═══ 1. Golden CommPass Main Window ═══ Golden CommPass is an OS/2 Presentation Manager program for automating access to the CompuServe Information Service or ZiffNet. Golden CommPass allows you to optimize time and efficiency in accessing a variety of services on CompuServe and ZiffNet. The primary objective is to reduce costs by downloading messages from CompuServe or ZiffNet forums, and then, at one's convenience, reading those messages and composing responses at leisure. You will no longer worry about your monthly connect-time bills or your long distance telephone bills, because you can take your time composing messages offline. Of course, at any time while composing a message, you can save what you have already written (using either OS/2's clipboard, or by saving the message to a temporary file). You control what you do and when you do it. The concept that Golden CommPass uses is actually quite simple. Messages are downloaded from CompuServe or ZiffNet forums using the OS/2 communications engine. The messages from each forum in a separate message file (FORUMNAME.MSG) on your hard disk. Then, at your convenience, you can read the messages, compose any responses, write new messages, or archive messages you might want to refer to again later. After you've completed this process, it's time to upload any responses you may have composed. In addition to handling messages offline, Golden CommPass also supports offline marking of message subjects (headers), browsing data library catalogs and selecting files to be downloaded, as well as uploading files. Golden CommPass will create icons in its main window to indicate the various activities that are waiting to be performed. The icons that Golden CommPass creates fall into two different categories: offline actions and online actions. Both represent pending activities, either for you or for the communications engine. You can control the number of icons displayed by Golden CommPass by changing the settings on the Options / Display Icons menu. See Display Icons for more information. o Offline actions represent activities that you must perform, such as marking subject headers or reading and replying to messages. An icon will be created for each forum that has offline activities pending. - Closed book - A closed book represents a forum where you have downloaded messages that you have not read. Once you have completed reading messages from this forum the book will no longer be displayed. - Indexed book - The indexed book represents a forum where you have looked at the forum index but have not actually opened the forum to read messages. - Open book - The open book represents a forum where you are currently reading messages (the message window has been created for this forum). - Typewriter - The typewriter represents a forum where you are currently replying to an existing message or composing a new message. - Clipboard - The clipboard represents a forum where you have downloaded message headers (subjects) that you must mark so the communications engine can download the entire message thread. - Card file - The card file represents a forum data library catalog. You can browse through the catalog, or you can search for keywords and select files to be downloaded. o Online actions represent activities that you have requested the communications engine to perform for you. For example, if you have composed any responses to messages an envelope icon will be created for that forum. - Envelope - The envelope is a general purpose icon that is used to represent a variety of online actions. Primarily, it is used to indicate outgoing messages which must be uploaded to a particular forum. - Checked envelope - The checked envelope is created as a result of marking headers. It contains requests to have the communications engine read specific message threads. - Upload diskette - The diskette with an arrow pointing up indicates a forum data library upload request. - Download diskette - The diskette with an arrow pointing down indicates a forum data library request. This could be either a request to download specific file(s) from the data library, or it could represent a request to download catalog information about the data library for later review offline. - Terminal/statistics session - In addition to the icons described above, Golden CommPass will also create a terminal icon when the communications engine is running in the DOS compatibility mode. In addition, Golden CommPass will create a statistics icon when the STATS program is running. There are two different types of child windows that Golden CommPass uses during normal operation. They are MDI (Multiple Document Interchange) and secondary windows. The MDI windows are used to display the index of message threads, to mark subject headers and to display the index of the data library catalog. The MDI windows are owned by the main window, and are always fully contained within the boundaries of the main window. The secondary windows are used to display the actual text of the message files or data library catalog entries. A secondary window is owned by the Presentation Manager desktop and can be moved and positioned outside of the main Golden CommPass window. On a display with high enough resolution, it is possible to display both the main window and the secondary window at the same time. To begin processing forum messages which have already been downloaded from an electronic bulletin board, use the File Open menu to select a forum message file to be processed, or double-click on one of the icons at the bottom of the window. ═══ 1.1. File ═══ The items contained on this menu will allow you to specify or manipulate an object, such as a forum message file, or to create a message to be uploaded to another user or to a public forum. 1. Open 2. View catalog 3. Close 4. Write message 5. Upload file(s) 6. Search library 7. Save parameters 8. Delete file 9. Exit You also have the option to save the parameter file currently in use. ═══ 1.1.1. Open a file ═══ The Open menu selection will display the Open dialog box. You can use this dialog to select a specific file containing messages that you have previously downloaded from CompuServe or ZiffNet. In addition to opening message files, you can also open: 1. Subjects (message headers) 2. Saved files (viewed) 3. Data library catalogs ═══ Open Dialog Box ═══ Note: This dialog box varies slightly from the standard CUA open dialog box. This dialog box is used for several different functions, including: o Delete file o Edit file o Online scripts o Open message file o View catalog At the top of the dialog box is an entry field which can be used to specify a fully qualified file name, or can be used to specify a pattern to be used in selecting files to be displayed in the files list box. The currently selected drive and directory are displayed immediately below the file name entry field. The file type selection combination box can be used as a quick selector to specify the default file name patterns for several of the more commonly accessed file types. The two major components of this dialog box are the files and directories list boxes. The files list box contains all files matching the pattern specified in the file name entry field. The directories list box contains all sub-directories of the current directory (identified immediately below the file name entry field), as well as the other disk drives accessible. The parent directory is represented by two periods (..). The Open dialog box currently supports the following file types: o Advanced commands (*.ADV) o Catalog (*.CAT) o Downloads (*.DOW) o Headers (*.MRK) o Log files (*.LOG) o Messages (*.MSG) o Quick-Scan (*.QSN) o Script files (*.SCR) o Send files (*.SND) o Upload files (*.UPL) o View saved messages (*.SAV) ═══ 1.1.2. Open a data library catalog ═══ The View catalog menu selection will display the Open dialog box. You can use this dialog to select a specific data library catalog containing file descriptions that you have previously downloaded from CompuServe or ZiffNet. ═══ 1.1.3. Close child window ═══ Close the currently selected child window. If no child window is currently selected, then this option will be disabled on the File menu. In addition, this same menu item can be used to close all of the children windows. In order to close all windows, press the SHIFT key when you select the File menu. The Close option will be displayed as Close all. ═══ 1.1.4. Write a new message ═══ The Write Message menu item can be used to compose a new message for any forum on CompuServe or ZiffNet. For more information, see the Write dialog. Note: The forum must be defined in your current list of forums. ═══ 1.1.5. Data library search ═══ Search the online forum data libraries for specific files to be downloaded to your PC, or create a catalog (in FORUMNAME.CAT) of available files for later review. You can use the Search Data Libraries dialog box to search an online data library for files to be downloaded to your system. You can also have the system build a catalog of files available for downloading that you can later search, and select files from that catalog to be downloaded. For more information, see the Search data libraries dialog. ═══ Search Data Libraries Dialog Box ═══ If you want to search the CompuServe or ZiffNet forum libraries for a specific file name, check the "Search by file name" box (This is the default setting) and enter the file name in the appropriate field. You can also check the "Download if found" box if you wish to also download that file. You can also create a catalog of all of the files in a paricular CompuServe or ZiffNet forum. You can then view this catalog offline. To create a catalog, remove the check from the "Search by file name" box. This will cause the dialog box to display two additional entry fields; one to enter keywords, and one to enter the file age. You can also select to download the entire library description or a single one-line description for each library file. You must select the long descriptions if you are going to download a file. In addition, you must select the forum and the data libraries that you want to search. You can specify as many data libraries as you want to search, or you can search all of the data libraries by pressing the ALL pushbutton (located above the list of library names). The appropriate online library search commands will be built for each library that you specify. If you do not want to search for a specific file, then you can search for a specific keyword. You also can specify an age (in days) to further limit the search. If the catalog for the forum already exists, Golden CommPass will initialize this field to the number of days since that catalog was last updated. Again, you must also specify the forum that you want to search, as well as the data libraries that you want to search. The OK and DOWNLOAD pushbuttons are not valid choices until the required fields have been properly completed. At that time you can select DOWNLOAD to queue the current selection for download and remain in the Search Data Library dialog box. Selecting the OK pushbutton will queue the current selection to be downloaded and will also dismiss the dialog box. ═══ 1.1.6. Upload file ═══ Golden CommPass can fully automate the process of uploading files to CompuServe or ZiffNet. For more information, see the Upload data libraries dialog. ═══ Upload Data Libraries Dialog Box ═══ The upload dialog box can be used to fully automate the uploading of data files to the libraries on the CompuServe or ZiffNet forums. You must select the forum where you want to upload the file, as well as the library name or number within that forum. These selections are made using the listboxes at the top of the dialog box. Below the forums listbox is a field to enter the file name that should be used in the CompuServe or ZiffNet data library. Remember that file names are limited to a 6 character file name and a 3 character extension. Normal IBM PC files use an 8 character file name and a 3 character extension. To the right of the file name is a check box which is used to indicated that the file should be replaced if it already exists. If this box is checked and the file does not already exist, it will not have any effect on the file upload process. On the next line is a place for you to specify the fully qualified file name of the file to be uploaded on your system. This file must already exist in order to be able to schedule the upload request. To the right of the PC file name is a combination box which is used to select the type of file that you are uploading. Typically, the file is identified as either ASCII or Binary. However, the other supported CompuServe file types are also supported. There is also a field for specifying the user searchable keywords that you want to have associated with this file. These keywords will all be converted to upper case, and any special characters will be ignored. Below the keywords field is a space to enter the title of the file. This should be a short description of the file that you are uploading. Lastly, there is an entry area where you can specify a detailed description of the file you are uploading. The maximum number of characters that you can enter is listed above this field. When you have reached that maximum, you will not be able to type any additional characters. While processing this dialog box, the OK and UPLOAD pushbuttons are not valid selections until all of the required fields have been properly completed. At that time you can select the UPLOAD pushbutton to queue the current selection to be uploaded and remain in the Upload File dialog box. You can also select the OK pushbutton to queue the current selection to be uploaded and dismiss the dialog box. ═══ Enter online password ═══ If Golden CommPass has been set to prompt you for a password every time you sign on to CompuServe, this dialog box will be presented to allow you to specify your current CompuServe password. Note: Be very careful typing your password. If you type it incorrectly, CompuServe will reject the password and this dialog box will be displayed again. The password will not be displayed in this dialog box, nor will it be displayed in any of the Golden CommPass generated files. In addition, if the password that you have specified in the Options / Parameters dialog is incorrect, this dialog box will be presented to give you an opportunity to continue the online session. If you do not respond within 60 seconds, the online session will be terminated. Note: Specifying a new password here will not update the password that is stored in your parameters file. ═══ 1.1.7. Save the parameters file ═══ Selecting this option will save any changes which have been made to the current parameters file. If no changes have been made to the current parameters file, this option will be disabled. You can request Golden CommPass to provide a confirmation dialog box before saving the current parameters file. This is described in the Defaults dialog box. ═══ 1.1.8. Delete a file ═══ Delete any file on the hard drive. If there is an icon representing this file, it will also be removed. You can request Golden CommPass to provide a confirmation dialog box before saving the current parameters file. This is described in the Defaults dialog box. ═══ 1.1.9. Exit Golden CommPass system ═══ Selecting Exit will terminate the Golden CommPass session. You can request Golden CommPass to provide a confirmation dialog box before saving the current parameters file. This is described in the Defaults dialog box. ═══ 1.2. Edit ═══ The edit menu allows you to edit a specific file, or to enter an advanced command for the currently selected child window. You can select one of the following options from this menu. 1. Edit files 2. User command 3. Address book ═══ 1.2.1. Edit files ═══ Selecting this option will allow you to select a file of your choice. You can also configure the editor to be invoked from the Options Defaults dialog box. ═══ 1.2.2. Advanced User Command ═══ Selecting this option will allow you to enter an online command to be executed the next time you access the currently selected forum online. This is described in the User command dialog box. ═══ User Command Dialog Box ═══ The User commands (advanced) dialog box allows you to request the communications engine to perform certain actions during the next online session. These options include: 1. Read CIS-Marked messages. Read any new messages addressed to you on the selected forum. This is similar to the Connect / Read waiting command. 2. Read messages addressed to ALL. 3. Read ALL messages on the forum addressed to you. 4. Read ALL messages on the forum sent by you. 5. Delete private messages. All private messages to or from you will be deleted if they have already been read. Generally speaking, it is considered to be good online manners to delete private messages after you have read them. Golden CommPass will ask you if you want to delete a private message addressed to you when you reply to that message. If you forget to delete the message at that time, this command will delete them for you. Do not delete public messages of interest to others. This command will not affect public messages. 6. Read forum announcements In addition to the pre-defined user commands, you can enter any other command in the area below the list of forums. Each command that you enter here will be stored in the FORUMNAME.ADV file. This file will be processed by the online options at the beginning of the online session. Each command should be entered on a separate line. Sample commands that you might want to enter here include : Command Description OPT;NAM;Your-Name;P To reset your forum name REA FRO:JOE STA:0 Read all messages from Joe REA TO:GUY STA:0 Read all message to Guy REA NEW SUB:Golden CommPass Read all new messages about Golden CommPass REA THR NUM:12345 Read the thread beginning with message number 12345. REA NUM:12345 Read message number 12345. Note: You can enter any valid CIS command at this prompt. You can also make these commands permanent advanced commands. These commands will be stored in the FORUMNAME.ADP file and will be executed at the beginning of every online session. ═══ Read forum announcements ═══ You can select to read any of the standard forum announcements by checking the appropriate announcement names. Golden CommPass will generate the correct advanced commands. The text of the announcement will be included in the Forum Announcement message at the beginning of the next online session. The following announcements are supported: 1. Read News Flash announcement. 2. Read General announcement. 3. Read Messages announcement. 4. Read Conference announcement. 5. Read Library announcement. 6. Read Membership announcement. 7. Read Sysop Roster announcement. ═══ 1.2.3. Edit Address book ═══ Select this option to edit the USERID.CIS address book file. You can also configure the editor to be invoked from the Options Defaults dialog box. ═══ 1.3. View ═══ The items contained on this menu will allow you to expand or collapse the entries in the message index window. In addition, you can also select the index level that you to display when the message index is created. Note: The sessions settings will take much less time than the subjects setting. 1. Expand branch 2. Collapse branch 3. Sessions 4. Sections 5. Subjects ═══ 1.3.1. Expand message thread branch ═══ Selecting this option will expand the message thread branch and reveal the lower level objects in the message thread. ═══ 1.3.2. Collapse message thread branch ═══ Selecting this option will collapse the message thread branch and hide the lower level objects in the message thread. ═══ 1.3.3. View session entries ═══ Selecting the View / Sessions option will perform the best when indexing the message files. This option will only display the session entries that Golden CommPass creates whenever you enter a forum. ═══ 1.3.4. View section entries ═══ Selecting the View / Sections option will provide reasonable performance when indexing the message files. This option will display the session and section entries. ═══ 1.3.5. View subject entries ═══ Selecting the View / Subjects option will display all message index entries except for the actual messages. ═══ 1.4. Connect ═══ Using the Connect options, you can invoke the communications engine to transmit and receive files from the CompuServe Information Service or ZiffNet. The following choices are available: 1. Retrieve new messages 2. Handle online actions 3. Read waiting messages 4. Online+Read waiting 5. Interactive mode 6. Join new forums 7. Use logon script 8. Configure CIS params ═══ 1.4.1. Retrieve new messages and subjects ═══ Selecting this option will invoke the communications engine. All forums currently selected will be processed. Any new messages or subjects will be captured to your hard disk for later processing using Golden CommPass. ═══ 1.4.2. Handle online actions ═══ Selecting this option will invoke the communications engine. All forums currently selected with pending online actions (represented in Golden CommPass by envelopes or diskettes) will be processed. ═══ Start Communications Dialog Box ═══ This Start Communications dialog box is displayed whenever you select one of the Connect menu options (except Connect / Interactive). On this dialog box you have the options to alter the online processing actions before the communications engine is invoked, or to return to the main Golden CommPass window by pressing the Esc key. The following options are available in this dialog: 1. Select all forums with online actions 2. Close all forum files currently selected 3. Reorder forums In addition to the options listed above, there are 2 list boxes. The first list box (on the left) indicates the order in which the forums will be processed. This order can be changed by first pressing the Reorder forums check box, and then double clicking on the forum names in the listbox, in the order that you wish to process them. The second list box contains all of the currently defined telephone numbers. The phone number that is selected to be dialed is highlighted. You can select a different telephone number to be used from this list box. If the Select all forums box is checked, any forums in the current parameters file will be included in your online selection. If the Close all forum files box is checked, any forums which are still open to Golden CommPass will be closed before the communications engine is started. ═══ 1.4.3. Read waiting messages ═══ Selecting the Read Waiting menu item will invoke the communications engine. All forums currently selected with pending online actions (represented in Golden CommPass by envelopes or diskettes) will be processed. In addition, all currently selected forums will be checked to see if there are any unread messages addressed to you. ═══ 1.4.4. Online+Read waiting ═══ Selecting the online+read menu item will invoke communications engine. All forums currently selected will be checked for any messages addressed to your userid. If any are found, they will be captured to your hard disk for later processing using Golden CommPass. ═══ 1.4.5. Interactive ═══ Selecting the Interactive menu item will invoke the communications engine directly, without requiring the selection of a specific forum. ═══ 1.4.6. Join new forums ═══ All forums currently selected will be configured to work properly with Golden CommPass. In addition, the section and library names will be updated. ═══ 1.4.7. Use logon script ═══ If you select this option to start communications, the logon script (LOGON.SCR) will be executed at the beginning of the CompuServe session. This will be immediately followed by the normal Retrieve new messages processing. ═══ 1.4.8. Configure CompuServe parameters ═══ This option only needs to be selected once for every baud rate that you expect to use on CompuServe. It will set up the CompuServe options to work properly with Golden CommPass. ═══ 1.5. Options ═══ There is a variety of options that you can select from this menu, including Golden CommPass configuration options and PARAMS configurations. The following choices are available 1. Forums 2. Parameters 3. Section names 4. Telephones 5. Display icons 6. Defaults 7. Online defaults 8. Online log 9. Usage Statistics ═══ 1.5.1. Edit Forums ═══ Select this option to edit the forums for the current parameters file using the Edit Forums dialog box. ═══ Edit Forums Dialog Box ═══ The Edit forum options dialog box allows you to work with up to twenty (20) different forums at a time. It is possible to define additional forums by creating additional parameters files. Forum names On the left side of this dialog box are all currently defined forums in the current parameters file. Forums which have been selected (press ALT+S to select or deselect a forum) are identified in a highlighted color. This color can be set by changing the OS/2 Control Panel screen colors for Help Highlight. As different forums are selected, the current information about that forum is displayed on the right side of the dialog box. You can also change the forum selections using the three pushbuttons located immediately below the list of forum names. The pushbuttons are ALL, NONE and INVERT. Selecting the ALL pushbutton will select all of the forums. Selecting the NONE pushbutton will remove the selection from all of the forums. Selecting the INVERT pushbutton will remove the selection from all of the currently selected forums, and will select all of the currently unselected forums. To add a new forum to the list, press the ADD pushbutton. This will allow you to update any of the control information for that forum. Each option is described in detail below. Note: The ADD pushbutton will be disabled if 20 forums are defined. Service (Gateway) At the top of the dialog box, to the right of the list of forums, is the currently selected forum gateway and forum name. The service or gateway can be selected by choosing one of the available names from the services combination box. You can also press the first letter of the gateway name. Mode Below the service combination box are the mode selection radio buttons, which will determine the mode that will be used to access the forum. There are three choices for forum access mode: 1. Scan message headers 2. Read new messages 3. Read waiting messages Scan headers If you select the option to scan the message headers, the communications engine will retrieve a list of all of the new messages by subject. After the message headers have been retrieved, you will need to select those subjects that you are interested in reading. After selecting (marking) the subjects you are interested in reading, the communications engine will retrieve these messages the next time you go online. Read new If you select the option to read new messages, then whenever you use the Connect / New menu option, the communications engine will retrieve all new messages since the last time you visited the forum. Read waiting If you select the read waiting option, the communications engine will only retrieve messages addressed to your userid. This option can be used to retrieve messages in forum sections that you do not normally visit or access. Flags Below the forum mode choices are several different flag values that you may need to set. The only flag you will need to set on a regular basis is the Forum selected flag. This flag can be set with an ALT+S keyboard command, or you can double-click the forum name to select it as well. This is the only forum option that you can change without selecting the UPDATE pushbutton. You may also need to select the All sections forum flag. If you select this option, all forum sections will be selected every time you visit the forum. This is the recommended (and the default) setting for a forum. If new forum sections are introduced, you may not see messages from those sections if you do not have this option set. Status flags The next group of forum flags are used to indicate the current status of events for the communications engine. They include the Reset high message number flag, which is used by the communications engine to reset the forum's high message number at the end of the session. This flag should only be turned off if you do not want the communications engine to reset the forum high message number. The other forum status flag is the Free flag. Turn on this flag if you are not charged for accessing a particular forum (i.e., you have a free flag on that forum), and the statistics program will exclude this forum from the average monthly bill calculation. State flags The remaining flags are used to indicate the current state of the forum, and include an indictor that you have unread messages, unmarked headers, online actions (i.e., messages to upload) or library actions (i.e., library of file download requests) pending. You should not need to change any of these forum state flags since Golden CommPass normally handles these flags automatically. Disposition In addition to the global setting for append / overwrite status of the message files, Golden CommPass will also allow you to selectively append or overwrite each forum's message file. Section Names At the right of the dialog box is a list of the forum message section names for the forum. All of the selected sections will be highlighted. If you are in update mode, you cannot change the section selections if the All sections box is checked. There are also pushbuttons at the bottom of the dialog box for updating the existing forum information, adding new forum definitions (up to a maximum of 20) and deleting a forum definition. You can also cancel the current forum edit and restore the original settings. All sections Immediately below the list of forum sections is a box to select if you want to process all sections in this forum. Update section list Below the All sections check box, and also below the list of forum sections is an checkbox to automatically update the list of forum sections the next time you process that forum. ═══ Add Forum Dialog Box ═══ Enter the name of the forum that you want to add to the current forum selection list. Below the entry field to specify the forum name is a list of all forums and services on CompuServe. You can select names from this list and the selected forum name will be copied to the entry field. If this list is empty, you can press the refresh pushbutton, and the next time Golden CommPass goes online, it will retrieve the entire list of forums and services. ═══ 1.5.2. Edit Parameters ═══ Select this option to select or edit the parameters for Golden CommPass using the Edit Parameters dialog box. ═══ Edit Parameters Dialog Box ═══ The Edit parameters dialog box is one of the most important parts of the Golden CommPass system. It is from this dialog box that almost all of the options for accessing CompuServe can be configured. Each of the fields in this dialog box will be described in more detail below: Path to parameter files: This is the drive and path that contains all of the parameter files that you will be using. Note: At this time, it is not possible to change the parameter path. Select parameter file to edit: This listbox contains all of the parameter files in the current directory. Any parameter files you have previously opened are displayed in black letters, while any unopened parameter files are displayed in grey. The current (or default) parameter file is displayed in the color being used for Help Highlight, as defined in the system control panel. Default parameter file: This box is checked for the current default parameter file. Checking this box for an unopened parameter file will open it. The default parameter file is remembered from session to session. Whenever you start Golden CommPass the parameters file used last will be selected as the default by Golden CommPass. Modem parameters: The modem parameters group provides a place to set the various modem parameters that the communications engine will use when establishing the connection with CompuServe. Initialize: The modem initialization string is discussed in more detail in the Parameters Setup section of the manual. Reset: The modem reset string is discussed in more detail in the Parameters Setup section of the manual. Online Report: The online report is the string used by the communications engine to determine when a successful connection with CompuServe has been made. The default is NECT, which is the last four characters of CONNECT. Failure Report: The failure report is the string used by the communications engine to determine when the modem has not been able to establish a connection with CompuServe. The default is HAYS, which is short for Hayes. Selecting this option will include support for the following failure strings: 1. ERROR 2. NO CARRIER 3. NO DIALTONE 4. NO DIAL TONE 5. BUSY 6. NO ANSWER 7. VOICE If you are using a 100% Hayes compatible modem, you should use the failure report string HAYS. Communications (Comm) Port: The communications port combination box contains a list of all of the installed communications ports on your computer. On a PC/AT or compatible computer, OS/2 will support a maximum of two communications ports. On a PS/2 or Micro Channel computer, OS/2 will support up to three communications ports. Select the communications port you intend to use for communicating with CompuServe. User Information Immediately below the modem parameters group are three fields containing user information for accessing CompuServe. User ID: The User ID field should contain your CompuServe or ZiffNet User ID. Do not put any extra spaces or other characters into this string. Just enter the CompuServe supplied userid (usually in the format 7xxxx,xxxx or 1xxxxx,xxxx). Password: Specify your CompuServe password in this field. It will not be displayed, but it will be stored in an encrypted format on your hard disk. If you do not want to store your password on the hard disk (even though it will be encrypted), you should simply enter a single asterisk (*), and the communications engine will prompt you for your password whenever it is needed. Name: Enter the name that you would like the communications engine to use as your forum name when you join a new forum. You can change your name in a single forum by issuing a User Command for that forum. See the Edit / User Command. Path Information Message (Msg) Path: The message path should be used to specify the drive and directory where you want the communications engine to store the message files (FORUMNAME.MSG). Other Golden CommPass files will also be created in this drive and directory. In addition, this is the drive and directory that Golden CommPass will use as a default when you use the Open dialog box. Download (D/L) Path: The download path should be used to specify the drive and directory where you want Golden CommPass to store any files that you download from CompuServe. Message (Msg) Files You have two choices for the disposition of your message files (FORUMNAME.MSG). By default, Golden CommPass will overwrite the message file every time you access the forum. This will cause any previous messages in that file to be lost. You may wish to change the default to append, so that any new messages will be added to the end of the message file. However, the problem with this approach is that you will need to manually delete or rename the message files from time to time. This is a global setting and will apply to all forums, including the MAIL forum. Log Time / Transfers The Log Time option can be used to keep track of the amount of time you spend in each forum. This option must be selected if you intend to use the Options / Usage Statistics menu item to calculate your projected monthly CompuServe charges. The Usage Statistics program is also described in the manual under the Time / Charges section. If you select the Log Transfers option, Golden CommPass will save information on each file transfer (upload or download) request to the XFER.LOG file. Save Outbox The Save Outbox options are used to indicate your preference for saving outgoing messages that you compose. It can be turned on or off for the MAIL forum or all other forums. Pushbuttons Across the bottom of the dialog box are several pushbuttons that can be used to select other dialogs (Edit Forums, Edit Telephone Numbers), as well as duplicating or deleting the current parameter file. Clone Pressing the CLONE pushbutton will bring up a dialog box which will prompt for a new three character extension to be used for the new parameters file. The new parameters file will be an exact duplicate of the current parameter file. Forums Pressing the FORUMS pushbutton will bring up a dialog box which will allow you to edit the forum options for all of the forums defined in the current parameters file. Phones Pressing the PHONES pushbutton will bring up a dialog box which will allow you to edit the telephone numbers defined in the current parameters file. Delete Pressing the DELETE pushbutton will delete the current parameters file. If you have turned on the Confirm Deletes option, you will be prompted to confirm the parameter file deletion before it is actually deleted. ═══ Clone parameters file ═══ The first part of the new parameters file name will be PARAMS. You can select the three character extension to be used for the new parameters file name. ═══ New parameters file ═══ Welcome to Golden CommPass! Before Golden CommPass can proceed, we need to create a default parameters file for you to use. This file contains information about your CompuServe or ZiffNet User ID, your modem configuration, and the directories on your hard disk that you want to use to store information retrieved from CompuServe. In each field in this dialog box, please provide the following information: First name Last name CompuServe or ZiffNet User ID Password Note: If you do not want to store you password on your hard disk, enter a single asterisk (*) and Golden CommPass will prompt you for your password whenever it is needed. ═══ 1.5.3. Edit forum section names ═══ Select this option to add, edit or delete the section names for the forums defined in the currently selected parameters file. This is described in more detail on the Edit forum section names. ═══ Edit forum section names ═══ Golden CommPass maintains information about the different forum sections that you use on CompuServe in a FORUMNAME.SEC file. There are two different ways to maintain this file. The first, and easiest, way to update the file is to use the communications engine from the Connect / Join option. However, it is often only one or two sections that have changed; and it is quite easy to manually edit the forum section names (or library names) using this dialog box. At the top of the dialog box is a selector for editing either the forum section names or the data library names. Selecting either radio button will cause the list box on the right to be filled with the names and numbers of the forum sections. As you select different forums from the left list box, the section names will be updated in the right list box. As you select different section names in a forum, the current name and section number is copied to the entry fields below the list boxes. You can make any desired changes to the message section or data library names. After you change the contents of the entry field, select the appropriate action by pressing one of the pushbuttons at the bottom of the dialog. The SAVE pushbutton will write the current file out to the hard disk. Pressing the SAVE pushbutton will also dismiss this dialog box. The UPDATE pushbutton will revise the description of a forum section name or data library name. This change will be stored in memory until the SAVE pushbutton is pressed. The ADD pushbutton can be used to add a new section name or data library name to the current forum. Forum sections and message libraries must be numbered between 0 and 17. The DELETE pushbutton will be used to remove the current selection from memory. Remember to press the SAVE pushbutton to rewrite the disk file. The CANCEL pushbutton will dismiss the current dialog without saving any information, even though one or more changes have already been made. ═══ 1.5.4. Telephones ═══ Select the Edit Telephone Numbers option to edit the telephone numbers or to change the telephone number currently selected. This is described in more detail on the Edit Telephone Numbers. ═══ Edit Telephone Numbers ═══ On the left side of the dialog box is a list of the currently defined CompuServe telephone access numbers. Currently, there is a maximum of six (6) telephone numbers that can be defined. It is possible to define additional phone numbers by creating additional parameters files. To the right of the list of numbers are several choices for setting the phone number access options. At the top right, enter the telephone number to be dialed. Below the phone number, you can enter a comment or name to represent this telephone number. Be sure to select the appropriate line speed for the currently selected telephone number. You must also select the appropriate network service. This is used to specify the type of network that you will be dialing into, and has a direct bearing on the script that will be used to establish communications with CompuServe. If you select a user script, an additional entry field will be displayed to allow you to enter the name of this script. At the bottom of the dialog box are several pushbutton choices, including the ability to add phone numbers (to a maximum of 6) or delete a phone number. There is also a pushbutton for selecting the telephone number to be dialed. When you select a new telephone number the previously selected telephone number is automatically deselected. If the list box is highlighting the currently selected telephone number the SELECT pushbutton will be disabled. ═══ Add phone number / Online logs ═══ This dialog box serves 2 different purposes. First, it is displayed whenever you want to add a new telephone number. Simply enter the telephone number to be added. This dialog box is also displayed when you set the number of ONLINE.LOG files that you want Golden CommPass to automatically set for you. ═══ 1.5.5. Display Icons ═══ Select this option to choose the criteria for displaying icons that indicate either online or offline activities are pending. This is described in more detail on the Display Icons dialog box. ═══ Display Icons Dialog Box ═══ This dialog box allows you to control the level of icon creation at Golden CommPass startup, or whenever you select a new parameters file. It is also used when you return from an online session. There are two different types of icon creation that you can control. Offline icons are defined as message files (*.MSG) and message header (*.QSN) files. These represent actions that you must take before you go back online (using the Connect menu options). Online icons represent a variety of activities that the communications engine will handle the next time that you sign onto CompuServe. For example, any MAIL to be delivered, message threads marked to be downloaded or forum messages to be uploaded are all considered to be online actions, and are represented by an appropriate icon. There are four different levels of icon creation that you can specify for both offline and online activities. If the All forums radio button is selected, then an icon will be created for every forum in the current parameters file that has pending activities. If the Active forums radio button is selected an icon will be created for every forum that is currently selected (shown in a highlighted color in the Edit Forums dialog box) that has pending activities. If the New forums radio button is selected, then an icon will only be created if the forum is identified as having unread messages or unmarked headers. If the None radio button is selected, icons will not be created. The default specifications for Golden CommPass are to display new icons for offline actions and all icons for online actions. ═══ 1.5.6. Defaults ═══ Select this option to set confirmation levels for Golden CommPass, or to set the defaults for the editor or for invoking the communications engine. This is described in more detail on the Defaults dialog box. ═══ Golden CommPass Defaults ═══ From this dialog box you can set a variety of default parameters and actions for Golden CommPass. Confirm options: File delete: A confirmation message box will be displayed before any file is deleted. Params save: A confirmation message box will be displayed before the current parameters (PARAMS.xxx) file is written to disk. We recommend that you disable this option for the best performance. Exit CommPass: A message box will be displayed before Golden CommPass terminates normally. Since Golden CommPass conforms to CUA guidelines, the F3 key is used to terminate the program. Start Comm Engine: A dialog box will be displayed before an online session is started (except for the interactive option) which will allow you to reorder the forum processing order, or to select a different telephone number. If this option is turned off, then that dialog box will not be displayed. Exit Comm Engine: A message box will be displayed before the Golden CommPass communications engine terminates normally. Other options Word wrap: When this box is checked, then the Message Window will default to using word wrap. Note: Word wrap always defaults to off for the MAIL forum. Auto bookmark: When this box is checked, Golden CommPass will automatically set a bookmark for you whenever you close a message file. The only exception is if you are viewing the last message in the file. The next time you start Golden CommPass, all message files that have automatic bookmarks set will automatically be opened and properly positioned to the message where the automatic bookmark was set. The automatic bookmark will the be erased. Auto open msgs: When this box is checked, Golden CommPass will automatically open all message files as soon as they are completely indexed. Sort catalogs: When this box is checked, Golden CommPass will sort all catalog files into library section and file name order. Any older entries which exist in the catalog file will be ignored and will not be displayed. If this box is not checked, then the catalog file will be displayed in exactly the order that it was created. Single key cmds: If you enable this option, then many of the familiar single key commands from TAPCIS will be available under Golden CommPass. While this option may be useful to the new Golden CommPass user migrating from TAPCIS, it has been known to cause strange behavior on some configurations, most notably, the IBM L40SX laptop computer. Alarms (sound): This option allows you to diasable all sounds from the speaker from with Golden CommPass. Indexing thread priorities Golden CommPass allows the user to select several different background indexing thread priority schemes. Generally speaking, we recommend that all indexing be performed at a low priority. Using the low priority setting may not work on all systems. This is especially true if you are running one or more polling DOS applications that consumes all of the available CPU cycles and prevents any of the indexing threads from receiving any CPU time. Using the medium setting should circumvent this problem. However, a better solution is to properly configure the DOS application using the Session settings notebook, DOS settings. Particular attention should be paid to IDLE_SECONDS and IDLE_SENSITIVITY. Use of the high setting is not recommended since it could adversely effect Golden CommPass, as well as other applications running on the system. Editor path and file name The next group allows you to specify the path and file name of the editor of your choice. DO NOT SPECIFY ANY PARAMETERS for your editor. Golden CommPass will automatically append the file to be edited to the name specified here as the editor. Golden CommPass is initially set up to use the OS/2 System Editor (E.EXE). You should also specify the type of OS/2 session the editor will run in. Select one of the radio buttons: full screen, in an OS/2 text window, under the OS/2 Presentation Manager, or as a DOS program. Note: If you select a DOS editor, you must be running OS/2 2.0 or higher. Also, note that the default editor, E.EXE requires the Presentation Manager option to be selected. Finally, you can indicate if the editor that you are using is aware of the OS/2 High Performance File System (HPFS) names. These names are longer than the standard 8.3 DOS file naming convention, and can contain special characters including spaces. Comm Engine Options At the bottom of the dialog box, there are several options to be used when Golden CommPass invokes the communications engine. The mode will always be set to Window. The startup box allows you to select the type of communications window to be created whenever you start an online session. If you select normal, a communications window that is approximately 70 columns by 24 rows will be created. If you have selected the Save window position option from the communications window, the normal selection will use your previously saved window size and position. If you select minimize, the communications window will be created as an icon at the bottom of the screen. This is the recommended mode of operation for Golden CommPass. Under some versions of OS/2 2.0, this will not be the case. Instead, the OS/2 workplace shell will hide the communications window. You should be able to change this behavior from the Open / Settings dialog box where Golden CommPass is installed under the OS/2 workplace shell. If you select maximized, a maximum size window will be created. This window will be the smaller of a 80 column by 24 row communications window, or the maximum size of the video screen. ═══ 1.5.7. Online defaults ═══ Select this option to set online defaults for the Golden CommPass communications engine. This is described in more detail on the Online defaults dialog box. ═══ Golden CommPass Online defaults ═══ From this dialog box you can set a variety of default online parameters that are used by the communications engine. Each of these options are described in detail below. Auto return to main window Selecting this option will automatically restore the keyboard focus to the main Golden CommPass window after the communications window is closed. Timed online activities This option is not currently being used by Golden CommPass. Use B+ protocol to upload MAIL Selecting this option will force Golden CommPass to create a temporary file with the contents of the message to be uploaded, and then use the B+ file transfer protocol to upload the temporary file. This file will be transmitted as a normal CompuServe MAIL message. This is a good option to select if you have regular problems with noisy telephone lines. B+ protocol packet size Select the packet size to be used for B+. If you have clean lines, selecting a larger packet size will increase your overall file transfer speed. However, whenever errors are detected, it will take longer to recover from those errors. If you regularly experience errors during a B+ file transfer, try reducing the size of the B+ packet. If you never experience any file transfer errors, increasing the B+ packet size may increase your overall file transfer speed. Ignore carrier detect (CD) checking Some modems erroneously report the status of the carrier detect line giving false indications of dropped carrier. If you are experiencing this type of trouble, selecting this option may help. However, it may also be difficult for Golden CommPass to detect when an interactive session has been terminated. Fast drop-off from CompuServe Selecting this option will force the Golden CommPass communications engine to issue the OFF command. With some modems, the connection will be lost before CompuServe has reported back the actual connect time. If this option is not selected (the default), then the Golden CommPass communications engine will issue a LOG command to terminate the session. This will insure that you see the exact amount of time that your session lasted (as CompuServe records it). Inter-character initialization delay Golden CommPass normally transmits initialization characters to the modem at the maximum speed possible. If you are experiencing modem initialization problems, then selecting this option will allow you to specify a time delay (in milliseconds) to be used between sending every initialization character to the modem. Redial delay If this option is selected, enter the number of seconds to wait between attempts to redial the telephone number. This number is also the number of seconds that the communications window will remain visible after the normal termination of a communications session. PAD clearing character The default line clearing character is ^U. This value does not work correctly with some international networks. This option will allow you to change the default line clearing character. Suppress sending line clearing character If you select this option, then the Golden CommPass communications engine will not send the line clearing character to remove any line noise. Normally, this character is sent at the beginning of every CompuServe command to clear any residual characters in the input buffer that may accumulate on noisy telephone lines. Suppress sending ^P This option is not currently being used by Golden CommPass. Suppress READ WAITING on Q forums By default, Golden CommPass will normally issue a command to retrieve any messages specifically addressed to you. Select this option if you do not want to retrieve those messages while processing the message headers. Suppress SCAN WAITING on R forums By default, Golden CommPass will normally issue a command to see if there are any messages addressed to you at the beginning of every forum where you have selected to download all new messages. Selecting this option will bypass this command. Read threads in numeric order Golden CommPass normally retrieves messages in the thread sequence in which they are stored on CompuServe. If you would prefer to retrieve these messages sequentially, then select this option. Use software XON/XOFF flow control By default, the Golden CommPass communications engine uses hardware flow control RTS/CTS. If you select this option, Golden CommPass will use XON/XOFF flow control. Be sure to add the appropriate initialization commands to your modem initialization string. See your modem manual for more information on setting your modem for software flow control. Use Micro interrogation sequence at logon In order to have CompuServe pre-set certain forum options, Golden CommPass exchanges information with CompuServe whenever you sign on. This exchange of information tells CompuServe that it is communicating with Golden CommPass. Keep track of high message number Selecting this option will force Golden CommPass to keep track of the forum high message number and manually reset it to the correct value before exiting the forum. We have found that this works better than letting CompuServe automatically update your forum high message number. Upload new messages first If this option is selected, then Golden CommPass will upload any new messages from you before retrieving any new messages you have requested be downloaded. ═══ 1.5.8. Online Log ═══ There are three selections for logging the online session. 1. Entire session 2. Last 350 lines 3. How many ═══ Entire session ═══ Selecting this menu item will save the contents of the entire online session to ONLINE.LOG. Selection is indicated by a check mark next to the menu item. ═══ Last 350 lines ═══ Selecting this menu item will save the last 350 lines (approximately) of the online session to ONLINE.LOG. Selection is indicated by a check mark next to the menu item. ═══ How many ═══ When the dialog box is presented, enter the number of ONLINE logs that you want to keep. Golden CommPass will automatically delete the oldest online log, and cycle the other logs so that they will be in chronological order. For example, the oldest log will be named ONLINE.LOG. The next oldest will be named ONLINE01.LOG, and the one after that will be named ONLINE02.LOG. ═══ 1.5.9. Usage statistics ═══ Note: This option is not available at this time. Select this option to display CIS usage statistics, by invoking the statistics processor. More information on the Usage Statistics can be found in the manual under the Time / Charges section. Note: In order to use the Usage Statistics program you must have the Log Time option selected. ═══ 1.6. Window ═══ On the Window menu are choices for arranging or selecting specific child windows. The choices are 1. Tile 2. Cascade 3. Hide 4. Unhide 5. Children windows ═══ 1.6.1. Tile ═══ Select this option to rearrange the child windows. When selected, the child windows will be resized and repositioned in a tiled fashion, so that no child window will cover another child window. ═══ 1.6.2. Cascade ═══ Select this option to rearrange the child windows. When selected, the child windows will be resized and repositioned in a cascading fashion so that each window will overlay most of the preceding window. ═══ 1.6.3. Hide ═══ Select this option to hide the current window from view. Even though the window is no longer visible, it is still open. Use the Unhide option to restore the window. This option is especially useful when used in conjunction with the Window tile option. ═══ 1.6.4. Unhide ═══ Select this option to restore any windows that were previously hidden using the Window hide option. Selecting this option will display the Unhide dialog box ═══ Unhide dialog box ═══ The Unhide dialog box displays a list of any forums which have been hidden from view. You can select those forums that you wish to make visible and then press the OK pushbutton. ═══ 1.7. Help ═══ There are a variety of options that you can select from this menu, including 1. Help for help 2. Extended help 3. Keys help 4. Help index 5. Product information ═══ 1.7.1. Help for help ═══ Select this option to get more information on the help subsystem. ═══ 1.7.2. Extended help ═══ Select this option to get a general description of the capabilities of Golden CommPass. ═══ 1.7.3. Keys help ═══ Select this option to get a description of special functions that each key is used for in Golden CommPass. ═══ 1.7.4. Help Index ═══ Select this option to display an index of all of the items in the help file. ═══ 1.7.5. Product information ═══ Displays current version number, copyright information and additional registration information about Golden CommPass. ═══ About Golden CommPass ═══ The Product information dialog box displays the current version number, copyright information and additional registration information about Golden CommPass. ═══ 2. Child Windows ═══ ═══ 2.1. Index Windows ═══ There are three different types of index windows used by Golden CommPass. All are MDI windows. These include: Message Index Subject Index Data Library Index You can open the Index windows in two different ways. The easiest way is to simply double-click (or use the Restore CTRL+F5) on the offline action icon. The second way is to use the File / Open option to open a message file, header file or catalog file. ═══ 2.1.1. Message Index ═══ This window contains an index of the messages in the file you have selected to read. Select the message subject you want to read using the cursor movement keys and pressing the ENTER key, or double-click the left mouse button while pointing to the entry you want to read. Selecting a message subject to read will cause Golden CommPass to display a Message Window. The Message Window will contain the text of the first message in the message thread you have selected. Once you have opened the Message Window, you can navigate through the messages in the current file from within that message window. You can also return to the main Golden CommPass window and select another file to process. Of course you can always select another message (using the Locate menu item) within the current message file and continue reading messages. When the Message Index is minimized, it will be displayed as a book. Display Extended Help panel. ═══ 2.1.2. Subject Index ═══ This window contains a list of subjects (message headers) which are available to be downloaded from a forum on CompuServe. The list contains two different types of entries. Section numbers / names Subjects / message counts The section identifier can be used to select an entire forum section. Selecting this entry will automatically select (or deselect) all of the subjects in that section. The subject identifier selects a specific subject from the forum. The right-most number (in parentheses) is the number of replies to this message currently in this subject. You can select a section or subject by clicking the left mouse button on the line containing the entry you want to download, or positioning the cursor over that subject and pressing the SPACE BAR. When the subject index is minimized, it will be displayed as a clipboard. Display Extended Help panel. ═══ 2.1.3. Data Library Index ═══ This window contains a list of the files that are available to be downloaded for this particular forum. Selections cannot be directly downloaded from this window. Instead, you must open a Data Library (Message) Window by double-clicking on the file you wish to download, or by using the cursor movement keys and pressing the SPACE BAR to select the file and then pressing the ENTER key. If any duplicate entries are found in the catalog file, then only the most recent entry will be displayed. When the Data Library Index is minimized, it will be displayed as a card file. Note: You cannot select an item from this window until it has been completely loaded and sorted into the proper sequence. Display Extended Help panel. ═══ 2.2. Status Windows ═══ ═══ 2.2.1. Communications in Progress ═══ Select this icon by double clicking on it to switch to the communications engine. ═══ 2.2.2. CompuServe Usage Statistics ═══ Select this icon by double clicking on it to switch to the statistics program (STATS.EXE). ═══ 2.2.3. Messages to be delivered ═══ The envelope icon represents messages you have composed, or other actions that you have requested to be performed, which have not yet been delivered to CompuServe. This icon can represent messages you have written, or special forum commands you have entered. A future release will support the direct manipulation of the envelope, by allowing you to drop the envelope into a telephone to be delivered. A future release will also allow you to display the contents of the envelope. Display Extended Help panel. ═══ 2.2.4. Files to download ═══ The download diskette icon represents files that you have requested to be downloaded from a library on CompuServe. A future release will support the direct manipulation of the diskette, by allowing you to drop the diskette into a telephone to begin the download process. A future release will also allow you to display the contents of the diskette. Display Extended Help panel. ═══ 2.2.5. Files to upload ═══ The upload diskette icon represents files that you have requested to be uploaded to a data library on CompuServe. Display Extended Help panel. ═══ 2.2.6. Subjects to download ═══ The checked envelope represents subjects that you have asked to retrieve from an electronic bulletin board system. A future release will support the direct manipulation of the envelope, by allowing you to drop the envelope into a telephone to begin the message retrieval process. A future release will allow you to display the contents of the envelope. Display Extended Help panel. ═══ 3. Golden CommPass(tm) Order Information ═══ This dialog box can be used to place an order for a complete Golden CommPass package. Complete all of the required fields, and press the ORDER pushbutton. A confirmation dialog box will be presented, and after you OK the order, it will be transmitted to Creative Systems Programming Corporation during your next online session. ═══ 4. Golden CommPass - Order Confirmation ═══ Please confirm the order information listed on this dialog box. If all of the information is correct, then press the OK pushbutton. If there are any errors, press the CANCEL pushbutton and correct the order information. ═══ 5. Golden CommPass ═══ Enter your Golden CommPass registration number and the name of the registered user. ═══ 6. Golden CommPass(tm) Order Information ═══ This is a demonstration version of Golden CommPass. It is not intended to be used on a regular basis, but is merely provided to allow you to become familiar with a native OS/2 application designed for making the CompuServe Information Service as efficient as possible. ═══ 7. Message Window ═══ The Message Window contains the text of the currently selected message within the forum. This same window is also used to display the detail information from the Data Library Index. The message window may appear to be a child of the main window. It is not. It is a secondary window, and can be placed anywhere on the OS/2 desktop. Scrolling The text of the Message Window can be scrolled forward to the next screen, or to the next message by pressing the SPACE BAR. If there is no additional text to be displayed for this message, then Golden CommPass will automatically scroll to the next message in the forum. The messages in this window can also be scrolled forward one message at a time by double-clicking the right mouse button, or by pressing the numeric keypad PLUS (+) key. Messages can be scrolled backward one message at a time by double- clicking the left mouse button, or by pressing the numeric keypad MINUS (-) key. In either case, you can also use the accelerator keys defined on the menu, which are ALT+P for the previous message, and ALT+N for the next message. Display Extended Help panel. ═══ 7.1. Reply Window ═══ When you select one of the reply options, the Message Window is split horizontally and a Reply Window is created below the Message Window. This allows you to continue to read the message that you are replying to. The standard system supplied multi-line entry field (MLE) is used as the editor for composing messages to be uploaded to CompuServe. The Reply Window uses the same edit controls as the OS/2 System Editor. Some of the standard edit controls available are: o Cursor movement keys o Editing keys o Text selection keys You can switch between the two windows (Message and Reply) by pressing the CTRL+F6 keys. Adjusting size of Reply Window You can adjust the size of the Reply Window using the mouse. Place the mouse pointer in the area between the two windows, and pressing the left mouse button, drag the Reply Window frame to the size that you want. This size will be remembered for the next session. Composing Long Replies CompuServe limits the size of a single forum message to approximately 2200 characters. In order to eliminate the need to worry about this problem, Golden CommPass will allow you to create an entire reply in a single session. When your reply exceeds the size of a single CompuServe message, a warning tone is issued, and you can continue typing. When you send the message, if it is too big to fit into a single message slot the Send Multi-Part Message dialog is displayed. Display Extended Help panel. ═══ 7.1.1. Send Multi-Part Message ═══ When you have completed your reply and you select one of the Send options, Golden CommPass checks the size of your message. If it is too big to fit into a single CompuServe message, the Send Multi-Part Message dialog box is displayed, as illustrated below. This dialog box will allow you to select the location within your reply where you want to split the reply into multiple parts. The approximate number of message segments to store the message is identified at the top of the dialog box. The current Reply Window cursor location and the maximum cursor location for the current message segment is also displayed in the dialog box. You must position the cursor in the Reply Window at the location where you want to split the message, and then press the SEND NEXT SEGMENT pushbutton. If you want to change any of the text in the Reply Window, you can press the RETURN TO EDIT pushbutton. This dialog box will remain on the screen until all of the message segments have successfully been stored for transmission to CompuServe. ═══ 7.2. File ═══ The items contained on this menu will allow you to manipulate the message you are currently viewing or composing. 1. Import 2. Attach 3. Next forum 4. Bookmark 5. Save 6. Save as 7. Post 8. Discard 9. Download 10. Print 11. Search 12. Close with bookmark 13. Close ═══ 7.2.1. Import file ═══ This option is disabled unless the message Reply Window is displayed. In that case, File / Import will display the standard Open dialog box. When you select a file to import, the contents of that file will be imported into the Reply Window. ═══ 7.2.2. Attach data file ═══ This option has not been implemented at this time. ═══ 7.2.3. Next Forum ═══ Selecting this option will minimize the currently selected file, and automatically select and open the next forum message file. All of the message files currently opened will be displayed. When you reach the end of the list of opened files, the first message file will be displayed again. ═══ 7.2.4. Bookmark ═══ Selecting the bookmark option allows you to set a bookmark at the current forum message location so that you can easily return to the same location. This is described in more detail under the Bookmark dialog box. ═══ Bookmark Dialog Box ═══ The Bookmark dialog box can be used either to place a bookmark or to view (display) a previously saved bookmark. You can also delete any bookmarks you have previously placed. At the top of the Bookmark dialog box is an entry field where you can enter up to 255 characters of text. Golden CommPass initializes this field with the absolute forum message number. You can type over that number and enter any information that is meaningful to you. Any previously placed bookmarks will be displayed in the list box. You can choose to remove any of these bookmarks by selecting a bookmark from the list box, and selecting the Remove radio button before pressing the OK pushbutton. You also have the option to Remove all of the previously saved bookmarks for the current forum. Note: Bookmarks will be remembered from one session to the next. ═══ 7.2.5. Save ═══ This will save a copy of the message to the FORUMNAME.SAV file. ═══ 7.2.6. Save as ═══ This option is similar to the File / Save menu option except that with the Save as menu option, you have an opportunity to specify the file name to be used to save the current message. The Save as dialog box will be presented. ═══ Save As Dialog Box ═══ Note: This dialog box varies slightly from the standard CUA Save as dialog box by including a files list box. At the top of the dialog box is an entry field which can be used to specify a fully qualified file name or to specify a pattern used in selecting files to be displayed in the files list box. The currently selected drive and directory are displayed immediately below the file name entry field. On the left of the screen, a list box containing all of the files in the current directory is displayed. On the right of the screen, a list box containing all of the drives and subdirectories on the system is displayed. Note: If you select Save as while the Reply Window is visible, you can choose to save either the reply or the original message. ═══ 7.2.7. Send ═══ Pressing the F7 key while there is a Reply Window will display the Send menu. The items on the Send menu will be changed and menu items will be enabled or disabled depending on the forum that you are sending the message to (i.e., the MAIL forum), or the type of message you are sending (i.e., Private or Public). Note: The Unformatted Send options will be disabled unless you turn the Word Wrap option off. The following items are on the Post menu: 1. Post message 2. Post private 3. Post unformatted 4. Mail message 5. Post private/unformatted 6. Resume 7. Discard ═══ Send Public ═══ Send the current response as a public forum message. If you are currently sending a message in the MAIL forum, then this option will send the response as a private MAIL message. ═══ Send private ═══ Sends the current response as a private forum message. If the current forum does not support private messages, the communications engine will send it as a private MAIL message. If you are currently sending a message in the MAIL forum, then this option will send the response as a private MAIL message, but will request a return receipt. There will be an additional charge for the return receipt request. ═══ Send unformatted ═══ Sends the current response as a CompuServe unformatted message. This means that CompuServe will bypass its normal message reformatting routines and store your message exactly as it has been entered. This may cause difficulty for other forum members reading the message if their CompuServe options are set differently than yours. The use of this option is not recommended. This option is normally disabled until you turn the Word Wrap option off. ═══ Send via MAIL ═══ Sends the current response as a private MAIL message. ═══ Send private unformatted ═══ Sends the current response as a private, unformatted message. This means that CompuServe will bypass its normal message reformatting routines and store your message exactly as it has been entered. This may cause difficulty in other forum members reading the message if their CompuServe options are set differently than yours. The use of this option is not recommended. If the current forum does not support private messages, Golden CommPass will send it as a private MAIL message. This option is normally disabled until you turn the Word Wrap option off. ═══ Resume ═══ Do not send the current response. Return to composing the response. ═══ Discard response ═══ This is the same as the File / Discard menu option. ═══ 7.2.8. Discard response ═══ Do not send the current response. Do not return to composing the response. Discard the current response. It will be lost and will not be retrievable. ═══ 7.2.9. Download file ═══ This option provides a quick path to the main menu Search Data Library dialog box. It is especially useful if the message you are reading has a reference to a file in the data library. If you highlight the name of the file using the cursor movement and selection keys, or using the mouse before selecting this option, Golden CommPass will automatically complete the entire data library download request except for the library name and number. ═══ 7.2.10. Print message ═══ Print the current message to the specified OS/2 print manager queue. If you need to include a page eject (form feed) after the message has been printed, you must press the Shift key while selecting this option. A more complete description of this print option can be found in the Print Manager dialog box. ═══ Print Manager Dialog Box ═══ The Print Manager dialog box contains a list of all the print queues that are currently defined to OS/2. Select the queue you want to use to print the current message and press the ENTER key. Golden CommPass will create a background thread to handle the print request. Some printers (especially the Epson printers) require you to select the PROPERTIES pushbutton before they will print properly. Other printers may be able to take advantage of special printer capapbilities that can be found on the Printer Properties dialog box. If you need to add a form feed at the end of the message, you can check the form feed box. You can also set a default printer using the DEFAULT printer check box. If you select this option, then Golden CommPass will not prompt you for any printer information the next time you print a message. It will use the same information from the current print request. To change the printer options after you have selected a default printer, you must press the CTRL key while selecting the Print Manager dialog. You can either press the CTRL key and then open the File menu, or you can simply press the CTRL+PRTSC key combination. Note: You cannot close the Message Window until the print thread has ended. ═══ 7.2.11. Search entire message file ═══ This option allows you to search the entire message file beginning at the current message location for a specific word or phrase. See the Search dialog box for more information. ═══ Search Dialog Box ═══ Using this dialog box, Golden CommPass can be directed to search the entire message file for a particular text string. You have the option of specifying a case sensitive search. While the search is in progress, a meter indicating progress will be displayed above the Search for keyword. You have a choice of searching the file in either direction (forward or backward). ═══ 7.2.12. Close with bookmark ═══ Select this option to close the current message window and set an automatic bookmark. The next time this message file is opened, the window will automatically be opened and positioned at the current message's location. In addition, this selection can be used to close both the Message Window and the Index Window. In order to close both windows, press the SHIFT key when you select the File menu. The close option will be displayed as Close both w/bookmark. It will also set an automatic bookmark as described above. Note: This option is disabled if there are print requests from this forum pending. ═══ 7.2.13. Close / Close both ═══ Select this option to close the current Message Window. In addition, this selection can be used to close both the Message Window and the Index Window. In order to close both windows, press the SHIFT key when you select the File menu. The close option will be displayed as Close both. Note: This option is disabled if there are print requests from this forum pending. ═══ 7.3. Edit ═══ The following choices are available on the Edit menu. Most of these choices are only valid when the Message Window is in Reply Mode. 1. Undo 2. Cut 3. Copy 4. Paste 5. Clear 6. Find 7. Macros 8. Update address book ═══ 7.3.1. Undo / Redo ═══ Select this option to undo or redo (if possible) the last edit action. ═══ 7.3.2. Cut ═══ Select this option to cut the currently selected text. This will remove the selected text from the message response, and place a copy in the system clipboard. ═══ 7.3.3. Copy ═══ Select this option to copy the currently selected text to the system clipboard. ═══ 7.3.4. Paste ═══ Select this option to copy the current contents of the system clipboard to the message response window at the current cursor location. ═══ 7.3.5. Clear ═══ The clear text option will clear the currently selected text and remove it from the message response window. ═══ 7.3.6. Find ═══ The Find dialog box can be used to search the current message for a specific text string. It will only search the current message. If you want to search the entire message file, you should use the File / Search option. ═══ Find Dialog Box ═══ The Find dialog can be used to search the current message for a specific text string. It will only search the current message. If you want to search the entire message file, then you should use the File / Search option. ═══ 7.3.7. Macros ═══ Note: This option is only available when you are replying to a message. You can use this option to use a keyboard macro and insert the text into your response at the current cursor location. You can also edit the text of each keyboard macro. This is described in more detail under the Macros dialog box. ═══ Macros Dialog Box ═══ Note: This option is only available when you are replying to a message. You can use the Macros option to include certain text or phrases in the body of your message. For example, many users sign their messages in a particular manner. You can create a macro to generate that signature. If you want to include a carriage return in your macro, then use the vertical bar (|) to indicate a carriage return. When the text is inserted, it will be properly translated for you. Up to twenty (20) macros can be defined. Each macro is identified by a letter (from A through T). Press the letter representing the macro you wish to include in your response, and select the OK pushbutton. Of course, you can also use the mouse or the cursor movement keys to select the macro. If you want to change the text of a particular macro, you must first select the macro and then type any changes in the entry field below the list box and press the UPDATE pushbutton. When you are finished with this dialog, press the CANCEL pushbutton to dismiss the dialog box, or press the OK pushbutton to include the currently selected macro in your reply. ═══ 7.3.8. Update Address book ═══ The Update Address Book dialog box can be used to add information to your personal address book (USERID.CIS). For more information, see the Update Address Book dialog box. ═══ Update address book ═══ The Update Address Book dialog box can be used to add information to your personal address book (USERID.CIS). You can add either the sender's or the recipient's name and userid to your address book. This is done by checking the appropriate box(es). You can also add any additional information that you would like to store along with the person's name. Later, when you want to look up this address, you can search on the text that you have specified. This dialog box also includes a blank entry field so that you can easily add other users to your address book. ═══ 7.4. Messages ═══ The following choices are available on the Messages menu. 1. Reply to message 2. Reply to parent msg 3. Reply on other forum 4. Start new thread 5. Reply to recepient 6. Write new message 7. Forward message 8. Delete message 9. Reset hi-msg number ═══ 7.4.1. Reply ═══ Select this option to reply to the current message. ═══ 7.4.2. Reply to parent message ═══ Select this option to reply to the parent of this message. In other words create a message that is a sibling to the message you are currently viewing. ═══ 7.4.3. Reply on other forum ═══ Use this option to change the response to go to a different forum. Typically this is used to move a public forum discussion to a private MAIL exchange. See the Change message dialog box for more information. ═══ Change Dialog Box ═══ This dialog box can be used to reply to the current message, but on a different forum. Typically this is used to respond via MAIL instead of as a public reply. However, you can also respond on any other forum that is defined in your current parameters file. You must select the name of the forum where you want to reply, as well as the name of the section (except for the MAIL forum). If Golden CommPass cannot locate the forum section name file, an entry field will be displayed for you to enter the section number where you want to leave this message. After properly selecting the forum and section where you want to leave the reply, select the OK pushbutton to enter the normal reply mode. ═══ 7.4.4. Start a new thread ═══ This option will begin a new message thread and send the message to the addressee in the current message. This option can be used to change the subject of a message or the forum section of the reply. Typically, this type of a change is called a UA. See the Start a new thread dialog box for more information. ═══ Start a new thread / reply to recepient ═══ This dialog box is used for two different purposes. When this dialog box is invoked as the Start a new thread dialog, the response will be sent to the original sender of the message. When this dialog box is invoked as the reply to recepient dialog, the response will be sent to the person in the To: address field, not to the original sender of the message. This dialog gives you the opportunity to change the message subject, as well as the forum section. The message will be sent on the current forum. ═══ 7.4.5. Send To ═══ This option will begin a new message thread and send the message to the userid in the to field of the message you are viewing. You can also change the message subject or forum section of the reply. ═══ 7.4.6. Write a new message ═══ Select this option to compose a new message on the current forum or any other forum in your parameters file. The Write Message dialog box is used for both writing messages and forwarding messages. ═══ Write/Forward Message Dialog Box ═══ This dialog box is used for two different, but essentially similar functions. They are: 1. Writing a new message. 2. Forwarding a message to another user/forum. Specifying the addressee: Enter the name and userid of the person that you wish to send a message to. If you do not know the name and userid, you can enter a portion of the name or userid and then press the LOOKUP pushbutton. This will search your address book for any matching names. All of the matching names will be displayed in the listbox on the right side of the dialog box. Select the individual that you want to send the message to and press the LOOKUP pushbutton again. This will copy the name and userid that you have selected to the To: field. It is also possible to search the address book for a quick reference name. These quick reference names must already have been stored in your address book, in the comment area. To edit the address book, see . Edit address book Be sure to use one of the formats below: 1. Enclosed in parentheses (john) 2. Preceded by an equals sign =john If you wish to send the message (MAIL forum only) to more than one person, you can append a SEMI-COLON (;) to the userid/name, and then specify another userid/name. Sending messages to multiple recipients is more fully described under the Mail Options dialog box. Specifying the subject: Enter the subject to be used for the message you are about to compose. Selecting the forum: The forums defined in the currently selected parameters file are displayed in the forum list box. At this time, it is not possible to write a message to a forum that is not defined in the current parameters file. Selecting the forum section: As you select a forum from the forum list box, the sections list box will be filled with the names of the sections defined (in FORUMNAME.SEC) for that forum. If the names are not known, an entry field is displayed so that you can enter the section number where you want to store the message. Specifying MAIL forum options: When the MAIL forum is selected, the OPTIONS pushbutton is enabled. This allows you to select options which are not normally available on a regular forum. Some of the options available by selecting the OPTIONS pushbutton include: o Send Internet nail o ASCII/Binary file transfer o Facsimile transmission (FAX) o Multiple recipients (address lists) ═══ Mail Options Dialog Box ═══ This Mail Options dialog box allows you to select special processing options which are only available for the MAIL forum. The fields below the Select Option box will vary as the different Mail Options are selected by pressing the appropriate radio button. 1. File Upload The File Upload option will allow you to upload a file to a user via CompuServe Mail. You must specify the fully qualified path, including the file name in the entry field. You also need to select the file transfer type of either ASCII or binary. 2. MCI Mail When you select the MCI Mail option, you must supply the MCI id in the entry field. Golden CommPass will properly format the MCI Mail address for you. 3. Internet When using the Internet Mail gateway, you must provide a valid internet address. This includes the user name, organization and domain. Golden CommPass will properly format the internet address for you. You can also receive MAIL on CompuServe from internet users. They must address their MAIL to userid@compuserve.com. Also, be certain to replace any commas in the userid with periods. For example, to send an Internet message to Support Group, Inc, you would use 74020.10@compuserve.com. 4. Telex or TWX To use the Telex option, you must supply the telex number and answerback. Golden CommPass will properly format the address for you. 5. Facsimile (FAX) To send a fax using CompuServe, you must specify the fax telephone number to be dialed. You can also specify the intended recipients name. Golden CommPass will properly format the fax address for you. 6. Postal (U.S. Mail) When you send a Postal message, you must supply a complete mailing address. Golden CommPass will properly format the postal address for you. 7. Multiple addresses Sending multiple MAIL messages is one of the more powerful features of Golden CommPass. You must have previously defined a group of users to receive this MAIL in your address book. In the first entry field, type the keyword that you used to define the group to receive this MAIL. Golden CommPass will display all of these users in the list box below the entry field. You can remove anyone from the list before you press the OK pushbutton. This dialog box also provides a pushbutton that will allow you to update your Golden CommPass address book. The following options have not been implemented at this time. 1. SantaGRAM 2. LoveGRAM 3. CongressGRAM ═══ 7.4.7. Forward a copy of this message ═══ The Forward option can be used to send a copy of this message to someone else. The Write Message dialog box is used for both writing messages and forwarding messages. ═══ 7.4.8. Delete message ═══ If the message is addressed to you, or if it is a message you uploaded, then you have the option to delete the message. Note: This will delete the message from the forum, not from your message file. ═══ 7.4.9. Reset High Message Number ═══ If you are viewing the Forum announcement in a forum, you can select this option to have the communications engine reset your high message number. See the Reset High Message Number dialog box for more information. ═══ Reset High Message Number ═══ When you are viewing the Forum Announcement message, you can elect to reset your high message number. Golden CommPass will read the Forum Announcement and allow you to reset the high message number to: First forum message Last forum message Last message you have read You can also select the option to specify a specific message number that you would like to use as your current high message number. ═══ 7.5. Locate ═══ The following choices are available on the Locate menu. 1. Next message 2. Previous message 3. Scroll message 4. Jump to message 5. Parent message 6. Children message(s) 7. Next message to/from this id 8. Previous message to/from this id 9. Next subject 10. Previous subject 11. Top of thread 12. Next section 13. Previous section 14. Next session 15. Previous session ═══ 7.5.1. Locate next message ═══ This menu option will display the next forum message in the message window. Using the mouse, the message window can be scrolled to the next forum message by double-clicking the right mouse button. Using the keyboard, the message window can be scrolled to the next forum message by pressing the numeric keypad PLUS (+) key or the ALT+N key combination. ═══ 7.5.2. Locate previous message ═══ This menu option will display the previous forum message in the message window. Using the mouse, the message window can be scrolled to the previous forum message by double-clicking the left mouse button. Using the keyboard, the message window can be scrolled to the previous forum message by pressing the numeric keypad MINUS (-) key or the ALT+P key combination. ═══ 7.5.3. Scroll message ═══ This option will scroll the message to the next page if the message is too big to fit onto a single window. If the last page of the message is currently being displayed, then it will scroll the window to view the next message. ═══ 7.5.4. Jump to message ═══ Using the Jump To Message option, you can display any message in the current message file. This can be done using a message number relative to the beginning of the file, or by specifying the actual forum message number. See the Jump to Message Number dialog box for more information. ═══ Jump to message ═══ You can specify the message number that you would like to use to reposition in one of two different ways. First, you can specify a number relative to the beginning of the message file. This is the default. You can also have Golden CommPass search the message file for an absolute forum message number, and, if found, display that message. ═══ 7.5.5. Parent message ═══ This will display the parent of the current message, if it can be located in the current file. ═══ 7.5.6. Children message(s) ═══ This option can be used to locate and display any children messages in the current file. If there is only one child message, then only the child message and not the dialog box is displayed. See the Children messages dialog box. ═══ Children message(s) ═══ The Locate Children dialog box contains a list of all messages that are replies to the current message. The forum message number, and the name and userid of the message sender are also listed. Selecting one of the children messages and pressing the OK pushbutton will display that message. If there are no children messages, then the dialog box will not be displayed, and Golden CommPass will issue a warning beep. If there is only one child message, then Golden CommPass will automatically display that child message. ═══ 7.5.7. Next message to/from you ═══ Selecting this option will display the next message addressed to you, or sent by you. ═══ 7.5.8. Previous message to/from you ═══ Selecting this option will display the previous message addressed to you, or sent by you. ═══ 7.5.9. Next subject ═══ Selecting this option will display the first message in the next message thread. ═══ 7.5.10. Previous subject ═══ Selecting this option will display the last message in the previous message thread. ═══ 7.5.11. Top of thread ═══ Selecting this option will display the first message in the current message thread. ═══ 7.5.12. Next section ═══ Selecting this option will display the first message thread in the next forum section. ═══ 7.5.13. Previous section ═══ Selecting this option will display the last message in the previous forum section. ═══ 7.5.14. Next session ═══ Selecting this option will display the Forum announcement message for the next session. ═══ 7.5.15. Previous session ═══ Selecting this option will display the Forum announcement message for the previous session. ═══ 7.6. Options ═══ Selecting this option will allow you to configure the options for the message window. 1. Set font 2. Set colors 3. Save position 4. Button bar 5. Configure button bar 6. Word wrap 7. Mono font 8. Reply indicators ═══ 7.6.1. Set font ═══ The Set Font dialog box allows you to change the font used by Golden CommPass for reading and writing messages. Changing the font will only effect Golden CommPass, and will not change the font for any other components of OS/2. ═══ Set font dialog box ═══ On the left side of the dialog box is a list of all the fonts (including Adobe Type fonts) that have been installed on the system for OS/2 to use. The currently selected font is highlighted. Immediately to the right is a list of available font sizes, ranging from 6 points to 48 points for any scalable fonts. For any of the bitmap fonts, only the available sizes will be displayed. On the right side of the dialog box are several options that effect the style of the font currently selected. These typestyle options include: Boldface Italic Underscore Strikeout Towards the bottom of the dialog box (above the pushbuttons) is a sample of the font currently selected. The OK pushbutton will apply the current font selection to the text of the message window and dismiss the dialog box. The APPLY pushbutton will apply the current font selection to the text of the Message Window, but will leave the Set Font dialog box active, in case you wish to make any additional changes to the font selection. ═══ 7.6.2. Set colors ═══ The Set Colors dialog box allows you to change the foreground and background colors used in Golden CommPass for reading and writing messages. Changing the colors will only effect Golden CommPass, and will not change the colors for any other components of OS/2. ═══ Set colors dialog box ═══ On the left side of the dialog box is a list of choices for the foreground color. The current foreground color is highlighted. On the right side of the dialog box is a list of choices for the background color. The current background color is highlighted. Immediately below the color selection list boxes is a sample of the current color selection. The OK pushbutton will apply the current color selection to the text of the message window and dismiss the dialog box. The APPLY pushbutton will apply the current color selection to the text of the Message Window, but will leave the Set Colors dialog box active, in case you wish to make any additional changes to the color selection. ═══ 7.6.3. Save position ═══ When you check this menu item, the current message window size and location is remembered from session to session. When you turn the check on this menu item off, all message window positioning information is immediately lost. ═══ 7.6.4. Button Bar ═══ Selecting this option will enable or disable the use of the button bar. Once this option has been enabled (indicated by a check mark on the menu), you will need to select the Configure button bar option to customize the button bar. ═══ 7.6.5. Configure button bar ═══ This option will only be enabled if the Button bar option is checked. Selecting this option will display the Configure button bar dialog box. ═══ Configure button bar ═══ This dialog will allow you to configure the actions to be associated with each of the pushbuttons on the button bar. The button bar contains 10 pushbuttons that are displayed across the top of the message window. Each pushbutton can be configured to execute any one command that is on any of the menus in the message window. This dialog box contains 2 list boxes. The first list box (on the left) contains the current names of the pushbuttons. You use this list to select the pushbutton that you want to configure. The second list box (on the right) contains a list of all of the command names (menu items) from all menus in the message window. When you select an entry from this list, the text will be displayed in the entry field under this list. You may want to shorten the pushbutton text so that it will properly fit onto the pushbutton. At the bottom of this dialog box are several pushbuttons. Selecting the OK pushbutton will update the currently selected pushbutton with the command that you have selected, and dismiss the dialog. The update pushbutton will update the currently selected pushbutton with the command that you have selected, but will not dismiss the dialog. This will allow you to make several changes to the button bar in a single configuration session. ═══ 7.6.6. Word wrap ═══ Selecting Word Wrap will force Golden CommPass to automatically display a word on the next line if it exceeds the width of the message window. This is the default for all forums except the MAIL forum. When you turn Word Wrap off, the message is displayed without any Golden CommPass reformatting options, and more closely resembles the original poster's message. You will need to turn Word Wrap off to properly display any unformatted messages. You will also need to turn Word Wrap off to post an unformatted message. ═══ 7.6.7. Mono font ═══ Selecting Mono font will force Golden CommPass to select a mono-spaced font. This is especially useful for displaying tables and other unformatted messages. You will also need to turn Mono Font on to post an unformatted message. ═══ 7.6.8. Reply indicators ═══ If this option is selected (indicated by a check mark), then whenever you change the direction of the message thread, by using one of the following reply options, Golden CommPass will insert an indicator into the message text to indicate where the message originated. This works with the following message reply options: 1. Reply on other forum 2. Start new thread ═══ 7.7. Help ═══ There are a variety of options that you can select from this menu, including 1. Help for help 2. Extended help 3. Keys help 4. Help index 5. Product information ═══ 7.7.1. Help for help ═══ Select this option to get more information on the help subsystem. ═══ 7.7.2. Extended help ═══ Select this option to get a general description of the capabilities of Golden CommPass. ═══ 7.7.3. Keys help ═══ Select this option to get a description of special functions that each key is used for in Golden CommPass. ═══ 7.7.4. Help Index ═══ Select this option to display an index of all of the items in the help file. ═══ 7.7.5. Product information ═══ Displays current version number, copyright information and additional registration information about Golden CommPass. ═══ Help for Keys ═══ Select one of the following topics by double-clicking the left mouse button, or by tabbing to the desired topic and pressing the enter key. o Cursor movement keys o Editing keys o Text selection keys o Function keys ═══ 8. Help for Cursor movement keys ═══ Key Function Up Moves the cursor up one line. Down Moves the cursor down one line. Left Moves the cursor left one space. Ctrl+Left Moves the cursor to the beginning of the word. Right Moves the cursor right one space. Ctrl+Right Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word. End Moves the cursor to the end of the current line. Ctrl+End Moves the cursor to the end of the message. Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. Ctrl+Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the message. Page Up Scrolls the message backward by one screen. Page Down Scrolls the message forward by one screen. Plus Jumps to the next message. This only works with the plus on the numeric keypad. Minus Jumps to the previous message. This only works with the minus on the numeric keypad. Space Either scrolls the message forward by one screen (if necessary), or jumps to the next message. ═══ Help for Editing keys ═══ Use these keys to edit the text in the reply mode. Key Function Enter While you are in reply mode, the enter key will split the current line at the current cursor location by inserting a carriage return and line feed character into the text. Tab Insert a tab character at the current cursor location. Insert The insert key switches between insert and over type mode. In the insert mode, new text is inserted at the current cursor position, and will cause any existing text to be moved to the right. In the over type mode, any new text which is typed will replace the existing text. Note: Over type mode must be turned off before trying to send a message. Delete If any text is selected, then the delete key will delete that text. If no text is selected, the delete key will remove the character immediately to the right of the current cursor location. Backspace If any text is selected, the backspace key will delete that text. If no text is selected, the backspace key will delete the character immediately to the left of the current cursor location. Shift+Delete This will cut the currently selected text to the system clipboard. Ctrl+Insert This will copy the currently selected text to the system clipboard. Shift+Insert This will paste any text currently in the system clipboard to the reply message at the current cursor location. If any text is currently selected, the paste operation will overlay the selection. If there is no text selected, the paste operation will insert the text into the message window. Alt+Backspace This will undo the last change made to the reply message (if possible). Ctrl+M This will invoke the editor macros dialog. ═══ Help for Text selection keys ═══ These text selection keys can be used to select text, or to extend the existing text selection area. Warning: If any text is currently selected, then pressing any character key will overwrite the existing selection text. Key Function Shift+arrow This will select text (or extend the selection) in the direction of the arrow. Shift+Home This will select text (or extend the selection) from the current cursor location to the beginning of the current line. Shift+End This will select text (or extend the selection) from the current cursor location to the end of the current line. Shift+Ctrl+Right This will select text (or extend the selection) from the current cursor location to the beginning of the next word. Shift+Ctrl+Left This will select text (or extend the selection) from the current cursor location to the beginning of the previous word. Shift+Ctrl+Home This will select text (or extend the selection) from the current cursor location to the beginning of the message. Shift+Ctrl+End This will select text (or extend the selection) from the current cursor location to the end of the message. ═══ 9. Help for Function keys ═══ Main Window Key Function F1 Display help for the current function. F3 This will terminate Golden CommPass. Alt+F6 This function key can be used to switch between any open message windows, or the main Golden CommPass window if only one message window is open. F10 Activate the menu bar. Message Window Key Function F1 Display help for the current function. Alt+F2 Search the message file for specific text. Alt+F3 Close the message window and set an automatic bookmark. Alt+Shift+F3 Close the message window and the message index window and set an automatic bookmark. Alt+Shift+F4 Close the message window and the message index window. F5 Search the message file for specific text. F6 Jump to the next view of the window. This is primarily used in while replying to a message to switch the focus between the message window and the reply window. Alt+F6 This function key can be used to switch between any open message windows, or the main Golden CommPass window if only one message window is open. F7 Send the message (i.e., display the Send menu). F8 Display the next message window (i.e., the next forum). F9 Import an external file into the message you are composing. F10 Activate the menu bar. Shift+F10 Specify a specific file name where you want to save a copy of the current message.