═══ 1. About this forum ═══ TALKLINK Welcome to the world of TalkLink, a unique, new conferencing service offered by IBM. Using TalkLink, you can "talk" to customers, IBMers and personnel of our many affiliates around the world - anywhere, anytime. TalkLink is designed for people like yourself, who want to get the most out of their investment in computing products and services. TalkLink "links" you directly into the development and sup- port communities of customers, IBM and affiliates. Our goal is to help you be as effective as you can with access to many conferences, vast databases and rich libraries. HIGHLIGHTS TalkLink provides the following capabilities for customers to review information electronically, submit questions re- quests and receive answers information. - Conferences and forums -- question and answer bulletin boards for you to ask questions and help others with a wide variety of products and services. Items posted on this bulletin board are shared between BBS users, IBM personnel and affiliates worldwide. - Customer-to-customer messaging -- customers can send private messages to each other. - Support -- customers can submit or view problem re- ports. These entries will be responded to by the conference/forum owner, normally within a certain time period. Users can also place orders for product related materials. - Software library -- downloads application programs and uploads contributions. - News and announcements -- contains recent information regarding products and services. - Modes of operation: - Interactive -- Users are connected online to TalkLink while using its facilities. - Batch -- Users can download the forums to their personal computer and read the entries offline. Users can also respond offline and the entries will be saved and sent to the host the next time the user is connected in batch mode. Initially, this facil- ity is available for OS/2 (R) users only. - Access: 1 - Advantis -- local call from most cities within the US. - Internet -- telnet avaialable now, full ftp soon. SEARCH SERVICE - Search IBM databases via interactive mode -- This search facility includes a large question and answer database of items, IBM System Center Flashes, and IBM's prob- lem management libraries. This database contains infor- mation about problems and fixes. Not all general discussion forums have related information in these da- tabases. TALKLINK FEES CHARGES - $15.00 Registration Fee (one-time charge for each user registration) - $18.00 Monthly Availability Charge (includes unlimited hourly service) - This can be charged to a credit card or invoiced (for an additional administrative fee of $7.00 for each monthly invoice). HOW TO ORDER TALKLINK Call 1-800-547-1283 to sign up for TalkLink. Outside of the United States please contact your local IBM sales office for availability and access. ********************************************************************** ═══ 2. Introduction ═══ ===== NEW2OS2 CFORUM created at 01:48:30 on 92/04/08 GMT (by HOPKINS at AUSVM8) IBM UNCLASSIFIED ------------ The information in this forum is considered by IBM to be external and may be shared by everyone who is given access. This forum is shared with the internal IBM employee conferences. Forum: NEW2OS2 CFORUM Forum subject: A "BEGINNER FORUM" for new OS/2 users or programmers. Any question about OS/2 may be posted in this forum, whether the issue is simple or complex. We were all new at OS/2 at one time, so we know how you feel. OS/2 is a whole new user and/or programming environment, and those of us who have trodden its paths are ready to help others get started. Once you get beyond the "beginner" stage, please continue to view this forum to help those who come along behind you! Contributions must not contain confidential or proprietary information. Each contributor agrees, in placing material in this forum, that IBM and other users are free to prepare derivative works based upon it, and to use, reproduce, perform, display and distribute inside and outside their company such material and such derivative works, without obligation or charge. IBM is not responsible or liable for the use, copying, or distribution of materials placed on this forum, and has therefore no obligation to control such acts. All subscribers are required to abide at all times by the conference rules described in the Bulletin Board Rules under "News and Announcements". All IBM personnel are required to abide at all times by the IBMPC RULES and the IBM Business Conduct Guidelines. IBM personnel will read the CUSTOMER FORUM RULES in IBMPC RULES before contributing. Contributions violating these rules will be deleted by the CFORUM Owner or their delegate, and in some cases by an IBM conference Administrator. The OS2BBS CFORUM is where anyone may raise concerns regarding rules violations found in this and other CFORUMS. The IBM Administrator of this forum is: Name: Paul Cheatham Mailing Address: Boca Electronic Support Team ( BEST ) 1000 N.W. 51st Street Internal Zip 1426-012/W2030 Boca Raton, FL 33429 IBM Node/Userid: BCRVM1/CHEATHAM TalkLink Userid: LNK9/LNK9030 ..... 5959 lines pruned at 08:53:36 on 04/26/94 by MLKSERV0 for LNK9032 See NEW2OS2 AR940300 file for appends from 92/04/02 to 93/10/19 ********************************************************************** ═══ 3. OS/2 2.0 Terms ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * / ********************************************************************** ═══ 4. Losing Extended Attributes ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * How can I recover lost extended attributes? I have been having problems with my OS2 2.1 desktop. When I booted up, I got a white screen with a message that my desktop was damaged. I then did a Chkdsk. The CHKDSK found lost extended attribute chains and created around 30 or so EA000...CHK files. I then tried to restore my desktop by running MAKEINI, but got the message MAKEINI.EXE - ERROR IS IN FILE. I then pressed ALT F1 when booting up to revert to the original desktop, but as a result, my CONFIG.SYS got overwritten, causing me serious problems: SYS1200 -cannot create DOS environment error code is 0002. I recently installed Stacker for OS2. Could this be related to my problems. Any idea what I should try next? Rosemary Fleming ********************************************************************** Sorry this response is so slow. I posted it several days ago but just noticed it did not go to board. So here it is. When I got as seriously lost with ver 2.0 as you sound now, I cleaned OS2 out and started all over. I have never regretted it as I got a lot of benefit from my early learning experiences without the haunting sensation of a residual bug or two biting me every day. Be careful. I won't presume to advise without knowledge of FAT/HPFS, drive and Stacker configuration, etc. One of the pros here or on the phone line can talk you through it. Ken Hammer, St.J., VT ********************************************************************** Thanks Ken for your help. I have since unstacked my drive and tried to reinstall OS2, but am still having problems with my desktop and printer. Part of the problem, I think, is being unable to delete old INI files. What phone number should I call for help? Rosemary Fleming ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 12:11 on 93/10/27 by XXTDBK79 at TORVMCOP ] Ken, I tried sending a reply to the note you sent me, but I don't know if it worked since it doesn't appear as an Append. I unstacked my drive, hoping that it would fix my problem and reinstalled OS2 2.1 (after deleting my existing OS2). However, I was unable to delete all of the files (particularily INI and DESKTOP directories) eventhough I tried to delete them outside of the desktop. When re-installing OS2 2.1 my PC hung at the point of rebooting the machine (after the 5th or 6th disk). I tried it a second time, but same thing happened. So I decided to re-install OS 2.0 instead. This time it looked like it worked, except it wouldn't install a printer. I was able to do work on my PC and shut it down gracefully. However, the next time I booted, my desktop was a blank screen. I tried installing OS2 2.0 again. Again it seemed to work except for the printer until I shut it down and rebooted. I have done a Chkdsk and it reported no errors. Other information: I have installed OS2 with FAT, with one partition and with DUAL BOOT. You indicated that someone on a phoneline might be able to help. Could I have a phone number to call. Thanks. Rosemary ********************************************************************** Rosemary, Sorry to hear you are still struggling. Both of your appends do appear. The IBM OS2 support line is 800-992-4777. You probably want to tell them you have a fouled-up installation and want to clean it out and reinstall from scratch. They probably have a fax they can send to take you through step by step. I originally used dual boot. Natural DOS operations did so much havoc to EA's that I gave up. I reformatted my first physical drive and did an installation using Boot Manager. It is "MUCH" cleaner. I recommend it rather than dual boot. That way you can run OS2 but when you need DOS you can: run a DOS session in OS2 run a DOS VMB of real DOS (like MSDOS 5.0), or boot in real DOS Since doing that, OS2 behaves a lot more like the ads claim. Good luck. Ken Hammer, St.J., VT ********************************************************************** ═══ 5. PMFTERM ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Steve, not that it is related to the original problem of this append tree, but I have found it very difficult to run batch downloads with PMFTERM. It all boils down to the fact that the receive command ignores the 'keyboard inhibited' state and sends the IND$FILE command during refresh of the host screen - thus the command never reaches the host. This problem occurs both when issuing the RECEIVE through command line and through the File pull-down menu. I'm using V1.5 of PMTERM. Is there any fix available, or is this a home-made problem caused by my inability to use PMFTERM correctly? Thanks for any reply, Jens This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Jens-U. Mozdzen, Partner Consult GmbH, Hamburg, Germany ********************************************************************** I assume that you mean by batch download that you have a .CMD file with back to back send or receive commands. I could include a delay of some sort, possibly as a parameter on the receive/send command like SEND JUNK.FIL JUNK FILBIN A (RECFM V DELAY 10 which would cause PMFTERM to wait 10 seconds before typing in the IND$FILE command. If this is acceptable let me know and I'll include it in the next release (around year end). Steve Blunden ********************************************************************** Steve, this sounds like one possible solution. On second though, could you include a check for the keyboard stae? That would make sure that even irregularily long delays would cause a break-down of the transmission. Thanks for looking into this, Jens This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Jens-U. Mozdzen, Partner Consult GmbH, Hamburg, Germany ********************************************************************** I'll look into it when I get a chance, but I think that there are too many combinations of emulation type/protocol converter type to make it practical, as each combination uses a different indicator to "lock" the keyboard. Can you verify that Typeahead is really enabled on your host protocol converter? This is a requirement for PMFTERM to work with IND$FILE. Thanks. Steve Blunden ********************************************************************** Steve, I'm working via 3708 to VM. Download itself is not a problem, it's just that I need to help out to get the download started (I manually type in the IND$FILE RCV ... command since it gets lost). I'm almost sure that type-ahead is NOT enabled. Well, if it's a problem to check the locked keyboard (hmm, if I can see it on my terminal screen, why can't the RECEIVE application see it? I guess that's the advantage of the human operator :-) ) then a delay pa- rameter would help out as a work-around. I didn't mean to cause too much work. Regards, Jens This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Jens-U. Mozdzen, Partner Consult GmbH, Hamburg, Germany ********************************************************************** If you're on a 3708, just look at the operator information area. You should see N/B TYP somewhere in it. If not, typeahead is turned off. You can turn it on via the key sequence "t" (escape-t). This can also be put in as an autokey sequence AFTER you connect to the host application, ie. at the first logon screen put a \et (backslash-e-t) to send esc-t. Let me know the results. Good luck. Steve Blunden ********************************************************************** ═══ 6. Appends getting lost ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * My recent appends seem to have disappeared. This is a test to see if it goes through. Please forgive space waste. Ken Hammer, St.J., VT ********************************************************************** ═══ 7. Application (ACPM) icon does not show until clicked-on. ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I have an application on the server, Y:\TOOLS\ACPM\ACPM.EXE, for which I have a program object on the 2.1 Desktop. I've defined the program and the working directory correctly in the object definitions. When the desktop is built at IPL, I see only the drab 'OS/2 Program' icon, instead of the expected ACPM icon. ACPM consists of only 3 files: ACPM.EXE, .HLP and .DLL, all on the ACPM directory on the server. To make the correct icon appear, I have to open, then close the appl. Why doen't OS/2 display the correct icon at IPL? Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** What you are seeing is a result of the desktop being built before the drive with the application is available. Is the icon for this app attached to the program? We have found on some occurances of this that if there is a separate icon, and it is dragged to the settings General page that the icon will be present at ipl. Jack Hiatt MARC-Life Atlanta Ga. Team OS/2 The International Phoenix Alliance ********************************************************************** Yes, Jack has the right solution. You can stick the icon itself into an extended attribute of the program object (so that it is stored locally rather than depending on the network connection) by opening up the program object's "Settings" notebook, select the "General" tab, and then drag *any* copy of the correct icon over to this page and drop it into the "current icon" box. (The wonders of SOM...) John A. Pershing Jr. ********************************************************************** Jack, John: I'm still foggy ..... can I drag an icon to an object, and have it 'stick' even though there is no stand-alone icon file (xxxx.ico) involved? ACPM only has a DLL, EXE and HLP file, no ICO file. I guess I'm confused by where the ACPM icon really lives; in the EXE of DLL file is my guess. If so, how is it possible (if possible at all) to drag the icon portion of an EXE or DLL file into another object? Thanks! Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** In a case like this were the icon exsists in the .exe module what I have done is get the icon showing in the desktop object, and then open the settings notebook, and edit the icon and simply save it to a subdir on my machine as xxxx.ico, and then drag that to the notebook setting. Jack Hiatt MARC-Life Atlanta Ga. Team OS/2 The International Phoenix Alliance ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:22 on 93/11/03 by COTTRELL at RALVM12 ] Yes, I believe that you are supposed to be able to drag *any* object's icon over to the 'Current Icon' section of a 'Settings' folder and have it "stick". Try it: the worst that can happen is that it doesn't work... Note that, if the WPS can pull the icon data out of the .EXE file in order to display it, then it can also pull the icon data out in order to stuff it into some random extended attribute. John A. Pershing Jr. ********************************************************************** ═══ 8. Doc for creating/updating Desktop objects via REXX exec. ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I need the ability to create and update objects on the OS/2 2.1 Desktop. REXX has the SysCreateObject and other functions to allow this, but I'm haven't found a source for learning all the parms that must be specified for a given object, when using these REXX functions. Where can I get these object parameters, for use with REXX? Thanks! Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** You can find this information in the OS/2 2.0 Technical Library Procedures Language 2/REXX Reference. The document # is 10G6268. Helen Philippides - BTIG ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:54 on 93/11/03 by COTTRELL at RALVM12 ] To: Steve Cottrell > I'm haven't found a source for learning all the parms < > that must be specified for a given object, when using < > these REXX functions. Where can I get these object < > parameters, for use with REXX? < The best single source is a document written by Mike Lamb of IBM. It is available on most BBS that specialize in OS/2 as REXXUTIL.ZIP. It may also be available here in the OS/2 BBS Software section. I'm off-line writing this reply so I can't be sure. If you have further questions, you might want to post them in the OS2REXX CFORUM. Dick Goran - CIS 72200,347 author "REXX Reference Summary Handbook" ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 18:53 on 93/11/03 by V$IHP at BCRVMPC1 ] To: n Philippides - BTIG > You can find this information in the OS/2 2.0 Technical < > Library Procedures Language 2/REXX Reference. The < > document # is 10G6268. < That information is not available in S10G-6268. The function definition for SysCreateObject is there; however, the object fields are not defined there - and rightfully so. The discussion of object creation is not really a REXX item even though the SysCreateObject function exists. I receive constant comment on our Handbook not including details of how to manage objects and the WPS. This is analogous to expecting a REXX reference to describe the workings of the FAT and HPFS file systems because it provides access to files. BTW, our handbook includes to REXXUTIL functions not documented in S10G-6828 - SysDestroyObject() and SysSetObject(). Dick Goran - CIS 72200,347 author "REXX Reference Summary Handbook" ********************************************************************** I understand, and I am sorry for giving you an incorrect answer. I will investigate as to where you will be able to find the information you need. Helen Philippides - BTIG ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 18:53 on 93/11/03 by V$IHP at BCRVMPC1 ] I've looked at the -6268 manual and the doc in MLAMBDLL PACKAGE, but I've either overlooked the info or it's not there...... I need to have REXX build a LAN PRINTERS folder with 2 NETWORK PRINTER objects, just like the original I created, using NETWORK PRINTER in the TEMPLATES folder. Things like Queues, ports, printer drivers, all the stuff that is in the NETWORK PRINTER Setting Notebook, is what I need to do via REXX. How does one built this SETTINGS NOTEBOOK for a NETWORK PRINTER via rexx? Thanks, Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** Steve, For working with printers, the best tool available is the RMPI (Remote multiple printer installation) utility which is documented and comes with the GG24-3780 Redbook - Remote Installation and maintenance.... Bret Curran -- Personal Systems Competency Center 1-800-547-1283 IBMMAIL(USIB4CUR) CIS: 71075,3156 ********************************************************************** Bret: Between the information you provided and a QA in ASKQ, I've learned enough to make a decision: I won't create the objects for the Network Printers via any form of automation. REXX can't do it at all, MPRI does it somewhat, but not entirely, so why bother. If our users ask for Print-Server-Queue-Watching-Ability, I'll just do it manually! Thanks for your help, Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 21:15 on 93/11/09 by COTTRELL at RALVM12 ] To: Steve Cottrell > How does one built this SETTINGS NOTEBOOK for a NETWORK < > PRINTER via rexx? < The REXXUTIL functions SysCreateObject() and SysSetObjectData() are used to create and modify an object's settings respectively. That's the easy part of the answer. The tough part is the content of the setup strings. One of the best sources for an introduction to building and modifying objects is in a file named REXXUTIL. I believe this file is available here in the OS2BBS tools section. It is also available on CIS and most OS/2 BBSs. Also, there is an invaluable tool, Deskman/2, which will show you the settings of an object and optionally build a REXX .CMD file to build that object. Deskman/2 info is available here on OS2BBS in the DEVTECH CFORUM. If you nedd more help, there is an OS2REXX forum here where you might want to post your appends. Dick Goran - CIS 72200,347 author "REXX Reference Summary Handbook" ********************************************************************** Dick: I've looked at the MLAMBDLL PACKAGE and REXXUTIL PACKAGE and have not seen what I need for creating Network Printer objects. Searching in RETAIN ASKQ, I found a QA that says REXX can't do this, so I'm abandoning the attempt for now, unless I learn that REXX can do this. About the OS2BB .... would you happen to know the phone number for that? I'm comparitive shopping for DESKMAN/2. Thanks, Steve ********************************************************************** To: Steve Cottrell > About the OS2BB .... would you happen to know the phone < > number for that? I'm comparitive shopping for DESKMAN/2. < Now you have me confused. You are reading this append on OS2BBS. If, perchance, you do not have direct access and are reding a copy on another network then you can call Hand Henderson, the OS2BBS Administrator and he can give you the particulars. Hank's number is 512-823-8647. If you are confusing OS2BBS with the OS2SHARE BBS in Va run by Peter Norloff, the number there is 703-385-4325. Dick Goran - CIS 72200,347 author "REXX Reference Summary Handbook" ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:47 on 93/11/11 by COTTRELL at RALVM12 ] Sorry, but to my knowledge you cannot just use REXXUTIL to do what you're trying to do... What Bret mentioned previously is probably your best source for an answer. Michael A. Lamb (MIKELAMB @ KGNVMC) 1993/11/11 21:30 EST ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:47 on 93/11/11 by COTTRELL at RALVM12 ] Steve, I've got a program that will allow you to create printer objects from REXX. I assume you are trying to do this in batch mode, and that you already know what the printer device and queue names will be, etc... If you are interested, give me a call (309-766-8358). David Padgett ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 21:22 on 93/11/11 by DEV4672 at HONE81 ] Dick: My education continues..... I'm accessing this CFORUM via the IBMPC Conference Disk, from an IBM VM system. It sounds like this CFORUM is also accessed via a dial-in BB, as OS2BBS? Yet, the header of this FORUM seems to refer to OS2BBS as another, different repository. (Hate to clutter the FORUM with this overhead, but if it improves future communications, it's probably worth a few lines....) Thanks, Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:28 on 93/11/12 by IM06335 at OS2CUST ] David, Does your REXX EXEC just make the printer object (the icon), or does it install the printer driver, if necessary, and the queues, and the...... if it does the latter, I'd be VERY interested in seeing a working solution (it'll be the first that I've seen). :-) Thanks, Bret Curran -- Personal Systems Competency Center 1-800-547-1283 IBMMAIL(USIB4CUR) CIS: 71075,3156 ********************************************************************** Bret, It creates printer devices and queues. It could easily be enhanced to do other things. Creating the device assigns a driver to a logical address, and gives the printer it's name, amoung other things. Creating the queue actually places the icon on the desktop. It is capable of creating both local and networked printer queues. Hope I answered your question. David Padgett ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:38 on 93/11/12 by COTTRELL at RALVM12 ] To: Steve Cottrell > < > (Hate to clutter the FORUM with this overhead, but if it < > improves future communications, it's probably worth a < > few lines....) < You are definitly not cluttering the forum with this kind of discussion. That's exactly why the forum is named NEW2OS2. As some sage once stated, "The only dum question is the question that is not asked". > My education continues..... I'm accessing this CFORUM < > via the IBMPC Conference Disk, from an IBM VM system. It < > sounds like this CFORUM is also accessed via a dial-in < > BB, as OS2BBS? Yet, the header of this FORUM seems to < > refer to OS2BBS as another, different repository. < Hank Henerson, our leader here, is better qualified to enumerate all of the different means of accessing these forums. In the event Hank, or "hh" as you will see appends signed, doesn't jump in here, one of his many bosses on the forum will and explain some of the connection options that I am not aware of. The access mechanisms I am aware of are access via a VM system and Talklink - a subscription based dial-in facility via Advantis (an IBM spinoff for lack of a better term). The ID in each append will sometimes provide a hint as to the connection medium. For example, you will note that my ID and Node of DEV4672 at HONE8? indicate that I am an OS/2 developer and access the system via IBMLink via Advantis. Dick Goran - CIS 72200,347 author "REXX Reference Summary Handbook" ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:38 on 93/11/12 by COTTRELL at RALVM12 ] Steve, Dick is correct. The CFORUM reside on a Host system in Boulder Co. they are shadow thru out the various systems within IBM (World-Wide). This allows ibmers and customers to exchange appends(messges). Customers can access us thru a Leased Line, or a modem, by calling either a 1-800-# or a local one. The TalkLink BBS is a 3270 mode BBS right now, but by early next year we will have a TCP/IP interface, with a interface that will run on a DOS, MAC, AIX, OS/2, and windows. The TalkLink BBS that I with a lot of help from the Romper Room, try to manage the OS2BBS section. It is made up of a: OS/2 Question & Answer section (86+ CFORUMs) OS/2 Software Problem Reporting (Electronic submit problem reports) OS/2 Software Library (Selective fixes, CSD, SRV PAK,Tools, EWS,etc) OS/2 News & Announcements (Ivory letters, News, etc.) OS/2 Reference Diskettes (New section) OS/2 Options Diskettes (New section) The Intergration Lab section (CForums & report on certified S/W) There are other section under TalkLink ie: MVS, DOS, VM etc. You get all of this for $18.00 a month flat charge, with a 1-800# or local number, no connect time, no download charges. We hope to have all IBM platforms (Hardware/Software) on TalkLink. I could go on and on, but most of the people on the BBS have heard it all before, and are just waiting for it to get industrial strength! Hank Henderson ********************************************************************** Neat Stuff, Hank! So...... as an IBM Internal user, do I use this CFORUM (via VM) to access the exact same resources as a dial-in BBS user? Or must I use the BBS via dial-in? (Not my preference!) Thanks, Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 22:21 on 93/11/12 by IM06335 at OS2CUST ] David, Sounds pretty interesting - can you post or send me a copy? I'd love to see how you are accomplishing the task! I have an IBMMAIL id - USIB4CUR at IBMMAIL, and also CIS 71075,3156. Thanks! --Bret PS I'm in the process of writing a REXX/WPS kind of book - hence my interest in REXX -> printer object kind of stuff :-) Of course, any "contributions" will be recognized. ********************************************************************** Bret, Steve, and Dick, It's in the "mail". I uploaded it to CS last night. David Padgett ********************************************************************** To: David Padgett > It's in the "mail". I uploaded it to CS last night. < Thanks Dave. I have it but haven't had a chance to log on here all week because of COMDEX. Will try to take a look at it over the weekend. Dick Goran - CIS 72200,347 author "REXX Reference Summary Handbook" ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 00:52 on 93/11/11 by DEV4672 at HONE83 ] I'm kind of new to the CFORUM as well as this topic but I can't find a REXXUTIL package. I am accessing this through the software mall if that makes any difference. Please provide more specific info on where the REXXUTIL package is if it is available here (or send it to me if you have it). tanks :) Chris Webster, IBMMail.USNMNK8N ********************************************************************** To: Chris Webster, IBMMail.USNMNK8N > I'm kind of new to the CFORUM as well as this topic but < > I can't find a REXXUTIL package. < I think what you are looking for is Mike Lamb's file on WPS objects. The file name is CRTOBJ.ZIP and unzips to REXXUTIL (which also happens to be the name of the SAA REXX external function module shipped with OS/2 - thus the confusion). I think CRTOBJ can be found here on OS/2 BBS in the Tools Section; however, I am keying this reply at the same time I am downloading forum data so I can't confirm it. You can also find it on most private OS/2 BBS. Dick Goran - CIS 72200,347 author "REXX Reference Summary Handbook" ********************************************************************** ═══ 9. Which forum is appropriate for OS/2 -> other LANs questions ? ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Where to post OS/2 -> Pathworks Questions ??? I'd like to know where to post questions concerning connecting an OS/2 2.1 client to a Pthworks 4.1 net. I'm currently using Pathworks for DOS client sof tware, but I'd like to move to the OS/2 version which requires LAN Requester or LAN Server. I not certain what this entails or implies to be honest. Any help would be appreciated Paul J. Feeney Pfizer Central Research, Groton CT ********************************************************************** Paul, You can append your Pathworks questions to the OS2APPS CFORUM. This forum is for the discussion of application programs and systems designed specifically for OS/2. Helen Philippides - BTIG ********************************************************************** Thanx for the info Helen. I'm in your debt :-) Paul J Feeney- Pfizer Central Research, Groton CT ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:48 on 93/11/05 by V$IHP at BCRVMPC1 ] Thanx for the reply, I'm in your debt :-) Paul J. Feeney Pfizer Central Research, Groton CT ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:48 on 93/11/05 by V$IHP at BCRVMPC1 ] Thanx for your reply Helen, I'm in your debt :-) Paul J. Feeney - Pfizer Central Research, Groton CT ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:48 on 93/11/05 by V$IHP at BCRVMPC1 ] Paul, I saw an append on the os2soft forum that dec's pathwork will only work with OS/2 1.3 and are not planning on updating. Richard Decker PSPC-Boca Tech Interface Group ********************************************************************** ═══ 10. Telecom Problems ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * When running DOS communication applications, you need to go into the DOS Settings Folder and change a few things. If you are having problems with performance and characters stoping and starting. You should change the IDLE SENSITIVITY to 100. This does help most of the time. You may want to experiment with a few others and see if it helps you.Such as HW TIMER and HW ROM TO RAM. 3rd party drivers for serial communications have also been developed to speed up communications. Sheng Xu (Teleprocessing, State Farm Insurance Companies) ********************************************************************** ═══ 11. I would like to get access to the PS/2 reference disks on BBS. ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There appears to be a way to get IBM reference disks, and option files downloaded from the OS2BBS. When I traverse through BBS panels, I can select a PS/2 Reference disk option...but nothing show up there. Is there something I need to do to get access to these files, and also the option files? Scott Baer - (208) 384-6112 ********************************************************************** >There appears to be a way to get IBM reference disks, and option files >downloaded from the OS2BBS. When I traverse through BBS panels, I can >select a PS/2 Reference disk option...but nothing show up there. Is >there something I need to do to get access to these files, and also the >option files? │ │ │ Road under construction. │ │ │ Use at your own risk │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │  John W. Kennedy -- Hoechst Celanese -- The OS/2 Hobbit\Team-OS/2 ********************************************************************** The PS/2 Reference Diskettes are on the way. Currently you get only a blank menu. We are currently waiting for additional space. Thanks in advance for you patience. Jeanine Blair - OS2BBS Administration ********************************************************************** ═══ 12. Dos setting for dos driver insufficient memory ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I am attempting to install an HPIICx scanner and the associated software to run in a seamless enviornment. The scanner is shipped with an adapter which is said to be a CAM SCSI adapter. When I attempt to open the windows environment, I receive a message that there is insufficient storage to load the driver for t he adapter, mini400i.sys. I don't know that this is a dos setting problem, but it seems like it could be. The application is DESKSCAN III. TThe system.ini and the config sys seem to have the driver recommended by HP. No error message s are seen on system boot. The DOS Device driver window shows the correct)?) driver, at least the ones that are in the config.sys. I would appreciate any assistance you might be able to render. A similar posting has been made under os/2 hardware. Jan Julian, DP Consulting & Services, Fairbanks, AK ********************************************************************** ═══ 13. User Listing ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * After reading Dick Goran's message (in OS2MISC) the other day, and trying to figure out who was who, I came to the realization that what was needed was a 'Phone Book' of users and their OS2 BBS/IBMLink Ids'. After thinking about it for a couple of days, I came to the conclusion that this would not be that difficult to do, IF 1. Everyone entered their own information, 2. I had a some way to programatically create the .INF source file. I think my REXX program will do the .IPF part, so now I need your help. If you would fill in the information on the form (below the message) for yourself, and then reply this to the 'Tester' forum, I will download the results and do a weekly (at least initially) compile, and then upload the finished .INF file to hh so that he can put it up where it could be downloaded. I realize that not everyone will want to do this, and that some of the information will not get filled in, but whatever you feel you want others to know, is what I would like. I think this would go a long way to helping us 'keep score' of 'who is who'. If I am 'way off in left field' with this idea, then let me know. Otherwise I'll get started and see just how large this thing can get. Initially I plan on having 2 ways of viewing the data: 1. By user last name 2. By user Id. Once the majority of users are entered, I would not be adverse to creating other 'views' for the data. Eric Brunsen Armadillo Software Ц DEV4793 Internet: Brunsene@email.enmu.edu International Phoenix Alliance OS2BBS: TPA0001 - Eric Brunsen ======================================== Please do not change or delete the headings, since they are important to the REXX procedure I am using to compile this information. ======================================== User Name: Electronic Addresses ================= OS/2 BBS Id 1: OS/2 BBS Id 2: IBMLink Id 1: IBMLink Id 2: Other Electronic addresses: Internet: CIS: FidoNet: Other 1: Other 2: Company Information ================ Company Name: Address Street: Street: City: State: Zip: Country: Phone (voice): Extension: Phone (fax): Phone (other): Extension: Personal Information ================ Address Street: Street: City: State: Zip: Country: Phone (voice): Extension: Phone (fax): Phone (other): Extension: Information about yourself: Areas in which you are interested/knowledgeable: CForums you frequent: _ AIMGAMES _ ISTHERE _ OS2BBS _ OS2MISC _ OS2WISH _ ANYNET _ ITL _ OS2BETA _ OS2MRKTN _ OS2WPS _ APPC _ LAD2 _ OS2CM _ OS2P2P _ P370 _ ASKPSP _ LANNETVU _ OS2CURVM _ OS2PLI _ PCMCIA _ BBSEARCH _ LANSUPT _ OS2DBM _ OS2PMPGM _ PCOMM _ C-SET2 _ LMU2 _ OS2DCE _ OS2PRG _ PERSAS _ DATACOLL _ LNM _ OS2DCF2 _ OS2PRINT _ REMOTE _ DB2OS2 _ LSMULTIB _ OS2DOCS _ OS2QANDA _ TEAMOS2 _ DBMSUPT _ LSULTI _ OS2DOS _ OS2R21B _ TECH-COR _ DEVTECH _ LSYSBETA _ OS2EDUC _ OS2REXX _ ULTIMM _ DISTAPP2 _ MINIAPPS _ OS2EWS _ OS2ROUTE _ UMMBETA _ E-EDITOR _ NETDOOR _ OS2GAMES _ OS2SPM20 _ VIRUS _ EDI93 _ NETWARE _ OS2GRWIN _ OS2TAP2 _ VISUALAG _ FORBROWS _ NEW2OS2 _ OS2GUIDE _ OS2TCPIP _ VPREXX _ ICMEMOS2 _ OS2APPS _ OS2HW _ OS2TLKIT _ VX-REXX _ INSTALL2 _ OS2APPS _ OS2INST _ OS2UGRP _ WF2BETA _ INSTALLW _ OS2BASE _ OS2LAN _ OS2WIN _ WRKFRAME ********************************************************************** In the new environment that we will be migrating TalkLink and OS2BBS support to, we will have an online directory, as well as other utilities like spell checker, etc. A lot of migration work is underway right now. Willis Johnson - MartLink ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 03:07 on 93/12/13 by TPA0001 at HONE81 ] Ref: None From: Fabio Vinciguerra To: Tpa0001 At Hone81 Nice to meet You. TH>After reading Dick Goran's message (in OS2MISC) the other day, and TH>trying to figure out who was who, I came to the realization that what TH>was needed was a 'Phone Book' of users and their OS2 BBS/IBMLink TH>Ids'. After thinking about it for a couple of days, I came to the TH>conclusion that this would not be that difficult to do, IF TH> 1. Everyone entered their own information, TH> 2. I had a some way to programatically create the .INF source file. I'm trying to do it in Italy, adding the phone book to the inf with all the bbs, and for those which support OS/2 the areas & files. TH>I think my REXX program will do the .IPF part, so now I need your help. Can I pls ask You that programs, to avoid handmade & using your std? I'm not an ibmmer, I do it 'cause am an OS/2 teamer. TH>If you would fill in the information on the form (below the message) for TH>yourself, and then reply this to the 'Tester' forum, I will download the TH>results and do a weekly (at least initially) compile, and then upload TH>the finished .INF file to hh so that he can put it up where it could be TH>downloaded. I'm already doing for IBM SEMEA bbs & Fidonet a floppy with such infos too, so I wish to do the same as You do,as an upgrade. I can try if You think so, so what about giving also moral support to me? Thank You in advance & best wishes. Fabio Vinciguerra V. Goldoni 44 20129 Milan Italy Tel ()2-70109456 home ()2-7486235 off Fax ()2-7486274 off ___ ┴ MR/2 1.39x NR ┴ I'm at the corner of Walk and Don't Walk. * EMEA OS/2 Developer Assistance Program BBS * gHostNet(0057002701000000 2d371e14) ********************************************************************** Fabio, I only got about 10 responses, so I dropped the idea. Also with the new BBS interface, this feature is built in. I have archived the REXX routine that I wrote, but will try to find it and post it here for you. Eric Brunsen Armadillo Software Ц DEV4793 Internet: Brunsene@email.enmu.edu International Phoenix Alliance OS2BBS: TPA0001 - Eric Brunsen ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 03:07 on 93/12/13 by TPA0001 at HONE81 ] Ref: None From: Fabio Vinciguerra To: Tpa0001 At Hone83 Hi Eric, I'm very sorry to hear You dropped the idea. The silent majority had another strike; in addition my sysop has problems with old BBS interface already. TH>I have archived the REXX routine that I wrote, but will try to find it and post it here for you. Thank You very very much, 'cause I keep on producing TEAM.INF on the same basis You started: the 'book' is now on many italian Fidonet bbs. Goodbye! Fabio Vinciguerra DAP : 87:39/256.5 Fidonet : 2:331/323.3 Address : Via Goldoni 44 - 20129 Milan, Italy Wrk.Tel.: (39)2-74862-35 Wrk.Fax : (39)2-74862-74 Home Tel: (39)2-70109456 ___ ┴ MR/2 1.39x NR ┴ Originality is the art of concealing your sources. * EMEA OS/2 Developer Assistance Program BBS * gHostNet(0057002701000000 2d683fd0) ********************************************************************** ═══ 14. SVGA Support ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I have just acquired a 14' NI monitor, and have installed the higher resolution drivers from the 2.1 GA disks. All the PM stuff looks fine. But, all dos programs I invoke in Full screen mode have a problem. When I switch out via Ctl-Esc and then go back, the screen is garbage. What did I miss in installing SVGA support? The controller is a Cirrus Logic 5424 with 1Meg. Brian ********************************************************************** ═══ 15. Tcp/Ip & Cm ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ref: None From: Peter Granberg To: All Hi All, Does anyone know if it is at all possible to configure Communications Manager to run with TCP/IP and Novell Netware? I am not very skilled in networking and it most possible that I have missed some fine point, so that my question seems odd in the eyes of an expert, but please try to answer my question anyway. TIA, Peter. ___ ┴ SLMR 2.1a ┴ * EMEA OS/2 Developer Assistance Program BBS * gHostNet(00080378002C0000 2bdfbbfc) ********************************************************************** Yes this is very possible! TCP/IP and CM both use LAPS and NDIS drivers for LAN transport. Netware provides an ODI to NDIS interface so that it can fit in also. Dave ********************************************************************** ═══ 16. Using ALT-F1 to restore desktop ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * When using ALT-F1 during OS/2 2.1 bootup, I've heard that OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI are restored from /OS2/INSTALL. However, when doing so, my CONFIG.SYS also changes. So, two questions: 1: Where does CONFIG.SYS get restored from? We've tried modifying the CONFIG.SYS that appears under /OS2/INSTALL, then doing ALT-F1 at bootup again, but that does not seem to be the source file. 2: What other files get changed or restored during ALT-F1? And what is their source for the restore? Thanks, Robert Gee ********************************************************************** ═══ 17. (no subject) ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Deleted by Stephen Poole ********************************************************************** ═══ 18. Minimum system requirements to run OS/2 2.1 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ref: None I have been thinking about upgrading my system to run OS/2. I recently upgraded my motherboard from a 286-20 to a 386-40. At the time of the upgrade, I could only afford to put 4 MB on the motherboard, and I have 1 MB on a card (total of 5MB) I have a 245 MB harddisk with about 150MB free. I would like to load OS/2 2.1, but I would like to know if I have sufficient system memory to do so. If not, what is the minimum required, and also the minimum suggested memory to run OS2 ? Brad B. ********************************************************************** You met for the MINIMUM. Please make sure that you allocate a LARGE (8-12M ) Swapper at the beginn beginning and PLEASE! disable the animation. It does help. To disable: The Animation is control is located in: OS/2 System --> System Setup --> System --> Window --> Animation. Geza Szivos IBMMail(CANOVXVV) The Phoenix Alliance (403)-290-6583 Fax (403)-290-5900 ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 18:16 on 94/01/06 by XZY1389 at RCHVMP2 ] I have run at 5M and it can be acceptable (but still a subject worthy of a good tribal fight on BBS's.) Be sure to use only FAT, the HPFS drivers and buffers will eat into your page pool. Likewise REM any SCSI/CDROM drivers which are not needed. Check the config after install for DISKCACHE=256,LW,64,AC:C and resist the temptation to increase it above about 10% of your memory. OTOH less than 256K increases disk i/o too much. Consider adding: SET RESTARTOBJECTS=STARTUPFOLDERONLY and always close applications when done. ->Rich Corbett; Mgr. Sys.; ABC Liquors, Inc., Orlando, FL (NASPA:CORBRIC7) ********************************************************************** ═══ 19. Minimum system requirements to run OS/2 2.1 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Deleted by Stephen Poole ********************************************************************** I believe that 5Mb will be sufficient. I currently run 8Mb (but my system is 16MHz) and the only time I have trouble is running some of the older DOS-based applications in a DOS window. I have had no memory problems yet. Another consideration is that if you have a faster system and cache you will probably have a better shot at good performance without a ton of memory. Be sure to install a good size swapper file..... Chip Meadows Chip@vnet.ibm.com San Antonio, Texas ********************************************************************** ═══ 20. OS2 2.0 INSTALLS BUT WILL NOT BOOT ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I just bought a new clone and I cant get OS2 2.0 to boot. At first I had a CIRRUS LOGIC video card and after going thru 5 install diskettes and selecting the basic configuration to install the system would abend with INTERNAL SYSTEM ERROR FOUND AT LOCATION ..... I switched to TRIDENT local bus video card and the whole installation went thru without any problems. But when the system boots up all I get on my screen are multicolored bars. Using a mouse or a keyboard . results in some screen disturbance with no effect. Ctl+Alt+Del changes screen to pure blue without rebooting, I have to use a reset button. I also tried installing with OS/2 2.0 formatting the C: drive with FAT and installing the default basic configuration with identical results. I do not know what else to try. Is it a hardware problem? My system : 486 DX2/66MGz, AMI BIOS w/ 256K cache, Local bus RAM 16M Trident local bus video w/ 1m DRAM Samsung 356 Hard drive MAG MX15F monitor. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Ed Faynin. ********************************************************************** I installed OS2 V2.1 and it booted normally. Thank you. Ed Faynin. ********************************************************************** ═══ 21. DOS Compatibility Box and Lotus 123R3.4 for DOS ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I am running OS2 2.00 and am having a problem running LOTUS 123 for DOS Release 3.4a. Operating in a full screen environment, running 123 results in: You cannot run this program in the DOS Compatibility Box. You must run this program with DOS 3.0 or later. IS THERE A WAY TO RUN 123 FOR DOS UNDER OS2? I hope I don't have to spend IBM money to buy ANOTHER version of 123 (for OS2) just for some spreadsheeting. Thank you! Ray ********************************************************************** Ray, You need to select from the Notebook settings: Session DOS Settings DOS Version and add the following: 123.EXE,3,40,255 Save and close. Reopen the program and you should be okay. You may also have to add LOTUS.EXE,2,40,255 the same way. Mitch Biarsky ********************************************************************** ═══ 22. How to download using Pas2 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (no text entered) Jonathan Moya ********************************************************************** ═══ 23. How to download using Passport 2 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I just downloaded and started using Passport 2 a few days ago. Basically got t he handle on most of the functions except on how to download. Everytime, I try to download I get missing cms and other errors. I don't know what I'm doing wr ong. If someone can give me a step by step way of downloading from Passport 2 I would appreciate it. The file I keep on trying to download for practice is A OL0110.ZIP-- the John Soyring conference on America Online, mainly because it i s a very short file. If you can use this file in your example, it would be ver y much appreciated. Thanks, Jon Moya Jonathan Moya ********************************************************************** Are you using the transfer file optoion from the Actions menu? If so, are you downloading as text or binary? Chip Meadows Chip@vnet.ibm.com San Antonio, Texas ********************************************************************** I click on the transfer button from the terminal menu. The transfer file scree n appears. I click on the button that says download to PC in the direction box ; click on the binary button for the file type- since this is a compressed zip file. Error detection time out is clicked on 2 minutes; packet size is set to 4000, host system is set to VM/CMS (I connect thru IBMLINK in Orlando at 407-24 4-1900). In the host file area I have typed AOL01110.ZIP Z1. In the PC file b ox I have typed in that I wanted the file to go to to the following directory o n my PC C;\TEMPORAR\AOL01110.ZIP. I know I'm typing something wrong in the H ost File and PC File area since I keep on getting error messages. What do I ne ed to type in these two boxes to properly download a file to my PC? Thanks ver y much for the help. Jonathan Moya ********************************************************************** There is no period in the host file name. Also be sure you have the filename and filetype spelled correctly. USUALLY (but NOT ALWAYS) the host filetype will be ZIPBIN. Edward Houston ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 18:23 on 94/02/14 by WZ01051 at OS2CUST ] Try this: in the host box type "aol01110 zip z1" without the quotation marks and without the period in the host filename. If that failes, verify that the file is on your host Z disk and not on the A disk (that was a gotcha for me). Also, download to the current directory and call it "aol01110.zip" I never tried downloading to another directory. Let us know if that doesn't work.............. Chip Meadows Chip@vnet.ibm.com San Antonio, Texas ********************************************************************** I followed your instructions and was able to get the first couple hundred bytes to download until the system aborted the download with a "UNAUTHORIZED FILE ACCESS HAS BEEN TERMINATED" message. I still have PMHPO installed in a separat e directory on my PC and downloaded the same file without any problems by clic king on the download icon. Any ideas on what is going on? Again, thanks for all the help. Jonathan Moya ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 21:29 on 94/02/14 by GMEADOW at DALVMIC1 ] (no text entered) Jonathan Moya ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 07:33 on 94/02/15 by WZ01051 at OS2CUST ] BUMMER....:-( Well, is the host filename extention ZIP or ZIPBIN? That may be your bug. Also, make sure you are downloading as a text file. Also, check that your host disk is set properly. Other than that, I am not sure. If you figure it out, please append with the solution.......... Chip Meadows Chip@vnet.ibm.com San Antonio, Texas ********************************************************************** I called the Os/2 BBS help desk and told them about my downloads being rejected as a access violation and they told me that this is a bug created by a securit y fix which was recently installed. I should have a fix for this bug in a coup le of days to a week. In the meantime I'll just use PMHPO to download anything . Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. Jonathan Moya ********************************************************************** ═══ 24. Desktop - Icon View ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Is there any way to get a window showing the icon view of the Desktop without opening the Desktop icon view and minimizing it? It seems that the Icon View under Desktop when Ctrl-Esc is hit is meaningless since when it is selected, it does nothing except take the focus away from the window that is currently active. Is there something I am missing? I would like the Icon View under the Desktop selection of the task menu to give me a window of the desktop so I can select an icon. I do not like having 2 Icon View selections in the task menu, of which only 1 is useful. Thanks, Tony Lambert --*-- Tape Automation --*-- ********************************************************************** Tony: Have you tried altering the Desktop Setting, Window tab, Object Open Behaviour, to Create New Window? Thereafter, MB2 anywhere on the Desktop, then Open, gives you an icon view without minimizing all tasks. (I've got a question about this procedure, though. See my next append.) Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** ═══ 25. ZIP FORMAT ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * What utility should be used to unzip the ZIP format of the OS2BBS? I downloaded a file and attempted to unzip using the 'PKWARE' unzip utility for OS/2, but was unsuccessful. Should I download an 'UNZIP' utility from this OS2BBS? Marty Cawthon ********************************************************************** Marty, What version of PKUNZIP are you using? The file was probably zipped with 204G. Jack Hiatt The International Phoenix Alliance ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:07 on 94/02/18 by DEV0776 at OS2CUST ] Hi Marty, Jack is right (of course). The OS/2 version of PKZIP/UNZIP is still at release 1.1, a "new" OS/2 version is in the works, according to Phil Katz. Version 2.04g works fine in the DOS box and is backward compatible. There's also a public domain (or maybe freeware) version (I believe is called ZIP & UNZIP, versions I have are 2.0.1 & 5.01p). It has both 16 and 32-bit modules, handles EAs, etc. Should be available on CIS-OS2 or on the OS/2 BBS - maybe even here somewhere. Radu Metea, Home Savings ********************************************************************** ═══ 26. Video Capture, Software ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I am looking for a Video Capture Board and Software compatible with OS/2 2.1. I am running an IBM PS ValuePoint 486DX 33MHZ, 20MB RAM, SVGA. I plan on using the Board and Software with VCR and Camcorder input. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. ********************************************************************** There is an Ultimedia CForum for this issue. As far as I know there are five capture boards which has OS/2 drivers, and the Ulimedia Video IN software supports them. Geza Szivos IBMMail(CANOVXVV) The Phoenix Alliance (403)-290-6583 Fax (403)-290-5900 ********************************************************************** ═══ 27. Remote LAN Access ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I am new to the BBS and I was looking for information on RLA. I was told that the best place to look for the information that I want was under "Common Problem XX". When I did a search on "Common*", it only listed Common Problem #21 through #25. How do I find the first 20 Common problems? ********************************************************************** ═══ 28. (no subject) ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Deleted by Stephen Poole ********************************************************************** ═══ 29. (no subject) ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Deleted by Stephen Poole ********************************************************************** ═══ 30. FDISKPM won't work?! ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This is embarrassing..... I've used OS/2 2.1 for a year or so, run FDISKPM many times. yet now it won't start! LIBPATH and PATH statements point to the OS2 and OS2/DLL directories, as expected, the FDISKPM.EXE is there, yet entering FDISKPM from an OS/2 window just flashes the disk light, brings me back to a C:> prompt in 2 seconds or so. Any ideas what I, or this Mod95, have done wrong? Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** Steve, This FDISKPM is probably not recognizing your drive! Have you made any hardware changes lately? Sue Manning Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 31. Windows 3.1 Enhanced Mode in OS/2 2.1 FSHVM1(PILUS) ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I unsuccessfully tried to load a software package in the WINos2 window of my OS/2 2.0 system to find that the software was not supported. After further reading I found that my software required Windows 3.1 in enhanced mode. Will upgrading to OS/2 2.1 solve my problem ? ********************************************************************** 2.1 most likely will fix your problem. What is the package you are trying to install? Dave ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 20:47 on 94/03/10 by PILUS at FSHVM1 ] >of my OS/2 2.0 system to find that the software was not supported. After >further reading I found that my software required Windows 3.1 in enhanced >mode. Will upgrading to OS/2 2.1 solve my problem ? It should. I run several Enhanced Mode programs without any difficulty. Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** ═══ 32. WINDOWS 3.1 IN ENHANCED MODE IN OS/2 2.1 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THANKS FOR THE REPLIES ...... LOOKS LIKE UPGRADE TIME. THE APPLICATION IS QUICKBOOKS 2.0 FOR WINDOWS. ********************************************************************** ═══ 33. OS/2 and Novell acess ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I am interested in linking my standalone OS/2 station into a Novlell 3.11 network. If I have a multiuser package installed on the Novell server, how do I get the 'local' DOS version to connect/talk to the Novell piece from the DOS box? What do I need on the OS/2 side and what is required on the Novell side. Is there any documentation available that will address this issue? Any information greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bryan Thompson ********************************************************************** Bryan, you should take this question to the NETWARE CFORUM. There are a lot of knowledgeable folks hanging out there waiting to answer questions such as yours. Julian Swales ISM - Information Systems Management Corp. CAWSTSDT@IBMMAIL Regina, SK, Canada, S4S 7H1 PH#:(306)566-2047 Fax#:(306)566-2053 ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 18:11 on 94/03/16 by BRYANT at TOROVM1 ] Bryan; You need to purchase the Netware Requester for OS/2. I believe the latest version is 2.1. This will give your DOS and WINOS2 sessions access to your Netware file server. Contact IBM Direct at 1-800-992-4777 for pricing and product information. David Earley (Boca Electronic Support Team) ********************************************************************** ═══ 34. NVDM/2 ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Is there a forum anywhere for Netview Distribution Manager/2? Troy Margelofksy ********************************************************************** Troy;I have done a search but didn't find a forum dealing with Netview/2. David Earley^IBM║ Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 35. OS/2 Tips & Techniques With David Barnes ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Westchester OS/2 Users Group Presents OS/2 Tips & Techniques With David Barnes Abstract : Do you want to make your OS/2 do some tricks that would make your dog's jaw drop? Do you want to improve what you know about OS/2 and have fun while learning it? Well, your time has come. David Barnes, the OS/2 Magnum man of demonstrators, will show you how to: o Improve OS/2's Performance o Get most out of the Workplace Shell o Show some Hot New OS/2 Products. If you are interested in attending this special session, call the Westchester OS/2 User Group at 1-800-995-0400. State your name and say "TIPS" to reserve your seat. Place : Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, New Rochelle Ballroom 66 Hale Avenue White Plains, New York Date : March 31, 1994 Time : 4:00pm to 5:15pm Directions : From I-287 heading Eastbound o Take exit 8 - Bloomingdale Road o At the traffic light, turn left onto Bloomingdale Road o Get into the far right hand lane o Make a right onto Maple Avenue o Proceed to the second traffic light o Make a right onto Hale Avenue o Park in Holiday Inn Parking Garage From I-287 heading Westbound o Proceed on I-287 West to Exit 8 (White Plains). o You are now on Westchester Avenue. o At the third traffic light, turn left onto Bloomingdale Road o Turn right at next traffic light onto Maple Avenue. o Proceed to the second traffic light o Make a right onto Hale Avenue o Park in Holiday Inn Parking Garage Best Regards, Craig ********************************************************************** Congratulation on your 8-hundred and 98th posting of this information!!! Ken Prevo ********************************************************************** I recently had the pleasure of watching David demonstrate OS/2, and saw something that caught my eye. As he would open a folder, then open a folder inside that folder, the orginal folder seemed to close or minimize. Any of the OS/2 guru's who monitor this station know how he did that? If it is a replacement DLL for Workplace Shell or some such, Why doesn't it come standard? Everything I read about performance says to close those pesky unused open folders? This feature would change the entire look of my desktop, and it would be a welcome change. I have the latest Hobbes, (in case it is a piece of shareware, because I thought he mentioned something about it, but I may be confusing that with something else), so if someone could point me in the right direction...... Richard Bohonsky "How did he do that?" ********************************************************************** Well, if you've seen his demos, then you'll know that he almost always shows a great piece of code called DeskMan/2, which is available from Development Technologies. The function you are referring to is still in beta form, however, but look to the next release of DeskMan/2 for it to be included, from what I've heard. Bret Curran -- Personal Systems Competency Center 1-800-547-1283 IBMMAIL(USIB4CUR) CIS: 71075,3156 ********************************************************************** Thanks, Bret. I have heard alot about Deskman/2, and I may go over to that forum to ask the same question to find out about the beta. Thanks again, I really like that function. Richard Bohonsky "The g's up" ********************************************************************** ═══ 36. Use of 8514/A on OS/2 V2.1 (on a Model 70-386) ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hello Everyone: I have just "inherited" a PS/2 model 70-386 equipped with a 8514 monitor and a 8514/A adapter. I installed OS/2 V2.1 on it, specifying the 8514/A monitor as main display. Installation went well. When I boot, I get the OS/2 logo, and "loading, please wait" message. The problem begins when the Workplace Shell starts: The display appears "washed out", with horizontal lines all over the display, which make it impossible to see anything. Proportion of the icons, windows, etc appear right. Only the color and the horizontal lines. are out of whack. I was able to switch to VGA mode, and for now it works fine, but I would like to have the extra resolution that I know is available. Is there a known problem with Model 70's, or do I need CSD's? I haven't opened the machine yet. I will appreciate any help since I am an AIX guy really, and this forum's description fits me well (*VERY* new to OS/2). Regards. Aldo Mosca IBM de Venezuela, S.A. ********************************************************************** This might be far-fetched, but is the monitor plugged into the 8514 card? I doubt if it will work plugged into the motherboard. ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 15:45 on 94/03/30 by ALDO at VMANDINO ] Is the 8514/A fully populated with 1MB of video memory? - this is required for OS/2 support. Dave ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 15:45 on 94/03/30 by ALDO at VMANDINO ] I believe the 8514/A must have the additional 512KB memory kit to be used with OS/2. John W. Kennedy - Hoechst Celanese - TIPA - Team OS/2 - The OS/2 Hobbit ********************************************************************** An 8514/A will work with OS/2 with only 512 memory (at least it used to :-). What you will get at 1024x768 is 16 colors and dithering to get other colors. It will look washed out (well isn't the default install no spectacular from a color perspective anyway ;-) ) Bill Trautman Internet: BTrautman@vnet.ibm.com IBMIPnet: wft@foundation.raleigh.ibm.com ********************************************************************** >An 8514/A will work with OS/2 with only 512 memory (at least it >used to :-). What you will get at 1024x768 is 16 colors and >dithering to get other colors. It will look washed out (well isn't >the default install no spectacular from a color perspective anyway ;-) ) Not according to the announcement letter for OS/2 1.3 (the announcements for OS/2 2.0 and 2.1 don't mention the subject); it says that an 8514/A with only the basic 512KB of memory is treated as a VGA -- 640*480*16. For what it's worth, for technical reasons, an 8514/A with 512KB and an 8514/A with 1024KB require two separate drivers. (Check out the DOS driver diskette -- it renames one of two different modules to be the driver installed.) Apparently no 512KB driver was ever written for OS/2, on the assumption that anyone buying enough hardware to run OS/2 wouldn't stint at the relatively low incremental cost. John W. Kennedy - Hoechst Celanese - TIPA - Team OS/2 - The OS/2 Hobbit ********************************************************************** Others have mentioned the non-fully populated 8514/A Adapter Card so I don't feel too old bringing this up (just in case it helps). A few years back we were breaking in a high resolution application and bought a large quantity of 8514/A cards for model 80s. These were 8514/A cards which had been 'upgraded' to the full 1MB memory on the card. Apparently this was done before shipping by some manual process. In a proportion of the cards, although the extra memory was installed, the upgrade didn't work, because there is a jumper which needed to be repositioned on the inside of the two-piece board, which had not been correctly moved. We got pretty adept at locating and repostioning this jumper--and even looking from the side to see if it was correctly positioned before undoing the whole assembly. So: if you are using an oldish card (I'm not sure if this is how it is packaged or delivered now--I don't know if later cards went out without being fully populated) then it's worth not only looking for the extra memory, but also to see if the jumper is correctly set. I can't remember how to set it, but there are three pins in a row, and the jumper connects two adjacent pins. We pulled it off and placed it in the other position to adjust it. Two tests will tell you. Switch everything off before playing, won't you, and be careful separating the two halves of the 8514/A Adapater card. Ensure that the inter-card pins are carefully reseated when you reassemble the card, too. Steve Powell .-, ********************************************************************** ═══ 37. OS2 Shutdown problem ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We have a PS-1 with OS2 for windows installed. When selecting shutdown from the desktop the prompt asks if you really want to close all etc. Answer Yes then nothing happens. There is one related symptom. You can no longer close a window using Window list after executing a Shutdown command. The window list works fine before. Is this this a bug or is it something that can be turned on and off by mistake. Thanks Have Fun Tim ********************************************************************** Tim; I have encountered this problem from time to time on my machine. But it never occured with enough frequency to bother me. How frequently does this occur? Are any other applications running when you shutdown? If so make sure the Desktop is the only thing active. David Earley{IBM} Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 38. File areas ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ref: None | Inappropriate append, removed by EMEADAP. ********************************************************************** ═══ 39. OS2 and LAN Connections ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * My workstation is connected to a LAN. I am using version 1.3 on my workstation and 1.3 is used by the server. Can I update my workstation to version 2.x without any conflicts with the server? ********************************************************************** You should not have any problems upgrading your workstations to OS/2 2.X. I believe you need to have at lest version 2.0 of the LAN Requester to be compatible with OS/2 2.X. I connect to a 1.3 LAN print server and access shared drives with LAN Requester 2.0 and 3.0. David Earley{IBM} Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** ═══ 40. How do I make HELP=OFF for all windows? ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I while back I did this, but I can't remember how ..... I had my OS/2 Window object setting such that HELP=OFF was in effect whenever I opened a window. (Got rid of the line saying: "CTRL-ESC for HELP", which, after years of OS/2, I really don't need!) Can someone tell me how that's done? Thanks Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** Steve; You can remove the help line from the top of an OS/2 session by entering the command HELP OFF. You can remove it globally by removing the $i from the SET PROMPT statement in the CONFIG.SYS. David Earley{IBM} Boca Electronic Support Team ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 13:49 on 94/04/26 by COTTRELL at RALVM12 ] >Can someone tell me how that's done? Remove the '$I' parameter from the SET PROMPT line of the CONFIG.SYS. To check out some of the other prompt options, type HELP PROMPT at an OS/2 command line. Peter Ricciardiello, UT Carrier Corporation, Syracuse, NY | Corrected typo ********************************************************************** ═══ 41. Desktop - Icon View gives 2 icon views at IPL ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I've altered my Desktop setting to create a new window view when I select Open from the Desktop Menu. Works nicely: I can see all my Desktop icons without minimizing all the running tasks. However.... When I close this second Desktop icon view, so that the Window List shows only one Desktop-Icon View, then Shutdown, IPL, I get 2 Desktop-Icon Views in the Window List, instead of only the 1 that was present at Shutdown. The second view is especially annoying, since it is maximized, as it was prior to closing it just before the Shutdown. Don't know if it's related, but CONFIG.SYS has SET AUTOSTART=TASKLIST,FOLDERS What's causing this second Desktop-Icon View to appear during IPL? How can it be prevented? (What have I done THIS time?) Thanks, Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** 2.11, for some reason, opens the desktop twice at boot. On an unmodified system, there's no problem, but if you modify it to allow multiple copies, then the desktop obeys its own rules and you get a second copy from the second open. I don't know whether this is officially a bug or not -- the change was presumably necessary to fix a bug. For me, I just do an Open Tree or Open Details when I want the extra copy. John W. Kennedy - Hoechst Celanese - TIPA - Team OS/2 - The OS/2 Hobbit ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 11:36 on 94/04/28 by COTTRELL at RALVM12 ] >When I close this second Desktop icon view, so that the Window List >shows only one Desktop-Icon View, then Shutdown, IPL, I get 2 >Desktop-Icon Views in the Window List, instead of only the 1 that >was present at Shutdown. The second view is especially annoying, >since it is maximized, as it was prior to closing it just before the >Shutdown. > >What's causing this second Desktop-Icon View to appear during IPL? >How can it be prevented? (What have I done THIS time?) > >Thanks, >Steve Cottrell Steve, Do you have the SP on your system? I have noticed the same behavior on my systems since I installed the SP. I think its a new bug introduced by the SP. Cesar Ventura TIPA ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 17:01 on 94/04/28 by NAAO3IY at HONE83 ] John, Yes, the dual desktop is "officially" a bug :-) (at least I've seen something that is going to "fix" it, so I'd call it a bug. Bret Curran -- Personal Systems Competency Center 1-800-547-1283 IBMMAIL(USIB4CUR) CIS: 71075,3156 ********************************************************************** The problem was reported in APAR PJ12398. Brent Allen - IBM Personal Systems Competency Center Southlake, TX ********************************************************************** [Reference to append at 18:54 on 94/04/28 by NANR6GN at HONE80 ] Cesar: Yes. SP is installed. It occurs on OS/2 2.1 w/SP and OS/2 2.11. Steve Cottrell ********************************************************************** ═══ 42. CD-ROM Selective Install ═══ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IBM Compatible 486 50DX Machine NEC 3xi CD-ROM and Pro Audio Spectrum Sound Board with SCSI built-in What SCSI device driver option applies? ********************************************************************** For the PAS SCSI, you need TMV1SCSI.ZIP. This can be found on the PCC BBS at 919-517-0001. For the NEC triple-speed, choose NEC MultiSpin 38, 74, 84 in CD-ROM under Selective Install. Gabe Jones -- IBM PCC HelpCenter -- Operating Systems