═══ 1. Ordering information ═══ Ordering information This program is released as shareware. This means that you have the software for a trial period, and after a reasonable evaluation time, you register the product by paying a fee to the author, if you find the program of use. Some limitations on how you can use this program exists (see the License agreement for more about this). By registering this product you support the further development of this program. You will get the following benefits if you register: o You will get the most recent versions of the programs. o You will get a hardcopy manual. o You will get support through mail, voice, fax, email and BBS (non commercial licenses only supported through email, voice and BBS). o You will get rid of the introduction screen with the delay, when logging on to the host. o You will be sleeping good tonight, without any bad conscience haunting you... Use the order form below to order: Date: ___________ FROM: TO: Name: ____________________________________ Ridax programutveckling Kransen 4E Company: _________________________________ S-416 72 Gothenburg Sweden Address: _________________________________ City, State; _____________________________ Fax number: ______________________________ Sales tax info number: ____________________________________ (for EU countries only) Specification Amount Price Sum ========================================= ====== ===== =========== PM2You/OS2You software ______ 2000 __________ OS2You software ______ 700 __________ OS2You/M2Zmodem file transfer option ______ 300 __________ FAX2You fax receive option ______ 300 __________ WinTerm Windows 3.0 terminal program ______ 300 __________ Total SEK __________ OS2You is included in all PM2You packages. All prices are in SEK (Swedish crown) and exclude sales tax. For countries within the EU you should specify your sales tax information number, or we will add 25% sales tax to your order. For orders from Sweden a 25% sales tax will always be added. For other countries no sales tax will be added. One USD is about 7.45 SEK. We accept most credit cards, company checks, purchase orders, money orders and SWIFT transfers. If you pay with VISA, AmEx or MasterCard please fill in the following: Cardholders name: ________________________________________ Cardholders address: _____________________________________ Card number: _____________________________________________ Card validy until: _______________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________ Send or FAX a copy of this invoice to: Ridax programutveckling Kransen 4E S-416 72 Gothenburg Sweden Fax: +46 31 196417 Phone: +46 31 196074 or +46 705 955612 Compuserve: 100114,3127 Internet: d9mikael@dtek.chalmers.se You can also register via CompuServe in forum SWREG and use registration ID 767. You will be billed by CompuServe. Date: ___________ ═══ 2. License agreement ═══ License agreement This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity) and Ridax programutveckling, a Sweden company ("Ridax"). By using the software you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. GRANT OF LICENSE This License Agreement permits you to use one copy of the enclosed Ridax software program (the "SOFTWARE") on a single computer. The SOFTWARE is in "use" on a computer when it is loaded into temporary memory (i.e. RAM) or installed into permanent memory (e.g. hard disk or other storage device) of that computer. COPYRIGHT The SOFTWARE is owned by Ridax and is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions and all other applicable national laws. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material except that you may either a) make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archival purposes, or b) transfer the SOFTWARE to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purpose. You may not copy the user documentation provided with the SOFTWARE. OTHER RESTRICTIONS You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE. LIMITED WARRANTY Ridax warrants that a) the SOFTWARE will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt. Any implied warranties on the SOFTWARE is limited to ninety (90) days. CUSTOMER REMEDIES Ridax's and its suppliers' entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be, at Ridax's option, either a) return of the price paid, or b) repair or replacement of the SOFTWARE that does not meet Ridax's Limited Warranty and which is returned to Ridax or its suppliers with a copy OF your receipt. The Limited Warranty is void if failure of the SOFTWARE resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement SOFTWARE will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. NO OTHER WARRANTIES To the maximum extent permitted by law, Ridax disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose and any warranty against infringement, with regard to the SOFTWARE and any accompanying written materials. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESTo the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Ridax or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE, even if Ridax has been advised of the possibility of such damages. OS2You, PM2You, FAX2You and Terminal/2 are copyright (c) 1994 by Ridax programutveckling, all rights reserved. Ridax programutveckling Mikael Wahlgren Kransen 4E 416 72 Gothenburg Sweden Phone: +46 31 196074 or +46 10 6673880 Fax: +46 31 196417 BBS: +46 31 196406 Internet: d9mikael@dtek.chalmers.se Fidonet: Mikael Wahlgren 2:203/302.5 CompuServe: 100114,3127 ═══ 3. 1. Introduction ═══ 1. Introduction Thank you for purchasing the OS2You/PM2You remote control products from Ridax software development. We hope that you will be satisfied with the products and please feel free to contact us if there are any questions. Please notice that the best time to phone is between 10.00 and 21.00 GMT. Note that we have a Bulletin Board System (BBS, see the sheet for phone numbers) where you can always download the most recent version of the OS2You products. With the OS2You remote control software from Ridax software development you can remote control another computer running with the operating system OS/2 version 1.1 or later (including OS/2 2.x and OS/2 WARP 3.x) with a dial-up modem connection OR a network (LAN), and you can run OS/2 or DOS character mode programs and WITH PM2You also OS/2 Presentation Manager programs. OS2You supports several communication devices and protocols like serial communication, ISDN, Named Pipes, X.25, TCP/IP sockets, SPX and APPC. Below is a connectivity chart to describe how OS2You can be used: OS2You is built around several separate parts that work together and you license the parts you need. OS2You is used as a name for all products but also for one of the parts below. The following products are available: OS2You Remote Access Facility is the basic part that enables you to remote control OS/2 and DOS character mode programs. PM2You Remote Access Facility includes OS2You and does everything that OS2You does, but also enables you to remote control OS/2 Presentation Manager (PM) programs. WinTerm Windows client is a terminal client that will allow you to remote control OS/2 character mode and Presentation Manager sessions from Windows in combination with OS2You and PM2You. An OS/2 PM terminal client is included in the base packages. M2Zmodem file transfer option allows you to do file transfers between a host with OS2You/PM2You and a terminal. FAX2You fax receive option lets OS2You/PM2You accept both incoming data and fax calls with a faxmodem and if a fax call is detected the fax is received and printed. The included program diskette contains the programs that you have licensed, but may also include demonstration versions of the other parts. The demonstration versions are only intended for short evaluations and must not be used on a regular basis. This manual will use the words host to indicate the computer that is remote controlled and client or terminal to indicate the computer that you remote control from. ═══ 4. 2. Installation ═══ 2. Installation To install OS2You at the host computer you do the following: 1 Insert the diskette in drive A and type A:INSTALL in an OS/2 command session. 2 Enter A: when the computer asks for the Source path. This specifies where the program files are. The installation program will list the products you have licensed. 3 Enter something like C:\OS2You when you are asked for the Target path. This specifies where the program should be installed. 4 If the directory specified in paragraph 3 above does not exist, you should respond Y, when asked if you want to Create directory, to specify that the directory should be created. 5 The installation program will ask what parts to install. At the host computer you only need the PM2You part (this automatically includes OS2You). The installation program will begin copying from diskette onto the hard drive and write a status report on screen. 6 When the programs are copied to the hard drive, you will be asked if the system configuration file (CONFIG.SYS) should be updated. If you are not absolutely sure that this is not the fact, you should respond Y to this question. A copy of the old CONFIG.SYS will be saved with the name CONFIG.OLD. 7 A program folder will be created now (see below) and the OS2You configuration program will be started. See further chapter 3 about configuring OS2You. After the configuration is completed you will have to reboot the machine this first time to activate the changes in CONFIG.SYS. This is not needed in the future if you change the configuration. Exactly what program objects are created in the folder depends on what parts you have chosen to install. OS2You Reference and PM2You Reference are the on-line manuals. OS2You Setup is the configuration program for OS2You and OS2You Host Server will put the machine into host mode waiting for a call. Terminal/2 is the client program for OS/2 Presentation Manager. ═══ 5. 3. Configuration ═══ 3. Configuration The configuration program is automatically started during installation. The program can also be started by double clicking with the mouse at the program icon OS2You Setup. ═══ 5.1. 3.1 Device settings ═══ 3.1 Device settings Select the menu choice Settings and then Device. The following dialogue to configure the communication device will be displayed: Field Explanation Device name Specifies what communication device to use for OS2You. This can be an asynchronous port like COM1 or COM3 but also a pipe name like \Pipe\OS2You. You can enter any name or choose from in the list. If another device than an asynchronous port is used a pipe name must be specified (like \Pipe\OS2You). Modem Here you specify what modem or communications protocol you use. If the list does not contain your modem, don't change this entry before you have created a suitable modem configuration profile with the menu choice Profiles/Modems. Databits This setting is only relevant for asynchronous devices. It indicates how many databits to use for communication. This should in most cases be set to 8 (for PM2You this must be set at 8). Stopbits This setting is only relevant for asynchronous devices. It indicates how many stopbits to use for communication. This should in most cases be set to 1. Parity This setting is only relevant for asynchronous devices. It indicates whether parity checking should be enabled for the communication. This should in most cases be set to None. FIFO Buffer This setting is only relevant for asynchronous devices. It indicates whether FIFO buffering (also referred to as extended hardware buffering) should be enabled for devices that support this. This should in most cases be set to Enable. Note that this parameter can be set to Enable even if your hardware does not support buffering. This is automatically detected by the software and you only need to Disable this parameter if you encounter some kind of problem with the buffering. ═══ 5.2. 3.2 OS2You settings ═══ 3.2 OS2You settings The menu choice Settings followed by OS2You lets you configure some parameters related to the operation of OS2You. Note that these parameters in most cases are only valid for OS2You and not when running PM2You. The following dialogue will be displayed: Field Explanation Re-Initialize... This setting indicates how frequently OS2You should re-initialize the modem. If the modem suffers from a power failure or for some other reasons, a modem can lose its configuration. This would prevent OS2You from working, if OS2You doesn't re-initialize the modem now and then. The recommended setting for this parameter is 15 minutes. To disable this feature, set this parameter to 0 (zero). This parameter is only significant for modem connections. Inactivity timeout This parameter decides how many seconds a user can be inactive (not doing any keyboard input) before being logged off by OS2You. To disable this feature set this parameter to 0 (zero). Screen update... This parameter specifies how long OS2You will wait after a screen update, before trying to do the next. This is to prevent OS2You from claiming too much power from the computer, preventing other programs from running. A lower value increases responsiveness but also increases the CPU load. A recommended value for most applications is 100 ms. Cursor update... This parameter specifies how long OS2You will wait after a cursor update, before trying to do the next. This parameter is only significant when you are running a session through the Task Switcher. If you don't switch sessions, cursor updates will be as frequent as all other updates. When the cursor is updated when running a session through the Task Switcher, OS2You has to "flash" the screen for a short period. Doing this too often, will yield a "flickering" impression at the host. Thus a recommended setting is 5000 ms but you can decrease this value in case the screen flickering doesn't bother you. Execution priority This parameter specifies what CPU priority the screen updating logic in OS2You will have. Normally this parameter shouldn't need any modification, but some programs set their privilege so high, that OS2You won't get any attention from the CPU at all. If you notice that screen updates are abnormally slow you could try to increase this setting a little (in some cases it also helps to decrease this setting). Detect carrier loss This parameter specifies whether carrier loss should be detected or not. When a modem connection is interrupted, the modem will signal this to the computer. If this setting is enabled, OS2You will return to host mode if this happens. This setting is only significant for asynchronous devices, as OS2You always return to host mode if any networking connection or similar is interrupted. If you use an asynchronous cable, you might have to disable this setting, depending on how the cable is constructed. Lock config... This parameter specifies whether the configuration file should be locked when a user logs in or not. As the configuration file contains the user ID's and passwords, OS2You can lock this file from access when a user is logged in. You might want not to lock the file, in case your users are reliable and you want to be able to change configuration yourself during a remote login. Printer port This parameter specifies which printer port to redirect to the remote terminal. Note that this parameter works in combination with the next one. Printer redirection This parameter specifies how printer port redirection is performed. If it is set to Local no redirection is performed at all. If set to Remote all printer output directed towards the device specified in the field above, will be redirected to the remote terminal. If set to Both, printer output will be directed both to the local printer and the remote terminal. Port request pipe This parameter specifies which name to use for the port request pipe. This is a way for other programs to give commands to OS2You to perform certain actions. You shouldn't normally need to change this parameter. Show file at login This parameter specifies which file to show to the caller before logging in. You may leave this field empty, meaning that no file will be displayed. If you specify a filename this is normally a text file that could describe your system and instructions for logging in (this file is displayed before the user is prompted for user ID and password). Log file This parameter specifies which file to use for logging certain events in OS2You (like logins and logouts). The log file will be limited in size to 100 kb. When the log file is 100 kb large, logging will restart at the beginning of the file again. ═══ 5.3. 3.3 PM2You settings ═══ 3.3 PM2You settings The menu choice Settings and then PM2You is used to configure certain parameters in PM2You. These parameters are only valid when running PM2You and are not significant when running OS2You. The PM2You configuration is stored in a separate file called PM2YOU.CFG. These settings are stored directly when you exit the PM2You configuration. The following dialogue is displayed: Field Explanation Compression These settings specify what compression algorithms to use. It is too complicated to describe these algorithms in detail, instead some indications on how to use these settings are given. The rule is that high communication speeds need less compression while low communication speeds need high compression. As it takes time to do the compression calculations, some algorithms will in most cases waste time if the communication speed is high. The Fx(0) compression should usually be enabled. The Rep(1) compression should be enabled if the host screen often contains vertical patterns. The Zp(3) compression should usually be enabled. It will decrease the over all data volumes needed to be sent. The ZpH(4) compression should usually be disabled. It is similar to the Zp(3), only a little more efficient, but takes significantly more time. The Dither(5) compression should be enabled if the host screen contains large areas of dithered colours (dithered colours are patterns of other colours to build different colours). SCA compression is a special method that greatly increase performance, but is only available with some display drivers (like VGA and XGA). However PM2You will in most cases automatically detect if this capability is not available, thus this setting should be always enabled, except if you experience any problems (if PM2You can't be started). In most cases the most correct setting is to enable Fx(0), Zp(3) and SCA compression and disable all other compressions. If you are using LAN connections you might experiment by disabling Zp(3) and if you are running very slow modem connections (2400 bps) you might try to enable the other compression algorithms. Priority This parameter specifies what CPU priority PM2You will have. Normally this parameter should be set to Normal but if you notice that screen updates are abnormally slow change this parameter to Time Critical. Keyboard input This parameter specifies which method PM2You uses to emulate mouse and keyboard input. This parameter should normally be set to WM_CHAR msg for best performance. If you have any problems with keys that do not work properly in PM applications, you could try to set this parameter to System Queue instead. WinKey This parameter specifies which method PM2You uses to emulate keystrokes in a seamless Windows (WINOS2) session. The WinKey method allows better keyboard emulation, but requires that you copy the files WINLOAD.EXE and WINKEY.EXE to your Windows directory (like C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2) and edit the file SYSTEM.INI in the same directory to replace the line "os2shield=winsheld.exe" with "os2shield=winload.exe". Only mirror act... If this parameter is enabled PM2You will only send screen updates that belong to the application currently active (example: if the System Clock is in focus, only the System Clock updates will be transmitted and the rest of the screen is ignored). If this parameter is disabled PM2You will ensure that the screen is always updated. Screen update... This parameter specifies for how long PM2You will wait after a complete screen update before trying to send the next. This is to prevent PM2You from claiming too much of the CPU power. Recommended setting is 1000 ms but could be decreased for improved responsiveness from PM2You or increased to lower the CPU load. Maximum block size This parameter specifies the maximum size that the communication link can handle. This setting should in most cases be set to its default (and maximum) value at 65535. Only in some situations (especially when using NetBIOS) you should change this value if you experience problems (like getting disconnect when starting PM2You) to something like 16384 or 8192. Lowering this value will decrease performance. PM2You version This parameter specifies if the 32-bit version or the 16-bit version of PM2You should be used. The 32-bit version should be a little bit faster, but can only be run with OS/2 2.x/3.x or compatible, while the 16-bit version can be run on OS/2 1.x/2.x/3.x. The recommended setting is to let PM2You autodetect which version to use. In this case PM2You will use the 32-bit version if OS/2 is capable of running it, otherwise it will start the 16-bit version. In some situations you may want to remote control only part of the host desktop. In that case you can add the following lines to your CONFIG.SYS file (example): SET PM2YOU_XLEFT=0 SET PM2YOU_XWIDTH=320 SET PM2YOU_YBOTTOM=0 SET PM2YOU_YHEIGHT=240 This will configure PM2You to only mirror the lower left screen area. The values are specified in pixel units. You can also set these values locally in a session when you start OS2You or PM2You, and this way have several PM2You sessions running concurrently mirroring different parts of the host screen. ═══ 5.4. 3.4 Creating user entries ═══ 3.4 Creating user entries The menu selection Profiles and then Users is used to create user entries. It looks like this: Field Explanation Name Specifies the user name (when the user logs in a user name and password must be entered). Password This field specifies the password. If this field is blank, any password (including none at all) will be accepted when logging in. Callback number If a phone number is specified in this field, OS2You will break the connection after the user has specified the user name and password and call back the specified number. This is useful to increase security and/or manage phone costs. This entry is only significant for dial-up modem connections. Shell command Specifies which program or command to start when a user logs in. Mostly you use CMD.EXE to get an OS/2 command prompt, but you may also specify any OS/2 character mode program. If you want to start a CMD-file you do this by specifying something like CMD.EXE /C MyCMD. By specifying PM.EXE you will get the PM Desktop directly after logging in by using PM2You. Startup session Specifies what session name automatically to switch to when the user logs in. If specified, this must exactly match a name in the Task List of an OS/2 Full Screen session or a DOS session. In most cases this field is left blank to avoid switching in order to let the user get the output of the program that was started as above. Terminal def... Specifies what terminal the user has. If this field is left blank an ANSI-terminal, that works with all included terminal programs, will be assumed. By pressing the Privilege button you can assign different privileges to the users. You will get a new dialogue that looks like this: Field Explanation Task Switch Specifies that the user is allowed to switch between different active sessions in OS2You (this parameter is not used when in PM2You mode). Local keyboard This feature is not implemented yet. It specifies that the keyboard at the host is active at the same time as the user is logged in. At this time both host and client keyboard are active concurrently. Upload Specifies that the user is allowed to send files to the host. This setting only prevents the use of the built in file transfer mechanism and not external file transfer protocols like M2Zmodem. Download Specifies that the user is allowed to receive files from the host. See above. Reboot Specifies that the user may request reboot of the machine. Protected files list Allows you to read/write protected files. See separate section about this. Manual access... Specifies that the user must get approval from an operator at the host computer before the login is accepted. ═══ 5.5. 3.5 Modem configuration ═══ 3.5 Modem configuration OS2You includes modem configurations for several well-known modem brands. For other modems you can easily create or customize an existing profile to make OS2You work with another modem. By selecting the menu choice Profiles and then Modems you will get the following dialogue: Field Explanation Description Name of the modem. Initializing string Modem command (see below) sent to the modem to initialize it. This command should put the modem into auto answer mode. Dial cmd prefix Modem command (see below) sent to the modem to start a dialling. A complete dial sequence is composed by the prefix + phone number + suffix. Dial cmd suffix Modem command (see below) sent to the modem to end a dialling. Auto answer off Modem command (see below) sent to the modem to turn off auto answer mode. Auto answer answ. Modem command (see below) sent to the modem to answer an incoming call. Hang up string Modem command (see below) sent to the modem to disconnect. Shutdown string Modem command (see below) sent to the modem when the program terminates. Ring string Text string sent by the modem when an incoming call is detected. This text string is pattern matched with the response from the modem and if the string is received the Auto answer answ. string is sent to the modem, if the Active answer parameter is activated (see below). Active answer Indicates that OS2You should actively answer incoming calls by monitoring modem responses and send an answer command to the modem when a call is detected. Slow init. Some modems can't handle modem commands in full speed. If this parameter is activated modem commands will be sent with a delay between each character. Connect string 1-6 Text string sent by the modem when a connection is established with the speed specified by Baud rate 1-6. These text strings are pattern matched with the response from the modem. It is recommended to configure modern high speed modems for a fixed rate between computer and modem, not related to the actual connection rate. In that case you only specify one Connect string that matches every speed. The fields that are not needed (few modems have 6 speeds) should be left blank. If you don't know what message is sent by the modem youcould: A) Insert the line DEBUG=ON i CONFIG.SYS and reboot the computer. B) Start OS2You in host mode. C) Do a connection attempt. Disconnect. D) Look in the log file and see what message is logged. Baud rate 1-6 Communication speed as above. The modem is always initialized with the speed specified by Baud rate 1 and therefore this should be the highest speed that the modem accepts. Fax connect string Text string sent by the modem when a connection is established with a fax machine. When this message is sent by the modem, OS2You will start the Fax command line (see below) that should start an external fax program to receive faxes (in most cases FAX2You, not included). Note that you also can use DOS fax programs. This field is only meaningful when you have a fax modem. Otherwise it should be left blank (for more information about configuring OS2You to receive faxes see section 6). Release fax device This indicates that the communications port to which the fax modem is connected should be closed (released) by OS2You before the FAX command is started. Most fax programs must open the communication port on their own, and can not share it with OS2You. Fax command line This indicates what command to use to start when a fax call is detected, to receive a fax. In this command string you can use the symbolic parameters "%%" (is interpreted as a single "%" sign), "%1" (port handle, decimal), "%2" (port handle, hex), "%3" (device name, like COM1), "%4" (device number like 1, for COM1). An example command line: "FAX2You.EXE -l %%%1 -connected -print -pcl". CTS/RTS Specifies that the computer should use CTS/RTS hardware handshaking. Xon/Xoff Specifies that the computer should use Xon/Xoff software handshaking. This must not be activated if you want to use PM2You. The following characters are interpreted specially in modem commands: Character Explanation ^ (5E hex, 94 dec) CR ~ (7E hex, 126 dec) 1 second delay > (F2 hex, 242 dec) Set DTR low (note the decimal code, it is not the greater-than sign) < (F3 hex, 243 dec) Set DTR high (note the decimal code, it is not the less-than sign) ; (3B hex, 59 dec) Begin comment To type these characters you can do the following: 1 Press and hold the ALT key down. 2 Type the decimal code of the character (like 2-4-2) with the numeric part of the keyboard. 3 Release the ALT key. The character should now be displayed on the screen. ═══ 5.6. 3.6 Named Pipe configuration ═══ 3.6 Named Pipe configuration Named Pipe is a high level communication interface that is available for most LANs. The implementation between different networks differ in features. In Novell Netware the Named Pipe support is installed as an option and allows OS2You to be installed on any OS/2 requester. In MS Lan Manager the Named Pipe support is standard and allow OS2You to be installed on any OS/2 requester or server. In IBM Lan Server 2.0 or earlier the Named Pipe support is standard but only allows OS2You to be installed on servers. In IBM Lan Server 3.0 the Named Pipe support is standard but to allow OS2You to be installed on OS/2 requesters you have to install the Peer-service on that machine and share the IPC$ device. The following is a configuration chart for Named Pipes: By selecting the MultiCast Named Pipe driver you can also connect multiple workstations to the same OS2You session. All workstations will be able to both monitor and control the remote session. To the terminal programs the connection will look as an ordinary named pipe connection, and should be configured for this. This driver only works with OS2You (character mode) and not for PM2You (graphics mode). To configure OS2You for Named Pipe connections you should go into the Settings/Device dialogue (see section 3.1) and specify a pipe name in the Device name field and select the Named Pipe profiles in the Modem field. ═══ 5.7. 3.7 NetBIOS configuration ═══ 3.7 NetBIOS configuration NetBIOS is a high level communication protocol that is available for most LANs and some WANs (Wide area networks). It is available from many vendors, for many operating systems and different hardware. The following is a configuration chart for NetBIOS: To configure OS2You for NetBIOS connections you should first go into the Settings/Device dialogue (see section 3.1) and specify a pipe name in the Device name field and select one of the NetBIOS profiles in the Modem field. The configuration procedure is identical regardless of which NetBIOS driver you select. NB30/ACSNETB is used mainly with some IBM software configurations while Submit/NETAPI is used mainly by other vendors. When the Settings/Device is completed, select Profiles and then Modems in the menu. Highlight the NetBIOS driver (if not already highlighted) and select the Change button. You should get the following dialogue: Field Explanation LAN adapter If you have two LAN adapters, you can choose which one to use for OS2You. If you only have one, you should set this parameter to Primary. Host name This specifies the NetBIOS name that identifies OS2You over the network. Allow slave term... If this parameter is enabled you can connect several clients to OS2You and get the screen output directed to all of them in a classroom like configuration. Only the first terminal that connects to OS2You can control OS2You. If you do not plan to run OS2You with slave terminals, you should disable this parameter to save network bandwidth. Slave terminals only work with OS2You and not with PM2You. Slave terminal... This specifies the NetBIOS name that identifies the slave terminals over the network. ═══ 5.8. 3.8 Mailslot configuration ═══ 3.8 Mailslot configuration Mailslot is a high level communication protocol that is available for OS/2 LANs. Mailslots supports many-to-many operation. To configure OS2You for Mailslot connections you should first go into the Settings/Device dialogue (see section 3.1) and specify a pipe name in the Device name field and select the Mailslot profiles in the Modem field. When the Settings/Device is completed, select Profiles and then Modems in the menu. Highlight the Mailslot driver (if not already highlighted) and select the Change button. You should get the following dialogue: Field Explanation Host mailslot This is the name of the mailslot that identifies OS2You over the network. This is at the client combined with the machine name of the host. A correct mailslot name is formed like \Mailslot\OS2You. Terminal mailslot This is the name of the mailslot that identifies the OS2You clients over the network. This name should include the machine name of the client. The machine name can also be replaced with an asterisk * to indicate that OS2You should be available from all machines and that output is sent to everyone that is connected with a client. A correct name is formed like \\Name\Mailslot\Terminal or \\*\Mailslot\Terminal. ═══ 5.9. 3.9 SPX and TCP/IP configuration ═══ 3.9 SPX and TCP/IP configuration SPX is a network communication protocol used mainly in Novell Netware configurations. TCP/IP is a highly standardized transport protocol for WANs (Wide Area Networks). There are two different TCP/IP support drivers available for OS2You, one based on IBM's socket implementation and the other based on FTP Software's PC/TCP socket implementation. Compatibility with other TCP/IP implementations is not assured. The following is a configuration chart for SPX or TCP/IP: The configuration procedures for SPX and TCP/IP are identical. To configure OS2You for SPX or TCP/IP connections you should first go into the Settings/Device dialogue (see section 3.1) and specify a pipe name in the Device name field and select the SPX or TCP/IP profiles in the Modem field. When the Settings/Device is completed, select Profiles and then Modems in the menu. Highlight the SPX or TCP/IP driver (if not already highlighted) and select the Change button. You should get the following dialogue: Field Explanation Socket number This indicates which socket number OS2You is known by over the network. This number should be unique and selected to identify OS2You. The default value is set at 7787. ═══ 5.10. 3.10 Read/Write protecting files ═══ 3.10 Read/Write protecting files By selecting Profiles and then Protected files in the menu, you can create and modify protected files lists. These files could be assigned to a user in the Profiles/Users configuration ( see section 3.4 ). Following is an example of a protected files list: C:\CONFIG.SYS /RW ; Read/Write protection C:\OS2\*.* /W /S ; Write protection including sub-directories. C:\IN\*.* /R /S ; Read protection including sub-directories. Note, however, that only files that exist when the user logs in are protected. Files that are created when the user is on-line are not protected. The file locking is global, meaning that if a file is Read/Write protected by OS2You, it can't be accessed by any other program/process running in OS/2 concurrently. Protecting a large number of files will take quite some time, which will delay the logon for the user. ═══ 6. 4 OS2You users manual ═══ 4 OS2You users manual OS2You allows you to remote control almost any OS/2 or DOS character mode program. OS2You handles many different communication links like async. dial-up modems, Named Pipes, NetBIOS, TCP/IP, APPC and SPX. You can connect almost any terminal or terminal program to OS2You through async. dial-up lines, but there are also special terminal programs included with OS2You (Terminal/2 for OS/2 and WinTerm (optional) for Windows). ═══ 6.1. 4.1 Starting OS2You ═══ 4.1 Starting OS2You To start OS2You is host mode, waiting for a call, you may double click at the program icon called OS2You Host Server. If you want OS2You to start automatically when the computer starts, you can create a shadow of the object in the AutoStart folder (valid for OS/2 2.x). You may also change/create the STARTUP.CMD file with the commands: CD \OS2You START /FS OS2You -c OS2You.CFG EXIT When OS2You is started in host mode, the following character mode screen should appear: ═══ 6.2. 4.2 Terminating OS2You ═══ 4.2 Terminating OS2You To exit from an OS2You on-line session, you enter the command EXIT at the OS/2 command prompt or if a program was started directly by OS2You, you terminate that program and OS2You will automatically end the session. ═══ 6.3. 4.3 Terminal emulation ═══ 4.3 Terminal emulation To access the remote OS2You machine over an asynchronous line (cable or modem), you will need a terminal emulation program (or a terminal), with one of the terminal emulation modes supported by OS2You. It doesn't matter which operating system your terminal emulator is running. There are terminal emulators included in the package for DOS, Windows (optional), OS/2 character mode and OS/2 Presentation Manager. These emulators will map the keyboard better than many other terminal emulators, as they are specially designed for OS2You. If you use a public terminal program from another vendor, you should first look for a terminal program that supports Doorway keyboard mode. This will ensure that the keyboard mapping is correct with OS2You. Otherwise, if you use a terminal or a terminal program that does not support Doorway mode, you will have to emulate some keystroke combinations by pressing first the Esc command key and then another key. The following terminals are currently supported by OS2You (ANSI is default if none selected). Terminal Description file ANSI/VT100/VT102 ANSI.PRM (not same as default) Hazeltine 1500 HAZEL.PRM (not tested) IBM3101 IBM3101.PRM Tandberg TDV2116 TANDBERG.PRM Televideo 910-955/ADM 5/Wyse 50 TELEVID.PRM VT52/Heath/Zenith/ADDS VP VT52.PRM Note that the description files only alter the screen output, and do not honour different keystroke combinations used by different terminals, except the ANSI escape keysequences. Also note that some terminals will work better if you run OS2You in a screen with only 24 lines (MODE CO80,24) instead of the more common 25 lines. The following terminal programs should work with OS2You and have special keyboard modes that make them suitable for OS2You (we recommend using one of these separate products instead of LANTERM for serial communications): OS/Program Terminal definition to use/comments DOS LanTerm Use built in ANSI (ANSI.SYS should be loaded) has Pipe-support. DOS Telix 3.15 Use built in ANSI, supports Doorway mode (Alt-=), (disable status line in Telix). DOS Communiq 1.0 Use built in ANSI, supports Doorway mode (ScrLock) and IEMSI logon. DOS Terminat 1.20b Use built in ANSI, supports Doorway mode (ScrLock) and IEMSI logon. DOS DWCOMM Supports Doorway mode (of course). OS2 LanTerm2 Use built in ANSI, has Pipe-supportand PM2 You Graphics capabilities. OS2 LiveWire 2.1 Use built in ANSI and OS2You mode (ScrLock), has Pipe-support. OS2 TE/2 1.30 Use bilt in ANSI and OS2You mode (Alt-=), has Pipe-support. PM Terminal/2 Use built in ANSI, has Pipe-support and PM2You Graphics capabilities. The following terminal programs should work with OS2You (except when otherwise indicated) but does not provide any special keyboard mapping: OS/Program Terminal definition to use/comments DOS Procomm+ 1.0 Use external ANSI, use only 24 lines in OS2You, screen colourbackgrounds won't be correct. DOS Procomm+ 2.0 Use external ANSI, use only 24 lines in OS2You (if you use the standard 25 line mode in Procomm+). OS2 LogiComm 2.20S Use built in ANSI. OS2 M2Zmodem 2.11 Use built in ANSI. OS2 HyperAccess 5/2 Use external ANSI, use only 24 lines in Os2You. OS2 CKOKER 4E(070) Use external ANSI, use only 24 lines in Os2You. PM PMComm 1.07 Won't work with OS2You. Very strange scrolling handling. PM XKOKER 5A(119) Use external ANSI, use only 24 lines in OS2You. If your terminal is not supported with a terminal description file, you may define your own terminal, by starting the setup utility and select Terminal in the configuration menu. OS2You automatically detects how many columns and lines the OS/2 session contains, but you have to configure your terminal program for a screen size with at least the same amount of columns/lines (it doesn't matter if the terminal program uses more columns/lines than the OS/2 session). It is possible to alter the screen size with the MODE-command, while connected to OS2You, as long as the screen will fit the remote screen. To "emulate" different keystrokes from public terminal programs that does not support Doorway mode, the special OS2You keyboard mapping, Esc sequences are used. The following Esc sequences are valid (note that upper/lower case letters are significant): The above screen is showed if you press Esc without any character following within approx. one second. You may select any keystroke from the menu, and the menu exits, and OS2You sends the selected keystroke to your application. If Esc is pressed and directly followed by another character, the selected keystroke is sent directly to your application, without showing the help screen. ANSI escape sequences for cursor movements are mapped to their corresponding arrow key. All characters, except Esc, are translated directly to the corresponding keystroke. ASCII 01H is translated to Ctrl-A, ASCII 02H to Ctrl-B and so on. To emulate Shift, Ctrl and Alt function keys, you first have to select which mode you want by pressing Esc-s, Esc-l resp. Esc-a followed by the appropriate function key Esc-code. In the upper right corner of the help menu the current state of the function keys is written. The above table means that you should press Esc first and thena character. Esc-i means that you should press Esc first followed by "i". Note that you have to press Esc twice, if you want to emulate a Esc keystroke. ═══ 6.4. 4.4 Printer redirection ═══ 4.4 Printer redirection Printer output may be redirected from one device to a remote printer. Note that all output to the selected device is redirected, even output from other sessions to this device. You can select to direct printer output either to the local printer, remote printer or both. To redirect the printer output from one device to a remote printer, you should install a printer driver for the remote printer on the selected device. Example: 1 You have a IBM Proprinter 4201 connected to LPT1 on the remote computer running LanTerm, LanTerm2 or Terminal/2. 2 Install the IBM Proprinter 4201 printer driver for LPT2 on the host computer. 3 Install OS2You to redirect LPT2 to remote computer. 4 All output to LPT2 on the host will now be redirected to the remote printer. Other printer devices, like LPT1, will be unaffected. Printer redirection requires that the terminal program on the remote computer is capable of handling this feature. To use this feature, you will have to use LanTerm, LanTerm2 or Terminal/2. If you use a terminal program that can't handle this feature, and have installed OS2You to redirect printer output to remote printer, all printing will be put on hold. Printer redirection currently works only when running OS2You and not if you run PM2You. ═══ 6.5. 4.5 Chat ═══ 4.5 Chat With the Chat feature, you can enter a special conversation mode in OS2You, by choosing the Service functions menu, either from your terminal programs menus (if you use WinTerm or Terminal/2) or by pressing Esc-y (if you use a terminal program from another vendor). When you are in Chat mode the screen is split into two windows. Everything you type at the host is displayed in the upper window and everything that is typed at the terminal is displayed in the lower window. To exit the Chat mode you press Esc. ═══ 6.6. 4.6 Task Switching ═══ 4.6 Task Switching By pressing Esc-tab (first Esc and then Tab 1bH, 09H) you will get a list of programs currently running. If you use Terminal/2 or WinTerm you should select the Task List choice in the menus instead. The Task List might look like this: The task list displays all running programs. If the list is too long for the screen, you may scroll up and down with the PgUp and PgDn keys. You enter the character displayed before the program you want to switch to, or move the arrow with the cursor keys. If you want to return to the original session (the one you started from) you should select A. You can only switch to programs running in an OS/2 Full Screen text session or DOS Full Screen or Windowed text session (if you run OS2You with OS/2 2.0 or later). If you try to switch to another session, you will get an error message. Note that the session you select is switched to the foreground at the host machine, and will interrupt any user running another session at the machine from the keyboard. It will also interrupt any other user running the same host through OS2You running other session than their original session. If the session you selected is an OS/2 Full Screen session it should not be switched to the background, while you are connected to it, as the user will be returned to the task-list if the task is switched to background. DOS sessions will continue to work even if they are switched to background. NOTE! The built in LockUp feature of OS/2 2.x Workplace Shell prevents the OS2You task switching from functioning. If you use the task switching feature in OS2You, you should disable the LockUp feature in OS/2. ═══ 6.7. 4.7 DOS compatibility box ═══ 4.7 DOS compatibility box It is possible to switch to DOS sessions in OS/2 2.x or OS/2 1.x and remote control DOS programs. For the DOS-box access to work, you must take some extra care to configure your system. First, the DOS_SRV.EXE program must be located in the directory you installed OS2You in (or in a pathed directory). If this is not the case you will get a message like DOS Keyboard emulation not available! If you used the installation program to install OS2You, this should have been done automatically. Then you must load the resident program KBFILTER.COM (or K1FILTER.COM if you run OS/2 1.x) in the DOS-box you want to access remotely, in order to get the function keys to work (other characters will work without this program). You can either load the program from the remote, when you have switched to the DOS-session, or you can load the program in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (this is not done by the installation program). The program will require very little memory (less than 1 Kb) and interfere very little withyour usual work (the Esc-key can seem a little slow in DOS sessions). To access the DOS sessions in OS/2 2.x you bring up the Task List (see section 4.6) and select the DOS session you want to switch to. To access the DOS box in OS/2 1.x you issue the command ToDOS at the OS/2 Command Prompt (you terminate the OS/2 1.x DOS box access by pressing the F12 key). If you can see the DOS-box screen output, but not send any keystrokes at all, this probably means that DOS_SRV.EXE isn't loaded properly. If you can send alphanumerical characters, but no function keys, that probably means that KBFILTER.COM isn't loaded properly. Note that KBFILTER.COM could be loaded several times in the same session. This is not recommended. ═══ 6.8. 4.8 Sharing ports with other communication programs ═══ 4.8 Sharing ports with oter communication programs If you have set up OS2You in HOST mode to answer incoming calls, it is possible temporarily to suspend OS2You, to let other communication programs access the port. To do this you have to enter a pipe name in the configuration parameter Port request pipe (like \PIPE\RELEASE, see section 3.1). To do this you run the program LanRel with one of the following syntaxes (assuming the port request pipe was called \Pipe\Request): LanRel \Pipe\Release LanRel \\Srvname\Pipe\Release It is possible to use both local and remote pipes, so you can suspend OS2You on your local computer or another computer at the LAN running as OS2You Host. When OS2You gets a port request, it releases the communication port and halts for one (1) minute, leaving the port available. By using LanRel you will have 1 minute to start any other communication program accessing the port, and OS2You will remain suspended until the port is available again. OS2You automatically detects when the port is available again, and will resume its operation. The port is re-initialized when operation is resumed. It is also possible to access the port directly with LanTerm or LanTerm2 by starting these programs with the Port request pipe name as a parameter to the LanTerm(2) program, instead of the communication device name. If you use Terminal/2 you should use the ordinary device name, and if this device is claimed by the OS2You host, Terminal/2 will automatically request access to the port, using the default request name \Pipe\Request (this will only work with local devices). ═══ 6.9. 4.9 Use within a BBS ═══ 4.9 Use within a BBS This program can be used to access the command prompt from your BBS, for maintenance, or to run programs as doors within the BBS. The following is some examples of how to install OS2You in a BBS (Maximus 2.00). Start a command prompt from Maximus with the following syntax: UsrRemote Xtern_Run OS2You.EXE_-l_%%%P_-f_1000_-s_-t_ANSI_-e_CMD.EXE Normal "Shell" Start an OS/2-program called "MyProg" from Maximus with the following syntax: UsrRemote Xtern_Run OS2You.EXE_-l_%%%P_-s_-e_CMD.EXE_/C_MyProg Normal "MyProg" Start a DOS-program called "MyDOS" from Maximus with the following syntax: UsrRemote Xtern_Run OS2You.EXE_-l_%%%P_-s_-g_"DOS.BAT"_-e_CMD.EXE_/C_DOS Normal "MyDOS" You should have a batch file called DOS.BAT like this: @echo off MYDOS ═══ 7. 5 PM2You users manual ═══ 5 PM2You users manual PM2You is an add-on to the OS2You product, that lets you remote control the entire Presentation Manager (PM) Desktop and PM programs. It mirrors the entire desktop to a remote terminal with complete keyboard and mouse support. PM2You can handle any known screen resolution with up to 256 colours and will work with your existing display drivers. At the client terminal you get the host desktop within a window either in MS Windows or OS/2 that can be sized and scaled to any size you want. The display resolution at host and client don't have to match as the host image is scaled to fit the client window. PM2You supports any communication device that is supported by OS2You. To use PM2You, you must use a terminal program at the client that is compatible with PM2You (currently Terminal/2 for OS/2 or WinTerm (optional) for Windows). ═══ 7.1. 5.1 Starting PM2You ═══ 5.1 Starting PM2You PM2You is built upon the OS2You product, and OS2You should be started as described in section 2.1. The user logs into OS2You and after the login is completed PM2You is started if the user entry is configured for this (see section 3.4 Shell command). PM2You can also be started from the command line once you have logged into OS2You with the command PM. If you get an error message when trying to start PM2You, please note that it is important that the OS2You INSTALL program has been allowed to modify your CONFIG.SYS file, or that the corresponding modifications have been made manually. Also note that you must use a client software that is capable of handling PM2You (currently that is Terminal/2 for OS/2 PM or WinTerm for Windows). ═══ 7.2. 5.2 Terminating PM2You ═══ 5.2 Terminating PM2You You can terminate PM2You in many different ways. In your terminal program you should have a menu choice for terminating PM2You (in Terminal/2 that is done in the menu Special/PM2You/Terminate). This is the preferred method. You can also close the PM2You Remote Access Facility session in the Task List or double click at the upper left corner of the PM2You window, if visible. Terminating PM2You can sometimes take some time (up to about half a minute). When PM2You terminates you will get back to the OS/2 command prompt, if PM2You was started from this, or the session will be closed by OS2You if PM2You was started automatically by OS2You. ═══ 7.3. 5.3 Using PM2You ═══ 5.3 Using PM2You Normally the PM2You program window is minimized. By selecting the PM2You Remote Access Facility session from the Task List or clicking on the corresponding icon, you can bring up the PM2You program window. This window continuously shows the current status of PM2You. If you have configured PM2You to Only mirror active window (see section 3.3) you should notice that only the window or program that is in focus, is updated at the client by PM2You. This improves the performance, but can sometimes be confusing, especially when switching between different programs, as the window you are switching to background, doesn't get updated and won't disappear at the client. You can always manually request a complete screen update with the terminal program (in Terminal/2 this is done with the menu Special/OS2You/Refresh Screen). PM2You has an error control mode. When this mode is active every transaction from PM2You is verified by the client and if a transmission error occurs a retransmission is requested. Most network connections have this functionality built into the network transport protocol and thus this feature is not needed for these connections. Most modern high speed modems also has the capability to verify the transmitted data (MNP4 or V.42 mode). If the modem has this capability it is recommended to enablethis feature in the modems and disable the error control mode in PM2You. If you don't have any problems with garbled data with your modems, you should disable the error control mode in PM2You, as it will slow down operation, even if there are no transmission errors. Note that the errorcontrol mode is configured in the client software only and that there is no such setting in PM2You. In Terminal/2 there is a setting in the Special/Settings/Other Settings called PM2You Error Correction. PM2You has its own Chat mode. You enter Chat mode from the host by selecting Chat in the PM2You menu or from the clients menu (in Terminal/2 there is a menu choice called Special/OS2You/Chat. When entering Chat mode two identical dialogues are displayed on host and client that look like this: In the bottom field of the dialogue you enter messages that you want to send to the other party and press Enter or click on the Send button. The message will appear in the scroll list above at both host and client. To exit Chat mode, you press the Exit button and the dialogue will disappear at both host and client. ═══ 7.4. 5.4 Performance tuning of PM2You ═══ 5.4 Performance tuning of PM2You To get maximum speed when remote controlling PM programs with PM2You, you should consider the following options. 1 Do not use background pictures on the host desktop. 2 Do not use dithered (patterns of different colours to create another shade of colour backgrounds or other large areas of dithered colours at the host. 3 Check that you have enabled SCA-compression in PM2You setup, unless you know that your device doesn't support this. This will greatly increase the performance and reduce the CPU load of the host. Also set the PM2You screen update delay to 100 ms. 4 Use the lowest acceptable screen resolution at the host. Decreasing colours from 256 to 16 will not help much however. 5 Do not use the PM2You Error Correction mode if you don't need it, as it will slow down overall performance, even if there are no transmission errors. 6 Selecting a modem with build in compression like MNP5 or V.42" will not help, as PM2You already compresses the information. 7 The speed of the CPU and display hardware at both host and client will affect performance. 8 Try to balance compression aggressiveness with communication speed. High communication speeds require less compression while slow communication links will benefit more from efficient compression (see section 3.3). 9 Consider increasing PM2You priority from Normal to Time Critical if performance isn't what it should be (see section 3.3). Also consider decreasing the Screen update delay parameter (see section 3.3). ═══ 7.5. 5.5 Compatibility considerations using PM2You ═══ 5.5 Compatibility considerations using PM2You PM2You is compatible with the following types of software that is also compatible with the operating system version you are running: 1 Any Presentation Manager/WPS program with complete keyboard and mouse emulation. 2 Any OS/2 Windowed character mode session with complete keyboard and mouse emulation. 3 Any DOS Windowed character or graphics mode session with complete keyboard and mouse emulation. For complete keyboard emulation, you should ensure that the program KBFILTER included with OS2You is loaded. The best way to do this is to edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to include the KBFILTER command. 5 Windowed (Seamless) MS Windows session with limited keyboard but complete mouse emulation. The limited keyboard emulation means that sometimes accelerator (shortcut) keys don't work. PM2You is not compatible with Full Screen OS/2 or DOS sessions. These should not be activated when running PM2You as they will prevent PM2You from working. To run OS/2 or DOS full screen sessions, you should exit PM2You and run these with OS2You only. ═══ 8. 6 File transfer option ═══ 6 File transfer option With the File transfer option you can transfer files between the host and client through any device that is supported by OS2You. The file transfer option includes many different methods for file transfers, most of them following public standards to let you transfer files between OS2You and terminal programs from other vendors. Note that currently file transfers are only supported when running in OS2You mode (text mode and not PM2You PM remote control mode). ═══ 8.1. 6.1 File transfer with service functions menu ═══ 6.1 File transfer with service functions menu By bringing up the Service functions menu, you can select send at receive from it. You enter the service functions menu by selecting this choice from the WinTerm or Terminal/2 menus, or by pressing Esc-y if you use a terminal program from another vendor. If you choose C - Send files from host you will be prompted for a file name. This must be a fully qualified file name, including directory path, to the file(s) you want to send from the host to the client. You may specify wildcards (like C:\*.TXT) to send multiple files. If you use a terminal program from another vendor you should begin your download procedure now, using the Ymodem Batch file transfer method. If you use Terminal/2 the file transfer will be started automatically. If you choose D - Receive files to host you will be prompted for the directory to place files into at the host. You will then be prompted (either by OS2You or by your terminal program) to begin sending the files. If you use a terminal program from another vendor, you should select the Ymodem Batch file transfer method. ═══ 8.2. 6.2 File transfer from command line ═══ 6.2 File transfer from command line By using the Sz, Rz or OS2FTP programs you can request file transfers from the OS/2 command prompt. Use Sz to send files from the host to the terminal with the fast and reliable Zmodem file transfer method. You may specify wildcards in the file name to send multiple files (like Sz C:\*.TXT). Use Rz to receive files from the terminal to the host with the Zmodem file transfer method. You may enter only Rz to receive files into the current directory. If you use LanTerm (for DOS), you should get DSZ file transfer program (shareware from Omen Technology). If you use LanTerm2 (for OS/2), you should get M2Zmodem file transfer program (from the same place you got OS2You). Both programs should be installed in the same directory as LanTerm(2), or in a directory specified in your path. To perform file transfers with other public file transfer methods that Zmodem you can use the OS2FTP utility (this is used by the Sz and Rz utilities). Enter the command OS2FTP to see the different options. OS2FTP can perform file transfers following the Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, Ymodem, Ymodem-G and Zmodem standards. Examples: OS2FTP -s*.* OS2FTP -rC:\Download OS2FTP -XMODEM -sMYFILE.DAT OS2FTP -XMODEM -rMYFILE.DAT You may also use the M2Zmodem file transfer utility, which is only another variant of the OS2FTP utility. ═══ 9. 7 Fax receive option ═══ 7 Fax receive option With the Fax receive option OS2You can use a class 2 faxmodem both to receive data (on-line) calls and fax calls from fax machines. If a data call is detected OS2You will prompt for user ID and password as usual. If a fax call is detected OS2You will receive the fax and print it. Thus you can use the same modem and phone line to receive both data and fax calls. To use FAX2You fax receive option you need a class 2 faxmodem and a HP LaserJet (PCL4 or PCL5), Epson FX or Epson 24-pin printer. The fax receive option is always installed and just needs configuration to work. The fax option works with both class 1 and class 2 faxmodems, but only the class 2 specification defines a standard for detection between data and fax calls which is necessary for OS2You to work. Thus a class 2 faxmodem is recommended, although some class 1 faxmodems may have an option for detecting fax calls. The fax receive option is configured by the standard OS2You SETUP program by editing the modem configuration profile. With the OS2You SETUP program you edit the modem profiles to initialize the faxmodem for detecting both data and fax calls. With class 2 faxmodems this is done by adding the following strings to your modem initialization string: ~AT+FCLASS=2^ ~AT+FCR=1^ ~AT+FAA=1^ ~AT+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0^ ~AT+FLID="Your fax-ID"^ In addition to defining the above initialization string, you should set the Fax connect string to +FCON and disable the Release fax device setting and define a Fax command line. As a reference, you might look at the ZyXEL 1496E+ modem profile, which is already correctly configured for this option. The initialization string above will set the modem to accept both data and fax calls. If a fax call is detected the command in the field Fax command line will be started. This command should be edited to correctly start the fax receive program (FAX2You), like: FAX2You.EXE -l %%%1 -connected -print -pcl This line will start the fax receive program FAX2You and print received files with HP LaserJet printer format. OS2You can work together with other fax receive programs from other vendors, but we recommend using the FAX2You program. The FAX2You program can be started with the following parameters: Parameter Explanation -l Specifies serial port to use. If set to %xx COM-handle xx (decimal) will be used. If set to %AUTO a COM-handle will be scanned. Default AUTO. -b Specifies serial port baudrate, default no change. -connected Will instruct FAX2You that the call was answered by a separate program (like OS2You). -pcx Produce PCX-file output. -dcx Produce DCX-file output. -class1 Use Class 1 commands, default Class 2 commands. -print Print received faxes. -epson Use Epson FX printer format. -epson24 Use Epson 24 pin printer format. -pcl Use PCL printer format, default. -pdev Use for printer output, default PRN. -nodcd Do not check for carrier during fax reception. Normally carrier is checked and FAX2You aborted if carrier is lost. -multiple Enter an endless loop waiting for multiple fax calls. This option is not valid when -connected is specified. -faxworks Export fax file to FaxWorks/PMfax (or any other fax program licensed from the Keller Group Inc.). Note that FaxWorks must be running for this export to work. The FAX2You program will maintain a log file named FAX2You.LOG with statusreports from fax connections. All faxes will be saved in separate files, which can later be printed or viewed on screen with separate utilities (not available yet). The fax files are created with names derived from the date in the format MMDDnnnn.APF (MM=Month, DD=Day, nnnn=counter). Note that these files are never deleted and can be quite large. Therefore you should have some routine to delete old fax files when they are not needed any more. Bundled with the FAX2You option, there is a program called VIEWFax that will let you view and print received faxes. ═══ 10. 8 Hardware information ═══ 8 Hardware information Press the "+" sign to expand this topic. ═══ 10.1. 8.1 Hardware requirements ═══ 8.1 Hardware requirements OS2You should run on any system that can run OS/2 Presentation Manager and OS/2 Full Screen text applications. OS2You assumes that you use a display card with 2 bytes/character attribute format, compatible with the CGA/EGA/VGA standards. OS2You have modest memory requirements, and should run fine with almost any system that can run OS/2. OS2You is compatible with any asynchronous port, compatible with the OS/2 specification. FIFO buffering can be used, and is recommended. OS2You can use any Hayes compatible modem, and it should be possible to configure OS2You for almost any automatic modem. MNP5 or V.42" data compression is very valuable when using OS2You (but not with PM2You). OS2You emulates an enhanced keyboard. ═══ 10.2. 8.2 Creating a null-modem cable ═══ 8.2 Creating a null-modem cable If you use OS2You to access an OS/2 session from a computer or terminal using a cable, this is how such a cable (null-modem) should be configured, to work with OS2You: 25 Dsub 25 Dsub TxD 2 ------------ 3 RxD RxD 3 ------------ 2 TxD RTS 4 ------------ 5 CTS CTS 5 ------------ 4 RTS GND 7 ------------ 7 GND DTR 20 ---------|-- 6 DSR |-- 8 DCD DSR 6 ---|-------- 20 DTR DCD 8 ---| 9 Dsub 9 Dsub TxD 3 ------------ 2 RxD RxD 2 ------------ 3 TxD RTS 7 ------------ 8 CTS CTS 8 ------------ 7 RTS GND 5 ------------ 5 GND DTR 4 --------|--- 6 DSR |--- 1 DCD DSR 6 ---|-------- 4 DTR DCD 1 ---| 9 Dsub 25 Dsub TxD 3 ------------ 2 RxD RxD 2 ------------ 3 TxD RTS 7 ------------ 5 CTS CTS 8 ------------ 4 RTS GND 5 ------------ 7 GND DTR 4 --------|--- 6 DSR |--- 8 DCD DSR 6 ---|-------- 20 DTR DCD 1 ---| ═══ 10.3. 8.3 Creating a modem cable ═══ 8.3 Creating a modem cable If you use OS2You with an asynchronous modem, this is how the cable between your computer and modem should look like to work with OS2You (this is an ordinary modem cable): 25 Dsub Modem TxD 2 ------------ 2 RxD 3 ------------ 3 RTS 4 ------------ 4 CTS 5 ------------ 5 DSR 6 ------------ 6 GND 7 ------------ 7 DCD 8 ------------ 8 DTR 20 ------------ 20 9 Dsub Modem TxD 3 ------------ 2 RxD 2 ------------ 3 RTS 7 ------------ 4 CTS 8 ------------ 5 DSR 6 ------------ 6 GND 5 ------------ 7 DCD 1 ------------ 8 DTR 4 ------------ 20 ═══ 11. 9 Programming information ═══ 9 Programming information Press the "+" sign to expand this topic. ═══ 11.1. 9.1 Command Line options ═══ 9.1 Command Line options Normally you start OS2You in host mode and let it handle receiving calls and verify userID and password. However it is also possible to start OS2You directly from the command line or from other programs, by adding command line parameters. This is especially useful when you want to invoke OS2You from your own applications to provide remote access capabilities to it. OS2You may use a hot (i.e. inherit an already opened device handle) file handle. It is the callers responsibility to set the communication port as wanted, and OS2You will use the current settings when called. When the program exits, it restores the communication port to its previous state. If a program was successfully spawned the program will exit with Exit-code set to zero. If the program failed by any reason, the Exit-code will be set to a non zero value. The parameters may be entered at the command line or/and set in the environment variable OS2YOU. If both the environment variable and a command line is entered, the environment variable will be parsed first and the command line after that, making command line parameters override any settings in the environment variable. The environment variable is set by the SET OS2YOU=xxx xxxx xxxx xxx command. The following parameters are available (note that they should be in lower case if not otherwise specified): Switch Explanation -b Causes OS2You to be started in "background". Immediately after OS2You is loaded, you get control back to the session and can do ordinary work in this session. When someone is connecting to OS2You, he is prompted for userid and password as usual, and will then be connected to this session. This option is usual in those cases when you have a special application that you want to monitor. -c Use the configuration file . This option is only valid if you use HOST mode or callback processing. -d Do not detect carrier loss. Normally the program monitors the carrier and closes the remote session if carrier is lost. By adding this parameter you override this behaviour. -e Execute program for the remote session (typically CMD.EXE). This parameter is the last one read by OS2You. All following parameters are sent to the called program. Default is CMD.EXE. -f Delay between screen updates with milliseconds. Default is 100 mSecs (0.1 seconds). -g Go to session directly. -h Invoke host mode (default if no device name is specified). You must specify the "-c" switch in combination with this option. Note that the user access information (like task switching access, command shell, terminal emulation and so on) are retrieved from the configuration file specified with the "-c" switch, and parameters on the command line are ignored. -i Exit if keyboard inactive in seconds. If set to zero no inactivity time-out is used. Note that only the keyboard activity is monitored, and that the inactivity counter is active even if the screen alters. Default is zero (no inactivity counter). -l Use device for communication. If is replaced by a percent sign and a decimal value (for example %5), the program will use the device handle (5 in the example) for communication. The program may also use pipes handles for communication. This parameter has no default value, and if the parameter is omitted, the program will start up in HOST mode. -n Use parameters for user in the configuration file, including callback processing to . This parameter is only valid if you do not start the program in HOST mode. If you want to include spaces in the you should replace the space by an underscore "_", or surround the parameter with double quotes. Default is not to use any entries in the configuration file. -p Use physical screen area for remote. If this parameter is specified the program will use the physical screen area for the remote, and not the screen area owned by the session. If this parameter is specified you can't use the "-s" parameter. Default is to use the session screen area. - prn Redirect printer output for to the remote printer. This parameter works in combination with the "-redir" option. -prty Screen update priority 0-39. This parameter sets the priority for the remote screen update thread. Zero is the lowest priority and 39 the highest. Priority 0-9 executes with IDLE priority, 10-19 has REGULAR priority, 20-29 HIGH priority and 30-39 TIME CRITICAL priority. Default is 14 giving the update thread exactly the same priority as the executing program. Setting the priority to a higher value (15) may result in smother operation. -redir Specifies how printer redirection should work. If is 1, printer output will go to local (host) printer. If is 2 printer output will be redirected to the remote printer. If is 3 printer output will be redirected to the remote printer, but also sent to the local (host) printer. -s Disable the built in task switcher and physical screen. If you don't want the remote user to be able to switch between running tasks, you should disable this feature. If this parameter is specified you can't use the "-p" parameter. Default is to enable the task switcher. -t Use terminal definition file . The file extension .PRM is added if no extension is included. This parameter has no default value, instead the program has a built in table for ANSI terminal emulation. Examples: OS2You -l COM1 -f 1000 -i 300 -e CMD.EXE /K DIR This command will tell OS2You to use COM1 and update the screen each 1000 millisecond. If no remote keystroke is received within 300 seconds the program will be forced to exit. CMD.EXE is loaded for remote operation with the parameters /K DIR (which will tell CMD.EXE to display a directory list). OS2You -l %4 -f 100 -i 0 -d -e CMD.EXE This command will tell OS2You to use device handle 4 (decimal value) and update the screen each 100 millisecond. If the carrier is lost the program will be terminated. but no inactivity timer is set. OS2You -l %4 -f 100 -i 0 -d -n Mikael_Wahlgren This command is similar to the previous example, except that the program will spawn the program and use the parameters indicated by the username Mikael Wahlgren in the configuration file. By using the -n option it is possible to spawn different sessions depending on username. To be compatible with MaxPipe (TM of Peter Fitzsimmons) an alternate calling syntax is automatically invoked, if the first parameter does not begin with a minus sign "-". In this case, the syntax will be like: OS2You ... Switch Explanation Tells which communication device to use. It is possible to pass a hot device handle by replacing the device name with a number corresponding to the device handle decimal coded (like %4). The device name may be replaced by a pipe name, but special care should be taken, when using this possibility. The best choice when using pipes is to use the stand alone interface. Tells which program to load for remote operation. (Typically CMD.EXE). ... The remaining parameters are optional and are passed as parameters to ... . All other values are set to their default when using this syntax. To select which communication parameters to use, you should use the MODE program, included in the operating system. Read the documentation for the operating system to see how to configure your communication line. All communication parameters set with MODE, will be used with OS2You. Example: MODE COM1:2400,N,8,1,OCTS=ON,DTR=ON,RTS=HS,BUFFER=ON This command will tell OS2You to use baud rate 2400, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, hardware handshaking CTS/RTS and use the extended hardware buffering capabilities. ═══ 11.2. 9.2 Detecting presence of OS2You or PM2You ═══ 9.2 Detecting presence of OS2You or PM2You When a user has logged into OS2You, OS2You will try to open a public semaphore called \Sem\OS2You\Running and clear this semaphore. When the user logs out the semaphore will be set again by OS2You. An application that wants to determine if a user is logged in, should create a public semaphore with the name above and issue a DosSemSetWait. See the example below: IF Dos.OpenSem(Sem, '\Sem\OS2You\Running') = 0 THEN Dos.SemWait(Sem, -1); ELSE Dos.CreateSem(1, Sem, '\Sem\OS2You\Running'); Dos.SemSetWait(Sem, -1); END; IO.WrStr('Running'); WHILE Dos.SemWait(Sem, 0) = 0 DO Dos.Sleep(1000); END; IO.WrStr('-Closed'); An application that wants to determine specifically if PM2You is running can use the same technique but use the semaphore name \Sem\PM2You\Running instead. ═══ 12. 10 Terminal/2 users manual ═══ 10 Terminal/2 users manual Terminal/2 is a terminal program primarily written for use together with our OS2You and PM2You remote control products, and is bundled in these packages. However, Terminal/2 may be used as general purpose terminal program and thus it is also sold as a separate product. Some of the features in Terminal/2 and some paragraphs in this manual may not be important for you, if you are not running Terminal/2 to access our OS2You or PM2You remote control products. Terminal/2 can communicate through several different transport devices and protocols, like asynchronous (modem) devices, Named Pipes, NetBIOS, ISDN, X.25, TCP/IP and SPX. For general purpose use, you will only use asynchronous devices. ═══ 12.1. 10.1 Configuring Terminal/2 ═══ 10.1 Configuring Terminal/2 When you start Terminal/2 the phonebook will be displayed. To configure Terminal/2, just press the "Cancel" button to exit from the phonebook. Select first the "Special" menu and then "Settings". You will get the following dialogue: Field Explanation Printer device Specifies a file or device for printer output. This is used by Terminal/2 when it receives redirected printer output from OS2You and when you select "Print Screen" in Terminal/2. If you specify a file, Terminal/2 will create a file and place all printer output in this file. Character set Specifies which character set to use. In most cases you should select "International", but if you are located in a country with special character mapping, you might need to change this setting, depending on the host system. For use with OS2You, you should always have this setting to "International". Font size Selects the font size you want to use. You may also dynamically change the font size in Terminal/2 by pulling the border of the window, if the Track Window option is enabled (see below). Track Window Specifies that pulling the border of the Terminal/2 window should resize the window and change the font size to best fit the selected window size. Alarm time These parameters specifies how long the alarm (melody) will sound when a connection is established or a file transfer is competed. To disable the sound effects completely, set these parameters to 0 (zero). HW buffering Specifies that extended hardware buffering (also referred to as FIFO buffering) should be used if available. If you have an improved communication hardware that allows FIFO buffering, this will yield better performance and won't load the CPU as much as it otherwise would do. Terminal/2 can automatically detect if this hardware is present, and thus this option should always be enabled, if you don't have any special reason to disable it. Use IEMSI The IEMSI standard is a public standard to allow automatic logon to different services. This standard is widely used by different BBSes and also used as the method to automatically logon to OS2You. Terminal/2 automatically detects if a system is capable of IEMSI logon, and will only use it if it is, so this setting could always be enabled. For the logon to work, you must specify user ID and password in the Phonebook entry you use (see more about IEMSI options below). By pressing the Other Settings button you get a new dialogue with more rarely used options: Field Explanation Animated cursors Indicates if animated (moving) mouse pointers should be used. This option is most for fun and does not have any real use. Show on-line time This option specifies if the time on-line should be displayed in the caption (title) row. Swap Backspace... This option specifies that the Backspace key should be swapped with the Delete key. This option is mostly used for general purpose terminal emulation and not for PM2You. Maximize hides... Indicates how Terminal/2 should be maximized when remote controlling PM2You. If this option is enabled Terminal/2 will be maximized in such a way that the remote PM2You image will cover the entire screen, otherwise Terminal/2 will be maximized to leave room for the Terminal/2 title bar and menus. Fast screen draw Indicates how Terminal/2 should update the display. Certain display drivers (like some SVGA) don't handle screen draws correctly, and therefore Terminal/2 may need to use a slower method to update the screen. If you don't know if you can use fast screen draws, try it, but remember if Terminal/2 halts with an error popup saying something like "Protection violation in XXXX" (XXXX being the name of your display driver), you should select the slower screen draw. Error correction Indicates if error correction should be used when communicating between PM2You and Terminal/2. When this option is enabled Terminal/2 will check if the information received have been corrupted during transmission and if that is the case request retransmission. Normally most high-speed modems include error correction by themselves and it is recommended to use the error correction built into the modems and to disable software error correction in Terminal/2 as software error correction will significantly degrade performance, even if there are no transmission errors. Hourglass after... This option specifies that the mouse pointer should change to a clock-symbol (or hourglass) when a mouse button is sent to PM2You. Background PM2... This option specifies that Terminal/2 should acknowledge a received package immediately when it is received and before it is actually analysed. While Terminal/2 analyses the received packet and draws the changes to screen, it can receive a new package. Enabling this option will yield better performance, but you must have a computer that handles the processor load this will cause. Stretch image This option lets you select whether the remote image should be displayed in Terminal/2 with its original size, or if it should be stretched/compressed to fit the size of the Terminal/2 window. If you don't select to stretch the image and the remote image is larger than the Terminal/2 window can display, you can scroll through the remote image by placing the mouse cursor near the border of the Terminal/2 client area. Default editor This field specifies which editor Terminal/2 should use. Terminal/2 uses the editor to display the help-text and history buffer. Software PAD: The optional Software PAD is useful for some packet distributed services (like X.25). Some services are packet oriented and you may reduce costs and increase performance by assembling keystrokes and mouse events into larger packets. This is because these services often have a significant overhead for every packet that is sent and you pay for every packet you send, regardless of the actual packet size. You configure the PAD with the following settings: Field Explanation Enable software PAD This option specifies that the PAD should be used. If this option is not enabled the following parameters will be ignored and no packetizing be performed. PAD max age This parameter specifies the maximum age of the information in the PAD buffer, in 1/10 second. When the information in the buffer is older than the time specified in this field, it will be sent. PAD max size This parameter specifies the maximum amount of information in the PAD buffer, in bytes. When the information in the buffer exceeds the specified size, it will be sent. This parameter should be set to correspond the packet size of the communication service you are using, to maximize the benefit of the PAD. PAD flush byte This parameter specifies a character that will force the information in the PAD buffer to be sent. This is often set to 13 (CR/Enter) as this key is often used to indicate the end of an input. ═══ 12.2. 10.2 IEMSI automated logon ═══ 10.2 IEMSI automated logon The IEMSI standard is a public standard to automate logons to different services. It will identify you to the host system and set different options for you, without the need for any user interaction. OS2You complies with the IEMSI standard and uses this to allow automated logons. Of course you can still logon manually to OS2You if you don't want to (or can't) use IEMSI. To get IEMSI logon to work you should specify your user ID and password in the Phonebook entry you use for the host system.You should also enable the IEMSI logon in the Special->Settings dialogue.In addition to this you can specify different options by pressing the IEMSI Settings button. You will get the following dialogue: These settings specifies how the host system should behave when you logon (these settings are not used by OS2You but only to other public services). ═══ 12.3. 10.3 Phonebook ═══ 10.3 Phonebook The phonebook in Terminal/2 plays a very important role in the program. Here you specify how the communication link should be configured, phone numbers, user IDs, passwords and so on. To be able to communicate you have to "Dial" and entry in the phonebook. Unlike some other terminal programs, device settings are not specified globally for the terminal program, but specified for every phonebook entry. This is useful if you have several different kinds of communication tasks. The phonebook is built around two dialogues. The first is displayed directly when you start Terminal/2, and contains a list box with the different phonebook entries you have previously created and buttons to Dial, Reconnect, Add, Change, Copy and Delete entries (Reconnect opens a communication device without actually dialling the phone number specified). If you select to Add, Change or Copy, a phonebook entry you will see the following dialogue: Field Explanation Name Specifies the title to be used in the phonebook. This is just for your own reference and is not used in any other way by Terminal/2. Phone number Only significant when used with asynchronous devices. Specifies which phone number to dial. User id Specifies which User ID Terminal/2 should identify you with when logging on to a BBS or OS2You. This setting is only significant if you connect to OS2You or a BBS that supports the IEMSI logon standard, otherwise it is ignored. Password Specifies password to use. See above (User ID). Device (left) This specifies the name of the communication device to use. This can be a COM-name like COM1, COM2 or COM3 (note that you can TYPE in any name you like, not just choose from the list) or it can be a pipe name like \Pipe\OS2You. If you use other communication protocols than asynchronous devices, you should specify a pipe name, like \Pipe\OS2You. Device (right) This specifies the type of the communication device to use. You can only select between the types in the drop down list. To use Terminal/2 as a general purpose terminal program, you should specify "Asynchronous". Scriptfile This specifies a script file that should be executed when you connect. If this field is empty, no script will be executed (see more in a separate section about scripts). Emulation This specifies which terminal emulation to use. For use with OS2You, you should select the OS2You emulation, otherwise the most common emulation is ANSI or VT100. The "Async settings" are only significant when you have specified an asynchronous device. The "Network settings" are only significant when you have specified a special communication protocol like NetBIOS or TCP/IP. Configuring asynchronous devices: Field Explanation Baudrate Specifies which communication speed to use. Databits Specifies how many databits to use. Should in most cases be set to 8. For use with OS2You, this field should be set at 8. Stopbits Specifies how many stopbits to use. Should in most cases be set to 1. Parity Specifies if parity checking should be used. Should in most cases be set to "None". Configuring NetBIOS: There are two different variants of NetBIOS implementations available, NetBIOS 3.0 (NB30) and NetBIOS Submit (NBAPI). NetBIOS Submit is available from most vendors, while NB30 is used most in IBM environments. The configuration in Terminal/2 is identical regardless of which protocol you use. Field Explanation Host name Specifies the NetBIOS name for the host. This should correspond to the host name configured in the OS2You setup. This must be an unique name on the LAN. Terminal name Specifies the NetBIOS terminal name. If you don't use slave terminals (for details about slave terminals, please see the OS2You documentation), this could be any NetBIOS name on the LAN. Different work stations can use the same name but different instances of Terminal/2 running on the same machine must have different names. Adapter/channel Specifies which LAN adapter to use. For most configurations this should be set to 0 (zero) but you might want to change this if you have more than one LAN adapter configured in your machine. Configuring ISDN CAPI: This communications interface might not be included in your version of Terminal/2. If you miss it and need it, please contact us. When using the ISDN CAPI interface, you should specify the destination number in the "Phone number" field and the channel number in the "Adapter/Channel" field of the network settings. Configuring SPX: When configuring SPX, you need to know the SPX address of the OS2You machine you want to access. This address is displayed by the OS2You software, when OS2You is started. Field Explanation Net no Specifies the network number of the OS2You host machine. This information is displayed by OS2You when it is started in host mode. Node no Specifies the node number of the OS2You host machine. This information is displayed by OS2You when it is started in host mode. Socket no Specifies the socket number of the OS2You host software. This can be any free socket number, but must correspond to the socket number configured in OS2You. Default and suggested socket number to use is 7787. Configuring TCP/IP: There are two different drivers for the TCP/IP interface, one for the IBM TCP/IP socket interface and one for the FTP Software PC/TCP socket interface. Both these interfaces are configured in the same way. Field Explanation Host address IP address of the OS2You host machine. This should be an IP address in the format or a host name in the format server.ridax.se. Socket no Specifies the socket number of the OS2You host software. This can be any free socket number, but must correspond to the socket number configured in OS2You. Default and suggested socket number to use is 7787. Configuring ICL OSI WAN: This communication driver might not be included in your version of Terminal/2 as it is a very specialized interface. If you miss it and need it, please contact us. Field Explanation Destination Specifies the destination address (often a X.25 node number) of the OS2You host machine. User group Specifies a closed user group. In most cases this field should be blank, but for increased security you might specify a closed user group. This must correspond to the configuration in the OS2You host machine. AC name AC name that Terminal/2 should use. ═══ 12.4. 10.4 Defining macros ═══ 10.43 Defining macros In Terminal/2 you can assign macros (shortcuts) to different keystroke combinations. By choosing Special->Macros in the menu you get the following dialogue: If you press the Record key you will be requested to press a key combination (like ALT-C) and the code for this key combination will be shown together with the macro that is already assigned to this key. You can enter a new macro string and Save it. To inspect different macros that are defined you can press the Next and Previous buttons. A macro string contains ordinary characters that are sent when the key combination you have chosen is pressed. It may also contain the caret ("^") character followed by a character to specify a control character (like "^M" for CR). ═══ 12.5. 10.5 File transfer ═══ 10.5 File transfer You can configure some parameters that are related to the file transfer functions in Terminal/2 by choosing File transfer->Settings in the menus: Field Explanation Upload path Specifies the default directory for files that are sent from Terminal/2. This path can be overridden when you request the file transfer. Download path Specifies the default directory to place files that are received to Terminal/2. Existing files Specifies how Terminal/2 should act when you try to receive a file that already exists in your computer. You can choose to let Terminal/2 Rename the file, Resume it (meaning that it will receive the remaining part of the file, if the file was previously unsuccessfully transferred) or to Reject the file. Carrier detect Specifies that Terminal/2 should monitor the carrier signal and abort the file transfer if carrier is not present. Autodetect Terminal/2 can automatically detect when the remote system you are connected wants to initiate a file transfer. With this setting you can define what file transfer protocols that should be automatically detected. The ZModem protocol can always be automatically detected, while X/Ymodem can only be detected when the remote system uses a X/Ymodem protocol implementation from Ridax. ═══ 12.6. 10.6 Operating Terminal/2 ═══ 10.6 Operating Terminal/2 Dialling (ALT-D)To make a connection you have to use the phonebook and "dial" an entry, as the information about which device to use is stored in the phonebook entries. This does not mean that you have to let Terminal/2 make a dial attempt. If you haven't specified a phone number in the phonebook entry, or if you press the Reconnect button, Terminal/2 won't dial. When Terminal/2 dials with a modem, it automaticly detects if the dialled number is busy (if your modem supports BUSY detection) and will try to redial the same number after a short delay (defined in the Special->Settings->Modem settings dialogue). You can also highlight several phonebook entries and then press the Dial button. In this case Terminal/2 will perform a queue dial, meaning that it will first try to connect to the first highlighted entry. If this number is busy, it will try to dial the next and so on. When a connectio is successfully established the entry will be removed from the dial queue and you can requeust a new queue dial with the remaining entries. History editor/Scroll back (ALT-F6) Terminal/2 does not have an ordinary Scroll back buffer. Instead it uses a history buffer. When you press the ALT-F6 key combination (or press Edit->History buffer in the menus) Terminal/2 will load the text editor (defined in the Special->Settings->Other Settings dialogue) with the passed session. Printing/Capture (ALT-G) If you press the ALT-G key combination (or press Special->Print Screen in the menus) Terminal/2 will send a copy of the terminal screen to the printer (could also be a file, as defined in the Special->Settings dialogue). File transfer To start a file tranfer session press the PgDn (for receive) or PgUp (for send) and select the appropriate file transfer protocol from the menu. Note that the Send to host and Receive from host menu items only are intended for use with OS2You and should not be used for general purpose terminal emulation. Hints for use with OS2You/PM2You To automatically login to OS2You, you should use the IEMSI option (see above). To maximize the Terminal/2 window area, you could double click with the right mouse button at any place of the client window area. Double clicking once again will toggle the window client area size between the two different maximized states (see above). To emulate some key combinations and perform special actions in OS2You/PM2You there are special menu items in the Special menu. To terminate PM2You, you can chose the Special->PM2You->Terminate menu item. ═══ 12.7. 10.7 Shortcut keys ═══ 10.7 Shortcut keys For many actions there are shortcut keys defined. Note that these keys are similar to the keyset used by Procomm Plus (tm). Key Explanation ALT-B Send a Break signal ALT-C Clear terminal screen ALT-D Dial ALT-G Print Screen/Capture ALT-H Hangup/Disconnect ALT-J Initialize modem ALT-S Set parameters ALT-X or ALT-F4 Exit program ALT-Z Help PgDn Receive files PgUp Send files ALT-F6 History buffer/Scroll back ═══ 13. 11 If you have problems Q and A ═══ This section describes some frequently asked questions and problems. ═══ 13.1. 11.1 OS2You ═══ Q: I can't get access to the task-list in OS2You. A: Check that you have enabled "Task Switch" privilege in the OS2You user setup and that you don't run "LockUp" screen-saver feature in OS/2. Q: I can't start a DOS program when in OS2You. A: DOS programs can't be started directly from the OS/2 command prompt within OS2You. Instead you should issue the command "START /DOS" which will create an independent DOS session, and then you should switch to this session with the task-switcher in OS2You (the session will be named COMMAND.COM). Q: The OS2You modem is answering and connecting, but after that I only get garbage. A: OS2You and the modem are probably not correctly configured. In most cases you should only specify one connect string in the OS2You modem setup like "CONNECT" and configure the modem for a fixed speed between modem and computer (this is default in most new high-speed modems). If you have problems try adding the line "SET DEBUG=ON" in your CONFIG.SYS, reboot and do a new connection attempt. The log file will now display what connect strings the modem returned. Q: I want to use OS2You and Terminal/2 with COM3, but the programs only supports COM1 and COM2. A: OS2You and Terminal/2 only have the COM1 and COM2 devices in the pre-configured drop-down list, but you may type in any device name (like COM3) in the device field. OS2You supports any communication port that is supported by OS/2 or an OS/2 device driver that conforms with the standard serial port driver. ═══ 13.2. 11.2 PM2You ═══ Q: When I try to start a PM program from the command line, nothing happens and I don't see the output of it at my terminal. A: To be able to remote control the PM desktop and PM programs, you have to first start PM2You. This is done by entering the command "PM" at the command line. After a while you should see the remote PM desktop. Q: When I enter "PM" nothing happens or I get an error. A: You must install OS2You/PM2You with the included installation program and let it do the necessary changes to your CONFIG.SYS file and reboot, before you can start PM2You. If you have SCA-compression enabled, try to disable it in the PM2You configuration. Q: The PM2You connection is very unreliable and after a while it can stop entirely. A: Ensure that you have turned off Xon/Xoff software handshaking in both the OS2You and terminal configuration and in the modems. Ensure that you have hardware RTS/CTS handshaking enabled in software and modems. If you run Terminal/2, try to disable "PM2You background communication". If you run over a networked connection, try decreasing the PM2You maximum block size setting (to a value like 8192 or 4096). ═══ 13.3. 11.3 Terminal/2 and WinTerm ═══ Q: Sometimes Terminal/2 stops with an error like "Protection violation in XXXX" (XXXX=the name of the display driver). A: Some drivers does not support the faster method of screen drawing that Terminal/2 uses. Select the "Special->Settings->Other Settings" dialog and disable the "Fast screen draw" setting. ═══ 14. 12 News in this release ═══ 11 News in this release PM2You 2.1/OS2You 3.1 Fixes PM2You would fail initialization over serial links. PM2You 2.0/OS2You 3.1 Fixes Using the Task switcher in OS2You could cause OS2You to fail when used with other devices than asynchronous ports. OS2FTP could cause OS2You to be permanenty suspended with some machines. PM2You wouldn't start in some situations. Ctrl-C operation fixed in OS2You. PgUp/PgDown in OS2You task list fixed. Ctrl-C directed to correct OS/2 session when using task switcher. Improvements Faster 32-bit version of PM2You. Terminal/2 can now display either a compressed/stretched image of the remote host (as previous versions) or a natural sized image of the remote host that can be scrolled (if size of host and client doesn't fit). PM2You is warning operator that tries to start a Full Screen session. MultiCast Named Pipe driver. OS2You time scheduler. Improved DOS and Windows keyboard emulation. Telnet compliant TCP/IP drivers. IP host address can now be specified with name in Terminal/2 like server.ridax.se. OS2You can now operate with modems that have the DCD signal permanently set (but this is not recommended). WinTerm can now be maximized to cover the entire screen by double clicking with the right mouse button in the terminal window. PM2You can be configured to only mirror part of the screen. OS2You can now be started "in background" with the "-b" switch. This means that you start OS2You in host mode invisibly in a session, and can continue working with another application in this session. When a caller logs in, he gets directly into the application that is running in foreground of this session. PM2You 1.2/OS2You 3.0 Fixes NetBIOS operation fixed/improved in OS2You, Terminal/2, LanTerm and LanTerm. NetBIOS Submit could generate TRAPs with OS/2 1.x. DOS sessions could die during heavy keyboard input in OS/2 2.x. OS2You could refuse to answer after disconnect if an external Program changed COM-port status during a session. Improvements OS2You now handles "bad" applications that access physical screen memory. Added AUTOdetect of communication handle ("-l AUTO"). Added support for automatic Doorway keyboard support mode. DOS and OS/2 Windowed sessions accessable from PM2You. DOS Full Screen and DOS Windowed sessions now accessible from OS2You and sessions don't need to be in foreground any more. DOS box re-enabled for OS/2 1.x. OS2You can now be started in an OS/2 Windowed session, but will only run in Foreground. IBM TCP/IP and FTP Software PC/TCP socket support added to OS2You, PM2You and Terminal/2. WINSOCK support added to WinTerm. Novell SPX support added to OS2You, PM2You and Terminal/2. Improved modem support with faster initialization and an option to re-initialize modem regulary. OS2You can now receive faxes with a faxmodem (option). Reboot capabilities added to OS2You. PM2You now have configurable compression options to optimize the compression ratio to the speed of the communication device. PM2You can now be limited to only transfer the active window for improved performance. Improved logging feature when using communication protocol drivers.