═══ 1. General Help For Kitchen Assistance ═══ KITCHENAssistant / 2Ver1 . 0 (C) Copyrighted Allan Nancoz 1994 The KA/2 main Window provide access to the many function available to maintain and access the recipe files. Multiple recipe files can be maintain if desired. The recipe files is consist of four files, recipe, ingredient, group, and title file. A recipe(s) can be retrieved with the search function, using one or more of the following criteria's: ■ Title(s) ■ Group(s) ■ Ingredient(s) The search parameters allow for logical functions (and, or, not, and xor) to provide for advance search abilities. The menubar at the top of the window provides access to the following functions. Menu Item Functions File New, Open, Import, Export, View log Maintenance Database Maintenance. Pack, Default INI. Options Default Options for KA/2. Help Access to the on-line help and product information window. The next area contains the three search parameter entry fields, Title, Group, Ingredient. The third area is a listbox that will contain the recipe that match your search parameters or the recipes that have been imported, if the add2list option is selected when importing recipes. One or more of these recipes can be selected and the following function can be performed. Function Description View View the selected recipe(s). Edit Edit the selected file(s) Print Print the selected file(s) Delete Delete the selected file(s) from the recipe file. The control buttons available in this window are: Control Function * View View the selected recipe(s). * Edit Edit the selected file. * Print Print the selected file(s). * Delete Delete the selected file(s) from the database. New Enter a new recipe into the database. Search Begin search function. ** Select All Select all recipes contain in listbox. DeSelect * Deselect all recipes in listbox. Exit Exit Program. The buttons marked with * will be disabled if their are no recipes selected in the listbox The button marked with ** will be disabled until the listbox contains recipes. Note: MEAL-MASTER is a registered trademark of Episoft Systems. ═══ 1.1. Search ═══ Search The Search function provides the ability to find recipes that meet search parameters you entered in on or more of the entry fields, Title, Group, and ingredients. SEARCH PARAMETERS FORMAT ■All searches are not case sensitive. ■If a full word search is desired enclose the word(s) with leading and trailing spaces in "(s). A title search for "ham" will find recipes the following recipes: "Baked Ham Southern Style", "Hamburgers" While a search for " Ham " would only find, "Baked Ham Southern Style" ■Multiple words that are not separated by search operators will be taken as a phrase. A search parameter can contain logical operator to perform advanced search function. OPERATORS Description & performs AND function. | performs OR function. ^ performs a exclusive OR function. \ performs NOT function () Use to modify the left to right ordering of operations. Examples (using title or ingredient search parameter) blue & cheese This would only the recipe title "Blueberry Cheesecake" because both "blue" and "cheese" in the title. Blue | cream This would find the titles "Blueberry Cheesecake ", "Strawberry Ice Cream" because the contain "blue" or "cream" somewhere in the title. coffee ^ cake This would find any recipe with either coffee or cake in in the title, but would reject the recipes that had both words in the title. Example: Rum Cake would be found, but Coffee cake would not be found. \onion & garlic This would find recipes that did not contain "onion", but did contain garlic. For a recipe to meet the search criteria all the parameter that are specified in the three search fields must be meet. If the field is blank, it is ignored. After you enter all the search parameter that you wish to use, press the Search button to start the search. The button color will change to Yellow and the text will change to "Stop". The database will be search first using the title parameter, if specified. As each recipe that match the search parameter is found it will be entered into the listbox, in sorted ordered and the count of found recipes will be display in the lower left status box. At anytime you can cancel the search by pressing the yellow stop button. When the title search is completed, the group search will start. If a title search was specified, the group search will use the titles found by the title search for its search. In this case if the found title does not match the group search parameter it will be removed from the listbox and the found count will be reduced by 1. If no title search was specified, the group search will search all the recipes in the database for matches and add them to the listbox and found count. After the group search is completed, the ingredient search will be performed in the same manner as the other searches. The search can be cancelled at any time by pressing the "Stop" button. Any recipes found will remain in the list box. Warning: Due to a the current OS/2 limitation to the amount of text that a listbox can contain, a search may find more recipes that can be contained in the list box. In this case a warning message will be displayed and the search will stop. Upon completion of all the search, the Stop button will return to it's default color and the text will go back to "Search". The recipes found now can be selected for further operations. ALL TITLES If the All title checkbox is checked, all titles found in the recipe file will be placed in the list box. Any entries in the search entry fields will be ignored. For a large database this may exceed the listbox limitation mentioned above. ═══ 1.2. Edit ═══ Recipe Editor The Edit button will open the Recipe Editor with the current recipe displayed ready to be modified. See Editor ═══ 1.3. Recipe Print ═══ View window Prints all the selected recipes. Editor Window Prints the currently displayed recipe. ═══ 1.4. New Recipe ═══ New Recipe The New button opens the recipe editor window ready for you to entry a new recipe. The title edit window will be opened so that you can enter the new recipe's title. The title is not checked for duplicate title at this point. The check is made when the recipe is saved. See Editor ═══ 1.5. Delete Recipe ═══ Recipe Delete The delete button will be enabled whenever one or more recipes in the listbox is selected. When the delete button is pressed, you will be asked to confirm the deletion request. If you response "Yes" all the selected recipes will be deleted from the recipe file. Warning: Once the recipe(s) are deleted there is no way to recover them. The disk space used by the deleted recipe(s) will be made available to Kitchen Assistant/2 for new or edited recipes. To make the disk space available to other programs on your system the Pack function will have to be run. ═══ 1.6. Select All ═══ Select All The Select All Push Button will select all the recipes currently in the list box. This button will be disabled until the listbox contains recipes titles. ═══ 1.7. Deselect recipe(s) ═══ Deselect All Recipes The DeSelect button will become enabled when their are selected recipes in the listbox. When the button activated all recipes will be deselected. ═══ 1.8. Exit ═══ Program Exit When the Exit button is push you will be prompted if you want to exit the program. If you response by pressing "Yes", all recipe files will be saved and Kitchen Assistant/2 will exited. ═══ 2. File Menu ═══ File Menu The file dropdown menu consist of several items that pertain to the KA/2 recipe file handling. Also KA/2 can be exited from this menu. Menu Item Function New Recipe File Create a new initialized set of recipe files. Open Opens a already create recipe file and makes it the active recipe file. KA/2 can maintain as many recipes files as you wish. The only limit is your disk space. Import Import recipes in three different formats. KA/2 KA/2 Text Meal-Master Export Exports recipes in two different formats. KA/2 KA/2 Text View Log View the log for the current recipe. The optional log is maintained if it has been enabled the option notebook. ═══ 2.1. New DataBase ═══ Creating a New Recipe files This function will create a new initialized recipe file. Enter the name of the new recipe file you want to create without a extension. Then press OK. If a recipe file exist with the name you entered, you will be asked if you want to delete the existing recipe file. Warning: If you answer Yes, all data in the existing recipe file will be lost and a empty recipe file, with the same name will be created. ═══ 2.2. Open Database ═══ Open Recipe File You can open another existing recipe file. The current recipe file will be close and a File Dialog window will be opened with the default Drive and Directory set. You can change the Drive and Directory if the recipe file you want to open is not located in the default location. The default Path can be set in Option, Path. All the existing recipe files that are in the specified path will be displayed. Select the recipe file that you want to open by clicking on it, then pressing OK. You can also just double click on the recipe file to open it. The opened recipe file will become the active recipe file. The active recipe file's name will be displayed in the title bar of the main window. If you want to create a new recipe file, use File, New Recipe File ═══ 2.3. Import Recipes ═══ Recipe Import Three formats are acceptable for import to KA/2. Format KA This format is not intended to be user readable. See Export Kitchen Assistant. KA Text This format is in ASCII text format, that is a readable, printable form. See Export Text Meal-Master This will import recipes that were exported by the Meal-Master (tm) Ver 6.x - 8.0 program. Measurement Translation When recipes are imported or edited, the unit of measure for ingredients will be check to see that it is a 1-3 character KA/2 abbreviation. If the unit of measure is not abbreviation, KA/2 will attempt to convert it the standard KA/2 abbreviation. The table below shows the units of measure and what it will be converted to. If KA/2 does not recognize the unit of measure no conversion will be made. KA/2 Unit of measures in imported/edited recipe x, - bn bunch, bns, bunches can cn, cns, cans cg centigram, cgs, centigrams cl centiliter, cls, centiliters clv clove, cloves ctn carton, ct, ctns, cartons, cts cup c, cups, C dg decigram, dgs, decigrams dl deciliter, dls, deciliters dr drop, drs, drops ds dash, dashs ea each env envelope, envelopes fl fluid ounce, fl oz, fluid ounces, fls g gram, gm, gr, grs, gms, grams gal gallon, ga, gals, gallons in inch, inches kg kilogram, kgm, kgms, kgs, kilograms l liter, lit, lits, liters lb pound, lbs, pounds lg large, lge md medium, med, m mg milligram, mgs, milliliters ml milliliter, mls, milliliters oz ounce, ozs, ounces pkg package, pk, pkgs, pks, packages pn pinch, pns, pinches pt pint, pints, pts qt quart, q, quarts, qts sl slice, sls, slices sm small, s tbs tablespoon, tb, tbls, tbsp, T tsp teaspoon, t, ts, teaspoons, tsps When KA/2 detects a error in a recipe being imported or edited, the recipe will be written to a file with the recipe file name and a extension of ".err". The file will be in KA text format. The type of error will be in the start of recipe header. You can edit this file with a ASCII editor to fix the problem, then reimport the file using the file, import, KA text function. The type of error that KA/2 will find that would cause a error is a duplicate title name. In this case all you would have to do is change the title in some way such as adding a "#2". Note: Changing the title to uppercase will not work. Title checks are done without regard to the case of the letter in the title. When KA/2 detects a error in a recipe being imported or edited, the recipe will be written to a file with the recipe file name and a extension of ".err". The file will be in KA text format. The type of error will be in the start of recipe header. You can edit this file with a ASCII editor to fix the problem, then reimport the file using the file, import, KA text function. The type of error that KA/2 will find that would cause a error is a duplicate title name. In this case all you would have to do is change the title in some way such as adding a "#2". Note: Changing the title to uppercase will not work. Title checks are done without regard to the case of the letter in the title. ═══ 2.3.1. Import, Kitchen Assistance ═══ Import Kitchen Assistant Format This will import recipes that were exported in the Kitchen Assistant/2 export format. A File Dialog window will be open with the default Drive and Directory set. Also the file mask will be set to the import/export extension set in the Options notebook. The default setting is *.KAF. You can change the default setting in the Options notebook, Paths The file to be imported can have any extension. The only requirement for the import to be successful is that the recipes in the file be in the KA/2 format. CAUTION: Do not use this format to import text files. The format used here is not a ASCII text. To import a KA Text file use File, Import, KA Text menu. To import Meal-Master (tm) text recipes, use File / Import / Meal-Master (tm). After the file to be imported has been selected, the Import Window will be open. ═══ 2.3.2. Import Text ═══ Recipe Import, KA Text Format This will import recipes that were exported in the KA text format. A File Dialog window will be open with the default Drive and Directory set. Also the file mask will be set to the import/export extension set in the Options notebook. The default setting is *.KAF. You can change the default setting in the Options notebook, Paths The file to be imported can have any extension. The only requirement for the import to be successful is that the recipes in the file be formatted correctly. CAUTION: Only use this format only to import KA text files. To import a KA Export file use File, Import, KA. To import Meal-Master (tm) text recipes, use File, Import, Meal-Master (tm). After the file to be imported has been selected, the Import Window will be open. ═══ Format for Kitchen Assistance Text ═══ KA/2 Text Format Specifications A recipe in ASCII text that can be import by Kitchen Assistant/2 must conform to the following specification. 1. Key word will separate sections of the recipe. 2. All text until the start of recipe will be ignored. 3. All Key Words must start at column 1 of the line and end with a ":". 4. Key Words can be Upper or lower case or mixed. 5. Text associated with the Key Word can follow on the same line as the key word or start on the next line. 6. The current section is terminated when another Key Word is detected or the end of file is encountered.. 7. Blank lines are ignored unless noted below. 8. The Key Words can be in any order between the "start of recipe" line and the "End of Recipe" line. Start of Recipe 5 or more of the same characters repeated starting at column 1 of the line and the words "Kitchen Assistant" some where on the line after the leading repeated characters. End of recipe 5 or more of the same characters repeated starting at column 1 of the line. Keyword Description Title: Followed by the Title text. Group: Followed by each group(s) associated with this recipe separated by a comma and a space. Description: Followed by the description text. The description text is not formatted in anyway. Yield: Followed by a numeric Qty, 1 or more spaces and then the unit of measure. Preparation Time: Followed by the preparation time text, Cooking Time: Followed by the cooking time text. The preparation time and the Cooking time can be on the same line. This text must not exceed one line. Source/Author: Followed by the source text. Ingredients: Followed by each ingredient line or header line. The Header line must be in the following format: 5 or more of the same character followed by the header text, followed by a optional 5 or more of the same character. The leading and trailing (if used) characters must be the same character. Each Ingredient line must have the following format: A Qty, (valid characters are 1234567890/ .), 2 or more spaces followed by a unit of measure, abbreviated to two characters, 2 or more spaces. Next will be ingredient text. This text is free form. KA/2 uses the text up to the first "," or ";" as the text for it's ingredient index. If you enter the ingredient text in the following format the number of indexes will be reduced and operation will be sped up. 1 c flour, Unbleached In this case only the word "flour" will be used as a ingredient index. But remember that KA/2 will work fine even if you leave out the comma. If the ingredient text continues on the next line, the Qty field must blank or contain only a "." and Measurement fields must be blank Warning: At the current time 2 column format for ingredients is not supported Instructions: Followed by the instruction text. Instructions are stored as paragraphs. The start of a paragraph will be detected if a header line line is found or if a blank line is found between two text lines within the instruction section. The Header line must be in the following format: 5 or more characters repeated followed by the header text, followed by a optional 5 or more repeated characters. All the leading and trailing (if used) characters must be the same character. This is the same format as Ingredient header lines. CAUTION: Blank lines are not ignored within the instruction section. Nutrition The Key Word "Nutrition:" start this section. The following Sub Key words are used to located the values to be stored. Sub Key Words can appear any where on the line, in any order and multiple Sub Key Words can appear on a line except as noted below. "per:" Must NOT be on a line with another Sub Key Word. Followed by the unit of measure text. "Calories:" Followed by a numeric value. "Protein:" Followed by a numeric value. "Sodium:" Followed by a numeric value. "Total Fat:" Followed by a numeric value. "Saturated Fat:" Followed by a numeric value. "Cholesterol:" Followed by a numeric value. "Carbohydrates:" Followed by a numeric value. Notes: Followed by the note text. This text is not formatted in any way. ═══ 2.3.3. Import MealMaster ═══ Recipe Import, Meal-Master(tm) Format This will import recipes that were exported in Meal-Master (tm) N, M, or B format. Meal-Master(tm) Version 6.0, 7.x and 8.01 exports have been tested. A File Dialog window will be open with the default Drive and Directory set. Also the file mask will be set to the import/export extension set in the Options notebook. The default setting is *.MMF. You can change the default setting in the Options notebook, Paths The file to be imported can have any extension. The only requirement for the import to be successful is that the recipes in the file be in the Meal-Master (tm) format. CAUTION: Do not use this format to import any other formats. To import a KA Export recipes, use File, Import, KA. To import KA Text recipes, use File, Import, Text. After the file to be imported has been selected, the Import Window will be open. ═══ 2.3.4. Help for HelpPanel1 ═══ When KA/2 detects a error in a recipe being imported or edited, the recipe will be written to a file with the recipe file name and a extension of ".err". The file will be in KA text format. The type of error will be in the start of recipe header. You can edit this file with a ASCII editor to fix the problem, then reimport the file using the file, import, KA text function. The type of error that KA/2 will find that would cause a error is a duplicate title name. In this case all you would have to do is change the title in some way such as adding a "#2". Note: Changing the title to uppercase will not work. Title checks are done without regard to the case of the letter in the title. When KA/2 detects a error in a recipe being imported or edited, the recipe will be written to a file with the recipe file name and a extension of ".err". The file will be in KA text format. The type of error will be in the start of recipe header. You can edit this file with a ASCII editor to fix the problem, then reimport the file using the file, import, KA text function. The type of error that KA/2 will find that would cause a error is a duplicate title name. In this case all you would have to do is change the title in some way such as adding a "#2". Note: Changing the title to uppercase will not work. Title checks are done without regard to the case of the letter in the title. ═══ 2.4. Export Recipe ═══ Recipe Export Kitchen Assistant/2 exports recipes in two different formats. Format Description Kitchen Assistant/2 This format is not intended to be user readable. It's primary purpose is for internal KA/2 use or where user will not read it directly. It is designed for quicker importing into KA/2. Text This format is in a readable, printable ASCII format. It is intended for use where someone is going to read it, such as e-mail. KA/2 will also import this format. If the recipe is generated by some other source, other than KA/2, it must comply to the KA/2 text format so KA/2 can use it. See Text Format for further information on this format. ═══ 2.4.1. Export Kitchen Assistance ═══ Export KA/2 Format The KA/2 export format is not intended to be user readable. It is intended for faster importing by Import, KA function and for internal use by KA/2. For a user readable export format see Export Text. This format is used for printing a recipe or for recipes being included in e-mail messages or any other application where the recipe will be read. ═══ 2.4.2. Export Text ═══ Export KA/2 Text The text format exports recipes in a readable and printable ASCII text form. The recipe is formatted with a key word at the start of each section. If their is no text in a section, the key word will not be printed. The print function uses the same format. See Text Format for a full description of the text format. ═══ 2.5. View Log ═══ View Log The View Log will display the contents of the log for the current recipe file. One log entry is displayed per line. Use the scroll bar to move through the file. CONTROLS OK Return to main window. Delete Deletes the selected entries from the log file. Erase File Deletes the log file. ═══ 3. Maintenance Menu ═══ Maintenance Menu The maintenance menu provides functions to do housekeeping on the recipe database. Menu Item Function Default INI Creates a default ini file. Pack Compresses the recipe files and makes disk space that deleted recipes was using available to your system. ═══ 3.1. Create Default INI ═══ Create Default INI file This function will create a default INI file. You will be asked if you really want to create the new default INI file. Warning: If you response Yes, your current INI file will be replaced with a new file. All your current option setting will be lost. ═══ 3.2. Pack Database ═══ Recipe File Pack The pack function is used to release any unused space in the recipe files for use by other programs. When you delete or modify recipes space used by the recipes deleted or modified are mark as available for KA/2 use. This space will be used first by KA/2 for new or modified recipes. The only time you may have to use this function is if you did a large scale deletion of recipes and you want to make the disk space available to you system. Note: The pack function DOES NOT compress the KA/2 files. The pack procedure is done by first exporting the recipes in KA/2 format, to a file named ".KA$", then renames the recipe files to temporary files. The names of these temporary file are in the log file, if you have the log file option enabled. Next a new set of recipe files is created with the same name as the original recipe files, then the exported file is import into the new recipe file. At the end all temporary are deleted. The export file *.KA$ is not deleted until the next pack of this recipe file. Warning: Packing the recipe file can take a long time if the recipe file is large ═══ 4. Option Menu ═══ Options Notebook The options notebook permits you to change the default parameters for Kitchen Assistant/2 Page Functions Paths Set the default path and recipe file name. Printer Set the parameters for the print functions. Groups Sets the Groups used by recipe files. Yield Sets the measurements used for yield and nutritional information. Print Formats User defined recipe formats used for print or Exporting text file. Screen Position Defines at what position the main window will open at start up. Source Adds or append text to the source line when a recipe is imported or inputted. Misc Misc. toggles that control functions of KA/2 ═══ 4.1. Paths ═══ Paths Default Recipe This is the recipe file that is opened when the KA/2 starts up. Working directory This is the directory that the recipe files and other files that are generated by the program are stored by default. You will be able to specify another directory if you wish for most file operation. File Extensions These are the default extensions that will be used for Import and Export operation. You can specify other extensions when the import or export operation is performed if you wish.. ═══ 4.2. Printer Options ═══ Print Parameters These are the parameters used for printing recipes. The default character set for your printer is used. Page Width Number of chars that will fit in one line of text with 0 margins. Left Margin The number of spaces to use as as a Left margin. Right Margin The number of spaces to use as as a right margin. Print Device The device to output the recipe to ( LPT1, LPT2, COM1 etc.). You can enter a file name here and the text will be stored in the file with margins added. This is the same as using File, Export, File, Export,text except that margins are added. Header Character This is the character that is used before and after a ingredient or Instruction header. ═══ 4.3. Group Options ═══ Predefined Groups The predefined groups for KA/2 are defined here. You are no limited to the number of groups used in a recipe file. These is a limit to the number (50) of predefined groups listed here. The predefined groups will be available in the listbox when you are editing a recipes. New groups entered while editing recipes are not entered into the predefined list. If you want to add the group to the predefine list you must enter it in the Options window. Recipes that are being imported will used the groups in the recipe, unless you select to change them manually by selecting the verify option in the Import window. New groups can be add to the predefine list by entering them to the top entry field. To delete groups from the list, select the group(s) you want to delete, then press the delete button. ═══ 4.4. Yield Measurments ═══ Yield Unit of Measure The predefined unit of measure for yields are set here. There is no limit to what unit of measure you use in a recipe. The number of predefined units is limited to 20, and are used when editing recipes as a short cut. You can use one of the predefined yield measurement or enter some other measurement while editing recipes. If you enter new yield measure it will not be entered into the predefine list of yield measurements. If your want the measurement in the predefine list, you have to enter them in this option window. Recipes that are being imported will used the yield measurement in the import recipe, unless you selected the verify option in the Import window. Selecting this option will allow you to edit the recipe as it's being imported. New yield measurement can be add to the predefine list by entering them to the top entry field. Then press enter. To delete groups from the list select the group(s) you want to delete, then press the delete button. ═══ 4.5. Print/Export Text Format ═══ Recipe Print Format Up to three user defined print/export formats can be defined here. You select the sections you wish to include in the recipe. You can also specify if this format is to be used as the default. There is a default format which includes all section. At the start of the print or export, you will be given the opportunity to select another format, if you have specified any of the user formats. For the format to become available you must provide a name for the format. Note: These formats apply only to printed recipes or recipes exported in the text format. ═══ 4.6. Screen Open Position ═══ Screen Position You can choice the screen position where you want the Main Kitchen Assistant/2 window to open in on program start up. There are 9 buttons which represent the following screen positions: UpperLeft , UpperCenter , UpperRight Middle Left, Middle, Middle Right Lower Left, Lower Center, Lower Right There is also a check box, which if check will cause the main window position to be saved when you exit the program. This saved position will be used as the starting position the next time you load KA/2. ═══ 4.7. Source ═══ Recipe Source The Optional Source text allows you to add text the Source/Author line of a recipe. The text that will be added is a standard text line or a custom line defined by the user. There are two standard text lines, one for recipes inputted by the user, " Inputted by ", and one for imported recipes "Imported from XXXX". As part of the text line a marker (~~) is placed at the beginning of the text. If this marker is found in the Source/Author line of the imported recipe, no text will be added. Add text If this is checked, the standard or custom text will be added only if the Source/Author line in the recipe is blank. Append text If this is checked, the standard or custom text will be appended to the existing text in the Source/Author line. Custom Text If this is check the text that you enter in the entry field below will be used in place of the standard text. ═══ 4.8. Options Misc Help ═══ Options, Misc. Item Function Log File If this is checked, a log file will be maintained in the working dir. The file name will be kitchen.log. The log file can be view by selecting the menu item, file, View Log You can also erase the file or delete entries from the file from the View Log window. Should the file size exceed 500KB a message will be display when you start up KA/2 USA/Metric This sets the default measurement conversion mode. The three modes available are: ■None No conversion done. Recipe is displayed, exported, or printed as it is stored in the recipe file. ■USA The Unit of measure in the ingredient section is converted to a USA measure abbreviation if the unit of is found in KA/2's table. ■Metric The Unit of measure in the ingredient section is converted to a Metric measure abbreviation if the unit of is found in KA/2's table. Note: Measure that are not found in the KA/2 table are not converted and will appear as they are stored in the recipe file. ═══ 4.9. Predefined Ingredients ═══ Predefined Ingredients List The predefined ingredients for KA/2 are entered in the Option notebook, on the Ingredient page. The limit for the number of ingredients in the list is 100. This list will be available when you are editing or entering a recipe. You are not limited to the using only the ingredients in this list. The purpose of the list is to provide a easy method to enter ingredients that you use often or for any other reason. Recipes that are being imported will used the ingredients contained in the imported recipe, unless you select to change them manually by selecting the verify option in the Import window. New ingredients can be add to the predefine list by entering them to the top entry field, then pressing return. To delete ingredients from the list select the ingredient(s) you want to delete, then press the delete button. If you try to enter more than 100 ingredients a warning message will be displayed. ═══ 5. View Window ═══ Recipe Viewer The view recipe window contains two areas, the Multiline view area and the control buttons. You cannot modify a recipe directly in this window. If you wish to modify the recipe being viewed, press the Edit Button. The recipes that are viewed in this window are the selected recipes in the listbox in the main window. The control buttons available in this window are: Control Function First Moves to the first selected recipe. Last Moves to the last selected recipe. Previous Moves to the previous selected recipe. Next Moves to the next selected recipe. Edit Edit the current recipe. Print Print the current recipe. Exit Returns to the main window. ═══ 6. Recipe Editor ═══ Recipe Editor The Recipe Editor is use to entered a new recipe or to modify an existing recipe. The window consist of two main areas, the recipe area and the control area. RECIPE AREA The recipe will be displayed in this area, along with the section headings. If you selected a new recipe a entry area will be blank and the Title entry window will be opened so you can entry the recipes title. There is one control button for each section of the recipe. CONTROL AREA The control button are use to open a editor window for the selected section. The twelve control buttons are: Title Group Description Ingredient Instruction Save Preparation Serving Source Notes Nutrition The entries or modification will not be saved to the recipe file until you press the save button. Pressing the cancel button will not save the change you may have made in this editing session. ═══ 6.1. Title Editor ═══ Title Editor If a title already exist for this recipe it will appear in the entry box. You can edit it or enter a new title. Control Function OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. Kitchen Assistant/2 does not allow duplicate titles in the database. If a duplicate title is entered, a warning message box will be displayed when you save the recipe. ═══ 6.2. Group Edit ═══ Group Editor The Group Editor window is used to attached one or more group(s) to a recipe. The Group editor windows contains 2 listboxes, the left one contains the predefined groups and the right one contains the Groups to be attached to the current recipe. The window also has a entry field to permit you to enter a group that is not contained in the predefine list. CAUTION: A group that has be entered in the "New" entry field will not be add to the predefined list. If you wish to have the new group add to the predefined list, you will have go to the Options, Groups window and add it to the predefine group list there. If the recipe being edited contains group(s) they will appear in the right listbox when group edit window is opened. If any of these groups appear in the predefined listbox they will be removed for the predefine listbox. This is done so that you do not duplicate entries. To attach one or more group(s) to the recipe from the predefine list, select the group(s) you want from the left listbox, then press the Add button. To select multiple groups, Hold the Ctrl key down while make the selection with the mouse or the keyboard. You can select groups from the predefined list and enter a new group in the new entry field in one operation. Warning: The number of groups that can be assigned to a recipe is 10. Controls Function Add >> Adds the selected groups for the predefine listbox, and the if the "New" entry filed contains a group to the recipe group listbox. << Remove The remove Button will remove any selected groups from the Recipe Groups listbox and place them in the predefine listbox. <> All select items in BOTH listboxes will be deselected. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. ═══ 6.3. Description Edit ═══ Recipe Description The recipe description is entered here. Do not enter carriage returns, unless you need them for some special formatting. I would advise that you do not since they may mess up the recipe formatting done by Kitchen Assistant/2 . Control Function OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. ═══ 6.4. Ingredients Edit ═══ Ingredient Editor Window The Ingredient Edit window is activated from the recipe editor window by the Ingredient button. The main area is the text entry box in the center of the window. You can enter the ingredients directly into this area if you observe the correct formatting as listed below. You can also use the three ingredient entry fields at the top of the window and the header entry field at the bottom of the window to enter the new text for the ingredient section of the recipe. To modify existing ingredient text you must make the modifications in the Main entry area or delete the text you want to change and then enter the new text using the entry fields at the top of the window. Using these entry field will ensure that the entries are in the correct format. Ingredients Text Formatting Ingredient Header The header should be on a line by it's self and should be preceeded by 5 or more Header Characters, optionally followed by 5 or more Header character The header character is user definable in the Options, Printer page of the notebook. Ingredient Line The quantity and measure fields must be followed by a 2 or more spaces or a tab character. The unit of measurement should 1-3 characters. While they can be any measurement or abbreviation, I suggest that you use a standard abbreviation. KA/2 will convert whatever is entered to the standard KA/2 abbreviation, if the measurement you entered is in it's table. The ingredient text should be formatted as follows: IngredientText [ ,AdditionText ] The item within the brackets are optional and is used for additional descriptive text associated with the ingredient. The IngredientText should be just the ingredient ie: Onions, this should be followed by a "," or ";" if there is a addition descriptive text for the ingredient ie: "Sliced thin". An example of a ingredient line would be: 3 lg Onions, Sliced thin or 1 c flour The ingredientText portion the the line is used for the ingredient indexing used by KA/2 to speed up some of it's operation. If the comma is omitted the program will work, although the number of index entries may increase unnecessarily and may impact the performance of the program. If you use the ingredient entry fields, be sure that the cursor is at the beginning of the line that you want the text to be placed. Usingtheingrediententryfields Quantity Enter the numeric quantity for the ingredient. Enter a fractional qty as 1 1/2. Do not use a decimal entry. Measure You can enter the unit of measure in the entry field or press the button on the right side of the field to drop down the list of measurements. Select the desired measurement and press enter or double-click the left mouse button. The drop down box will close. Only the abbreviated portion of the text will be used in the recipe for the unit of measure. If you enter your own unit of measure in this entry field be sure to limit it to 3 characters. You do not need to enter the long name of the ingredient. Ingredient Enter the ingredient in the ingredient entry field. Limit this to just the ingredient name. Any additional information should be entered into the text entry field. Text This is used for descriptive information for the ingredient such as "Slice thin". When done press the ADD button to transfer the text to the main text entry field. Control Function Header To create a ingredient header line, enter the heading text, select it, then press the Header button. The selected text will be formatted as a header. If the text you select in in the middle of a line, the line will be split and the header placed on a line by it's self. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. ═══ 6.5. Instruction Editor ═══ Recipe Instruction Edit The Instruction section is where you enter the step by step instruction for the recipe. The instructions are stored as paragraph, with a blank line or a header denoting the beginning of a paragraph. You should let the program format the lines in a paragraph. You can create a heading by enter the heading text, selecting it, then press the header button. If the selected text is in the middle of the line the line will be split and the header will be place on the next line, by it's self with the remaining text following on the next line. Header can be entered directly into the instruction field if the correct format is observed. The header should be on a line by it's self and should be preceeded by 5 or more Header Characters, optionally followed by 5 or more Header characters The default Header Character is defined in the Option, printer notebook page. Control Function Header Creates a Header line from the selected text. Add Adds the ingredient information in the upper entry fields to the main entry area. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. ═══ 6.6. Save Edited Recipe ═══ Save Button The Save button will save the recipe if it a new recipe or if the recipe has been modified. The Editor window will be exited and you will return to the previous window. ═══ 6.7. Preparation Edit ═══ Preparation & Cooking Time This Edit window is used to enter the preparation and cooking times for a recipe. Controls Function OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. ═══ 6.8. Serving Edit ═══ Yield Information This Edit window is used to enter the Yield information for the recipe. Enter a numeric qty in the Qty entry field. The Unit of Measure is selected from the dropdown list box. Control Description OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. ═══ 6.9. Source Edit ═══ Source/Author The Source Edit window is used to enter the Source or author information for the recipe. Enter a single line of text in the entry field. Control Function OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. ═══ 6.10. Notes Edit ═══ Notes The Note Edit Window is used for any miscellaneous notation for the recipe. While you can enter the text with carriage return, I would recommend that you enter the text without them and let the program handle the line formatting. This may avoid problems later on when you try to print the recipe. Controls Function OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. ═══ 6.11. Nutrition Edit ═══ Nutritional Information This Edit window used to enter the Nutritional information for the recipe. Use the per spin button to select the unit of measure that the nutritional values are based on. The measurements used here are same as used for the recipe Yield field. You can add addition units of measure to this box by using the Option, Yield from the menu bar and adding the new units to the Yield list. Complete entering numeric values for the rest of the fields in this window. Valid characters are 1234567890.\ and space. Do not enter the unit of measure, such as grams. Controls Functions OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. OK Transfers the text in the entry field to the Recipe Editor window. Cancel Exits without transferring the text to the Recipe Editor Window. All changes will be lost. ═══ 7. Import Window ═══ Import Window The Import Window provides the user with the ability to select some options via checkboxes before starting a import. This window is opened after you have selected the file to be imported. The name of the file to be imported appears in the title bar of the window. If you wish to change to another file, use the File button in this window. Checkbox Function Verify If this is checked the Editor window will be opened for each recipe imported. This will give the user the ability to edit the recipe before it's added to the recipe file. Add to List Box If this is checked, as each recipe is imported, it will be added to the Listbox. The import of the file will begin when you press the Start button. During the import process the title of the recipe will be displayed in the entry field and added to the listbox if you have checked the Add to Listbox checkbox. The count of recipes imported will be displayed in the left status bar. The Right status bar will contain the count of import error. The Log can be viewed to determine the reason for the error. The import can be cancelled by pressing the Cancel Button. Upon completion of the import, the Start Button will change to OK. Pressing the OK button will return you to the main window. ═══ 8. File Dialog ═══ File Dialog The File Dialog window permits you to navigate the systems file structure. The drive, directory, and file can be selected or changed as needed. KA/2 will provide the default file mask, drive, and directory. You can use these or enter another drive, directory. The defaults can be changed in the options notebook. ═══ 9. RegisterHlp ═══ Registration Window Enter the registered name, serial number, and the registration number you received when you registered KA/2 in the entry fields then press the OK button. Warning: If the registration information you entered is incorrect a warning message will be displayed. You can abort the register screen by pressing the the cancel button. To register KA/2 or for pricing information see the REGISTER.FRM file that is included in the zip file. Warning: If you upload the KA/2 package to a BBS, or give it to someone, DO NOT include the KITCHEN.INI file. This is your INI file and you are not allowed to give it or transfer it anyone else. ═══ 10. Print/Export Styles ═══ Print Window This window will open when you print a recipe and if you have defined 1 or more user print format in the Options Notebook. The default format will be selected, with the other formats that you have defined available for selection. After selecting the format you wish to use, press OK. ═══ 11. Beta Version ═══ Beta Release Information The Beta version release of Kitchen Assistant/2 is made available to any one who wants to help in testing the program. This version does not contain the "nag" screen, but does contain a time limit. See Registering for more information on the "nag" screen. When the time limit expires, the Beta Kitchen Assistant/2 will revert to a standard unregistered version. CAUTION: Of course any bug that that existed will still exist. You should upgrade to the latest release as soon as possible. You can register the Beta version at no cost before the Beta Limit date or until the next GA (General Availability) version is released. As a register beta user you will receive a no discount on the GA registration fee. Also you will be notified of any new beta release of this version and notification of the GA release. If you encounter any problems with Kitchen Assistant/2 please contact support to report the problem. Note: See the register.txt file included with the program for full information on registering Kitchen Assistant/2 ═══ 12. Support ═══ Questions and problems can be sent to: Internetaddresses :anancoz @ pipeline . com anancoz@interport.net Compuserve: 73777,13 US Mail address: Allan Nancoz 349 Quincy Ave. Bronx, NY 10465-3011 Include the following Information. Version # Problem/symptoms/Question: Serial Number (from Product info screen if there is one): Your Name and address. Your E-mail address: (if you have one) If you have a Email address I will acknowledge receipt of the problem report. You will be informed of the resolution. How you can get a fix will depend on the severity of the problem, if you are a register user. We are committed to providing the end user with a reliable, working product. Even if you not a registered user, I want to hear about any problem you are having with KA/2 and I will get them resolved. ═══ 13. Licence ═══ License Kitchen Assistant/2 is a copyrighted program. It is not public domain or free software. A limited license is granted for the purpose of determining suitability of the program. Registration is required for any use beyond a 30 day evaluation period. Unregistered copies of this program may be distributed providing that all the materials in this package are included in an unaltered form. Individual copies may not be sold or fees charged for more than the cost of the media without permission of the author. Kitchen Assistant/2 may be included in shareware collections providing that the files are not altered in any way. Distributors of shareware collection can get the latest version from the author. Registered users have the right to use this program for their personal use on one or more computers provided that only 1 copy is in use at the same time. Registered users can distribute the KA/2 package as long as they do not include their INI file in the package. Copyright (C) Allan Nancoz 1994 DISCLAIMER Thissoftwareisprovidedasiswithnowarranties expressedorimplied . Undernocircumstanceswilltheauthorbeliableforany lossoftime , dataormoniescausedbyyouruseofthisprogram . ═══ 14. Product Infomation ═══ Product Information The Product Information display the version of this copy of Kitchen Assistant/2 Along with the the Name and serial number if this is a registered copy. If this is not a registered copy, a register button will be at the bottom of the window. Press the button to open the register window in which you can enter your registration information. The icon button at the top is used to close the window. This button will not be active if this is not a registered copy. In this case the window will close after a predetermined time. If the copy is a active Beta release, the words "BETA VERSION" and the expiration date will appear in the lower box. After the expiration data the beta copy will behave as a unregistered copy. For unregistered copies this window will be open at the start up of the program for a predetermined time. ═══ 15. USA/Metric Conversions ═══ Metric/USA Measurement Conversion The mode of measurement conversions are controlled in the following ways. tsize=15 break=none. Options The default mode is set here. This will be the mode that KA/2 starts up in. Main Window The metric/USA button is located on the right side of the main window control below the search control. The current mode in effect displayed in the button and in the window title bar. Pressing the button will cycle the conversion mode through the three possible setting. tsize=20 break=none. No Convert This will displayed the measures as they were entered or imported. USA Measures All metric units will be converted to USA units. Metric Measure All USA units will be converted to metric units. View Window Same operation a the kitchen metric button except for the following. The button is located at the bottom of the window. The recipe will be displayed with the measurements based on the current state of the metric control. For the conversion to be performed the unit of measure in the recipe must meet the following conditions. o The quantity must not be blank. o The quantity must have a valid numeric value. o The unit of measure must not be blank. o The unit of measure must be valid 3 character abbreviation. If the conversion cannot be made the values will appear in their original form.