Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Point-to-Point Server ================================================= The Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) for Workgroups 3.11 Point-to-Point Server enables your WFWG 3.11 system to accept incoming calls from other Remote Access clients. This allows other people (or you, from home or the road) to gain access to your shared resources from any remote PC. The Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Point-to-Point Server enables remote users to have access only to the resources shared on the local machine. If remote users need access to all shared NETWORK resources (such as shared files and printers located on the network), the computer answering the incoming calls must be running Microsoft Windows NT(TM), Windows NT Advanced Server, or Microsoft LAN Manager in addition to Remote Access Service. This ensures that greater security is available before entire network access is granted. To install the Point-to-Point Server ===================================== 1. Install Remote Access by double-clicking the Remote Access icon in the Network program group. 2. Quit Windows for Workgroups. 3. At the MS-DOS command prompt, change to the drive and directory containing the Point-to-Point Server. For example, if it is on a floppy disk in your A drive, type: a:\ 4. At the command prompt, type COPYPTP followed by the location of your WFWG directory. For example, if WFWG 3.11 is installed in the C:\WINDOWS directory, type: copyptp c:\windows 5. Type win to restart Windows for Workgroups 3.11. 6. In the Network program group, double-click the Remote Access icon. 7. From the Setup menu, choose Configure. 8. In the configuration dialog box, select Allow Incoming Calls. You may want to enter a password in order to limit who has remote access to your resources. Troubleshooting =============== Your Computer Rejects Valid Incoming Calls ------------------------------------------ If your computer occasionally rejects incoming calls from users who have a valid password, restart Remote Access on the server computer, and then choose the Answer button again on your computer. If the problem persists, restart Remote Access on both the server and client computers. You Cannot View Resources on the Network ---------------------------------------- If many users install Remote Access on their local workstations, the work- stations on the network may not be able to get a list of servers on the network. You may receive an error such as "The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available" when you attempt to view servers. To correct this problem, edit the SYSTEM.INI file, removing the following in the [Network] section: MaintainServerList=NO Note: The WFWG 3.11 Resource Kit contains a technical discussion of browsing. A Server Manually Hanging Up a Client Connection May Not Reset Modem -------------------------------------------------------------------- When a Remote Access server manually hangs up a connected client by using the HANG UP button, the Remote Access server modem may not be reset properly. To reset it, choose the ANSWER button twice to stop and restart answer mode.