═══ 1. CSD WR05016 ═══ This document gives a brief description of each APAR which has a fix included in CSD WR05016 for OS/2 Extended Edition 1.3. This CSD only has fixes for the OS/2 Base Operating System. ═══ 1.1. BASE OPERATING SYSTEM ═══ ═══ 1.1.1. JR00024: XCOPY Incorrectly Returned SYS1693 ═══ If the root directory of C: contained a file with the name XYZ, and drive D: had a subdirectory of the same name, then the command "XCOPY D:*.* C: /S" failed with SYS1693: The system cannot create the directory. This has now been corrected to return the more appropriate message: SYS1248: A subdirectory or file XYZ already exists. ═══ 1.1.2. JR03594: WinSetWindowText Length Field Incorrect ═══ The length field in the WinSetWindowText API call was off by one if the terminator string was on a 64K boundary. ═══ 1.1.3. JR03747: System Seemed to Hang Entering DOS Box ═══ The first time the user tried to enter the DOS box, the system seemed to hang with the Presentation Manager (PM) screen still displayed. The user could press Ctrl-Esc to get back to PM. The next attempt to enter DOS worked correctly. ═══ 1.1.4. JR03872: Error Clearing Object (MLE) ═══ After upgrading from OS/2 1.3 to CSD WR05015, the customer received the following error in an application: Error clearing object: Window handle not found. The error occurred when a multi-line entry (MLE) field was cleared. ═══ 1.1.5. JR04022: XCOPY to File From DOS Did Not Work ═══ When the user issued XCOPY in the DOS mode and redirected the output to a file, the output was not sent to the file. XCOPY worked correctly when output was sent to the screen. ═══ 1.1.6. JR04132: Format Error Messages Incorrect ═══ When the user attempted to format a diskette which had a larger capacity than the drive, the message The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk was displayed. Error handling has now been changed, and the message will be The correct media is bigger than the drive. Also, when the user attempted to format a diskette of size greater than 10 MB, the system proceeded to format at the capacity of the drive instead of returning an error. ═══ 1.1.7. JR04280: CMOS Errors During Reboot ═══ The user received CMOS errors when rebooting after installation of 7.220. This problem occurred on several OEM machines. ═══ 1.1.8. PJ01745: XCOPY Ended With Trap D ═══ XCOPY ended with a trap D. This occurred because it returned the wrong length for the result buffer.