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 Installing AE for DOS

 1)  Copy AE.EXE to somewhere on the path.
 2)  Copy AE.INI to the same directory as AE.EXE so it can be found.
 3)  Optionally copy AE.TXT to wherever you keep documentation.
 4)  Print the file AE.INI, and use it as a quick reference card.
 5)  Check that COMSPEC in CONFIG.SYS points to COMMAND.COM
     or some other command processor. This ensures 'shelling' out will work,
     as AE uses system() to call up other programs.
 6)  Check that FILES=10 or above in your CONFIG.SYS.

 Installing AE for OS/2

 1)  Copy AE.EXE to somewhere on the path.
 2)  Copy AE.INI to the same directory as AE.EXE so it can be found.
 3)  Optionally copy AE.TXT to wherever you keep documentation.
 4)  Print the file AE.INI, and use it as a quick reference card.
 5)  Optionally copy AE.ICO to the same directory as AE.EXE.
     This allows AE to have a cute icon when running in the Workplace shell.
 6)  Optionally create a Workplace Shell Program Object(s) that references
     the AE executable. The working directory should be the directory where
     AE.INI can be found.

 If you have Norton Guides

 Optionally copy AE.NG to your Norton Guides directory.

 So you don't like the default keys

 You may get various other .INI files, such as WORDSTAR.INI. If so you may
 wish to copy one over the default AE.INI and use that instead.

 Testing the installation

 All you need to know to start using AE is the following :-

      ^X        Means Ctrl-X
      ~X        Means Shift-X
      @X        Means Alt-X

 And when the (unmodified) AE.INI configuration is used :-

      Arrows    Move around the current fold
      F3        Enters a fold
      F4        Exits a fold
      @X        Exits the editor

 Simply go to the directory with AE in it and type :-

      ae ae.txt

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson