" When a footnote from Help was opened, the wrong Help appeared if "HELP FOR HELP", "KEYS HELP", or "EXTENDED HELP" was selected. ═══ 1.1.124. JR04304: PM Did Not Restore XGA Palette ═══ JR04304: PM Did Not Restore XGA Palette The XGA driver did not restore the palette when a PM screen refresh occurred. ═══ 1.1.125. JR04348: WinGetErrorInfo Returned Garbled Text ═══ JR04348: WinGetErrorInfo Returned Garbled Text Because of an error in PMWIN.DLL, WINGETERRORINFO returned garbled text. ═══ 1.1.126. JR04349: REX0043 Error When Comment Not Terminated ═══ JR04349: REX0043 Error When Comment Not Terminated When a line of code that called a subroutine was followed by a line with an incomplete comment (missing a */), an error 6 was generated. REXX pointed to the line containing the subroutine call instead of to the following line which had the problem. ═══ 1.1.127. JR04398: Combo Box Did Not Receive Double Click ═══ JR04398: Combo Box Did Not Receive Double Click The combo box did not properly receive CBN_ENTER notification messages from double clicks. ═══ 1.1.128. JR04406: REXX Parse Incorrectly Allocated Memory ═══ JR04406: REXX Parse Incorrectly Allocated Memory The parse function in REXX incorrectly allocated memory when a period was used. ═══ 1.1.129. JR04414: Restarted Server Receives SYS0303 ═══ JR04414: Restarted Server Receives SYS0303 When a server was stopped and restarted (NET START), it received a SYS0303 error. When NET STOP SERVER was issued, the server received NET2190. This occurred because DOS_QFInfo did not call KmodeExit under certain conditions. If DOS_Get_Drive_Freespace returned with carry set, DOS_QFInfo simply returned. ═══ 1.1.130. JR04421: Many Interrupts Caused Stack Overflow ═══ JR04421: Many Interrupts Caused Stack Overflow An internal processing error occurred in the math co-processor code. The system detected a local stack overflow condition. This occurred because of a large number of interrupt requests being serviced by the system at the time of an NPX context switch. ═══ 1.1.131. JR04435: Icon Text Displayed in Code Page 850 ═══ JR04435: Icon Text Displayed in Code Page 850 The title text in Group Main correctly used code page 437. The ICON text incorrectly used code page 850. This difference was noticeable when Greek characters were used. ═══ 1.1.132. JR04440: Multiple Parallel-Printing Problems ═══ JR04440: Multiple Parallel-Printing Problems The system hung when multiple jobs were sent to multiple printers on multiple queues. ═══ 1.1.133. JR04441: Lockup Did Not Wait After IPL ═══ JR04441: Lockup Did Not Wait After IPL If the Lock Facility was started at system IPL, the facility engaged at IPL time without waiting the time specified in the auto-lockup timeout field. ═══ 1.1.134. JR04447: OS2.INI File Grew ═══ JR04447: OS2.INI File Grew The OS2.INI file grew continuously because free space was not being reused. ═══ 1.1.135. JR04489: HPFS CACHE Line Added Incorrectly to CONFIG ═══ JR04489: HPFS CACHE Line Added Incorrectly to CONFIG The CONFIG.SYS statement which specified an HPFS cache size of 64 did not have a space before the parameter. This caused the system to be unbootable. ═══ 1.1.136. JR04491: Changes Needed For Minimum Install ═══ JR04491: Changes Needed For Minimum Install Extended Services/2 has several dependencies on function provided by the Operating System. These dependencies include Keyboard.DCP and View.EXE. For the Extended Services/2 customer these two functions are needed for proper minimum Base System installation. ═══ 1.1.137. JR04496: Blanks Before Filename Could Not Be Deleted ═══ JR04496: Blanks Before Filename Could Not Be Deleted A file with blanks before the filename could not be deleted. ═══ 1.1.138. JR04500: Spooler Could Not Find Queue Driver ═══ JR04500: Spooler Could Not Find Queue Driver On reboot, if the spooler could not find a queue processor on the network drive that was listed in the INI file, it edited the INI file to change the location to a default location. If the user started the network at a later time, the user had to reinstall the queue processor to change the drive location back to the correct network drive. ═══ 1.1.139. JR04503: LOCKUP Icons Needed More Definitions ═══ JR04503: LOCKUP Icons Needed More Definitions The two ICONS used by Lockup (Lockpx.ICO and Lockup.ICO) only contained a definition for a device independent 64x64 ICON. They also needed a 40x40 definition (for 8514/A and XGA) and a 32x16 defintion (for CGA). Without these, the picture was messy. ═══ 1.1.140. JR04505: Big OS/2 Logo Not Displayed Correctly ═══ JR04505: Big OS/2 Logo Not Displayed Correctly After installation of 1.30.1, the big OS/2 Logo was not displayed after lockup until the picture panel had been displayed and OK had been selected. Instead, only the small OS/2 Logo was displayed. ═══ 1.1.141. JR04508: Lockup Could Not Display Bitmap Files ═══ JR04508: Lockup Could Not Display Bitmap Files Display of bitmap files did not work in Lockup. ═══ 1.1.142. JR04509: PMPrint Didn't Handle DevEscape/EndDoc Fail ═══ JR04509: PMPrint Didn't Handle DevEscape/EndDoc Fail PMPrint could not handle the failure of DevEscape/EndDoc. ═══ 1.1.143. JR04510: Hang During Install on PS/2 Model 35 SX/LS ═══ JR04510: Hang During Install on PS/2 Model 35 SX/LS OS/2 1.30.1 hung after installation on a PS/2 Model 35 SX/LS configured with 1 floppy diskette drive and one 80 MB fixed disk. The system hung when the floppy diskette drive was disabled from the reference diskette and the system was booted. ═══ 1.1.144. JR04512: Laser Printer Generated Spurious Interrupts ═══ JR04512: Laser Printer Generated Spurious Interrupts When a print job was sent to the 4019 printer when the power was off, out-of-paper and select-lines messages were incorrectly sent. ═══ 1.1.145. JR04516: Could Not Print to LPT1 With LPT1/2 Cards ═══ JR04516: Could Not Print to LPT1 With LPT1/2 Cards A user could not print from a PS/2 Model 35 with LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3 serial parallel cards. ═══ 1.1.146. JR04521: Data Lost on Model 90/95 ═══ JR04521: Data Lost on Model 90/95 Data loss occurred on Model 90/95 when printer intervention is required. ═══ 1.1.147. JR04525: Could Not Copy > 1 Files to Root ═══ JR04525: Could Not Copy > 1 Files to Root The user was unable to copy two or more files to the root of another drive in the File Manager. ═══ 1.1.148. JR04526: Pm_Mov_Border Caused Internal Error ═══ JR04526: Pm_Mov_Border Caused Internal Error Pm_Mov_Border corruption caused an internal error because a Pm_Mov_Border pointer was invalid. ═══ 1.1.149. JR04527: CreateSplFile() Mem Alloc Caused GP Fault ═══ JR04527: CreateSplFile() Mem Alloc Caused GP Fault Memory allocated outside a semaphore in CreateSplFile code caused a GP fault. ═══ 1.1.150. JR04528: Change of Prtr Name Allowed During Print ═══ JR04528: Change of Prtr Name Allowed During Print While jobs were printing, Print Manager allowed the user to change the current printer name, causing the print job to stop and the printer name to be changed. ═══ 1.1.151. JR04529: Check-Power-Mode Caused OEM Drive Problems ═══ JR04529: Check-Power-Mode Caused OEM Drive Problems Disk01.SYS issued a "Check Power Mode" command to the DASD controller to determine whether the fixed disk in Laptop machines had powered down. This command caused some OEM IDE to malfunction. The command will now only be issued on a IBM Model 40. ═══ 1.1.152. JR04530: Only Server Could Respond to Dialog Box ═══ JR04530: Only Server Could Respond to Dialog Box In some circumstances, only the server could respond to a printer-driver dialog box. This occurred because the user ID was omitted from print jobs submitted by a PM application. ═══ 1.1.153. JR04531: Intermittent Trap Ds on Model 80 ═══ JR04531: Intermittent Trap Ds on Model 80 Intermittant trap Ds occurred in code that checked to see if two (2) or more threads were using the same pipe semaphore. ═══ 1.1.154. JR04532: Trap in File Mgr If Search On > 12 Chars ═══ JR04532: Trap in File Mgr If Search On > 12 Chars A trap D occurred in File Manager if a filename with more than 12 characters was used in the Search option. ═══ 1.1.155. JR04536: Printing Did Not Resume ═══ JR04536: Printing Did Not Resume With an OEM application and an OEM printer, the printer started printing but stopped before a graphics page was printed. A message with the retry option was presented. When retry was selected, the printing did not resume. ═══ 1.1.156. JR04537: Format Had "Out of Memory" Error ═══ JR04537: Format Had "Out of Memory" Error Format returned an "Out of memory" error. ═══ 1.1.157. JR04538: Print Mgr Allowed Queue With Invalid Char ═══ JR04538: Print Mgr Allowed Queue With Invalid Char The Print Manager allowed a queue to be added with a blank in the queue name. The queue name could not be deleted or changed. ═══ 1.1.158. JR04541: Format Incorrect For Large Hardfiles ═══ JR04541: Format Incorrect For Large Hardfiles Formatting was not handled properly on systems with large (2GB) hardfiles and FAT partitions. ═══ 1.1.159. JR04544: Trap D on Shutdown ═══ JR04544: Trap D on Shutdown KbdPostTrace caused a trap to occur if trace was enabled and the system was running an OEM spreadsheet. ═══ 1.1.160. JR04545: Trap 8 at System Initialization ═══ JR04545: Trap 8 at System Initialization During a system boot, the IBM Banner was displayed and the system appeared to hang. Internally, the system had detected a trap 8. ═══ 1.1.161. JR04546: File Manager Trap With DOS Batch Files ═══ JR04546: File Manager Trap With DOS Batch Files In File Manager, when the user executed one DOS batch file followed by another from the same drive and subdirectory, a trap D occurred. ═══ 1.1.162. JR04552: Combo Box Ignored Double Click ═══ JR04552: Combo Box Ignored Double Click The double click was ignored on the down arrow of a drop-down combo box. ═══ 1.1.163. JR04553: Invalid Output for GPICharString ═══ JR04553: Invalid Output for GPICharString When a string had 246 characters, it was repeated every 246 characters with GPICharStringAT and GPICharString. ═══ 1.1.164. JR04571: Trap 8 in PMSHELL.EXE during remote IPL ═══ JR04571: Trap 8 in PMSHELL.EXE during remote IPL During the boot of an OS/2 remote-IPL client, a trap 8 (stack overrun) occurred. ═══ 1.1.165. JR04575: Spooler Did Not Choose Correct Printer Drvr ═══ JR04575: Spooler Did Not Choose Correct Printer Drvr When the customer set the printer/queue to "IBM4019.IBM 4019 Laserprinter" and spooled a job to the queue, the job picked up the correct driver but would not print until the user reset the printer and queue to use the "IBM4019" printer driver. ═══ 1.1.166. JR04576: Spooler Did Not Pause PM_Q_STD Print Jobs ═══ JR04576: Spooler Did Not Pause PM_Q_STD Print Jobs The spooler did not pause PM_Q_STD printing jobs for multiple jobs or multiple copies of one job. ═══ 1.1.167. JR04578: DOSPrintQAdd Had No RC for Bad Separator Pg ═══ JR04578: DOSPrintQAdd Had No RC for Bad Separator Pg DOSPrintQAdd and DOSPrintQChange did not have a return code for a bad separator page. They will now return Invalid Parameter (87) for a bad separator page. ═══ 1.1.168. JR04579: GPICreateLogFont Did Not Return Error ═══ JR04579: GPICreateLogFont Did Not Return Error CreateLogFont always returned FONT_MATCH, even when it could not properly match the face name. ═══ 1.1.169. JR04580: Wrong MediaSense Info Returned ═══ JR04580: Wrong MediaSense Info Returned Format operated incorrectly because the wrong MediaSense information was returned. ═══ 1.1.170. JR04585: HelpMgr Passed Invalid Drive Data ═══ JR04585: HelpMgr Passed Invalid Drive Data HelpMgr used incomplete DrivData for DevOpenDC print. ═══ 1.1.171. JR04586: Hang When FDISKPM Created > 24 Partitions ═══ JR04586: Hang When FDISKPM Created > 24 Partitions FDISKPM allowed creation of 24 primary partitions. This was equal to drive letters C: through Z: However, FDISKPM did not check for the existence of secondary (mirrored) partitions allocated as part of the Fault Tolerance support. These partitions have a partition type of x'87'. ═══ 1.1.172. JR04588: Format Did Not Recognize Mirrored Drives ═══ JR04588: Format Did Not Recognize Mirrored Drives Drives that are mirrored should not be reformatted to the FAT file system. Format needed to recognize mirrored drives and prevent the user from doing a format on a mirrored drive. ═══ 1.1.173. JR04591: Epson Driver Failed to Cancel Job ═══ JR04591: Epson Driver Failed to Cancel Job A cancelled print job was correctly taken out of Print Manager but it continued to print. ═══ 1.1.174. JR04593: Printing Graph Slow With Laserjet Driver ═══ JR04593: Printing Graph Slow With Laserjet Driver With the Print Manager spooler enabled, graphs from an OEM spreadsheet application were printed very slowly. This occurred because engine fonts were used and the Fast System Fonts option was not enabled. This option, which downloads engine fonts once and defines them as device fonts, will now be enabled. ═══ 1.1.175. JR04594: PScript Driver Incorrectly Spaced Letters ═══ JR04594: PScript Driver Incorrectly Spaced Letters When using Garamond Typestyle and printing from an OEM application, there was no spacing between the letters, and sometimes letters were completely overlayed. ═══ 1.1.176. JR04595: Trap Printing Concurrent Jobs ═══ JR04595: Trap Printing Concurrent Jobs A trap D occurred when the IBM5152 print driver was used in an environment with several print jobs executing simultaneously. ═══ 1.1.177. JR04596: Jobs Not Cancelled From Print Manager ═══ JR04596: Jobs Not Cancelled From Print Manager When jobs were cancelled in Print Manager, Print Manager seemed to cancel the jobs, but they were not cancelled. ═══ 1.1.178. JR04598: Epson Add-Form Focus Sequence Wrong ═══ JR04598: Epson Add-Form Focus Sequence Wrong In the Epson driver main window, the user chose Options and Add Form. When the tab button was hit, the wrong focus sequence was run. ═══ 1.1.179. JR04600: GPIQueryRealColors Should Ret Matching Vals ═══ JR04600: GPIQueryRealColors Should Ret Matching Vals The return value of DevQueryCaps(hdc,caps_phys_colors,1l,&1devcap) should match the values returned from GPIQueryRealColors. This was not always the case. ═══ 1.1.180. JR04601: Missing Text in Test Case ═══ JR04601: Missing Text in Test Case A testcase printed boxes with text missing. Some coordinates were not being converted from World to Device space. ═══ 1.1.181. JR04604: Metafile Printed in Lower Left Corner ═══ JR04604: Metafile Printed in Lower Left Corner A metafile printed in reduced size in the lower left corner of the page. This occurred when the file was sent direct. If it was queued, it printed correctly. ═══ 1.1.182. JR04606: Testcase Missing Lines of Text ═══ JR04606: Testcase Missing Lines of Text A test case produced output with two lines of text missing in the first and seventh paragraphs. The test case worked correctly if Fast Fonts was disabled. ═══ 1.1.183. JR04609: Wrong Output for Image Fonts in Char_Mode_2 ═══ JR04609: Wrong Output for Image Fonts in Char_Mode_2 A backward image in Char_Mode_2 started in the right place but printed the rest of the characters forward rather than backward. By the definition of Char_Mode_2, in the case of image fonts, attributes are supposed to be used to position the characters, even though the characters themselves are not sheared, rotated, scaled or reversed. Only with the Laserjet should we get a backward image in the forward direction. ═══ 1.1.184. JR04611: GPICharStringPosAt Did Not Clip Background ═══ JR04611: GPICharStringPosAt Did Not Clip Background GPICharStringPosAt(chs_clipp...) clipped the characters but not the background. ═══ 1.1.185. JR04613: PScript-Sidekick Notepad Failed to Print ═══ JR04613: PScript-Sidekick Notepad Failed to Print PScript-Sidekick Notepad failed to print from a requester that had OS/2 1.3 EE SPE which was connected to a server that had OS/2 1.3 GOLDEN installed. ═══ 1.1.186. JR04615: Fonts Did Not Print With Fast Fonts Enabled ═══ JR04615: Fonts Did Not Print With Fast Fonts Enabled When Fast Fonts was enabled, no fonts could be printed. This problem occurred with legal size paper. ═══ 1.1.187. JR04618: String Printed at Wrong Angle ═══ JR04618: String Printed at Wrong Angle The PScript driver did not support printing strings at angles other than the major ones (i.e. 90, 180 degrees) with the width vector in GPICharPos. It should be possible to print strings at other angles. ═══ 1.1.188. JR04619: Clip Paths Not Circular ═══ JR04619: Clip Paths Not Circular Clip paths were rectangular when they should have been circular. ═══ 1.1.189. JR04621: GPIQueryClipRegion Failed on PCL ═══ JR04621: GPIQueryClipRegion Failed on PCL GPIQueryClipRegion failed when a null region was returned. ═══ 1.1.190. JR04627: GPIPolyMarker Did Not Work for Metafile ═══ JR04627: GPIPolyMarker Did Not Work for Metafile GPIPolyMarker did not work properly in a metafile. The points parameter of GPIPolyMarker was not handled correctly in PMGPI. In the client window, some blanks were shown in the place of characters that should have been there. ═══ 1.1.191. JR04631: Trap 0 in BVHVGA Routine FindFont ═══ JR04631: Trap 0 in BVHVGA Routine FindFont In a testcase, a trap 0 occurred in the BVHVGA routine FindFont. This was caused by runtime divide-by-zero errors. ═══ 1.1.192. JR04633: Slow Print Performance on PS/2s ═══ JR04633: Slow Print Performance on PS/2s The use of an incorrect variable for a controlling loop within the hardware interrupt was causing slower printer performance on PS/2s. Printing was slower, but no data was corrupted or lost. ═══ 1.1.193. JR04638: FDISKPM Delete Did Not Work ═══ JR04638: FDISKPM Delete Did Not Work The user had a Model 80 with two ESDIs and seven SCSIs, all with Primary and Extended Partitions. From FDISKPM, if the user selected Options and/or viewed before using the tab to select the partition for Delete, the Delete Option was not available. ═══ 1.1.194. JR04642: Problems With WinSetWindowPos ═══ JR04642: Problems With WinSetWindowPos The use of WinSetWindowPos with the Swp_Minimize option while an ICON was being moved interfered with the ICON move. ═══ 1.1.195. JR04643: GPICharTestPre1 Printed Str at Wrong Angle ═══ JR04643: GPICharTestPre1 Printed Str at Wrong Angle In a test case, a string was printed horizontally to the right at zero degrees instead of vertically downward at 270 degrees. This problem was caused by the incorrect handling of the angle information in the Laserjet driver. ═══ 1.1.196. JR04644: Host Print Job Waited to Go to Spooler ═══ JR04644: Host Print Job Waited to Go to Spooler A second host-directed print job waited to go to the spooler until the first was being printed. ═══ 1.1.197. JR04645: Misleading Msg for Saving Nonexistant File ═══ JR04645: Misleading Msg for Saving Nonexistant File Customer was setting up a seperator in the Network Option of the queue set in Print Manager and misspelled the name of the seperator page. When attempting to save the changes, the user received "PMV5028 - Stop...INI File Read Only. System error 16411." After locating the misspelled name, the user was able to correct it and save the changes to the file. There should be a better message, such as "File not found." ═══ 1.1.198. JR04646: PMV2016 (No Font Files Found) ═══ JR04646: PMV2016 (No Font Files Found) If a long file name preceeded a font file name in the C:\OS2\DLL directory on a HPFS system, the user was unable to install additional fonts or do a directory of existing font files. ═══ 1.1.199. JR04648: Drvr Not Setting Selectable Prtr Properties ═══ JR04648: Drvr Not Setting Selectable Prtr Properties With multiple tray printers, when a form name longer than 31 characters was associated with a tray in printer properties but was not selected in the printer job properties, the job received a "Forms Mismatch" error in the spooler. ═══ 1.1.200. JR04649: Destroyed Dialog or Message Box Problems ═══ JR04649: Destroyed Dialog or Message Box Problems When a Dialog Box was created from the main window and later destroyed, the Dialog (or Message Box) did not release from the owner's queue. In other words, when the main window destroyed the second window, the WinDlgBox call did not return until the main window was completely closed from the system menu. ═══ 1.1.201. JR04651: IBM52XX.DRV Translation Errors in Title Box ═══ JR04651: IBM52XX.DRV Translation Errors in Title Box The IBM52XX.DRV popup Select Target Directory box was too short for the title. ═══ 1.1.202. JR04652: Trap When Key Pressed Quickly ═══ JR04652: Trap When Key Pressed Quickly In a PM application, if a key was pressed quickly after a menu item was selected with the mouse, a trap D occurred. This happened because the menu logic assumed that an item was currently selected if a submenu was open. ═══ 1.1.203. JR04653: GPIQryTestBoxExh Failed to Plot Box ═══ JR04653: GPIQryTestBoxExh Failed to Plot Box The plotter driver was not able to draw a box at a 45 degree angle to wrap the text string. ═══ 1.1.204. JR04654: Messages When Scrollbar Border Touched ═══ JR04654: Messages When Scrollbar Border Touched When the user clicked on the border of one of the scrollbars with the mouse, or the main body of the scrollbar, a WM_VSCROLL or WM_HSCROLL message was generated with the SB_ENDSCROLL indicator, without any other scroll messages being generated. ═══ 1.1.205. JR04655: ShowHelp Had Extra Underline Chars ═══ JR04655: ShowHelp Had Extra Underline Chars When ShowHelp was used to show testcases, the phrases "Element" and "Status Line" had the space before them underlined. ═══ 1.1.206. JR04656: Field in Job Properties Too Short ═══ JR04656: Field in Job Properties Too Short In the Options window of Job Properties, the space for the name of the PostScript driver needed to be wider to accomodate the length of the name. ═══ 1.1.207. JR04657: BACKUP Should Give Another Chance ═══ JR04657: BACKUP Should Give Another Chance If BACKUP did not consider a diskette valid, it would end the complete backup process. It should give the user a chance to try another diskette. ═══ 1.1.208. JR04658: Characters Too Small With 8514/A Adapter ═══ JR04658: Characters Too Small With 8514/A Adapter Characters were too small in the edit windows with the 8514/A adapter. ═══ 1.1.209. JR04659: PostScript Driver Listing Not Alphabetical ═══ JR04659: PostScript Driver Listing Not Alphabetical In the control panel, the PostScript printer-driver listing should to be in alphabetical order. Most of the drivers were in order but a few were scattered throughout the list. ═══ 1.1.210. JR04660: GPI Test Cases Did Not Print From Origin ═══ JR04660: GPI Test Cases Did Not Print From Origin GPI test cases were not printing the displayed images with respect to the Origin Orientation of the sheet. ═══ 1.1.211. JR04663: WinFlashWindow Resizes All Clients ═══ JR04663: WinFlashWindow Resizes All Clients When a window was repainted/resized, all flashing windows were repainted/resized. WinFlashWindow was used to flash the window. ═══ 1.1.212. JR04665: Epson Driver Did Not Change Paper Source ═══ JR04665: Epson Driver Did Not Change Paper Source The Epson driver was not transferring printer properties to jobs. If a printer was originally setup as a Tract or Feed printer and a queue was defined, the queue would inherit the tractor feed properties. If the printer was changed, the queue would not inherit the new printer properties. ═══ 1.1.213. JR04667: Underscore Not Scaled to Device Resolution ═══ JR04667: Underscore Not Scaled to Device Resolution When the printer was set to less than 300 DPI, especially 75 DPI, the underscore was too big. This happened only on device fonts. ═══ 1.1.214. JR04668: TREE Cmd Issued Incorrect Error Msg ═══ JR04668: TREE Cmd Issued Incorrect Error Msg The TREE command returned an error when the /F parameter was used in either OS/2 or OS/2 DOS Box. ═══ 1.1.215. JR04669: DOSPrintJobAdd Caused SYS0071 on Ntwk Prt ═══ JR04669: DOSPrintJobAdd Caused SYS0071 on Ntwk Prt DOSPrintJobAdd returned 2166 causing a SYS0071 error on a network print. When requestors were redirecting their files to a shared print queue, they received a SYS0071 error message from the command "copy file1 lpt6". ═══ 1.1.216. JR04671: Trap D on Models 90 and 95 After IPL ═══ JR04671: Trap D on Models 90 and 95 After IPL Model 90 and 95s were receiving a trap D installing IBMXGA.DLL after an IPL. ═══ 1.1.217. JR04672: Pattern-Filled Box Not Clipped ═══ JR04672: Pattern-Filled Box Not Clipped A pattern-filled box was not correctly clipped by PMPrint or PMPlot. ═══ 1.1.218. JR04673: GPIQueryColor Returned Wrong Color ═══ JR04673: GPIQueryColor Returned Wrong Color GPIQueryColor returned the wrong color because the plotter driver returned incorrect index values. ═══ 1.1.219. JR04674: Plotter Driver Wrote Str to Null Region ═══ JR04674: Plotter Driver Wrote Str to Null Region The plotter driver, equipped with the PMPlot queue processor, was not able to recognize in either the queued or direct mode that it printed a string in a null region. ═══ 1.1.220. JR04675: Error With Addition of Printer ═══ JR04675: Error With Addition of Printer When a printer was added from Print Manager, the printer did not get created in the printer table. It was added to the INI file in Pm_Spooler_Printer but no Epson App/Key fields were created. ═══ 1.1.221. JR04686: Right Side of Combo Box Truncated ═══ JR04686: Right Side of Combo Box Truncated On an 8514 display, a simple combo box was missing its right border. ═══ 1.1.222. JR04690: DISK02 Updated a Wrong Register ═══ JR04690: DISK02 Updated a Wrong Register Disk02.SYS updated the wrong register, causing a problem with the keyboard device driver. Characters were displayed with a carat between them, as if the Ctrl key was pressed. ═══ 1.1.223. JR04691: Scrollbars Incorrectly Gave Scroll Messages ═══ JR04691: Scrollbars Incorrectly Gave Scroll Messages When a scrollbar button was selected with the mouse, WM_Hscroll or WM_Vscroll messages were generated and would continue until the button was released, even if the end of the scroll bar was reached. The button should be disabled and the messages cease when the end is reached. ═══ 1.1.224. JR04693: Grayed Action Bar Allowed Selection ═══ JR04693: Grayed Action Bar Allowed Selection If a menu was constructed completely with calls to WinCreateMenu with null for the template and by sending MM_InsertItem messages, the pulldowns thus created were actually created with the style of an action bar. Hence, their items were treated as selectable even when disabled and grayed. There was no way to disable such an item from sending WM_Command messages to the application. ═══ 1.1.225. JR04695: MLE Not Refreshed Correctly After Scroll ═══ JR04695: MLE Not Refreshed Correctly After Scroll An MLE was not being refreshed correctly after a scroll off and back on the screen. ═══ 1.1.226. JR04696: Trap D on External Resource Server ═══ JR04696: Trap D on External Resource Server A customer has one D/C with 4 RIPL workstations attached and another D/C with no workstations but sharing a file that the 4 DLR workstations were using as an external resource. The 4 workstations RIPLed but when they tried to I/O the files it caused a trap D at the server that was the external resource. The D/C that was RIPLing was formatted in FAT. The other D/C (external resource) was formatted HPFS. ═══ 1.1.227. JR04697: Problems When Several Prtr Drvrs Installed ═══ JR04697: Problems When Several Prtr Drvrs Installed PMSPOOL trapped when the user selected "Many" drivers for a particular printer. There was a limit of 512 bytes of information allowed in the buffer for this, but there was no test to determine when the buffer was full. Overrunning the buffer would cause a trap when all the drivers were selected. ═══ 1.1.228. JR04698: No Help for SYS0303 ═══ JR04698: No Help for SYS0303 There was no help for message SYS0303. ═══ 1.1.229. JR04699: 128-Char Stmt in DEF File Caused Trap D ═══ JR04699: 128-Char Stmt in DEF File Caused Trap D If the DEF file had a description statement containing exactly 128 characters between the single quotes, Implib failed with a trap D. Fewer than 127 characters was accepted, and 129 or more characters resulted in a "Syntax Error" message. ═══ 1.1.230. JR04704: Mouse Button Inconsistencies ═══ JR04704: Mouse Button Inconsistencies Direct manipulation of PM windows and window borders was possible using mouse buttons 1 and 2. Direct manipulation of icons in the File Manager was possible only with mouse button 2. (Desktop ICons could be manipulated with Mouse button 1 as well.) Direct manipulation of the scroll bar control was possible only with mouse button 1. This scenario was inconsistent and confusing to users. ═══ 1.1.231. JR04705: XCOPY Passed Incorrect Length ═══ JR04705: XCOPY Passed Incorrect Length XCOPY trapped when it passed an incorrect length for the result buffer to the file system. ═══ 1.1.232. JR04706: KbdStringIn Did Not Retrieve Keystrokes ═══ JR04706: KbdStringIn Did Not Retrieve Keystrokes With the KbdStringIn function in binary mode, if a user set the IOWAIT parameter to NOWAIT, the function did not retrieve keystrokes from the keyboard buffer. ═══ 1.1.233. JR04707: XCOPY Returned SYS1693 ═══ JR04707: XCOPY Returned SYS1693 If the root directory of c: contained a file with the name xyz and drive d: had a subdirectory of the same name xyz, then the command: XCOPY d:*.* c: /s failed with the message: SYS1693: The system cannot create the directory. The following message: SYS1248: A subdirectory or file xyz already exists. is more appropriate and helps isolate the problem. ═══ 1.1.234. JR04710: File Mgr Hidden Subdir Search Did Not Work ═══ JR04710: File Mgr Hidden Subdir Search Did Not Work A file Manager search for a heden subdirectory returned error PM1070 which said no files or subdirectories could be found. ═══ 1.1.235. JR04718: GPISetClipPath Did Not Clip at Boundary ═══ JR04718: GPISetClipPath Did Not Clip at Boundary Testcases were not clipped at the boundary of the circle or square. ═══ 1.1.236. JR04721: GPIQueryRealColors Returned Incorrect Value ═══ JR04721: GPIQueryRealColors Returned Incorrect Value The return value of DevQueryCaps should match the values returned from GPIQueryRealColors. This was not always the case. ═══ 1.1.237. JR04724: Data Loss in PostScript Mode on User Forms ═══ JR04724: Data Loss in PostScript Mode on User Forms A4-based user-defined forms experienced data loss in PostScript mode for the 4019 PostScript driver. ═══ 1.1.238. JR04731: QueryLogicalFont Did Not Return FATTRS Info ═══ JR04731: QueryLogicalFont Did Not Return FATTRS Info The information for the FATTR structure in the FSSelection field was not being returned by the QueryLogicalFont. ═══ 1.1.239. JR04732: PScript Drvr Truncated Env Form Size Name ═══ JR04732: PScript Drvr Truncated Env Form Size Name The Envelope form size name was truncated by the 4019 PScript driver. The form names are greater than 32 bytes and the buffer was only handling 30 bytes. ═══ 1.1.240. JR04734: Optional Items Not on Prtr Setup Menu ═══ JR04734: Optional Items Not on Prtr Setup Menu The IBM 4019 printer has an optional second paper tray and envelope feeder. It would be helpful to have these optional selections on the printer setup menu. ═══ 1.1.241. JR04749: REXX Cmd Files Failed During Startup ═══ JR04749: REXX Cmd Files Failed During Startup The customer reported that their system was trapping during Startup while processing REXX Command Files. ═══ 1.1.242. JR04755: Missing Colons in DSC Comments ═══ JR04755: Missing Colons in DSC Comments Using the File Manager print faciltiy, an ASCII text file was "printed" to a file using the Apple II NTX PostScript driver. When examining the resultant file, it was observed that the %%Page DSC comments were missing the colon character in all occurrences except for the first. The first instance appeared as "%%page: 1 1" and the others looked like "%%page 2 2." ═══ 1.1.243. JR04769: Trap D in PScript Driver ═══ JR04769: Trap D in PScript Driver When the Options panel was brought up after a raw file was created, a trap D occurred. ═══ 1.1.244. JR04771: Bitmap Errors ═══ JR04771: Bitmap Errors Bitmap errors caused by the new OS/2 2.0 Display driver. The PostScript printer driver, in the case of a memory DC during a print request, would default to the display driver. The printer driver also informed the graphics engine to manage the fonts but did not provide the selector to the default raster fonts. ═══ 1.1.245. JR04773: PaperType for PScript in INI File Corrupted ═══ JR04773: PaperType for PScript in INI File Corrupted The paper choice for a tray did not remain when the user returned to the Printer Properties menu. ═══ 1.1.246. JR04777: PMPLOT Truncates Output to One Page ═══ JR04777: PMPLOT Truncates Output to One Page A testcase was producing only one page with PMPLOT. PMPRINT produced the correct amount of pages. ═══ 1.1.247. JR04780: Gray Shade Problem ═══ JR04780: Gray Shade Problem Testcases were blacked out instead of given a gray shade. ═══ 1.1.248. JR04781: GPISetViewingLimits Incorrect Output ═══ JR04781: GPISetViewingLimits Incorrect Output GPISetViewingLimits was called with a Null Rectangle, which in turn drew a page-size, pattern-filled box. The output should show only text and the text signature. Instead, the page-size pattern appears. ═══ 1.1.249. JR04783: Installation of Epson Drvr Caused Trap ═══ JR04783: Installation of Epson Drvr Caused Trap Installing the 1.3 or 1.3.1 Epson driver on OS/2 2.0 caused a trap. ═══ 1.1.250. JR04787: Epson Driver Form Fed Extra Page ═══ JR04787: Epson Driver Form Fed Extra Page An extra page was fed after a print job when using the Epson LQ-850 and LQ-1050. ═══ 1.1.251. JR04790: Prtr Name Incorrect in Select Default Wndw ═══ JR04790: Prtr Name Incorrect in Select Default Wndw The printer names were incorrect in the Select Default Printer window. ═══ 1.1.252. JR04791: GPIQueryClipRegion Failed to Clip ═══ JR04791: GPIQueryClipRegion Failed to Clip The test case created three regions and combined those regions and set a clip region. The GPI call failed and the fonts were not properly clipped. ═══ 1.1.253. JR04792: Incorrect Plots With Pen Width P7 ═══ JR04792: Incorrect Plots With Pen Width P7 Fill patterns were being plotted incorrectly when the pen width in the plotter was increased from P3 to P7. ═══ 1.1.254. JR04794: GPICharTestPre1 Printed Str at Wrong Angle ═══ JR04794: GPICharTestPre1 Printed Str at Wrong Angle When querying the plotter output, the string "CharAngle" was not printing at the right angle. Characters printed at an angle above 45 degrees were printed horizontally. ═══ 1.1.255. JR04796: Text Limit Overflow Error With System Edit ═══ JR04796: Text Limit Overflow Error With System Edit After creating an MLE and setting the TextLimit to its proper value, the system editor did not check if the TextLength was greater than or equal to the TextLimit. ═══ 1.1.256. JR04798: Directory Tree Window Inaccessible ═══ JR04798: Directory Tree Window Inaccessible After maximizing the File Manager and the directory tree and then restoring the File Manager, the user found that the directory was not accessible. ═══ 1.1.257. JR04799: Combo Box Sent WM_USER Message to Itself ═══ JR04799: Combo Box Sent WM_USER Message to Itself The combo box sent the WM_USER message to itself when it received the focus. ═══ 1.1.258. JR04800: Plotter Job Could Not Be Cancelled ═══ JR04800: Plotter Job Could Not Be Cancelled The current plotter job could not be cancelled with an HP Plotter W/7578A. ═══ 1.1.259. JR04801: 1st Page Line Length Different With PScript ═══ JR04801: 1st Page Line Length Different With PScript The customer reported a problem with the PostScript driver in that the Cosmetic Line Width differed from the first page of a document to subsequent pages. ═══ 1.1.260. JR04805: IBM5216 Driver Font Missing Family Name ═══ JR04805: IBM5216 Driver Font Missing Family Name Family Name returned on default font was not correctly specified as Courier in the IBM5216 Device driver. ═══ 1.1.261. JR04806: Epson Print Driver Did Not Form Feed ═══ JR04806: Epson Print Driver Did Not Form Feed Customer was using the Epson driver, but the problem was duplicated on a Proprinter X24E. When printing from the command line (e.g. Copy Filename.EXT Lpt1:) and using Proprinter X24E with IBM42XX.DRV, the printer head would stop on the last character of the print job without causing a page eject to reposition the printer head ready for the next job. ═══ 1.1.262. JR04807: Epson Driver Had Serialization Problem ═══ JR04807: Epson Driver Had Serialization Problem The customer's multi-threaded print application was experiencing unpredictable behavior when printing to the Epson driver. ═══ 1.1.263. JR04808: Had to Cursor Down in Mult Select Listbox ═══ JR04808: Had to Cursor Down in Mult Select Listbox A multiselection listbox was having highlighting problems and working inconsistently. ═══ 1.1.264. JR04809: WinGetLastError Did Not Return Error ═══ JR04809: WinGetLastError Did Not Return Error WinGetLastError did not return an error code if WinSetFocus failed. It has now been fixed to return an error code if WinSetFocus returns false. ═══ 1.1.265. JR04810: Printer Port Not Assigned to New Printer ═══ JR04810: Printer Port Not Assigned to New Printer An incorrect buffer size caused a problem with the assignment of a new printer. ═══ 1.1.266. JR04816: Could Not Copy Between Network Drives ═══ JR04816: Could Not Copy Between Network Drives A problem occurred when files from network drives that were not in consecutive order were copied. ═══ 1.1.267. JR04821: Trap in File Mgr When * Used in Rename ═══ JR04821: Trap in File Mgr When * Used in Rename The filename Rename option was not truncating the expanded name properly. ═══ 1.1.268. JR04823: Prototype For I_StrScan Not Included ═══ JR04823: Prototype For I_StrScan Not Included The prototype for the function (I_Strscan) was never included in the file in which it resided. ═══ 1.1.269. JR04824: ESC Did Not Remove the About Box in Prt Mgr ═══ JR04824: ESC Did Not Remove the About Box in Prt Mgr The Escape key label was missing. ═══ 1.1.270. JR04828: PScript Drvr Generated Incorrect EPS Header ═══ JR04828: PScript Drvr Generated Incorrect EPS Header The PScript.DRV created the incorrect PostScript header information for the EPS File. ═══ 1.1.271. JR04833: Spooler Hooking Mechanism Missing ═══ JR04833: Spooler Hooking Mechanism Missing Customers used the 1.2 Spooler hooking mechanism provided by SPL1A/SPL2A. This function was removed by the 1.3 Spooler. The function was added back into 2.0 but not 1.3. ═══ 1.1.272. JR04835: Print Manager Not Reading All Ports ═══ JR04835: Print Manager Not Reading All Ports DOSPrintPortEnum is not returning all the entries under pm_spooler_port from the OS2SYS.INI file. If a key is more than 8 characters in length it is ignored. ═══ 1.1.273. JR04850: GPISetAndQueryCPExh -- Trap 13 in PScript ═══ JR04850: GPISetAndQueryCPExh -- Trap 13 in PScript When testing the US code page the testcase receives a trap 13 on the PostScript driver while the job was spooling. ═══ 1.1.274. JR04860: DevOpenDC Did Not Handle Mult Queue Names ═══ JR04860: DevOpenDC Did Not Handle Mult Queue Names Print jobs lost if there were two queues associated with the same printer. ═══ 1.1.275. JR04862: Program Access Violation for GPIMarkerApp ═══ JR04862: Program Access Violation for GPIMarkerApp Certain GPI testcases were causing a program access violation when using a Laserjet driver. ═══ 1.1.276. JR04872: Wrong Checking in MtUpDateSegmentLength() ═══ JR04872: Wrong Checking in MtUpDateSegmentLength() The segment which contains the data area for segment length were receiving problems from the checking routines. ═══ 1.1.277. JR04874: Application Received Trap With IBM52XX.DRV ═══ JR04874: Application Received Trap With IBM52XX.DRV An OEM application received a trap D when Recompose was selected for printer drivers IBM52XX.DRV. ═══ 1.1.278. JR04876: Problems With Rows, Columns Allowed by XGA ═══ JR04876: Problems With Rows, Columns Allowed by XGA XGA only supported 400,350 and 200 lines, but 480 lines wer required. The XGA BVH did not disallow the 132 column, 60 row mode. ═══ 1.1.279. JR04878: Trap D: Laserjet to 4019 Printer With Emul ═══ JR04878: Trap D: Laserjet to 4019 Printer With Emul After setting up for host print and two queues (Printer1-Laserjet.DRV, Printer2-IBM5152.DRV) and printing all the LUs, the system received a trap D. ═══ 1.1.280. JR04891: Trap 2 During Attempt to Access File or Dir ═══ JR04891: Trap 2 During Attempt to Access File or Dir A trap 2 occurred when the user attempted to access a nonexistent file or directory. ═══ 1.1.281. JR04907: System Hung Formatting FAT Drive ═══ JR04907: System Hung Formatting FAT Drive FAT partitions greater than 128 sectors per cluster were causing the system to hang. ═══ 1.1.282. JR04908: DOSPrintJobAdd Returned 2165 Return Code ═══ JR04908: DOSPrintJobAdd Returned 2165 Return Code A "Spooler memory allocation failure error" occurred when a breakpoint was added on DOSPrintJobAdd with a return code of 2165. ═══ 1.1.283. JR04910: Motor Countdown in BIOS Did Not Work ═══ JR04910: Motor Countdown in BIOS Did Not Work The BIOS data area (In reference to the diskette motor) was not properly counting down. ═══ 1.1.284. JR04911: Trap D in DLGBOX Caused by PMWIN ═══ JR04911: Trap D in DLGBOX Caused by PMWIN A trap D occurred during creation of a dialog box with 1.3 Toolkit. ═══ 1.1.285. JR04913: PS Cosmetic Line Width Was Not Constant ═══ JR04913: PS Cosmetic Line Width Was Not Constant The cosmetic line width changed as Units/Scaling changed. It should remain a constant thickness. ═══ 1.1.286. JR04916: Background Mix Did Not Work on PostScript ═══ JR04916: Background Mix Did Not Work on PostScript The testcases performed exhaustive background tests. The results were that the PostScript driver produced empty boxes on the ColorScript printer. Misinterpretations of the flags between the patterns and background colors was causing some steps to be skipped from the process. The problem has been fixed in GPISetBackColorExh and GPISetBackMixExh. ═══ 1.1.287. JR04919: Not Enough Kerning Pairs in PS ═══ JR04919: Not Enough Kerning Pairs in PS When adding the Berthold Bondoni Regular Font, the printer traps. The number of Kerning Pairs was increased to 1600 from 1024, the output buffer was increased from 8k TO 12k (DYNAMIC ALLOCATION). ═══ 1.1.288. JR04923: Trap D When Cancelling Plotter Job ═══ JR04923: Trap D When Cancelling Plotter Job A trap D occurs when a plotter job was cancelled through the Print Manager. PMPrint exposed some problems in the Plotters.DRV ABORTDOC processing. ═══ 1.1.289. JR04924: Ellipse Axis on a GPIFullArc Visible on PS ═══ JR04924: Ellipse Axis on a GPIFullArc Visible on PS The code did not create a new path if one already existed and at least one FullArc had already been out into the path or area. ═══ 1.1.290. JR04926: Irregular Boundary Line of Triangle on PS ═══ JR04926: Irregular Boundary Line of Triangle on PS Certain GPI calls were improperly drawing a triangle with irregular edges. The right-hand side of the triangle has irregular edges on the output. ═══ 1.1.291. JR04927: Not All Colors Produced ═══ JR04927: Not All Colors Produced When running testcase (GPIColorApp3) all of the colors and some of the images are not being produceed. The standard patterns (PatSym_Horiz, PatSym_Vert and PatSym_Diag1 through PatSym_Diag4) were not aligning properly with the same pattern drawn from the origin of the device coordinate system. ═══ 1.1.292. JR04928: Manual Feed, Legal Tray Did Not Work ═══ JR04928: Manual Feed, Legal Tray Did Not Work When the Manual Feed was using Legal paper the printer went offline and the system Traps. Also, the Legal Cassette Tray was causing the same problem, but the L.E.D. read out tells you "No Legal Tray" so if the tray is switched from upper to lower to where the letter cassette was it will print then hang and put the printer offline. ═══ 1.1.293. JR04940: Trap D in Ftadmin, RECOVER.COM ═══ JR04940: Trap D in Ftadmin, RECOVER.COM When Ftadmin was used to correct an error, a trap occurred. The trapped occurred in the Recover Utility which was used by Ftadmin. A re-install had to be done after the drive was formatted. The problem occurred during an attempt to recover a file that was not stored contiguously on the disk. ═══ 1.1.294. JR04945: System Bitmap Up Arrow Not Legible ═══ JR04945: System Bitmap Up Arrow Not Legible The printing of system bitmaps like the up and down arrow used in scrollbars was not always legible. The up arrow bitmap printed out as a single, black, square blob. ═══ 1.1.295. JR04946: Plotter Draws Geometric Lines Incorrectly ═══ JR04946: Plotter Draws Geometric Lines Incorrectly Thick lines are plotted as a series of short, packed strokes. Thick diagonal lines are constructed of many short stepped horizontal lines. Thick box outlines draw two sides with a few long strokes in the direction of the line. The other two sides are drawn with many short strokes in the same direction. ═══ 1.1.296. JR04947: 42XX Driver Trap ═══ JR04947: 42XX Driver Trap Customers application prints the screen to the spooler repeatedly and eventually fails with a TRAP D in the spooler. ═══ 1.1.297. JR04948: FDISK Should Not Create FAT Partitions > 2GB ═══ JR04948: FDISK Should Not Create FAT Partitions > 2GB FDISK allows creation of large partitions today. However, if one creates a partition much larger than 4GB, the FAT code in the Kernel during the next boot trashes various data structures and hangs after the DASD Open fails (from PMShell). FDISK changed to create partitions > 2GB as IFS partitions. ═══ 1.1.298. JR04949: WinCPTranslateString Did Not Return Error ═══ JR04949: WinCPTranslateString Did Not Return Error When using WinCpTranslateString, if LenDest is not large enough to contain the entire translated string, an error is not returned. ═══ 1.1.299. JR04950: SHD Files Remain in C:\SPOOL ═══ JR04950: SHD Files Remain in C:\SPOOL When a job has completed printing or deleted the SHD file remains in the C:\SPOOL directory instead of being deleted. ═══ 1.1.300. JR04951: Spooler Support Needed for Dot Notation ═══ JR04951: Spooler Support Needed for Dot Notation Spooler support is needed for drivers with dot notation (ex. IBM4019.IBM 4019 LASERPRINTER E) that have been changed from IBM4019 and IBM42XX. ═══ 1.1.301. JR04952: Insert Mode Not Toggled in Multi-Line Edit ═══ JR04952: Insert Mode Not Toggled in Multi-Line Edit The function WinSetSysValue (HWnd_Desktop, SV_Insert Mode,OL) should toggle the insert mode on and off. ═══ 1.1.302. JR04953: Tracefmt.EXE Returned SYS1942 Error ═══ JR04953: Tracefmt.EXE Returned SYS1942 Error The storage outside the limits of the Stack Segment are being violated by the Tracefmt causing an "ABORTING" Error. ═══ 1.1.303. JR04954: Epson Driver Produced Spurious Popup ═══ JR04954: Epson Driver Produced Spurious Popup Customer receiving PMV6017 - Driver file in error or PMV6001 - Processing error DVW30211 when attempting to print with the Epson driver on a Model 95. Several fixes implemented to driver: o System hang waiting on a semaphore owned by a lower priority thread. o Duplicate entries in the PDCI table caused by clearing the table after the HDC was given back to the display. o Problems caused by clearing the PDCI table entries with INT. on. Also, one fix to the XGA driver was implemented: Memory refresh problem on a model 95 only (PTR 6500738). ═══ 1.1.304. JR04958: Partial Plots on the Table Plotters ═══ JR04958: Partial Plots on the Table Plotters Only lower left 2" x 2" plots correctly. Geometric figures partially plot and no text is plotted. ═══ 1.1.305. JR04959: Data Loss Caused By Prtr Control Str on PS ═══ JR04959: Data Loss Caused By Prtr Control Str on PS If two PostScript jobs sent to the queue, the first job will print correctly in PostScript mode (4019 mode 8). The second job prints in 4019 native mode (mode 1) and produces incorrect output. ═══ 1.1.306. JR04961: GP Fault in CHKDSK Caused Data Loss ═══ JR04961: GP Fault in CHKDSK Caused Data Loss The problem was found in the CHKDSK which produces a GF Fault. ═══ 1.1.307. JR04962: Print Manager Trapped Adding Job ═══ JR04962: Print Manager Trapped Adding Job When the Print Manager reaches 2300 or more jobs in the queue the system traps. When the queue reaches exactly 2339, Print Manager causes the system to Trap. ═══ 1.1.308. JR04963: Trap D With XCOPY ═══ JR04963: Trap D With XCOPY The problem occurs in XCOPY2 while reading the source file, and when an error message is printed and control is returned to the caller the return code=0 and the data is bogus. ═══ 1.1.309. JR04965: PMERR_COORDINATE_OVERFLOW Error ═══ JR04965: PMERR_COORDINATE_OVERFLOW Error After GPICreatePS was executed inside a child window, a PMERR_COORDINATE_OVERFLOW error occurred. The problem was caused by the association of a PS (Presentation Space) which had a long coordinate system and a physical device that used a short coordinate system (as all physical devices do). ═══ 1.1.310. JR04969: Separator Pages Not Printed ═══ JR04969: Separator Pages Not Printed The DBCS data fails to print out. Changed separator page handling to use PMX_Functions to handle DBCS characters. ═══ 1.1.311. JR04973: PS2 Mouse Locks Up on Fast Machines ═══ JR04973: PS2 Mouse Locks Up on Fast Machines The problem is that the mouse driver MSP201.SYS is not working with 486 50mhz machines. ═══ 1.1.312. JR04974: Bad Address at PhysGetHeaderInfo ═══ JR04974: Bad Address at PhysGetHeaderInfo The multiple problems were caused by a Performance Enhancement(386 Memory Compaction) in OS/2. ═══ 1.1.313. JR04975: ICON Resources Contain Wrong Formats ═══ JR04975: ICON Resources Contain Wrong Formats Four of the ICONS used by OCL driver: Book1,Flip1,Land2 and Port1 contain too many ICON resource 'Formats' but they do not contain a 40x40 ICON for use on an 8514/A or XGA systems. The proper ICONS were provided to correct the problem. ═══ 1.1.314. JR04977: XGA:Position Vector Text Too Far Right ═══ JR04977: XGA:Position Vector Text Too Far Right When the position vector reaches 80 characters it then procedes to take the 81st and up characters and shift them to the right. ═══ 1.1.315. JR04980: Multi-Key Problem in PMWIN ═══ JR04980: Multi-Key Problem in PMWIN The PMWIN internal counter increments by two and decrements on every KeyDown and KeyUp. If a user disables WinPhySenable it disregard messages about decrementing therefore it fills up the queue and only shows 60 key presses when there are actually 120 (due to the keydowns which don't get decremented). ═══ 1.1.316. JR05085: Shutdown Locked Up System After Remote Ops ═══ JR05085: Shutdown Locked Up System After Remote Ops Shutdown failed by locking up the system after several hours of remote operations. The Named Pipes and the Shutdown files have been corrected so that Shutdown will not lockup the system in these circumstances. ═══ 1.1.317. JR05112: Trap 013 During FDISKPM ═══ JR05112: Trap 013 During FDISKPM FDISKPM did not check the results from WinInitialize and WinCreateMsgQueue which caused a trap error. ═══ 1.1.318. JR05116: Server Slept When Requesters Read ═══ JR05116: Server Slept When Requesters Read A 1MB file, FAT partitioned, causes the Server to "Sleep" when requesters are reading from the diskcache. ═══ 1.1.319. JR05131: Double Scrollbars ═══ JR05131: Double Scrollbars When running an application to change the system colors an extra scroll bar appeared on top of the other scroll bar. ═══ 1.1.320. JR05132: Print Mgr Problems With Local Security ═══ JR05132: Print Mgr Problems With Local Security When the 386 PHFS local security is enabled, the Print Manager behaves differently due to its call to net routines. ═══ 1.2. OS/2 EE INSTALLATION ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05050 which relate to OS/2 EE Installation. ═══ 1.2.1. IC02749: IBMLAN.INI Not Saved During Upgrade ═══ IC02749: IBMLAN.INI Not Saved During Upgrade When a customer upgraded a machine to 1.3 without reformatting the hard disk, the IBMLAN.INI file was not saved. It should be saved as IBMLAN.BAK. ═══ 1.2.2. JR03597: Trap D in R0CSDD.EXE ═══ JR03597: Trap D in R0CSDD.EXE R0CSDD.EXE trapped when a line in CONFIG.SYS was longer than 256 characters. A user encountered this problem after using REINST to reinstall Communications Manager from a custom diskette. ═══ 1.2.3. JR03784: Error During Database Custom Install ═══ JR03784: Error During Database Custom Install During a custom install of Database Manager, the following error occurred: Error Type: 002 15 03 3 CI 10 This occurred because the STOPDBM command file was not installed before the system requested its use. ═══ 1.2.4. JR05069: Last Line of CONFIG.SYS Lost ═══ JR05069: Last Line of CONFIG.SYS Lost The last line of CONFIG.SYS was lost if it did not end with CR/LF. ═══ 1.3. USER PROFILE MANAGER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05050 which relate to User Profile Manager (UPM). ═══ 1.3.1. IC01747: Password Change Resulted in "OK" Panel ═══ IC01747: Password Change Resulted in "OK" Panel A user tried to change an expired password from the command line and received a panel which only said, "OK." The password was not changed and could only be changed by the administrator from the domain controller. ═══ 1.3.2. IC02290: User Fields Lost After Remote Admin ═══ IC02290: User Fields Lost After Remote Admin When a user's password was updated remotedly through UPM, some user fields, including the home directory, could be wiped out in the user information structure. ═══ 1.3.3. IC02484: Manage Users Did Not Work With > 1260 Users ═══ IC02484: Manage Users Did Not Work With > 1260 Users When an administrator chose Manage Users from the full-screen interface and there were more than 1260 users, the system paused and then the User Profile Screen disappeared. The display limit of 1260 is expected, but the system should respond by stating that not all users can be listed. ═══ 1.3.4. IC02898: No Message When Logon Assignments Failed ═══ IC02898: No Message When Logon Assignments Failed When logon assignments failed during a 1.3 requester logon to a 1.2 server, no error message was returned. The user should have received a message which stated, "One or more of your logon assignments failed." This problem occurred when the user logged on from the full-screen interface. The error was correctly logged in the error log. ═══ 1.3.5. IC03068: UPMGLGN Returned FB05 for Domain Logon ═══ IC03068: UPMGLGN Returned FB05 for Domain Logon When logged on locally, the user did a domain logon/logoff and then another domain logon (all with UPMGLGN/UPMGLGFF). The last UPMGLGN would return FB05 (failed security clearance). ═══ 1.3.6. IC03358: Logon Dialog Ended When Domain Field Blank ═══ IC03358: Logon Dialog Ended When Domain Field Blank The logon dialog ended prematurely when the domain field was blank. This could cause UPM to not recognize the user's logon to the domain. Also, the logoff list would not show the user as being logged on to the domain. ═══ 1.3.7. JR03085: Logon With No Password Returned CPF1269 ═══ JR03085: Logon With No Password Returned CPF1269 Users who logged on with a userid and no password incorrectly received CPF1269 (invalid password). ═══ 1.4. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05050 which relate to Communications Manager. ═══ 1.4.1. JR01668: ACS0786C When All X.25 Traces On ═══ JR01668: ACS0786C When All X.25 Traces On When all X.25 traces were turned on, the adapter ran out of trace buffers. The following message was received: ACS0786C X.25 API has detected an error on adapter slot 2,3. ═══ 1.4.2. JR02748: NMVT Subvector 5 Info Missing ═══ JR02748: NMVT Subvector 5 Info Missing The OS/2 Gateway assumed that the workstation would supply the information to fill in the NMVT subvector 5 (heirarchical name list). Some workstations, including the PC 3270, do not supply this information. ═══ 1.4.3. JR02919: Subsys Mgmt Showed Wrong PU Type ═══ JR02919: Subsys Mgmt Showed Wrong PU Type When APPC was started as PU type 2.0, the subsystem management status menu incorrectly showed a 2.1 session. After the start was completed, the subsystem management status menu correctly showed a 2.0 session established. ═══ 1.4.4. JR03095: Msgs Incorrectly Issued for Non-OS/2 Alerts ═══ JR03095: Msgs Incorrectly Issued for Non-OS/2 Alerts Alerts from non-OS/2 originators should have been ignored, but OS/2 incorrectly issued pop-up messages for them. One user received the incorrect error ACS0183C while doing a Transfer_MS_Data. ═══ 1.4.5. JR03173: TP Received Trap D When Host Terminated ═══ JR03173: TP Received Trap D When Host Terminated A transaction program (TP) received a trap D when the host terminated the session. This occurred because the LUA freed a verb's storage too early after receiving an UNBIND from the host. ═══ 1.4.6. JR03209: Communications Error During Database Access ═══ JR03209: Communications Error During Database Access Communications error 0003-00000000 occurred on the requester during an attempt to access a remote database after the buffer-pool size parameter had been increased on the server. Error ACS0448W (timeout on LAN adapter) was seen on the server. The problem occurred only when RDS and Communications Manager (CM) were started concurrently; it did not occur if CM was fully started before RDS began. ═══ 1.4.7. JR03210: Bold Print Did Not Work on Non-Impact Prtrs ═══ JR03210: Bold Print Did Not Work on Non-Impact Prtrs Bold print did not work on non-impact printers with OS/2 WSF Printer Support. OS/2 directs a printer to create bold print by printing the character, backing up, and printing it again. This does not work with non-impact printers (such as the 4019). ═══ 1.4.8. JR03351: Secure Lock Not Available In Keylock ═══ JR03351: Secure Lock Not Available In Keylock The user selected option 1, Keylock, from the Advanced Functions Menu of Communications Manager. If the user pressed PF4 to list configuration files and then selected a file numbered 15 or greater, option 1 (Secure Lock) was no longer available. If a file numbered less than 15 was selected, Secure Lock was available. Also, the user was able to use Secure Lock if he typed the name of the file instead of selecting it from the list. ═══ 1.4.9. JR03375: APPC Codes F5 and F6 Not Defined ═══ JR03375: APPC Codes F5 and F6 Not Defined The APPC secondary return codes F5 and F6 were not defined in APPC_C.H. ═══ 1.4.10. JR03567: State Check 0002 on RCV_AND_WAIT ═══ JR03567: State Check 0002 on RCV_AND_WAIT A customer had an APPC program which issued a RCV_AND_WAIT with RTN_STATUS=YES. The program received a state check (0002) on the second RCV_AND_WAIT call when a deallocate-normal status was expected. RCV_AND_WAIT did not show deallocate normal until the return status was changed to "no" and another RCV_AND_WAIT was issued. ═══ 1.4.11. JR03679: IBMTRLAN Trace Corrupted File Transfer ═══ JR03679: IBMTRLAN Trace Corrupted File Transfer During a transfer of files from the host (VM-XA) to the Token-Ring gateway with the RECEIVE command, a large file could be corrupted with X'24' inserted into the file. This only occurred if IBMTRLAN trace was running. ═══ 1.4.12. JR03683: LUA RUI_TERM Verb Failed to Post ═══ JR03683: LUA RUI_TERM Verb Failed to Post The LUA RUI_TERM verb failed to post even though the UNBIND positive response and the NOTIFY inactive positive response were received by the LUA. This occurred when the LUA user sent a TERM_SELF on the SSLP_LU normal flow. ═══ 1.4.13. JR03775: Error 0049 With LUA Protocol ═══ JR03775: Error 0049 With LUA Protocol While using LUA protocol, a customer received an error of type 0049 and subtype 0000400D. This occurred because RUI was not purging request lists during unbind processing when it was not RUI_TERMed. ═══ 1.4.14. JR03777: Error 0022 With LUA Protocol ═══ JR03777: Error 0022 With LUA Protocol While using the LUA protocol, a customer received error type 0022, subtype 0000900C. The error was a Communications Manager error logged in APPC. ═══ 1.4.15. JR03869: MC_ALLOC Did Not Return If Link Failure ═══ JR03869: MC_ALLOC Did Not Return If Link Failure When MC_ALLOC was issued with a WHEN SESSION ALLOCATED parameter, the call did not return if a link failure occurred. ═══ 1.4.16. JR04048: RUI_INIT Returned LU_INOPERATIVE ═══ JR04048: RUI_INIT Returned LU_INOPERATIVE An application had a pending message which was a negative response to an INITSELF command. When the application issued an RUI_TERM verb without reading the message, the function completed successfully, but the next RUI_INIT verb for the same LU returned a primary return code of LU_INOPERATIVE. ═══ 1.4.17. JR04324: RUI_TERM Never Completed ═══ JR04324: RUI_TERM Never Completed An LUA application issued an RUI_TERM verb which never completed. The RUI_TERM sent an UNBIND to the host as it should. The host, however, responded with another UNBIND request instead of with an UNBIND response. This caused the RUI_TERM to never complete. ═══ 1.4.18. JR04361: Attempt to Start Session Received SENSE0815 ═══ JR04361: Attempt to Start Session Received SENSE0815 After requesting session deactivation through the common services interface in Communications Manager (CM), the user was unable to initiate a subsequent session to the host without restarting CM. The host had returned SENSE8005 in response to the UNBIND request and SENSE0815 in response to the BIND request. ═══ 1.4.19. JR04396: ICARICIO.SYS Did Not Allow Multiple Drivers ═══ JR04396: ICARICIO.SYS Did Not Allow Multiple Drivers The EE X.25 device driver (ICARICIO.SYS) did not permit the installation of multiple ARTIC device drivers. ═══ 1.4.20. JR04457: Receive_And_Wait Failed With Bad_TP_ID ═══ JR04457: Receive_And_Wait Failed With Bad_TP_ID Receive_and_wait failed with Bad_TP_ID. This occurred because, when a TP (transaction program) was hard ended with a TP_ENDED before the receiving program was started, the Attach Manager queue was not reset until the time that the attach would have timed out. ═══ 1.4.21. JR04558: NMVT HIERARCHICAL NAME LIST Overwritten ═══ JR04558: NMVT HIERARCHICAL NAME LIST Overwritten With an SDLC connection to the host, when IBMTRNET traces were turned on, the HIERARCHICAL NAME LIST field of OS/2 NMVTs would be overwritten. ═══ 1.4.22. JR04666: Start Attach Manager Received Error 26 ═══ JR04666: Start Attach Manager Received Error 26 A customer stopped and restarted Attach Manager through a command file. Start Attach Manager returned an error of type 0026 and subtype 00000016. If Attach Manager was started from REXX, the return code was F014000000. This error occurred because the filespec was not initialized when the TP (transaction program) table was created. ═══ 1.4.23. JR05061: 5250 Windowed Session Would Not Terminate ═══ JR05061: 5250 Windowed Session Would Not Terminate A 5250 emulation windowed session would not terminate with the Communications Manager abnormal stop function. A reboot was necessary to end the session. ═══ 1.4.24. JR05062: Trap D with START 5250 WORKSTATION FEATURE ═══ JR05062: Trap D with START 5250 WORKSTATION FEATURE A trap D could occur when the "START 5250 WORKSTATION FEATURE" option was selected on a system that was properly configured for a 5250 session to AS400 via SDLC, TwinAX, or Token Ring. ═══ 1.4.25. JR05063: DTR Line Not Turned Off After Autodial Fail ═══ JR05063: DTR Line Not Turned Off After Autodial Fail With the ASCII terminal emulation IBM 3101 and the IBM 5853 modem, the DTR line was not turned off on exit by the Communications Manager when an autodial attempt failed because of timeout or other failure. ═══ 1.4.26. JR05064: Trap D on Display of 3270 SNA Sessions Info ═══ JR05064: Trap D on Display of 3270 SNA Sessions Info A trap D occurred when a user tried to display detail information on 3270 SNA sessions from the Subsystems Management Session Services panel. ═══ 1.4.27. JR05066: TP Remained Selected on Deact TP Screen ═══ JR05066: TP Remained Selected on Deact TP Screen When the user selected any TP (transaction program) on the Deactivate TP screen in Subsystem Management and pressed Enter, the appropriate TP would be deactivated but the position on the list would remain selected instead of being reset to unselected. ═══ 1.4.28. JR05067: MOVE and SIZE Did Not Work in 5250 Window ═══ JR05067: MOVE and SIZE Did Not Work in 5250 Window When a 5250 session was running in a text window, the MOVE and SIZE functions did not work when they were selected from the system menu. ═══ 1.5. 3270 EMULATION ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05050 which relate to 3270 emulation. ═══ 1.5.1. JR02163: OIA Changes Not Sent to EHLLAPI ═══ JR02163: OIA Changes Not Sent to EHLLAPI COMM530 messages were not being picked up by SPI readscreen. Even though the OIA (operator information area) had changed because of a COMM reminder, the SPI readscreen was never called to inform the EHLLAPI user that the OIA had changed. ═══ 1.5.2. JR02412: Host Jobs Not Printed Immediately ═══ JR02412: Host Jobs Not Printed Immediately In some circumstances, when 3270 Print Control was in the background and Presentation Manager (PM) was in the foreground, a second job would not be put into the spooler until the first job began printing. In some circumstances, when PM was in the background and 3270 Print Control was in the foreground, the first job would not be printed while other jobs were being processed by the spooler. ═══ 1.5.3. JR02467: Host Print Slow on Laserjet ═══ JR02467: Host Print Slow on Laserjet Host print on a non-IBM Laserjet was much slower after the installation of CSD WR04098. This occurred because host print used system default fonts instead of device fonts when the font metrics code page was set to zero. To fix this problem, host print has been changed to use device fonts even when the code page is set to zero. ═══ 1.5.4. JR02938: PrtScr and PF12 Caused VTAM Messages ═══ JR02938: PrtScr and PF12 Caused VTAM Messages A customer remapped the host print function to the PrtScr key, which is near the PF12 key. When users accidentally hit PrtScr and PF12 in rapid succession, there was an uncontrollable message flow from the OS/2 LU3 to VTAM. The flow sometimes killed VTAM with errors. Some of the messages were IST154I Expansion Failed for I/O Buffer Pool -- Code 4 IST930I ADMT5059 - RXG5489S Session using 85% of I/O Buffer ═══ 1.5.5. JR02954: Host-Print Problems With Outline Font ═══ JR02954: Host-Print Problems With Outline Font Host print did not correctly align characters when it backspaced and printed over a character for bold print. This occurred because it did not calculate the backspace correctly. Host print was using an outline font with 17 CPI. ═══ 1.5.6. JR02994: Print Used Outline When Courier Not Found ═══ JR02994: Print Used Outline When Courier Not Found If host print did not find a Courier font, it caused PM to generate an outline font. The outline font was then printed very slowly. ═══ 1.5.7. JR02997: Line 64 Missing in Host Print ═══ JR02997: Line 64 Missing in Host Print The IBM 4019 printer driver (version 1.59A, CSD PD01202) was dropping line 64 during host print. It printed to line 63 on the first page; then it started the second page with line 65. ═══ 1.5.8. JR03012: Most of Screen Was in Reverse Video ═══ JR03012: Most of Screen Was in Reverse Video The customer was using a non-IBM product which read the 3270 screen (READ BUFFER) and then rewrote the screen using data returned by the read buffer. The read buffer, however, contained reverse video attributes for positions that were not reverse video. The entire buffer after the first correct reverse-video character attribute was set to reverse video. ═══ 1.5.9. JR03065: Transparency-Passing Problems ═══ JR03065: Transparency-Passing Problems With the introduction of JES328X, some users had problems with transparency passing. When a host-print application sent EBCDIC characters within SCS transparency commands, the characters were not translated. The code will be modified to incorporate the requirements of JES328X. ═══ 1.5.10. JR03218: One Print Job Divided Into Many ═══ JR03218: One Print Job Divided Into Many When a print job initiated by the host contained multiple brackets, the OS/2 printer driver treated the brackets as job delimiters. The result in one case was that Print Manager showed five jobs instead of one, and pieces of the one were spread among the five. To fix this problem, a print-job timer has been implemented. This timer will be specified by the customer and will delimit the job regardless of the number of SNA brackets. ═══ 1.5.11. JR03241: Async Semaphore Not Cleared When PS Updated ═══ JR03241: Async Semaphore Not Cleared When PS Updated An asynchronous semaphore, requested by Start Host Notification, was not always cleared when there was a valid PS (presentation space) update. ═══ 1.5.12. JR03369: Carriage Return Missing Before LF ═══ JR03369: Carriage Return Missing Before LF A customer was printing CICS maps to an OS/2 attached printer, using the OS/2 Communications Manager HAP Facility. A problem occurred when the customer did not have a new line or carriage return before the end message. The new line or carriage return should not be required. The end-message processing will be changed so that a carriage return will be sent in addition to the line feed. ═══ 1.5.13. JR03390: PROG756 When WSF Data More Than 2K Bytes ═══ JR03390: PROG756 When WSF Data More Than 2K Bytes PROG756 appeared in the OIA (operator information area, at the bottom of the screen) when WSF data for the display was more than 2K bytes. This problem occurred with a local non-SNA controller. ═══ 1.5.14. JR03471: Area Could Not Be Marked in Shift-Lock Mode ═══ JR03471: Area Could Not Be Marked in Shift-Lock Mode The user could not mark an area when the keyboard was in shift-lock mode. The mark function should be allowed in this situation. The mark function should not be allowed, however, when the shift key is held down. ═══ 1.5.15. JR03609: Colors in Reverse Video Were Wrong ═══ JR03609: Colors in Reverse Video Were Wrong The customer was in Communications Manager, using a VTAM application with an extended datastream. Using the help facility, the application performed a set buffer to store the image to a temporary buffer and then used VTAM's rebuffer to restore the image. In the restored image, the colors in reverse video were wrong. ═══ 1.5.16. JR03612: Print Jobs Combined ═══ JR03612: Print Jobs Combined When the PA1 key was pressed during a print job, the next two print jobs were combined. The second job was held until the third was received; then they were printed as one job. ═══ 1.5.17. JR03668: Printouts Were Bit-Mapped and Slow ═══ JR03668: Printouts Were Bit-Mapped and Slow Output in 12-pitch or 17-pitch mode resulted in bit-mapped printouts which took about five minutes per page. This was caused by differences in rounding between host print and the IBM 4019 driver. ═══ 1.5.18. JR03746: Background Color Not Reset ═══ JR03746: Background Color Not Reset In a CICS application, if a row on the screen was not rewritten, the background color was not reset to the default. The character data was correctly reset (nulls inserted into the buffer). ═══ 1.5.19. JR03838: SNA Lost End-of-Job Timeout Value ═══ JR03838: SNA Lost End-of-Job Timeout Value Upon the start of SNA sessions, the end-of-job timeout value from one session was being sent to all the other sessions. If the value was zero, then all the sessions used the bracket method, even if they had originally been configured with timer values. In a related problem, the default end-of-job timeout value for SNA sessions was 30 seconds (timer method). Because most users will want to use the bracket method, the default timeout value has been changed to zero. ═══ 1.5.20. JR04064: Trap D During Presentation-Space Print ═══ JR04064: Trap D During Presentation-Space Print A trap D could occur during a Presentation Space print from a 3270 session if the user did not first set the Job Properties under the Queues selection in Print Manager. ═══ 1.5.21. JR04351: Application Exited When Light Pen Used ═══ JR04351: Application Exited When Light Pen Used A customer was using a light pen with its own adapter card and a non-IBM device driver. When the customer used the pen to drag data from a 3270 session to a Transcription Assistant (TA) application, the TA application exited. ═══ 1.5.22. JR05057: Host Screen-Prt Update to OIA Not Detected ═══ JR05057: Host Screen-Prt Update to OIA Not Detected When the host screen was printed with the SENDKEY function, EHLLAPI Start Host Notification did not detect that the OIA had been updated. ═══ 1.5.23. JR05058: PS Cut/Paste/Clear/Undo Not Detected ═══ JR05058: PS Cut/Paste/Clear/Undo Not Detected EHLLAPI Start Host Notification did not detect when the presentation space had been updated with a cut, paste, clear or undo operation. ═══ 1.5.24. JR05060: Only First and Last Lines of Screen Printed ═══ JR05060: Only First and Last Lines of Screen Printed A user tried to print the screen of a VM file list with a IBM5216 Printer device driver when USE ALL ATTRIBUTES was selected in the 3270 Print Control. Only the first two and last three lines were printed. ═══ 1.6. NETBIOS/IEEE 802.2 ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARS in CSD WR05050 which relate to NETBIOS and IEEE 802.2. ═══ 1.6.1. IC01967: Periods of Inactivity on Workstation ═══ IC01967: Periods of Inactivity on Workstation The workstation was IPLed, the LAN requester was started, and then the workstation token-ring cable was disconnected from the MAU (adapter). The user observed 15 seconds of inactivity (while the system was opening an OS/2 session or processing a key which had been pressed) followed by 15 seconds of normal function. ═══ 1.6.2. IC02752: NCB.STATUS Received RC 34 After NCB.RESET ═══ IC02752: NCB.STATUS Received RC 34 After NCB.RESET If NCB.RESET (allocate) asked for more resources than were available, NETBIOS returned what resources it had and set the return code to 38, as expected. NCB.STATUS, however, read a return code of 34 (environment not defined) because the UID had been cleared when it should not have been. ═══ 1.6.3. IC02782: Server Could Not Transmit Data; DLRs Beeped ═══ IC02782: Server Could Not Transmit Data; DLRs Beeped A user issued a logoff on a DLR session and then hotkeyed to another session before the logoff was complete. Twenty minutes later, the server could not send or receive data on any of its sessions because NETBIOS had run out of XCBs. Other DLRs connected to the server began beeping, signaling a wait for server response. The server could recover if the first user hotkeyed back to the DLR session. ═══ 1.6.4. JR02386: Simultaneous Connect Failed ═══ JR02386: Simultaneous Connect Failed When two machines that were connected over at least one bridge called each other at the same time, NETBIOS failed to connect. ═══ 1.6.5. JR02999: "Connection Broken" During Copy Across 8209 ═══ JR02999: "Connection Broken" During Copy Across 8209 The message "Connection broken" was received during a file copy from a server to a requester across an 8209 bridge. This occurred because the server sent frame sizes larger than the negotiated maximum of 1500 bytes. ═══ 1.6.6. JR03647: Trap During IPL When Commands = 78 ═══ JR03647: Trap During IPL When Commands = 78 NETBIOS trapped during IPL if the maximum-commands parameter in the NETBIOS profile was set to 78 (decimal). The machine had to be powered off. ═══ 1.6.7. JR04420: Trap D With Two Ethernet Cards ═══ JR04420: Trap D With Two Ethernet Cards A trap D occurred when two Ethernet cards were used, one with the AUI interface and the other with BNC. ═══ 1.6.8. JR05068: Trap During STARTDBM When < 4 Remote Names ═══ JR05068: Trap During STARTDBM When < 4 Remote Names When Communications Manager was configured with fewer than 4 remote names in the NETBIOS profile, a trap D could occur in NETBIOS when STARTDBM was called from the command prompt. ═══ 1.6.9. JR05075: Slow Network Print Jobs With 3COM Adapter ═══ JR05075: Slow Network Print Jobs With 3COM Adapter There was intermittent performance degradation on network print jobs with a 3COM adapter. For example, a two-page ascii file took an hour to print. Performance improved after the machine was IPLed. ═══ 1.7. DATABASE MANAGER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05050 which relate to Database Manager. ═══ 1.7.1. JR01463: Invalid NMVT Record Received ═══ Network Management Vectors (NMVTs) generated with Transfer_MS_Data contained invalid lengths for subvectors and extraneous data in the text message. Alerts have now been removed from several modules of code to eliminate messages over the network. ═══ 1.7.2. JR01750: UPM Hung on Start Database/Request Logon ═══ JR01750: UPM Hung on Start Database/Request Logon UPM (User Profile Manager) hung when Start Using Database was called in the background and no one was logged on. Instead, code -1093 (user not logged on) should be returned. ═══ 1.7.3. JR01766: Database Transaction Logs Filled ═══ JR01766: Database Transaction Logs Filled The user had some transaction logs allocated as primary and some allocated as secondary. A number of applications accessed the database 24 hours a day. The user noticed that, after 12-24 hours, the secondary logs started being used. After about seven days, the logs were full. The user could work around this by periodically terminating all connections to the database, causing all work in the logs to be processed. ═══ 1.7.4. JR01780: Database Could Not Recover ═══ JR01780: Database Could Not Recover The user was running a database reorganization when a power failure occurred. When power returned and the user tried to recover the database, this error message appeared: "SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred." ═══ 1.7.5. JR01892: Certain Divisors Caused QM Hang ═══ JR01892: Certain Divisors Caused QM Hang When the user ran a complex query with several sum functions that divided by 100,000, Query Manager would hang or abend. ═══ 1.7.6. JR01946: Stats in Two Sessions Deadlocked -- QRWAB21 ═══ JR01946: Stats in Two Sessions Deadlocked -- QRWAB21 The user opened the same database in two Query Manager sessions and then ran stats on two different tables. The tables were indexed and fairly large. The system returned a message (QRWAB21) stating that it could not continue because of a deadlock condition with another OS/2 task using the same database. ═══ 1.7.7. JR01970: Wrong Message (QRW0320) For File Not Found ═══ JR01970: Wrong Message (QRW0320) For File Not Found When MUGLIB and MUGLIB.DLL were removed from PATH and LIBPATH in CONFIG.SYS, the wrong error message (QRW0320) was displayed. The message displayed was QRW0320- Not enough RAM available to process the command. ═══ 1.7.8. JR01973: Error 30020 When Closing Cursor In Thread ═══ JR01973: Error 30020 When Closing Cursor In Thread A multithreaded application, running remotely, received communications error 30020 when closing the cursor in one thread. ═══ 1.7.9. JR02112: Multiply by 100 in Query Caused Trap D ═══ JR02112: Multiply by 100 in Query Caused Trap D The user created a query which selected an arithmetic function. The function worked, but, when the user multiplied the result by 100, a trap D occurred. ═══ 1.7.10. JR02186: NET.ACC Not Found When Moved ═══ JR02186: NET.ACC Not Found When Moved When the user moved NET.ACC to his \IBMLAN\ACCOUNTS directory, Database Manager could not find the file. As a result, Database Manager did not start and returned error SQL1042. This occurred on a system with an ETHERAND network installed. ═══ 1.7.11. JR02223: Cobol Error When Chars Used For Sequencing ═══ JR02223: Cobol Error When Chars Used For Sequencing The Cobol precompiler did not allow characters to be used instead of numbers for sequencing in the left margin. Characters should be allowed. ═══ 1.7.12. JR02255: Sorting Large Table Caused Abend ═══ JR02255: Sorting Large Table Caused Abend The user attempted to build a sort (using ORDER BY) after doing a join. The sort failed because the resulting table size was larger than the maximum table size. Instead of handling the error appropriately, the system ended abnormally (abended). The problem occurred when the join involved at least three large tables. ═══ 1.7.13. JR02274: Continue After Log-Space Error Caused Trap ═══ JR02274: Continue After Log-Space Error Caused Trap The user received errors for lack of log space after deleting very large amounts of data from a large table in a single transaction. Such an error is expected. The documented user response is to issue a 'Stop Using'. If the user instead continued, a trap D occurred. Although the user did not follow the recommended response, a trap D should not occur. ═══ 1.7.14. JR02352: QRW2245N When Not Enough Space on Drive ═══ JR02352: QRW2245N When Not Enough Space on Drive A user attempted to backup a database from drive C to drive D when there was not enough room on drive D. An incorrect error message was returned: QRW2245N: The correct diskette is not in the drive. ═══ 1.7.15. JR02438: SQL1042 During Database Recovery ═══ JR02438: SQL1042 During Database Recovery A customer sometimes received SQL1042 during the recovery of a database after a shutdown with the power switch. ═══ 1.7.16. JR02577: Trap D in Database Recovery After Log Full ═══ JR02577: Trap D in Database Recovery After Log Full Occasionally, after the user had re-IPLed because of a log-full condition, database recovery would trap D. The log-full condition happened when the user attempted to add 200 records to a table which had 100 records, each with two fields. ═══ 1.7.17. JR02736: Start Uses on Remote DB Get SQL1093 ═══ JR02736: Start Uses on Remote DB Get SQL1093 When several processes made calls in quick succession to start using the same remote database, some would occasionally receive "SQL1093 User not logged on." If there were ten second delays between the Start Using calls, the errors did not occur. ═══ 1.7.18. JR03016: Timestamp Resolution Was 1/100 Second ═══ JR03016: Timestamp Resolution Was 1/100 Second A user had a problem with non-unique timestamps, because OS/2 timestamps only have a resolution of 1/100 of a second. The accuracy of the timestamp has now been extended by comparing timestamps from consecutive events and incrementing the later timestamp by a value guaranteed not to overlap a future timestamp. This has been implemented for multiple processes interacting with the same database at the same time. ═══ 1.7.19. JR03090: Op Status Wrong After Backup Canceled ═══ JR03090: Op Status Wrong After Backup Canceled If the backup of a database was interrupted by an error or was canceled by the user, the Operational Status selection showed the date and time of the unsuccessful backup. The selection should instead show the date and time of the last successful backup. ═══ 1.7.20. JR03236: QRW0605 on Attempt to Erase Primary Table ═══ JR03236: QRW0605 on Attempt to Erase Primary Table A user received "QRW0605 is an undefined name" when trying to erase a primary table. The name returned by the message was the old name of a foreign key that had since been renamed. ═══ 1.7.21. JR03294: Deadlock -- Simultaneous Update ═══ JR03294: Deadlock -- Simultaneous Update When two users, one on a Database Requester and the other on a Database Server, attempted to change the same row in a table at the same time, a "deadlock" message appeared on the server. The message stated that a deadlock situation had occurred and that Query Manager had to be shut down in order to continue. In the fix for this problem, U-locking was implemented. ═══ 1.7.22. JR03295: Trap D on Concurrent Reorganization ═══ JR03295: Trap D on Concurrent Reorganization If the user ran statistics on a table in one session and reorganized the same table at the same time in another session, a trap D occurred. The table was then reported as damaged (-986 error) when a Select was attempted. ═══ 1.7.23. JR03311: Wrong Error Messages With Rewritten APIs ═══ JR03311: Wrong Error Messages With Rewritten APIs Customer applications received abends and erroneous error messages while concurrently running and rebinding the same application. This problem was very specific to one customer's application. The customer was running an application from a requester. Instead of using the Database Services Remote Data Services, the customer rewrote the runtime APIs to pass the data to the Server. ═══ 1.7.24. JR03322: Error Logging for Alerts Faulty ═══ JR03322: Error Logging for Alerts Faulty Error logging (SQLRERLG) did not correctly copy the name of the function logging the error. This occurred because the process was looping incorrectly through the function name. In some circumstances, this caused an abend. ═══ 1.7.25. JR03343: Trap D When Application Issued SQLENEXT ═══ JR03343: Trap D When Application Issued SQLENEXT A trap D sometimes occurred when Show Operational Status was performed from three or more databases. The trap occurred when Show Operational Status issued the call SQLENEXT. ═══ 1.7.26. JR03380: Abend While Running Statistics ═══ JR03380: Abend While Running Statistics A system abend occurred on a database requester that was running statistics on a remote database table. This happened only if the number-of-indices parameter did not match the valid pointers in the RUNSTATS call. ═══ 1.7.27. JR03381: SQL2506W While Creating Database ═══ JR03381: SQL2506W While Creating Database A database was created on a server workstation. Three backups/restores were done at the end of the creation process. After the last backup/restore was completed, the application which created the database ended with the error SQL2506W: The database was restored, but there may be extra files in the database. This error was possible when a non-zero SQLCODE was returned from the call to stop using the database or from the SQL statements which were used to delete the unnecessary files in the restored database. ═══ 1.7.28. JR03541: Eight Open Databases Caused SYS1943/Trap D ═══ JR03541: Eight Open Databases Caused SYS1943/Trap D The user had a program that opened eight databases at one time. When the eighth database was opened, a SYS1043/trap D occurred. The Database Manager configuration for the number of concurrent active databases was eight. This problem occurred becaused space was allocated for two threads per database instead of three. ═══ 1.7.29. JR03549: Unnecessary Alerts; Extraneous Data ═══ JR03549: Unnecessary Alerts; Extraneous Data See APAR JR01463. ═══ 1.7.30. JR03588: Column Update Caused File Size Increase ═══ JR03588: Column Update Caused File Size Increase The file size increased when NULL variable-length columns were updated to zero. This operation should not have caused the file size to increase. This problem occurred because the columns were given enough bytes for the maximum column length instead of just enough for a zero value. ═══ 1.7.31. JR03600: SQL0984 on COMMIT After Large Delete ═══ JR03600: SQL0984 on COMMIT After Large Delete When a customer performed a number of large deletes, some of the commits completed, but eventually one would fail with an SQL0984 error. The problem occurred when a log-full condition was reached during the transaction. ═══ 1.7.32. JR03605: QRWAB24, SQL0902 After Create Index Ended ═══ JR03605: QRWAB24, SQL0902 After Create Index Ended A user started a process to create an index on a table and then ended the process before it finished by closing the Query Manager Task. The next time the user used the table, QRWAB24 was issued from Query Manager or SQL0902 from an application. The user could work around this problem by erasing the index file and recreating it. ═══ 1.7.33. JR03614: DB Could Not Be Recovered After SQL0984 ═══ JR03614: DB Could Not Be Recovered After SQL0984 A database could not be recovered when all of the following were true: o the database was being recovered o the log-full/log-saturation point had been reached o an index function on a table with two or more indices was Undone o Database Manager returned "SQL0984C The COMMIT or ROLLBACK was not successful." Recovery resulted in the error message SQL1042. ═══ 1.7.34. JR03713: DOSKILL Hung After Start Using DB Failed ═══ JR03713: DOSKILL Hung After Start Using DB Failed If a Start Using Database failed after it had installed the signal handler for DOSKILL, the handler would not be removed. This caused OS/2 to hang when it tried to use DOSKILL to kill a child process. So that OS/2 can use DOSKILL, the signal handler that Start Using installed needs to be removed if the Start Using Database fails. ═══ 1.7.35. JR03743: Stopping All Local Apps Caused Abend ═══ JR03743: Stopping All Local Apps Caused Abend An application signaled a process to stop using the database and then stopped all local applications. If Stop Using had not finished processing when local applications were stopped, an abend occurred. ═══ 1.7.36. JR03760: SQL0964 Log Full Error ═══ JR03760: SQL0964 Log Full Error A SQL0964 (log full) error occurred even though a commit was done after every transaction. This occurred when the customer was running two concurrent processes which updated the same 100 rows. ═══ 1.7.37. JR03839: Application on RDS Received SQL0305 ═══ JR03839: Application on RDS Received SQL0305 When a user application was run from an RDS requester, it received an SQL0305 error ("The NULL value cannot be assigned to a host variable in the SELECT or FETCH statement because no indicator variable is specified"), even though null indicators did exist for the host variables in the application. JR03903: SQLNAME Field Modified With REXX When REXX stored-procedure tests were done, the SQLNAME field of the requester SQLDA was modified when it should not have been. ═══ 1.7.38. JR03904: NULL Predicate Caused Abend ═══ JR03904: NULL Predicate Caused Abend For one customer, when one operand of a predicate was NULL, an abend occurred. It is by chance that the abend occurred in this situation; the problem was not caused by NULL predicates. The abend was due to an internal boundary situation. ═══ 1.7.39. JR03906: STOPDBM Before STOP USING Caused Trap D ═══ JR03906: STOPDBM Before STOP USING Caused Trap D When STOPDBM was called before STOP USING in the same process, the connection to the kernel-shared segment was lost, causing a trap D. ═══ 1.7.40. JR03913: RESTORE.EXE Missing From Message Panel ═══ JR03913: RESTORE.EXE Missing From Message Panel On a system that had a minimum base operating system installed, the name RESTORE.EXE was missing from error message SQL2016C, which appeared during the restoration of a local database from diskette. ═══ 1.7.41. JR03914: Database Lost When Wrong Name Given ═══ JR03914: Database Lost When Wrong Name Given During a database restoration from either Query Manager, a C program, or a REXX program, if the name given by the user for the database to be restored did not match the name on the backup diskette but did match the name of an existing database, the existing database could be lost. ═══ 1.7.42. JR03915: Error Msgs Not Produced for Invalid DLLs ═══ JR03915: Error Msgs Not Produced for Invalid DLLs Error conditions -1106, -1109, and -1111 were not produced as they should have been when DLL names were used that were not on the system or when invalid function names were used in DLLs on the system. This occurred because the error code was incorrectly reset to zero. ═══ 1.7.43. JR03917: SQL0100W on Attempt to Delete Row ═══ JR03917: SQL0100W on Attempt to Delete Row During a C program which did updates, deletes, and inserts, execution stopped with error SQL0100W. The message warned of an attempt to delete a nonexistent row. The row existed, however, and could be selected from Query Manager. This error was seen on both OS/2 and DOS requesters. ═══ 1.7.44. JR03918: Error Not Flagged in START USING ═══ JR03918: Error Not Flagged in START USING START USING completed with no errors flagged even though a system error had occurred. One possible system error was a missing secondary log file. No error code was returned, but STOP USING subsequently failed. ═══ 1.7.45. JR03921: DOS Read Error During DB Restoration ═══ JR03921: DOS Read Error During DB Restoration A DOS read error occurred during local database restoration if the user supplied a database restore diskette which had a bad track. The following incorrect error message appeared: SQL return code '-6649'. There is no text available for the current version of Database Services on your machine. ═══ 1.7.46. JR03923: SQL Error -818 During Table Reorganization ═══ JR03923: SQL Error -818 During Table Reorganization A user received SQL error -818 during a table reorganization from REXX. ═══ 1.7.47. JR03926: COBOL Allocated Unnecessary Buffer ═══ JR03926: COBOL Allocated Unnecessary Buffer The COBOL precompiler allocated an unnecessary 32K buffer. ═══ 1.7.48. JR03934: DB Administrator Could Not Access Op Stat ═══ JR03934: DB Administrator Could Not Access Op Stat The user had an ID set up as an database administrator on the server. When signed on at the requester with that ID, the user could not access Operational Status. The user could only access Operational Status if the ID was set up on the requester as a local administrator or with administrator authority. ═══ 1.7.49. JR03975: Problems For Some DBCS Code Pages ═══ JR03975: Problems For Some DBCS Code Pages This problem occurred with DBCS (Double Byte Character Set) only. Substitution characters for certain code pages were not handled correctly when the first byte of a double byte character was at the end of the character string being converted. The code pages affected were: Japan CP932,942 ROC CP938,948 PRC CP936,946 Korea CP934,944 ═══ 1.7.50. JR03977: Server Trap With Ctrl-Break on Requesters ═══ JR03977: Server Trap With Ctrl-Break on Requesters When Ctrl-Break was entered on several OS/2 requesters to stop processing on all current sessions, a trap occurred at the server. ═══ 1.7.51. JR03979: Error Code Instead of Logon Panel ═══ JR03979: Error Code Instead of Logon Panel When the user was not logged on and a non-PageManager program that performed a Start Using Database was started from the OS/2 command line, DBM (Database Manager) returned a "user not logged" return code instead of posting the logon panel. ═══ 1.7.52. JR03982: QRWAB24 With Query Select * ═══ JR03982: QRWAB24 With Query Select * When the user issued "SELECT * FROM..." in an SQL Query panel, a QRWAB24 panel was displayed, and Query Manager was stopped. ═══ 1.7.53. JR03992: Trap D on STOPDBM When CM Not Active ═══ JR03992: Trap D on STOPDBM When CM Not Active A trap D occurred on STOPDBM if Communications Manager was not active. ═══ 1.7.54. JR03993: -980 Error With RUNSTATS ═══ JR03993: -980 Error With RUNSTATS A -980 error occurred when the user ran RUNSTATS on a table that had an index defined with the .INX file erased. The code has now been modified to recreate the index file if it does not exist. ═══ 1.7.55. JR03998: Reorganizing Twice Caused -902 Error ═══ JR03998: Reorganizing Twice Caused -902 Error Reorganizing the same table twice resulted in a -902 error. The database was reported as damaged but could be successfully recovered. ═══ 1.7.56. JR04192: LIKE Comparison Returned Empty String ═══ JR04192: LIKE Comparison Returned Empty String A LIKE comparison with string "c1%" returned an empty string instead of a not-found error. ═══ 1.7.57. JR04285: SQL1024, SQL1034 With Local Database ═══ JR04285: SQL1024, SQL1034 With Local Database An application which performed Start Using, Insert, Commit, and StopDBM, intermittently received SQL1024 or SQL1034. The database required recovery but could not always be recovered. Both the database and the application were local. ═══ 1.7.58. JR04404: Screen Showed "Internal Processing Error" ═══ JR04404: Screen Showed "Internal Processing Error" A customer was using a PS/2 Mod 95 which was running a CICS OS/2 application and Database Manager. A screen was displayed with "Internal Processing Error," and the database could not recover from the error condition. ═══ 1.7.59. JR04415: SQL Compiler Abended in Code Generation ═══ JR04415: SQL Compiler Abended in Code Generation When a two-level materialized view was used more than once in an SQL statement, the SQL compiler abended in code generation. ═══ 1.7.60. JR04608: Additional Ampersands ('&') in COBOL ═══ JR04608: Additional Ampersands ('&') in COBOL A customer ran SQLPREP on COBOL source code and received an additional ampersand ('&') for every one in the code. ═══ 1.7.61. JR04614: JOIN Query With Expressions Trapped ═══ JR04614: JOIN Query With Expressions Trapped A customer received a trap D during a JOIN query. This occurred when a calculated expression in the query resulted in division by zero. ═══ 1.7.62. JR04662: Multiple Access Allowed For Row ═══ JR04662: Multiple Access Allowed For Row A program issued a call to update a row in a table and then incremented the row. The same program running in another window was incorrectly allowed to access the same row at the same time. ═══ 1.7.63. JR04725: Users Locked Out of Table ═══ JR04725: Users Locked Out of Table Users were locked out of a table. For one customer, all users were eventually hung up waiting for the table lock. They were hung until some or all of the requesters were disconnected. This only occurred when an OR operator was used between predicates involving an indexed column or an IN was used against an indexed column. ═══ 1.7.64. JR05136: SQL1042 on Recovery After SQL0964 ═══ JR05136: SQL1042 on Recovery After SQL0964 A user received an SQL0964 error on a local process on the server but did not terminate. The user then received five or six SQL1049 errors and, a couple of hours later, received SQL1024 on other processes. Thes user rebooted the machine and received SQL1042 on recovery. NOTE to TaRRR Users Due to changes in REXX return codes through APAR JR02157, the old version of TaRRR will not work. Please contact IBM Service to get a new version. Refer to Base Operating System APARs JR02157 and JR04682 for more information. ═══ 1.8. QUERY MANAGER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05050 which relate to Query Manager. ═══ 1.8.1. JR00025: Change in Twice-Marked Field Was Not Saved ═══ JR00025: Change in Twice-Marked Field Was Not Saved If a panel contained a field which was marked twice, and the panel was run in change mode, any changes made to the twice-marked field would not be saved unless the change was entered in both places. The change appeared on the screen in both places as soon as the first occurrence was changed, but it was not saved unless it was actually typed in both places. ═══ 1.8.2. JR02830: RUNSTATS Caused System Slowdown ═══ JR02830: RUNSTATS Caused System Slowdown In Query Manager, RUNSTATS on a large table (10,000 rows) caused the system to slow down severely. Processes in other sessions ran very slowly because RUNSTATS was given time-critical priority. This problem did not occur if RUNSTATS was run from a PM program instead of through Query Manager. ═══ 1.8.3. JR02991: Decimal Not Accepted In Panel Search ═══ JR02991: Decimal Not Accepted In Panel Search In a panel search, a decimal point must be used in a comparison between a decimal column and a numeric literal greater than ten digits. When a user tried to enter a decimal point, however, a message stated that the data was not in the proper format. ═══ 1.8.4. JR03127: Data Missing With Form Break1 ═══ JR03127: Data Missing With Form Break1 The data in a row with a type of decimal and a length of 5,0 was omitted from the column when the following form was used: USAGE=break1 INDENT=2 WIDTH=8 EDIT=L01 SEQ=1 ═══ 1.8.5. JR03572: Trap D on 499th Iteration of Set Global ═══ JR03572: Trap D on 499th Iteration of Set Global A program which looped many times through a routine that set global variables received a trap D on the 499th iteration. ═══ 1.8.6. JR03599: Selecting All Columns in View Hung QM ═══ JR03599: Selecting All Columns in View Hung QM The user created a view through Query Manager of a table with a large number of columns (>150). The user then tried to select all the columns. Query Manager hung, and the user had to close the task. Although the system could be used, I/O was slow. To correct the I/O, the system had to be rebooted. ═══ 1.8.7. JR03834: Panel Did Not Print Completely ═══ JR03834: Panel Did Not Print Completely When a user tried to print a panel from F9 on the Action bar, the panel did not print completely on a 8.5 x 11" sheet of paper. ═══ 1.8.8. JR04006: QM Exited After 3rd Run of Procedure ═══ JR04006: QM Exited After 3rd Run of Procedure On the third execution of a procedure, Query Manager exited with no error message and returned the user to the Main Menu. The exit occurred when the user entered search parameters in a change panel during the procedure. ═══ 1.8.9. JR04318: Panel Could Not Be Run in Two Sessions ═══ JR04318: Panel Could Not Be Run in Two Sessions A panel could not be run in change mode in two sessions. The second session would show an hourglass until the first exited the panel. This problem occurred after U-locking was implemented. ═══ 1.8.10. JR04467: Trap With COUNT When No Rows Returned ═══ JR04467: Trap With COUNT When No Rows Returned When the summary function COUNT was used in the final text of a form (i.e. TOTAL=&COUNT), a query run with that form received a trap if no rows were returned. ═══ 1.9. OS/2 EE LAN REQUESTER/SERVER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05050 which relate to OS/2 EE LAN Requester/Server. ═══ 1.9.1. IC01229: SYS0071 When Administrator Listed Files ═══ IC01229: SYS0071 When Administrator Listed Files A SYS0071 error occurred when the administrator tried to list open files. This happened because the MAXUSERS parameter did not allow enough sessions on the server for cross-domain resource use. The MAXUSERS parameter has now been increased, and the code has been changed so that an error will be written to the error log if the MAXUSERS parameter is not large enough. ═══ 1.9.2. IC01723: Second Message to DLR Not Received ═══ IC01723: Second Message to DLR Not Received When a sender sent a second message to a DLR workstation, the error panel only told the sender to check the destination name. It did not tell the sender that, if the destination is a DLR, the receiver must escape from the first message pop-up before the sender can send a second message. ═══ 1.9.3. IC01938: NET248 with multiple concurrent DLR logon ═══ IC01938: NET248 with multiple concurrent DLR logon Numerous error messages (NET 248, cannot contact D/C, software inconsistency) when logging on multiple DLR workstations. ═══ 1.9.4. IC02105: Software inconsistency message starting diskless RIPL DLR. ═══ IC02105: Software inconsistency message starting diskless RIPL DLR. DLR's get sent a message that a software inconsistency has been detected when they try to bring up a diskless RIPL machine. ═══ 1.9.5. IC02153: Excessive Datagram Traffic Every 15 Minutes ═══ IC02153: Excessive Datagram Traffic Every 15 Minutes In some situations, the domain controller (DC) caused excessive datagram traffic on the network every 15 minutes. The DC polled users to determine which users were still logged on. This sometimes caused excessive datagram traffic on domains with many users. The polling has now been changed to be configurable from IBMLAN.INI. ═══ 1.9.6. IC02188: DEL Command From DLR Caused Server to Trap ═══ IC02188: DEL Command From DLR Caused Server to Trap If a "DEL *.*" was issued from a DLR against a redirected drive and there was an access control profile (ACP) for one of the files in the directory, the server would trap in the MEMCPY() routine. ═══ 1.9.7. IC02287: Incomplete DIR Listing on Network Drive ═══ IC02287: Incomplete DIR Listing on Network Drive The DIR command gave an incomplete directory listing. This occurred because DOSFindFirst2 returned an incorrect file count. If one file was added to or deleted from the directory, DIR would give a complete directory listing. This error only occurred on a network drive. ═══ 1.9.8. IC02307: Messages Lost With Named Pipes ═══ IC02307: Messages Lost With Named Pipes Messages were lost with a named-pipe application. In the application, the server side used a named-pipe semaphore to control reads, while the client side wrote to the message mode pipe. The server side rarely received any of the messages that the client wrote. ═══ 1.9.9. IC02393: Trap With WRKHEURISTIC J = 0 ═══ IC02393: Trap With WRKHEURISTIC J = 0 A trap sometimes occurred if the DLR WRKHEURISTIC J was set to 0 instead of 2. This setting caused an OPENANDX SMB to be sent without an "X" to the server. In the case of a shared FCB open, no check was done for the condition of "NO X," and a trap would occur. ═══ 1.9.10. IC02414: Second User Could Not Access Application ═══ IC02414: Second User Could Not Access Application An OS/2 public application was defined on the domain controller with an alias that had maximum users = 1. As expected, when a user on a requester was using the application, other users could not access it. When the first user stopped using the application, however, the other users still could not access it. No users could access the application until the first user logged off the network. A NET8018 error was returned with a code of 71. ═══ 1.9.11. IC02438: File-Locking Error with DOS Public App ═══ IC02438: File-Locking Error with DOS Public App While running an application as a DOS public application on a DLR machine, the user received a file-locking error during an attempt to update a file in the user's home directory. ═══ 1.9.12. IC02440: Trap D With Auditing Turned On ═══ IC02440: Trap D With Auditing Turned On When auditing was on, a trap D occurred when a user tried to create a file in a directory for which he did not have create access. ═══ 1.9.13. IC02456: User Could Not Update \PRINT Profile ═══ IC02456: User Could Not Update \PRINT Profile After installing CSD WR04098, the user could not update the \COMM and \PRINT profiles via the "Manage Access Control - Non-alias" screen of the LAN full-screen interface. A NET9578E error appeared and asked the user to verify the existence of the profiles. The profiles did exist. ═══ 1.9.14. IC02535: NET249 and NET700 During Logon ═══ IC02535: NET249 and NET700 During Logon Users trying to logon to the network from OS/2 and DLR workstations received NET248 and NET700 errors (unable to contact domain controller). ═══ 1.9.15. IC02575: Mixed-Case Aliases Could Not Be Accessed ═══ IC02575: Mixed-Case Aliases Could Not Be Accessed The migration utility allowed external aliases to be created in lowercase and mixed-case. Once these aliases were created, they could not be accessed from the FSI (full-screen interface) or from the command line, because the preprocessing in the interfaces converts the name entered by the user to uppercase before trying to access it. To solve this problem, the migration utility will convert all names to uppercase. ═══ 1.9.16. IC02599: NET8024 Gave Undocumented Code 0X80C0 ═══ IC02599: NET8024 Gave Undocumented Code 0X80C0 During the sharing of a printer queue at server startup, the user received message NET8024 with an undocumented return code 0X80C0. This code has now been replaced by a documented return code. ═══ 1.9.17. IC02612: Access to First Share Lost ═══ IC02612: Access to First Share Lost On a PCLP 1.3 requester, the user did a NET USE to an external share on a server and then did a NET USE to an invalid external share on the same server. As a result, the requester lost access to the first external share. ═══ 1.9.18. IC02616: USERLOCK Did Not Prevent File Replication ═══ IC02616: USERLOCK Did Not Prevent File Replication With the file replicator on a LAN server, USERLOCK.XXX did not prevent file replication as it should. The problem only occurred when the REPL.INI file was created with an editor that did not make sure the file ended with a CR/LF. ═══ 1.9.19. IC02643: CLI Allowed Fuller Set of Alias Names ═══ IC02643: CLI Allowed Fuller Set of Alias Names The command-line interface (CLI) allowed a fuller set of alias names than that allowed by the full-screen interface (FSI). For example, CLI allowed names beginning with a numeric, while FSI did not. Since conforming to FSI would disrupt some users' conventions, the fuller set will be allowed. ═══ 1.9.20. IC02646: Trap in Print Queue Mgt, RNS1EXIT ═══ IC02646: Trap in Print Queue Mgt, RNS1EXIT In some cases, if document names were associated with print jobs and DLR users selected Print Queue Management, the server would trap when trying to process the queue response. This error might be seen as a red screen with an RNS1EXIT message. ═══ 1.9.21. IC02651: Hang During RIPL ═══ IC02651: Hang During RIPL A hang occurred during an RIPL from an OS/2 LAN server to a DLR machine. The light on the hard disk stayed on, and the RIPL process hung just before the FSI logon to the network. The system had to be rebooted. ═══ 1.9.22. IC02653: Range for /MINPWLEN:LENGTH Confusing ═══ IC02653: Range for /MINPWLEN:LENGTH Confusing On-line help states the range for the /MINPWLEN:LENGTH parameter as 0-14. The Network Logon Panel, however, only accepts eight characters, and the UPM Logon Panel only accepts ten characters. So that this situation will not be misleading, text has been added to the help to tell the user that the panels will not accept the full range of lengths. ═══ 1.9.23. IC02658: RDS Logon Failed With /WORKSTATIONS ═══ IC02658: RDS Logon Failed With /WORKSTATIONS If a user was defined to be able to logon to only certain workstations (the /WORKSTATIONS field was used), then an RDS node logon did not work for that user. ═══ 1.9.24. IC02675: Printer Driver Sent Pop-up to Server ═══ IC02675: Printer Driver Sent Pop-up to Server The HP printer driver sent a pop-up to the server instead of to the requester when a printer exception (out of paper, offline, power not on) was met. The user could only respond to the pop-up from the server. ═══ 1.9.25. IC02699: Wrong Offset; Locking Not Serialized ═══ IC02699: Wrong Offset; Locking Not Serialized A customer had a non-IBM database application which rebuilt files in a subdirectory on the server. Data in the file created was written at the wrong offset. This occurred because the locking of the database tables was not serialized. This problem only occurred when the application was run across the network from a DLR. ═══ 1.9.26. IC02716: Requesters get NET700 errors ═══ IC02716: Requesters get NET700 errors When all stations start at the same time, some of them get a NET700 during net logon. ═══ 1.9.27. IC02736: Printer Out of Paper Caused NET9811E ═══ IC02736: Printer Out of Paper Caused NET9811E The user selected "Print Domain Definition" from the full-screen interface (FSI) on the domain controller. If the printer was out of paper, the following error message was returned: NET9811E Disk is full. Not enough room on disk for system files. Remove or archive system files. Changes have been made so that a more appropriate message will be given. The message will state that the printer is offline and that the job may need to be restarted. ═══ 1.9.28. IC02753: Trap When Server Stopped and Rebooted ═══ IC02753: Trap When Server Stopped and Rebooted A trap D occurred when a customer stopped the server with NET STOP SERVER and then typed Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot. ═══ 1.9.29. IC02755: NET3190 When Program Group Displayed ═══ IC02755: NET3190 When Program Group Displayed A NET3190 error occurred when a program group was displayed if the user was not logged on to the network. The error message was NET3190: A NETWKSTA internal error has occurred: ENDTRANSACT: SRV_MPXVC_LONG REQ going negative. 00C0 ═══ 1.9.30. IC02757: Needed Message for Out or MPX Threads ═══ IC02757: Needed Message for Out or MPX Threads A message needed to be logged for o out of internal redirector MPX threads o out of write buffer space on blocking named pipe writes ═══ 1.9.31. IC02785: No Volume Label for External Resource Drive ═══ IC02785: No Volume Label for External Resource Drive When an OS/2 LAN requester was attached to a PCLP server, a DIR command on the requester did not return a volume label for an external resource network drive on the server. This only occurred when the volume label was greater than seven characters. ═══ 1.9.32. IC02793: Trap During Addition of DOS Application ═══ IC02793: Trap During Addition of DOS Application A customer received a trap when adding a DOS application from the full-screen interface (FSI) Definitions/Apps/Public DOS Apps screen. The trap was caused by a long pathname copied into a string field that was too small. ═══ 1.9.33. IC02799: ACP Update Returned NET9920E, NET2228 ═══ IC02799: ACP Update Returned NET9920E, NET2228 A system administrator tried to update an access control profile (ACP) for an alias and received NET9920E (NET2228 from the command line), "The user accounts database is full." This occurred because the user had enough ACPs to fill the 512 KB initialized for ACPs. The data segments initialized for ACPs has now been increased. The limit on the number of ACPs (8192) should be reached before the memory limit is reached. ═══ 1.9.34. IC02800: Server Returned "No Access" for ACP Limit ═══ IC02800: Server Returned "No Access" for ACP Limit An application with many MKDIR commands reached the limit for number of access control profiles (ACPs). The server returned a "no access" code instead of "out of resources." Also, no error was logged. ═══ 1.9.35. IC02812: Assigned Drive for DOS Pub App Not Changed ═══ IC02812: Assigned Drive for DOS Pub App Not Changed When a network administrator attempted to change the assigned drive for a previously defined DOS public application, the change did not take effect. To change the drive assignment, the administrator had to delete and recreate the public application. ═══ 1.9.36. IC02848: Requester Not Started From STARTUP.CMD ═══ IC02848: Requester Not Started From STARTUP.CMD When the requester was started with a LOGON statement in STARTUP.CMD and one or more other programs were running, the requester was not started and the STARTUP.CMD window showed The requester service is starting . . . . . The requester service could not be started. ═══ 1.9.37. IC02853: Home Directory Incorrectly Assigned to DC ═══ IC02853: Home Directory Incorrectly Assigned to DC When home directories were assigned from a LAN requester to reside on an additional server (AS), the directories were incorrectly defined on the domain controller instead of on the AS. This problem only occurred when the directory was created from the full-screen interface. The home directory could be correctly defined from the command line with NET USER USERNAME /HOMEDIR:\\SERVER\USERNAME ═══ 1.9.38. IC02860: NetUserGetInfo Returned 67 ═══ IC02860: NetUserGetInfo Returned 67 The API call NetUserGetInfo returned a code of 67. This only occurred when the call was made from an OS/2 requester to the DC and when the call used a servername with two forward slashes instead of two backward slashes. The backward slashes should be accepted. ═══ 1.9.39. IC02890: Printout of DCDB Showed No Home Directory ═══ IC02890: Printout of DCDB Showed No Home Directory On a printout of the DCDB (domain controller database), a user was shown to have no home directory even though the user did have a directory and was able to access it. ═══ 1.9.40. IC02900: NET USE With Alias Returned NET2453 ═══ IC02900: NET USE With Alias Returned NET2453 NET USE with an alias sometimes failed with "NET2453 Unable to find domain controller for this domain." ═══ 1.9.41. IC02922: Char Mode Named Pipes Slow ═══ IC02922: Char Mode Named Pipes Slow There was slow performance with char mode named pipes. This occurred when there was more data available than would fit in the read-ahead buffer. ═══ 1.9.42. IC02923: Trap D During Copy of UNC Names ═══ IC02923: Trap D During Copy of UNC Names Redirection caused a trap D during a copy of UNC names. ═══ 1.9.43. IC02963: LAN Server Did Not Support DOS 5.0 ═══ IC02963: LAN Server Did Not Support DOS 5.0 The 1.3 LAN Server did not support DOS 5.0 for the DLR IPL workstation. ═══ 1.9.44. IC02971: DLR Applications Missing After Migration ═══ IC02971: DLR Applications Missing After Migration After migrating from a PCLP 1.3 or LS (LAN Server) 1.0 environment to an LS 1.2 environment, a DLR user might not see all his applications in his application selector list. ═══ 1.9.45. IC02977: Help Incomplete for Home Dir Assignment ═══ IC02977: Help Incomplete for Home Dir Assignment The help panel for "Home Directory Assignment" described the "Server" and "Drive Assignment" fields but not the "Server Path to Directory" field. ═══ 1.9.46. IC02980: No More Internal File Identifiers ═══ IC02980: No More Internal File Identifiers A "no more internal file identifiers" error was seen when the DIR command was executed. It occurred only after an application on a requester had executed DOSFindFirst to a redirected drive using global characters (* or ?) and no files were found to match the pattern. ═══ 1.9.47. IC03017: List of Days for AT Incorrect ═══ IC03017: List of Days for AT Incorrect The list of days in each month for the AT command was incorrect, causing the AT command to not run on 3/30, 3/31, 5/31, and 7/31. ═══ 1.9.48. IC03041: UPMGLGN Failed With 0XFB05 ═══ IC03041: UPMGLGN Failed With 0XFB05 After many logon/logoffs (UPMGLGLN/UPMGLGFF) in a single process, a logon failed with code 0XFB05 (failed security). ═══ 1.9.49. IC03045: Migration of PCLP to LAN Server Failed ═══ IC03045: Migration of PCLP to LAN Server Failed The migration of PCLP 1.3 to OS/2 LAN Server 1.3 failed on the importation of migration file LS12IMPO if a user had more than 19 applications. ═══ 1.9.50. IC03054: FOPEN Returned Wrong Code For Invalid Path ═══ IC03054: FOPEN Returned Wrong Code For Invalid Path An FOPEN call with an invalid path on a redirected drive returned a 13 (access denied) instead of a 3 (invalid path). ═══ 1.9.51. IC03056: App Could Not End With Named-Pipe Read ═══ IC03056: App Could Not End With Named-Pipe Read An application could not be terminated when a named-pipe read was outstanding on the redirector. ═══ 1.9.52. IC03064: DOSWriteMailSlot Could Not Be Executed ═══ IC03064: DOSWriteMailSlot Could Not Be Executed A DOSWriteMailSlot command could not be executed unless a NET START and a logon to the domain were executed. ═══ 1.9.53. IC03072: Needed Changes to NetUserPasswordSet ═══ IC03072: Needed Changes to NetUserPasswordSet In the NetUserPasswordSet API or the NET PASSWORD command, password restrictions needed to be checked and appropriate errors returned before an invalid-password error was returned. ═══ 1.9.54. IC03077: Create Access Denied in DOS Box ═══ IC03077: Create Access Denied in DOS Box A user had write/create access for a subdirectory. When the user tried to create a file from an application in the DOS box, access was denied. This did not happen on a DLR or in OS/2. ═══ 1.9.55. IC03085: Deleting Home Dir Deleted All Contents ═══ IC03085: Deleting Home Dir Deleted All Contents Deleting a user's home directory caused the directory, all of its contents, and all of its subdirectories to be deleted, even if the directory was shared by other users or was part of another user's path. A menu has now been added to give the user the choice of deleting the home directory, as above, or just deleting the user's home directory definition. ═══ 1.9.56. IC03088: Requester/Messenger Failed to Start ═══ IC03088: Requester/Messenger Failed to Start The requester failed to start when other CPU intensive functions were being performed. It was actually the messenger which failed to start and brought down the requester. If the messenger and requester were started as separate services, each would start successfully. ═══ 1.9.57. IC03119: Machine Name Recorded in Audit Log ═══ IC03119: Machine Name Recorded in Audit Log When a user attempted to logon with an invalid password, the machine name was recorded instead of the userid in the audit log. ═══ 1.9.58. IC03150: DC Trapped With 33rd Additional Server ═══ IC03150: DC Trapped With 33rd Additional Server When more than 32 additional servers attempted to logon to the same domain controller, the domain controller trapped and the additional server failed to logon (NET3055). ═══ 1.9.59. IC03177: Trap on Add Server Set Up as Replicator ═══ IC03177: Trap on Add Server Set Up as Replicator A customer received intermittent trap Ds on an additional server that was set up as a replicator. The customer could successfully continue after pressing Enter. ═══ 1.9.60. IC03182: SRVHEURISTIC 15 Confusing ═══ IC03182: SRVHEURISTIC 15 Confusing The dual usage of SRVHEURISTIC 15 for Oplock timeout as well as NETBIOS session timeout was confusing. The values sent to NETBIOS contained only the low order byte of the oplock timeout value, which was confusing for customers who needed to compensate when LAN was used over low-speed communication links such as remote bridges. Also, more functionality was needed with the NETBIOS session timeout parameter to allow for no timeout at the session level. ═══ 1.9.61. IC03183: Inconsistent NET START and STOP Messages ═══ IC03183: Inconsistent NET START and STOP Messages NET START and NET STOP did not always display the "service is starting" and "service is stopping" messages before the "service is started" and "service is stopped" messages. ═══ 1.9.62. IC03184: NET STOP REQ Returned Incorrect Error ═══ IC03184: NET STOP REQ Returned Incorrect Error When Ctrl-C was pressed while the server service was starting, a subsequent NET STOP REQ command would return the error SYS0317: The system cannot find message 65535 in message file NET.MSG. This happened because server service is asynchronous and the startup continues even after Ctrl-C is pressed. The code has been changed to return a more useful message: The service is starting or stopping. Try again later. ═══ 1.9.63. IC03186: NET DEVICE Listed Unshared COM Port ═══ IC03186: NET DEVICE Listed Unshared COM Port NET DEVICE COM1 listed the COM port and status even though the port was not shared. This only occurred if the COM port was associated with a printer and queue. ═══ 1.9.64. IC03187: Wrong Admin Alert For Logon Hrs Exceeded ═══ IC03187: Wrong Admin Alert For Logon Hrs Exceeded The wrong Admin Alert message was generated when a user's logon hours exceeded the limit set for that user. The message sent was NET2434E: A user's session with this server has been deleted because his logon hours are no longer valid. The message that should be sent is NET3033E: Uers %1 has exceeded account limitation %2 on server %3. ═══ 1.9.65. IC03188: Log Handle Updated With NETAUDITREAD Error ═══ IC03188: Log Handle Updated With NETAUDITREAD Error If an error occurred during execution of the NETAUDITREAD API, the log handle was updated in spite of the error. This prevented the caller of the API from retrying the call using the old log handle. This could cause a user who called the API to miss audit log entries if an error was returned from NETAUDITREAD. ═══ 1.9.66. IC03189: NET STATISTICS /C Returned NET2184 ═══ IC03189: NET STATISTICS /C Returned NET2184 NET STATISTICS /C clears the requester statistics and, if the server is started, clears the server statistics. The command was incorrectly returning an error (NET2184 - server not started) if the server was not started. It should not return an error. It did correctly clear the requester statistics. ═══ 1.9.67. IC03191: Alerts Sent at Other Than ALERTSCHED Time ═══ IC03191: Alerts Sent at Other Than ALERTSCHED Time An internal variable of the server was being incorrectly updated. This variable is used by the server to determine when to send alerts with respect to the ALERTSCHED parameter. ═══ 1.9.68. IC03197: Access Violation With NET STOP REPL ═══ IC03197: Access Violation With NET STOP REPL When NET STOP REPL was issued from the command line, an access violation occurred. ═══ 1.9.69. IC03204: Server Could Not RIPL Workstation ═══ IC03204: Server Could Not RIPL Workstation A fast-speed server (Model 95) was not able to remote IPL workstations because the workstations could not receive and send fast enough. ═══ 1.9.70. IC03213: NET COPY Trapped With Long Command ═══ IC03213: NET COPY Trapped With Long Command NET COPY trapped when the command length, including the command, source, and destination, was 256 characters long. ═══ 1.9.71. IC03220: Description Erased With NET ALIAS ═══ IC03220: Description Erased With NET ALIAS The description of an alias was erased during the "NET ALIAS ALIASNAME /WHEN:ADMIN" command. ═══ 1.9.72. IC03222: Wrong Msg When Machine Name Exceeded 8-Char ═══ IC03222: Wrong Msg When Machine Name Exceeded 8-Char When the user tried to start the redirector with a machine name or domain name that exceeded the eight-character limit, the service would return the wrong message: NET3062: The sub service LSCLIENT failed to start. NET ERROR returned "NET3111: An unexpected NETBIOS error occurred." ═══ 1.9.73. IC03251: NET9399 Creating IPL Image ═══ IC03251: NET9399 Creating IPL Image When a user tried to create an IPL image for a DLR workstation with 1.44 MB media, he received NET9399E: The destination drive or diskette is not valid. ═══ 1.9.74. IC03260: NET3196 When Job Canceled in Spooling State ═══ IC03260: NET3196 When Job Canceled in Spooling State When a job was canceled in spooling state, the requester displayed a red panel with message NET3196. ═══ 1.9.75. IC03313: Help for NET ALIAS Incomplete ═══ IC03313: Help for NET ALIAS Incomplete Help for NET ALIAS did not explain how to delete an alias. ═══ 1.9.76. IC03341: NET LOGON Checked Users Every 15 Hours ═══ IC03341: NET LOGON Checked Users Every 15 Hours NET LOGON should check logged-on users every 15 minutes. Instead, it checked every 15 hours. ═══ 1.9.77. IC03345: File Assignments Not Changed ═══ IC03345: File Assignments Not Changed An administrator selected Definitions + Users + File Assignments to assign drives to aliases for a user. From the File Assignments panel, the administrator was not able to change the drive assignments. ═══ 1.9.78. IC03346: Stopping Server Service Logged User Off ═══ A user with administrator privilege who tried to remotely stop the server service on the domain controller was logged off. This occurred with the full-screen interface. ═══ 1.9.79. IC03347: NET ADMIN Returned SYS1003/NET3503 ═══ IC03347: NET ADMIN Returned SYS1003/NET3503 In some circumstances, NET ADMIN would return SYS1003 or NET3503 when it was used to do NET MOVE or NET COPY. ═══ 1.9.80. IC03350: Enabled DOS Box Caused Trap 8 ═══ IC03350: Enabled DOS Box Caused Trap 8 When the DOS box was enabled for requesters, it caused a trap 8 at the requester. ═══ 1.9.81. IC03353: NET700 on DLR When Heavy Server Load ═══ IC03353: NET700 on DLR When Heavy Server Load On a domain with 35 DLR RIPL requesters and one server (the domain controller), a DLR would fail with a NET700 system error. This only occurred with a very heavy server load. ═══ 1.9.82. IC03354: Fast-Speed Boot Srvr Sent IPL Data Too Fast ═══ IC03354: Fast-Speed Boot Srvr Sent IPL Data Too Fast The fast-speed boot server (Model 95) sent IPL data too quickly. It should wait five milliseconds before sending the next piece of IPL data block to the IPL workstation for PC-Net or Token-Ring network. ═══ 1.9.83. IC03355: Current Reads Not Unblocked ═══ IC03355: Current Reads Not Unblocked A change in the pipe handle state did not unblock current reads. ═══ 1.9.84. IC03356: NET START REQ Logged NET3190 ═══ IC03356: NET START REQ Logged NET3190 When a user entered "NET START REQ," the requester started successfully, but the following message was in the error log: NET3190: A NetWkSta internal error has occurred. FreeSMBBuf: Bad SMB Ptr! ═══ 1.9.85. IC03357: During RIPL, Op-Lock Not Broken Correctly ═══ IC03357: During RIPL, Op-Lock Not Broken Correctly During an RIPL, the redirector did not break the op-lock correctly for file SWAPPER.DAT. ═══ 1.9.86. IC03359: SSLEEP Failed; Named Pipe Disconnected ═══ IC03359: SSLEEP Failed; Named Pipe Disconnected SSLEEP failed when asked to sleep for zero milliseconds. For one application, this caused a "named pipe disconnected" error when the application was executed by NET RUN. The SSLEEP failure could cause other applications which use named pipes to experience similar errors. ═══ 1.9.87. IC03360: Out of Search Handles; Too Many Redirections ═══ IC03360: Out of Search Handles; Too Many Redirections The server was not properly recycling unique searches sent from DLRs. The unique search queue could build up until it held all available search handles. Then the server would respond to the DLR search SMB with error x84. One external symptom was "too many redirections" during a DIR on a redirected drive. ═══ 1.9.88. IC03361: Server Did Not Respond to Lock and Read ═══ IC03361: Server Did Not Respond to Lock and Read When a DLR sent a lock-and-read request to the server, the server did not respond. This caused the DLR to hang. Before this error occurred, the server had already responded several times to lock-and-read requests. The lack of response from the server occurred because the requester caused many locking violations for a single byte range of file. The high number of violations caused a virtually indefinite timeout. ═══ 1.9.89. IC03362: OS/2 Rtn Code 0x71, Out of Search Handles ═══ IC03362: OS/2 Rtn Code 0x71, Out of Search Handles When DLRs used many search handles, OS/2 TRANS2_FINDFIRST and SMBFINDUNIQUE requests would fail with a return code of 0x71 (out of search handles). ═══ 1.9.90. IC03379: ESC Key Returned User to Main Panel ═══ IC03379: ESC Key Returned User to Main Panel In the full-screen interface, the ESC key sometimes returned the user to the main panel instead of to the previous panel. ═══ 1.9.91. IC03389: Stopping Server Service Logged User Off ═══ IC03389: Stopping Server Service Logged User Off See APAR IC03346. ═══ 1.9.92. IC03390: Preselected Server Panel Garbled ═══ IC03390: Preselected Server Panel Garbled From the command line, a user stopped the server service on a domain controller. The user then started the full-screen interface and selected Utilities + Preselected Server. The displayed panel contained garbled text. ═══ 1.9.93. JR03611: Named-Pipe App Not Closed With Ctrl-Break ═══ JR03611: Named-Pipe App Not Closed With Ctrl-Break A network named-pipe client application running on multiple requesters intermittently was not closed with Ctrl-Break or "End Task" from the Task Manager. ═══ 1.10. DOS LAN REQUESTER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05050 which relate to DOS LAN Requester (DLR). ═══ 1.10.1. IC01145: Screen Garbled After Popup ═══ IC01145: Screen Garbled After Popup When a mouse driver was loaded prior to NET START on a DLR, the display was garbled after the user escaped from a pop-up message. From the full-screen interface, the user had to reboot. From the command-line, the user could use the mode C080 command to reset the display. The problem could be avoided by loading the mouse driver after the DLR in AUTOEXEC.BAT. ═══ 1.10.2. IC01454: DOSWriteMailSlot Returned Code of 3 ═══ IC01454: DOSWriteMailSlot Returned Code of 3 When an application which used DOSWriteMailSlot was compiled as an OS/2 application, bound with BIND.EXE to run in DOS, and then run in DOS, DOSWriteMailSlot always returned a code of 3. ═══ 1.10.3. IC01462: Reconnected User Not in NET WHO Listing ═══ IC01462: Reconnected User Not in NET WHO Listing When a DLR user logged on to a nondefault domain and then the domain controller was shut down and restarted, the reconnected user did not reappear in the NET WHO listing. ═══ 1.10.4. IC01525: Printing Slow When DLR in High Mem ═══ IC01525: Printing Slow When DLR in High Mem There was a printing performance problem when the DLR was loaded into high memory. The redirectors had to enable and disable HIMEM/EMS for each interrupt 17H. The redirector code has now been changed so that the interrupt 17H handler will not be loaded into high memory. ═══ 1.10.5. IC01731: New Documents Took Long Time to Save ═══ IC01731: New Documents Took Long Time to Save DCA format documents took longer than they should to be saved to a network drive because the DLR did not oplock newly created files. This problem only occurred when files were saved for the first time. For one customer, one-page documents took 30 seconds to be saved and larger documents took over one minute. ═══ 1.10.6. IC02023: DLR Hung Printing to Redirected Printer ═══ IC02023: DLR Hung Printing to Redirected Printer A customer's DLR sometimes hung during a print from a DOS financial application to a redirected printer. ═══ 1.10.7. IC02262: DIR Listing Incomplete With /KST = 0 ═══ IC02262: DIR Listing Incomplete With /KST = 0 The DIR command did not list all the files on a shared directory. This occurred when the /KST parameter was set to zero, which is invalid for that field. The DLR User's Guide, page 9-38, has been corrected to state the range as 1-32K, instead of 0-32K. ═══ 1.10.8. IC02335: End-of-Data Char Never Received ═══ IC02335: End-of-Data Char Never Received An application did not receive the end-of-data character from a DLR serial port. This occurred because the message server was checking for messages every 1/10 of a second, causing the application to miss some input characters. ═══ 1.10.9. IC02465: Demo Ran Slowly After NET START ═══ IC02465: Demo Ran Slowly After NET START A demo program on a DLR machine ran slowly after NET START had been entered. The slowdown occurred because MSGSRVR was triggered to check for incoming messages each time there was a write to the screen. MSGSRVR has been changed to check for messages only every ten seconds. ═══ 1.10.10. IC02553: DLR Could Not Reconnect ═══ IC02553: DLR Could Not Reconnect After an autodisconnect, the DLR could not reconnect to the DOS Print Server. A NET805 error was returned. The DLR could not reconnect because the DLR redirector had stored the userid's password instead of the PCLP share password. ═══ 1.10.11. IC02660: Drive Y Could Not Be Deassigned From FSI ═══ IC02660: Drive Y Could Not Be Deassigned From FSI From the DLR full-screen interface (FSI), drive Y could not be deassigned because it was not shown on the screen. The user was able to deassign the drive from the command line with "NET USE Y: /D." ═══ 1.10.12. IC02665: File Not Found During IPL ═══ IC02665: File Not Found During IPL The customer was using a virtual disk instead of the C drive. During initialization of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, the user received a message reporting a bad command or filename. This occurred because the file GO.BAT was missing from the virtual disk. The user was able to logon but could not call a local profile. ═══ 1.10.13. IC02666: End-of-Print-Job Messages Not Received ═══ IC02666: End-of-Print-Job Messages Not Received Some 8088-based machines did not receive end-of-print-job messages. The server logged error NET3172, with error code 2136. ═══ 1.10.14. IC02686: NET PRINT Truncated Job to Local Printer ═══ IC02686: NET PRINT Truncated Job to Local Printer Although the system reported that the command completed successfully, NET PRINT truncated a print job at about ten pages. The problem occurred only when NET PRINT was used to print from a DLR to a local printer. NET PRINT only printed the first buffer of data. ═══ 1.10.15. IC02716: Simultaneous Logon Caused NET700 ═══ IC02716: Simultaneous Logon Caused NET700 When all DLR stations started at the same time (such as after a power failure), some of them (1-4 out of 12) received a NET700 system error during NET LOGON. These users would then have to retry the logon. ═══ 1.10.16. IC02751: DLR Error Logging On After Server Rebooted ═══ IC02751: DLR Error Logging On After Server Rebooted An RIPL DLR user logged on without rebooting after the server had been rebooted. The user received the following error message: A software error has occurred. Machine: Local Component Error: NetShareGetInfo CR_BCON Original Error: 65 DOS Extended Error: 0 The user could press Enter and logon without a problem. A DOSCallNMPipe error could also occur in the above situation. The error code would be 65. ═══ 1.10.17. IC02768: Disk I/O Error During Access of File Server ═══ IC02768: Disk I/O Error During Access of File Server A word-processing application returned a disk I/O error message when it tried to access a file on the file server. The application was issuing an ExtendedOpen. ═══ 1.10.18. IC02772: NET WHO Did Not List All Users ═══ IC02772: NET WHO Did Not List All Users A customer was running 1.3 Lan Server and 1.3 DLRs. When the customer performed a NET WHO, not all of the users were listed. ═══ 1.10.19. IC02773: Change-Password Panel Not Displayed ═══ IC02773: Change-Password Panel Not Displayed When the password had expired, the change-password panel was not displayed. Instead, the user received "Logon attempt failed. Please try again. Make sure user password and domain are correct." ═══ 1.10.20. IC02815: "Bad Command or Filename" During NET LOGON ═══ IC02815: "Bad Command or Filename" During NET LOGON After a DOS 4.0 disk RIPL to a 1.3 server, the DOS error message "bad command or filename" appeared when NET LOGON was issued from the command line. This only occurred if there was no GO.BAT on the virtual disk. ═══ 1.10.21. IC02827: Software-Inconsistency Msg When PW Expired ═══ IC02827: Software-Inconsistency Msg When PW Expired When a user logged on to a LAN server from a DLR and the password had expired, the user received a "software inconsistency" message. For the user to be able to logon, the administrator had to delete and redefine the user's ID. This only occurred if the userid GUEST had been deleted. ═══ 1.10.22. IC02851: DLR Hung Printing With Downloadable Fonts ═══ IC02851: DLR Hung Printing With Downloadable Fonts In some circumstances, a DLR would hang when printing to a redirected drive from an application that downloaded fonts. The problem occurred because the DS register was not restored after a print. ═══ 1.10.23. IC02859: NET808 on DLR During Copy From PCLP ═══ IC02859: NET808 on DLR During Copy From PCLP A DLR machine hung with error message NET808 during an attempt to copy a 51 byte file from a PCLP machine to the DLR. The copy command was issued from the DLR. ═══ 1.10.24. IC02950: DLR Locked During Print Screen to Redir Drv ═══ IC02950: DLR Locked During Print Screen to Redir Drv When the customer did a print screen from a particular application to a redirected drive, the workstation (DLR) locked up and had to be rebooted. Before the lockup, a division-by-zero error was returned. ═══ 1.10.25. IC02963: DOS 5.0 Could Not Be Installed ═══ IC02963: DOS 5.0 Could Not Be Installed DOS 5.0 could not be installed on an RIPL server and domain controller (LAN Server 1.2 or 1.3). ═══ 1.10.26. IC02975: NET807 Message Did Not Include Error Code ═══ IC02975: NET807 Message Did Not Include Error Code The NET807 message did not include the NETBIOS error code. It has now been changed to include the error code in hex. ═══ 1.10.27. IC03000: INSTDLR.BAT Missing From Refresh ═══ IC03000: INSTDLR.BAT Missing From Refresh The file INSTDLR.BAT was missing from LAN Server Refresh 1.30.1. ═══ 1.10.28. IC03019: Shift Mode On Incorrectly ═══ IC03019: Shift Mode On Incorrectly The shift mode was sometimes on when the shift key was not pressed. ═══ 1.10.29. IC03028: Logon Password Problems With Numlock Off ═══ IC03028: Logon Password Problems With Numlock Off When logging on from a DLR command prompt with a syntax of "NET LOGON USERID *," a user encountered password problems if Numlock was off. The user received the following incorrect responses after entering a password: "Command completed successfully," but user not logged on. "NET248: Unable to contact domain controller." ═══ 1.10.30. IC03042: Two DLRs Could Not Access Graphics Program ═══ IC03042: Two DLRs Could Not Access Graphics Program Two or more DLRs could not access a graphics program at the same time. The second DLR received a message stating that there were no more licenses available. ═══ 1.10.31. IC03074: WINNET.LIB Missing From Install Diskettes ═══ IC03074: WINNET.LIB Missing From Install Diskettes According to the documentation, there should have been a file called WINNET.LIB on the DLR and LAN Server Install diskettes. This file, needed for writing window applications, has now been included in NETAPI.DLL, which should be included on the install diskettes. ═══ 1.10.32. IC03076: Problems With Async Named-Pipe Interface ═══ IC03076: Problems With Async Named-Pipe Interface Three problems are covered by this APAR: o A DOS client disconnected and reconnected to the host if one of two nodes was disconnected. This occurred when the DOS client was connected to a LAN server and to a non-IBM communications server with a 3270 session. Internally, the DLR disconnected all async named pipe sessions when it received the message to disconnect from the LAN server. o A DOS 3270 session locked the system when it was swapped to disk. This occurred when a non-IBM communications server emulator was running in a standard or real mode windows DOS box. The client hung when the user exited the emulator, returned to windows, and disconnected the session at the server with NET SESSION. This occurred because the async read was not properly cleared when the pipe was closed. o The DOS client hung after being disconnected four times. When running a non-IBM communications server, the user disconnected the client with NET SESSION and then let it resource locate and return to the logon screen each time. The DOS machine hung after the fourth attempt. ═══ 1.10.33. IC03166: Sharing Violations With NET Commands ═══ IC03166: Sharing Violations With NET Commands A customer received sharing violation errors with certain NET commands. For NET WHO, the error stated that CWH_MAIN.EXE could not be found. For NET LOGOFF, XSLN.EXE could not be found. The contents of these files had been erased. ═══ 1.10.34. IC03174: Hang in Windows Print Manager ═══ IC03174: Hang in Windows Print Manager A user performed a NET USE on a PCLP print server, started Windows 3.0, went to Print Manager and selected both options there, and then viewed the network queue. After a while, the system would beep and hang. ═══ 1.10.35. IC03193: Wkstn Out of Memory During Named-Pipe Calls ═══ IC03193: Wkstn Out of Memory During Named-Pipe Calls In some cases, if the server was busy, the workstation would run out of memory during named-pipe calls. ═══ 1.10.36. IC03195: NET PASS Incorrectly Gave NET700 ═══ IC03195: NET PASS Incorrectly Gave NET700 When a user used NET PASS with an incorrect current password, the wrong message was issued. "NET700: A system error occurred" was issued instead of "NET228: Incorrect password." ═══ 1.10.37. IC03198: Description for Fileset Not Displayed ═══ IC03198: Description for Fileset Not Displayed When the user entered filesets from the command line in mixed case or lower case (i.e. "net use j: apps"), the description for the fileset would not be displayed in the full-screen interface when the user selected "Allocate or Change Filesets" and then "More". ═══ 1.10.38. IC03199: Printer Info Shifted in Deassign-Device Pnl ═══ IC03199: Printer Info Shifted in Deassign-Device Pnl Under some circumstances, the printer information was shifted up one line in the "Deassign Device" panel of the DLR full-screen interface. ═══ 1.10.39. IC03203: NET MOVE Required Backslash After Directory ═══ IC03203: NET MOVE Required Backslash After Directory In order to move a file or series of files to a directory with the NET MOVE command, the user had to add a backslash at the end of the directory name. This occurred when UNC names were used. When the backslash was not used, the following error was returned: NET810: Unexpected network error. ═══ 1.10.40. IC03288: Hang During System Access With EMS Memory ═══ IC03288: Hang During System Access With EMS Memory When both DLR and another application were using EMS memory, the system hung during a network access (such as a print to redirected LPT1). ═══ 1.10.41. IC03296: Hang When TR Cable Disconnected ═══ IC03296: Hang When TR Cable Disconnected Under some circumstances, if the token-ring cable was disconnected and then a send command (such as COPY) was executed, the DLR would beep and hang. The user had to IPL to recover. ═══ 1.10.42. IC03312: System Reported Attempt to Del Current Drv ═══ IC03312: System Reported Attempt to Del Current Drv The user redirected F: to Y:, changed to a subdir of F: (TEMP), changed to the root of Y:, deleted F:, and tried to delete Y :\TEMP. The system responded that Y:\TEMP was the current directory, but the root of Y: was current. ═══ 1.10.43. IC03330: Windows Prt Mgr Showed Wrong Dates for PCLP ═══ IC03330: Windows Prt Mgr Showed Wrong Dates for PCLP Windows Print Manager showed the wrong dates (off by 11 or 12 days) for jobs in the PCLP Print Server Queue. ═══ 1.10.44. IC03363: Failed NET USEs Caused Out-of-Resources ═══ IC03363: Failed NET USEs Caused Out-of-Resources When machines were RIPLed from an additional server, multiple failed NET USEs (drive is already in use) could cause an out-of-resources error on the server.