═══ 1. Introduction: ═══ World Clock is a multi-city time display clock for OS/2 V2.1 and Warp. World Clock displays six clocks. You can select the city, or any location around the world, for each clock. Choose from over 550 cities in the City List or build your own Custom City List. World Clock gets the time from your computer's internal clock. In order to display the time at other locations, World Clock must know some things about your local time zone. The information about your local time zone and other options of World Clock are maintained through the use of an OS/2 style notebook. The Settings notebook is opened by pressing {Ctrl}S while the World Clock window has the focus, by clicking on a City Name or Time Display with the left mouse button or by clicking on a City Name or Time Display with the right mouse button and selecting "Settings" from the pop-up menu. The Settings notebook has nine pages. Each page allows you to choose options that tailor World Clock to your specific needs. After installing World Clock and running it for the first time, you should open the Settings notebook and turn to the Local Zone page. World Clock gets the time from your computer's internal clock. In order to display the time at other locations, World Clock must know your Local Time Zone and your current Daylight Savings Time status. If the time in your computer's clock is not correct, you can set the time in your computer by clicking on the "Set Date/Time" button on the Local Zone page, to use the OS/2 system Clock Settings or by turning to the Atomic Time page. There you can call for the correct time. You will need a 1200 Baud modem, to use this feature. Calling the Atomic clock, will get the time and date and set your computer's clock. Once your Local Zone information and computer time is set, you should turn to the City List page, it is used to define each clock. Choose your cities from a list of over 550 cities, or build your own Custom City List. Use the Font page to select a smaller font for a long city name. Or use the Size page to make the Clocks larger. Turn to the Layout, Color or Timer pages to further customize World Clock. See Disclaimer. ═══ 2. Disclaimer: ═══ Keystone Software Corp. makes no representation or warranty with respect to the adequacy of this program or the documentation which describes it for any particular purpose or with respect to its adequacy to produce any particular result. In no event shall Keystone Software Corp., its employees, its contractors, the authors of the program and documentation, or Watcom (Watcom International Corporation and all of its subsidiaries) be liable for special, direct, indirect or consequential damages, losses, costs, charges, claims, demands or claim for lost profits, fees or expenses of any nature or kind. ═══ 3. Local Zone: ═══ World Clock gets the time from your computer's internal clock. In order to display the time at other locations, World Clock must know your Local Time Zone and your current Daylight Savings Time status. Select your Local Time Zone from the list-box. The Time Zones are numbered West and East of Greenwich, England. There are Time Zone names and places displayed on the right to aid your selection. If you are in a time zone that uses fractions of an hour, set the number of minutes to add to the time to match your time zone. Next set your Time Zones Daylight Savings Time status. Note "Off" means your Time Zone is not presently in Daylight Savings Time. When Daylight Savings Time changes in your Local Time Zone you should make the correct setting here and then set the time in your computer. You can set the time in your computer by clicking on the "Set Date/Time" button to use the OS/2 system Clock Settings or by turning to the Atomic Time page. ═══ 4. City List: ═══ The City List page is used to define each clock. You select the clock to set with Radio buttons. Choose the city from a list of over 550 cities, or build your own Custom City List. The number of characters of the City Name to be displayed on the clock is set with a spin button. Use the Font page to select a smaller font for a long city name. Or use the Size to make the Clocks larger. Use the Radio buttons to set the present status of Daylight Savings Time for the city you have selected. Use the check box to display or not display seconds on the selected clock's Time Display. Use the Radio buttons to select Civil or 24-Hour, Military, time. ═══ 5. Layout: ═══ The Layout page allows you to select a clock layout for the clocks within the World Clock window. Layouts of 1 by 6, 6 by 1, 2 by 3 and 3 by 2 are available. The Clocks are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom. If you don't need to see all six clocks you can set the number of clocks to display by clicking on Radio buttons 1 through 6. This will size the World Clock window to fit around your chosen number of Clocks. Some Clock Display/Layout combinations don't make sense, for example, display 5 and Layout 2 by 3. In these cases World Clock will display the extra clock. For the purpose of displaying clocks, World Clock displays the least screen area of clocks. A display setting of four (4) and a Layout of 2 by 3 will display clocks 1, 2, 4 and 5. In this case you might want to use a Layout of 3 by 2, that will display clocks 1, 2, 3 and 4. Check the "Pop Up to Top" box if you want World Clock to keep itself on top of all other windows. ═══ 6. Size: ═══ The size of the clocks, height and width, is set on the Size page. All clocks are the same size. Clocks have two parts; the City Name (title part) and the Time Display part. These two parts can be of different heights. The position of the World Clock window can also be set on the Size page. The screen units of measure are Twips or Pixels, Twips is the default. A Twip is defined to be a twentieth of a point, where a point is 1/72nd of a logical screen inch, as defined by the video driver. Use the Radio buttons to choose Twips or Pixels. Because of the difference in size between Twips and Pixels, switching from Twips to Pixels and back will not necessarily yield the same value. This difference in size and the way some screen drivers work may account for some slight positioning discrepancies. ═══ 7. Color: ═══ The BackGround and ForeGround colors for all clocks or each clock is set on the Color page. The default Color for all Clocks is /Blue which means the default button BackGround color from the OS/2 system is used, and a Blue ForeGround is used. Use the Color Palette to select and define the BackGround and ForeGround Colors for a Clock. The current Colors for the Clock Title area and Time Display area are specified and displayed on the large buttons on the Color Page. Click on the desired Color, on the Palette, with the right mouse button and drag it to one of the large buttons (to right of City/Time) to set the BackGround Color. Click on the desired Color, on the Palette, with the right mouse button and hold down the Ctrl key and drag it to one of the large buttons (to right of City/Time) to set the ForeGround Color. Use the Radio buttons to change the Clock selection. Click on "UnDo" to UnDo all changes to all Clocks. Click on "OS/2 Default" to set all Clocks to the "" OS/2 Colors. Click on "WC Default" to set all Clocks to the "/Blue" World Clock Colors. Click on "Apply to All Clocks" to set all Clocks to the Colors of the currently selected Clock. ═══ 8. Font: ═══ The Font for the City Name title, part of a clock and the Time part of a clock is set from the Font page. The default Font for all Clocks is which means the default OS/2 system font is used. Use the Font Palette to select and define the Fonts for a Clock. The current Fonts for the Clock Title area and Time Display area are specified and displayed on the large buttons on the Font Page. Click on the desired Font, on the Palette, with the right mouse button and drag it to one of the large buttons (to right of City/Time) to set the Font. Use the Radio buttons to change the Clock selection. Click on "UnDo" to UnDo all changes to all Clocks. Click on "Default" to set all Clocks to the "" Font. Click on "Apply to All Clocks" to set all Clocks to the Font of the currently selected Clock. ═══ 9. Custom Cities: ═══ If the extensive list of cities, in the City List, included with World Clock does not include a city you need, you can maintain a list of cities of your own. The Custom Cities page displays your cities in a list. Clicking on "Add" or "Change", (after you click on a city in the list) will pop-up a city data window. Enter the City Name information in the data entry field and set the Time Zone from the list-box. Click on "OK" or "Cancel" to return to the Custom Cities page. The "Delete" button will delete the selected city and "Save" will save your entire city list in a disk file. Clicking on "Save" with an empty list of cities will erase the Custom cities list. ═══ 10. Atomic Time: ═══ After setting your Local Time Zone information and if the time in your computer's clock is not correct, you can turn to the Atomic Clock page and call for the correct time. An Atomic Clock in Washington, D.C., (area code 203) is called for the date and time. The call takes about one (1) minute. You will need a 1200 Baud modem, to use this feature. World Clock needs to know the port number of your modem. If your modem is non-standard you can change the dial and hang-up codes. You can also add digits to the telephone number to allow dialing out on phone systems. Clicking on "Call" will dial the Atomic clock, get the time and date and set your computer. Be sure you have set your Local Time Zone settings, because the Atomic Clock returns the time in Greenwich, and your local information is needed to adjust the time and date for your location. If the Atomic Clock call encounters any problems, your computer's clock will not be changed. ═══ 11. Timer: ═══ Normally the time displayed on the clocks is up-dated every second. The Timer page allows you to change the time between display up-dates with a spin button. This may be helpful on slower computers. ═══ 12. Saving Settings: ═══ Closing the Settings notebook saves all your settings in WldClock.Ini, this file is read when World Clock is started and sets World Clock with your settings. ═══ 13. Registration: ═══ World Clock is sold as Shareware "Try before you buy". If you like World Clock and haven't registered and paid for your copy, you should do so. You can get to the Registration menu by pressing {Ctrl}R while the World Clock window has the focus, or by selecting "Registration" from the context-menu, (click on the clock with the right mouse button). Fill in the requested information, print the registration form and mail it with your check. Call for volume discount information. You can reach Louis LaBrunda at 908-647-5905 or 71604,1662 on CompuServe. You have 30 days to try World Clock, after which you should send your registration fee or stop using it. You have another 30 days after sending your registration fee, to receive and enter your registration code, after which World Clock will un-do your settings. Be sure to enter your name the way you wish it to be displayed in the Information window. World Clock uses your name in its Registration Code verification process. Your name and Registration Code are linked and must by entered in the Registration window for your copy of World Clock to be considered Registered. Your address is necessary for us to return your Registration Code by Mail. Your Comments are also welcome. If you choose not to register World Clock and wish to remove it from your system, just delete the World Clock folder, probably C:\WldClock, and the folder that VRObj.DLL was stored in probably C:\VXRexx. If you have VXRexx or any other Keystone Software Corp. products that use VRObj.DLL, don't delete that folder. You can also delete the World Clock Desktop Object. See Disclaimer. ═══ 14. Desktop Object: ═══ This Menu option will create a Desktop Object you can use to start World Clock. The Install process creates the same object, but if it has some how been lost, deleted or destroyed, this option will recreate it for you.