═══ 1. About Workplace Companion ═══ The Arcadia Workplace Companion (WPC) is a set of productivity tools designed specifically for the OS/2 2.0 Workplace Shell environment from the ground up. It adheres to Common User Access (CUA) '91 guidelines and completely integrates the various components in an object-oriented fashion. WPC exploits all of the powerful new controls found within OS/2 2.0, including notebooks, containers, sliders, value sets, and spin buttons. Everything necessary to schedule the days events, keep track of appointments, and manage business contacts is represented graphically. WPC contains several modules that work together to accomplish your business goals. The following modules make up the Arcadia Workplace Companion: Clock/Calendar The Clock/Calendar module is the focal point of the entire application. Besides a fully functional calendar and a digital/analog clock, many other options can be accessed from this module. Additionally, all of the other modules are launched from the Clock/Calendar. Appointment Book The Appointment Book module is used to schedule your day's events. Adding appointments is as easy as pointing the mouse at the time you wish to schedule and clicking a button. Telephone/Address Book The Telephone/Address Book module contains the names, numbers, and addresses of all your important business contacts. Contact List The Contact List is a subset of the Telephone/Address Book that is used to contain your most frequently used contacts. Notepad The Notepad module provides an easy way to store simple notes or entire documents, including graphic files. To-Do List The To-Do List module is used to show events that need to be completed. To-Do List items can be created manually or dragged directly from the Appointment Book. ═══ Product Information Dialog ═══ The Product Information dialog displays copyright and version information for Arcadia's Workplace Companion. For more specific information on using the product, press Ctrl+C for the help table of contents or F11 for the help index. The Ok button closes this dialog and returns to the Workplace Companion. ═══ Print Dialog ═══ The Print dialog lets you set options for the report you are printing. The options in the ranges box may be disabled if they do not apply to the report you are currently printing. The Printer entry field contains the name of the selected printer. This field is readonly and does not allow you to change its contents. You may select a different printer and/or print options by pressing the Printer Setup button. The Document entry field contain the name of the report you are printing. This field is also readonly and does not allow you to change its contents. If you decide you do not want to print the report shown, you should press the Cancel button to abort the print job. The Range group box contains choices that allow you to specify which records from the corresponding module you wish to print. The following choices are available: Selected Selecting this option causes the current report to only include the records that are selected. This choice is only valid for the Phone Book module. Company/Home These radio buttons let you specify which address you would like to print when you generate mailing labels. From/To The From and To spin button can be used to specify a data range of the records you want to include in the report. The data range is valid for the Appointment Book and To-Do List. When you print the year calendar, the year spin buttons are enabled to let you select the years you would like to print. You may use the Copies field to specify the number of copies of each page you want printed. You must print at least one copy. Use the Printer Setup to display the Print Options dialog. This dialog allows you to select the printer for the current print job and to establish other printing configurations. The Ok button closes the dialog and starts the print job. The Cancel button closes the dialog and aborts the print job. ═══ Printing Options Dialog ═══ The Print Options dialog lets you set options for the reports you are printing. Select from the list box the printer you want to use for printing. Use the Job properties button to start a dialog from which you can control your printing configuration. The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the printing options. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the printing options. ═══ Keys Help ═══ In addition to the standard Presentation Manager keys, there are a number of other key combinations used by the Arcadia Workplace Companion. Some of these accelerators are shown in the context menu and others do not have corresponding menu commands. Select from the following list for detailed keys help information on each module: o Clock/Calendar Module o Appointment Book Module o Planner Module o Telephone/Address Book Module o Contact List Module o Notepad Module o To-Do List Module ═══ 2. Clock/Calendar ═══ The Clock/Calendar module of the Arcadia Workplace Companion acts as a convenient desktop calendar. It contains two different areas: o Calendar area o Clock area The Calendar area contains a month calendar that may be manipulated using the day, month, and year controls provided. It is also a convenient way of accessing To-Do Lists for individual days of the month. The Clock area contains the current day and local time. There is another, called the Mode Value Set, which allows the time area to be changed to reflect the Day/Time, Julian Date, and International Time. The Clock/Calendar context menu provides additional options that may be set for this module. If you are not currently using your companion, you can minimize it. When you minimize your Companion, it is reduced to its smallest possible size on the desktop. Although it may be reduced, your Companion continues to be functional. Related Information: o Minimized Window ═══ Minimized Window ═══ This window appears when you minimize Workplace Companion by using the minimize button in the top-right corner of the Clock/Calendar. This reduces the Companion to a small window at the bottom-left corner of the desktop. The minimized window shows the current date and time. The time is displayed in either digital or analog format, depending on your time preferences set in the Preferences Notebook. If you want to change the location of the minimized Companion, you can drag it to another location on the desktop. Then, the next time you minimize it, the window conveniently returns to the location where you moved it. When you want to use your Companion again, just double-click anywhere on the minimized Companion to return it to its full size. ═══ Clock Operation ═══ The Mode Value Set, located at the bottom of the Clock area, provides choices that allow the display of the Clock/Calendar to be manipulated. There are three different modes: Day/Time Causes the Day/Time view to be displayed in the Clock area. Julian Date/Holidays Causes the Julian Date view to be displayed in the Clock area. International Time Causes the International Time view to be displayed in the Clock area. ═══ Day/Time ═══ Selecting the Day/Time value set item causes the time area to display the Day of the Week and the time of day for the local city. This is the default display of the Clock/Calendar. The Display area of the Clock may be changed between analog and digital. The Clock always displays according to the options set in the Time Format page of the Preferences Notebook. Note: This area always displays the current day regardless of what day is selected in the calendar. ═══ Julian/Weeks ═══ Selecting the Julian/Weeks value set item causes the time area to display the following information: Gregorian The Gregorian Date for the day that is selected in the Calendar. Julian The Julian Date for the day that is selected in the Calendar. It is displayed as (current day/days left in year). Week The week of the year for the week that is selected in the calendar. It is displayed as (current week / weeks left in year). The information that is displayed in the above fields is dependent on what day is selected in the calendar section of the window. When a different day button is selected, the information is changed to reflect the new day. Holidays appear in this area. If the day that is selected in the calendar area is a holiday, the Holiday name is displayed under the Week field. The name is always shown in red. ═══ International Time ═══ Selecting the International Time value set item allows the time in different parts of the world to be displayed. The City spin button contains the International City for which the time is to be displayed. When a different city is selected, the information in the window is changed to match the selected city. The following information is displayed for each city: Time This is the time for the city that is selected. A three letter day code follows the time. TOD stands for the current day. PRE means that the time displayed if for the previous day. FOL means that the time displayed is for the following day. GMT Offset This field contains the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Offset for the city that is selected. Local This is the local time. The contents of this field are not affected by the city that is selected in the City spin button. Note: We tried to place most of the major cities within our international city list. If you cannot find the city you are looking for, you may have to choose a city that is close to the desired city that has the same GMT offset. For example, if you wanted to know the time in Venice, Italy you would need to look at Rome, Italy; the nearest major city. ═══ Calendar Operation ═══ The Calendar has three different manipulation techniques: The day emphasis may be changed by clicking on the day of the month directly on the Calendar. Only the days of the current month may be selected. The last days of the previous month and the first days of the next month are shown in white and may not be selected. The month may be changed by clicking on the buttons in the Month Bar, located on the top line of the Calendar area. Selecting the right arrow moves the Calendar forward one month. Selecting the left arrow moves the Calendar backward one month. The year may be changed by clicking on the buttons in the Year Bar, located on the bottom line of the Calendar area. Selecting the right arrow moves the Calendar forward one year. Selecting the left arrow moves the Calendar back one year. The Year Button allows the full Year Calendar window to be displayed. When you display the full-year calendar, you can still use the month and year controls to display past and future months and years in the Calendar without affecting the full-year calendar. If you change the years, the changes do not affect the full-year calendar unless you enable the Year Calendar date tracking option on the Date Format page of the Preferences Notebook. The Today Button restores the highlighted day on the Calendar to reflect the current date. This button works no matter what day, month, or year is selected in the Calendar area. The Day Buttons may also be used to access the daily To-Do List. To bring up the To-Do List, double-click on any day in the Calendar. You may only bring up the To-Do List for the current month. You cannot access days from the previous or the next month without turning to that month. Note: Besides mouse operations, there are menu choices and accelerator keys that can be used to manipulate the Calendar and display the daily To-Do List. Refer to Keys Help for more information. ═══ Year Calendar ═══ The year calendar is displayed when the Year Button in the Clock/Calendar window is pressed. The 19XX Calendar window shows the full-year calendar for the selected year in the Calendar. When you display the full-year calendar, holidays are shown in red. To view the holiday name, do the following: 1. Move the mouse pointer over the desired holiday 2. Click and hold the right mouse button 3. Release the mouse button when you are done view the holiday name If you change the years in the calendar, the changes do not affect the full-year calendar unless you enable the Year Calendar date tracking option on the Date Format page of the Preferences Notebook. You may close the window by double-clicking on the system menu icon or by using the Close menu choice in the system menu. ═══ Local City ═══ The Local City spin button is used to set the local city for the clock area. This city is then used to calculate times for all of the international cities that are displayed using the International Time choice of the Clock area of the Clock/Calendar area. The Ok button closes the dialog and accept the changes that were made to the Local City settings. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the Local City settings. ═══ Alarm ═══ You may set up to ten (10) different alarms. Use the arrow on the Alarm spin button to select an alarm. The On and Off radio buttons are used to toggle the alarm on and off. For a detailed explanation of the alarm settings, select from the following list: o Message o Day o Time o Alarm only o Recurring Alarm There is a built-in snooze function for the alarm. When an alarm goes off, the alarm message appears in a dialog. The Snooze button closes the message box, but does not turn the alarm off. It will sound again in five (5) minutes. There is no limit to the number of times you can snooze. The Set button closes the dialog and activates any alarms that were turned On in the alarm dialog. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards any changes that were made to the alarm settings. ═══ Alarm (Message) ═══ The string entered in the Message entry field is displayed in the message box that appears when the alarm goes off. The maximum length of the string is 64 characters. The message is wrapped to fit in the size of the message window. ═══ Alarm (Day) ═══ Set the Day spin button to the day of the week you wish the alarm to go off on. You may set the alarm to any of the seven days of the week or to go off every day. Note: The Recurring Alarm option has no affect if Every Day is selected in the Day spin button. ═══ Alarm (Time) ═══ Set the Time spin buttons to the time of day you wish the alarm to go off. The first and second spin buttons should be set to the hour and minute setting for the alarm. The third spin button should be set to AM or PM. Note: If the time format is set to a 24-hour clock, the AM/PM spin button is disabled and the hour setting runs from 0-23. ═══ Alarm (No Pop-up) ═══ Selecting this option disables the alarm pop-up function. When the alarm goes off, only the chime sounds. The message dialog does not appear. ═══ Alarm (Recurring) ═══ Selecting this option causes the alarm to sound whenever the Day and Time conditions are met. If this option is not set, the alarm only sounds the first time and then turn itself off. Note: This option has no affect if Every Day is selected in the Day spin button. ═══ Alarm Box ═══ This message box appears when an alarm that was set with the Arcadia Clock/Calendar goes off. There are a maximum of ten (10) alarms that may be set. The Ok button stops the alarm from sounding and closes the message box. If the alarm is set as recurring, the alarm is still on and goes off when the alarm settings are met again. If it is not a recurring alarm, the alarm is turned off. The Snooze button closes the message box, but does not turn the alarm off. It sounds again in five (5) minutes. There is no limit to the number of times you can snooze. ═══ Daylight Savings Dialog ═══ Select the Daylight Savings Time check box to turn daylight savings time (DST) on. This field should be checked when DST is in affect so that the times for all of the international cities are adjusted accordingly. The Available Cities and the Supported Cities list boxes work together to determine which cities support daylight savings time. Only cities that support DST should appear in the Supported Cities list box. Cities can be moved back and forth by using the  Add  and  Remove  keys. The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the Daylight Savings Time settings. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the Daylight Savings Time settings. ═══ City List Dialog ═══ You may use the City List combo box to select a city for editing by selecting a choice from the list. When a city is selected, the contents of the fields below change to reflect the city's current settings. If you change the settings, be sure to push the Change button to save the changes. To create a new City, do the following: o Type a new name in the City combo box o Enter the appropriate values in the fields below o Push the Add button to add the city to the list Note: The maximum number of cities allowed is five hundred (500). To delete a city, do the following: o Select the desired item in the Holiday combo box o Push the Delete button The Retrieve Int'l City button displays a dialog that allows you to retrieve any of the default cities that were shipped with the Companion. City Settings: For a detailed explanation of the city settings, select from the following list: o Country o GMT Offset The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the city settings. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the city settings. ═══ City List (Country) ═══ The Country entry field is used to set the country for the selected city. The country is placed after the city in the International Time spin button in the Clock area. If the city is in a country that has provinces or states, you may use this field to set this value, i.e. Los Angeles, CA or Calgary, ALB. ═══ City List (GMT Offset) ═══ The GMT Offset spin button is used to set the GMT offset for the selected city. This value is used to calculate the time for international cities. If an invalid number is typed in this spin button, the last valid value that was shown by using the arrow keys replaces the invalid value when the city is updated or added. ═══ Int'l City Retrieval Dialog ═══ You may use the Int'l City list box to select a city to be placed in the City List. When a city is selected the contents of the fields below change to reflect the city's current settings. The Country entry field shows the country for the selected city. The country is placed after the city in the international time spin button in the clock area. This field is readonly. The GMT Offset entry field shows the GMT offset for the selected city. This value is used to calculate the time for an international city. This field is readonly. The Add button closes the dialog and add the city to the City list in the International City List dialog. The Cancel button closes the dialog and return to the City List dialog without saving any changes. ═══ Holiday Dialog ═══ You may use the Holiday combo box to select a holiday to edit by selecting a choice from the list. When a holiday is selected the contents of the fields below change to reflect the holiday's current settings. If you change the settings, be sure to push the Change button to save the changes. To create a new holiday, do the following: o Type a new name in the Holiday combo box o Enter the appropriate values in the fields below o Push the Add button to add the holiday to the list Note: The maximum number of holidays allowed is fifty (50). To delete a holiday, do the following: o Select the desired holiday it in the combo box o Push the Delete button. Holiday Settings: For a detailed explanation of the holiday settings, select from the following list: o Month o Date o Day The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the holiday settings. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the holiday settings. Note: If a holiday falls on a weekend, you need to change the holiday to the actual date observed by you or your company. ═══ Holdiay (Month) ═══ The Month combo box is used to set the month for the selected holiday. The values entered in the Date/Day group box apply to the month that is selected in this combo box. ═══ Holdiay (Date) ═══ Some holidays fall on the same date every year. For example, Christmas always falls on the 25th of December. To set the actual date, select the Date radio button. Then set the appropriate date (1-31) in the corresponding spin button. ═══ Holdiay (Day) ═══ Some holidays do not fall on the same day every month. For example, Thanksgiving falls on the 4th Thursday of November. To set a week/day combination, select the Day radio button. Then set the week (1-4) in the Week spin button and the day (Monday-Sunday) in the Day spin button. ═══ Product Information Dialog ═══ The Product Information dialog displays copyright and version information for Arcadia's Workplace Companion. For more specific information on using the product, press Ctrl+C for the help table of contents or F11 for the help index. The Ok button closes this dialog and returns to the active window. ═══ Clock/Calendar Keys Help ═══ In addition to the standard Presentation Manager keys, there are a number of keys used by the Clock/Calendar that do not have corresponding menu commands. The cursor movement (arrow) keys are used to navigate through the current month on the calendar. The right and left arrow keys move the selected day highlight forward or backward one day. The up and down arrow keys move the selected day highlight forward or backward one week. Calendar Manipulation Ctrl+Left Moves the calendar forward one month. Ctrl+Right Moves the calendar backward one month. Ctrl+Up Moves the calendar forward one year. Ctrl+Down Moves the calendar backward one year. Ctrl+T Moves the calendar so that the current day is highlighted. Mode Value Set Ctrl+1 Causes the Current Day to be displayed in the clock area. Ctrl+2 Causes the Julian Date to be displayed in the clock area. Ctrl+3 Causes the International Time to be displayed in the clock area. Launching Other Windows Ctrl+A Displays the Appointment Book module. Ctrl+P Displays the Telephone/Address Book module. Ctrl+C Displays the Contact List module. Ctrl+N Displays the Notepad module. Ctrl+L Launches the application specified in the General page of the Preferences Notebook. Ctrl+D Displays the To-Do List module with the filter set to the day that is selected in the calendar area. Ctrl+Y Displays the Year Calendar window for the year that is shown in the year button of the Clock/Calendar. In addition to the above keys, there are a number of keys that are accelerators for the menu commands. Pressing the accelerator key for a command is the same as choosing it from the menu. The accelerator key for a menu command (if one exists), is shown to the right of its name in the menu. ═══ 3. Appointment Book ═══ The Appointment Book of the Workplace Companion is a an excellent way to schedule your day's events. Appointments may have notes and alarms attached to them. You can even launch applications at specified times. Additionally, appointments can easily be shown in the To-Do List to make them stand out. The current day is always outlined with a red box. Holidays are displayed in red above the day's list box. Only the time slots with appointments scheduled are shown in the normal display for a given day. The default time slot is 30 minutes. This may be modified using the Schedule page of the Preferences Notebook. Related Information: o Appoinment Book Views o Maneuvering through the Appointment Book o Adding/Deleting Appointments o Setting Durations o Adding Notes o Setting Alarms o Launching Applications o Setting Recurring Appointments o Linking with the To-Do List o Using the Planner ═══ Appointment Book Views ═══ The Appointment Book may be displayed in four different views. You may change between these views using the choices in the Views submenu. There are four possible choices: Daily One day per page (Two days visible) Work Week One work week shown on two pages (Saturday and Sunday are reduced in size) Regular Week One week shown on two pages (All days are displayed the same size, including weekends) Bi-weekly One week per page (Two weeks visible) ═══ Maneuvering through the Appointment Book ═══ The pages of the Appointment Book may be turned using the Day and Week buttons at the bottom of the window. Day Buttons The day buttons flip the book one day in the direction that you press. These buttons are only available when the Appointment Book is displayed in the Day view. Week Buttons The week buttons flip the book one week in the direction that you press, regardless of the current view of the Appointment Book. The View/Today menu choice can be used to return you to the current date. This choice works no matter where you are in the Appointment Book. ═══ Adding/Deleting Appointments ═══ You may add, modify, and delete appointments in the Appointment Book. Once you have chosen the day and time, you can type the text of the appointment in the MLE that appears. All of the options that can be set for an appointment are available from the context menu. Adding Appointments The first step in creating an appointment is determining the date and time. You can use the day and week buttons at the bottom of the window to flip the pages of the appointment book. You may also use the View/Today context menu choice to instantly flip to the current date. Only the time slots that have appointments scheduled initially appear in the Appointment List. With the mouse, chord (pressing both the right and left mouse buttons) anywhere in the open area of the list to show all time slots. Use the scroll bars to find the desired time. Double-click on any open time slot to add an appointment. The list changes into an MLE which allows you to enter the text for the appointment. The time and date that you have selected appear above the MLE. The text limit is 128 characters. Next, bring up the Appointment context menu. Select the Save menu choice to save the new appointment. Selecting the Cancel menu choice discards the new appointment. Deleting Appointments To delete an appointment: o Use the mouse to select the appointment o Bring up the context menu o Select the Delete menu choice You may also delete an appointment by dragging it to the Shredder on the desktop. An appointment must be selected before it can be deleted. Note: In both cases, you are prompted to confirm the deletion of an appointment. Modifying Appointments Modifying an appointment is similar to adding one. Once you have located the appointment you wish to modify, simply double-click on it. This brings up the MLE that contains the text for the appointment. At this point you may modify the text or change any of the options that are available through the context menu. After you have made the necessary changes, you must still select the Save menu choice on the context menu to save them. Selecting Cancel of pressing the Escape key discards your modifications. Related Information: o Setting Durations o Adding Notes o Setting Alarms o Launching Applications o Setting Recurring Appointments o Linking with the To-Do List ═══ Linking with To-Do List ═══ Any appointment that you create can also be placed in the To-Do List. When you create a new appointment or modify an existing one, you can use the context menu to add it to the To-Do List. To add an appointment to the To-Do List: o Edit an appointment o Bring up the context menu o Select the To-Do List menu choice Note: A check mark appears next to the To-Do List menu choice to show that the appointment is in the To-Do List. Repeat the same procedure to remove the appointment from the To-Do List. Selecting the To-Do List menu choice for the second time also removes the check mark that was placed next to this choice. Related Information: o To-Do List ═══ 4. Planner (Appointment Book) ═══ The Planner resembles a grid so you can easily track the dates and times of your appointments. The title bar in the Planner shows the month and year that was shown in the Appointment Book. The days of the month are denoted by the first letter in their names (M for Monday, for example) and appear at the top of the Planner. The letters M in Monday through S in Saturday are in black letters, while the S in Sunday is in red. A red line separates Saturday from Sunday so you can easily distinguish weeks. A red box at the top of the Planner surrounds the current day. The times appear along the left side. The Planner can show 24-hour time slots or only workday times. Related Information: o Maneuvering through the Planner o Color Schemes o Viewing Appointments o Adding, Modifying, & Deleting Appointments o Planner Context Menu ═══ Maneuvering through the Planner ═══ You can use your mouse or the arrow keys to move through the planner. Several different techniques for maneuvering through the Planner are listed below: o Holding down the CTRL key and pressing the right arrow key displays the next month. o Holding down the CTRL key and pressing the left arrow key displays the previous month. o Holding down the CTRL key and pressing the up arrow key displays the next year. o Holding down the CTRL key and pressing the down arrow key displays the previous year. You may also use the commands in the View menu to view a specific month, the next or previous month, the next or previous year, or the current month. ═══ Color Schemes ═══ The Planner uses the same colors as the Appointment Book to show alarms, To-Do List links, and program launches that are associated with appointments. However, the Planner can show multiple colors for the same appointment. For example, if an appointment has an alarm and a To-Do List associated with it, that appointment is shown in red and blue. Similarly, if an appointment has an alarm, To-Do List, and a program launch associated with it, the colors red, blue, and green all appear in the scheduled date and time. For even greater convenience, appointments that have conflicting times are shown in black. For example, if you schedule one appointment for 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM and another appointment for 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM, a black square appears in the 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM time slots to show this conflict. If an appointment with an alarm, To-Do List, and/or program launch shares the same grid location as an appointment that does not have any of these associated items, the appropriate color still appears. For example, assume you schedule a 30-minute appointment for 10:00 AM and another one, with an alarm, at 10:30 AM. On the Planner, the 10:00 AM time slot is red to show there is an appointment with an alarm scheduled for that time slot--even though there is another appointment preceding it with no alarm scheduled. Note: For your reference, a legend at the bottom of the Planner explains the items associated with each color. ═══ Viewing Appointments ═══ The Planner makes it easy to view appointments. To view the appointment scheduled for a particular time slot, do the following: 1. Move the pointer to the desired time slot 2. Hold down the left mouse button The appointment text and its scheduled time appear on the screen. If you have more than one appointment scheduled for that time slot, the appointment text for all scheduled appointments appears, along with their scheduled times. To remove the text, release the mouse button. If you would like to edit the appointment, drag the pointer to the appointment text. If more than one appointment is scheduled for that time slot, drag the pointer to the desired appointment. Related Information: o Working with Appointments ═══ Working with Appointments ═══ You may use the Planner to access the appointments stored in your Appointment Book. The following sections cover adding, modifying, and deleting appointments using the Planner. Adding New Appointments The Planner provides a context menu that lets you add new appointments. Any appointments added in the Planner are also reflected in the Appointment Book. To add a new appointment, do the following: 1. Right-click anywhere on the Planner to bring up the context menu 2. Select the New menu choice 3. Enter the appropriate information in the dialog Modifying Existing Appointments To modify an existing appointment, do the following: 1. Move the pointer over the appointment you wish to modify 2. Click and hold the left mouse button 3. Drag the pointer to the desired appointment 4. Release the mouse button The Edit Appointment dialog is displayed with the appointment's information displayed. You may make any modifications to the appointment in this dialog. Press the Ok button to save your changes. Deleting Appointments If you no longer need an appointment, you can delete it from the Planner. Your Planner allows you to delete individual or multiple appointments. Appointments you delete from the Planner are automatically deleted from the Appointment Book. To delete an appointment, do the following: 1. Select the time slot that has the appointment(s) you wish to delete 2. Right-click to bring up the context menu 3. Select the Delete choice The Delete Appointment dialog appears. You may use this dialog to choose which appointments to delete. Note: You can also delete an appointment by dragging it to the Shredder on your desktop. ═══ Duration (Appointment Book) ═══ All appointments need to have a duration set for them. To set a duration for an appointment: o Create an appointment or edit an existing one o Bring up the context menu o Select the Duration menu choice o Set the duration in the Appointment - Duration dialog The slider in the Appointment - Duration dialog can be used to set the duration. The starting time, shown at the left of the slider, is the time that was selected from the list of time slots. The ending time, shown at the right of the slider, is the latest possible ending time. This is either the end of the day or the start of another appointment. As you move the slider, the Duration field is constantly updated with the length of the appointment. The Until field is constantly updated with the current ending point of the appointment. Note: The duration affects the time slots that are available for creating other appointments. For example, if you set a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes for an appointment that starts at 10:00am, 10:30am and 11:00am are not available for any other appointments. The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the appointment's duration. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the appointment's duration. ═══ Notes (Appointment Book) ═══ All appointments may have notes attached to them. To enter notes for an appointment: o Create an appointment or edit an existing one o Bring up the context menu o Select the Notes menu choice o Enter the notes in the Appointment - Notes dialog The MLE in the Appointment - Notes dialog can be used to enter notes for an appointment. The text limit for the MLE is 512 characters. The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the appointment's notes. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the appointment's notes. ═══ Alarms (Appointment Book) ═══ Any appointment can have an alarm attached to alert you of an impending appointment. To set an alarm: o Create an appointment or edit an existing one o Bring up the context menu o Select the Events/Alarm menu choice o Set the lead time for the alarm in the Appointment - Alarm dialog The slider in the Appointment - Alarm dialog can be used to set the lead time for the appointment. As you move the slider arm, the Lead Time entry field is constantly updated with the lead time for the appointment. The lead time may be set anywhere from 0 to 2 hours, in 5 minute increments. Note: When an alarm is set, a check mark appears next to the Alarm menu choice. To turn the alarm off, select the Events/Alarm menu choice again. The check mark is removed when the alarm has been turned off. The Ok button closes the dialog and sets the appointment's alarm. The Cancel button closes the dialog but does not affect the state of the appointment's alarm. ═══ Launch (Appointment Book) ═══ You may use appointments to launch applications at specified times. This can be useful for running applications that need to be run on a regular basis, such as backing up files or initiating a monthly sales report. To set an application to launch: o Create an appointment or edit an existing one o Bring up the context menu o Select the Events/Launch menu choice o Set the application and parameters in the Appointment - Launch dialog Type the full path and name of the application you wish to run in the Run entry field. You may also use the Find button to retrieve a file name from any drive on your computer. Use the Parameters field to specify any parameters that the specified application needs when it starts. Not all program objects need parameters when they are opened. The documentation for the program should tell you if the program object needs any parameters and how to use them. The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the application launched by the appointment. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the application launched by the appointment. ═══ Recurring (Appointment Book) ═══ Recurring appointments are used to schedule events that take place on a regular basis. To create a recurring appointment: o Create an appointment or edit an existing one o Bring up the context menu o Select the Recurring menu choice o Set the values in the Recurring Appointments dialog The Recurring Appointments dialog is used to create a recurring appointment. The date of the first appointment in the recurring group is used for the Starting on date. This field is readonly and cannot be modified. The Occurs group box is used to set how often to schedule the recurring appointment. There are a variety of ways you can repeat an appointment. There are five different recurring increments that may be used: o Day(s) o Week(s) o Month(s) [Days] o Month(s) [Date] o Year(s) The Duration group box is used to set the ending date of a group of recurring appointments. You may use the Until spin button to set a specific ending date. The For spin button may be used to add the specified number of days, weeks, months or years to the start date to determine the ending date. The options given in the Occurs and Duration group boxes allow you to set any possible time increment for recurring appointments. The following table gives some examples: ┌─────────────┬────────────────────────┐ │Repeat Appt. │Occurs/Duration │ ├─────────────┼────────────────────────┤ │Every day for│Every: 1 │ │2 weeks │Day(s) │ │ │For: 2, Week(s) │ ├─────────────┼────────────────────────┤ │Every Friday │Every: 1 │ │for 3 months │Week(s): Friday │ │ │For: 3, Month(s) │ ├─────────────┼────────────────────────┤ │Every First │Every: 1 │ │Monday of the│Month(s) [Days]: Monday │ │month for 1 │For: 1, Year(s) │ │year │ │ ├─────────────┼────────────────────────┤ │Every 15th of│Every: 1 │ │the month │Month(s) [Date]: 15th │ │until 1994 │Until: 01/01/94 │ ├─────────────┼────────────────────────┤ │Every year │Every: 1 │ │until June │Year(s) │ │20, 1995 │Until: 06/30/95 │ └─────────────┴────────────────────────┘ The Ok button closes the dialog and creates all of the recurring appointments specified. The Cancel button closes the dialog but does not create any recurring appointments. ═══ New/Edit Appointment Dialog ═══ The New/Edit Appointment dialog is used to create or edit an appointment directly. Appointment Settings For a detailed explanation of the appointment settings, select from the following list: o Date/Time o Title o Duration o Options o Notes The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the appointment's settings. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the appointment's settings. ═══ New/Edit Appointment Dialog (Date/Time) ═══ The Date spin buttons should be set to the date you wish to schedule an appointment on. The Time spin buttons should be set to the time you wish to schedule an appointment for. You may use the AM and PM radio buttons to further specify the time. Note: If the AM and PM buttons are grayed out, it means that the 24-hour time format is specified on the Time page of the Preferences Notebook ═══ New/Edit Appointment Dialog (Title) ═══ The Title should contain the appointment text that you want displayed in the corresponding day and time in the Appointment Book. You can type up to 128 characters. ═══ New/Edit Appointment Dialog (Duration) ═══ The Duration group box contains a slider that lets you specify the length of the appointment. The Duration and Until fields are updated as the slider is moved to show the duration and ending time for the appointment. ═══ New/Edit Appointment Dialog (Options) ═══ The Options group box contains several choices that allow you to set various options for the appointments. The choices are listed below: Alarm Pushing this button causes the Appointment - Alarm dialog to appear. You may use this dialog to set an alarm for the appointment. Launch Pushing this button causes the Appointment - Launch dialog to appear. You may use this dialog to set an application to launch for the appointment. Recurring Pushing this button causes the Recurring Appointments dialog to appear. You may use this dialog to set an appointment that occurs on a regular basis. To-Do Selecting this check box causes the appointment to appear in the To Do List. ═══ New/Edit Appointment Dialog (Notes) ═══ The Notes field allows you to type any miscellaneous notes about the appointment. You can type up to 512 characters. ═══ Delete Appointment Dialog ═══ The Delete Appointment dialog appears when you select the Delete choice in the Planner context menu. All of the appointments for the highlighted hour appear in the list box. To delete an appointment, do the following: 1. Select the appointment(s) you wish to delete 2. Press the Delete button To delete multiple appointments, hold down the CTRL key and select each entry. To delete multiple adjacent appointments, hold down the SHIFT key and select the entries. Note: You can also delete an appointment by dragging it to the Shredder on the desktop. ═══ Appointment Book Keys Help ═══ In addition to the standard Presentation Manager keys, there are a number of other key combination used by the Appointment Book. Some of these accelerators are shown in the context menu and others do not have corresponding menu commands. Appointment Book Manipulation Ctrl+Left Moves the Appointment Book forward one day (Only valid in Daily view). Ctrl+Right Moves the Appointment Book backward one day (Only valid in Daily view). Ctrl+Up Moves the Appointment Book forward one week. Ctrl+Down Moves the Appointment Book backward one week. Ctrl+T Moves the Appointment Book so that the current day is shown. Changing Views Ctrl+D Displays the Daily view. Ctrl+W Displays the Work week view. Ctrl+R Displays the Regular week view. Ctrl+B Displays the Bi-weekly view. Additional Functions Ctrl+Del Deletes the item selected in the Appointment Book. This function only works when an item is selected. Ctrl+N Allows you to create a new appointment. When you use this accelerator, the New Appointment dialog is displayed. Ctrl+E Allows you to edit the item selected in the Appointment Book. This function only works when an item is selected. Ctrl+P Displays the Planner window. ═══ Planner Book Keys Help ═══ In addition to the standard Presentation Manager keys, there are a number of other key combination used by the Planner. Some of these accelerators are shown in the context menu and others do not have corresponding menu commands. The cursor movement (arrow) keys are used to navigate through the hours of the day. The up and down arrow keys move the selected highlight forward or backward one hour. The right and left arrow keys move the selected highlight forward or backward one day. Planner Manipulation Ctrl+Left Moves the Planner forward one month. Ctrl+Right Moves the Planner backward one month. Ctrl+Up Moves the Planner forward one year. Ctrl+Down Moves the Planner backward one year. Ctrl+T Moves the Planner so that the current month is shown. Changing Views Ctrl+W Displays the Work day view. Ctrl+F Displays the Full day view. Additional Functions Ctrl+N Allows you to create a new appointment. When you use this accelerator, the New Appointment dialog is displayed. Ctrl+Del Deletes the item(s) selected in the Planner. When you use this accelerator, the Delete Appointments dialog is displayed. This function only works when an item is selected. ═══ 5. Telephone/Address Book ═══ The Telephone Address Book of the Workplace Companion is a convenient way to store the names, numbers, and addresses of all your important contacts. There are even fields that can be customized to contain whatever information you require. All of the information is stored in the form of a notebook. The Personal Information notebook contains five different pages, each containing different information about the selected entry. To Add a new entry to the Telephone/Address Book, do the following: o Bring up the context menu (default: right-click) o Select the New menu command o Enter the entry's information o Save the information by pushing the Ok button. To Delete someone from the Telephone/Address Book, you must first use the mouse to select the entry(s) you wish to delete. Then, bring up the context menu and choose the Delete choice. You may also drag the selected group to the Shredder on the desktop. The Tabs along the right side of the notebook can be used to move the selected highlight in the Phone Book. For example, pressing the "P" tab moves the selected highlight to the first entry who's name begins with a "P". At the bottom of the Telephone/Address Book window are four buttons that can be used to perform actions on entries in your phone book or to initiate other related dialogs. The four buttons are listed below: Call Answer Dial Phone Log The Contact List is used in conjunction with the Telephone/Address Book. It is a subset of the entries in your phone book. Entries may be dragged directly from the Phone Book into the Contact List. Related information: o Contact List ═══ Personal Information (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Personal Information notebook contains all of the information that is related to a particular entry. The information is organized into pages. For details on each of these pages, select from the following list: o General o Secondary o Phone o Custom o Notes The Ok button closes the notebook and accepts the changes that were made to the entry's information. The Cancel button close the notebook and discards the changes that were made to the entry's information. ═══ General Page (Telephone/Address) ═══ The General page of the Information Notebook contains the basic information for the entry in your phone book. The following fields are contained in this page: o Salutation o Last Name o First Name o Title o Company o Address (line 1) o Address (line 2) o City o State o Zip o Country The Salutation combo box allows you to scroll through a list of salutations. If the salutation that you need is not in the list, you may type it in yourself. New ones are added to the list and displayed when the combo box is shown again. Up to 20 different salutations are remembered. Most of the fields listed above have a text limit of 35 characters. The two exceptions are State (4 characters) and Zip (12 characters) Note: If you would like to enter a middle initial, include it in the First Name field. For example: Robert A. ═══ Secondary Page (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Secondary page of the Information Notebook contains additional information about the entry in your phone book. This group of address fields can be used to store a second address (i.e. home address). The Icon field should contain the name of the icon that is used to represent the entry in the phone book. The icon is only shown when the Phone Book is displayed in Icon view. Pressing the Find button displays the Find Icon dialog which allows you to retrieve an icon file name from any path on your hard drive. The Last Edited field contain the time and date of when the entry's record was last edited. Any modifications to a entry's record cause this field to updated with a new time and date. ═══ Find Icon (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Find Icon dialog allows you to browse any path on your hard drive to retrieve an icon file name. When the dialog first appears, the default directory is shown in the entry field and all of the icons within that directory are shown in the container. To change the directory you wish to browse, type the new path in the Directory entry field. Then, press the return key to refresh the contents of the container. Be sure that the entry field has focus when you press the ENTER key, otherwise the dialog is closed and the current icon is selected. Once you have found the icon file that you want, you may select it by placing selected emphasis on it and pressing the Select button or by double-clicking on it. The Select button closes the dialog and selects the icon that has the selected emphasis. The Cancel button closes the dialog, but does not make any changes to the entry's icon. ═══ Phone Page (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Phone page of the Information Notebook contains the phone numbers of the entry in your Phone Book. Up to eight (8) different phone numbers may be stored for each entry. The Label combo box allows you to scroll through a list of phone labels. If the label that you need is not in the list, you may type it in yourself. The phone label is used to identify this number everywhere it is displayed. Each phone number is made up of four different fields: o Country Code o Area Code o Phone Number o Extension These numbers are concatenated together when you call this number using the phone dialer. To create a new phone number, first choose an appropriate label or type one in yourself. Then, enter the country code, area code, phone number, and extension of the new number. Pressing the Add button adds the number to the list of phone numbers. To modify an existing phone number, click on it in the list. When you do this, the phone number's information is displayed in the label and number fields. Modify the information in these fields. Press the Update button to save the changes that you have made. To delete an existing phone number, click on it in the list and press the Delete button. ═══ Custom Page (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Custom page of the Information Notebook can be used to contain additional information about the entry in your Phone Book. This area is completely customizable. The five combo boxes can contain up to 65 characters each. The associated list recalls up to 50 different entries that were made for other entries in the same combo box. You may choose an item from this list or type the information in yourself. The Options group box contains six different check boxes that can be checked on or off. The state of the check box is saved with the entry's record. These fields are useful for customizing the information that you store about a entry to suit a specific need. You may just store additional information such as a nickname, a spouse's name, or a salary range. Or if you use WPC to track customers, you might use the check boxes to record which products your customer has purchased. Note: The labels for the combo boxes and the check boxes can be set in the Preference Notebook. ═══ Notes Page (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Notes page contains an MLE that can contain notes about the entry in your Phone Book. Up to 512 characters can be entered. This page is useful for storing information that is not covered in any of the other pages of the Information Notebook. Note: Any changes to the MLE are saved when the entire notebook is closed. Pressing the Cancel button discards any changes that were made here. ═══ Filter (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Filter dialog can be used to locate specific customers in your Phone Book. The options that you set make it easy to find a string almost anywhere in your Phone Book. The fields that can be used as the Filter key are shown in the following list: o Last Name o First Name o Title o Company o City o State o Zip o Country o Area Code o User Fields 1 - 5 o Check Fields 1 - 6 o Notes The Filter Criteria group box contains choices that let you specify the value that is to be searched for. If the Filter Key is a string value, you may enter the filter text in the String field. If the Filter Key is a check box, you may select either the True or False Boolean value. Note: The Boolean radio buttons are disabled if the Filter Key is a string value. The Options group box contains additional choices that let you customize the filter. The choices are listed below: Whole Word This option causes the filter to fail unless the filter String matches a complete word. If it is unchecked, you may search for a partial word. For example, if you forget how to spell a entry's name, you could search for the first few letters of the entry's name. Case Sensitive This option is used to make the filter sensitive. If this option is on, the filter String must match uppercase and lowercase letters exactly as the appear in the Filter Key. For example, if Case sensitive is checked and you have a entry with "Arcadia Technologies, Inc." for their company, a search for "arcadia technologies, inc." fails. Note: The choices in the Options group box are disabled if the Filter Key is a check box. The Ok button initiates the filter and displays the results in the Phone Book. The Cancel button closes the dialog without initiating a filter. ═══ Call (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Call dialog appears when you press the Call button. This dialog is used to specify a entry's phone number to dial. When it comes up, all of the numbers contained in the entry's Phone page is displayed in the Number drop-down list. The Options group box contains options that may be set when the number is dialed. You may set the following options: Dial "1" Places a "1" in the dial string, before the area code. Use Modem Enables the modem, if one is connected. This option should be set it you want the modem to dial the number. This option can be used if you just want to use the call tracking features without using the dialer. The Use Modem check box is disabled if you have not set up a modem in the Preferences Notebook. Dial Access Causes the access code specified in the Preferences Notebook to be added to the dial string. Once you have selected the number and the desired options, press the Dial button to dial the indicated phone number. If the modem is enabled, the dialer actually dials the number. The Cancel button closes the dialog without dialing the phone number. ═══ Calling (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Calling notebook appears when you call someone in your Phone Book or use the generic dialer. It is useful for tracking outgoing calls and maintaining notes for each conversation. You can even schedule follow up phone calls to appear in your To-Do List. The Calling notebook contains two different pages. For detailed information on each page, select from the following list: o Outgoing Page o Phonelog Page ═══ Calling (Outgoing Page) ═══ The Outgoing page lets you view the date, time, and elapsed time for outgoing calls. You may also specify the call status and associate notes for the conversation. Outgoing Call Settings For a detailed explanation of the call settings, select from the following list: o Date/Time o Elapsed o Call Status o Notes o Follow up ═══ Outgoing Page (Date/Time) ═══ The Date and Time entry fields show the time and date for the current phone call. These are readonly fields and cannot be modified. ═══ Outgoing Page (Elapsed) ═══ The Elapsed entry field is a timer that can be used to track the length of the phone conversation. The Start/Stop button can be used to stop and start the timer. The text on the button changes appropriately. ═══ Outgoing Page (Call Status) ═══ The Call Status group box contains four radio buttons that can be set to show the status of the current phone call. The call status shows up in the Phone Log and can be used to filter out phone calls that were never contacted. The four choices are: o Contacted o No Answer o Left Message o Busy ═══ Outgoing Page (Notes) ═══ The MLE on this page can be used to record notes for the phone conversation. This field can contain up to 512 characters. ═══ Outgoing Page (Follow up) ═══ The Follow up button can be used to schedule a follow up for the phone call. When you press this button, a dialog comes up which allows you to enter the follow-up information. ═══ Answering (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Answering notebook appears when press the Answer button. It is useful for tracking incoming calls and maintaining notes for each conversation. You can even schedule follow up phone calls to appear in your To-Do List. The Answering notebook contains two different pages. For detailed information on each page, select from the following list: o Incoming Page o Phonelog Page ═══ Answering (Incoming Page) ═══ The Incoming page lets you view the date, time, and elapsed time for outgoing calls. You may also associate notes with the conversation. Incoming Call Settings For a detailed explanation of the call settings, select from the following list: o Date/Time o Elapsed o Notes o Follow up ═══ Incoming Page (Date/Time) ═══ The Date and Time entry fields show the time and date for the current phone call. These are readonly fields and cannot be modified. ═══ Incoming Page (Elapsed) ═══ The Elapsed entry field is a timer that can be used to track the length of the phone conversation. The Start/Stop button can be used to stop and start the timer. The text on the button changes appropriately. ═══ Incoming Page (Notes) ═══ The MLE on this page can be used to record notes for the phone conversation. This field can contain up to 512 characters. ═══ Incoming Page (Follow up) ═══ The Follow up button can be used to schedule a follow up for the phone call. When you press this button, a dialog comes up which allows you to enter the follow-up information. ═══ Individual Phone Log ═══ The Phone Log page is used to show all previous conversations with the entry you are currently tracking. This page acts as a subset of the Phone Log. The Previous Conversations list box contains a brief description of all phone log items for the current entry. The MLE below contains the notes that were recorded for the phone log item that is selected in the list. If you make changes to the notes in the MLE you must press the Update button to save the changes. ═══ Dialer (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Phone Dialer dialog appears when you press the Dial button. It is useful for calling someone who is not in your Phone Book. Type the name of the entry you wish to call in the Name entry field. The name appears later in the Phone Log to identify the party you called. The Number entry field should contain the number you wish to dial. You may either type directly into this field, or use the number pad to enter the phone number. The Pause button can be used to insert a pause character into the number string. The Options group box contains options that may be set when the number is dialed. You may set the following options: Use Modem Enables the modem, if one is connected. This option should be set it you want the modem to dial the number. This option can be used if you just want to use the call tracking features without using the dialer. The Use Modem check box is disabled if you have not set up a modem in the Preferences Notebook. Dial Access Causes the access code specified in the Preferences Notebook to be added to the dial string. The Dial button closes this dialog and dials the number that is contained in the Number field. If a modem is connected, it is automatically used. The Cancel button closes this dialog but does not dial the phone number. ═══ Phone Log (Telephone/Address) ═══ The Phone Log dialog appears when you press the Phone Log button. It can be used to browse through all previous phone conversations. It stores the date, time, duration, and status of each call. Additionally, any notes that you entered for the phone conversation appear in the notes MLE. The Calls made container displays a list of the phone log items. Each item is made up of six different columns: o Date o Time o Name o Status o Elapsed o Phone Number To add a new phone log item to the Phone Log, do the following: o Press the Add button o Enter the appropriate values in the Phone Log Entry dialog. To delete an item from the Phone Log, do the following: o Select the item you wish to delete o Press the Delete button You may dial any of the entries that are listed in the phone log by pressing the Dial button. Pressing this dial button is the same as pressing the Call button in the Phone Book. The Filter button brings up the Phone Log Filter dialog which allows you to filter only the records you wish to see. The MLE displays the notes for the selected phone log item. If you make any changes to the notes, you need to press the Update button to save your changes. The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the Phone Log. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the Phone Log. ═══ Filter (Phone Log) ═══ The Filter dialog is used to filter out items from the Phone Log. The filter can be set depending on a date range or for a specific entry. You can even include only unanswered calls. The Date Range group box contains two radio buttons. Selecting All Days causes all of the phone log items to appear, regardless of their date. The Range radio button filters out all phone log items that have dates outside the range specified by the spin buttons. The Name group box allows you to set a filter on the names of the entries included in the Phone Log. Selecting the All names causes all of the phone log items to appear regardless of the name associated with it. The Selected radio button filters out all phone log items that do not have the name specified in the drop-down list. The Unanswered check box filters out all of the Phone Log items that have a status of contacted. The Set button closes the dialog and applies the changes that were made to the filter. The Cancel button closes the dialog but does not effect the current filter settings in the Phone Log. ═══ Phone Log Entry ═══ The Phone Log Entry dialog allows you to manually enter information into the phone log. This is useful if you forgot to add the phone log information about your callers when the conversation took place. Phone Log Item Settings For a detailed explanation of the phone log item settings, select from the following list: o Date/Time o Elapsed o Name o Type o Call Status o Notes The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the phone log item's settings. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the phone log item's settings. ═══ Phone Log Entry (Date/Time) ═══ The Date spin buttons should be set to the date on which the original phone conversation took place. The Time spin buttons should be set to the time at which the original phone conversation took place. You may use the AM and PM radio buttons to further specify the time. Note: If the AM and PM buttons are grayed out, it means that the 24-hour time format is specified on the Time page of the Preferences Notebook ═══ Phone Log Entry (Elapsed) ═══ The Elapsed spin buttons should be set to the approximate length of the phone conversation. The spin buttons provided allow you to specify the hours, minutes, and seconds. More than likely, you did not record the exact length of the phone conversation when it took place. The value set here should be set to a duration that you think is close the actual elapsed time of the call. ═══ Phone Log Entry (Name) ═══ Select the name of the entry you wish to create a phone log item for in the Name combo box. The name appears later in the Phone Log to identify the party you called. The list contains the names of everyone in your phone book. If you would like to create a name for a entry that is not in your phone book, you may type the name directly into the Name field. ═══ Phone Log Entry (Type) ═══ The Type group box lets to specify whether you placed the call (Outgoing call) or answered the call (Incoming call). If you select Outgoing call, you may use the Number field to specify the number you wish to enter for the phone log item. Note: If you select Incoming call, the Number field and the Call Status group box are disabled. ═══ Phone Log Entry (Call Status) ═══ The Call Status group box contains four radio buttons that can be set to show the status of the phone log item. The call status shows up in the Phone Log and can be used to filter out phone calls that were never contacted. The four choices are: o Contacted o No Answer o Left Message o Busy Note: If you selected Incoming call, the Call Status group is disabled. ═══ Phone Log Entry (Notes) ═══ The MLE on this page can be used to record notes for the phone log item. This field can contain up to 512 characters. ═══ Telephone/Address Book Keys Help ═══ In addition to the standard Presentation Manager keys, there are a number of other key combination used by the Telephone/Address Book. Some of these accelerators are shown in the context menu and others do not have corresponding menu commands. The cursor movement (arrow) keys are used to navigate through the entries in the Phone Book. In Details view, the right and left arrow keys scroll the list of names right and left. The up and down arrow keys move the selected day highlight forward or backward one entry. In Icon view, the right and left arrow keys move the selected highlight right and left. The up and down arrow keys move the selected highlight up and down. Changing Views Ctrl+D Displays the Daily view. Ctrl+I Displays the Icon view. Call Management Ctrl+C Displays the Call: XXX dialog which allows you to call the selected entry in the Phone Book. Ctrl+A Displays the Answering: XXX dialog which allows you to answer a call from the selected entry in the Phone Book. Ctrl+P Displays the Phone Dialer dialog that allows you to call someone who is not in your Phone Book. Ctrl+L Displays the Phone Log dialog. Additional Functions Ctrl+N Allows you to create a new Phone Book entry. When you use this accelerator, the New Entry notebook is displayed. Ctrl+R Allows you to duplicate an existing Phone Book entry. When you use this accelerator, the New Entry notebook is displayed containing the information for the selected entry. Ctrl+Del Deletes the item(s) selected in the Phone Book. This function only works when an item is selected. Ctrl+S Allows you to set a filter for the Phone Book. When you use this accelerator, the Phone Book Filter dialog is displayed. ═══ 6. Contact List ═══ The Contact List of the Workplace Companion displays a subset of the people contained in your Phone Book. It is a convenient way to group people that you contact more frequently. The Contact List is small enough to keep open in a corner of your desktop. This allows you to track phone conversations with the people in your Contact List without having to open the Phone Book. You can even modify a person's information directly from the Contact List. To add a person to the Contact List, do the following: o Select the person in your Phone Book o Drag the selected person(s) to the Contact List To delete a person in the Contact List, do the following: o Select the person in your Contact List o Bring up the context menu o Select the Delete menu choice Note: You may also delete a person by dragging their name from the Contact List to the Shredder on the desktop. Double-clicking on a name in the Contact List brings up the Personal Information notebook. This notebook contains all of the information that is stored for the person in the Phone Book. The Contact List has two buttons at the bottom of the window to facilitate call management: Call Answer Related Information: o Telephone/Address Book ═══ Contact List Keys Help ═══ In addition to the standard Presentation Manager keys, there are a number of other key combination used by the Contact List. Some of these accelerators are shown in the context menu and others do not have corresponding menu commands. The cursor movement (arrow) keys are used to navigate through the entries in the Contact List. The up and down arrow keys move the selected highlight forward or backward one entry. Call Management Ctrl+C Displays the Call: XXX dialog which allows you to call the selected person in the Contact List. Ctrl+A Displays the Answering: XXX dialog which allows you to answer a call from the selected person in the Contact List. Additional Functions Ctrl+Del Deletes the item(s) selected in the Contact List. This function only works when one or more items are selected. ═══ 7. Notepad ═══ The Notepad of the Workplace Companion is a free-form notebook which allows you to store almost any type of information you like. A Table of Contents is automatically created to track the pages you add. Each page may contain either text or graphics. You may create pages to contain two different types of graphic files: bitmaps or metafiles. The picture is stretched to fill the entire page of the Notepad. When the Notepad is sized, the size and scaling of the picture change accordingly. Adding Pages There are two ways to add pages to the Notepad. You may either Insert them before the selected page in the Table of Contents or Append them to the end. The context menu that is available in the Table of Contents provides for both of these functions. To insert a page in the Notepad: o Select the page where you would like to insert pages (new pages are always inserted before the selected page) o Bring up the context menu (default: right-click) o Select the Insert menu choice o Enter the appropriate information in the Notepad - Page Information dialog. To append a page to the Notepad: o Bring up the context menu (default: right-click) o Select the Append menu choice o Enter the appropriate information in the Notepad - Page Information dialog. Modifying Pages To modify an existing page: o Select the page you wish to modify o Bring up the context menu (default: right-click) o Select the Edit menu choice o Enter the appropriate information in the Notepad - Page Information dialog. Deleting Pages To delete an existing page(s): o Select the page(s) you wish to modify o Bring up the context menu (default: right-click) o Select the Delete menu choice Note: You may also delete page(s) by dragging them to the Shredder. ═══ Notepad - Page Information ═══ The Notepad - Page Information dialog can be used to add or modify pages in the Notepad. All of the information for a specific page in the Notepad is contained in this dialog. Notepad Page Settings For a detailed explanation of the Notepad page settings, select from the following list: o Title o Insert pages o Type o Page attributes The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the page's information. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the page's information. ═══ Notepad - Page Information (Title) ═══ The Title is the text that is displayed at the top of the page. It is centered in the title area. The text limit is 64 characters. If the title is too long to fit on the page, it is truncated. The Title is also used to identify the page in the Table of Contents. ═══ Notepad - Page Information (Insert) ═══ If you are inserting or appending pages, you may use the Insert spin button to indicate the number of pages you wish to add. The maximum is ten. Note: Only the first page has the attributes you set in this dialog. All other pages are set with default settings. ═══ Notepad - Page Information (Type) ═══ You may specify three different Types of information that the page is to display: Text Creates a page with an MLE that can be typed in directly. Bitmap Creates a page that can contain a valid OS/2 bitmap. Metafile Creates a page that can contain a valid OS/2 metafile. To display a bitmap file or metafile, type the full path name of the file in the File entry field. Pressing the Find button displays a dialog which allows you to retrieve a the name of a file from any path on your hard drive. ═══ Notepad - Page Information (Page attributes) ═══ The Page attributes group box contains additional options that may be set for the page. Checking Chapter makes the current page a chapter heading. Each chapter is shown as a major tab in the Notepad. The tab text can be entered in the Title entry field. This field is only available when Chapter is checked. ═══ Notepad Keys Help ═══ In addition to the standard Presentation Manager keys, there are a number of other key combination used by the Notepad. Some of these accelerators are shown in the context menu and others do not have corresponding menu commands. The cursor movement (arrow) keys are used to navigate through the entries in the Table of Contents. The up and down arrow keys move the selected day highlight forward or backward one entry. Ctrl+S Save all of the modifications that were made to the Notepad. Ctrl+E Allows you to edit the page selected in the Notepad. This function only works when an item is selected. Ctrl+I Allows you to insert a new page before the selected page. When you use this accelerator, the Notepad - Page Information dialog is displayed. Ctrl+A Allows you to append a new page to the end of the Notepad. When you use this accelerator, the Notepad - Page Information dialog is displayed. Ctrl+Del Deletes the item(s) selected in the Notepad. This function only works when one or more items are selected. ═══ 8. To-Do List ═══ The To-Do List of the Workplace Companion is a convenient way to manage long-range tasks. To-Do List items are tasks that do not necessarily require your attention full-time, but still need to be completed. The To-Do List is displayed when you double-click on any day in the calendar area of the Clock/Calendar window. By default, all of the uncompleted tasks or those with date priorities that match the selected date are shown in the list. As you complete tasks, you can mark them as completed in the To-Do List. You may even attach notes to each individual item. To add a new To-Do List item, do the following: o Bring up the context menu o Select the New menu choice o Enter the appropriate information in the To-Do Item - Information dialog box You may also add items to the To-Do List by dragging them from the Appointment Book. Appointments that are dragged to the To-Do List are set with a Date priority. The date it was dragged from is the date that is set as its priority. You may not modify the priority of a To-Do List item that was created using the Appointment Book. There are two different ways to delete a To-Do List item. You may select an item or a group of items and use the Delete menu choice. You may also drag the selected item(s) to the Shredder on the desktop. ═══ To-Do Item - Information ═══ The To-Do Item - Information dialog can be used to add or modify items in the To-Do List. All of the information for a specific task can be set using this dialog. To-Do Item Settings For a detailed explanation of the To-Do item settings, select from the following list: o To-Do o Priority o Options o Notes The Ok button closes the dialog and accepts the changes that were made to the To-Do item. The Cancel button closes the dialog and discards the changes that were made to the To-Do item. ═══ To-Do Item - Information (To-Do) ═══ The To-Do entry field should contain the title of the To-Do List item you are creating. This string is used to represent this item everywhere it is displayed. The text limit is 64 characters. ═══ To-Do Item - Information (Priority) ═══ You may numerically prioritize your To-Do List items (1-4) or give them a date priority. Selecting 1-4 in the Priority group box sets the priority to the specified number. The corresponding icon appears in the To-Do List to indicate the numerical priority. Selecting Date as the Priority allows you to specify a date using the spin buttons. This type of priority can be used to give due dates to your To-Do List items. A date icon appears in the To-Do List to indicate that the task has a date priority. ═══ To-Do Item - Information (Options) ═══ Once you have completed a task, you can mark it "Completed" by checking the Completed check box. The To-Do List automatically filters out all completed tasks. This can be useful for hiding all of the tasks that you have finished. ═══ To-Do Item - Information (Notes) ═══ You may type any notes that you wish to associate with this To-Do List item in the MLE on this dialog. The text limit is 512 characters. ═══ To-Do List Filter ═══ The To-Do List Filter dialog is used to filter out items from the To-Do List. The filter can be set for a date range or for specific priorities. You can even include completed items. Filter Settings For a detailed explanation of the filter settings, select from the following list: o Priority o Date Range o Show completed The Ok button closes the dialog and applies the changes that were made to the filter. The Cancel button closes the dialog but does not effect the current filter settings in the To-Do List. ═══ To-Do List Filter (Priority) ═══ The Priority group box allows you to set a filter on the specific priorities of the items in the To-Do List. If you want items with a certain priority to be shown, the corresponding check box must be selected. Thus. if you only wanted to see items with a number 1 priority, you would un-check all of the check boxes except the 1. ═══ To-Do List Filter (Date Range) ═══ The Date Range group box contains two radio buttons. Selecting All Days causes all of the to-do list items to appear, regardless of their date. The Range radio button filters out all to-do list items that have dates outside the range specified by the spin buttons. ═══ To-Do List Filter (Show completed) ═══ The Show completed check box causes the To-Do List to display the items that have been marked as completed. By default, these items are not displayed. ═══ To-Do List Keys Help ═══ In addition to the standard Presentation Manager keys, there are a number of other key combination used by the To-Do List. Some of these accelerators are shown in the context menu and others do not have corresponding menu commands. The cursor movement (arrow) keys are used to navigate through the entries in the To-Do List. The right and left arrow keys scroll the list of items right and left. The up and down arrow keys move the selected highlight forward or backward one item. Ctrl+E Allows you to edit the item selected in the To-Do List. This function only works when an item is selected. Ctrl+N Allows you to create a new To-Do List item. When you use this accelerator, the To-Do Item - Information dialog is displayed. Ctrl+Del Deletes the item selected in the To-Do List. This function only works when one or more items are selected. Ctrl+F Displays the To-Do List Filter window. ═══ 9. Import/Export Function ═══ The Arcadia Workplace Companion allows you to import information that may be stored in another program. You might have a database utility that stores the name and addresses of your business contacts or you might have them stored in another PIM product. WPC allows you to import data that is in ASCII format (CSV or Comma Separated Values). Most applications let you export the data it contains into this format. ASCII (CSV) is an ASCII text format in which fields are separated with a comma and each record is separated with a carriage return character. Each field should appear within quotation marks. Fields that contain quotation marks or commas within the data itself require special handling. See the documentation for more information. To import information stored in an ASCII (CSV) format, you should choose the File/Import menu choice from any module that supports importing and exporting. Currently, the following modules support the Import/Export function: o Telephone/Address Book o Appointment Book Future releases will support the Import/Export function for all modules. Related Information: o Specifying Import Files o Importing Files o Specifying Export Files o Exporting Files ═══ Selecting Import Files ═══ The Import File dialog allows you to choose the name of the file you wish to import from. You may either type the name of file directly into the Import File entry field or use the Find button to retrieve the name of the file. Pressing the Find button displays a dialog that allows you to browse any path on your computer for the desired file. The Module entry field contains the name of the module that you are importing to. This box is readonly and contains the name of the module from where you chose the File/Import menu choice. When you import a file into the Workplace Companion, you may decide whether to save the current data or to discard it. The Options group box contains two radio buttons. Selecting Append saves the current data and appends the import data into the data file. Selecting Replace first erases the contents of the selected module's data file and then imports the data. When you use the Replace option the current data file, with its associated index file and memo field file, is backed up so that it can be retrieved. For example, if you import to the Telephone/Address Book, three files are backed up: o PHONE.DBF (Main Database) o PHONE.MDX (Index File) o PHONE.DBT (Memo Field File) These three files are saved with an underscore character (_) as the first character in the extension. Thus, three backup files are created: o PHONE._BF o PHONE._DX o PHONE._BT These files can be retrieved using the File/Restore menu choice. This is useful for restoring the old data if there is a problem with the import data that is brought in. If you Restore the old data, any information that is stored in the new data base is lost. The Ok button closes the dialog and opens the Import/Export Utility dialog. The Cancel button closes the dialog cancels the file import request. ═══ Importing Files ═══ The Import/Export Utility dialog allows you to create links between fields for importing and exporting. The dialog lists both the source and target fields that are available. The Source File entry field displays the name of the ASCII (CSV) file that is being imported. The Module entry field displays the name of the module that is being imported to. Both of these fields are readonly. Field links are created by matching up fields in the Source Fields list box with fields in the Target Fields list box. When a link is created, it is shown in the Import Links list box. The fields shown in the Source Fields list box are the fields contained in the source file. They are listed with the field number in parentheses, followed by the actual record data found in the file. You may use the Next Record button to scroll through each record until you find one that has sufficient data to make the import process easier. The fields shown in the Target Fields list box are the fields in the selected module of the Workplace Companion. Creating Import Links To manually create an import link: o Select the desired field in the Source Fields list box o Double-click on the corresponding field in the Target Fields list box When you double-click on the target field, the link appears in the Import Links list box. The link shows the number of the source field and the record data concatenated with the name of the target field, separated by a comma. Thus, if you were linking "(1) Mr." with "Salutation", the entry in the Import Links list box would be "(1) Mr. - Salutation". You may also use the Link All button to link each source field in sequence to each target field. This function is useful when importing data that was exported from another Workplace Companion file. Deleting Links You may use the Clear All button to delete all of the links within the Import Link list. This button works for entries created manually or for those created with the Link All button. To Delete an individual entry, double-click on the item in the Import Links list box. The entry is removed from the list. Link Files Once you have correctly set up a list of import links, you may save them into a file for later use. The Link Name combo box allows you to create, modify, and delete link files. To create a new link file, create the import links as described above. Once the links have been established, type the desired name in the Link Name combo box. Press the Save button to add the new link file to the list. To modify a link file, choose the appropriate link file name from the Link Name drop-down list. The import links that are contained in this file is shown in the Import Links list box. Modify the links accordingly. Pressing the Save button saves the changes that you made. To delete a link file, simply select the appropriate link file name from the Link Name drop-down list. Pressing the Delete button removes the link file from the list. Once you delete a link file it may not be retrieved. Note: The link files that you create while importing are exclusively for the import process. They do not be show up in the Link Name drop-down list if you are exporting files. The Import button closes the dialog and begins the Import process for the selected module. The Cancel button closes the dialog and returns to the Import File dialog. ═══ Selecting Export Files ═══ The Export File dialog allows you to choose the name of the file you wish to export to. You may either type the name of file directly into the Export File entry field or use the Find button to retrieve the name of the file. Pressing the Find button displays a dialog that allows you to browse any path on your computer for the desired file. The Module entry field contains the name of the module that you are exporting from. This box is readonly and contains the name of the module from where you chose the File/Export menu choice. When you export a file from the Workplace Companion, you may decide whether to export all of the entries in the module or just the selected ones. The Selected check box is used to toggle this options on and off. If you turn this option on, only the records with selected emphasis are exported. The Ok button closes the dialog and opens the Import/Export Utility dialog. The Cancel button closes the dialog cancels the file export request. ═══ Exporting Utility ═══ The Import/Export Utility dialog allows you to create links between fields for importing and exporting. The dialog lists both the source and target fields that are available. The Module entry field displays the name of the module that is being exported from. The Target File entry field displays the name of the ASCII (CSV) file that is being exported to. Both of these fields are readonly. Field links are created by matching up fields in the Source Fields list box with fields in the Target Fields list box. When a link is created, it is shown in the Import Links list box. The fields shown in the Source Fields list box are the fields contained in the source module. The names of the fields in the module are listed in the order they appear in data base. The Next Record button is disabled when you are exporting files. The fields shown in the Target Fields list box are simply numbered to reflect the order in which you would like to export the source fields. Creating Export Links To manually create an export link: o Select the desired field number in the Source Fields list box o Double-click on the corresponding field in the Target Fields list box When you double-click on the target field, the link appears in the Export Links list box. The link shows the name of the source field concatenated with the numerical order of the target field, separated by a dash. Thus, if you were linking "Salutation" with the first field "(1)", the entry in the Export Links list box would be "Salutation - (1)". You may also use the Link All button to link each source field in sequence to each target field. This function is useful when importing data that was exported from another Workplace Companion file. Deleting Links You may use the Clear All button to delete all of the links within the Export Link list. This button works for entries created manually or for those created with the Link All button. To Delete an individual entry, double-click on the item in the Export Links list box. The entry is removed from the list. Link Files Once you have correctly set up a list of export links, you may save them into a file for later use. The Link Name combo box allows you to create, modify, and delete link files. To create a new link file, create the export links as described above. Once the links have been established, type the desired name in the Link Name combo box. Press the Save button to add the new link file to the list. To modify a link file, choose the appropriate link file name from the Link Name drop-down list. The export links that are contained in this file is shown in the Export Links list box. Modify the links accordingly. Pressing the Save button saves the changes that you made. To delete a link file, simply select the appropriate link file name from the Link Name drop-down list. Pressing the Delete button removes the link file from the list. Once you delete a link file it may not be retrieved. Note: The link files that you create while exporting are exclusively for the export process. They do not show up in the Link Name drop-down list if you are importing files. The Export button closes the dialog and begins the Export process for the selected module. The Cancel button closes the dialog and returns to the Export File dialog. ═══ 10. Preferences Notebook ═══ The Preferences Notebook contains all of the preferences that may be set for every module in the Arcadia Workplace Companion. It is separated into individual pages that contain specific settings for the various modules. For details on the individual pages of the Preferences Notebook, choose from the following list: o Date Format o Time Format o PhoneBook (Dialer) o PhoneBook (Custom) o Schedule o General The Ok button closes the notebook and accepts the changes that were made to the preferences. The Cancel button closes the notebook and discards the changes that were made to the preferences. ═══ Date Format ═══ The Date Format page lets you select the format of the date order and the separator used the separate the month, day, and year. Date Format Preferences: For a detailed explanation of the date format preferences, select from the following list: o Date Order o Options o Separator The Default button changes the date format back to the default values that were set when the Workplace Companion was installed. ═══ Date Format (Date Order) ═══ Select one of the radio buttons in the Date Order group box to change the specific order for displaying the date. Text fields appear to the left of the radio buttons and display the formatted date, including the separator. You may select from the following options: o Month-Day-Year o Day-Month-Year o Year-Month-Day ═══ Date Format (Options) ═══ The Options group box contains choices that allow you to specify options that relate to the date. You may set the following option: Year Calendar date tracking This option determines whether the full-year calendar tracks with the year shown in the year bar. When you select this option, changing the year selected in the Calendar area of the Clock\Calendar module also changes the year displayed in the full-year calendar. ═══ Date Format (Separator) ═══ To select the character used to separate the parts of the date, use the arrows in the Separator spin button. The valid date separator characters are: o (/) - Slash o (-) - Dash o (.) - Period o (x) - Lower-case X ═══ Time Format ═══ Select one of the radio buttons to show the time for a 12-hour or a 24-hour clock. This dialog also allows the clock view to be changed between analog and digital display. Time Format Preferences: For a detailed explanation of the time format preferences, select from the following list: o 12-hour clock o 24-hour clock o Separator o Clock view The Default button changes the time format back to the default values that were set when the Workplace Companion was installed. ═══ Time Format (12 Hour) ═══ Select the 12 hours radio button to show the time for a 12-hour clock. A text field appears below this button and displays the formatted time, including the separator. The spin button next to the 12 hours radio button is used to control the abbreviations for before or after noon. This option is only valid for the 12-hour clock and does not affect display of the 24-hour clock. The possible abbreviations are listed below: o AM PM o am pm o (none) ═══ Time Format (24 Hour) ═══ Select the 24 hours radio button to show the time for a 24-hour clock. A text field appears below this button and displays the formatted time, including the separator. ═══ Time Format (Separator) ═══ To select the character used to separate the minutes from the seconds, use the arrows in the Separator spin button. The valid time separator characters are: o (:) - Colon o (.) - Period ═══ Time Format (Clock View) ═══ The Clock View group box allows the display of the clock to be changed. The Analog Display radio button causes the clock area to display the time in the form of an analog clock face. The Digital display causes the clock area to display the time in a digital format. The display of the digital time adheres to the other settings that are set in Time page of the Preferences Notebook. The value you specify in the Clock View group box also affects the display of the minimized window for the Workplace Companion. ═══ PhoneBook (Dialer) ═══ This page contains the parameters that need to be set to use a modem. When the Workplace Companion is installed, the parameters are set to work with a Hayes-compatible modem. Phone Dialer Preferences For a detailed explanation of the phone dialer preferences, select from the following list: o Modem o Strings o Local Area Code o Enable Modem ═══ Phone Dialer (Modem) ═══ The Modem group box contains choices that allow you to specify specific settings for your modem. The Port spin button is used to set the communication port that your modem is attached to. It may be set to COM1 - COM4. The default setting is COM1. The Baud spin button is used to set the baud rate for your modem. The range is 300 - 38400. The default setting is 2400 baud. The Type radio buttons are used to set the type of line that your modem is connected to. The two choices are Pulse (rotary) and Tone (DTMF). ═══ Phone Dialer (Strings) ═══ The Strings group box lets you specify any Dial, Hangup, and Initialization strings required by your modem. The Dial and Hangup fields are left blank, so you can enter the information appropriate to your modem. You may set the following strings: Dial This string is placed before the phone number in the dial string. For example, the dial string for a Hayes-compatible modem would be ATDT. Hangup This string is sent to the modem when the user pushes the Hang-up button after logging a call. For example. the hangup string for a Hayes-compatible modem is ATH0+++. Intialization This string is provided to prepare your modem for optimum performance with your Companion. The initialization string supports the industry standard Hayes command set to tell your modem to send responses in numeric format (VO ), keep your modem speaker on until the remote modem's carrier is detected, (M1 ), and use medium speaker volume (L2 ). These settings should be satisfactory for the majority of modems. However, if your modem manual tells you a different initialization string, enter that string in the Initialization field. Access Code If you require an access code when dialing, you can enter the code in the Access Code field. For example, some PBXs and long-distance carriers require you to enter an access code after dialing a telephone number. ═══ Phone Dialer (Local Area Code) ═══ The Local Area Code entry field lets you enter your three-digit area code in this field. Your Companion recognizes a local call when the area code in the Phone Book matches the value in this field. ═══ Phone Dialer (Enable Modem) ═══ If you would like to use a modem with your Companion, click on the Enable Modem check box. Enabling this feature also enables the Options that are used when calling though the Phone Book or Contact List. Disabling the modem is useful if you would like to use the call tracking features without using the built-in dialer. ═══ PhoneBook (Custom) ═══ The five User Labels are used to create labels for the five entry fields in the Custom page in the Phone Book. You might want to add fields such as Nick Name, Annual Income, Spouse's Name, etc. You should limit the length of the label that you type to keep it from being truncated when it is shown. The six Check Labels are used to create labels for the six check boxes in the Custom page in the Phone Book. You might use these check boxes to track the products a customer may have purchased. You could also track the current status of a contact. You should limit the length of the label that you type to keep it from being truncated when it is shown. There really is no limit to the type of data that you enter in the custom fields of the Phone Book. The labels that you create are really for your own use. They have no direct correlation to the data that you type in. ═══ Schedule ═══ The Schedule page lets you select settings for your work day and appointments. Schedule Preferences For a detailed explanation of the schedule preferences, select from the following list: o Work Day o Appointments o Options The Default button changes the schedule options back to the default values that were set when the Workplace Companion was installed. ═══ Schedule (Work Day) ═══ The Work Day group box contains options to set the starting and ending points of your work day. The Start spin button should be set to the beginning of your work day (i.e. 9:00 AM). The Stop spin button should be set to the end of your work day (i.e. 5:00 PM). This range is used to determine the first appointment slot shown in the Appointment List of the Appointment Book. The range specified is also used when the Work day view is selected in the Planner. ═══ Schedule (Appointments) ═══ You may further customize the Appointment List by setting the Interval drop-down list. The value set here is the interval used to schedule your day's events. For example, if you set the Interval to "30 min", you may schedule events every half-hour. If you set it to "1 hr", 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, etc. are not available. The Default Duration determines how long an appointment is when it is initially created. Thus, if most of your appointments last for an hour, you would set this value to "1 hr". Of course, this is just the default value. You may always explicitly set the duration when you create an appointment. The Default lead time refers to the amount of advanced time you desire to alert you to an appointment. The default setting is no lead, which means you are alerted to an appointment at the time the appointment is scheduled. If you desire an advanced warning, you can set this preference to any amount of time between 5 minutes and 2 hours, in 5-minute increments. ═══ Schedule (Options) ═══ The Options group box contains two selections that allow you to customize your Appointment Book. You may set the following options: Page flip This option determines whether you see an animated page flipping when you flip the pages in your Appointment Book. The default setting is on which turns on the animation. If you do not want to see the animated turning of pages, turn off this option. Date tracking This option determines whether the Appointment Book tracks the currently selected day in the Calendar. The default setting turns on tracking. If you turn on this option, selecting a day in the Calendar causes that day to automatically appear in your Appointment Book. This way, you can quickly see any appointments scheduled for selected days. ═══ General ═══ The General page lets you select the Launch Pad information for launching an application from the Companion and other options. General Preferences For a detailed explanation of the general preferences, select from the following list: o Launch Pad o Options ═══ General (Launch) ═══ The Launch Pad group box contains two entry fields that allow you specify the launch pad information for launching an application. The Program entry field should contain the complete path (drive and subdirectory) where the executable file for the application you want to launch resides. If you do not know where this file resides, use the Find button to locate it. If the application requires any parameters, type them in the Params entry field. The manual that came with your application should provide this information. ═══ General (Options) ═══ The Options group box contains choices that refer to the entire Companion in general. The Verify Menu Delete Choice check box determines whether a precautionary message appears when you try to delete any information from your Companion. This choice does not affect the Shredder. That is, dragging items to the Shredder deletes them without displaying a precautionary message, regardless of whether this option is enabled. ═══ 11. Clock/Calendar Menu ═══ The context menu provides further options for customizing the Arcadia Clock/Calendar. The context menu can be activated through the mouse (default: right-click) or by pressing Shift-F10. For more information on these options, choose from the following list: o Refresh o Restore o Help o View o Options o Print o Preferences ═══ 11.1. Refresh ═══ This command refreshes the entire Clock/Calendar area. It does not change what is displayed in either the clock or calendar areas. The Refresh command is useful for fixing paint errors that may occur due to OS/2 system bugs. Refreshing the Clock/Calendar is equivalent to repainting the entire window. ═══ 11.2. Restore ═══ This command restores the Clock/Calendar window to its original position and size. This is useful if the Clock/Calendar window has been changed to an undesired size. Note: The Clock/Calendar window's original size is set to its minimum. The window cannot be sized smaller than these dimensions. The default location is at the bottom-left corner of the desktop. ═══ 11.3. Help Menu ═══ The following commands are available from the Help menu: Help index Displays an index of help topics. General help Displays general help for the Clock/Calendar module. Using help Displays how to use the help facility. Keys help Displays help for the keys used in Workplace Companion. Product Information Displays the Product Information dialog box. ═══ 11.3.1. Help index ═══ The Help index command displays an index of help topics for the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 11.3.2. General help ═══ The General help command displays general help on the Clock/Calendar. ═══ 11.3.3. Using help ═══ The Using help command displays how to use the help facility. ═══ 11.3.4. Keys help ═══ The Keys help command displays help for the keyboard interface to the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 11.3.5. Product Information ═══ The Product Information screen contains the following information: o Product Name o Company Name and Logo o Company Information o Copyright Information ═══ 11.4. View Menu ═══ The View menu contains choices that allow the manipulation of the calendar area without using the mouse. The following commands appear in the View menu: Month The Month menu provides commands to move the Calendar area to any of the 12 months in the year. Next month This command moves the Calendar area to the next month of the year. Previous month This command moves the Calendar area to the previous month of the year. Next year This command moves the Calendar area to the next year. Previous year This command moves the Calendar area to the previous year. Today This command returns the highlighted area of the Calendar to the current date. This works regardless of what day is selected. ═══ 11.4.1. Month ═══ You may change the display of the Calendar area to any month of the current year. To change the month, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Month menu from the cascade menu and choose any one of the 12 months displayed on the cascaded menu. ═══ 11.4.2. Next month ═══ You may change the display of the Calendar area to the next consecutive month. To change to the next month, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Next month command from the cascade menu Note: Selecting this command when December is displayed causes January of the next year to be displayed. ═══ 11.4.3. Previous month ═══ You may change the display of the Calendar area to the previous month. To change to the previous month, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Previous month command from the cascade menu Note: Selecting this command when January is displayed causes December of the previous year to be displayed. ═══ 11.4.4. Next year ═══ You may change the display of the Calendar area to the next year. To change to the next year, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Next year command from the cascade menu Note: Years after 1999 are displayed as (00) in areas where the short form of the date is displayed. ═══ 11.4.5. Previous year ═══ You may change the display of the Calendar area to the previous year. To change to the previous year, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Previous year command from the cascade menu Note: Years after 1999 are displayed as (00) in areas where the short form of the date is displayed. ═══ 11.4.6. Today ═══ You may restore the highlighted day on the Calendar to reflect the current date. To highlight the current date, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Today command from the cascade menu Note: This command works no matter what day, month, or year is selected in the Calendar area. ═══ 11.5. Options Menu ═══ The Options menu contains choices that allow you to customize the various options of the Clock/Calendar window. The following commands appear in the Options menu: Local city This command causes a dialog box to appear which allows you to set your Local City. Alarms This command causes a dialog box to appear which allows you to set up to 10 custom Alarms. Daylight savings This command causes a dialog box to appear which allows you to set Daylight Savings Time (DST) on or off. You may also customize which international cities support DST. City List This command causes a dialog box to appear which allows you to customize the international cities that appear in the City List. Holidays This command causes a dialog box to appear which allows you to create Holidays that appear in the Clock/Calendar window. ═══ 11.5.1. Local city ═══ You may set any city in the Clock/Calendar to be the Local City. This city is then used to calculate times for all of the international cities that are displayed using the International Time choice of the time window. To change the local city, do the following: o Select the Options menu choice from the context menu o Select the Local city command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 11.5.2. Alarms ═══ You may set up to ten (10) custom alarms. To set an alarm, do the following: o Select the Options menu choice from the context menu o Select the Alarms command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 11.5.3. Daylight savings ═══ You may turn Daylight Savings Time on or off. To set DST, do the following: o Select the Options menu choice from the context menu o Select the Daylight savings command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 11.5.4. City list ═══ You may add, modify, or delete cities that appear in the International City List. To modify the City List, do the following: o Select the Options menu choice from the context menu o Select the City list command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 11.5.5. Holidays ═══ You may designate certain days to be holidays. To create a holiday, do the following: o Select the Options menu choice from the context menu o Select the Holidays command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 11.6. Print ═══ The Print menu contains a cascaded list of all the forms that can be printed from the Clock/Calendar. The following forms can be printed from the Print menu: Year calendar This command prints a the Full Year Calendar for the currently selected year in the Clock/Calendar. ═══ 11.6.1. Year calendar ═══ You may print a calendar that displays an entire year. To print the Full Year Calendar, do the following: o Select the year you wish to print in the Clock/Calendar o Select the Print menu choice from the context menu o Select the Year calendar command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 11.7. Preferences ═══ You may customize many of the features of the Arcadia Workplace Companion. To change the preferences, do the following: o Select the Preferences menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the Preferences Notebook ═══ 12. Planner Menu ═══ The context menu that is available provides further options for customizing appointments set in the Planner. The context menu can be activated through the mouse (default: right-click) or by pressing Shift-F10. For more information on these options, choose from the following list: o Open o Refresh o Restore o Help o View o New ═══ 12.1. Open Menu ═══ The Open menu contains choices that allow you to manipulate the display of the Planner. The following commands appear in the Open menu: Work day view This command changes the display of the Planner to the Work Day view. Full day view This command changes the display of the Planner to the Full Day view. ═══ 12.1.1. Work day view ═══ You may change the display of the Planner to show only the hours from the selected work day, with one extra hour at the start and end of the day. To change to the Work day view, do the following: o Select the Open menu choice from the context menu o Select the Work day view command from the cascade menu ═══ 12.1.2. Full day view ═══ You may change the display of the Planner to show all 24 hours of the day. To change to the Full Day view, do the following: o Select the Open menu choice from the context menu o Select the Full day view command from the cascade menu ═══ 12.2. Refresh ═══ This command refreshes the Planner window. It does not change what is displayed in any of the time slots. The Refresh command is useful for fixing paint errors that may occur due to OS/2 system bugs. Refreshing the Planner is equivalent to repainting the entire window. ═══ 12.3. Restore ═══ This command restores the Planner window to its original position and size. This is useful if the Planner has been changed to an undesired size. Note: The default location for the Planner is the bottom-left corner of the desktop. ═══ 12.4. Help Menu ═══ The following commands are available from the Help menu: Help index Displays an index of help topics. General help Displays general help for the Planner. Using help Displays how to use the help facility. Keys help Displays help for the keys used in Workplace Companion. Product Information Displays the Product Information dialog box. ═══ 12.4.1. Help index ═══ The Help index command displays an index of help topics for the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 12.4.2. General help ═══ The General help command displays general help on the Planner. ═══ 12.4.3. Using help ═══ The Using help command displays how to use the help facility. ═══ 12.4.4. Keys help ═══ The Keys help command displays help for the keyboard interface to the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 12.4.5. Product Information ═══ The Product Information screen contains the following information: o Product Name o Company Name and Logo o Company Information o Copyright Information ═══ 12.5. View menu ═══ The View menu contains choices that allow the manipulation of the Planner Book without using the mouse. The following commands appear in the View menu: Month The Month menu provides commands to display any of the 12 months in the year. Next month This command moves the Planner to the next month of the year. Previous month This command moves the Planner to the previous month of the year. Next year This command moves the Planner to the same month in the next year. Previous year This command moves the Planner to the same month in the previous year. Current month This command returns the Planner so that the current month is shown. ═══ 12.5.1. Month ═══ You may change the display of the Planner to any month of the current year. To change the month, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Month menu from the cascade menu and choose any one of the 12 months displayed on the cascaded menu. ═══ 12.5.2. Next month ═══ You may change the display of the Planner to the next consecutive month. To change to the next month, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Next month command from the cascade menu Note: Selecting this command when December is displayed causes January of the next year to be displayed. ═══ 12.5.3. Previous month ═══ You may change the display of the Planner area to the previous month. To change to the previous month, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Previous month command from the cascade menu Note: Selecting this command when January is displayed causes December of the previous year to be displayed. ═══ 12.5.4. Next year ═══ You may change the display of the Planner to same month in the next year. To change to the same month in the next year, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Next year command from the cascade menu Note: Years after 1999 are displayed as (00) in areas where the short form of the date is displayed. ═══ 12.5.5. Previous year ═══ You may change the display of the Planner to the same month in the previous year. To change to the same month in the previous year, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Previous year command from the cascade menu Note: Years after 1999 are displayed as (00) in areas where the short form of the date is displayed. ═══ 12.5.6. Current month ═══ You may restore the Planner so that the current day is shown. To return to the current date, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Current day command from the cascade menu The current day is always shown with a red box drawn around it in the title area of the Planner. Note: This command works no matter what day, month, or year is selected in the Planner. ═══ 12.6. New ═══ Use the New command to create a new appointment in the Planner. To create a new appointment, do the following: o Select the New menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 12.7. Delete ═══ Use the Delete command to delete an existing appointment from the Planner. To delete an appointment, do the following: o Select the time slot with the appointment you wish to delete o Select the Delete menu choice from the context menu o Use the Delete Appointment dialog to choose the appointment(s) you wish to delete. ═══ 13. Appointment Book Menu ═══ The context menu that is available provides further options for customizing appointments set in the Appointment Book. The context menu can be activated through the mouse (default: right-click) or by pressing Shift-F10. For more information on these options, choose from the following list: o Open o Refresh o Restore o Help o View o Delete o New o Edit o Planner o Print o File Maintenance ═══ 13.1. Open Menu ═══ The Open menu contains choices that allow you to manipulate the display of the Appointment Book. The following commands appear in the Open menu: Daily view This command changes the display of the Appointment Book to a Daily view. Work week view This command changes the display of the Appointment Book to the Work week view. Regular week view This command changes the display of the Appointment Book to the Regular week view. Bi-weekly view This command changes the display of the Appointment Book to the Bi-weekly view. ═══ 13.1.1. Daily view ═══ You may change the display of the Appointment Book to show a single day per page. To change to the Daily view, do the following: o Select the Open menu choice from the context menu o Select the Daily view command from the cascade menu ═══ 13.1.2. Work week view ═══ You may change the display of the Appointment Book to show one week at a time. To change to the Work week view, do the following: o Select the Open menu choice from the context menu o Select the Work week view command from the cascade menu Note: The Saturday and Sunday list boxes in the Work week view are smaller than the week day boxes. This allows you to fit more appointments on the days of the week. ═══ 13.1.3. Regular week view ═══ You may change the display of the Appointment Book to show one week at a time. To change to the Regular week view, do the following: o Select the Open menu choice from the context menu o Select the Regular week view command from the cascade menu Note: All of the list boxes in the Regular week view are the same size. ═══ 13.1.4. Bi-weekly view ═══ You may change the display of the Appointment Book to show two weeks at a time. To change to the Bi-weekly view, do the following: o Select the Open menu choice from the context menu o Select the Bi-Weekly view command from the cascade menu ═══ 13.2. Refresh ═══ This command refreshes the Arcadia Appointment Book window. It does not change what is displayed in any of the list boxes. The Refresh command is useful for fixing paint errors that may occur due to OS/2 system bugs. Refreshing the Appointment Book is equivalent to repainting the entire window. ═══ 13.3. Restore ═══ This command restores the Arcadia Appointment Book window to its original position and size. This is useful if the Appointment Book has been changed to an undesired size. Note: The default location for the Appointment Book is at the top-left corner of the desktop. ═══ 13.4. Help Menu ═══ The following commands are available from the Help menu: Help index Displays an index of help topics. General help Displays general help for the Appointment Book Module. Using help Displays how to use the help facility. Keys help Displays help for the keys used in Workplace Companion. Product Information Displays the Product Information dialog box. ═══ 13.4.1. Help index ═══ The Help index command displays an index of help topics for the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 13.4.2. General help ═══ The General help command displays general help on the Appointment Book. ═══ 13.4.3. Using help ═══ The Using help command displays how to use the help facility. ═══ 13.4.4. Keys help ═══ The Keys help command displays help for the keyboard interface to the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 13.4.5. Product Information ═══ The Product Information screen contains the following information: o Product Name o Company Name and Logo o Company Information o Copyright Information ═══ 13.5. View menu ═══ The View menu contains choices that allow the manipulation of the Appointment Book without using the mouse. The following commands appear in the View menu: Next day This command moves the Appointment Book to the next day of the week. Previous day This command moves the Appointment Book to the previous day of the week. Next week This command moves the Appointment Book to the next week of the month. Previous week This command moves the Appointment Book to the previous week of the month. Today This command flips the Appointment Book so that the current date is shown. This works regardless of what view you are in. ═══ 13.5.1. Next day ═══ You may flip the pages of the Appointment Book so that the next consecutive day is shown. To flip to the next day, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Next day command from the cascade menu Note: This command is only available if the Appointment Book is in the Daily view. ═══ 13.5.2. Previous day ═══ You may flip the pages of the Appointment Book so that the previous day is shown. To flip to the previous day, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Previous day command from the cascade menu Note: This command is only be available if the Appointment Book is in the Daily view. ═══ 13.5.3. Next week ═══ You may flip the pages of the Appointment Book so that the next consecutive day is shown. To flip to the next day, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Next week command from the cascade menu ═══ 13.5.4. Previous week ═══ You may flip the pages of the Appointment Book so that the previous week is shown. To flip to the previous week, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Previous week command from the cascade menu ═══ 13.5.5. Today ═══ You may flip the pages of the Appointment Book so that the current date is shown. To flip to the current date, do the following: o Select the View menu choice from the context menu o Select the Today command from the cascade menu Note: This command works regardless of the view that you are in. ═══ 13.6. Delete ═══ Use the Delete command to delete one or more items from the Appointment Book. To delete an appointment, do the following: o Select the appointment(s) you wish to delete o Select the Delete menu choice from the context menu Before you delete an item, consider that you cannot recover it. When you delete an item, a window appears asking you to confirm your delete request. You may suppress the display of these boxes by turning delete verification off in the General page of the Preferences Notebook ═══ 13.7. New ═══ Use the New command to create a new appointment in the Appointment Book. To create a new appointment, do the following: o Select the New menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 13.8. Edit ═══ Use the Edit command to edit an existing appointment in the Appointment Book. To edit an appointment, do the following: o Select the Edit menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 13.9. Planner ═══ You may view the appointments in the Appointment Book in the associated Planner window. The Planner is a separate window that contains a grid view of the current month. To display the Planner, do the following: o Select the Planner menu choice from the context menu ═══ 13.10. Print Menu ═══ The Print menu contains a cascaded list of all the forms that can be printed from the Appointment Book. The following forms can be printed from the Print menu: Weekly This command prints the week's appointment using the Weekly Planner form. Tri-Fold This command prints the week's appointment using the Tri-fold form. ═══ 13.10.1. Weekly ═══ You may print the week's appointments. To print the appointments using the Weekly Planner form, do the following: o Select the Print menu choice from the context menu o Select the Weekly command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 13.10.2. Tri-fold ═══ You may print the week's appointments. To print the appointments using the Tri-fold form, do the following: o Select the Print menu choice from the context menu o Select the Tri-fold command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 13.11. File Maintenance menu ═══ The File Maintenance menu contains choices that allow you to work with the data contained in the Appointment Book. The following commands appear in the File Maintenance menu: Import This command lets you import data into your Appointment Book from data stored outside of the Workplace Companion. Export This command lets you export data from your Appointment Book. Recall database This command lets you retrieve any data that has previously been deleted or exported. Clear database This command lets you delete all of the entries from the Appointment Book. Reindex database This command lets you reindex the database that is used by the Appointment Book. ═══ 13.11.1. Import ═══ You can import data from other applications into your Appointment Book. To import data from another application, do the following: o Select the File Maintenance menu choice from the context menu o Select the Import command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 13.11.2. Export ═══ You can export your Appointment Book data for use in other applications. To export data from your Appointment Book, do the following: o Select the File Maintenance menu choice from the context menu o Select the Export command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 13.11.3. Recall database ═══ You can retrieve data that was previously cleared or exported. To retrieve the backup database file, do the following: o Select the File Maintenance menu choice from the context menu o Select the Recall database command from the cascade menu ═══ 13.11.4. Clear database ═══ You can delete all of the information that is stored in your Appointment Book. To clear out your Appointment Book database, do the following: o Select the File Maintenance menu choice from the context menu o Select the Clear database command from the cascade menu ═══ 13.11.5. Reindex database ═══ You may reindex the database file that is used by your Appointment Book. To reindex your Appointment Book database, do the following: o Select the File Maintenance menu choice from the context menu o Select the Reindex database command from the cascade menu ═══ 14. Appointment MLE Menu ═══ The context menu that is available provides further options for customizing appointments set in the Appointment Book. The context menu can be activated through the mouse (default: right-click) or by pressing Shift-F10 while the Appointment MLE has focus. For more information on these options, choose from the following list: o Save o Cancel o Help o Duration o Notes o To-Do List o Events o Recurring ═══ 14.1. Save ═══ You may use the Save menu choice to save the settings for the appointment that you are editing. To save an appointment, do the following: o Enter the appropriate appointment information in the Appointment MLE. o Select the Save menu choice from the context menu ═══ 14.2. Cancel ═══ You may use the Cancel menu choice to discard the changes you make to appointments that you edit. To discard appointment changes, do the following: o Select the Cancel menu choice from the context menu ═══ 14.3. Help ═══ The following commands are available from the Help menu: Help index Displays an index of help topics. General help Displays general help for the Appointment Book module. Using help Displays how to use the help facility. Keys help Displays help for the keys used in Workplace Companion. ═══ 14.3.1. Help index ═══ The Help index command displays an index of help topics for the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 14.3.2. General help ═══ The General help command displays general help on the Appointment Book. ═══ 14.3.3. Using help ═══ The Using help command displays how to use the help facility. ═══ 14.3.4. Keys help ═══ The Keys help command displays help for the keyboard interface to the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 14.4. Duration ═══ You may set a duration for the appointments that you create. To set a duration, do the following: o Create or edit an appointment o Right-click to bring up the context menu o Select the Duration menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 14.5. Notes ═══ You may enter notes for the appointments that you create. To add notes, do the following: o Create or edit an appointment o Right-click to bring up the context menu o Select the Notes menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 14.6. To-Do List ═══ You may place any of the appointments that you create in the To-Do List automatically. To place an appointment in the To-Do List, do the following: o Create or edit an appointment o Right-click to bring up the context menu o Select the To-Do List menu choice from the context menu Note: You can remove the appointment by repeating the above procedure. ═══ 14.7. Events Menu ═══ The Events menu contains choices that let you associate events to the appointments you create. The following commands appear in the Events menu: Alarm This command lets you create an alarm that alerts you of an impending appointment. Launch This command lets you launch applications at specifies times. ═══ 14.7.1. Alarm ═══ You may set an alarm to alert you to an impending appointment. To set an alarm, do the following: o Create or edit an appointment o Right-click to bring up the context menu o Select the Events menu choice from the context menu o Select the Alarm command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 14.7.2. Launch ═══ You may use appointments to launch applications at specified time. To launch an application, do the following: o Create or edit an appointment o Right-click to bring up the context menu o Select the Events menu choice from the context menu o Select the Launch command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 14.8. Recurring ═══ You may create a group of appointments that occurs on a regular basis. To create a recurring appointment, do the following: o Create or edit an appointment o Right-click to bring up the context menu o Select the Recurring menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 15. Telephone/Address Book Menu ═══ The context menu that is available provides further options for customizing the Telephone/Address Book. The context menu can be activated through the mouse (default: right-click) or by pressing Shift-F10. For more information on these options, choose from the following list: o Open o Refresh o Restore o Help o New o Create another o Delete o Filter o Print o File Maintenance ═══ 15.1. Open menu ═══ The Open menu contains choices that allow you to manipulate the display of the Phone Book. The following commands appear in the Open menu: Details view This command changes the display of the Phone Book to Details view. Icon view This command changes the display of the Phone Book to Icon view. ═══ 15.1.1. Details view ═══ You may change the display of the Phone Book to Details view. This view shows the last name, first name, and the first phone number listed for each entry in the Phone Book. To change to the Details view, do the following: o Select the Open menu choice from the context menu o Select the Details view command from the cascade menu ═══ 15.1.2. Icon view ═══ You may change the display of the Phone Book to Icon view. This view shows the last name and the icon for each entry in the Phone Book. To change to the Icon view, do the following: o Select the Open menu choice from the context menu o Select the Icon view command from the cascade menu ═══ 15.2. Refresh ═══ This command refreshes the Arcadia Phone Book window. It does not change what is displayed in the notebook. The Refresh command is useful for fixing paint errors that may occur due to OS/2 system bugs. Refreshing the Phone Book is equivalent to repainting the entire window. ═══ 15.3. Restore ═══ This command restores the Arcadia Phone Book window to its original position and size. This is useful if the window has been changed to an undesired size. Note: The default location for the Phone book is at the top-right corner of the desktop. ═══ 15.4. Help Menu ═══ The following commands are available from the Help menu: Help index Displays an index of help topics. General help Displays general help for the Telephone/Address module. Using help Displays how to use the help facility. Keys help Displays help for the keys used in Workplace Companion. Product Information Displays the Product Information dialog box. ═══ 15.4.1. Help index ═══ The Help index command displays an index of help topics for the Workplace Companion. ═══ 15.4.2. General help ═══ The General help command displays general help on the Telephone/Address Book. ═══ 15.4.3. Using help ═══ The Using help command displays how to use the help facility. ═══ 15.4.4. Keys help ═══ The Keys help command displays help for the keyboard interface to the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 15.4.5. Product Information ═══ The Product Information screen contains the following information: o Product Name o Company Name and Logo o Company Information o Copyright Information ═══ 15.5. New ═══ Use the New command to create a new entry in the Phone Book. To create a new entry, do the following: o Select the New menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the Personal Information notebook. ═══ 15.6. Create another ═══ Use the Create another command to duplicate the selected entry and create a new entry. To duplicate an entry, do the following: o Select the Create another menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the Personal Information notebook. Note: You should at least change the name of the new entry. If you don't, you will have duplicate Phone Book entries. ═══ 15.7. Delete ═══ Use the Delete command to delete one or more items from the Phone Book. To delete a phone book entry, do the following: o Select the item(s) you wish to delete o Select the Delete menu choice from the context menu Before you delete an item, consider that you cannot recover it. When you delete an item, a window appears asking you to confirm your delete request. You may suppress the display of these boxes by turning delete verification off in the General page of the Preferences Notebook ═══ 15.8. Filter ═══ You may use the Filter facility to find specific people in your Phone Book. To use the Filter facility, do the following: o Select the Filter menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 15.9. Print Menu ═══ The Print menu contains a cascaded list of all the forms that can be printed from the Phone Book. The following forms can be printed from the Print menu: Detailed This command prints a detailed listing of the entries in your Phone Book. Summary This command prints a summary listing of the entries in your Phone Book. Mailing labels This command prints the names of the people in your Phone Book and their address in a 3-up format for mailing labels. ═══ 15.9.1. Detailed ═══ You may print a detailed listing of the people in your Phone Book. This report includes the entry's name, title, company name, primary and secondary addresses, telephone numbers, and notes for each entry. To print the detailed report, do the following: o Select the Print menu choice from the context menu o Select the Detailed command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 15.9.2. Summary ═══ You may print a summary listing of the people in your Phone Book. This report includes the entry's name and company. To print the summary report, do the following: o Select the Print menu choice from the context menu o Select the Summary command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 15.9.3. Mailing labels ═══ You may print a the names and address of the people in your Phone Book in a 3-up format for mailing labels. To print mailing labels for the people in your Phone Book, do the following: o Select the Print menu choice from the context menu o Select the Mailing lables command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 15.10. File Maintenance Menu ═══ The File Maintenance menu contains choices that allow you to work with the data contained in the Phone Book. The following commands appear in the File Maintenance menu: Import This command lets you import data into your Phone Book from data stored outside of the Workplace Companion. Export This command lets you export data from your Phone Book. Recall database This command lets you delete all of the entries from the Phone Book. Clear database This command lets you retrieve any data that has previously been deleted or exported. Reindex database This command lets you reindex the database that is used by the Phone Book. ═══ 15.10.1. Import ═══ You can import data from other applications into your Phone Book. To import data from another application, do the following: o Select the File Maintenance menu choice from the context menu o Select the Import command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 15.10.2. Export ═══ You can export your Phone Book data for use in other applications. To export data from your Phone Book, do the following: o Select the File Maintenance menu choice from the context menu o Select the Export command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 15.10.3. Recall database ═══ You can retrieve data that was previously cleared or exported. To retrieve the backup database file, do the following: o Select the File Maintenance menu choice from the context menu o Select the Recall database command from the cascade menu ═══ 15.10.4. Clear database ═══ You can delete all of the information that is stored in your Phone Book. To clear out your Phone Book database, do the following: o Select the File Maintenance menu choice from the context menu o Select the Clear database command from the cascade menu ═══ 15.10.5. Reindex database ═══ You may reindex the database file that is used by your Phone Book To reindex your Phone Book database, do the following: o Select the File Maintenance menu choice from the context menu o Select the Reindex database command from the cascade menu ═══ 16. Contact List Menu ═══ The context menu that is available provides further options using the Contact List. The context menu can be activated through the mouse (default: right-click) or by pressing Shift-F10. For more information on these options, choose from the following list: o Refresh o Restore o Help o Delete o Call o Answer ═══ 16.1. Refresh ═══ This command refreshes the Arcadia Contact List window. It does not change what is displayed in the list. The Refresh command is useful for fixing paint errors that may occur due to OS/2 system bugs. Refreshing the Contact List is equivalent to repainting the entire window. ═══ 16.2. Restore ═══ This command restores the Arcadia Contact List window to its original position and size. This is useful if the window has been changed to an undesired size. Note: The default position of the Contact List is at the bottom right corner of the desktop. ═══ 16.3. Help ═══ The following commands are available from the Help menu: Help index Displays an index of help topics. General help Displays general help for the Contact List module. Using help Displays how to use the help facility. Keys help Displays help for the keys used in Workplace Companion. Product Information Displays the Product Information dialog box. ═══ 16.3.1. Help index ═══ The Help index command displays an index of help topics for the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 16.3.2. General help ═══ The General help command displays general help on the Contact List. ═══ 16.3.3. Using help ═══ The Using help command displays how to use the help facility. ═══ 16.3.4. Keys help ═══ The Keys help command displays help for the keyboard interface to the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 16.3.5. Product Information ═══ The Product Information screen contains the following information: o Product Name o Company Name and Logo o Company Information o Copyright Information ═══ 16.4. Delete ═══ Use the Delete command to delete one or more items from the Contact List. To remove a person from the Contact List, do the following: o Select the person(s) you wish to delete o Select the Delete menu choice from the context menu When you delete an item, a window appears asking you to confirm your delete request. You may suppress the display of these boxes by turning delete verification off in the General page of the Preferences Notebook ═══ 16.5. Call ═══ You may use this command to access the Phone Book call tracking facilities. The call the selected person in the Contact List, do the following: o Select the desired person in the Contact List o Right-click to bring up the context menu o Select the Call menu choice from the context menu Note: You may also use the Call button to access the call tracking facilities. ═══ 16.6. Answer ═══ You may use this command to access the Phone Book call tracking facilities. The answer and incoming call from the selected person in the Contact List, do the following: o Select the person who is calling you in the Contact List o Right-click to bring up the context menu o Select the Answer menu choice from the context menu Note: You may also use the Answer button to access the call tracking facilities. ═══ 17. Notepad Menu ═══ The context menu that is available provides further options using the Notepad. The context menu can be activated through the mouse (default: right-click) or by pressing Shift-F10. For more information on these options, choose from the following list: o Refresh o Restore o Help o Save o Edit o Insert o Append o Delete ═══ 17.1. Refresh ═══ This command refreshes the Arcadia Notepad window. It does not change what is displayed in the notebook. The Refresh command is useful for fixing paint errors that may occur due to OS/2 system bugs. Refreshing the Notepad is equivalent to repainting the entire window. ═══ 17.2. Restore ═══ This command restores the Arcadia Notepad window to its original position and size. This is useful if the window has been changed to an undesired size. Note: The default position of the Notepad is vertically centered along the left side of the desktop. ═══ 17.3. Help menu ═══ The following commands are available from the Help menu: Help index Displays an index of help topics. General help Displays general help for the Notepad module. Using help Displays how to use the help facility. Keys help Displays help for the keys used in Workplace Companion. Product Information Displays the Product Information dialog box. ═══ 17.3.1. Help index ═══ The Help index command displays an index of help topics for the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 17.3.2. General help ═══ The General help command displays general help on the Notepad Module. ═══ 17.3.3. Using help ═══ The Using help command displays how to use the help facility. ═══ 17.3.4. Keys Help ═══ The Keys help command displays help for the keyboard interface to the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 17.3.5. Product Information ═══ The Product Information screen contains the following information: o Product Name o Company Name and Logo o Company Information o Copyright Information ═══ 17.4. Save ═══ You may use the Save menu choice to save the changes that you have made to the Notepad. To save your changes, do the following: o Make the desired changes to the Notepad o Select the Save menu choice from the context menu ═══ 17.5. Edit ═══ Use the Edit command to edit a page in the Notepad. To edit a page, do the following: o Select the Edit menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 17.6. Insert ═══ Use the Insert command to create a new page in the Notepad. This command inserts the new page(s) after the currently selected page. To insert a new page, do the following: o Select the desired page in the TOC or go to the page you would like the pages inserted before. o Select the Insert menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 17.7. Append ═══ Use the Append command to create a new page in the Notepad. This command appends the new page(s) to the end of the Notepad. To append a new page, do the following: o Select the Append menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 17.8. Delete ═══ Use the Delete command to delete one or more pages from the Notepad. To delete a page, do the following: o Select the page(s) you wish to delete o Select the Delete menu choice from the context menu Before you delete a page, consider that you cannot recover it. When you delete an item, a window appears asking you to confirm your delete request. You may suppress the display of these boxes by turning delete verification off in the General page of the Preferences Notebook ═══ 18. To-Do List Menu ═══ The context menu that is available provides further options using the To-Do List. The context menu can be activated through the mouse (default: right-click) or by pressing Shift-F10. For more information on these options, choose from the following list: o Refresh o Restore o Help o Edit o New o Delete o Filter o Print ═══ 18.1. Refresh ═══ This command refreshes the To-Do List window. It does not change what is displayed in the list. The Refresh command is useful for fixing paint errors that may occur due to OS/2 system bugs. Refreshing the To-Do List is equivalent to repainting the entire window. ═══ 18.2. Restore ═══ This command restores the To-Do List window to its original position and size. This is useful if the window has been changed to an undesired size. Note: The default position of the To-Do List is centered on the desktop. ═══ 18.3. Help menu ═══ The following commands are available from the Help menu: Help index Displays an index of help topics. General help Displays general help for the To-Do List module. Using help Displays how to use the help facility. Keys help Displays help for the keys used in Workplace Companion. Product Information Displays the Product Information dialog box. ═══ 18.3.1. Help index ═══ The Help index command displays an index of help topics for the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 18.3.2. General help ═══ The General help command displays general help on the To-Do List. ═══ 18.3.3. Using help ═══ The Using help command displays how to use the help facility. ═══ 18.3.4. Keys help ═══ The Keys help command displays help for the keyboard interface to the Arcadia Workplace Companion. ═══ 18.3.5. Product Information ═══ The Product Information screen contains the following information: o Product Name o Company Name and Logo o Company Information o Copyright Information ═══ 18.4. Edit ═══ Use the Edit command to edit an existing To-Do List item. To edit a To-Do List item, do the following: o Select the Edit menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 18.5. New ═══ Use the New command to create a new item in the To-Do List. To create a new To-Do List item, do the following: o Select the New menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 18.6. Delete ═══ Use the Delete command to delete one or more items from the To-Do List. To delete a To-Do List item, do the following: o Select the item(s) you wish to delete o Select the Delete menu choice from the context menu Before you delete an item, consider that you cannot recover it. When you delete an item, a window appears asking you to confirm your delete request. You may suppress the display of these boxes by turning delete verification off in the General page of the Preferences Notebook ═══ 18.7. Filter ═══ You may use the To-Do List filter to view only the items you wish to see. To set the filter, do the following: o Select the Filter menu choice from the context menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 18.8. Print ═══ The Print menu contains a cascaded list of all the forms that can be printed from the To-Do List. The following forms can be printed from the Print menu: Monthly This command prints the To-Do items using the Monthly Calendar form. Tri-Fold This command prints the To-Do items using the Tri-fold form. ═══ 18.8.1. Monthly ═══ You may print the items contained in the To-Do List. To print these items using the Monthly Calendar form, do the following: o Select the Print menu choice from the context menu o Select the Monthly command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ 18.8.2. Tri-Fold ═══ You may print the items contained in the To-Do List. To print these items using the Tri-Fold form, do the following: o Select the Print menu choice from the context menu o Select the Tri-fold command from the cascade menu o Enter the appropriate values in the dialog box ═══ ═══ A square with associated text that represents a choice. When you click on a check box, a check mark appears in the box to indicate that the choice is selected. You can clear the check box again by clicking on it, thereby deselecting the choice. ═══ ═══ Contains a list of objects or settings that you can scroll through and select from to complete an entry field. Alternatively, you can type directly into the entry field. ═══ ═══ A set of predefined operating characteristics that go into effect when you start your Companion. Your Companion derives its default settings from the Preferences Notebook. ═══ ═══ A list that displays one item until you click on the arrow next to it. When you click on this arrow, the other choices "drop down" from this list. ═══ ═══ The Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Offset is the hour offset from the International Time line in Greenwich, U.K. ═══ ═══ A choice that enlarges the window to its largest possible size. ═══ ═══ A choice that reduces the window to its smallest possible size and removes all of the windows associated with that window from the screen. ═══ ═══ A multiple-line entry field (MLE) is a field into which the user may enter multiple lines of text. An MLE can be scrolled if more information is available than is currently visible. ═══ ═══ A graphical representation that resembles a spiral-bound notebook containing pages and separated into sections by tabbed divider pages. You can turn the pages of a notebook to move from one section to another. ═══ ═══ An item you may manipulate as a single unit to perform a task. An object can be text, an icon, or both. ═══ ═══ A circle with text beside it. Radio buttons are combined to show a fixed set of choices from which you can select one. The circle becomes partially filled when a choice is selected. ═══ ═══ A choice that returns a window to the size it was and the position it was in before it was sized or moved. ═══ ═══ A visual component that represents a quantity and its relationship to the range of possible values. For example, when you set an appointment, you can use the slider to set that appointment's duration. ═══ ═══ A component used to display, in sequence, related but mutually exclusive choices. You can accept the value displayed in the entry field or you can type a valid choice in the entry field. ═══ ═══ A menu that appears from the system-menu symbol in the top-left corner of a title bar. The system menu contains choices that affect the window or the view that contains it. ═══ ═══ The area at the top of each window that contains the system-menu icon, the window title, and the maximize and minimize buttons.