═══ 1. CSD WR05015 ═══ This document gives a brief description of each APAR which has a fix included in CSD WR05015 for OS/2 Extended Edition 1.3. The descriptions are grouped in sections by major components of OS/2 EE. In each section, the descriptions are ordered by APAR number. ═══ 1.1. BASE OPERATING SYSTEM ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to the OS/2 base operating system. ═══ 1.1.1. II05074: Performance Problem When Booting OS/2 ═══ A performance problem develops when booting the system, or opening an OS/2 session, and the disk device driver encounters bad hardfile sectors. Due to the retry logic of the driver, as the number of hardfile bad sectors increase, so does the performamce degradation. To minimize the degradation, the following actions should be used: 1. Do not use OS/2 DISKCACHE. Do this by removing the DISKCACHE statement from CONFIG.SYS. 2. Use HPFS to format the partition rather than FAT. 3. Re-partition the FAT partitions to a size less than 32MB. ═══ 1.1.2. II05090: Out-Of-Memory Error ═══ A system is upgraded from OS/2 1.2 to OS/2 1.30, and using the previously operable applications now causes an out-of-memory error. The reason for the error is that in OS/2 1.30, the HPFS DISKCACHE statement was removed from CONFIG.SYS, and the default DISKCACHE amount of memory usually set aside (10%) is used. This amount of memory set aside can cause previously operable applications to run out of memory. The way around this is to put the minimun DISKCACHE statement back in the CONFIG.SYS (IFS=C:\OS2\HPFS.IFS -C:64). This problem was fixed in OS/2 1.30.1 by putting the statement back in CONFIG.SYS. ═══ 1.1.3. JR02573: Could Not Cancel Large Print Job ═══ The user could not cancel large print jobs after sending them to a non-IBM Laserjet. The entire document would always print even when "cancel print job" was selected from the Print Manager. ═══ 1.1.4. JR02675: Adding Programs Caused Hang ═══ The system hung when adding programs. ═══ 1.1.5. JR02714: PGUP/DN Did Not Work in Combo ═══ Page Up and Page Down were not functional in combo boxes. ═══ 1.1.6. JR02792: Utilities Help Incorrect ═══ The help function of the utilities diskette gave incorrect help the first time it was used. A timing problem in the Help Manager has been corrected so that the correct help text appears on the screen when help is selected. ═══ 1.1.7. JR02795: 162/163 CMOS Errors On Laptop ═══ CMOS errors 162/163 occurred after reboot on a laptop system. The 162/163 CMOS errors happened when the user reset the system date and then rebooted the system. ═══ 1.1.8. JR02796: CRC Errors Copying on Laptop ═══ CRC errors occurred while the user was copying to or from the diskette drive on the laptop system. ═══ 1.1.9. JR02797: Unable to Print With Laptop ═══ The user was unable to print data from the laptop system. The parallel port device driver was incorrectly setting the direction bit of the device control register. ═══ 1.1.10. JR02800: Underlining Not Aligned ═══ All forms of underlining and strikethrough did not work on Laserjet. With a device font, underlining and strikethrough did not align with the appropriate characters. ═══ 1.1.11. JR02801: Non-IBM High Res Did Not Print ═══ A non-IBM printer in high resolution did not print. The printer driver was allocating all available memory, and information was being lost during the saving and restoring of DCs. ═══ 1.1.12. JR02802: External Drive Not Recognized ═══ The external diskette drive was not being recognized by the system. ═══ 1.1.13. JR02803: Hypertext Entry Not Highlighted ═══ Link-to-launch hypertext was not being highlighted in the customer-created help panel. ═══ 1.1.14. JR02804: Extent-Not-Found Error on HPFS ═══ An "Extent not found" error occurred with OS/2 SE 1.2 at XR04053 on an HPFS drive. Incorrect calculation in the allocation-length field caused the field to get out of sync with the extents for the file storage allocation structure. This caused the "extent not found" message to be displayed and the system to stop. ═══ 1.1.15. JR02806: Wrong Help ID With Dialog Mgr ═══ An incorrect help ID was displayed with Dialog Manager. The Dialog Manager panel which references a help panel (via the help attribute on the panel tag) was displayed. The Dialog Manager panel ID command was issued to cause the panel and the help ID to be displayed. The Dialog Manager help command was then issued to display the help panel. When the help panel was displayed it was correct if the help panel contained the first .HLP file specified in the LIBDEF HELP LIBLIST call. If not, the ID was wrong. The ID was offset by the total number of help ID's which were contained in the .HLP files which proceeded it. ═══ 1.1.16. JR02808: Invalid Return Code for REXX ═══ A REXX return code was invalid if the argument was outside range 0-255. When a REXX file called another REXX file using CMD.EXE, the return code was truncated (hi-byte dropped); therefore, any return code that had a value outside the range 0-255 would come back to the calling REXX file with a wrong value. ═══ 1.1.17. JR02810: Boot Errors With Large Drives ═══ There was a problem during boot on machines with large drives. The maximum number of heads for large drives was being set incorrectly. ═══ 1.1.18. JR02827: LIBPATH Caused Trap D ═══ The Path in LIBPATH caused a trap D. ═══ 1.1.19. JR02831: MLE Error After SETFORMATRECT ═══ WINSENDMESSAGE never returned after SETFORMATRECT. This was caused by MLE (multi-line editor) problems with MLM_SETFORMATRECT. ═══ 1.1.20. JR02845: Hung on HPFS Drive Shutdown ═══ The system hung on a shutdown to the HPFS drive. The cache buffers were not being flushed to disk correctly. A shutdown routine was allocating dynamic memory, which should not be done during shutdown. To fix this problem, the code has been modified to use static memory instead of dynamic memory to prevent data from being lost. ═══ 1.1.21. JR02846: Hung When Extending File in HPFS ═══ Extending files in HPFS could hang the system. The file system was causing a deadlock on semaphore requests for the open-file table entry. To fix this problem, the code has been modified to change the order of locking/holding of an open-file table entry so that it is not done until a read of the directory entry is done. ═══ 1.1.22. JR02848: API Assumed Mouse Button Down ═══ The direct-manipulation API assumed that the mouse button was pressed when the API was called; therefore, the API looked for a button-up for the termination. With a fast-fingered user, the button could be released before the application called the API. ═══ 1.1.23. JR02849: Spinbutton Style Bits Ignored ═══ Spinbutton style bits were ignored. An incorrect level file was used to build the spinbutton DLL. ═══ 1.1.24. JR02858: Autostart of VIEW Did Not Work ═══ VIEW.EXE is the program that is called to start the on-line command references. VIEW would not allow multiple copies of VIEW to be started in rapid succession due to the internal timing in the program. So, if you tried to autostart two or more on-line references, they would not all start. ═══ 1.1.25. JR02870: Trap B With CODEVIEW ═══ A trap 000B occurred when the user tried to run CODEVIEW on OS/2 1.3. ═══ 1.1.26. JR02874: SYS1728 Message Text was Obscure ═══ The install process created an invalid diskcache parameter, causing a SYS1728 error. The wording of the SYS1728 message was obscure. The help text was correct, but the message itself needed to be changed. ═══ 1.1.27. JR02883: SuperStrLen Returned Wrong Value ═══ The SuperStrLen function was returning the length of the first string instead of the length of the array of strings. ═══ 1.1.28. JR02892: WinQueryProfileSize Incorrect ═══ When issued with null as the keyname parameter, WinQueryProfileSize returned an incorrect value. ═══ 1.1.29. JR02894: GPIResetPS Failed ═══ While using logical fonts, GPIResetPS failed because of the order in which the attributes were initialized. ═══ 1.1.30. JR02904: MLE Window Not Refreshed ═══ Deleting the first row in an MLE (multi-line edit) window caused the following lines in the MLE window to be deleted when an APPL window overlapped the MLE window. The rows could be restored if a repaint was forced, i.e. the application window was moved onto the deleted lines in the MLE and then moved off. ═══ 1.1.31. JR02939: PMCPL Fails With 200+ Fonts ═══ PMCPL failed when the user tried to add or delete fonts when there were 200+ installed in the system. ═══ 1.1.32. JR02978: Errors With Disk Controller ═══ There were installation problems with a non-IBM disk controller. The problem has been isolated to certain non-IBM disk controllers malfunctioning after receiving optional commands defined in the CAM II specification. These commands were being issued to support hard disks in portables which can asynchronously power down. ═══ 1.1.33. JR02979: Diskette Copy Returns SYS0045 ═══ An attempt to copy a demo diskette from a vendor with the OS/2 copy command resulted in message SYS0045. The CHKDSK command also resulted in this error message. When the user attempted to copy from the File Manager, message PMV1003 was returned. If DOS 4.0 was booted on the same machine, all the files could be copied and CHKDSK received no errors. ═══ 1.1.34. JR02980: Trap D With REXX SetLocal ═══ A REXX file with setlocal/endlocal could trap the system. ═══ 1.1.35. JR02981: REXX Dir Function Did Not Work ═══ When the OS/2 REXX directory function was used to navigate between drives and directories, the drive and directory information was incorrect. ═══ 1.1.36. JR02982: BACKUP /S Command Did Not Work ═══ The BACKUP command with the /S option was not working properly. If a file matching the parameters specified in the BACKUP command was not found in the route directory, the system did not search beyond that directory. ═══ 1.1.37. JR02983: Out of Space for Swapping Memory ═══ When OS/2 allocates enough global memory to exhaust all physical storage (RAM and disk), it swaps resources to disk. When OS/2 attempted to reload the discarded resources, however, it could not due to the lack of available disk space to swap other objects out of RAM. ═══ 1.1.38. JR02984: Missing Text in Control Panel ═══ The user changed the display type in the Control Panel from VGA to BGA and performed a "desktop save" while using the VGA display. The panel was then displayed incorrectly on the BGA because the size was not recalculated. ═══ 1.1.39. JR02985: Linker Trapped in Makefile ═══ While executing a customer Makefile, the linker would cause a trap D. This happened when the linker encountered incorrect object code in the customer Makefile. The linker will be modified to detect bad or corrupt OBJ files and to cause a linker error message to be generated instead of a trap. ═══ 1.1.40. JR02986: DISKCOPY/COMP Error With IFS/LAN ═══ DISKCOPY and DISKCOMP did not recognize IFS and LAN as owners of removable drives. ═══ 1.1.41. JR02987: Trap D When App Exhausted Memory ═══ A trap 000D was received in BVHVGA.DLL within procedure _ACCESSFONT at displacement HEX 5B. This happened when a user application allocated memory but never freed it. This caused the system to exhaust memory. The system should not have trapped for this condition. Evaluation of this problem revealed that BVHxxx.DLL received an error code when it attempted to get a selector. The error code indicated that there was not enough memory to generate the selector. The system will now check for this error code. ═══ 1.1.42. JR03003: Trap D in Help Manager ═══ A trap D occurred when Help Manager tried to display printer device driver properties. To solve this problem, the stack space for the Visual Spooler has been increased to allow the Help Manager to display printer device driver properties. ═══ 1.1.43. JR03035: AVC Demo Hung When Mult Sessions ═══ The AVC demo caused the system to hang with multiple sessions. ═══ 1.1.44. JR03036: Trap When Print Large Files ═══ A trap occurred when large files were printed. A PM printer driver's largest stack consumption is when it is printing large PM_Q_STD spool files. In OS/2 1.3 the stack size had been reduced, thus the driver had less stack space available. This could cause a trap to occur. To fix this problem, the stack size on the print thread in OS/2 1.3 has been increased to the size available on OS/2 1.2. ═══ 1.1.45. JR03037: Kernel Could Not Read Exec-Only ═══ The kernel trap handler crashed on execute-only code selectors. The kernel did not have the proper permissions to read execute-only code selectors. ═══ 1.1.46. JR03038: Linker Options Failed to Prompt ═══ Both the /nologo and the /batch linker options failed to prompt the user for a new path when a library was not found. Instead, they issued a warning and stopped the copyright information from being displayed. ═══ 1.1.47. JR03039: PF7 and PF8 Reversed in SYSLOG ═══ In the SYSLOG utility, the functions of the PF7 key and PF8 key were reversed. ═══ 1.1.48. JR03043: Dir Tree Not Copied to Network ═══ The directory tree structure was not copied to the network drive when File Manager was used. ═══ 1.1.49. JR03047: Mem Dump Errors With 80286/80386 ═══ Memory dumps were incomplete when the 80286 or 80386 enhanced memory adapter was used in the system. ═══ 1.1.50. JR03056: SYSLOG Entries Out of Sequence ═══ When several SYSLOG entries were created very quickly, they were sometimes recorded out of sequence in the SYSLOG file. ═══ 1.1.51. JR03093: Inconsistent "*" Matching ═══ The "*" matched all characters including the ".". This differed from the method that DOS uses to handle the wildcard and thus could have been dangerous to DOS users migrating to OS/2. To fix this problem, DIR and DEL have been modified to provide a consistent implementation of the wildcard. Refer to modified documentation on the DEL command. ═══ 1.1.52. JR03094: Error With SYSLOG Time Option ═══ When the user tried to browse the system log with the time option, the following message was returned: "The start or stop time is not correct. Correct the time; then retry the command." Try the following times: 11:30:30:40 11:30:30 erase the :40 with spaces 11:30 erase the :30 with spaces The problem was that the program did not parse out the spaces. ═══ 1.1.53. JR03111: FLS_DLGBorder Problem ═══ The FLS_DLGBorder problem reappeared in 1.3. The problem has now been fixed. ═══ 1.1.54. JR03136: Created Thread Did Not Run ═══ A thread created in a critical section never ran. Either the created thread should start running as soon as the critical section is exited, or the call to DOSCreateThread should return an error. To fix this problem, modifications have been made so that a thread created from a critical section will execute when (but not until) the critical section is exited. ═══ 1.1.55. JR03141: F11 and F12 Did Not Work in DOS ═══ F11 and F12 keys did not work in the DOS box. They did work in OS/2. The problem was caused by the omission of information from the on-line command reference in the section on using ANSI.SYS with extended keys while in DOS mode. To fix this problem, the code has been modified to include the information on the extended keys (/X, /K, /L). ═══ 1.1.56. JR03142: Diskette Copy Returns SYS0045 ═══ This APAR is the same as JR02979. ═══ 1.1.57. JR03143: Linker Returned Trap in Makefile ═══ This APAR is the same as JR02985. ═══ 1.1.58. JR03144: Horizontal ScrollBar Not Enabled ═══ The horizontal scroll bar on the system editor was inactive. The problem occurred because the multi-line editor (MLE) did not check the maximum line length after a paste. This prevented the scrollbar from enabling and also prevented the cursor from being scrolled into view. ═══ 1.1.59. JR03145: Linker Options Failed to Prompt ═══ This APAR is the same as JR03038. ═══ 1.1.60. JR03147: Spreadsheet Trap With SYSTRACE ═══ A trap D occurred when the user started a non-IBM spreadsheet application with SYSTRACE active. The trap occurred on a KbdCharIn post trace call. ═══ 1.1.61. JR03148: Error Restoring Meta Files ═══ The customer was using a non-IBM application to download meta PIF files from the host and to convert them to meta files. The customer attempted to backup all the meta files from a FAT drive and restore them to an HPFS drive. The restore terminated with a "cannot open file" message. All files prior to the error were restored. All files after the error were missing. ═══ 1.1.62. JR03152: Host-Print Trap D on Large Jobs ═══ A trap D occurred during host print when large meta files were being created. When this file was greater than 64K in size, bad meta files (print files) were being created. ═══ 1.1.63. JR03159: Wrong Message in Printer Install ═══ The printer installer code did not expect that the .DRV file would be included in the drivers EAs. Because some printer drivers have the .DRV listed as a required file for the driver, the .DRV was copied once as an extra file and then once as the .DRV file. This is why the message was displayed. ═══ 1.1.64. JR03160: KbdFreeFocus Switched CX/DX Regs ═══ After an application called the KbdFreeFocus command, it received a return code of zero, indicating that the call was successful. The next time the user's application needed the values of the CX or DX registers, as they existed prior to the API call, the value of the registers would be switched. ═══ 1.1.65. JR03161: DRAW BORDER Drew Border in Black ═══ The DRAW BORDER function was drawing the border in black because the mix was set to NOTSOURCE instead of NOTDEST. ═══ 1.1.66. JR03162: LIB Files Not Shown by File Mgr ═══ Library files were not displayed by FILE MANAGER. This occurred because the NLS weight of characters was used in string compare. In Germany the "a" (umlaut) character has the same weight as the "a". Thus the compare considered the "a(umlaut).lib" a duplicate of "a.lib". To fix this problem, the FILE MANAGER code has been modified to compare the actual strings after comparing the NLS weights of the strings. ═══ 1.1.67. JR03164: Reading Retried on Bad Sectors ═══ Changes in ABIOS for the retry bit caused the disk device driver to retry reading bad sectors on ST506 controllers. To fix this problem, the code will be modified to identify defective sectors and to not retry read operations on the ST506 controllers. ═══ 1.1.68. JR03165: VIDEO SET MODE Failed With RC=31 ═══ VIDEO SET MODE failed with RC=31. This occurred when VIDEO SET MODE called MOUSE OPEN to inform the mouse device driver of changes to the video mode. MOUSE OPEN then attempted to allocate 6 bytes and failed. The error was passed to VIDEO SET MODE and then to the user. To fix this problem, the code for VIDEO SET MODE has been modified so that this error is not returned to the user. ═══ 1.1.69. JR03166: DOSCOPY to Full Disk Failed ═══ DOSCOPY to a full disk failed. A dirty buffer for the directory entry was still in memory when control was returned to the program. After the disk was changed, the program attempted to write the buffer to the disk. The mismatch in volume serial numbers caused the problem to be reported to the user. To fix this problem, the code has been modified so that DOSCOPY will now copy files to multiple diskettes. ═══ 1.1.70. JR03167: XVIOCREATECA Did Not Show Error ═══ An error was not returned when XVIOCREATECA was called with invalid parameters. To fix this problem, the code has been modified so that XVIOCREATE will now return an error code (421) to the calling routine when invalid FORMATID and ATTRIBUTECOUNT parameters are specified. ═══ 1.1.71. JR03168: Trap D With Long Path Name ═══ A trap D occurred when a long spool directory name was specified. In the spooler, a directory is created for each queue under the spool directory. Each queue directory contains the actual print jobs. The problem occurred when the path name to the print job exceeded the maximum allowable path length of 260 characters. To fix this problem, the Print Manager now limits the name of the spooler path to 237 characters, the queue name to 12 characters, and the system generated job name to 9 characters. Thus, the length of the pathname to the print job can never exceed the maximum limit of 260 characters. ═══ 1.1.72. JR03185: Help for SYS0206 was Incomplete ═══ The help message for system return code 206 was incorrect. The text did not account for the naming conventions of the high performance file system (HPFS). It assumed that the file system was a file allocation table (FAT). FAT uses an 8 character filename and a 3 character extension format. The message should reflect both FAT and HPFS naming conventions. ═══ 1.1.73. JR03186: Job Delete Did Not Del Current ═══ The spooler queue job-delete option did not delete the current job. The Print Manager called DOSPRINTQPURGE to cancel all of the jobs in the queue. According to documentation, however, DOSPRINTQPURGE does not cancel the current job. Print Manager should also call DOSPRINTJOBDEL, which will cancel the current job. To fix this problem, the code has been modified so that this option will now delete all jobs in the queue, including the current job that is printing. ═══ 1.1.74. JR03187: MODE Defaulted to Color ═══ The MODE command defaulted to color. Instead, it should leave the color or black-and-white value unchanged. ═══ 1.1.75. JR03189: FDISKPM Had Wrong Volume Labels ═══ FDISKPM volume labels were off by one drive in fault tolerant systems. The ID bytes for fault tolerant disks were not being recognized. To fix this problem, the code has been modified so that FDISKPM will now recognize fault tolerant disks and accurately display the logical drive volume labels. ═══ 1.1.76. JR03193: FDISK Appeared Hung In Create ═══ FDISK appeared to hang during a create operation. This occurred when a write error was detected in the tracks reserved for the FAT. Actually, FDISK was retrying the bad sectors 5 times. If given time the operation would run to completion. To fix this problem, the code has been modified so that FDISK will now mark bad sectors and tracks and then continue. ═══ 1.1.77. JR03194: Diskette Drives Not Sequential ═══ Access to 3 diskette drives was not concurrent; one drive was blocked. The problem was in the priority queueing algorithm. To fix this problem, the code has been modified so that the system will queue diskette drive operations sequentially, as they are received. ═══ 1.1.78. JR03196: FDISKPM Overlapped Partitions ═══ FDISKPM overlapped partitions on the second drive. The partition size was not being calculated correctly, causing a one cylinder overlap of the two partitions. To fix this problem, the code has been modified so that FDISKPM accurately calculates the end of the partition, thus eliminating the overlap. ═══ 1.1.79. JR03197: COURIER Font Character Incorrect ═══ The COURIER font character box size was wrong. It should be 12 x 12. ═══ 1.1.80. JR03212: Menu Options Inactive in Editor ═══ "FIND..." and "SELECT ALL" options were not active in the "EDIT" menu. Files that were an exact multiple of 64K in size after conversion of to a single byte were not activating the menu options when they were loaded into the system editor. This occurred because an incorrect data type was being used to hold the size of the file. The system editor code has been modified and will now determine the actual size of the file and enable the menu options. ═══ 1.1.81. JR03214: MLE Trapped Using Undo Buffer ═══ The FILE MANAGER created a multi-line edit (MLE) without an undo buffer, but the MLE expected to have an undo buffer. When the MLE attempted to use this nonexistent buffer, a trap D resulted. The FILE MANAGER uses a multi-line edit without an undo buffer to conserve memory. The code has been modified so that MLE will now check for the existence of an undo buffer before trying to use it. ═══ 1.1.82. JR03215: Outline Fonts Incorrect ═══ Italic Scandinavian font characters did not display correctly in the system editor. The problem was with outline fonts only. It was a result of an incorrect data type being used for an index into an array of character widths. The system editor has been modified to accurately index into an array of font widths. ═══ 1.1.83. JR03216: Imported Text Was Truncated ═══ Multi-line edit would not import a full buffer. If the text to be imported was longer than the MLE buffer, some of the text to be imported was truncated. The code has been modified so that MLE will now import up to 64K of text at one time. ═══ 1.1.84. JR03219: Change Notification When Insert ═══ A message indicating a multi-line change was sent when no changes had been made. When a multi-line insert is sent, the current selection is deleted and the text pointed to by the message is inserted. When the selection is null and the text to be inserted is null, no change notification should be sent. Also, toggling to the overtype mode caused a change notification to be sent, but no changes had been made. The code has been modified; when selected text and insert text are null, no change notification message will be sent. Changes to the overtype mode also will not result in a change notification. ═══ 1.1.85. JR03220: MLE Exhausted Heap Space ═══ Multi-line edit exhausted heap space. MLE defines regions in which to perform the edits. These regions were never deleted, however, causing the system to eventually run out of heap space. The code has been modified so that the multi-line edit defines and reuses the same region to avoid running out of heap space. ═══ 1.1.86. JR03264: HPFS Format Failed For > 500 MB ═══ HPFS would not format disks greater than 500 MB. The format failed when the calculation of the number of tracks exceeded 65K. The field used to hold this value overflowed. The code has been modified so that the system will format HPFS disks up to 700 MB on OEM disks and 1 GB on IBM disks. ═══ 1.1.87. JR03265: DIR Crashed On Unformatted Drive ═══ The DIR command on an unformatted drive would crash the system. The DIR command compares all the filenames contained in the directory with the mask entered with the command. When a non-usable character is found in a filename, DIR skips the character and decrements the comparison counter. The counter can then become negative. The routine should end when the counter is zero, but sometimes the counter never becomes zero. The code has been modified so that the DIR command terminates when the comparison counter is zero or negative. ═══ 1.1.88. JR03266: SYS0071 Message Text Incomplete ═══ The SYS0071 error message text was insufficient. The text was general because SYS0071 is a base error message used by other applications. However, including some possible causes in the text may help in problem determination. The error message has been modified to: "The specified server cannot support the network request. The server may have run out of network resources such as memory, network buffers or netbios commands necessary to process your request." ═══ 1.1.89. JR03267: Errors With Codepage 1004 on XGA ═══ The XGA driver was not handling codepage 1004 characters properly in dialog boxes. Characters 131-144 and 152-160 were not displayed at all and a majority of the other characters were displayed incorrectly. The code has been modified so that the XGA driver will now display the proper characters when using codepage 1004. ═══ 1.1.90. JR03268: Window Did Not Close With Pause ═══ An OS/2 window did not close with pause on. The hang was caused by the fact that the VIO router had disabled all signals for the pause semaphore. The code has been modified so that OS/2 will now wait for the system to return from the pause before disabling all signals and closing the window. ═══ 1.1.91. JR03269: /L Not Turned Off After Format ═══ FORMAT.COM checks to see if the optical drive media is formatted or unformatted. If it is unformatted, the program sets the long format flag just as if it were explicitly entered from the command with a /L option. When the command was complete, however, the switch was not turned off. The code has been modified so that if the media is unformatted, format will set the long switch on and turn it off when complete. ═══ 1.1.92. JR03270: Wrong Mode for Color Flat Panel ═══ On the color flat panel, the text mode was incorrect. The default text mode should be set to the color 640x480 mode. The code has been modified so that the default mode for the color flat panel is now color with 640x480 pixels. ═══ 1.1.93. JR03271: Trap D in SWAPDOS With Mouse ═══ SWAPDOS caused a trap D in DOS programs with mouse support. The session manager was not correctly updating which screen group was in the foreground. The code has been modified so that the session manager updates the foreground screen group for the 3XBOX only after it has been already been switched in and before it is switched out. ═══ 1.1.94. JR03285: Help Mgr Trapped During Search ═══ Help Manager trapped during a search. The problem occurred when the search and print dialog boxes were closed prematurely. When the menu option was exited, the instance structure of the cover page was deallocated. However, when the dialog box returned from the search or print, the routines attempted to check for an error by referencing the instance structure that no longer existed. This resulted in the trap condition. The code has been modified so that the Help Manager will verify the existence of the command reference upon return from the search. If the option is still valid then it will continue. If the option has been exited, then it will terminate the search, avoiding the trap condition. ═══ 1.1.95. JR03287: Plotter Pen Stopped ═══ The plotter pen stopped, creating ink blots on the paper. This happened because the plotter driver was preempted by the scheduler. To fix this problem, the plotter driver has been optimized for area fill operations. This will alleviate blotching in area fills. ═══ 1.1.96. JR03291: Help Manager Crashed With  Key ═══ Help Manager crashed when the up arrow was pressed. The Help Manager lost track of the position of the highlighted index text. The value became negative and could not index into the array, causing a protection violation. ═══ 1.1.97. JR03293: Print to Turned-Off Printer Hung ═══ The user tried to print to a non-IBM printer which was powered off. A reboot was then necessary. The device driver and non-IBM Laserjet were setting the state of the printer port relative to the port's current state. Since the printer was off it never saw the last transition. Rebooting set the state of the port to an absolute value. The parallel port device driver has been modified to set the state of the port to an absolute value. ═══ 1.1.98. JR03306: Esc-HVP Did Not Default To 1: ═══ ANSI escape sequence "HVP" did not default to the correct value. If the first parameter of the escape sequence is omitted, the function should default to 1. Thus, ESC :15F should default to ESC 1:15F. ═══ 1.1.99. JR03330: Printing Cmd Ref Caused Trap D ═══ A trap D occurred when the user tried to print the Command Reference. The trap occurred during the printing of the time page. This problem was only seen with Postscript printers. The problem was that the text for the page was wider than the printer page. ═══ 1.1.100. JR03352: Driver Error in DevQueryCaps ═══ If a program attempted to get DEVEQUERYCAPS information above index 38, the EPSON driver would return an error. The EPSON driver should return zero for items above 38. ═══ 1.1.101. JR03353: Hung Switching To 100 Col Mode ═══ The system hung when switching into and out of 100-column mode. The hang occurred when the mouse driver serialization semaphore was not cleared. This causeed subsequent requests to be blocked. The request packet offset was destroyed by the open routine, causing the wrong command code value to checked. The mouse device driver has been modified to restore the request packet offset value after the IOCTL request callout. ═══ 1.1.102. JR03354: Characters Inverted on CGA ═══ Characters were inverted on CGA displays. The bitmap for CGA was inverted. ═══ 1.1.103. JR03355: Incorrect Msg When Changing Path ═══ There was an incorrect message for changing the spooler path. In Print Manager's UISDLG.C (SET_SPOOLER_STATE), after PRFWRITEPROFILESTRING returned an error, a WINGETLASTERROR was done. The result was compared to PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_ERROR but the result should have been cast as LOUSHORT(ERR). ═══ 1.1.104. JR03356: Print Mgr Trapped in Job Details ═══ Print Manager trapped in job details. An incorrect error was returned from the OS/2 1.2 server (DOSPRINTJOBSETINFO API). This is for level 2 and 3 detail. The code has been modified so that an error message is displayed when the level of detail requested is not supported. ═══ 1.1.105. JR03360: Trap D in DOS Box During Disk IO ═══ The machine trapped in ABIOS after DISKDD called ABIOS during the processing of a disk write operation. The trap occurred after an ABIOS request for time delay (STAGE_ON_TIME) had expired and ABIOS was called to continue the operation after the delay. ═══ 1.1.106. JR03361: Hardware Interrupts Lost in Init ═══ Hardware interrupts were lost during interrupt manager initialization. OS/2 reprogramed the PIC (Program Interrupt Controller) in order to change the interrupt vectors generated by hardware interrupts. The reprogramming caused interrupts which were pending at the PIC to be lost in an RIPL environment. Once an interrupt was lost, the network card and the device driver were no longer in sync, and the boot stopped. OS/2 has been modified to not reprogram the PIC if RIPL code has already preprogrammed the PIC before loading OS/2. ═══ 1.1.107. JR03362: 206 Error With UNC Pipes ═══ UNC pipes with long file names gave a 206 error. The TRANSPATH2 routine in the filesystem portion of the kernel did not recognize UNC pipes. ═══ 1.1.108. JR03372: Data Corruption in in Swap File ═══ There was data corruption in extremely heavy swapping systems. This is a rare condition that occurred when information about the swap file contents had not been properly initialized. The result was swap file corruption and application/system data corruption. The code has been modified so that information about the swap file contents is now properly initialized. ═══ 1.1.109. JR03374: File System Hooks Missing ═══ The OS/2 File System transparent hooks were missing. ═══ 1.1.110. JR03376: HPFS Hung When Out of Space ═══ If HPFS ran out of space when copying extended attributes, it sometimes got into an infinite loop rather than returning an error. ═══ 1.1.111. JR03379: Fixed Area Fills All Memory ═══ OS/2 sometimes got into a state in which the fixed area (memory for fixed/locked segments) grew to contain all physical memory. The code has been modified to correct an error in the routine that manages the fixed/movable border. ═══ 1.1.112. JR03403: SELECTCHLPPATH Replaced Path ═══ SELECTCLIPPATH always replaced the previous clip path with the current clip path. The clip path should instead be combined (intersect) with the previous clip path. The code has been modified so that the old clip path is now combined with the new clip path. ═══ 1.1.113. JR03405: Could Not Print Manual Legal ═══ The user could not print manual legal form in a non-IBM desktop publishing application. If the 4019 printer had the manual tray set to legal, and a job was sent to the printer with job properties of legal, the job stayed in the queue indefinitely. The form name was not being copied into the second parameter of PAGEATPAPER if the manualfeed was set. ═══ 1.1.114. JR03409: GPIQUERYREALCOLORS Incorrect ═══ The Postscript driver was not handling GPIQUERYREALCOLORS correctly. GPIQUERYREALCOLORS did not return the right information for indexes greater than 0. The code has been modified so that GPIQUERYREALCOLORS will count the number of requested entries. Start of 1 and count of 1 will now function correctly. ═══ 1.1.115. JR03410: Path Buffer to Small ═══ General protection faults occurred in Postscript for complex paths. The allocated path buffer was too small. The calculation for the buffer size did not include the header size. ═══ 1.1.116. JR03411: VIOQUERYSETIDS Gets Wrong ID ═══ VIOQUERYSETIDS retrieved the wrong local font ID. An incorrect data type was used for the LCID field. ═══ 1.1.117. JR03412: XGA Did Not Reset To Non-132 Col ═══ XGA was not resetting the 132-column mode. The base video handler for XGA set the 132-column mode when requested, but did not set the internal structures to indicate VGA mode when non-132 column modes were selected. It was incorrectly restoring the 132-column mode on return to the full screen session because it had not recorded the switch to a non-132 column mode. The base video handler for XGA has been modified to record the change in the display mode. The system will correctly restore the display when returning to the full screen session. ═══ 1.1.118. JR03413: Trap Running Picture Print App ═══ A trap D occurred when PICPRINT was run on a low resource system. With limited hard disk space and memory, PICPRINT was loaded. If resources were at a critically low value, it would trap when attempting to load a picture. PICPRINT allocated a segment of memory during its process but did not check the return code. The process continued and eventually trapped since no resources were available to load the function. The code has been modified so that PICPRINT will verify the return code when allocating segments and exit if there are not enough resources. ═══ 1.1.119. JR03416: GPI Trap With Corrupt Metafile ═══ A trap occurred when GPIPLAYMETAFILE was issued. GPI did not check for invalid records within a metafile. Therefore, GPI attempted to process a corrupt metafile. This sometimes caused a trap D. The code has been modified so that GPI will check for invalid headers (SFIs) in metafile records. ═══ 1.1.120. JR03417: BX Incorrect After ASSIGN A=C ═══ An incorrect DX was returned in INT21H AX=4400H after "ASSIGN A=C" was executed. The ASSIGN command filtered INT21H AX=4400H to map BL (driver number), in some cases (AL=04H, 05H, etc.), and then passed it to the original INT21H handler. However, ASSIGN was mapping AH=00H (get configuration), in which BX contains the file handle. This should not be mapped. After this incorrect filtering of BX, the original handler was passed the mapped BX for input and then returned the incorrect output in DX. The system has been modified to not map BX after an assign has been executed. ═══ 1.1.121. JR03418: Trap D in PRFCHANGEPROGRAM ═══ A trap D occurred in PRFCHANGEPROGRAM when there were long program titles. A null was not being appended to an internal buffer properly, resulting in certain operations exceeding the length of the segment. PRFCHANGEPROGRAM has been modified to append a null at the end of the buffer. ═══ 1.1.122. JR03419: Strings Compared Incorrectly ═══ The session manager compare-string function did not compare properly. The last byte in passed strings were not always compared correctly due to a coding error. The code has been modified so that OS2SM.DLL will properly compare strings and return the correct value. ═══ 1.1.123. JR03423: PS Driver Did Not Save Paths ═══ The Postscript driver had trouble with paths in save and restore. The Postscript driver did not save and restore its path buffer data structures in SAVEPS and RESTOREPS. ═══ 1.1.124. JR03424: PS Did Not Update Current Pos ═══ Postscript did not update the current position correctly. PS_SYNC_CP was not updating the current position if no drawing had been done. A parameter "FDRAW" has been added to the PS_SYNC-CP function. FDRAW is a boolean variable and is set to false when no drawing has been done. PS-SYNC-CP uses this variable to update the current position if no drawing is performed. ═══ 1.1.125. JR03425: PS Dictionary Too Small ═══ The default dictionary file was too small in Postscript driver. The main dictionary created with a Postscript file was 100 ("100 dict begin"). Because of all the default defined definitions and items in the Postscript header, there were few entries left for an application. The Postscript dictionary has been increased to 200. ═══ 1.1.126. JR03426: Italic Fonts Filled With White ═══ ITALIC.SYS fonts were filled with white in lieu of black. The driver was recompiled with the new options so that the italic fonts will print. ═══ 1.1.127. JR03428: PS Page Borders To Large ═══ Postscript set excessive page borders. The borders for the generic driver were too big. This caused some of the document to be clipped. The Postscript driver has been modified to provide a larger imageable area. ═══ 1.1.128. JR03430: PS Trapped With Long Paper Names ═══ The Postscript driver trapped because it was not allocating enough memory to accommodate long paper names. The code has been modified to increase the buffer size for paper names from 40 to 64 characters. ═══ 1.1.129. JR03432: Batch File Hung DOS Box ═══ A small batch file hung the DOS box occasionally with the use of the PAUSE command. This problem occurred when the user ran a DOS program in OS/2 and then switched to the DOS box. The hang occurred when DOS.SYS miscalculated the end of the circular keyboard buffer during the passing of the program name and parameters. ═══ 1.1.130. JR03436: Pipe Error Not Handled Correctly ═══ Error 1041 was not directed to the queue when the output from a non-existent OS2 command was routed to a REXX queue. CMD.EXE did not end the pipe after an error condition with the REXX application. The code has been modified so that if an error is detected while setting up pipes, breakpipes will be called to cleanup pipes and redirection, before returning an error to the application. ═══ 1.1.131. JR03439: Trap 8 on Print Server ═══ A trap 0008 occurred on a 55SX print server using a non-IBM Laserjet driver. The cause of the problem was found to be internal stack overflow which happened because the clock interrupt handler had interrupts enabled during its EOI. This allowed higher priority interrupts to occur before the EOI. The clock DD was then getting interrupt bound. The code has been modified (clock DD) to reduce the chance of stack overflow. ═══ 1.1.132. JR03442: Imageable Areas Were Shrunk ═══ The Postscript driver had a cropping logic problem. The imageable areas were shrunk by a previous modification to the code. With this modification, several non-IBM applications did not work correctly. The code has been modified to restore the imageable areas to the original sizes. ═══ 1.1.133. JR03443: Could Not Print Line on IBM5201 ═══ The user could not print greater than 130 characters per line on the IBM5201 printer. PRDDTAB had an incorrect constant in the printer init command for the 5201-2 printer. The code has been modified so that more than 130 characters per line may be printed. ═══ 1.1.134. JR03444: Could Not Set Print Properties ═══ The user could not set two different print properties for the same model of printer. The problem occurred when the printer name parameter was not null. The printer device driver did not return the updated job properties after displaying the user dialog. The code has been modified so that the printer drivers return the updated job properties to the API caller. ═══ 1.1.135. JR03450: Not Enough Memory ═══ A "NOT ENOUGH MEMORY" error occurred with the Excel and Laserjet drivers. Excel displayed "not enough memory" whenever it received a bad return code, even if the error was something other than no memory. In this case the EGA driver was returning an error it should not have. The XGA driver has been modified so that the bad error returned is eliminated. ═══ 1.1.136. JR03451: XGA Driver Hung ═══ The XGA driver looped. The XGA driver can be executed only by one thread at any time, except for a small number of functions. One of the exceptions should not have been executing as it modifies a global data structure. The code has been modified so that the function which modifies a global data structure is executable only when no other threads are executing. ═══ 1.1.137. JR03452: XGA Bold/Italic Incorrect ═══ The Bold/Italic fonts displayed incorrectly on XGA. String lengths reported by the XGA driver for bold Italic fonts were incorrect. When this information was used by an application to position drawing in a bitmap, it caused an incorrect appearance. Two new fields (FXEXTRA, FSBREAKEXTRA) in the text attribute bundles specify additional information about text spacing. The problem was solved by having the XGA driver make use of these fields when calculating string lengths. ═══ 1.1.138. JR03453: Keys Incorrect With CapsLock ═══ Keys did not function properly with caps lock set. The CAPSCHECK routine used the BL register as a shift lock flag to control uppercase/lowercase translation. Non-alphabetical key translations which do not depend on shift lock mode (SPECKEY and SPECKEYA) must set BL to 0 to disable shift lock translation. However, in these two routines, BL had an indefinite value. The code has been modified so that SPECKEY and SPECKEYA will initialize the BL register to zero before a call to CAPSCHECK. ═══ 1.1.139. JR03454: Could Not Type in Dialog Box ═══ The user could not access associate listbox in File Manager. The system uses internal flags to determine if keyboard input is allowed to access the Dialog Box. These flags were incorrectly set for the listbox Dialog Box. The internal flags for the listbox Dialog Box have been modified to allow keyboard input. ═══ 1.1.140. JR03455: Wrong Codepage With Anti-Alias ═══ There were incorrect codepages for anti-alias fonts on XGA. The code path for switching codepages was skipped if the font used was anti-aliased. The code has been modified so that the XGA driver will execute the codepage switching code regardless of whether or not the font is aliased. ═══ 1.1.141. JR03456: SHUTDOWN Did Not Complete ═══ SHUTDOWN did not complete. The problem is that the File Manager's Dialog Box did not have the focus, so the user could not confirm the SHUTDOWN. The code has been modified so the system will now test to see if the File Manager is not in the foreground when a SHUTDOWN is in process. ═══ 1.1.142. JR03458: Several Problems in REXX ═══ Update REXX.DLL in OS2REXX and RESSTRY.CMD in PMREXX. 1. When the instore option was used, the call to SETUP_ENVVARS routine was skipped, when running in the LPEX environment. 2. REXX automatically turns on an inheritance bit. A REXX program creates a status file. If there was a problem (SQL error) then the file was locked up. 3. The carriage return/line was feed not processed correctly. 4. REXX was acquiring storage but never releasing it. 5. The trap was in REXX.DLL and was caused by REXX trying to write to byte 6 of an EA that was only 3 bytes long. ═══ 1.1.143. JR03459: DLL Function @1 Not Called ═══ @1 OS SYS_DLL was not called per-queue initialization . When registering a DLL to OS2.INI as the application name == "SYS_DLLS" and the key name == "LOAD", the @1 function of the DLL was not called every time for WINCREATEMSGQUEUE. The system has been modified to call the ordinal @1 function every per-queue initialization. ═══ 1.1.144. JR03460: Trap With Long Filename in Group ═══ A trap D occurred when the Tab key was pressed after a long filename in group Main. The buffer was too small to accommodate the name and extension of the file. This results in the stack being overwritten. The code has been modified to add six bytes to the header buffer to accommodate the filename and extension and keep the stack from being overwritten. ═══ 1.1.145. JR03461: Null Clipping Regions Incorrect ═══ The second page of output contained drawings from the first page. This happened because the driver did not implement null clipping rectangles correctly. The driver has been corrected by setting the bounds of the clipping rectangle to (0,0,0,0) when a null clipping region is used. ═══ 1.1.146. JR03462: Trap D in OS/2 Windows. ═══ A trap D occurred in OS/2 windows. OS/2 was attempting to reuse an old presentation space pointer that had already been moved to the free list. OS/2 has been modified to validate the presentation space pointer before attempting to use it for the creation of a new window. If the pointer is invalid, an error is returned. ═══ 1.1.147. JR03463: Trap D During Drag and Drop ═══ A trap D occurred during a drag and drop operation. The definitions of the internal variables were not correct. They should be defined as FAR. ═══ 1.1.148. JR03464: Incorrect Spacing in Courier ═══ A customer said there was too much space between successive lines of Courier text. PM prints using the specified metrics of the font whereas printing raw uses the default lines per inch setting of the printer. In fact, there should be more space between successive lines of text than printing at the default 6 lpi. The font metrics are spacing the lines of text correctly; however, there is one problem in that the external leading values of the Courier 10 and 12 point fonts are too large, since PM fonts have externalleading == 0. Some applications may have problems accurately selecting a Courier font if externalleading == 0. The internal font metrics have been changed so that externalleading == 0. This will not affect the spacing of successive lines of text. ═══ 1.1.149. JR03465: Text Not Clipped ═══ PMWORD text was printing in a cropped region. The driver did not clip its output to the size of the physical page. This caused device fonts to print in areas that should not be clipped. The system has been modified to clip device text to the size of the physical page. ═══ 1.1.150. JR03466: Trap D With Home Key in Menus ═══ The Home key in cascaded menus caused a trap D. The Home and End keys required special processing. The processing of these keys resulted in the internal state of the menus to be incorrect. Attempting to select a submenu with this state resulted in a trap. The system has been modified to properly handle the Home and End key processing of the menus. ═══ 1.1.151. JR03467: XGA Did Not Handle Invalid Param ═══ DESCRIBE on LQ2550 in high resolution mode did not print. The XGA driver was not expecting invalid parameters. The XGA driver was changed to detect and reject invalid parameters. ═══ 1.1.152. JR03468: Printer Name Param Not Updated ═══ Job properties were not being updated by printer properties. A blank was being sent to the DEVPOSTDEVICEMODES API as the printer name parameter. The drivers have been modified to send the printer name for both job and printer properties. ═══ 1.1.153. JR03469: Not Enough Memory for Add Chips ═══ Not enough memory was set aside for OEM hardware. The problem was that not enough memory had been allocated to accommodate additional programmable interrupt chips. This situation will never occur on IBM machines. OS/2 has been modified to allocate additional memory to accommodate OEM hardware with extra programmable interrupt chips. ═══ 1.1.154. JR03570: Incorrect Popup Msg With Host Print ═══ An incorrect NETPOPUP message was issued during host print over a LAN network. ═══ 1.1.155. JR03645: Incomplete Mem Dumps With Adapter ═══ There were incomplete memory dumps when the 80286 or 80386 enhanced memory adapter was used in the system. The 80386 extended memory adapter was disabled when a post occurred. Therefore, a stand-alone dump could not access the memory to retrieve information. The stand-alone dump code has been modified so that the adapter will be enabled after a post. ═══ 1.1.156. JR03669: Repositioned Help Panel Moved ═══ When the user selected the highlighted phrase from a repositioned help panel, the panel moved back to its original position. ═══ 1.1.157. JR03675: System Hung With I/O To Bad Sectors ═══ On a Model 30 286, the system hung when it tried to read bad sectors. Bad sectors were marked out during caching, but they were read again during initialization, which caused the system to fail. ═══ 1.2. OS/2 EE INSTALLATION ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to OS/2 EE Installation. ═══ 1.2.1. JR03342: DBM Tutorial Windows ═══ Some of the Database Manager (DBM) tutorial instruction windows were only partially displayed when DBM was run on a PS/2 Model 90 with an 8514 display in XGA mode. ═══ 1.2.2. JR03344: Abend During Database Install ═══ During Database installation, an abend would occur. The install history had the following entries: Error Processing File: C:\SQLLIB\STOPDBM.EXE Error Type: 002 15 03 3 DB 10 Database Manager Install Failed Due To A System Error ═══ 1.3. USER PROFILE MANAGER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to User Profile Manager (UPM). ═══ 1.3.1. IC02290: Home Directory Field Erased ═══ When the administrator updated a user password from a requester, the home directory field in the user's information structure was erased. There was no problem changing the password from the server, nor was there a problem using NET PASSWORD from the command line of the requester. ═══ 1.3.2. IC02312: Could Not Change Password ═══ The administrator used NET ACCOUNTS to change password expirations to approximately 30 days. After 30 days, the user would be prompted to change the password. The user could not, however, if the old password was more than eight characters long. The user could change the password by logging on to a DLR workstation and using the first eight characters of the password. The system should not accept passwords greater than eight characters. ═══ 1.3.3. IC02484: Manage Users Screen Disappeared ═══ The UPM Manage Users screen disappeared when there were more than 1300 users. ═══ 1.4. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to Communications Manager. ═══ 1.4.1. JR01671: VX32 Never Disconnected ═══ On a X25 host connection, at the end of a VX32 connection, the receiver was in timeout mode and never disconnected. ═══ 1.4.2. JR01991: Could Not Deact Hung Session ═══ The session could not be deactivated after an APPC application hung. The application was accessing VTAM and hung because a CNOS verb never received a return code. ═══ 1.4.3. JR02146: Two Prompts to Dial Phone ═══ The user had two PS/2s running Communications Manager. They were configured to communicate via parallel APPC sessions using SDLC over a switched line. The user was prompted twice to dial the phone to establish communication between the PS/2s. The user should only be prompted once. ═══ 1.4.4. JR02228: Receive_Allocate Failed ═══ After a trap D in the user's application, the user terminated and restarted the application. Then, Receive_Allocate in the application failed with RC1 = 2 and RC2 = 525. This occurred because APPC did not process the cleanup exit list. ═══ 1.4.5. JR02251: Gateway Trap D ═══ Gateway experienced intermittant trap Ds because LAN DLC was running out of buffers. ═══ 1.4.6. JR02282: Common Service Verbs Not Defined ═══ In API services, DEFINE_DUMP and COPY_TRACE_TO_FILE were not defined. Constant and structure definitions for these verbs should have been in ACSSVCC.H. ═══ 1.4.7. JR02414: MACH690, COMM695 with 3745 ═══ The user received MACH690 and COMM695 errors, along with a blank screen, when trying to bring up 3270 emulation. This was caused by the 3270 session failing to connect to the 3745 Controller. To recover, the user had to stop and restart Communications Manager. ═══ 1.4.8. JR02687: Unable to Start Network Station ═══ The user, set up with OS/2 Gateway and one network station, logged on to TSO and then logged off. When a user logs off, there is a message followed by a six second delay. When the user powered off the network station during that delay, future attempts to bring up the network station failed until Gateway was rebooted. ═══ 1.4.9. JR02821: Validity Check Error Under WSF ═══ A user ran a program with validity checking under WSF (Workstation Function). After the validity check occurred, the cursor stayed only momentarily on the field which was in error. The cursor then returned to the first field, and there was no easy way to tell which field was in error. ═══ 1.4.10. JR02823: Msg RPG9061 on AS/400 PCS WSF ═══ The user received the message RPG9061 when running an RPG application on a PC with AS/400 PCS WSF (PC Support Workstation Function). The message was issued when a command key was required in the application. To recover, the user selected an option to respond to the message. The message did not occur when the application was run on a dependent display station. ═══ 1.4.11. JR03106: Error Linking SRPI_C.OBJ ═══ The user received message L2029 when trying to link SRPI_C.OBJ to a user-written program. This error was the result of _SEND_REQUEST being in upper case in SRPI_C.OBJ but in lower case in UUCCPRB.H from Toolkit. The user had to create another function header for _SEND_REQUEST to override the one in Toolkit. ═══ 1.4.12. JR03318: Implicit Partner LU Entry ═══ The Batch Configuration Utility did not accept entry of an asterisk (*) to indicate implicit partner LU for CRE MDE and MDE keywords. ═══ 1.4.13. JR03320: Trace Not Correctly Reset ═══ The Reset function of parameter DEFINE_TRACE, in the Common Services Programming Interface, did not correctly reset the trace. ═══ 1.4.14. JR03321: Desktop Shutdown Not Functioning ═══ Desktop Shutdown from the Desktop Manager did not function correctly if ASCII emulation sessions were started. The ASCII emulation sessions had to be stopped before the shutdown would complete. ═══ 1.4.15. JR03331: Copy Trace/Define Dump Fails ═══ When CTRL-BREAK was pressed while an application was issuing the Common Services Interface verb COPY_TRACE_TO_FILE or DEFINE_DUMP, the next attempt to copy trace or define dump would fail with a message indicating that the previous request was still in progress. ═══ 1.4.16. JR03333: Unresolved Externals With NOI ═══ If an SRPI application was linked with the NOI option, unresolved externals would result, especially when using the SEND_REQUEST (written as SEND_REQUEST for Pascal and Cobol, written as send_request for C) or the INIT_SEND_REQ_PARMS verbs. ═══ 1.4.17. JR03334: Stop Communications Trap ═══ If Stop Communications was selected for ASCII emulation with a option of Abnormal Stop after a stop had been issued with an option of Normal Stop, a trap occurred. The problem occurred if the stops were issued while running an application that used ACDI, such as the ASCII emulator. ═══ 1.4.18. JR03335: Incorrectly Displayed Host Data ═══ Host data sometimes displayed incorrectly with ASCII 3101 emulation using the Canadian French code page. ═══ 1.4.19. JR03336: TRANS010: Host Has Not Responded ═══ Message TRANS010 was displayed when the user was using ASCII emulation file transfer with later levels of 3174 Control Unit microcode. TRANS010: The host has not responded. Switch to emulator session. ═══ 1.4.20. JR03337: Call-User Field Not Accepted ═══ The Call-User data field on the X.25 Routing Table configuration panel would not accept a value which contained an integer. In some cases, this meant the default value was rejected because it contained an integer. ═══ 1.4.21. JR03338: Hyphen Displayed Instead of Line ═══ With the 3270 emulator, a hyphen character was sometimes displayed when a vertical line character should have been. ═══ 1.4.22. JR03382: Reactivating Twinaxial DLC ═══ Reactivating the twinaxial DLC after a failure could have caused Subsystem Management to stop working. ═══ 1.4.23. JR03440: Session Failure With Large RU ═══ There was a potential problem when the maximum RU size that a link could support was smaller than both the maximum RU sizes on the two partners. The RU size negotiation would ignore the link restrictions and would negotiate to the smaller maximum RU of the partners. This could result in an RU size too large for the link to handle. Then, a protocol error would be detected, causing a session failure or error log entry such as 0008 or 001D. The symptoms of this problem varied depending on when the large RU was transmitted, who transmitted it, and which feature of Communications Manager was being used. ═══ 1.5. 3270 EMULATION ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to 3270 emulation. ═══ 1.5.1. JR00027: Printer Hung With Sense Code ═══ When a printer session was reestablished after certain types of failures, print jobs would not print. A sense code of 08140000 or 081C000 was received. ═══ 1.5.2. JR02145: LU3 Embedded Codes Ignored ═══ Printer control codes were embedded in a host file which was printed via 3270 host-directed print. The printer seemed to ignore the codes. This occurred because raw data in the LU3 datastream was treated as data to be translated from EBCDIC to ASCII. ═══ 1.5.3. JR02163: OIA Changes Not Sent to EHLLAPI ═══ The user ran an EHLLAPI application that issued Start Host Notification and Query Host Update to determine when the logical terminal's OIA was updated. The user then issued a Presentation Print. This caused the OIA to change, but the EHLLAPI application was not notified. In a related problem, COMM530 messages were not being picked up. This related problem is not fixed in this CSD but will be fixed in the next one. ═══ 1.5.4. JR02226: Disconnect Caused SENSE2002 ═══ During host-directed print, a SENSE2002 was returned to the host when a user or application issued a 'Request Shutdown.' ═══ 1.5.5. JR02310: Get Key Did Not Detect Backspace ═══ If the backspace key on a 101 keyboard was remapped to the destructive backspace, it did not return any data to the EHLLAPI Get Key function 51. (The destructive backspace is a backspace which deletes as it shifts to the left.) ═══ 1.5.6. JR02360: NOQUIET Setting Did Not Work ═══ This problem only occurred when an EHLLAPI file transfer was run from a PM windowed application. After being set to QUIET, the session parameters could not be reset to NOQUIET. The result was that the file transfer worked correctly but the Send/Receive messages were not displayed. ═══ 1.5.7. JR02381: Abend Sending Printer Output ═══ If a hex 08 appeared at the end of an RU of the printer output sent to a logical printer, CM abended. ═══ 1.5.8. JR02416: Extra Page Printed ═══ An extra page was sometimes printed at the end of a host-directed print job. ═══ 1.5.9. JR02419: Wait/Connect Never Returned ═══ Under some circumstances, when the host went down during an EHLLAPI Wait function or an EHLLAPI Connect function, the function never returned, even after the specified time-out value. ═══ 1.5.10. JR02510: Query Host Update Returned 22 ═══ After a Write/Unlock Keyboard command was received, the EHLLAPI function Query Host Update returned code 22. This return code indicated that the Presentation Space (PS) had been updated, but this was incorrect because Write/Unlock Keyboard does not affect the Presentation Space. ═══ 1.5.11. JR02974: Underscore Incorrectly Displayed ═══ In some circumstances, the underscore was incorrectly displayed in fields that were set to nondisplay. ═══ 1.5.12. JR03307: APL Characters Print Incorrectly ═══ APL characters displayed in a 3270 session were not printed correctly when a Print Screen was done on the 3270 session. ═══ 1.5.13. JR03310: Shift Key In 3270 Emulation ═══ Two problems existed with the processing of the shift key by the 3270 emulator. First, the shift key indicator displayed on the information line at the bottom of the screen in a 3270 session would incorrectly remain on if a shift key and right Alt key were quickly pressed and released simutaneously. Second, if a user accessed a 3270 session system menu while pressing a shift key, the shift would have no effect until released and pressed again. ═══ 1.5.14. JR03312: 3270 Host Print Error Log Entry ═══ A 3270 host-directed print prematurely generated an error log entry when a 3270 display session was started. This happened when the session was configured for PS print and when the IBMNULL printer device driver had been selected during installation. Example Type 0044 Subtype 0000B097 Orignator 3270EM Data 0000 0000 000F 0308 Although the error situation was valid, the error should not be logged when the 3270 display session was started. Instead, the error should be logged only when the user attempts to perform a Print Screen on the 3270 display session. ═══ 1.5.15. JR03313: Right Alt Key Not Recognized ═══ The 3270 emulator did not recognize that the right Alt key had been pressed if that key was already down at the time a 3270 session window was selected by the user. ═══ 1.5.16. JR03314: Return Code 23 Not Defined ═══ When the user compiled a C program, the user found that the #define for return code 23 (PS and OIA updated) was missing from the EHLLAPI C include file HAPI_C.H. ═══ 1.5.17. JR03315: 3270 Session Window Disappears ═══ While the user was typing in a 3270 session window, the window disappeared when the cursor was moved into a portion of the window that was clipped by the edge of the screen. ═══ 1.5.18. JR03316: Random Access Memory Consumed ═══ When using the EHLLAPI Query Sessions (10) function to configure a 3270 printer session, all available Random Access Memory (RAM) was consumed over an extended period of time. As a result, overall system performance gradually degraded. ═══ 1.5.19. JR03340: Trap D When Exiting CM ═══ When Communications Manager was exited, the 3270 emulator intermittently caused a general protection fault (TRAP D, CSLIM= FB5C , IP= 65B7). The 3270 emulator also intermittently caused a general protection fault (TRAP D, CSLIM= FB5C, IP= 6524) while EHLLAPI applications were running. ═══ 1.5.20. JR03341: EHLLAPI Function Call Hung ═══ The EHLLAPI Query Sessions function call would hang when the host had become disabled and was no longer processing data for the 3270 session. Typically when the host has become disabled, the X brackets will appear and remain in the information area of the screen indefinitely. ═══ 1.6. NETBIOS/IEEE 802.2 ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to NETBIOS and IEEE 802.2. ═══ 1.6.1. IC01947: Domain Controller Hung ═══ The user had 11 servers and many OS/2 and DLR workstations. All the workstations were running a non-IBM word-processing program. The domain controller (DC) went down, and the user had to power off the DC to recover. Before the DC went down, workstations received the message "The primary domain controller has apparently failed." ═══ 1.6.2. JR02263: Errors Adding ETHERNET ═══ ETHERNET failed with message number PR00025 when the machine contained a primary Token-Ring adapter 0 and ETHERNET adapter 1. ═══ 1.6.3. JR03317: NETBIOS Application Hung ═══ Disconnecting the Token-Ring cable could have caused outstanding NETBIOS requests never to complete. Some of the outstanding NETBIOS requests completed with the correct error return code, while others never completed, causing the the NETBIOS application to appear hung. ═══ 1.6.4. JR03332: Gateway Hung With ETHERNET ═══ A Communications Manager Gateway machine occasionally would hang when a non-IBM adapter was being used for the downstream connection between the gateway and workstations. The 3270 sessions on the gateway had a MACH 690 COMM 695 displayed on the information line and the 3270 sessions on the downstream workstations had an X-F displayed. ═══ 1.6.5. JR03339: Net Frames Sent in ETHERNET ═══ RPS and REM network management frames were being generated and mistakenly transmitted on the ETHERNET LAN by the Communications Manager. These frames are not part of the ETHERNET protocol and should not be transmitted on the ETHERNET LAN. ═══ 1.7. DATABASE MANAGER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to Database Manager. ═══ 1.7.1. JR01766: Database Transaction Logs Filled ═══ The user had some database transaction log files allocated as primary and some allocated as secondary. A number of applications accessed the database 24 hours a day. The user noticed that, after 12-24 hours, the secondary logs started being used. After about seven days, the logs were full. The user could work around this by periodically terminating all connections to the database. This caused all work in the logs to be processed. ═══ 1.7.2. JR02186: NET.ACC Not Found ═══ When the user moved NET.ACC to his \IBMLAN\ACCOUNTS directory, Database Manager could not find the file. As a result, Database Manager did not start and returned error SQL1042. ═══ 1.7.3. JR02540: SQL20270 When Exiting Program ═══ The user was running an application on the requester. When the call SQLESTPD was issued from the exit list of the user's application, the error SQL20270 was returned to the requester. ═══ 1.7.4. JR02577: Trap D in Database Recovery ═══ Occasionally, after the user had re-IPLed because of a log-full condition, database recovery would trap D (CS=18CF, IP=B3FA, CSLIM=F3CE). The log-full condition happened when the user attempted to add 200 records to a table which had 100 records, each with two fields. ═══ 1.7.5. JR02580: Could Not Use DB After Power Out ═══ The user had a power failure while backing up a database to diskette. After rebooting, the user was able to go back into the database but could not get out again. The only way to get out was to power off. ═══ 1.7.6. JR02664: SQL0902 Inserting in Database ═══ The user had two requesters accessing a remote database. One had two applications running; the other had one. Intermittantly, one of the applications would receive a SQL0902 error (reason code 9) when inserting into the database. Then the other applications would end with a SQL030080 error. ═══ 1.7.7. JR02853: RC = 0 Not Defined for COBOL ═══ The return code 0 in SQLCODES.CBL pointed to SQL.H instead of SQL.CBL. ═══ 1.7.8. JR03001: Trap D Accessing Authorizations ═══ A trap D occurred when the user tried to select Authorizations in Query Manager. This happened when there were no Group IDs defined in UPMACCTS. To avoid the trap, the user had to define an empty Group ID in UPMACCTS. ═══ 1.7.9. JR03294: Deadlock -- Simultaneous Update ═══ When two users, one on a Database Requester and the other on a Database Server, attempted to change the same row in a table at the same time, a message appeared on the Server with the title 'Deadlock'. The message stated that a deadlock situation had occurred and that Query Manager had to be shut down in order to continue. When enter was pressed Query Manager was shut down, but Database Services continued to run. In the fix for this problem, U-locking was implemented. ═══ 1.7.10. JR03295: Trap D on Concurrent Reorg ═══ While running Statistics on a table, if the user started another Query Manager session and tried to reorganize the same table, a Trap D occurred. The table was reported as damaged (-986 error) when a Select was subsequently attempted. ═══ 1.7.11. JR03302: Error -803 When Binding ═══ The SQL precompiler had been started with an SQLAINIT call. At some later point it was terminated via CTRL-BREAK instead of with a SQLAFINI call. Subsequent attempts to bind programs using the same access plan name resulted in -803 errors (duplicate rows exist for a table with a unique index). The user had to erase the database and create it again. ═══ 1.7.12. JR03311: Erroneous Error Messages ═══ Customer applications received abends and erroneous error messages while concurrently running and rebinding the same application. This problem was very specific to one customer's application. The customer was running an application from a requester. Instead of using the Database Services Remote Data Services, the customer chose to rewrite the runtime APIs to pass the data to the Server. ═══ 1.7.13. JR03322: Error Logging for Alerts Faulty ═══ Error logging (SQLRERLG) did not correctly copy the name of the function logging the error. This occurred because the process was looping incorrectly through the function name. In some circumstances, this resulted in an abend. ═══ 1.7.14. JR03323: SQL1042N Occurred Recovering DB ═══ Recovery failed with an SQL1042N when the user was attempting to recover a database on which the following application scenario had been run: 1. Create a table with long fields 2. Insert a number of rows with long fields 3. Commit the inserts 4. Drop the same table with long fields 5. Commit the drop 6. The program crashes before it completes ═══ 1.7.15. JR03324: Precompiler Did Not Handle DBCS ═══ Cobol/2 allows the user to use DBCS characters for variable names, but the precompiler did not convert DBCS Host variable/descriptor names properly. ═══ 1.7.16. JR03325: Host Variable Limit Too Low ═══ The limit of 512 Host variables had an adverse impact on several customers. The number has been increased to 880. ═══ 1.7.17. JR03326: Output in SYSPLANAUTH Garbled ═══ When Select was run from SYSIBM.SYSPLANAUTH the resultant output for the Grantee column was garbled. Other effects of this problem could have been erroneous error messages for authorization or lack of error detection for authorization. ═══ 1.7.18. JR03343: Trap D When App Issued SQLENEXT ═══ If Show Operational Status was performed from three or more databases, a Trap D occurred when the application issued the call SQLENEXT to get to the next status display. ═══ 1.7.19. JR03380: Abend While Running Statistics ═══ A system abend occurred on a database requester that was running statistics on a remote database table. This happened only if the number-of-indices parameter did not match the valid pointers in the RUNSTATS call. ═══ 1.7.20. JR03381: SQL2506W While Creating Database ═══ A database was created on a server workstation. Three backups/restores were done at the end of the creation process. After the last backup/restore was completed, the application which created the database ended with the error SQL2506W: The database was restored, but there may be extra files in the database. This error was possible when a non-zero SQLCODE was returned from the call to stop using the database or from the SQL statements which were used to delete the unnecessary files in the restored database. ═══ 1.7.21. JR03394: Error in Log File Parameters ═══ In the log-file parameters of a database, if the user decreased the total number of logs (primary and secondary) and also changed the path of the log, the change did not complete successfully. Specifically, if the new path name was shorter than the old path name, SQL00000.LOG was not changed correctly. ═══ 1.8. QUERY MANAGER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to Query Manager. ═══ 1.8.1. JR02227: Search Returned QRW0550 ═══ The user had a root table and subtables connected many to one. The user performed a search on a value with null subrows and received the expected message, "QRW0550: There was no connected row found in the subtable." The user then performed a search on a non-null value. Instead of the correct information, however, QRW0550 was displayed again. ═══ 1.8.2. JR02233: Printer Nickname Not Found ═══ The user received the message "Printer nickname not found" when trying to print a report. This occurred when the length of the identifier and object name together in the Form field was greater than 18 characters. ═══ 1.8.3. JR02277: Custom Forms in QM Graphics ═══ When Query Manager was installed with a non-IBM graphics application, custom forms produced incorrect output from the graphic interface. For example, numbers were different, and headings did not appear. ═══ 1.8.4. JR02338: Trap Running Panel in Add Mode ═══ A trap D occurred when a panel built with multiple tables was run in Add mode. There was a one-to-many relationship between the root table and subtables. ═══ 1.8.5. JR02366: Callerac Error SQL2008N ═══ The user was trying to restore a database via Query Manager (not through an application). The user received the SQL2008N error, which mentions the callerac parameter. This parameter, however, cannot be changed from Query Manager. ═══ 1.8.6. JR02444: Work Table Could Not Be Erased ═══ The user was unable to erase a temporary work table without scrolling to the end of a report produced from the table. The user received message QRW0284 which stated that the table could not be erased because it was still in use. ═══ 1.8.7. JR02477: Incomplete Help for Msg QRW0384 ═══ The help for message QRW0384 (Recovery Needed) was incomplete. The help should mention that the user selecting 'NO' in this panel will be returned to where the open was initiated -- the primary database window or the command line. ═══ 1.8.8. JR02481: Page Break Caused Blank Page ═══ When a break occurred at the time a new page was needed, no data was printed on the next page. Heading and footing text were still printed on the page. ═══ 1.8.9. JR02527: Callable Interface Program Hung ═══ The user ran a QM Callable Interface REXX program that accessed a remote database. On every run after the first run, the program would hang until the user double-clicked on the UPM (User Profile Manager) Logon Menu. After the user double-clicked, the program would run successfully. ═══ 1.8.10. JR02612: No Msg When Disk Out of Space ═══ When a report was printed to a file, and there was not enough room on the disk or diskette, no error message was given. The file was truncated or had zero bytes. The only symptom was that the popup remained on the screen. ═══ 1.8.11. JR02642: New Procedures Out of Order ═══ In some circumstances, a new procedure was put at the bottom of the list when it should have been put in alphabetical order. ═══ 1.8.12. JR02644: CANCEL_WORK Caused Trap D ═══ When CANCEL_WORK was called from a menu, the error message QRW0278N was displayed. When the user tried to cancel out of the error notice, a trap D occurred. After the trap D, Query Manager was exited. The database did not need recovery. ═══ 1.8.13. JR02686: Mouse Pointer Did Not Change ═══ Under some circumstances, when the user moved from another session into a Query Manager session in which a database was being created, the pointer did not change to an hourglass as it should. ═══ 1.8.14. JR02692: Scrolling to Bottom Caused Hang ═══ When Query Manager (QM) was started with the command QUERYMGR /ROWBUFFER:128 and the user tried to scroll to the bottom of a large report, QM would hang. It did not hang if QM was started with the default buffer size of 16, even if the buffer was later changed to 128. ═══ 1.8.15. JR02834: Error in Procedure Comments ═══ When a comment in a procedure was more than two lines, an error message was returned: There must be an apostrophe or double quotes before or after char string. ═══ 1.8.16. JR02946: Sum Values in Report Changed ═══ The user had a query which summed column values and displayed them. When the user scrolled up and down in the report but did not scroll to the bottom, the totals changed. If the user scrolled all the way to the bottom, the totals were correct. ═══ 1.8.17. JR03289: Incorrect Time Field ═══ When selecting Print from the Actions Pull Down with Show Operational Status, the Time field was not printed correctly. A caret character was printed for the last digit of the Seconds field. ═══ 1.8.18. JR03345: Comma Not Accepted In Fields ═══ The comma was not accepted as a decimal point in computed fields in the Panels Function of Query Manager. The comma, in many countries, is used as a decimal point and should therefore be acceptable. ═══ 1.8.19. JR03346: Catalog/Uncatalog Was Selectable ═══ After Query Manager was installed on a stand-alone machine, the options to Catalog and Uncatalog a remote workstation were selectable items in the systems option of Query Manager. These should not have been highlighted or selectable for a standalone database system. ═══ 1.8.20. JR03347: -3012 Message ═══ If a procedure was called from a Panel and the procedure had a compute done within it, then the message SQL3012 was issued (a system error occurred). ═══ 1.8.21. JR03348: System Hung Adding Columns ═══ When creating a table using the screen interface to add colunms, the system would temporarily hang. This was due to the system's inability to store the keystrokes or beep because the user did not wait for the screen to come back up. ═══ 1.8.22. JR03363: Menu Title Was Not Centered ═══ The menu title was offset to the right when menu a was executed. ═══ 1.8.23. JR03364: QM Window Stayed in Yellow Frame ═══ The Query Manager window was still in a yellow frame after CTRL-ESC was pressed. If any command was done from the action bar which produced a pop-up, the same problem would occur. ═══ 1.8.24. JR03368: Swiss Rounding Rule Malfunction ═══ The Swiss rounding rule was not working properly when reports were generated. ═══ 1.9. PC DOS REQUESTER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to PC DOS Requester. ═══ 1.9.1. JR03365: -2216 With -805 SQLCODE ═══ This problem only applied to DOS Database Requesters. An error message of SQL2216 with an SQLCODE of -805 was returned during a table reorganization. The error codes suggested a timestamp error had been encountered. ═══ 1.10. OS/2 EE LAN REQUESTER/SERVER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to OS/2 EE LAN Requester/Server. ═══ 1.10.1. IC01453: Trap D on Additional Server ═══ An additional server received a trap D in NETSERVR.EXE. The user had to reboot to regain full operation. ═══ 1.10.2. IC01559: Users Could Not Logon, NET3100 ═══ Users could not logon until NetLogon had been stopped and restarted. When NetLogon was stopped, the error "Process ended abnormally" was logged. Another symptom was that the process (NETLOGON.EXE) disappeared from the output of the PSTAT (Process Status) command. A related error was "NET3100: Network software error occurred." ═══ 1.10.3. IC01613: File Copying Hung With Large EAs ═══ Workstations hung when users copied files with large extended attributes from multiple workstations. ═══ 1.10.4. IC01723: Second Msg to DLR Not Received ═══ When a sender sent a second message to a DLR workstation, the error panel only told the sender to check the destination name. It did not tell the sender that, if the destination is a DLR, the receiver must escape from the first message popup before the sender can send a second message. ═══ 1.10.5. IC01751: Wrong Code for Invalid Subdir ═══ A DOS application issued a DOS interrupt 21 and received return code 2, "File not found," instead of return code 3, "Path not found," when accessing an invalid subdirectory. Stand-alone DOS and PCLP worked correctly. ═══ 1.10.6. IC01790: Error Creating RIPL Diskette ═══ The user had image support installed. At the domain controller, the user tried to create an RIPL diskette. The system only copied CONFIG.SYS to the diskette, and no error was reported. This happened when the system did not find RPL.MAP in IBMLAN\DCDB\IMAGES. ═══ 1.10.7. IC01808: F4 Key Returned As Invalid ═══ In the Assigned Drive field of the DOS Application Definition Fields, the F4 key was returned as invalid. The F4 key should be a valid key defined as the list function. ═══ 1.10.8. IC02034: Return Code Not Displayed in FSI ═══ When a user ran a remote program from the Actions menu in the full-screen interface, the return code was not displayed. This was not consistent with NET RUN from the command-line interface, which displayed the return code. ═══ 1.10.9. IC02080: Logoff Problems After Graphics ═══ Network logoff problems occurred with a non-IBM graphics program in DOS mode on a requester. The user created a print job in the graphics program and then pressed Ctrl-Alt-PrtScr or exited the application. The user then went to an OS/2 session and tried to log off the network but received NET8210 -- One or more device redirections currently in use. Do you wish to end the sessions? ═══ 1.10.10. IC02082: Trap When Sharing Files ═══ With a non-IBM application on a LAN server, the user received a trap D while trying to share files. ═══ 1.10.11. IC02097: Network Statistics Not Printed ═══ An administrator logged on to a requester and could display network statistics for both the workstation and server. When the administrator tried to print, however, only workstation statistics were printed. From the server, statistics were printed correctly. ═══ 1.10.12. IC02101: No More File Identifiers ═══ Multiple users logged on to a server from DLRs at approximately the same time. Users received an error reporting a bad command when they selected an application from the menu. When they tried to use the DIR command in DOS, they received 'Too many redirections.' The DIR command in OS/2 yielded 'No more file identifiers.' ═══ 1.10.13. IC02111: Trap With Many Sets in CONFIG ═══ After the user started the server with more than 64 sets in the CONFIG.SYS file and issued a net command, a trap D occurred. ═══ 1.10.14. IC02133: Incorrect Bytes With Named Pipes ═══ Using remote named pipes, the client received more bytes than the server sent. This did not happen if the user added DosBufReset after each DosWrite. ═══ 1.10.15. IC02144: NET3214 When Replicating DCDB ═══ The user received NET3214: Replication limit for tree depth has been exceeded when trying to replicate a DCDB (domain controller database). The DCDB did not exceed the limit, however. ═══ 1.10.16. IC02198: API Logoff Was Unsuccessful ═══ When the user attempted to logoff from a domain through the UPMLGFF() API call, the user received NET8230: The domain logoff was not successful. Ensure that the LAN FSI was not active. The user was able to logon and logoff through UPM menus. ═══ 1.10.17. IC02203: LAN Messages Stored With '0A0D' ═══ When messages were stored in the file IBMLAN/LOGS/MESSAGES.LOG, some lines were terminated with '0A0D' instead of '0D0A'. The C language expects lines to terminate with '0D0A'. ═══ 1.10.18. IC02220: Error With Alt Images for RIPL ═══ The user was selecting IPL images on an RIPL workstation. Although the menu of alternate images could be displayed, the user was unable to select any of the alternate images. The user received the message 'Your machine name has been removed from the map table file.' ═══ 1.10.19. IC02234: Users Could Not Logoff Via UPM ═══ Users with more than 10 public applications appeared to logon successfully through UPM, but they could not access the public applications menu. Also, they could not logoff via UPM because they did not show up on the list of users. They were able to logoff from the command line, however. ═══ 1.10.20. IC02251: Message NET2116 Was Unclear ═══ When the user started NetLogon services, message NET2116 was returned. This happened when SCRIPTS (in IBMLAN.INI or on the command line) pointed to a non-existent path. The message indicated a missing device or directory, but it did not specify what directory was missing. ═══ 1.10.21. IC02253: NET3205 With DOS FCB Opens ═══ When simultaneous DOS FCB opens were done on the same file from multiple requesters, an error resulted: NET3205: The server could not close the file ****. The file is probably corrupt. This occurred with an NumFileTasks value greater than 1 in IBMLAN.INI. ═══ 1.10.22. IC02282: NetUseDel Hung After DOS App ═══ A requester used API calls to log on to a server and to make printer connections. Then a DOS application printed to the server printer. After the DOS application finished, the OS/2 program attempted to use NetUseDel on the printer connections. The requester hung on the last deletion. The problem did not occur if the DOS application wrote to a handle for the printer output rather than using interrupt 17H. ═══ 1.10.23. IC02303: Logical Server Failed to Start ═══ When the PipeBuf parameter in the IBMLAN.INI file was set to greater than 32767, RNS1.EXE failed to start. ═══ 1.10.24. IC02320: Incorrect Delimiters in NETERR.H ═══ When the NETERR.H header file was being compiled, an error message reported incorrect delimiters. This happened because some compilers will not accept "/*" in the middle of a comment. ═══ 1.10.25. IC02461: NET9xxx Msgs Needed Remapping ═══ Some NET9xxx messages were not documented. They corresponded to the following NET8xxx messages: NET9850 ──> NET8194 9851 8195 9852 8196 9854 8191 9856 8230 9805 8231 9806 8232 exmp. ═══ 1.10.26. IC02480: Users Could Not Logon, NET3100 ═══ This APAR is the same as IC01559 . Users could not logon until NetLogon had been stopped and restarted . When NetLogon was stopped , the error " Process ended abnormally " was logged . Another symptom was that the process ( NETLOGON . EXE ) disappeared from the output of the PSTAT ( Process Status ) command . A related error was ' NET3100 : Network software error occurred . " ═══ 1.10.27. IC02516: No File Aliases Available ═══ A large number of aliases were defined . When an administrator tried to bring up file assignments , a panel was displayed stating that there were no file aliases available . ═══ 1.10.28. IC02517: NET2121 and NET0067 Were Unclear ═══ Error messages NET2121 on the server and NET0067 at the requester were not sufficiently explained to indicate what resource had been exceeded . These messages were issued when the share limit had been exceeded . ═══ 1.10.29. IC02600: Trap During Logon, Logoff ═══ A trap in NETSERVR . EXE sometimes occurred during logon , logoff , or session disconnect on an additional server . This happened when logon hours were defined for users with NET USER / TIMES . ═══ 1.10.30. IC02620: AT Command Did Not Work Remotely ═══ The user was using NET ADMIN to remotely administer the servers from a requester . The user tried to use the AT command for scheduling , but this command did not have the correct access to schedule remotely from a requester . ═══ 1.10.31. IC02689: Home Dir Could Not Be Created ═══ A home directory that would reside on the alternate server could not be created unless an administrator was logged on to the alternate server . ═══ 1.10.32. IC02695: Alias Failure Not Reported ═══ If an existing shared alias was deleted and a new alias with the same name was created with the " share at server startup " option , the share for the new alias failed . This occurred because the old share was still outstanding . The user was not informed that the new share had failed . ═══ 1.10.33. IC02696: Incorrect Message In Migration ═══ When migrating domain definitions from a PCLP 1 . 3 domain to a Lan Server 1 . 3 domain , the import program stopped with the message , " Error reading or writing to file . " It stopped when migrating the printer alias " 42xx01 . " ═══ 1.10.34. IC02697: NCB Messages/Helps Not in File ═══ Network Control Block ( NCB ) messages and helps were documented in the 1 . 3 PD Guide but not in the message and help file . The messages affected were NET5301 through NET5380 , as well as Spooler messages NET3202 and NET3203 . ═══ 1.10.35. IC02698: Return Code 122 From DosDevIOCtl ═══ DosDevIOCtl ( category 5 , function 62 ) returned code 122 ( insufficient data buffer ) . This occurred when the user was using this mode command to set CPI or LPI individually on a remote print queue . ═══ 1.10.36. IC02700: Incorrect Msg Importing DCDB ═══ If the temporary DCDB file contained an RIPL definition with an incorrect servername , the import program terminated with the incorrect error message , " The server service isn ' t started . " On the other hand , if it was an alias definition which had the incorrect servername , the import program displayed the correct error message , Define the remote server ( XXXXXX ) . Press ENTER to continue or ESC to quit . ═══ 1.10.37. IC02702: DosFind Error During Migration ═══ Migration failed on a domain controller which had long HPFS filenames . When migrating from a Lan Server 1 . 0 domain to a Lan Server 1 . 3 domain , the import program stopped with the error message , " Error - Unexpected error from DosFind Call . " It stopped while migrating the profile definition for resource " C : \ " . ═══ 1.10.38. IC02703: Popup Delayed When Copying Files ═══ While installing the remote IPL portion of the server , the user inserted DLR diskette 1 after the prompt . The popup message Wait. Copying files. did not appear until about 20 seconds after the user pressed Enter. It should appear immediately. ═══ 1.10.39. IC02704: NET9336E When Creating Alias ═══ User had set NET ACCOUNTS /MAXPWAGE:1. After the server was left up for more than one day, the user was unable to create a file alias on an additional server if the directory specified by the alias did not exist. The error returned was NET9336E. ═══ 1.10.40. IC02705: Device Resource List Not Updated ═══ When a serial device alias was updated to add or delete devices from the pool list, the update was not done. No errors were reported, however. A NET SHARE command showed that the original device list was still in place. ═══ 1.10.41. IC02706: Logon Slow With Many Admins ═══ The logon processing logic on domain controllers unnecessarily performed a check of admininstrators defined in the user accounts system. This significantly degraded logon time in domains with many adminstrators defined. ═══ 1.10.42. IC02707: SRVINST Forced DCDB Init ═══ When the machine name in the IBMLAN.INI differed from the machine name given during server install, server install would display a popup stating that the user must initialize the DCDB. The code should instead check that the name given in server install matches one already defined in the DCDB. ═══ 1.10.43. IC02708: HELP NETxxxx Returned SYS0317 ═══ When HELP NETxxxx was used for an error message that had no corresponding help message, it returned error SYS0317. To fix this problem, the message files have been changed so that even if no help message exists, at least the original error message text will be returned. ═══ 1.10.44. IC02709: NET CONFIG SERVER Field Misnamed ═══ When the user typed the command NET CONFIG SERVER, one of the information lines was titled "IBM Entry-Level Server." The title of this line should be "Server Level:." ═══ 1.10.45. IC02710: User With Machine Name Deleted ═══ If a user was defined with the same name as the machine name of an RIPL workstation, the user would be deleted if the RIPL workstation definition was deleted. ═══ 1.10.46. IC02711: Trap During NET.ACC Replication ═══ The user received a trap D on a server with NETLOGON running. The trap was in the NETLOGON process and was caused by a problem in the handling of NET.ACC replication. ═══ 1.10.47. IC02712: Access Control Profiles Deleted ═══ When a user's home directory was deleted, the access control profiles of other users were deleted if their user IDs began with the same character string as the first user's ID. For example, if "user1" had his home directory deleted, then "user10" would lose access to his home directory. ═══ 1.10.48. IC02717: 129th User Could Not Logon ═══ A customer attempted to log on more than 128 users. The 129th logon consistently failed. ═══ 1.11. DOS LAN REQUESTER ═══ This section contains summaries for the APARs in CSD WR05015 which relate to DOS LAN Requester (DLR). ═══ 1.11.1. IC02054: SW Inconsistency With Logon ═══ This problem occurred on a DLR which had been RIPLed or diskette IPLed. The user first tried to logon with an incorrect password. The next logon attempt returned a software inconsistency message. A third attempt worked correctly. ═══ 1.11.2. IC02177: Sluggish Keyboard and Display ═══ On XT-class non-IBM machines, after the user entered NET START, the keyboard and display became sluggish, and incorrect characters appeared on the display. ═══ 1.11.3. IC02293: New-Password Message Confusing ═══ When a user logged on from the command line and the password was expired, the user received the message "Enter new password." The user entered the password and then received the message again, "Enter new password." This was misleading. The second message should ask the user to verify the new password. ═══ 1.11.4. IC02428: Remote Printer Output Corrupted ═══ Output was corrupted when the user printed from a non-IBM application on a DLR to a network laser printer. Output was supposed to be printed in two passes on one page. Instead, output was printed on two pages, and some of it was corrupted. ═══ 1.11.5. IC02483: I/O Error When Printing Remotely ═══ A disk I/O error message appeared when an application generated a report from shared data files and then printed the report. The error occurred if the report was printed remotely and if OP LOCK was turned on at the server. ═══ 1.11.6. IC02610: NET074 After DLRINST ═══ When a PCLP requester was upgraded to a DLR with DLRINST and then started as a receiver, it failed to start. The message received was NET074: It cannot be started. The network adapter resources were exceeded. The workstation could be successfully started as a requester, and it could be started as a receiver if the number-of-commands parameter, /NBC, in the DLR CONFIG.SYS, was increased to 13.