═══ 1. About this forum ═══ TALKLINK Welcome to the world of TalkLink, a unique, new conferencing service offered by IBM. Using TalkLink, you can "talk" to customers, IBMers and personnel of our many affiliates around the world - anywhere, anytime. TalkLink is designed for people like yourself, who want to get the most out of their investment in computing products and services. TalkLink "links" you directly into the development and sup- port communities of customers, IBM and affiliates. Our goal is to help you be as effective as you can with access to many conferences, vast databases and rich libraries. HIGHLIGHTS TalkLink provides the following capabilities for customers to review information electronically, submit questions re- quests and receive answers information. - Conferences and forums -- question and answer bulletin boards for you to ask questions and help others with a wide variety of products and services. Items posted on this bulletin board are shared between BBS users, IBM personnel and affiliates worldwide. - Customer-to-customer messaging -- customers can send private messages to each other. - Support -- customers can submit or view problem re- ports. These entries will be responded to by the conference/forum owner, normally within a certain time period. Users can also place orders for product related materials. - Software library -- downloads application programs and uploads contributions. - News and announcements -- contains recent information regarding products and services. - Modes of operation: - Interactive -- Users are connected online to TalkLink while using its facilities. - Batch -- Users can download the forums to their personal computer and read the entries offline. Users can also respond offline and the entries will be saved and sent to the host the next time the user is connected in batch mode. Initially, this facil- ity is available for OS/2 (R) users only. - Access: 1 - Advantis -- local call from most cities within the US. - Internet -- telnet avaialable now, full ftp soon. SEARCH SERVICE - Search IBM databases via interactive mode -- This search facility includes a large question and answer database of items, IBM System Center Flashes, and IBM's prob- lem management libraries. This database contains infor- mation about problems and fixes. Not all general discussion forums have related information in these da- tabases. TALKLINK FEES CHARGES - $15.00 Registration Fee (one-time charge for each user registration) - $18.00 Monthly Availability Charge (includes unlimited hourly service) - This can be charged to a credit card or invoiced (for an additional administrative fee of $7.00 for each monthly invoice). HOW TO ORDER TALKLINK Call 1-800-547-1283 to sign up for TalkLink. Outside of the United States please contact your local IBM sales office for availability and access. ********************************************************************** ═══ 2. Introduction ═══ ===== OS2WIN CFORUM created at 01:46:53 on 92/04/08 GMT (by HOPKINS at AUSVM8) IBM UNCLASSIFIED ------------ The information in this forum is considered by IBM to be external and may be shared by everyone who is given access. This forum is shared with the internal IBM employee conferences. Forum: OS2WIN CFORUM Forum topic: OS/2 Windows Support and Programming This FORUM is provided as a conferencing tool to promote discussion of issues, questions, and problems relating to: 1. The translation of MS Windows application source code to OS/2 PM. 2. The discussion of MS Windows programming on the OS/2 Operating System using the OS/2 Windows Support. OS/2 Windows support is the code that allows for MS Windows program currently running under DOS to be able to run under OS/2 without modification. Contributions must not contain confidential or proprietary information. Each contributor agrees, in placing material in this forum, that IBM and other users are free to prepare derivative works based upon it, and to use, reproduce, perform, display and distribute inside and outside their company such material and such derivative works, without obligation or charge. IBM is not responsible or liable for the use, copying, or distribution of materials placed on this forum, and has therefore no obligation to control such acts. All subscribers are required to abide at all times by the conference rules described in the Bulletin Board Rules under "News and Announcements". All IBM personnel are required to abide at all times by the IBMPC RULES and the IBM Business Conduct Guidelines. IBM personnel will read the CUSTOMER FORUM RULES in IBMPC RULES before contributing. Contributions violating these rules will be deleted by the CFORUM Owner or their delegate, and in some cases by an IBM conference Administrator. The OS2BBS CFORUM is where anyone may raise concerns regarding rules violations found in this and other CFORUMS. The IBM Administrator of this forum is: Name: Paul Cheatham Mailing Address: Boca Electronic Support Team ( BEST ) 1000 N.W. 51st Street Internal Zip 1426-012/W2030 Boca Raton, FL 33429 IBM Node/Userid: BCRVM1/CHEATHAM TalkLink Userid: LNK9/LNK9030 See OS2WIN 931CFORU on OS2BBS for appends to 92/09/14 (4962 lines) See OS2WIN 932CFORU on OS2BBS for appends to 93/02/16 (4477 lines) See OS2WIN 933CFORU on OS2BBS for appends to 93/06/17 (4453 lines) See OS2WIN 941CFORU on OS2BBS for appends to 93/10/01 (4514 lines) ..... 4514 lines pruned at 13:23:30 on 93/10/01 GMT (by OS2 at YKTVMV) ..... ..... 5611 lines pruned at 08:56:17 on 04/26/94 by MLKSERV0 for LNK9032 See OS2WIN AR940640 file for appends from 93/10/01 to 94/02/23 ********************************************************************** ═══ 3. Grolier Encyclopedia for Windows 6.0 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Joe, I'm having exactly the same problem as you. I installed the grolier cd last night and can't get to the text behind the pictures/topics. I did remove the registeration message however. After I called the 800 number and left my name/address/etc on their electronic registration system, they tell you that you can turn off the message by selecting the file menu, then preferences... There is a check-off box to turn it off 8-). -Dave Posh Dave Posh - TalkLink/OS2BBS Development Team ********************************************************************** Joe, I found out the problem with the text not being displayed. Change the WIN-OS2 settings in the Settings from 3.1 Standard to 3.1 Enhanced Compatibility. The text should then appear. Dave Posh - TalkLink/OS2BBS Developemt Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 4. Start Windows Program from OS/2 Command File to Run in Active WinOS2 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * You need to run a REXX program that creates and runs a temporary WPS object representing the Windows program. This way you can specify information such as WINOS2 settings. The following is an example to start the WINOS2 clock: /* Start seamless WINOS2 app (same session) from a REXX program */ call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'; call SysLoadFuncs; call SysCreateObject 'WPProgram', 'WINOS2 Clock', '',, 'EXENAME=c:\os2\mdos\winos2\clock.exe;PROGTYPE=WINDOWEDWIN;'||, 'STARTUPDIR=c:\os2\mdos\winos2;'||, 'OPEN=DEFAULT','REPLACE'; There's a document somewhere that describes this in detail - hopefully someone else can point to where it can be obtained from this board. Dave ********************************************************************** ═══ 5. Quicken ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Intuit was the guest speaker at our last UserGroup meeting and had some super UG prices. For $44,95 I got the Quicken for Win CD--it even included the shipping in that price. The CD is an install disk and one can't run the programs from it--9-meg+ later it was installed on the HD. Bummer. They have their own file viewer and don't use the Win Help setup. The font is mucked up. This must be a missing TT font or a misunderstanding of the font. If the line doesn't quite fit the window, character overlap and the text is either badly munged or totally unreadable. Anybody got an idea for a solution? Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** Ken, I experienced something similar with native WINDOWS and QUICKEN for Windows release 2. I called Intuit about it and found out that I had a choice of "small fonts" or "large fonts" for the Windows video driver that I was using. I fixed my problem by choosing the "small fonts" driver... (In my view, this is really a work-around for either poor design or poor implementation.) Roberto Sepulveda, Phillips Petroleum Company, (918) 661-5234 ********************************************************************** ═══ 6. WIN-OS/2 Support for Working Directory ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I know that they are very aware of it. Whether they have or will do anything about it is a good question..... One to which I don't have the answer... Julian Swales ISM - Information Systems Management Corp. CAWSTSDT @ IBMMAIL Regina, SK, Canada, S4S 7H1, Phone #:(306) 781-5151 ********************************************************************** I have installed the Service Pack and unforunately this was not one of the bugs fixed. I guess we struggle onward.... Gene Wicker/Ray Smith - Burlington Industries ********************************************************************** ═══ 7. Not Enough Memory Error from Word 2.0C ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > SWAPPER IS AROUND 30M. I AM SURE THAT THERE IS PLENTY OF ROOM FOR THE > SWAPPER FILE. ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS ? > KIRK KNESS. Disclaimer: I have never used Word. I have experienced some GDI problems under Win-Os/2 with Ami Pro and WordPerfect for Windows. There is a little utility that displays GDI memory that comes in Windows 3.1 Resources. That would be my first suspect. Gary Pool MO Dept. Social Services * EPM * "I'll take 'Things Only I Know' for 400, Alex." ********************************************************************** One more guess ... if your user is in a dual boot environment make sure that the app is installed using WIN-OS/2 ... MS apps have a tendency to "upgrade" windows files and add additional functions by putting stuff in the windows subdirs during install if your user only installed under DOS\Windows and didn't install under Win-OS/2 then this may also be an area for problems to occur. Of course this does not apply if the user has OS24W ... Keith A. Blake (The OS/2 Mole) V: (513) 983-8119 (USPGC9GC/IBMMAIL) ********************************************************************** ═══ 8. (no subject) ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * aSubject: Quicken Ref: Append at 19:00:19 on 94/02/23 GMT (by AAEL55K at OS2CUST) >I fixed my problem by choosing the "small fonts" driver... > >(In my view, this is really a work-around for either poor design or poor >implementation.) I'll give that option a look...and I agree about the poor part... Thanks, Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** ═══ 9. PAS 16 with OS/2 and WIN-OS/2 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Joe, Thanks for the speedy response. I just tried what you suggested (disabling system sounds) and it didn't help. As a matter of fact it seems to have uncovered another problem - I CAN'T turn off system sounds. I unchecked the box in the WIN-OS/2 Control Panel and it seems to have no effect on the system sounds, they still occur! So, I booted DOS, went into Windows and disabled them there. It worked under DOS. After rebooting OS/2 and starting SEAMWIN (it's in my Startup Folder) I discovered that the sounds are still there! What do you think of that?!? I attempted to post this several days ago, but apparently it never made it! Since that time I have given up and removed the SB drivers from WIN-OS/2 completely so I can run what I must. I'd still like to be able to do everything, though! Tom Ker, Technical Support Analyst, Sprint/United Telephone-Eastern ********************************************************************** Tom, I don't have a PAS16, so feel _completely_ free to discard this info! I do have a plain 'ol Soundblaster Pro & was running into similar "situations" that you've seen. I did get very good info from a IBM support person on another cforum. There is a device driver in config.sys that prevents sharing of the audio adapter in non-PM sessions. It is DEVICE=D:\MMOS2\AUDIOVDD.SYS