═══ 1. About this forum ═══ TALKLINK Welcome to the world of TalkLink, a unique, new conferencing service offered by IBM. Using TalkLink, you can "talk" to customers, IBMers and personnel of our many affiliates around the world - anywhere, anytime. TalkLink is designed for people like yourself, who want to get the most out of their investment in computing products and services. TalkLink "links" you directly into the development and sup- port communities of customers, IBM and affiliates. Our goal is to help you be as effective as you can with access to many conferences, vast databases and rich libraries. HIGHLIGHTS TalkLink provides the following capabilities for customers to review information electronically, submit questions re- quests and receive answers information. - Conferences and forums -- question and answer bulletin boards for you to ask questions and help others with a wide variety of products and services. 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Outside of the United States please contact your local IBM sales office for availability and access. ********************************************************************** ═══ 2. Introduction ═══ ===== OS2DOS CFORUM created at 01:46:11 on 92/04/08 GMT (by HOPKINS at AUSVM8) IBM UNCLASSIFIED ------------ The information in this forum is considered by IBM to be external and may be shared by everyone who is given access. This forum is shared with the internal IBM employee conferences. Forum: OS2DOS CFORUM Forum subject: OS/2 Virtual DOS Machine Support This FORUM is provided as a conferencing tool to promote discussion of issues, questions, and problems pertaining to DOS Virtual Machine Support for OS/2. Contributions must not contain confidential or proprietary information. Each contributor agrees, in placing material in this forum, that IBM and other users are free to prepare derivative works based upon it, and to use, reproduce, perform, display and distribute inside and outside their company such material and such derivative works, without obligation or charge. IBM is not responsible or liable for the use, copying, or distribution of materials placed on this forum, and has therefore no obligation to control such acts. All subscribers are required to abide at all times by the conference rules described in the Bulletin Board Rules under "News and Announcements". All IBM personnel are required to abide at all times by the IBMPC RULES and the IBM Business Conduct Guidelines. IBM personnel will read the CUSTOMER FORUM RULES in IBMPC RULES before contributing. Contributions violating these rules will be deleted by the CFORUM Owner or their delegate, and in some cases by an IBM conference Administrator. The OS2BBS CFORUM is where anyone may raise concerns regarding rules violations found in this and other CFORUMS. The IBM Administrator of this forum is: Name: Paul Cheatham Mailing Address: Boca Electronic Support Team ( BEST ) 1000 N.W. 51st Street Internal Zip 1426-012/W2030 Boca Raton, FL 33429 IBM Node/Userid: BCRVM1/CHEATHAM TalkLink Userid: LNK9/LNK9030 See OS2DOS 931CFORU on OS2BBS for appends to 92/11/24 (4456 lines) See OS2DOS 932CFORU on OS2BBS for appends to 93/03/30 (4496 lines) See OS2DOS 933CFORU on OS2BBS for appends to 93/08/25 (4469 lines) ..... 4469 lines pruned at 15:48:00 on 93/08/25 GMT (by OS2 at YKTVMV) ..... ..... 6386 lines pruned at 08:54:49 on 04/26/94 by MLKSERV0 for LNK9032 See OS2DOS AR942490 file for appends from 93/08/25 to 94/02/23 ********************************************************************** ═══ 3. Defining Extended Memory for DOS Under OS/2 2.1 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The closest is the XMS_MEMORY_LIMIT setting. This allocates XMS memory that may be usable by application expecting (unmanaged) extended memory. Wing (WFY316 at PKMFGVM1) IBM Microelectronics, Poughkeepsie, NY. USA ********************************************************************** ═══ 4. Load DOS device drivers from CMD file ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Vincente, There are ways thru REXX to start a DOS object with the settings that you want, including device drivers I believe. There is also a shareware or EWS not sure which called STARTD that will allow the same thing. Jack Hiatt The International Phoenix Alliance ********************************************************************** ═══ 5. Unerase command DALVMIC1(RHERRIN) ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OS/2 itself has an UNDELETE package that allows you to set aside a given amount of disk space to buffer recently-deleted files. Its advantage is that it (within its limits) _always_ works. If you're quick enough, you can use a DOS unerase program, but you must run it under true DOS, not OS/2. These programs work by fiddling about with the innards of directories and the FAT, and OS/2 intentionally prohibits that. (I don't understand why it would have hung your system.) John W. Kennedy -- Hoechst Celanese -- The OS/2 Hobbit\Team-OS/2 ********************************************************************** ═══ 6. Unable to Use DOS ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I have installed OS/2 2.1 on a ValuePoint with 20M memory. When I open a DOS window or Fullscreen I get the message: " new COMMAND.COM is not valid." If I attempt to load BASICA.COM I get the message: " Out Of Memory" How should I correct this. T.D. Magee Lexington TMAGEE at LEXVM2 tie 545-4849 ********************************************************************** Is this an emulated DOS (VDM) or specific version DOS (VMB)? When you open the Settings notebook, Session page/DOS settings, what is listed under the DOS_SHELL setting? DOS_STARTUP_DRIVE setting? Sounds like you were trying to run real DOS utilities in an emulated DOS session. Wing (WFY316 at PKMFGVM1) IBM Microelectronics, Poughkeepsie, NY. USA ********************************************************************** ═══ 7. Spaceman III from Nielsen Software in a DOS VDM ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Trying to run a DOS application SPACEMAN III from Nielsen Marketing Research Inc. (no its not a game... its used to lay out counter space in retail stores). The program runs in a DOS Fullscreen for about 15 seconds, and then locks up. I then do a Ctrl-Esc to go back to the OS/2 desktop and immediately jump back to the DOS VDM and it unlocks, runs for a few more seconds, then locks up again. Can repeat this sequence any number of times. I've tried manipulating several DOS settings to no avail... is anyone familiar with the application and running it successfully? Henry Jaroszewski ********************************************************************** The program Spaceman III may require a Dongle attached to LPT1. Is the DongleKey required for your particular version and is it attached? Officially OS/2 Operating System does not support the use of Dongles, but we have had some limitedsuccess in running this type of hardware/software configuration. Tom Haug Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 8. DOS to OS/2 via named pipe ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hi! My name is Joao Lopes (Joca) and I'm the technical coordinator for OS/2 DAP in Brazil. One of our DAP members is facing a problem trying to communicate a DOS program to an OS/2 PM program via named pipe. The DOS program is actually a TSR. Looking through the OS2DOS FORUM I saw an append from Laszlo where he says he has done this communication successfully. Can anyone help me with this custumer? I really would appreciate to have the source code and make files. Tks for the help. Joao Lopes. ********************************************************************** ═══ 9. Write DOS screen console to a file ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If I'm running in a dos shell, is there a way to route the console output, say from a c program, into a file? I'm looking to capture the input/output dialog. Is there something like the ctl-prtscreen feature that routes to a file vs a printer? Thanks! Lou Rivas ********************************************************************** ═══ 10. DOS program speed on OS2 VDM ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I continue to read tributes by OS2 disciples (?) in the media to the effect that DOS programs run faster under OS2 than they do under native DOS. I can't do that. My machine typically executes the same functions in OS2 in 1.3 to 2.5 times their speed in native DOS. That has not surprised me as OS2 (a.) emulates real DOS, (b.)sustains its own housekeeping and supervisory activities, and (c.) allocates cycles to other opened programs. Should I be looking for more in tuning my installation, or just ignore the hype? Ken Hammer, St. Johnsbury, VT ********************************************************************** My experience has been that it varies greatly from machine to machine. Given enough RAM. OS/2 will run just about everything at about the same speed. If a DOS app has heavy file I/O and your system uses the HPFS, the program will usually run faster under OS/2. The things that improve performance the most for me: 16MB RAM (vs 8); exclusive use of the HPFS on HD partitions (and REM-out DISKCACHE in config.sys); pre-allocate the swapper.dat file to the largest size that you will need (3rd parameter on SWAPAPTH line). By pre-allocating, the swap file won't have to be grown and shrunk during processing, a very time-consuming process. Kenn Martin internet: ksmartin@delphi.com AiC Lexington ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 03:52 on 94/02/25 by WZ00887 at HONE83 ] >I continue to read tributes by OS2 disciples (?) in the media >to the effect that DOS programs run faster under OS2 than they >do under native DOS. I can't do that. My machine typically >executes the same functions in OS2 in 1.3 to 2.5 times their >speed in native DOS. The traditional way to analyze performance is to look at CPU and IO usage. CPU: If the program is not using significant CPU time then the factors here don't matter. But if it is, then it might be for two different reasons. 1. It is doing number crunching in it's own code...in which case there should be no difference between the OS2 and DOS environment, other than as you say, sharing the CPU with other tasks. It's still the same CPU and isn't any faster just because of the OS. 2. It is using a large amount of OS services which are CPU intensive...in which case OS2 might be faster if it is passing through code which has been recompiled in 32bit mode. This is especially true for video and cache code which can use up a large chunk of CPU time these days. IO: Comparison here is difficult because of the widely different assumptions about caching. On most desktops, no caching has been installed. Thus OS2 (and windows) immediately has an advantage since caching is configured automatically. But since this isn't a fair comparison, we must compare the available DOS and OS2 caching, as well as IO outside of caching. 1. Caching on DOS comes in many flavors. OS2 caching is presupplied. The supplied DOS caching is in 3 forms: BUFFERS=m,n (helps diskettes and sequential reads) DEVICE=SMARTDRV (HD general caching) FASTOPEN (HD directory entry caching) But there are also a lot of shareware & vendor products, some outstanding. All of these have a limitation that (if they are not to take too much memory below 640k) they have to use EMS or XMS services. This can be expensive (xms especially since it involves switching CPU modes.) The OS2 cache doesn't handle diskettes, and doesn't seem to do sequential readahead as well as most. The magazine articles have pointed out that the NT caching is way ahead of OS/2, which may drive IBM to improve OS/2, hopefully soon. However, when compared to just plain old DOS SMARTDRV, then OS2 doesn't seem to be any worse. In theory OS2 caching could be MUCH better since it could multitask intelligent algorithms. The answer to your question here is: your milage may vary. (You should check out how you have tuned your DOS and OS2 here.) 2. The rest of the file systems are very different. DOS of course is just a simple FIFO request handler. OS2 has a prioritized interrupt driven queued packet file system. If your VDM is not low priority, then it should be no worse than running on DOS, even with other tasks running. In theory, it can sort disk reads to optimize arm movement. The file system (either HPFS or superFAT) is better written to reduce number of IOs, especially for things like creating/extending files. Max and Mary could probably better explain exactly how IO is improved under OS/2, but again it depends on what your program is doing. Like you, I know of programs which are slower under OS/2. And the obvious problem of programs interfering with each other is made abominable by the poor handling of DOS programs idling. However, unlike the figures you gave, I have also seen programs run faster, even in background (the best use of a multitasking system for batch type programs.) ->Rich Corbett; Mgr. Sys.; ABC Liquors, Inc., Orlando, FL (NASPA:CORBRIC7) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 03:52 on 94/02/25 by WZ00887 at HONE83 ] Speed results can vary based on what you are doing in your program. Retrace_Emulation is one item that can change speed rather dramatically. I had a programmer friend who does GUI in DOS stuff. His code need it because he wasn't seeing his exploding thingies and couldn't debug his own code without it--things happened to quickly. If you have lazy writes turned off, that slows many applications to the numbers you quote. Lazy writes work just fine with OS/2. Take a look at the whole Video_??? section and see if tweaking helps a particular app you are having problems with. Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** ═══ 11. OS/2 2.1 with AUTODESK ANIMATOR PRO 1.0 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I'm an user of OS/2 2.1 .I'm trying to execute the Autodesk application ANIMATOR PRO 1.0 and unfortunatelly with no success. Below, I indicate all things that I've done to execute it: 1) Executed it in a DOS window (with defined settings); 2) Executed it in a DOS Full screen (with defined settings); 3) Boot DOS with drive a:, using two Boot DOS disquettes. One with PC DOS 5.0 and other with PC DOS 6.1; 4) Boot with DOS Image in Hard Disk; 5) Created an icon on the workplace shell, defining all the necessaries settings. I made adjusts for EMS, XMS, DPMI, 8514, idle sensitivity and other idles settings. 6) I fixed the ANI.EXE (Main file of Animator PRO) using "OS2ACAD", this is a package to fix AutoCad 12 and 3D Studio 2 under OS/2. After that, I received a msg saying that an abnormal error in alocation memory occured. This msg was different from the other that occured when I executed the SWs (3DS2,ACAD) without the fix. 7) After the last topic, I created an icon and adjusted all necessaries settings, but with no success. If there's another fix, I'd like to receive it. I will appreciate any help. Thanks, Oliveira. Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil. IBM Brazil. ********************************************************************** I need a help about the problem described in the last append, about ANIMATOR PRO 1.0 under OS/2 2.1. Could someone help me ??? See my last append. Thanks, Oliveira. ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 21:52 on 94/03/02 by OLIVEIRA at RIOSYS1 ] Unfortunately, the AutoDESK Animator Pro program is not supported in the VDM environment of OS/2 due to memory management conflicts. Tom Haug Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 12. Starting Windows programs from OS/2 command line or file ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ref: None I need to be able to start a windows application (WIN-OS2) from an OS/2 command line or CMD file. Can this be done? Is it possible, from within a program, to tell OS/2 to double-click on a Windows application icon? What about passing parameters to the windows application? Glen Rudelis, Fayetteville AR, TL 734-1078 ********************************************************************** You may want to take a look at STARTD. This is an OS2EWS program to start DOS/Windows applications under program control. Wing (WFY316 at PKMFGVM1) IBM Microelectronics, Poughkeepsie, NY. USA ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 14:49 on 94/03/08 by GRUDELI at DALVMIC1 ] >Glen Rudelis, Fayetteville AR, TL 734-1078 Now that's a familiar location to me... Pig soooooie!!!! Go Hogs!!! Number #1 is college basketball - I might add. >>> NO CLAIMS TO SLICK WILLIE - It wasn't me - honest <<< Tracy K. Pipkin - Amoco Production Company - Houston TX (713) 366-7720 ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 14:49 on 94/03/08 by GRUDELI at DALVMIC1 ] The solution to your problem may be to use the REXX program language. This will allow you to establish the environment for your session prior to starting it. You can secure the REXX publications by calling IBM Technical Directory at 1-800-426-7282. Tom Haug Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 14:49 on 94/03/08 by GRUDELI at DALVMIC1 ] Glen, starting a Winapp seamlessly from the command line is easy. On my machine, for instance, the following command will start the Win-Os2 Write program with the file memo.txt loaded: start /win d:\os2\mdos\winos2\write memo.txt ( Note if you see a '-' in the filenames, it's supposed to be a backslash ) Regards, Mike Kelly IBM : Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 14:49 on 94/03/08 by GRUDELI at DALVMIC1 ] >I need to be able to start a windows application (WIN-OS2) from an OS/2 >command line or CMD file. Can this be done? Glen, There are a number of ways of accomplishing this. One is by using a REXX cmd file and passing all the arguements for the various setting that have to differ from the defaults. Also there are a number of shareware/freeware programs available on BBSes that will allow this kind of startup. There is also a program that I have made limited use of call "QVDM" which will build a file for you of the setting used in an application, I've used this to setup an object, and play with the settings until I get it right, run QVDM against it, and then use the output from this to either go into a REXX program to start an application or into one of the shareware/freeware programs to do it. Very helpful when trying to set objects up for a number of systems. Jack Hiatt MARC-Life Atlanta Ga. T.I.P.A. Team OS/2 Append created using Forum Manager/PM(beta2) ********************************************************************** ═══ 13. DOS Emulation Support ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hi - Where can I find documentation on EXACTLY what DOS emulation support is provided under OS/2. Specifically, what INT 21 calls are supported. I have recently been looking at a book entitled "Undocumented DOS", and I have to wonder how much of it is applicable to OS/2's DOS emulation. John P Baker Policy Management Systems Corporation IBMMAIL(USRG7DJN) ********************************************************************** >is provided under OS/2. Specifically, what INT 21 calls are supported. Int 21 is so basic to DOS, I'd be surprised if there were any unsupported ones. If they aren't there then, you don't have a DOS. They are safer by far than doing things on your own to speed something up or whatever. Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 20:12 on 94/03/08 by SAASEL1 at HONE82 ] > Where can I find documentation on EXACTLY what DOS emulation support >is provided under OS/2. Specifically, what INT 21 calls are supported. >I have recently been looking at a book entitled "Undocumented DOS", and >I have to wonder how much of it is applicable to OS/2's DOS emulation. > >John P Baker That's funny. I've been spending my evenings lately reading it too. Do you have the latest version that covers DOS6? It covers OS/2 support in some areas also. I would recommend that a LOT of IBMers read the first couple of chapters of this book. The author has apparently waffled a lot over the years about how he feels about MS and documentation. However, his general philosophy is pretty clear, and is pretty condemning of the way things have been. Since IBM is now free of the ties to MS, they should re-think any carry-over decisions that they have brought from MS, and maybe bite the bullet and document more of DOS. ->Rich Corbett; Mgr. Sys.; ABC Liquors, Inc., Orlando, FL (NASPA:CORBRIC7) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 00:44 on 94/03/09 by WZ01343 at HONE83 ] Hi - I don't think that you understand the issues involved. There are, according to the "Undocumented DOS" book, numerous DOS calls that may be specific to a particular implementation of DOS. If a user has a program that utilizes one of these calls, the program will not operate correctly under OS/2. We need to know exactly what DOS calls are supported by OS/2's DOS emulation. John P Baker Policy Management Systems Corporation IBMMAIL(USRG7DJN) ********************************************************************** > I don't think that you understand the issues involved. There are, >according to the "Undocumented DOS" book, numerous DOS calls that may >be specific to a particular implementation of DOS. If a user has a Maybe, but most of the "enhancments" come aboard via drivers for hardware, networks, and the like. These attach via drivers. Int-21 services have become a polyglot spot--if an undocumented call is made that isn't present, the worst thing that should happen is that it fails. Some of these issues may be addressed by an OS/2 driver--others not. I think the only way you are going to get an answer is to as about specific services. A shotgun approach would just require to many answers; most of which would be worthless to you, anyway. Or, I may just be missing your "real" question... Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 02:10 on 94/03/12 by SAASEL1 at HONE83 ] I remember seeing a publication from IBM that states which "undocumented" API's where supported under a VDM; but (sigh) I can't remember where I saw it -- It might have been in the red books, or maybe in personal systems. But I do remember that it was published back when OS/2 first came out. BTW: why do you *NEED* to know which of the API's are operative? I would assume that the usage of the API's are for use with a TSR program -- is this what your making? Paul Kurr -- Stockholder Systems, Norcross GA ********************************************************************** Hi - The issue is that many programs have been written that are specific to a particular implementation of DOS, due to the use of undocumented or vendor-specific INT 21 calls, or other non-standard INT ?? calls. I think that it is reasonable to expect that IBM will not continue the "Implement it, but don't tell 'em" methodology practiced by other software manufacturers (no names given ...). Just tell us EXACTLY what you support. Its that simple. John P Baker Policy Management Systems Corporation IBMMAIL(USRG7DJN) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 02:10 on 94/03/12 by SAASEL1 at HONE83 ] I believe the offical line goes something like... we support all documented DOS calls. If you have an application that fails because of an API failure, then that is an APAR'able issue. On the other hand, if you are using books such as "Undocumented DOS" as your programmer's guide then you are asking for trouble. Note, Schulman warns you not to use undocumented calls unless there is no other way to solve your problem. Undocumented system features tend to be very version specific. Furthermore, when someone who doesn't have source code access documents a feature there is the risk that something isn't quite right. If you have a specific question about a specific API, I can answer your question. George L. Fulk, IBM Workplace/OS Development, DOS Emulation ********************************************************************** Hi - I understand the restrictions on "Undocumented APIs". However, there are documented DOS APIs that are specific to a vendor. Take for example, "DR DOS 6", which implements a number of INT 21 functions not available elsewhere. I guess what we need to clarify is what are the "Documented APIs" supported by OS/2's DOS emulation ? Is it those that IBM documented for PC DOS 5.0 ? PC DOS 5.0 + (whatever) ? John P Baker Policy Management Systems Corporation IBMMAIL(USRG7DJN) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 18:24 on 94/03/14 by SAASEL1 at HONE82 ] > The issue is that many programs have been written that are specific >to a particular implementation of DOS, due to the use of undocumented >or vendor-specific INT 21 calls, or other non-standard INT ?? calls. I'm missing just what is getting you exercised. Is it a particular application that is causing you problems? My understanding is that a VDM supports all standard calls. If one has a driver or such that attaches to the interrupts then the only likely place those will work is in a DOS Image for a particular DOS. Reading Rolf Brown's interrupt listing (electronic) or the Schulman book it parallels, the "non-standard" bits are typically hardware related or part of network software. That's not going to be provided by ANY operating system on its own--OS/2 isn't any different in that regard. Just what is causing you the problem you keep talking about? I can tell it is something important or you would be riding this so hard. Isn't it something you can talk about? The last thing I saw that tried to document INT 21 in OS/2 was an old MS publication that's now out of date. But, even that one seemed to support everything that is "normal"--2.1 has only made things more compatible. So, if it is in a DOS programmer's guide--it should be supported. Frankly, I am amazed they could make it as compatible as it is and have found it 100% compatible--weird iron/drivers excluded unless one loads a true DOS image; and there I find it about as compatible as DOS itself. I'd say that if you used those interrupts that are in a DOS manual I don't think there is a problem with any other than the direct access to the HD via BIOS calls etc. It you have a specific situation, maybe somebody here has encountered it and can help. Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** Hi - The reason that I am pushing this issue is that I have a large (1Gb+) collection of DOS shareware (primarily games). About 1 out of every 10 fails under OS/2. Not necessarily at initialization, but I am unable to run them to completion. I have spent considerable time debugging these programs, so that I could then report the problems to IBM. What I am finding is that many, but not all, of the programs use what appear to be vendor-specific INT 21 calls. Before I spend the time to prepare a list of INT 21 calls that need to be supported in OS/2's DOS emulation, I need to know what INT 21 calls are officially supported by IBM. This should be something that is already documented. However, it seems that it is easier to get a straight answer about WhiteWater than an accurate list of supported INT 21 calls. John P Baker Policy Management Systems Corporation IBMMAIL(USRG7DJN) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 20:26 on 94/03/14 by FULKGL at BCRVM1 ] The simple answer should be: "it's in manual xxxx." Any other answer is just following in the footsteps of MS. ->Rich Corbett; Mgr. Sys.; ABC Liquors, Inc., Orlando, FL (NASPA:CORBRIC7) ********************************************************************** I agree. Unfortunately, MVDM interrupts are not documented anywhere. There's a few words in a couple of the red-books, but not very much. Marketting's position is that we are DOS Emulation, therefore you should use the DOS books. If it appears in the IBM DOS 5.02 Tech Ref, we should support the feature. George L. Fulk, IBM Workplace/OS Development, DOS Emulation ********************************************************************** Hi George - Please give me a call at (803) 735-5179. John P Baker Policy Management Systems Corporation IBMMAIL(USRG7DJN) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 15:48 on 94/03/15 by SAASEL1 at HONE81 ] > The reason that I am pushing this issue is that I have a large (1Gb+) >collection of DOS shareware (primarily games). About 1 out of every 10 >fails under OS/2. Not necessarily at initialization, but I am unable to >run them to completion. My experience under DOS has been about the same... Running shareware games is a form of Russian roulette. And, I too have more than a few. Although, they are on the BBS rather than my personal system. Dir# Topic Files Bytes 20 Fun/Games A - L 329 31,713,224 21 Fun/Games M - Z 145 15,343,540 These are the "current ones" the others are spread across 7 CDs and listed elsewhere on the board. I'd bet a third of them can be easily crashed even under DOS--kids don't like to debug. Hell, I don't like to either... >already documented. However, it seems that it is easier to get a >straight answer about WhiteWater than an accurate list of supported INT >21 calls. Probably true; maybe too true. What do you expect from people who still wear button underwear and wingtips? Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 19:19 on 94/03/15 by FULKGL at BCRVM1 ] >I agree. Unfortunately, MVDM interrupts are not documented anywhere. >There's a few words in a couple of the red-books, but not very much. Plus the features that you have mentioned here, and ones mentioned in "undocumented DOS". >Marketting's position is that we are DOS Emulation, therefore you >should use the DOS books. If it appears in the IBM DOS 5.02 Tech Ref, >we should support the feature. > >George L. Fulk, IBM Workplace/OS Development, DOS Emulation This is exactly what the author was talking about. There are features that are not documented in MS manuals (or the tech ref that you mention, which seems to be from MS originally.) The items really relied on are suggested by MS support to developers, or appear on MS journal articles, but by not documenting "internals" which are still suggested MS creates a dependency on the internals of their operating system. BTW, the recent STAC decision, which found that STAC owed MS damages for trade secret violations by using an undocumented interface (even though MS denies that any undocumented interfaces are important trade secrets) will cause a lot of developers to think twice about using undocumented interfaces for commercial products. If someone (IBM?) were to go public with documented interfaces and make a marketing issue of this court decision, then they might gain a competitive advantage. Can you imagine: WRITE YOUR DOS OR OS/2 PROGRAMS USING OUR OPEN INTEFACES AND NEVER FACE A TRADE SECRET SUIT! hint, hint 8-) ->Rich Corbett; Mgr. Sys.; ABC Liquors, Inc., Orlando, FL (NASPA:CORBRIC7) ********************************************************************** Precisely! That's why IBM is working on "Workplace/OS" (my current job). Workplace/OS is an OSF (Open Systems Foundation) architecture operating system. No undocumented APIs permitted. Granted this isn't going to help DOS who has existed with undocumented features since it's start. But this open-ness will hopefully help sell the product when it's finished. As far as undocumented features of OS/2's DOS Emulation is concerned, I don't have a document available for distribution. I will however try to answer any specific questions you might have. George L. Fulk, IBM Workplace/OS Development, DOS Emulation ********************************************************************** ═══ 14. Making LANtastic work in a VDM ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * When you say doesn't work very well in a window, are you referring to the sloooow scrolling speed inside a window? I run Lantastic AI 5.1 in a DOS5.02 VDM and it runs great, windowed or not. The slow scrolling was cured by an "accelerator card". The problem I have is getting the Lantastic VDM not to suck up all the system resources since going to a 486DX-50 machine. PULSE shows the CPU utilization pegged anytime the VDM is open, network loaded or not. I'm going to try bringing the net up under a DOS 3.3 VDM and see how that behaves. Lantastic sent out a paper detailing how to set it up and it has worked great for me. Irve Towers Fairview Park ********************************************************************** Irve, I also run Lantastic. The only way I got the "pegged" problem resolved was to set sensitivity to 20 and idle to 0. This works fine for me. I have adequate speed to get everything done on my 386-40. If a program is releasing the processor, I can "diddle" the Alt key or such to return focus to the application. Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** I don't have Lantastic, but I have had experience with the PULSE getting pegged at 100%. Don't worry about it! PULSE is measuring the availability of idle class threads. All DOS boxes and their programs run at normal class (higher priority). Only those who have idle class threads (practically nobody) has to worry about this problem. The recently released OS/2 2.11 has a fix so that PULSE doesn't get pegged by certain DOS applications. George L. Fulk, IBM Workplace/OS Development, DOS Emulation ********************************************************************** ═══ 15. SYS0008 with a COPY in a DOS batch file. ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I have simple batch file and I get SYS0008 when running it in a DOS session. Here is the command file: ECHO OFF COPY X:HOSTDATA.DAT C:\DATA\WORKFILE.DAT PAUSE The copy would fail with the SYS0008 message. I tried the suggestion with the message. The same copy does work in an OS/2 command file (.CMD). Drive X: is a network drive. Any clues? Thanks Greg Delamore ********************************************************************** ═══ 16. SB16 & DOS programs in OS/2 2.1 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I just can't get my SB16 to work properly with any DOS program, but it works just fine inside the Win-OS/2. With DOS programs the window hangs up or the sound doesn't work as it should do. I added to my autoexec.bat all the statements that I was using in the DOS autoexec.bat and it still didn't work. What should I do ??????? Thanks to all Bernardo Borges ********************************************************************** ═══ 17. Nonswapped memory for a DOS session ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I'm running a DOS bbs system, and I want to have PEER Services to that PC. The solution was to run the BBS in a DOS session on OS/2. Now the BBS crashes when OS/2 swaps the memory out. I tried to set MEMMAN=NOSWAP, but the system will not boot. I only have 8 Mb on the PC now, but before I invest into more memory I need to know if this is the right road to go down. Is a better solution for the original problem avaliable? Does anyone have any good ideas? Greg Delamore ********************************************************************** Greg: What do you mean by crashes? I know that there are a lot of people on these forums doing communications, but it might take more details to smoke out some of their accumulated knowledge. BTW, have you tried the Ray Gwinn's SIO package? It has virtual X00 support. ->Rich Corbett; Mgr. Sys.; ABC Liquors, Inc., Orlando, FL (NASPA:CORBRIC7) ********************************************************************** The error I get is from OS/2 as follows: Program executed an illegal instruction at 00000000 EAX=00000000 EBX=00004fae ECX=00000000 EDX=0000012f ESI=000000ff EDI=00000b49 DS=9ce1 0000********* 0000 ********* 0000********* 0000********* SS:ESP=32a0:00004faa EBP=00005fae FLG=00023002 Then when the code is returned to the program the session quits. The help say that an invalid op code is executing. The product running is "The Major BBS" v6.11 from Galacticomm. The PC is a IBM ValuePoint 486SX with 8Mb. OS/2 v2.2 at service level XR02110. The reason I think that it might be a memmory swapping problem is because of support at Galacticomm. They say the BBS wants control of memmory and will drop when it has a memory manager running. However I made the machine page by opening several windows and I can not get it to crash at will. But it does crash if I let the BBS run over night with no other sessions running on the PC. Hope this information has enough detail for some suggestions. Greg Delamore ********************************************************************** Greg: >OS/2 v2.2 at service level XR02110. If you are running the rumoured beta, then you may need help elsewhere 8-) >The reason I think that it might be a memmory swapping problem is because >of support at Galacticomm. They say the BBS wants control of memmory and will >drop when it has a memory manager running. However I made the machine page by >opening several windows and I can not get it to crash at will. But it does >crash if I let the BBS run over night with no other sessions running on the PC I have had, or heard of, slightly similar problems related to: 1. DOS=HIGH ...some programs look for control blocks which aren't there on os2 and so I leave this off (since it doesn't gain much under os2.) 2. UMB ...ditto about control blocks, but I usually leave this ON; so far I haven't needed any of the programs that have problems. It's worth an experiment in your case. 3. VCOM.SYS ...causes lots of weird things when overruns happen; try SIO, and be sure things like RTS/CTS are setup like it documents (don't forget to check the modem settings.) Since os2 supplies a virtual DOS environment, which means that you are not using "real" memory addresses, I doubt it has anything to do with turning swapping on or off. Otherwise, I am out of my depth and hopefully someone familiar with Galacticom will see this thread soon. ->Rich Corbett; Mgr. Sys.; ABC Liquors, Inc., Orlando, FL (NASPA:CORBRIC7) ********************************************************************** ═══ 18. VCPI ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Is there ANY way to run a DOS application that uses VCPI memory?? ********************************************************************** Yes ... use real DOS ... in laymans terms (the only way I'm qualified to post this) VCPI requires an application be able to assume control of the hardware which is a no no for a multitasking OS ... I believe thats why DPMI came along (to provide the features of VCPI without the need to assume control of the hardware). Keith Blake (The OS/2 Mole) V: (513) 983-8119 (IBMMAIL/USPGC9GC) ********************************************************************** ═══ 19. How (or can) DOS TCP/IP products run in a VDM? ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Has anyone been able to get DOS TCP/IP products, such as: IBM TCP/IP for DOS Reflection/2 (Windows) Novell LAN Workplace for DOS to run in a vdm. We run many protocols/products on our network and I've been able to get Comm Mgr/2, Novell IPX, and DOS 802.2 apps to coexist using NTS/2. But, I can't find any info on a possible Vxxxx.SYS driver that will pass TCP. Chris Makris, INOVA Health System, Fairfax VA, OS/2 Accredited CIS 73173,1732 ********************************************************************** > >Has anyone been able to get DOS TCP/IP products, such as: > > IBM TCP/IP for DOS > Reflection/2 (Windows) > Novell LAN Workplace for DOS > >to run in a vdm. We run many protocols/products on our network and I've >been able to get Comm Mgr/2, Novell IPX, and DOS 802.2 apps to coexist >using NTS/2. But, I can't find any info on a possible Vxxxx.SYS driver >that will pass TCP. > >Chris Makris, INOVA Health System, Fairfax VA, OS/2 Accredited CIS 73173,1 >732 > You can get these products to work by dedicating a LAN adapter to the DOS session that they run in. To do this, you don't load an OS/2 driver for the card that you are using for your DOS TCP/IP access, but load the driver in the DOS session via the DOS settings or in an otherwise normal fashion as a TSR. If you want virtualized TCP/IP access, this can be done via most of the OS/2 TCP/IP products out there. LAN Workplace for OS/2 v 3.1 has DOS VDDs (but no WINSOCK API support), IBM's TCP/IP for OS/2 has a DOS support kit that does give you WINSOCK support (be sure to get the CSD). I believe Essex also has a TCP/IP product that contains VDDs and support's WINSOCK. The key here is if the product supports the DOS interrupts and APIs you need. Usually, the company that sells an OS/2 product, also sells a DOS product and the OS/2 VDDs provide support equivalent to the DOS product. But the LAN Workplace for OS/2 is a version or so behind and provides only a subset of the support that the LAN Workplace for DOS does. Another possibility is running a TCP/IP product that sits on top of the 802.2 interface. This method allows you to use NTS/2's 802.2 virtual device drivers. My preference is to buy an OS/2 TCP/IP with the DOS support I need. Matt Hickman Chevron Information Technologies Company internet: bhic@chevron.com ph: (713) 754-2389 ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 00:06 on 94/03/19 by INOV004 at OS2CUST ] I have CUTCP/CUTE, or as it says in the header at startup: "Clarkson University TCP Communicatons Package; Clarkson University Terminal Emulator ЫCUTE:2.2TN/TC-D|" and it runs just fine in a Full Screen Dos Session. I am using a SLIP Connecton with a package driver called CSLIPPER.EXE, and a Hayes modem to connect to a machine at the University. Dave Martin (Honolulu, Hi.) dmartin@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 00:40 on 94/03/20 by TBHIC at HONE80 ] Thanks Matt. Have you run DOS TCP/IP apps through 802.2? If so, how? I'm basically trying to cram all these apps through a single network adapter. TCP/IP and DEC/LAT are the last two I need to tackle. Any thoughts on DEC? Chris Makris, INOVA Health System, Fairfax VA, OS/2 Accredited CIS 73173,1732 ********************************************************************** > >Thanks Matt. Have you run DOS TCP/IP apps through 802.2? If so, how? >I'm basically trying to cram all these apps through a single network >adapter. TCP/IP and DEC/LAT are the last two I need to tackle. Any >thoughts on DEC? > I have had a native OS/2 version of TCP/IP since before OS/2 2.0 and VDDs came out, so I have no experience with DOS TCP/IP over 802.2. But another frequesnt visitor to the OS2BBS, Mike Long, reported doing this with an old version of IBM's TCP/IP for DOS. He mentioned that there were some public domain implementations of TCP/IP that run over 802.2. As far as DEC goes, I try to avoid that animal . Matt Hickman Chevron Information Technologies Company internet: bhic@chevron.com ph: (713) 754-2389 ********************************************************************** Chris, You can use the V802.2 to do DOS TCP/IP if: 1) You have IBM Token Ring Adapter. 2) You get the IBM Token Ring packet driver IBMTOKEN (free at FTP sites) (Not needed with IBM TCP/IP 1.0 and optional with IBM DOS TCP/IP 2.0) 3) You have NTS/2 WR07020. 4) You do not start up your OS/2 TCP/IP while doing this. 5) You execute \IBMCOM\LTSVCFG D=1 before loading IBMTOKEN I have run the old IBM DOS TCP/IP 1.0, CUTCP, and WinQVT/NET this way. IBM DOS TCP/IP 2.0 _should_ work as it can talk 802.2 or packet driver. IBM TCP/IP 2.1 _should not_ work as it is totally NDIS based. Only one session can be run at a time. When the IBM TCP/IP 2.0 came out, it was too good and won out over the DOS/Win alternatives on my own machine. Some of our people run CUTCP and WinQVT/NET to this day using this V802.2 interface under OS/2. I have heard of one person who said he had DOS FTP running in a DOS box alongside OS/2 TCP/IP by using two different IP adresses - other people have said this will not work. I have never gotten that type of setup to work, nor do I really have a need to now, with DOS box & WINSOCK support in OS/2 TCP/IP 2.0. Mike Long - ISU/CARD - A1.MCL@ISUMVS.IASTATE.EDU - TEAMOS2 - OS/2 Accredited ********************************************************************** >IBM TCP/IP 2.1 _should not_ work as it is totally NDIS based. Only one session >can be run at a time. Mike, What does NDIS stand for? >When the IBM TCP/IP 2.0 came out, it was too good and won out over the DOS/Win >alternatives on my own machine. Some of our people run CUTCP and WinQVT/NET >to this day using this V802.2 interface under OS/2. Since you seem to be familiar with CUTCP, could you tell me about what "Splay Compression" is? Some of the machines I use have "CUTCP 2.2TN Rev -D plus the Rutgers-Interim-1.0 updates", which when started always gives a message similar to "WARNING This version does not use Splay Compression". A Warning would seem to indicate something negative -- could you tell me the significance of using or not using Splay compression, and what it is? Also, is that the latest version of CUTCP? Dave Martin (Honolulu, Hi.) dmartin@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu ********************************************************************** What is NDIS - Network Driver Interface Specification. It is specicification that allows us to load up protocol drivers on different types and brands of network adapters.The reason we cannot run the IBM DOS TCP/IP 2.1 is because it uses a DOS NDIS driver to function only, no packet driver, no 802.2. There is not a virtual DOS NDIS interface in OS/2 at this time for us to be able to bind this in to. Sorry, I do not know what Splay compression is. MIKE LONG IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY - CARD A1.MCL@ISUMVS.IASTATE.EDU ********************************************************************** PMJI ... Assuming you are using IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 all you need is the DOS Box access kit and you should be able to run the DOS TCP/IP applications ... this kit virtualizes access to the OS/2 TCP/IP stack for the DOS apps (make sure you get the latest CSDs, especially for the DBox access kit). I've used it primarily for the Winsock interface but I think I remember seeing msgs/docs indicating the DOS tcp/ip applications should function just fine with it as well. Keith Blake (The OS/2 Mole) V: (513) 983-8119 (IBMMAIL/USPGC9GC) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 21:59 on 94/04/02 by IL19543 at HONE82 ] Thanks Mike, for the info. Dave Martin (Honolulu, Hi.) dmartin@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu ********************************************************************** ═══ 20. Using COM3 and COM4 ports under DOS and OS/2 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I would like to use more than two COM ports in one or more DOS sessions under OS/2. Is this possible? Also, when I use COM3 under OS/2, the DOS sessions are not able to use any ports at all. Is there a way to correct this, so that they will at least recognize COM1 and COM2 when I am using COM3 and/or COM4 under OS/2 ? Thanks, Bob Snead TXDOT (512) 467-3777 Bob Snead ********************************************************************** Try downloading Ray Gwinn's Comm drivers look for a file called SIO126.ZIP. If it is not on that BBS then call the IBM BBS at (919) 517-0001. It is on there, it allows support for up to 15 Comm ports. Ray LaTulippe (Boca Electronics Support Team). ********************************************************************** ═══ 21. DOS Printing not working in v2.1 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A user of mine was using an IBM Valuepoint pre-loaded with OS/2 v2.0. They had some DOS program that we just set up a program object to call the bat file and everything printed fine. I upgraded that machine to v2.1, added Lan Requester and now if they logon to the Lan their printing gets redirected to the Lan printer (as designed) but if they don't logon to the Lan, then the printing from their app no longer goes to the printer attached to LPT1. Nothing goes to the spooler. Is this a know problem? Any fixes? My user *really* wants to print locally without tying up the Lan printer. Thanks, Bob Mahoney - rmahoney@bix.com ********************************************************************** ═══ 22. QEMM ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Is there any way to run QEMM in a VDM? If so, any restrictions? ********************************************************************** I am not sure why you would want to, OS/2 sees all of the memory as one large flat model, QEMM under OS/2 is useless. What you would want to do is look into the session settings for that particular Object. If you R-M-B click on the object you will get a menu, then click on the arrow next to open, then click on settings. Next click on session then click on DOS settins. Here you will find all the settings for that DOS session and you can make changes, including memory settings, setting DOS high, specifying another Auotexec.bat, specifying Device Drivers and so on. Ray Latulippe (Boca Electronics Support Team). ********************************************************************** ═══ 23. Lotus Symphony 2.2 and OS/2 2.1 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ref: Symphony 2.2 I know that this is a longshot but I will try and append here anyway. I have a customer who is very very happy with OS/2 2.1. In fact there is only one problem. He is running Symphony 2.2 under OS/2 2.1. He has a macro which he runs and this takes an eternity under OS/2 but is faster by a factor of 8 under Windows/DOS. Has anyone had any experience of this? Can anyone help me out? Kevin Kelly ********************************************************************** Kevin, By default OS/2 allows each session a certain amount of memory! Has your friend attempted to increase the expanded memory for that session? Also I believe that Lotus allows you to define upper memory use! And if they go into the session settings they can also specify DOS_HIGH on allow to more of lower memory to be available. Also run it in fullscreen mode, when set to background it will no longer have top priority! Ray LaTulippe (Boca Electronics Support Team) ********************************************************************** I have tried incresing the amount of conventional memory to as large as possible. Since Symphony uses Expanded memory of up to 4 MB I have set this. I have disabled the DPMI_API and zeroed all the settings for memort that the app doesn't use. It still runs very slow. I wonder if I am missing something that a Synphony Expert can help with. I have gone into the Settings inside the app and set the expanded memory option to ON also. Kevin Kelly ********************************************************************** I'm not a symphony expert but I've seen some awful wierd stuff running some of the older Lotus products. One problem involved the touching of all LIM memory after every operation due to the way undo was implemented. You might TRY turning off undo in symphony and seeing if that boost performance. Mark Fiechtner ********************************************************************** From: Tim Snape To: Fiechtne At Bcrvm1ж Hi Mark Good to hear from you again, and thanks for all that help you gave me last year with my VDM questions. I have another question as always. Some queries have been raised as to EXACTLY which DOS & BIOS interrupts are supported in the DOS boxes. I have been using Ralf Browns list of interrupts to try & answer some of the queries on the EMEA DAP program, but there is still some uncertainty as to exactly which of the semi -documented (undocumented) ints are supported. An IBMer called George Faulkner (If I remember right) said that it was the same as DOS 5. As a suggestion, if someone within IBM was to contact Ralf Brown, supply him with the info on OS/2's DOS interrupt support. Then everyone not just OS/2 programmers, would have access to that info. Anyway I hope lifes treating you well & they are not working you too hard ! Best Regards Tim ___ MR/2 1.95x NR Tim Snape, Abbotsbury Software Ltd, EMEA DAP * EMEA OS/2 Developer Assistance Program BBS * gHostNet(0057002C01000000 2d91a33c) reply to (0008037800580000 B4AE6116) ********************************************************************** I've already contact Ralf Brown, and have started to supply him with information. Furthermore, I've written a utility to convert Brown's list into a VIEWable .INF document. It's much easier to use than Ralf's INTERVUE utility. I'm trying to negotiate the release of this utility to be included with INTLIST in the future. Note, this is not very high on my priority list, since I no longer work in OS/2. As I stated before, the official line is that we support all documented DOS 5 APIs (with certain restrictions, ie. no absolute hard disk write). George L. Fulk, IBM Workplace/OS Development, DOS Emulation ********************************************************************** ═══ 24. DOS DEVICE DRIVERS? ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I have written a DOS Device Driver which does Disk Sector Reads and Writes (INT 13h , Functions AH=2 and AH=3). When running in a native VDM or MS-DOS 6.0 VDM only the read function AH=2, INT 13H will work, not the write function (AH=3, int 13H). Is there any way to enable a DOS Device Driver to write sectors to a disk(INT 13H, AH=3)? I thought DOS Device Drivers could/should run at ring 0 without limitations. Thanks for your advice or comments in advance. Gary S. Weiss ********************************************************************** DOS device drivers run at ring 3, in the intel binary dos box. They run no different than any other DOS TSR or application. When a VDM is started, the list of devices in the DOS_DEVICE setting is passed to the DOSKRNL, which in turn loads the DOS DDs via a int 21h, 4B01h call (same as real-DOS). As far as absolute disk writes, we only support them on removeable media. So the int 13, ah=3 should work on diskettes, but not hard disks. The only way in which an absolute disk write can be permitted in a multi-tasking operating system is if you lock down the drive. In essence, make the system single-tasking for a period of time. An example of this is the CHKDSK/F command. George L. Fulk, IBM Workplace/OS Development, DOS Emulation ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 14:26 on 94/03/24 by DEV2591 at OS2CUST ] They run at ring 3. I hope that no DOS app/driver is allowed to do what you are proposing. The OS is doing its job, IMHO. Kenn Martin internet: ksmartin@delphi.com AiC Lexington ********************************************************************** ═══ 25. Microsoft Programmers Workbench ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Is anyone successfully running MS PWB in a VDM? We are having some difficulties with it entering a loop within ten seconds afterr loading. We are checking DOS settings currently. Dave Hancock, Advisory Systems Engineer, Publix Super Markets, Inc. ********************************************************************** Dave, You should just migrate PWB to the desktop! Try the following DOS settings. ASSOC_FILE PWB>ICO, PWBC.MXT DEF_DIR \C700\BIN IDLE_SECONDS 30 IDLE_SENSITIVITY 100 DPMI_DOS_API ENABLED DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT 132 Ray Latulippe (Boca Electronics Support Team) ********************************************************************** ═══ 26. Keyboard remapping ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hello, I have a problem with a DOS application in OS/2 1.1. I have a program that remap the keyboard and when I push a F10 it puts in keyboard buffer esc + F10 ( 27-0-68). Its goes OK,but when other program is going to read the keyboard buffer it only reads Esc (27) and the other Scan codes (0-68) are not there. Anybody can help me? Thanks in advance. ********************************************************************** >Hello, I have a problem with a DOS application in OS/2 1.1. >I have a program that remap the keyboard and when I push a F10 it >puts in keyboard buffer esc + F10 ( 27-0-68). >Its goes OK,but when other program is going to read the keyboard buffer >it only reads Esc (27) and the other Scan codes (0-68) are not there. What DOS application are you using? I used FAKEY successfully in the DOS box of both 1.2 and 1.3, so I know it isn't a case of not possible to do in the old OS/2 1.x. ->Rich Corbett; Mgr. Sys.; ABC Liquors, Inc., Orlando, FL (NASPA:CORBRIC7) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 09:05 on 94/03/28 by 83815179 at SPAVM1 ] >I have a program that remap the keyboard and when I push a F10 it >puts in keyboard buffer esc + F10 ( 27-0-68). >Its goes OK,but when other program is going to read the keyboard buffer >it only reads Esc (27) and the other Scan codes (0-68) are not there. I imagine it is depending on the full ANSI service in the DOS ANSI driver for the remapping. I don't know just how much of that is in the distribution driver that comes with OS/2. You might try some of the alternative, shareware ANSI/DOS drivers and see if you can get one to load and function for you. Just what one ANSI driver does or doesn't support has always been a problem point under DOS--why should OS/2 be different? Another possiblity would be to switch from COMMAND.COM to 4DOS(shareware COMMAND.COM enhancement which can also be used for that in a VDM), which has it's own internal remapping facility. Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** ═══ 27. FILES= ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Does someone can tell how many KB the FILES= parameter will use? Do I have to expect performance implications when the CONFIG.SYS statement has a value of FILES=100? Would it be better to use the DOS settings parameter for tha specific DOS session? Thanks for any answers. Daniel Stoessel ********************************************************************** >statement has a value of FILES=100? Would it be better to use the >DOS settings parameter for tha specific DOS session? Even though your DOS files= is greater, I don't believe it will exceed the count in your original boot minus ones in use in other sessions. Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 14:41 on 94/03/28 by 84884194 at EHONE ] Daniel, The amount is minimal! It should not effect performance at all! You can increase the amount of conventional memory per DOS session by setting DOS_HIGH = on, VIDEO_MODE_RESTRICTION = CGA if the session does not need higher. You can get over 720K instead of the normal 640k. Ray Latulippe (Boca Electronics Support Team) ********************************************************************** ═══ 28. SYS3175 Running WP5.1/DOS & WP Office 3.1/DOS ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I have a user that is running WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS in a global VDM. When she tries to check her E-mail by switching to the Desktop and opening the program reference object for the WP office 3.1 mail program (ML.EXE), she gets a SYS3175 error. Or, vice-versa, if she has E-mail running and tries to run WP 5.1 without exiting E-mail first, the SYS3175 shows up. I know that one of the missions of OS/2 is to protect programs from each other. But in this case, that doesn't seems to be happening. She's running OS/2 2.1, Novell requester 2.01 on a PS/2 57, 8MB, 215MB SCSI, 3Com Etherlink III 3C529, frame type ETHERNET_II, XGA-2. WP 5.1 for DOS is running from the local disk. WP Office 3.1 (ML.EXE) is running from a Netware 3.12 server. I'm running ML.EXE from the same server, except on a PS/2 77, token-ring. Same versions of WP 5.1, in fact I run multiple copies of WP 5.1 concurrently. Has anyone else experienced this conflict? Chris Makris, INOVA Health System, Fairfax VA, OS/2 Accredited CIS 73173,1732 ********************************************************************** Are the XGA-2 drivers installed or is she running in standard VGA? Gabe Jones -- PCC Tech Support ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 20:11 on 94/03/28 by INOV004 at OS2CUST ] Chris, Has the fix for the Novell 2.01 requestor been applied as well? Also are the DOS settings for WP 5.1 set according to page 316 "Using the Operating System". WP 5.1 is a resource hog and has caused problems. Ray Latulippe (Boca Electronics Support Team) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 23:50 on 94/03/28 by GABRIEL at RALVM8 ] Gabe, the XGA-2 drivers are installed. In addition, the DOS/Windows XGA utilties are installed to provide XGA resolution in full-screen VDMs. This allows the XGA graphics resolution to used in WP 5.1 for DOS's Print Preview function, for instance. Ray, both PCs are running requester 2.01 with fixes applied. The most current module in the requester is NWIFS.IFS dated 11-23-93. The DOS settings for WP 5.1 are as documented in the manual. Chris Makris, INOVA Health System, Fairfax, VA, OS/2 Accredited ********************************************************************** ═══ 29. Removing SHARE... ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A user brought in a DOS program in that fails to run under OS/2. It seems that the program is incompatable with SHARE. I was able to give him the quick workaround of booting from DOS in the A drive but I'd rather run it in a DOS session. How can I remove the SHARE stuff from the VDM ? The vendor is going to send a new version that does work but this is a couple of weeks off by the time it's tested and installed. I was also annoyed that in WINDOWED DOS, the first line is obscured by the CTRL-ESC stuff so the error message got hidden. Any way to disable that ? PROMPT $p$g works on Full-screen but not windowed. Bill Dickenson ********************************************************************** Bill, I am not sure there is a way to disable the share command! You can disable that top line by removing the $I from the prompt command in AUTOEXEC.BAT! Ray Latulippe (Boca Technical Interface Group) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 12:54 on 94/04/05 by IL81656 at HONE82 ] >I was also annoyed that in WINDOWED DOS, the first line is >obscured by the CTRL-ESC stuff so the error message got hidden. >Any way to disable that ? PROMPT $p$g works on Full-screen but >not windowed. HELP OFF John W. Kennedy - Hoechst Celanese - TIPA - Team OS/2 - The OS/2 Hobbit ********************************************************************** >>I was also annoyed that in WINDOWED DOS, the first line is >>obscured by the CTRL-ESC stuff so the error message got hidden. >>Any way to disable that ? PROMPT $p$g works on Full-screen but >>not windowed. The prompt is assigned in the AutoExec.BAT file. You can have as many of those as you want. To make the windowed sessions use a different one, you would change the filename in the DOS SESSION to the different filename--something like WinExec.BAT seems appropriate. However, the current prompt can also be disabled by using 'SET PROMPT=' This will eliminate current setting for the prompt. Concerning, the Help title. HELP OFF turns off that line. You could place it at the start of the autoexec to make sure it is always left out. Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** ═══ 30. Baler products from Baler Corp ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Baler Tech Dept here in the UK says that Baler products (spreadsheet compilers) does not run under OS/2. Does anyone out there have any experience that would indicate the opposite? I only have OS/2, and I desperately need to create some compiled spreadsheets. Alternatively, I would like to know of a spreadsheet compiler that does run under OS/2. Thanks Mike Bredenkamp ********************************************************************** >The Baler Tech Dept here in the UK says that Baler products (spreadsheet >compilers) does not run under OS/2. Does anyone out there have >any experience that would indicate the opposite? I only have OS/2, and >I desperately need to create some compiled spreadsheets. Alternatively, >I would like to know of a spreadsheet compiler that does run under OS/2. Mike, That is definately not true. It will run under OS/2. There was a problem before. But they fixed it. I bought Baler XE for a consulting project that I had, and I remember it didn't work right, and I escalated it through their tech support department until I talked to the Mike Allen, who said he was the program's developer. They weren't aware of the problems at the time, since they didn't have OS/2 there. I was also talking to IBM in Boca Raton to a Jim Gallece, a tech support person who was atypically interested in solving the problem, and who was willing to test it if he could get a copy. So I called back Mike Allen and he sent a copy of Baler to to Jim at IBM to test. Eventually it seems that IBM assigned everyone with a Baler problem to Jim Gallece. He called me a couple of times, and compared what was happening with me and with others who had problems with this program. Eventually the last time I talked to Mike Allen he said they had revised the program to cure the problems, and he sent me a free update to the latest version, which I is Level "G". Unfortunately I haven't installed it yet, since I have no need to use it right now, so I can't guarantee that it works, but he said it did. I still have the unopened package here, mailed on August 11, 1993, and it says that it is "Update: XE2.00G". Maybe you have an earlier version? If so, then just get the latest one and that should fix it. If not they are interested in fixing it, as I learned, even if they have to modify the product. I also have Jim Gallece's contact information at IBM if you end up needing it, and he at least was the resident Baler Expert at Boca Raton. Just some tips in the meantime if you need to use it right away, that helped me to sort of get it to work. From my notes of the problems with version "C". In your Autoexec.bat SET BALEWORK=F:\BALEROUT\ to cause it to save output files in other than the program directory, and where your desired destination is in this case F:\BALEROUT. I don't know if you really need the trailing "\" after the directory name -- they said you did, different people have conflicting information on that. SET VMPATH=F:\SWAPFILE\ to cause it to save temporary files there ("Virtual memeory space" in Baler terminology) when RAM and EMS are full, instead of to the program directory. DO NOT put an entry in the "Working Directory" field of the Icon Settings. If you do, it won't find the program and either won't start, or it will start and close down real fast when it can't find some other files it needs to access in the named "Working Directory". If you tried to run it in a DOS window, you got two cursors. To cure this, they said to set the DOS Session settings to: MOUSE CURSOR_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS ON DOS_BREAK ON Then, when you start the DOS session, you must click the mouse button to get rid of the "OS/2 pointer" and you will be left with only one, the DOS mouse cursor. Unfortunately, that will probably be very jiggly and unstable. When you move the mouse around, the upper menu area and the box below it which says "Create of Edit a Source File" jiggles around and looks like it is scrolling. To get it to stop, choose "Create" then "Escape" back out of the "Create Box" (which you will have to do to get out since the "Cancel" button will not work. This was happening at IBM for Jim Gallece too. It works better in a DOS Full Screen session. If it crashes, just use the Window List to get back to the desktop. The "Cancel" button did not work when click on with the mouse. I had to "Escape" out of the Create box. This did not happen with Jim Gallece's testing, so he might have had a later version than "C", which I had, in which this item was already fixed. They say all this stuff was fixed by Level "G". I hope so! Were these the same problems you are having, or something else? Dave Martin (Honolulu, Hi.) dmartin@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu ********************************************************************** ═══ 31. Pathwork for DOS, Rumba, in a VDM OS/2 session ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I am installing Pathwork for DOS, Rumba ( a Windows 3270 emulator ) in a OS/2 2.1 VDM session. Rumba runs on Decnet and I need the Decnet support of Pathwork. I have installed and configured pathwork, but I have problems when it starts. Adpter and protocol are initialized and the bind process is succesful, I am not able to start the redirector component redir5.exe. The error message is incorrect DOS version. In the DOS_VERSION settings of my VDM session I specify : redir5.exe,5,00,255 But with no result. Has anyone tried to install pathwork for dos in a VDM session ? regards Marco Raimondo ********************************************************************** Marco, You may want to try this in a booted DOS image instead! Please type HELP VMDISK in an OS/2 Window! This should take care of the problem for you, what this does is boots an actual image of the DOS version you wish to use! Please ensure that any normal DOS config statements (Emm386, Ansi, ect point to the C:\OS2\MDOS directory) also make sure FSFILTER is the first file loaded in the DOS image config.sys. Ray Latulippe (Boca Electronic Support Team) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:26 on 94/04/07 by 75823651 at EHONE ] Welcome to the club friend.... You just hit the brick wall... If you check back in the OS2MISC and OS2LAN cfora you will find bodies strewn all over cyberspace on this topic, myself included. I even tried hacking the redir but opted not to, less I anger the MIS gods here, and went with Pathworks for OS/2. Bad news is it isn't much better (only sethost connection to VAX for me). Good news is, rumor has it, that DEC is aware of the problem, and is supposedly working on a fix. Paul J. Feeney - Pfizer Central Research ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 18:55 on 94/04/07 by V$IRLATU at BCRVM1 ] Booted DOS is not working either. When I opened a PMR regarding Redir5.exe, Someone from the IBM Support called me and he said that 'It is Not supported' and closed the problem. Geza Szivos IBMMail(CANOVXVV) The Phoenix Alliance ****** NOTE NEW PHONE NUMBERS ****** (403)-750-3673 Fax:(403)-750-3944 ********************************************************************** Would you give more specific information on this problem? Maybe I can help you. Martial Forget Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** Thanks for the kelp upfront. We are using the DEC PathWorks V4.1 (A backlevel Lan Manager clone around the Lan Server 1.2 level) The transport Layer is TCPIP (No DecNet packets). In the (DOS)config.sys We have to upload four drivers: DEVICE=\TCPIP\NEMM.DOS DEVICE=\tcpip\PROTMAN.SYS /I:C:\TCPIP DEVICE=\TCPIP\ELNK3.DOS DEVICE=\TCPIP\TCPDRV.DOS /I:C:\TCPIP In MDOS Marking them DOS 5,00,255 in DOS settings is working fine. IN the Autoexec.Bat We have to upload a bunch of TSR-s: netbind tcplite tinyrfc inetname Redir5.EXE setname socktsr m3open All of them can be fooled but the Redir5.Exe. (and without the redi- rector I can not connect to the PathWorks Host.) Geza Szivos IBMMail(CANOVXVV) The Phoenix Alliance ****** NOTE NEW PHONE NUMBERS ****** (403)-750-3673 Fax:(403)-750-3944 ********************************************************************** ═══ 32. Copy text or graphics into the clipboard from DOS full screen ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The clip board copies Text information as well as some graphical , but does not include Color for Background and forground information. You can how ever set the Color for the Clipboard itself if that is of any help. Martial Forget Boca Technical Interface Group ********************************************************************** ═══ 33. printing suspends ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I am unable to print from a OS2DOS session whenever there is a WINOS2 session in progress. The output goes to the OS2 print spooler but will not start to print until the WINOS2 session is closed. Any ideas on why this is occuring? Thx, George ********************************************************************** Is the print manager disabled in the WINOS2 session? Keith Blake (The OS/2 Mole) V: (513) 983-8119 (IBMMAIL/USPGC9GC) ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 20:33 on 94/04/18 by SAMBATAR at ATLVM10 ] Make sure of two things, First check the Control Panel settings for the printer from Win-OS2 and make sure that the Print Manager is disabled, next check that the port setting you are printing to is selected as LPT1.OS2 not LPT1. Martial Forget Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 34. How To Get Error Message ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Deleted by appender ! Martial Forget Boca Technical Interface Group ********************************************************************** ═══ 35. PC Tools v6 PCBACKUP Creates Corrupted Diskette ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I have a user who runs PCBACKUP in a VDM to backup her DOS user files (WordPerfect/DOS docs, Freelance/DOS graphic files, etc.). We discovered this after a disk failure, of course. The program indicates that the backup is successful. But when you try to do a DIR or CHKDSK on the 1.44M backup diskette, the message "The specified disk/diskette cannot be accessed" is displayed. The data that she's been backing up this way for 4 years cannot be restored. Anyone have any ideas? Chris Makris, INOVA Health System, Fairfax, VA OS/2 Accredited, CIS: 73173,1732 ********************************************************************** If this version of PCTools backup program is the same as the earlier versions that I have used, it creates backup disks that are formated differently than standard FAT disks, so that more data can be fitted onto them. You can only read them with the PCRestore appliation that is part of PC Tools. Try using that facility to view the disk information, you will also need to have the "log" file that the backup program created which should be in a directory on your HD or saved to a standard FAT floppy if you took that option when the backup was completed. Alan Newman IBM / Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** v6 by default will create diskettes in a DOS-readable format. Although there is an option to use the non-standard diskette format that v5 used. I've done some more testing using both standard and non-standard formats. After the backup, a message displays that indicates it cannot write the directory, followed by a prompt to insert diskette 2, even though disk 1 would not have been filled by the amount of data being backed up. Chris Makris, INOVA Health System, Fairfax, VA OS/2 Accredited, CIS: 73173,1732 ********************************************************************** The OS/2 2.1 User's Manual on page 299 discusses the Central Point PC Tools Backup program, the manual seems to indicate that this backup program may not backup to diskette properly, when it is run under OS/2. I do not have any other info that may help you read these disks. You might try looking at them using the Norton Disk Doctor, under real DOS and see if this program can give you any indication as to what the problem with the disk might be. Alan Newman IBM / Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 14:19 on 94/04/20 by INOV004 at HONE82 ] I have an other similar case in which a customer using PCTOOLS, Pcbackup could not restore there backup diskettes . If they formatted the diskettes on the machine they performed the backup on, they were able to backup and restore with no problems. What I suggest is setting up a regular DOS machine and running pcbackup on it and attempt to restore the diskettes . If this works then format the diskettes on the OS2 machine and backup the DOS machine and attempt restoring to the OS2 machine . Let me know if this is successful . Martial Forget Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 36. FSACCESS Questions ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Within a VMB, once a FSACCESS has been executed to "disconnect" the image file from the "A:" drive, is there anyway to reestablish the connection of A: to the image file? Is there a way to "unVMDISK" an image file to a diskette? ie Make a "DOS BOOTABLE" diskette from the VMDISK'd image? Paul Kurr Servantis Systems, Inc. Norcross, GA ********************************************************************** Paul Couldn't you just put a copy of FORMAT.COM on the diskette image and use that format to do a format a: /s and then copy the rest of the image files to the diskette? e ilsley ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 14:02 on 94/04/21 by SSIA013 at HONE82 ] I have tried to find a program that is built into OS2 that will perform this function , but have not found such a command . I will continue to look and let you know if I find what you are looking for . Martial Forget Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 16:23 on 94/04/21 by PER518 at HONE83 ] e, That might work fine (although I don't think that an image can do a format -- but my problem is that a user corrupted the config.sys and/or the autoexec.bat so that the image doesn't boot any more. So rather than rebuild the diskette over (which I have already done), it would be nice to "place" the image back on diskette and fix it under OS/2 -- then re image it back to the hard disk. Paul Kurr Servantis Systems, Inc. Norcross, GA ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:54 on 94/04/22 by V$IMPFOR at BCRVM1 ] Thanks, please see my other reply to an explaination as to why.... if you like Paul Kurr Servantis Systems, Inc. Norcross, GA ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 15:03 on 94/04/25 by SSIA013 at HONE81 ] Paul I have only built .IMGs twice and then it was "Oh how cute." Are you sure specific versions of format don't work? If so that is one I should file away. The standard response is probably "You didn't back up the .IMG?" If it was just the Autoexec.bat messed up can't that be changed from the settings notebook to something else? I suppose it wouldn't be a big deal to wrap a SAVEDSKF along with the VMDISK. Wasteful but not a big deal. Your right though it sure would be neat to see SAVEDSKF and LOADDSKF and VMDISK merged into one WPS object. Maybe V 2.9 e ilsley ********************************************************************** e, >> Are you sure specific versions of format don't work? >> If so that is one I should file away. Well start filing. The FORMAT command does not work from a VMB. Think about it... You boot off an image (or diskette) - The image boot points the "A:" drive to the image so that the boot sector etc on the image. Now you change COMSPEC to point to the local C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM and then you issue an FSACCESS command the boot sector is no longer accessable! So you can't do a format /s... Now say we boot from diskette. Again you have the problem with the boot sector being on the same drive being formatted -- but lets assume that there is only one diskette drive on this machine so a FORMAT B: /s should work -- NOT! Remember OS/2 is virtualizing the diskette drives; so when the FORMAT command is issued, the FORMAT command returns the error "Can not format an ASSIGNed or SUBSTuted drive". >> The standard response is probably "You didn't back up the .IMG?" Yes it is backed up on tape, but so are about 10 other server machines so getting to it would take the better part of a day (8mm tape backup). It's even easier (quicker) for me to rebuild it from stratch than to wait for the restore to be done. >> If it was just the Autoexec.bat messed up can't that be >> changed from the settings notebook to something else? Nope. In a VMB the AUTOEXEC and CONFIG files are those that are found on the diskette (or image) -- and as far as I know there is no way to change these actions from the VMB to something else. >> I suppose it wouldn't be a big deal to wrap a SAVEDSKF along with >> the VMDISK. I would be nice for the VMDISK to use the same format as SAVEDSKF/ LOADDSKF -- IBM are you watching? >> Maybe V 2.9 Maybe -- we can always hope. Paul Kurr Servantis Systems, Inc. Norcross, GA ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 15:03 on 94/04/25 by SSIA013 at HONE81 ] Paul, the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files in the IMG file is readable under a binary editor. Since they are typically smaller than 2KB, you should be able to REM out the offending commands to make the IMG file boot up far enough for you to modify them. I have used DEBUG to fix a crippled IMG file once or twice. (Do a search on FSFILTER.SYS to locate the CONFIG.SYS FAT cluster in the IMG file.) Note that each line in a text file is terminated with the 0x0D and 0x0A combination. Wing (wyuen@vnet.ibm.com) IBM Microelectronics, Poughkeepsie, NY. USA ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:42 on 94/04/26 by SSIA013 at HONE82 ] When you have an image booted from an A: file that is on the HD. You can access the A: driver normally by issuing the command: FSACCESS A: This cannot be done while you are on A:, so it would fail when you try to do it in the AUTOEXEC that is running from A:. You could probably remove the reference with something along the lines of: C: RESETA ; where reseta is a batch file that ends AUTOEXEC's control. Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:42 on 94/04/26 by SSIA013 at HONE82 ] Paul Thank you for the time to bring me up to speed on VMBOOT limitations. You are right. It would be nice if they used the same format. The next time I have to attempt to build a VMBOOT box I'll be more careful when adjusting the configuration files. One silly thought, if VMBOOT used the SAVEDSKF format would the SAVEDSKF compression eliminate the need for the 'FORMAT the system disk 360k trick'? Thanks e ilsley ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:07 on 94/04/26 by WFY316 at PKMFGVM1 ] Wow! Should have thought of that (binary edit). Thanks! Paul Kurr Servantis Systems, Inc. Norcross, GA ********************************************************************** ═══ 37. WordPerfect 6.0 in XGA Mode ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I'm running OS/2 2.11 on a PS/2 Model 77 with 16MB of RAM, with and XGA display. The XGA works fine for OS/2 graphical and Windows applications. I'm also running WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS in a VDM with 4MB of extended memory. When I switch the WordPerfect display setting to XGA, I get the message that it's not supported with the current hardware configuration. Is there something else I need to do to let the VDM know that XGA is available? Thanks. Wil Davies California Legislature ********************************************************************** Yes, to allow DOS programs access to the XGA drivers you need to install the XGA Device Drivers, DOS, Windows, and AutoCAD Support diskette that came with your adapter. This will create two directories: XGAPCDOS & XGA$DMQS You will already have an XGA$DMQS directory on your OS/2 boot partition. I did not know whether to install the DOS XGA$DMQS into OS/2's, so I was cautious and installed it on another partition. This seems to work. To have XGA available in all DOS sessions, I added this to my CONFIG.SYS: DEVICEHigh=D:\XGAPCDOS\XGAAIDOS.SYS d:\xga$dmqs I also got the most recent version of the DOS diskette from this BBS. I think it's called XGA211. Chris Makris, INOVA Health System, Fairfax, VA OS/2 Accredited, CIS: 73173,1732 ********************************************************************** >I also got the most recent version of the DOS diskette from this BBS. >I think it's called XGA211. > >Chris Makris, INOVA Health System, Fairfax, VA >OS/2 Accredited, CIS: 73173,1732 > Hmmmm, Chris you seem knowledgeable about WP60 under OS/2. Is there a way to run it in a Window with graphics mode turned on in WordPerfect without WordPerfect suspending? If I want a window I have to use text mode. If I want graphics I have to use a full screen. Is it possible in any configuration for the graphics to work in a window? Gary Pool MO Dept. Social Services * EPM * Press -- to continue ... ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 00:38 on 94/04/23 by INOV004 at HONE81 ] Thanks Chris. XGA is working well (albeit a little slowly) now. Wil Davies California Legislature ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:02 on 94/04/25 by POOLMWV at HONE81 ] Gary, I don't actually have WP60 yet. I was extrapolating from my previous experience using the XGA.VRS driver for WP51 in a VDM. My response was for general XGA access in VDM, which I was sure would work for 6.0. And, no. XGA connot be windowed. To window WP51 graphics, I had to lower the graphics resolution in WP setup to VGA 320x200. This was ok for windowed mode, but was useless in full-screen mode. I'd use XGA graphics resolution, VGA text, then just switch to full-screen when you want to view graphics. Chris Makris, INOVA Health System, Fairfax, VA OS/2 Accredited, CIS: 73173,1732 ********************************************************************** ═══ 38. BIOS Int13h in Os2 2.x dos boxes ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ref: None From: Mark Chater To: All I have written a dos program which reads floppy disks which have 8K sectors instead of the usual 512 bytes. It does not work under OS2 2.0 or 2.1, as I get error 04 back from the INT13h (sector not found) if any disk access have been done previously. If I do this on a newly inserted disk I get error 06 (floppy disk removed), then success, then repeated error 04's. Unfortunately I have to do a number of other disk reads before I can read the 8K sector so this is not a viable solution. Does anyone have any idea how I can work around this (the same code works fine on any version of MS/PC/DR DOS and with just about any BIOS you care to name), as I don't understand how OS/2 2.x handles its floppy disks. Many thanks Mark Chater * EMEA OS/2 Developer Assistance Program BBS * gHostNet(0057002C01000000 2dbc24b4) ********************************************************************** Mark , For what it is worth , your program maybe conflicting with the OS2 floppy device driver. IBM1FLPY.ADD may not allow for some of the features you have added to your program . It maybe helpful to look in this direction . Martial Forget Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 15:16 on 94/04/25 by EMEADAP at WINVMB ] Are you running from a regular dos box (MVDM) or are you running from a booted version of real dos (VMB) to try getting direct access to sectors? {Rich Corbett, Mgr. Sys. .................. voice:(407)851-0000} {ABC Liquors, Inc. ...... (NASPA:CORBRIC7) .. fax:(407)857-5500} ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 15:16 on 94/04/25 by EMEADAP at WINVMB ] Mark, I recently created a tiny com program with dos debug, just to see if I could write a sector to a floppy disk from a VDM. I could write the sector, but I noticed some strange behavior when using the INT 13H calls, so I suspect it may be a timing problem. You might try getting one of those "priority booster" virtual device drivers so that you can boost the priority of the dos session running your program(if the program hogs the CPU, you can always insert some calls to INT 2FH AX=1680H(surrender time slice)to try to balance things out. I'm not sure this will effect what's happening in this case, but it may be worth a try. Mike Kelly IBM : Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 00:52 on 94/04/28 by ABLI001 at HONE81 ] From: Mark Chater To: ABLI001 at HONE81ж Rich I'm trying to do the disk access from a MVDM, it works fine in Dos from drive A:, but the next bit of my program needs to read and write the Hard disk, and I don't seem to be able to access the hard disk in this mode (I've never tried running a VMB before, so I don't know if I can read the hard disk from there). Mark Chater @ Microcosm * EMEA OS/2 Developer Assistance Program BBS * gHostNet(0057002C01000000 2dcaa03c) reply to (0008037800580000 B4DCCA14) ********************************************************************** Mark, Pardon Me for Jumping In but OS/2 should trap any attempt by a dos application to write a hard disk sector directly, either using INT 13H or the Dos INT 26H. It should let you read a sector however. This is the reason that some of the functions in the PC TOOLS toolkit and other dos disk tools(such as disk defraggers) do not work in OS/2 Dos Emulation, whether VDM or VMB. The system is trying to prevent a dos application from doing things such as writing over the hard disk boot sector. I hope this helps. Regards, Mike Kelly IBM : Boca Electronic Support Team ======================================== ********************************************************************** ═══ 39. DOS Security App (sort of) ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I have installed a real estate application on a 486 clone. The app has software security built in. The app runs fine under when the machine is boot from dos (Dual Boot). But when trying to run it under a VDM, the app traps out and fails to run. The software security replaces a hardware device (a dongle). Bob Rottinger, Chicago Mercantile Exchnage ********************************************************************** Is the DOS application using Blk Device Drivers .These are dos drivers that attempt to take control of H/W directly .These drivers will cause problems when run under OS2, since OS2 does not allow device driver to reach RING0 and directly control Hardware.You will have to call the vendor and find out if this is the case. Also can you be more specific on the TRAP error you are receiving and possibly include the name and version of the application. Martial Forget Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 40. XGA Support problem for WP Presentations in DOS-fullscreen ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I've installed XGA support by running install from the XGA Device Drivers disk (latest), this line was added to my config.sys: DEVICE=C:/XGAPCDOS/XGAAIDOS.SYS C:/XGA$DMQS XGADEMO.EXE works fine. When I switch from VGA to XGA in WP Presentations, I get the high resolution and after the first action an error message "SYS3176: A program in this session encountered a problem and cannot continue" Has anyone seen this before, and is there a solution? Frans de Kok ********************************************************************** Frans, one of the "work-arounds" to avoid SYS3176 errors in wp 5.1 is to set the wp video setting to IBM VGA. This may be what's happening in your case, that the way wp uses XGA is just not compatible with OS/2 Dos Emulation. ( I would just caution that something may have been fixed since I last worked with this problem, so if anyone has been in contact with the folks at Word Perfect and knows of a resolution to the problems with XGA, please chime in. ) Mike Kelly IBM : Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 14:07 on 94/04/29 by 40948092 at EHONE ] I have found a similiar problem that was corrected by using the updated version of IBMXGA32.DLL . The apar number is PJ11716 and should be referred to when calling the 1-800-3IBM-OS2 for the fix. Martial Forget Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 41. WordPerfect 5.1 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We have several users that are experiencing the same problem in WP 5.1. While editing a document, their keyboards "lock up". That is, the keys cease to function; a keypress merely causes a beep. Oddly enough, they can still use the mouse. Since they have the menu bar active they can exit gracefully and even save the document (unless it is un-named because they can't type the name). This seems to occur randomly; I have not been able to detect any commonalities. Any ideas? Bob Ortbals - Manager, Regulatory Information Center Missouri Department of Economic Development Jefferson City, MO 65102 Phone: (314) 751-5464 ********************************************************************** Bob, the keyboard lockup sound familiar. I believe there may be a workaround in an info fax we have for wp 5.1. I'm working on getting a copy of it now. When I do, I'll post the paragraph that applies (that is if I remember the contents of this fax correctly). Mike Kelly IBM : Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:08 on 94/05/02 by CA040 at HONE83 ] Bob, this may not be a direct hit, but it does concern wp 5.1 locking up after switching between it and the desktop. The section of the fax is pasted below: o HANGS WHILE SHIFTING FROM WORDPERFECT IN A VDM TO ANOTHER SESSION OR THE DESKTOP Change the Wordperfect settings by pressing the (SHIFT-F1) key, or select (FILE) from the Menu Bar. Proceed with the following selections: SETUP DISPLAY TEXT SCREEN TYPE IBM (VGA AND COMPATIBLES) Mike Kelly IBM : Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:08 on 94/05/02 by CA040 at HONE83 ] >This seems to occur randomly; I have not been able to detect any >commonalities. Any ideas? Bob, I shouldn't even be talking to you! I found out my name was the first one drawn out of the hat and yours was the last. *I* should have that ValuePoint computer instead of OS/2 for Windows! Wanna trade? At any rate, this is a known WordPerfect problem. I heard about it about a year ago, but the details are no longer fresh in my mind. It has something to do with the way WP 5.1 scans for keystrokes. It will sometime lock-up under OS/2. This does not occur under 6.0a and I *thought* WP had a fix for 5.1, but maybe not. They should certainly be aware of it, though, and let you know if there is any kind of fix other than upgrading. Gary Pool MO Dept. Social Services * EPM * This bran of humor should be oatlawed. ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:08 on 94/05/02 by CA040 at HONE83 ] From your append I was not able to tell if you are using OS2 machines on a network and what version of OS2 you are using . Also can you specify what Network Operating system you are using as well as what requestor if applicable. Martial Forget Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:08 on 94/05/02 by CA040 at HONE83 ] Martial: We're using OS/2 version 2.1 and IBM OS/2 LAN Server version 3.0 with OS/2 Requester. Bob Ortbals - Manager, Regulatory Information Center Missouri Department of Economic Development Jefferson City, MO 65102 Phone: (314) 751-5464 ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:08 on 94/05/02 by CA040 at HONE83 ] The problem with WordPerfect 5.1 may be the fact that one of the DOS settings is incorrect. In the DOS settings for the program icon set KBD_BUFFER_EXTEND=OFF. If this does not solve your problem please furnish the following information: OS/2 version(from SYSLEVEL command). Is the system executing WP 5.1 from a LAN or locally? If you are using LAN software, please state Names and version(s). Type of PC equipment. Tom Haug Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** Actually this may be a combination of known problems in both OS/2's DOS keyboard emulation code and the "ill behaved" way WordPerfect (and many other applications) trapped keyboard interrupts. I helped WP solve their problem with their keyboard interrupt handling code and this change is in their WP 5.x Interim Update and 6.x level code. ------- ------ There is also an OS/2 part of the problem that was partly fixed in the 2.1 level (and may be better in the 2.11 level - I have not checked it) that can not be fixed until some major work can be done on part of the code. The MicroSoft WINDOWS 3.x DOS box has the same problems. The next time the problem occurs, try pressing and then releasing each of the two "Shift", "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys on the keyboard. The beeps may be telling you the DOS session and/or WP code thinks one or more of the shift state keys are being held down. Also try the "Esc" and "SysRq". If this clears the keyboard hang, its the know problems and you should be able get out of it this way. There is a way to use DOS's 5.x or 6.x KEY.COM and KEYBOARD.SYS modules to avoid the problem, by loading them in the DOS box prior to loading WP. Or WP Interim Update can solve it. If the pressing and releasing of all the shift keys and then doing an "Alt+SysReq" do not clear the hang, then its a different problem and you need to get all the information back to OS/2 support as suggested. One more point? Can you hot key (Alt+ESC or Ctrl+ESC) out of the DOS session? Does the Num Lock and Caps Lock toggle the LED? Does pressing the "Shift" key cause a beep? Jack GULLEY at BCRVMPC2 BIOS Problem Determination Engineering Software PDT ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:08 on 94/05/02 by CA040 at HONE83 ] Thanks for all the tips. I will check them out and provide the results. Bob Ortbals - Manager, Regulatory Information Center Missouri Department of Economic Development Jefferson City, MO 65102 Phone: (314) 751-5464 ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 02:34 on 94/05/06 by GULLEY at BCRVMPC2 ] Could you tell us about the .SYS trick? {Rich Corbett, Mgr. Sys. .................. voice:(407)851-0000} {ABC Liquors, Inc. ...... (NASPA:CORBRIC7) .. fax:(407)857-5500} ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 20:38 on 94/05/02 by LNK9034 at HONE81 ] Mark, One of the statements in CONFIG.SYS for the VMB is FSFILTER. This statement must preceed all other block device statements in the VMB's CONFIG.SYS so that the VMB will be able to see all of the partitions. Please check the VMB CONFIG.SYS to insure that FSFILTER is first. Thanks. Tom Haug Boca Electronic Support Team