Almost every program "ready-to-run" off of this CDROM requires access to one or more DLLs (Dynamically Linked Libraries). These libraries have been conveniently collected into the :\dll directory. You can simply append this directory to your "LIBPATH" statement in your config.sys file. **NOTE** To ensure that programs you have copied off of the CDROM have access to their DLLs even when the CDROM is not in your drive, you may wish to have the "LIBPATH" variable point to copies of the DLLs on your hard drive. If this is the case, either copy all of the files in the :\dll directory to your \os2\apps\dll directory (a directory in the "LIBPATH" by default) or create a new directory, copy the files there, and append it to the "LIBPATH" statement. In the end, your "LIBPATH" may look like this: REM ============ Modified LIBPATH Statement ======================= REM E:\DLL appended 5/20/95 REM =============================================================== LIBPATH=D:\IBMCOM\DLL;.;D:\OS2\DLL;D:\OS2\MDOS;D:\;D:\OS2\APPS\DLL;D:\TCPIP\DLL;D:\MMOS2\DLL;D:\NETWARE;D:\NETWARE\NLS\ENGLISH;L:\OS2;P:\OS2;E:\LIB\DLL REM ================= End LIBPATH Modification ==================== **NOTE** This CDROM contains version 0.8h of the EMX runtime dll's. If you have earlier versions of these libraries in a directory referenced by the "LIBPATH" statement before the libraries provided on this disc, utilities that use the EMX dll's may yield unpredictable results.