Style Parameters

The (horizontal) indentation for mathematical text. By default, this is the same as 61, the indentation used for list environments.
The (horizontal) space between the vertical line on the left of schemas, etc., and the maths inside. The default is 1em.
The unit of indentation used by 62. The default is 2em.
The length of the horizontal bar in the middle of a schema. The default is 8em.
A declaration which makes schema names be set flush left. Use it in the document preamble.
The thickness of the lines that make up schema and class boxes. You can change the thickness with a command such as 63. This may be useful if you are creating overhead slides.
=0.1pt ~to 4cm<#213#><#213#>
=0.4pt ~to 4cm<#214#><#214#>~~~(The default)
=1pt ~to 4cm<#216#><#216#>
The spacing for the text part of your document. It doesn't change the spacing within Z environments. It's default value is 1. A command such as 64 will make your text double spaced, but not your Z environments.
The spacing for the Z environment part of your document. It's default value is 1.
The size of the material within the Z part of your document. It doesn't affect the remainder of your document. For example, 65 will give you large Z symbols and equations but will not affect the size of the surrounding text.
The height of `corners' that can be placed on the right hand side of the top and bottom lines of schema and class boxes. The default is 0em (i.e. no corners).