═══ 1. About dvipm ═══ dvipm is a DVI previewer for the OS/2 Presentation Manager. For configurating dvipm, you can use both command line options and dialog boxes. The dialog boxes for setting options are available only if you haven't specified a file name on the command line and if you haven't opened a DVI file. dvipm uses three frame windows: The View window displays the DVI file. The Message window displays messages. The Status window displays status information. ═══ 2. Help for View window ═══ The View window of dvipm is used for viewing the pages (or, more exactly, sides of sheets) of a DVI file. It also contains the dvipm menu. If you close the View window, dvipm will be stopped. You can use the scroll bars or the keyboard to move through the page. Use the menu, the accelerator keys or the two extra icons in the title bar for viewing other pages. ═══ 2.1. Help for File ═══ The File menu contains the following choices: Open Open the DVI file. Reload Reload the current DVI file. New Close the DVI file. Auto reload Let dvipm automatically reload the DVI file when it has changed. Clear font cache Reload fonts when loading next DVI file. Print page Print the current page. Print all pages Print all pages. Print options Select printer and printing method. Settings Save or remove settings. Exit Stop dvipm ═══ 2.1.1. Help for Open ═══ Use this choice to open a DVI file. The Open dialog box will be displayed. If a DVI file is already open, it will be closed before loading the new file. To change options before loading a new DVI file, close the current DVI file by selecting the New choice. You can open a (new) file by dragging the icon of a DVI file to the View window of dvipm (drag and drop). Under OS/2 2.0, you can drag and drop data file objects. Under OS/2 1.x, you can drag and drop files displayed by the File Manager. ═══ 2.1.2. Help for Reload ═══ Use this choice to reload the current DVI file. Reloading the DVI file can take advantage of fonts computed in the meantime. After reloading the DVI file, dvipm redisplays the same page unless it no longer exists in the DVI file. If the page doesn't exist in the reloaded DVI file, dvipm displays the first page of the DVI file. ═══ 2.1.3. Help for New ═══ Use this choice to close the currently displayed DVI file. ═══ 2.1.4. Help for Auto reload ═══ If this choice is selected, dvipm automatically reloads the DVI file when it has been changed. Running TeX, for instance, changes the DVI file. After reloading the DVI file, dvipm redisplays the same page unless it doesn't exist in the changed DVI file. If the page doesn't exist in the new DVI file, dvipm displays the first page of the DVI file. ═══ 2.1.5. Help for Clear font cache ═══ If this choice is selected, dvipm reloads all fonts when the next DVI file is loaded. The choice will be deselected after loading the next DVI file. By default, dvipm does not reload fonts which are already known. Therefore, changes to fonts (for instance by bm2font) are ignored or abort dvipm (if the positions of the characters in a font file have changed). In the View Options dialog box, you can configure dvipm to always reload all fonts. ═══ 2.1.6. Help for Print page ═══ Use this choice to print the current page. The default printer will be used, if you don't select a different printer. The resolution set by command line options should match the printer resolution. The page as it is displayed on the screen will be copied to the printer unmodified. dvipm does not use dvihplj or dvidot for printing, it uses the Presentation Manager to send the currently displayed bitmap to the printer. For printing, you should usually use dvihplj or dvidot, which are much better and much more efficient. Printing with dvipm should only be used if your printer is not supported by dvihplj and dvidot. ═══ 2.1.7. Help for Print all pages ═══ Use this choice to print all the pages. The default printer will be used, if you don't select a different printer. The resolution set by command line options should match the printer resolution. The pages as shown on the screen will be copied to the printer unmodified. dvipm does not use dvihplj or dvidot for printing, it uses the Presentation Manager to send the display bitmaps to the printer. For printing, you should usually use dvihplj or dvidot, which are much better and much more efficient. Printing with dvipm should only be used if your printer is not supported by dvihplj and dvidot. ═══ 2.1.8. Help for Print options ═══ Use this choice to change the printer used by dvipm and to select the method used for printing. The Print options dialog box will be displayed. ═══ 2.1.9. Help for Settings ═══ Use the Save choice (in the Settings submenu of the File menu) to save the current position and size of the dvipm windows and some other values. The saved values will be used the next time dvipm is started. If there are no saved values, dvipm will use the default values. The following values are saved: o the position and size of the View window o the position, size and visibility of the Message window o the position, size and visibility of the Status window o the settings of the View Window Options dialog box o the settings of the Status Window Options dialog box o the settings of the Message Window Options dialog box o the setting of the Palette choice o the setting of the Auto reload choice o the setting of the Reverse choice o the print method o the help language o the setting of Move ruler of the Find Text dialog Use the Remove choice to remove the saved values from the system. The default values will be used the next time dvipm is started. ═══ 2.1.10. Help for Exit ═══ Use this choice to quit dvipm. If the settings have been changed, dvipm will ask whether to save them now. ═══ 2.2. Help for Edit ═══ The Edit menu contains the following choices: Select Select a rectangle for copying. Copy Copy the rectangle to the clipboard. Copy all Copy the complete page to the clipboard. Reverse Invert bitmap while copying. ═══ 2.2.1. Help for Select ═══ Use this choice to toggle select mode. In select mode, you can select a rectangle using the first mouse button. Move the mouse cursor to the upper left corner of the rectangle, press the first mouse button, drag the rectangle to the desired size and release the first mouse button. Then, you can copy the rectangle to the clipboard using the Copy menu choice. Turn off select mode to remove the rectangle. ═══ 2.2.2. Help for Copy ═══ Use this choice to copy the selected rectangle to the clipboard. To select a rectangle, turn on select mode with the Select menu choice and use the mouse to select the rectangle. To copy the complete page to the clipboard, use the Copy all menu choice. ═══ 2.2.3. Help for Copy all ═══ Use this choice to copy the complete page to the clipboard. You don't have to select a rectangle. If you've selected a rectangle, the selection won't change. ═══ 2.2.4. Help for Reverse (Edit) ═══ If this choice is checked, bitmaps will be inverted while being copied to the clipboard. ═══ 2.3. Help for View (View window) ═══ The View menu of the View window contains the following choices: Zoom Zoom in or out. Transformation Set the transformation. Reverse Output white on black. Palette Enable VGA and 8514/A palette modification. Unit Select ruler unit. Ruler Enable/disable ruler. Home Move to initial position. Set home Set initial position. Options Set display options. ═══ 2.3.1. Help for Zoom ═══ The Zoom submenu contains the following choices: Zoom in Zoom in. A portion of the current view will be displayed enlarged. Zoom out Zoom out. The current view will be displayed reduced. Zoom Open the Zoom dialog box, where you can choose new values for gray scaling and reduction. ═══ 2.3.2. Help for Transformation ═══ Use this choice to change the transformation. Note that not all transformations can be used if the horizontal and vertical font resolutions or graphics file resolutions don't match (aspect ratio unequal 1). Unavailable choices are grayed. ═══ 2.3.3. Help for Unit ═══ Use this choice to change the dimension used for the ruler and for displaying the cursor position. ═══ 2.3.4. Help for Ruler ═══ Use this choice to enable or disable the ruler. Note: The ruler is not yet implemented correctly and completely. You can move the ruler to the current cursor position by double clicking the second mouse button. You can drag the ruler by pressing the first or second mouse button near the center of the ruler and keeping the mouse button pressed while moving the mouse. ═══ 2.3.5. Help for Reverse (View) ═══ If this choice is checked, the page will be displayed white on black. It will be displayed black on white, otherwise. The setting of this choice will be saved when saving the settings. ═══ 2.3.6. Help for Palette ═══ Use this choice to enable automatic modification of the VGA palette (or 8514/A palette) by dvipm This can only work if you're using a VGA (or 8514/A) as primary dispay adapter. If the display adapter isn't a VGA or 8514/A, results are unpredictable. When this feature is enabled, dvipm will modify the palette to contain more or less appropriate gray scales. The modified palette is in effect while the dvipm View window is active. When switching to a different window (including dvipm windows and dialog boxes), the original palette will be restored. The setting of this choice will be saved when saving the settings. If dvipm does not restore the original palette, switch to a full screen session and back to the Presentation Manager screen group to restore the original palette. To use this feature, you have to include IOPL=YES in your config.sys file. ═══ 2.3.7. Help for Home ═══ Use this choice to move to the initial position of the View window. You can use the +home-x and +home-y command line options or an Options dialog box for setting the initial position. You can also use the Set home choice to set the home position. ═══ 2.3.8. Help for Set home ═══ Use this choice to make the current position the home position. ═══ 2.3.9. Help for Options ═══ This choice opens the View Options dialog box where you can set the following display (and other) options: o display page index in the titlebar o display page number in the titlebar o display icons (for moving to the previous or next page) in the titlebar o repaint the window contents while you're moving the slider of a scrollbar o sound a three-tone tune when automatically reloading the DVI file (see Auto reload) o select the background color o select the color of the ruler ═══ 2.4. Help for Page ═══ The Page menu contains the following choices: Previous Page Display previous page. Next Page Display next page. First Page Display first page. Last Page Display last page. Go Select page. ═══ 2.4.1. Help for Previous Page ═══ Use this choice to display the previous page. You can also click on the left one of the additional icons in the title bar to display the previous page. ═══ 2.4.2. Help for Next Page ═══ Use this choice to display the next page. You can also click on the right one of the additional icons in the title bar to display the next page. ═══ 2.4.3. Help for First Page ═══ Use this choice to display the first page of the file or of the set of selected pages. ═══ 2.4.4. Help for Last Page ═══ Use this choice to display the last page of the file or of the set of selected pages. ═══ 2.4.5. Help for Go ═══ Use this choice to select a page by index. The Page Index dialog box will be displayed. Type a number in the range 1-65535 (or less, if there are fewer pages). Type 1 to view the first page. The page number assigned by TeX is ignored, this choice uses the position of the page in the DVI file. ═══ 2.5. Help for Search ═══ The Search menu contains the following choices: Find text Find a character string. Again Search again for last character string. Page number Find a page by page number. ═══ 2.5.1. Help for Find text ═══ Use this choice to search the DVI file for a character string. The Find Text dialog box will be displayed in which you can type the character string. ═══ 2.5.2. Help for Again ═══ Use this choice to search again for the last search string. Searching for text isn't implemented completely yet. ═══ 2.5.3. Help for Page number ═══ Use this choice to find a page by page number. The Page Number dialog box will be displayed in which you can type the page number. dvipm will move to the first page following the current page which has a matching page number. If the last page is reached, the search continues at the first page. ═══ 2.6. Help for Window ═══ The Window menu contains the following choices: Messages Switch to the Message window. Status Display status. Information Display the Information window. MFjob Switch to the MFjob window. ═══ 2.6.1. Help for Messages ═══ Use this choice to switch to the Message window. If the Message window is not open, it will be opened. You can switch back to the View window by selecting the Page choice of the View menu of the Message window. ═══ 2.6.2. Help for Status ═══ Use this choice to switch to the Status window. If the Status window is not open, it will be opened. You can switch back to the View window by selecting the Page choice of the View menu of the Status window. Currently, a dialog box will be displayed if the Ctrl key is down while selecting this choice. ═══ 2.6.3. Help for Information ═══ Use this choice to open the Information window. ═══ 2.6.4. Help for MFjob ═══ Use this choice to switch to the MFjob window. ═══ 2.7. Help for Options ═══ The Options menu contains the following choices: Layout Set margins and the page size. Pages Select pages, sides and sheets. Arrange Multiple pages per side. Fonts Set font options. Resolution Set resolutions and the magnification. Files Set paths and file names. Other Set miscellaneous options. Show List the values of the options. ═══ 2.7.1. Help for Layout ═══ Use this choice to set margins and the page size. ═══ 2.7.2. Help for Pages ═══ Use this choice to select the pages (or sides or sheets) to be viewed. ═══ 2.7.3. Help for Arrange ═══ Use this choice to put multiple pages on a side or to use changing margins. ═══ 2.7.4. Help for Fonts ═══ Use this choice to set font options. For instance, you can enable batch mode. ═══ 2.7.5. Help for Resolution ═══ Use this choice to set resolutions and the magnification. ═══ 2.7.6. Help for Files ═══ Use this choice to set paths and file names. ═══ 2.7.7. Help for Other ═══ Use this choice to set miscellaneous options. ═══ 2.7.8. Help for Show ═══ Use this choice to list the options and their current values in the Message window. ═══ 2.8. Help for Help ═══ The Help menu contains the following choices: Help for help Display help for help. Extended help Display extended help. Keys help Display help about keys. Language Select help language. About Display copyright information. ═══ 2.8.1. Help for Help ═══ Use this choice to get online help for help. ═══ 2.8.2. Help for Extended help ═══ Use this choice to get online help for dvipm. You can also press the F1 key to get online help. ═══ 2.8.3. Help for Keys help ═══ Use this choice to get online help for dvipm keys. ═══ 2.8.4. Help for Help index ═══ Use this choice to get the help index. ═══ 2.8.5. Help for About ═══ Use this choice to display copyright information about dvipm. ═══ 2.8.6. Help for Language ═══ Use this choice to select the help language. Two languages are currently available: English and German. ═══ 2.9. Help for Status dialog ═══ This dialog box presents some status information. This dialog box will be removed in one of the next releases. The Status window will take over the function of the Status dialog box. ═══ 2.10. Help for Page Index dialog ═══ Type the page index, a number in the range 1-65535, of the page you want to view. Type 1 to view the first page. Type 2 to view the second page. And so on. The page number assigned by TeX is ignored -- the position of the page in the DVI file is used. To open this dialog box, select the Go choice of the Page menu. ═══ 2.11. Help for Page Number dialog ═══ Type the page number of the page you want to view. You can type up to ten numbers (or asterisks) separated by dots. dvipm will move to the first page following the current page which has a matching page number. If the last page is reached, the search continues from the first page. The numbers will be compared with \count0 to \count9 -- an asterisk matches any number. To open this dialog box, select the Page number choice of the Search menu of the View window. ═══ 2.12. Help for Find Text dialog ═══ Type the string you want to find. Accented characters and f-ligatures should work with the Computer Modern fonts. Accented characters do not work with the DC/EC fonts or other 8-bit fonts. Letter case is not ignored. You can enter up to 64 characters. Select Move ruler to use the ruler: If the search is successful, dvipm enables the ruler and moves it to the place where the text has been found. The setting of Move ruler will be saved when saving the settings. To open this dialog box, select the Find text choice of the Search menu. ═══ 2.13. Help for Zoom dialog ═══ Choose new gray scaling and reduction factors. Using the keyboard: Use the Tab and Shift+Tab keys or the Right and Left keys to move from one list to another, type a digit or use the Up and Down keys to change a value. To open this dialog box, select the Zoom choice of the Zoom submenu of the View menu of the View window. ═══ 2.14. Help for Print Options dialog ═══ Choose the printer to be used by dvipm. The default printer will be used if you don't choose a printer. In the current version of dvipm, your printer choice won't be saved. To change the printer settings, select the Setup button. There are two methods for printing available: print the entire page as a bitmap, or use raster fonts. Some device drivers do not support raster fonts. For those device drivers, the Raster fonts choice cannot be used (you will get an error message when trying to print). With Raster fonts, printing is usually faster and requires less memory. When Raster fonts is selected, you can choose by selecting Use big fonts whether to use raster fonts even for big fonts (64 KBytes and larger) or to print characters from big fonts as bitmaps. Unfortunately, printer drivers not supporting big fonts silently ignore big fonts, you can tell only from the printed output whether big fonts are supported or not. To open this dialog box, select the Print options choice of the File menu. ═══ 2.15. Help for Layout dialog ═══ Enter the page size, the transformation and the margins. If you don't use a unit of measurement, the default unit will be used. You can change the default unit in this dialog. Enter the paper width and height in the Width and Height fields of the Paper group. These values will be used for the size of the sheet displayed by dvipm. These fields are equivalent to the +width and +height command line options. Enter the transformation code in the Transformation field. This field is equivalent to the +transformation command line option. You can set a default unit to save typing the units when entering the paper size or the margins. Use the Default unit drop-down list for setting the default unit. This field is similar to the +unit command line option. Enter the left and top margins in the Left and Top fields of the Margins group. These values tell dvipm how much to shift all the contents of a sheet. These fields are equivalent to the +left-margin and +top-margin command line options. Enter values in the Left and Top fields of the Adjust margins group to adjust the margins. Adjusting margins isn't required for dvipm. These fields are equivalent to the +adjust-left-margin and +adjust-top-margin command line options. ═══ 2.16. Help for Pages dialog ═══ Use this dialog to select the pages, shides and sheets that are to be viewed. The values are applied to the sequence shown below. In the following the difference between `pages', `sides' and `sheets' should be noted: there may be multiple pages on one side (n-up printing), the sides are numbered sequentially, the pages are numbered according to the TeX page number assigned to them. A sheet contains either one side (if printing single sided or if using two passes for printing double sided) or two sides (doesn't apply to dvipm). The terms `side' and `sheet' are equivalent unless +double-sided:printer is used. That is, `side' and `sheet' are always equivalent for dvipm. The terms `page' and `side' are equivalent if one page per side is used. Initially, all sides are to be viewed. The first value removes certain sides from consideration, the second then restricts the remaining sides and so on. First discards all sides preceding the side containing the page that has the specified page number. The DVI file will be read from the beginning until a matching page is encountered. Further page selection will now begin, starting at the side containing this page. An asterisk stands for any page number: at most 10 numbers can be given which will be compared with \count0 to \count9 -- omitted numbers will be replaced with *. This field is equivalent to the +first-page command line option. Last discards all sides following the side containing the page that has the page number entered. After finding a suitable first side, the DVI file search will continue until a page matching this value is encountered. The side containing this page will be the last one. The sides encompassing the range of pages selected by First and Last will remain selected. The value * is an exception, it means that no matching for the last page will take place. This field is equivalent to the +last-page command line option. Even discards every other side, starting with the first one. Selecting Even is equivalent to using the +double-sided:even command line option. Odd discards every other side, starting with the second one. Selecting Odd is equivalent to using the +double-sided:odd command line option. Skip discards that many sides beginning at the first side. This field is equivalent to the +skip-sides command line option. Count discards all sides coming after that many sides. This field is equivalent to the +number-of-sides command line option. Backward reverses the sequence of the sheets, the last sheet will be displayed first. This checkbox is equivalent to the +backward command line option. ═══ 2.17. Help for Arrange dialog ═══ Use this dialog to put multiple pages on a side. Width and Height define the horizontal and vertical distance, respectively, of the pages on a side. These fields are equivalent to the +page-width and +page-height command line options. Left and Top define the left and the top margin, respectively, of the pages. The margins are logical margins, that is, they are subject to the transformation These fields are equivalent to the +page-left and +page-top command line options. The Columns and Rows fields define the number of columns and rows on a side the pages are to be arranged in. If both fields are set to 1, only one page is printed per side. These fields are equvialent to the +columns and +rows command line options. To make a book or booklet, enter an appropriate value in the Count or Size field of the Sections group. These fields are equivalent to the +section-count and +section-size command line options, respectively. Only one of these values should be set to a value unequal to 1. Enter in the Count field of the Insert blank pages group the number of blank pages to be inserted before the first page from the DVI file. This field is equivalent to the +blank-pages command line option. Use the Factor field of the Paper thickness group to compensate for the paper thickness when folding a booklet. This field is equivalent to the +page-shift command line option. Select the Other button of the Folding axis group to fold around the alternative axis. This button is equivalent to the +fold-other command line option. Select the Full-sized button of the Last section group to make the last section of a book the same size as the other sections. This button is equivalent to the +full-last-section command line option. ═══ 2.18. Help for Files dialog ═══ Use this dialog to set paths and file names. Templates are used for all the paths and file names. Enter the name of a page list file in the Pages field. This field is equivalent to the +page-list-file command line option. The page list file is used for explicitly controlling the placement of pages on the output sheets. Enter the template for locating font files in the Fonts field. This field is equivalent to the +font-files command line option. Enter the template for locating graphics files in the Graphics field. This field is equivalent to the +graphic-files command line option. Enter the names of the font library files in the Font libraries field. Fonts are sought first in these libraries and then as single files. Font libraries can be created with fontlib. The default extension is `fli'. This field is equivalent to the +font-libraries command line option. Enter the names of the font substitution files in the Substitution field. This field is equivalent to the +font-subst-files command line option. Enter the name of the log file in the Transcript field. All the output is written to this file. It also contains the settings of all the options for the run. Leave the field empty to suppress the creation of a log file. A log file can be later used as a response file to set up the same conditions again. You can use a template, but only the first expansion will be used. This field is equivalent to the +transcript-file command line option. Enter the template for locating virtual font files in the Virtual fonts field. If you don't use virtual fonts, you should leave this field empty to speed up font search. This field is equivalent to the +virtual-fonts command line option. Enter the name of the fontlib response file in the fontlib field. A text file containing the fontlib commands to insert the fonts used in the run into a font library will be generated. You can use a template, but only the first expansion will be used. This field is equivalent to the +fontlib-file command line option. Enter the name of the MFjob job file in the Mfjob field. This field is equivalent to the +mfjob-file command line option. Enter the template for locating TFM files in the Font metrics field. This field is equivalent to the +tfm-files command line option. ═══ 2.19. Help for Other Options dialog ═══ Use this dialog to set miscellaneous options. Obviously, this dialog box is under construction. Enter the verbosity level in the Verbosity field. This field is equivalent to the +verbosity command line option. Use the Default unit drop-down list for setting the default unit. This field is similar to the +unit command line option. Use the Ruler unit drop-down list for selecting the dimension used for the ruler and for displaying the cursor position. This field is equivalent to the +ruler-unit command line option. Select the Omit graphics checkbox to discard graphic images. This checkbox is equivalent to the +omit-graphics command line option. Enter the initial position of the window with respect to the sheet in the X and Y fields of the Home position group. These fields are equivalent to the +home-x and +home-y command line options. ═══ 2.20. Help for Resolution dialog ═══ Use this dialog to set resolutions and the magnification. There are three resolutions: o The Device resolution, which is the resolution of the output device. It can also be set using the +resolution command line option o The Font resolution, which is the resolution used for seeking fonts. It can also be set using the +font-resolution command line option o The Graphics resolution, which is the resolution used for seeking graphics files. It can also be set using the +graphics-resolution command line option. All values are entered in DPI (dots per inch). If you enter 0 for the font resolution or the graphics resolution, the device resolution will be used instead. Additionally, by entering a magnification you can override the magnification set in the document and stored in the DVI file. The value 1000 means no magnification (original size), the value 1200, for instance, magnifies the document by one magstep, that is, factor 1.2. You can also enter decimal fractions. To save typing, the standard magnifications can be abbreviated: the values 0 to 9 and h represent magsteps 0 to 9 and 0.5, respectively. This field is equivalent to the +magnification command line option. ═══ 2.21. Help for Fonts dialog ═══ Choose a Mode for loading fonts and graphics files: Interactive You will be asked only if a font or graphics file is not found Change Ask for new name before searching for a font or graphics file Batch Replace missing fonts and graphics files automatically The font scaling numbers are entered in the X and Y fields of the Scaling group. These values are used to reduce the size of the font allowing a font generated for a higher resolution device to be used at a lower resolution. The reduction is accomplished by replacing the pixels in the rectangle of width X and height Y by a single point. The values may lie in the range 1 to 8. Limit: preload characters requiring this many or less bytes of memory. If you enter -1, only the presence of a font is checked, font information will be read later. If the character or line spacing is uneven, a different value for max_drift can be tried: the usual values range from 0 to 2. This value is the maximum deviation of a character position (due to rounding errors when there are non-integer character widths) from the exact position. The DVI drivers standard recommends the following values: 0, if the resolution is less than 100 dpi; 1, if the resolution is greater than or equal to 100 dpi and less than 200 dpi; 2, if the resolution is greater than or equal to 200 dpi. If Use TFM files is selected, TFM files are used for all fonts. The character position rounding algorithm needs the word space defined for the current font. The word space is taken from the appropriate TFM file. You have to correctly set the TFM file template when using this feature. If the TFM file is not found for a font, warning 1212 is issued and processing continues as if Use TFM files were not selected. If Use TFM files is not selected, word space is estimated. This feature can also be controlled with the +use-tfm-files command line option. The Tolerance value allows for size tolerance when searching fonts. First, the driver looks for an exact size (resolution) match when looking for a font. If this fails, the font with the closest size is chosen, unless the relative deviation is greater than this value. If this replacement takes place, warning message 1208 will be displayed. The tolerance is entered as percentage, the valid range is 0 to 20. Enter the available font sizes in the Sizes field. To be able to find fonts close (with respect to size) to the fonts requested, dvipm must be informed about the available font sizes. The sizes are given in DPI, you can use magnifications (with respect to the font resolution) by typing :0 to :9. To enter more than one value, separate the values by commas. ═══ 2.22. Keys help (View window) ═══ You can use the following keys in the View window: Left Moves the window eight pixels to the left. Ctrl+Left Moves the window one pixel to the left. Right Moves the window eight pixels to the right. Ctrl+Right Moves the window one pixel to the right. Up Moves the window eight pixels upwards. Ctrl+Up Moves the window one pixel upwards. Down Moves the window eight pixels downwards. Ctrl+Down Moves the window one pixel downwards. Page Up Moves the window upwards by the window height. Page Down Moves the window downwards by the window height. Ctrl+Page Up Moves the window left by the window width. Ctrl+Page Down Moves the window right by the window width. Accelerator keys are missed out in the list above. ═══ 3. Help for Message window ═══ The Message window of dvipm displays messages. These include information messages, warning messages and prompts for input. If you double click on an object in the View window, information about that object will be displayed in the Message window. You can use the scroll bars to scroll through the text -- the last 800 lines can be retrieved. If you close the Message window, dvipm won't stop. You can redisplay the Message window by selecting the Messages choice of the Window menu of the View window. You can switch to the View window by selecting the View page choice of the View menu of the Message window. ═══ 3.1. Help for View (Message window) ═══ The View menu of the Message window contains the following choices: Page Switch to the View window. Options Set options for the Message window. Close Close the Message window. ═══ 3.1.1. Help for Page (Message window) ═══ Use this choice to switch to the View window. You can switch back to the Message window by selecting the Messages choice of the Window menu of the View window. ═══ 3.1.2. Help for Options (Message window) ═══ Use this choice to open the Message Window Options dialog box in which you can set options for the Message window. ═══ 3.1.3. Help for Close (Message window) ═══ Use this choice to close the Message window and to switch to the View window. You can reopen the Message window by selecting the Messages choice of the Window menu of the View window. ═══ 3.2. Help for Edit (Message window) ═══ The Edit menu of the Message window contains the following choices: Copy all Copy the entire text to the clipboard. ═══ 3.2.1. Help for Copy all (Message window) ═══ Use this choice to copy the entire text (including the parts which are not visible in the Message window) to the clipboard. ═══ 3.3. Help for Message Window Options dialog ═══ Use the Window group to select how to display the Message window: Independent The Message window is an independent window, which can be overlapped by the View and Status windows. Popup The Message window is on top of the View window and cannot be overlapped by the View window. Use this selection to display the messages in the View window. Use the Track control to enable or disable tracking. If tracking is enabled, the window contents will be updated while you're moving the slider of a scroll bar. Your selections will be saved when saving the settings. To open this dialog box, select the Options choice of the View menu of the Message window. ═══ 3.4. Help for Input dialog ═══ If dvipm needs information from you, it presents the Input dialog box. See the Message window for the prompting text. Closing this window also closes the Message window, but doesn't stop dvipm. After closing the Message window (and Input dialog box), you can redisplay both by selecting the Messages choice of the Window menu. To quit dvipm, select the Quit pushbutton. ═══ 3.5. Help for Font dialog ═══ If dvipm doesn't find a font or if change mode is active, it presents the Font dialog box. Enter a font name or a font size or both. Then, select the OK pushbutton. Closing this window also closes the Message window, but doesn't stop dvipm. After closing the Message window (and Font dialog box), you can redisplay both by selecting the Messages choice of the Window menu. To quit dvipm, select the Quit pushbutton. To open a font file using the Open dialog, select the Open pushbutton. The * 1.2 and / 1.2 pushbuttons are used to multiply or divide the current font size by 1.2, that is, increasing or decreasing the magnification by one step. Selecting * 1.2 and / 1.2 is equivalent to typing `+' and `-', respectively. The White, Black and Rectangles pushbuttons are used to replace the characters of the current font with white space, black filled rectangles or outlines of rectangles, respectively. Even if you select White, Black or Rectangles, a font file is required, but a TFM file will do. Selecting White, Black or Rectangles is equivalent to typing `/w', `/b' or `/r', respectively. Select the Discard pushbutton to discard the characters of the font. This will result in wrong positioning of other characters etc. Selecting Discard is equivalent to typing `/d'. Select the Apply batch mode pushbutton to use batch mode (see the +batch-mode option) for the current font. dvipm reverts to the previously active mode for the next font. Selecting this button is equivalent to typing `$a'. Select one of the Go batch mode, Go change mode and interactive mode buttons to switch to batch mode, change mode or interactive mode, respectively, for the current font and the remaining fonts. Selecting one of these buttons is equivalent to typing `$b', `$c' or `$i', respectively. ═══ 3.6. Help for Image dialog ═══ If dvipm doesn't find a graphics file or if change mode is active, it presents the Image dialog box. Enter the name of the graphics file. Closing this window also closes the Message window, but doesn't stop dvipm. After closing the Message window (and Image dialog box), you can redisplay both by selecting the Messages choice of the Window menu. To quit dvipm, select the Quit pushbutton. To open a graphics file using the Open dialog, select the Open pushbutton. Select the Discard pushbutton to omit the image. This is equivalent to typing `/d'. ═══ 3.7. Help for Run MFjob dialog ═══ dvipm could not find one or more fonts. You can o let MFjob and METAFONT compute the fonts by selecting the Yes pushbutton; dvipm will show the document with substituted or discarded characters until Mfjob completes, o preview your document with substituted fonts or discarded characters by selecting the No pushbutton (Mfjob is not called), o quit dvipm by selecting the Quit pushbutton, o or obtain a list (in the Message window) of the fonts that are to be computed by selecting the List pushbutton. Computing fonts works only if you have correctly installed MFjob, METAFONT and GFtoPK. You also need the source files (mf files) for the missing fonts. When MFjob terminates, dvipm shows the MFjob finished dialog box. You can minimize dvipm after selecting Yes -- dvipm will restore itself after MFjob terminates. ═══ 3.8. Help for MFjob finished dialog ═══ MFjob has either computed all the missing fonts or has stopped. You can o reload the current document to take advantage of the fonts computed by MFjob by selecting the Yes pushbutton, o continue viewing the current document by selecting the No pushbutton, o or quit dvipm by selecting the Quit pushbutton. If you later choose to reload the DVI file, select the Reload choice of the File menu. ═══ 3.9. Help for Open dialog ═══ Select a file by selecting an item from the Files list or change the current working directory by selecting an item from the Directories list. By default, files matching *.pcx or *.pk or *.dvi, depending on the context, are displayed. You can change the contents of the Filename control to view other files, for instance *.msp. Please note that no default extension will be added to a file name you enter manually. Also no default directories will be searched; only the selected directory will be searched for the file. To open this dialog box, select the Open choice of the File menu. ═══ 3.10. Help for View Options dialog ═══ Use the check boxes in the Titlebar group to select the items that are to be displayed in the titlebar. The page index, the page number, and two icons (for moving to the previous or next page) can be added to the titlebar. Use the Track control to enable or disable tracking. If tracking is enabled, the window contents will be updated while you're moving the slider of a scroll bar. On slow machines, disabling tracking might be useful: then, the window will be updated after moving the slider. The Through pages control of the Scrolling group enables scrolling through pages: Hitting Page Down at the end of a page moves to the top of the next page, hitting Page Up at the start of a page moves to the bottom of the previous page. If Through pages is disabled, Page Down and Page Up don't leave the currently displayed page. Use the check box in the Sound effects group to enable or disable audible signals. If Auto reload is enabled, a three-tone tune is sounded when dvipm automatically reloads the DVI file (see Auto reload). If the Disable check box of the Font cache group is selected, dvipm reloads all fonts when loading a DVI file. Otherwise, already known fonts are not reloaded. See also Clear font cache. The color of the ruler for black-on-white display and the color of teh ruler for white-on-black display can be selected in the Ruler color group. The background color for black-on-white display and the background color for white-on-black display (see also Reverse) ca ben selected in the Background color group. The background color is used for the area outside the page if the window is larger than the page. The background color is used also while the page hasn't been computed. Your selections will be saved when saving the settings. To open this dialog box, select the Options choice of the View menu of the View window. ═══ 3.11. Help for Information dialog ═══ This window shows information about the DVI file. The window is preliminary. ═══ 3.12. Help for Reload dialog ═══ You requested an action, such as displaying another page, which requires reading the DVI file. Unfortunately, dvipm cannot reopen the DVI file (it has been closed because Auto reload is selected to enable other programs such as TeX to overwrite the file) and is in trouble now. You can o let dvipm retry opening the DVI file (and perform the action you've requested) by selecting the Retry pushbutton (after waiting until TeX finishes writing the DVI file), o continue viewing the current page by selecting the Cancel pushbutton (dvipm will ignore the action you've requested), o or quit dvipm by selecting the Quit pushbutton. ═══ 3.13. Help for Printer Problem dialog ═══ The printer resolution does not match the resolution used by dvipm You can o print anyway by selecting the Yes pushbutton o or cancel printing by selecting the Cancel pushbutton. ═══ 3.14. Help for Printing dialog ═══ This dialog box is displayed while printing all pages (see the Print all pages choice of the File menu). You can abort the print job by selecting the Stop pushbutton. The dialog box disappears automatically when the print job has been finished. ═══ 3.15. Help for Terminating dialog ═══ You requested termination of dvipm; however, dvipm is still printing. You can o abort the print job and terminate dvipm by selecting the Yes pushbutton o or cancel termination of dvipm by selecting the Cancel pushbutton. ═══ 3.16. Help for Terminating dialog ═══ You requested termination of dvipm; however, you have changed the settings. You can o save the changed settings and terminate dvipm by selecting the Save pushbutton, o discard the changed settings and terminate dvipm by selecting the Discard pushbutton, o or cancel termination of dvipm by selecting the Cancel pushbutton. ═══ 3.17. Keys help (Message window) ═══ You can use the following keys in the Message window: Left Moves the window one character to the left. Ctrl+Left Moves the window eight characters to the left. Right Moves the window one character to the right. Ctrl+Right Moves the window eight characters to the right. Up Moves the window one line upwards. Ctrl+Up Moves the window eight lines upwards. Down Moves the window one line downwards. Ctrl+Down Moves the window eight lines downwards. Page Up Moves the window upwards by the window height. Page Down Moves the window downwards by the window height. Ctrl+Page Up Moves the window left by the window width. Ctrl+Page Down Moves the window right by the window width. Accelerator keys are missed out in the list above. Note: The width of the widest character will be used for horizontal movements. ═══ 4. Help for Status window ═══ The Status window of dvipm displays status information. If you close the Status window, dvipm won't stop. You can redisplay the Status window by selecting the Status choice of the Window menu of the View window. You can switch to the View window by selecting the View page choice of the View menu of the Status window. ═══ 4.1. Help for View (Status window) ═══ The View menu of the Status window contains the following choice: Page Switch to the View window. Options Select items to be displayed. Close Close the Status window. ═══ 4.1.1. Help for Page (Status window) ═══ Use this choice to switch to the View window. You can switch back to the Status window by selecting the Status choice of the Window menu of the View window. ═══ 4.1.2. Help for Options (Status window) ═══ Use this choice to open the Status Window Options dialog box in which you can select what items are to be displayed in the Status window and how they are to be displayed. ═══ 4.1.3. Help for Close (Status window) ═══ Use this choice to close the Status window and to switch to the View window. You can reopen the Status window by selecting the Status choice of the Window menu of the View window. ═══ 4.2. Help for Status Window Options dialog ═══ Use the check boxes to select the items that are to be displayed in the Status window. You can also select whether the items should be displayed horizontally or vertically. Use the Window group to select how to display the Status window: Independent The Status window is an independent window, which can be overlapped by the View and Message windows. Popup The Status window is on top of the View window and cannot be overlapped by the View window. Use this selection to display status information in the View window. Your selections will be saved when saving the settings. To open this dialog box, select the Options choice of the View menu of the Status window. ═══ 5. Help for templates ═══ @[0-99][_][FRT][PBEN][MV][XY](dfipmbrsg) (inserting parameters): 0-99 Pad out with 0's (numbers) or _ (other parameters) _ Pad out with _ .0-99 Decimals (@g and @r) F Fractional part R Integer part (round) T Integer part (truncate) P Path: directory part B Base name E Extension N As BE but no dot if there is no extension M Multiply by 1000 V Multiply by 5 X Select horizontal value (default, if Y does not appear) Y Select vertical value d Driver name f Font or graphic name i DVI filename p Magstep (0..9, h, u=unknown) m MF mode b Basic font resolution r Font resolution (dpi) g Magnification (e.g. 1.2) Other special character sequences: {a1,a2,a3} Alternatives $env: Environment variables @@ Insert @ @, Insert , @{ Insert { @} Insert } @$ Insert $ @. Default extension ═══ 6. Help for drop-down lists ═══ Type a letter to select the next choice starting with that letter. You can also use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to select a choice by scrolling through the available choices. Press F4 or click the downward-pointing arrow to obtain a list of available choices. Note: Don't press Esc to close the list; this key cancels the dialog box! Click the downward-pointing arrow, press F4 or move to a different field, instead. ═══ 7. Help for transformations ═══ The following transformations are available: 0 normal output (portrait mode) 1 rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise (landscape mode) 2 rotate 180 degrees 3 rotate 270 degrees anticlockwise 4 reflect in the \ diagonal 5 reflect vertically 6 reflect in the / diagonal 7 reflect horizontally