Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer (POV-Ray) Version 2.0 User's Documentation Copyright 1993 POV-Ray Team APPENDIX D LEGAL INFORMATION ============================= The following is legal information pertaining to the use of the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer a.k.a POV-Ray. It applies to all POV-Ray source files, executable (binary) files, scene files, documentation files contained in the official POV archives. (Certain portions refer to custom versions of the software, there are specific rules listed below for these versions also.) All of these are referred to here as "the software". THIS NOTICE MUST ACCOMPANY ALL OFFICIAL OR CUSTOM PERSISTENCE OF VISION FILES. IT MAY NOT BE REMOVED OR MODIFIED. THIS INFORMATION PERTAINS TO ALL USE OF THE PACKAGE WORLDWIDE. THIS DOCUMENT SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS LICENSES OR DISTRIBUTION POLICIES. IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION Permission is granted to the user to use the Persistence of Vision Raytracer and all associated files in this package to create and render images. The use of this software for the purpose of creating images is free. The creator of a scene file and the image created from the scene file, retains all rights to the image and scene file they created and may use them for any purpose commercial or non-commercial. The user is also granted the right to use the scenes files and include files distributed in the INCLUDE and DEMO sub-directories of the POVDOC archive when creating their own scenes. Such permission does not extend to files in the POVSCN archive. POVSCN files are for your enjoyment and education but may not be the basis of any derivative works. This software package and all of the files in this archive are copyrighted and may only be distributed and/or modified according to the guidelines listed below. The spirit of the guidelines below is to promote POV-Ray as a standard ray tracer, provide the full POV-Ray package freely to as many users as possible, prevent POV-Ray users and developers from being taken advantage of, enhance the life quality of those who come in contact with POV-Ray. This legal document was created so these goals could be realized. You are legally bound to follow these rules, but we hope you will follow them as a matter of ethics, rather than fear of litigation. No portion of this package may be separated from the package and distributed separately other than under the conditions specified in the guidelines below. This software may be bundled in other software packages according to the conditions specified in the guidelines below. This software may be included in software-only compilations using media such as, but not limited to, floppy disk, CD-ROM, tape backup, optical disks, hard disks, or memory cards. There are specific rules and guidelines listed below for the provider to follow in order to legally offer POV-Ray with a software compilation. The user is granted the privilege to modify and compile the source for their own personal use in any fashion they see fit. What you do with the software in your own home is your business. If the user wishes to distribute a modified version of the software (here after referred to as a "custom version") they must follow the guidelines listed below. These guidelines have been established to promote the growth of POV-Ray and prevent difficulties for users and developers alike. Please follow them carefully for the benefit of all concerned when creating a custom version. You may not incorporate any portion of the POV-Ray source code in any software other than a custom version of POV-Ray. However authors who contribute source to POV-Ray may still retain all rights to use their contributed code for any purpose as described below. The user is encouraged to send enhancements and bug fixes to the POV-Team, but the team is in no way required to utilize these enhancements or fixes. By sending material to the POV-Team, the contributor asserts that he owns the materials or has the right to distribute these materials. He authorizes the POV-Team to use the materials any way they like. The contributor still retains rights to the donated material, but by donating you grant equal rights to the POV-Team. The POV-Team doesn't have to use the material, but if we do, you do not acquire any rights related to POV- Ray. We will give you credit if applicable. GENERAL RULES FOR ALL DISTRIBUTION The permission to distribute this package under certain very specific conditions is granted in advance, provided that the above and following conditions are met. These archives must not be re-archived using a different method without the explicit permission of the POV-Team. You may rename the archives only to meet the file name conventions of your system or to avoid file name duplications but we ask that you try to keep file names as similar to the originals as possible. (For example:POVDOC.ZIP to POVDOC20.ZIP) You must distribute a full package of archives as described in the next section. Non-commercial distribution (such as a user copying the software for a personal friend or colleague and not charging money or services for that copy) has no other restrictions. This does not include non-profit organizations or computer clubs. These groups should use the Shareware/Freeware distribution company rules below. The POV-Team reserves the right to withdraw distribution privileges from any group, individual, or organization for any reason. DEFINITION OF "FULL PACKAGE" POV-Ray is contained in 4 archives for each hardware platform. 1) An executable archive, 2) A documentation archive, 3) Sample scene archives, 4) Source code archive. A "full package" is defined as one of the following bundle options: 1 All archives (executable, docs, scenes, source) 2 User archives (executable, docs, scenes but no source) 3 Programmer archives (source, docs, scenes but no executable) POV-Ray is officially distributed for IBM-PC compatibles running MS-Dos; Apple Macintosh; and Commodore Amiga. Other systems may be added in the future. Distributors need not support all platforms but for each platform you support you must distribute a full package. For example an IBM-only BBS need not distribute the Mac versions. CONDITIONS FOR DISTRIBUTION OF CUSTOM VERSIONS You may distribute custom compiled versions only if you comply with the following conditions. Mark your version clearly on all modified files stating this to be a modified and unofficial version. Make all of your modifications to POV-Ray freely and publicly available. You must provide all POV-Ray support for all users who use your custom version. The POV-Ray Team is not obligated to provide you or your users any technical support. You must provide documentation for any and all modifications that you have made to the program that you are distributing. Include clear and obvious information on how to obtain the official POV-Ray. Include contact and support information for your version. Include this information in the DISTRIBUTION_MESSAGE macros in the source file FRAME.H and insure that the program prominently displays this information. Include all credits and credit screens for the official version. Include a copy of this document. CONDITIONS FOR COMMERCIAL BUNDLING Vendors wishing to bundle POV-Ray with commercial software or with publications must first obtain explicit permission from the POV-Ray Team. This includes any commercial software or publications, such as, but not limited to, magazines, books, newspapers, or newsletters in print or machine readable form. The POV-Ray Team will decide if such distribution will be allowed on a case-by-case basis and may impose certain restrictions as it sees fit. The minimum terms are given below. Other conditions may be imposed. Purchasers of your product must not be led to believe that they are paying for POV-Ray. Any mention of the POV-Ray bundle on the box, in advertising or in instruction manuals must be clearly marked with a disclaimer that POV-Ray is free software and can be obtained for free or nominal cost from various sources. Include clear and obvious information on how to obtain the official POV-Ray. Include a copy of this document. You must provide all POV-Ray support for all users who acquired POV- Ray through your product. The POV-Ray Team is not obligated to provide you or your customers any technical support. Include a credit page or pages in your documentation for POV-Ray. If you modify any portion POV-Ray for use with your hardware or software, you must follow the custom version rules in addition to these rules. Include contact and support information for your product. Must include official documentation with product. CONDITIONS FOR SHAREWARE/FREEWARE DISTRIBUTION COMPANIES Shareware and freeware distribution companies may distribute the archives under the conditions following this section. You must notify us that you are distributing POV-Ray and must provide us with information on how to contact you should any support issues arise. No more than five dollars U.S. ($5) can be charged per disk for the copying of this software and the media it is provided on. Space on each disk must used completely. The company may not put each archive on a separate disk and charge for three disks if all three archives will fit on one disk. If more than one disk is needed to store the archives then more than one disk may be used and charged for. Distribution on high volume media such as backup tape or CD-ROM is permitted if the total cost to the user is no more than $0.10 per megabyte of data. For example a CD-ROM with 600 meg could cost no more than $60.00. CONDITIONS FOR ON-LINE SERVICES AND BBS'S On-line services and BBS's may distribute the POV-Ray archives under the conditions following this section. The archives must be all be easily available on the service and should be grouped together in a similar on-line area. It is strongly requested that BBS operators remove prior versions of POV- Ray to avoid user confusion and simplify or minimize our support efforts. The on-line service or BBS may only charge standard usage rates for the downloading of this software. A premium may not be charged for this package. I.E. CompuServe or America On-Line may make these archives available to their users, but they may only charge regular usage rates for the time required to download. They must also make the all of the archives available in the same forum, so they can be easily located by a user. DISCLAIMER This software is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty. Although the authors have attempted to find and correct any bugs in the package, they are not responsible for any damage or losses of any kind caused by the use or misuse of the package. The authors are under no obligation to provide service, corrections, or upgrades to this package. APPENDIX E CONTACTING THE AUTHORS ================================== We love to hear about how you're using and enjoying the program. We also will do our best try to solve any problems you have with POV-Ray and incorporate good suggestions into the program. If you have a question regarding commercial use of, distribution of, or anything particularly sticky, please contact Chris Young, the development team coordinator. Otherwise, spread the mail around. We all love to hear from you! The best method of contact is e-mail through CompuServe for most of us. America On-Line and Internet can now send mail to CompuServe, also, just use the Internet address and the mail will be sent through to CompuServe where we read our mail daily. Please do not send large files to us through the e-mail without asking first. We pay for each minute on CompuServe and large files can get expensive. Send a query before you send the file, thanks! Chris Young (Team Coordinator. Worked on everything.) CIS: 76702,1655 Internet US Mail: 3119 Cossell Drive Indianapolis, IN 46224 U.S.A. Drew Wells (Former team leader. Worked on everything.) CIS: 73767,1244 Internet: AOL: Drew Wells Prodigy: SXNX74A (Not used often) Other authors and contributors in alphabetical order: ----------------------------------------------------- David Buck (Original author of DKBTrace) (Primary developer, quadrics, docs) INTERNET:(preferred) CIS: 70521,1371 Aaron Collins (Co-author of DKBTrace 2.12) (Primary developer, IBM-PC display code,phong) CIS: 70324,3200 Alexander Enzmann (Primary developer, Blobs, quartics, boxes, spotlights) CIS: 70323,2461 INTERNET: Dan Farmer (Primary developer, docs, scene files) CIS:70703,1632 Douglas Muir (Bump maps and height fields) CIS: 76207,662 Bill Pulver (Time code and IBM-PC compile) CIS: 70405,1152 Charles Marslette (IBM-PC display code) CIS: 75300,1636 Mike Miller (Artist, scene files, CIS: 70353,100 Jim Nitchals (Mac version, scene files) CIS: 73117,3020 AppleLink: jimn8 Internet: Eduard Schwan (Mac version, docs) CIS: 71513,2161 AppleLink: JL.Tech Internet: Randy Antler (IBM-PC display code enhancements) CIS: 71511,1015 David Harr (Mac balloon help) CIS: 72117,1704 Scott Taylor (Leopard and Onion textures) CIS: 72401,410 Chris Cason (colour X-Windows display code) CIS: 100032,1644 Dave Park (Amiga support; added AGA video code) CIS: 70004,1764