MediaFACE II(R) *** Turn on WORDWRAP! from Edit menu to properly view this text file *** TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. System Requirements 2. To Start Using MediaFACE II(R) 3. MediaFACE II(R) User Manual 4. Templates 5. Images 6. Glossy Paper 1. System requirements To use MediaFACEII(R), you need the following hardware and software: * Pentium 166MHz or higher * Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 /Windows 2000 * Video card displaying 640 x 480 pixels of desktop area / 256 Colors. * Hard drive with at least 50-MB of free space. (You'll need additional hard drive space if you're working with a very high-resolution image) * At least 32 MB of random-access memory * A CD-ROM Drive. * A printer. (For best results on Fellowes/NEATO label stocks use Ink Jet Technology Printer) 2. To Start Using MediaFACE II(R) Click on Start, then Programs. Next select MediaFACE II and click on MediaFACE. The first time you start the MediaFACE II(R) program, you will see a registration dialog box. At this point you may enter a Product Key, which registers the program and allows you to use the program for an unlimited time. - To obtain a Product Key, click on the "I Need A Product Key" button and continue with the process outlined in "Obtaining a Product Key" below. - If you obtained the software on a CD-ROM and therefore already have a Product Key, continue with the process outlined in "Entering a Product Key" below. - If you do not have a Product Key but would like to use MediaFACE II(R) within the 30-day evaluation period, click on the "Close This Window" button. The registration box will disappear and the MediaFACE II(R) startup screen will appear. You can follow this procedure to start up the program as many times as you want for the next 30 days. After this period, you will need to enter a Product Key in order to continue using the program. Obtaining a Product Key If you do not have a Product Key, click on the "I Need A Product Key" button. In the following dialog box, click on the button that corresponds to the software you are using - CD-ROM version, copy downloaded from the Fellowes website, or copy downloaded from another site. You will be a linked to a registration page on the Fellowes website. Follow the instructions on that page to register and receive a Product Key, then continue with the steps outlined in "Entering a Product Key" below. Entering a Product Key If you have a Product Key, enter it into the Product Key field in the main registration dialog box and click on OK. If you have entered a valid code, you will see a screen confirming that MediaFACE II(R) has been successfully activated. Click on Close to close this screen and begin using the program. NOTE ON REGISTRATION: If you have not already registered online to receive a Product Key, you will at this point be prompted to register the software. We strongly recommend registering, as you will then be eligible for free technical support, free upgrades and free template downloads for your software. To register, click on the "Register Now" button. To register later, click on the "Register Later" button. 3. MediaFACE II(R) User Manual The MediaFACE(tm) user manual provided on this disc in the Microsoft Word97 format. Microsoft Word 97 Manual (MediaFACE CD-ROM Drive:\Man_us.doc) ***The MediaFACE user manual is in 6 different languages. The last two letters of the manual file will indicate the language.*** The languages are as follows: English - us French - fr Italian - it German - ge Spanish - sp Portuguese - po Upon installation, a shortcut to the manual will be placed in the Start menu. Please do the following to access the manual. 1. Select Start, then Programs 2. Next select MediaFACE Applications, then Online Manual If you have any difficulty in viewing the manual with this method, please do the following: 1. Insert MediaFACE II(R) CD into your CD-ROM drive. NOTE: The AutoRUN feature will attempt to install the MediaFACE(tm) program. please select Cancel and exit setup. 2. Double-click on My Computer on your desktop 3. Right-click on the MediaFACE II(R) CD icon. 3. Select Open 4. Double-click on the manual file (man_us.doc) 4. MediaFACE II(R) Template refernces Category MediaFACE II(R) Template Name MediaFACE Template Reference Audio Products US-Audio Cassette J-Card (back) USAUDj_b.NTT US-Audio Cassette J-Card (front) USAUDj_f.NTT US-Audio Cassette Labels USAUDlbl.NTT CD Products US-CD Core Labels N/A US-CD Jewel Case Booklet (1 panel) N/A US-CD Jewel Case Booklet (2 panels) USJCbook.NTT US-CD Jewel Case Tray Liners (1 panel) N/A US-CD Jewel Case Tray Liners (3 panels) USJCtray.NTT US-CD Labels (2up) USCD2lbl.NTT US-CD Labels (3up) USCD3lbl.NTT US-CD Print & File Pouch (adhesive) N/A US-CD Print & File Pouch (non-adhesive) USCDenv.NTT Mini CD Products US-CD Labels - 80mm N/A US-CD Labels - 80mm x 63mm N/A US-CD Labels - 80mm x 63mm Hold 'n' FoldN/A US-CD Sleeve - 80mm x 63mm N/A DAT Products US-DAT J-Card (back) USDATj_b.NTT US-DAT J-Card (front) USDATj_f.NTT US-DAT Labels USDATlbl.NTT DVD Products US-DVD Wrap N/A Floppy Disk Products US-Floppy Disk Labels USFLOPPY.NTT Jaz Products US-Jaz Case Insert USJAZins.NTT US-Jaz Labels USJAZlbl.NTT Magneto Optical Products US-Magneto Optical Case Insert (back) USMOj_b.NTT US-Magneto Optical Case Insert (front) USMOj_f.NTT US-Magneto Optical Labels USMOlbl.NTT MiniDisc Products US-MiniDisc Labels USMDlbl.NTT Super Disk Products US-Super Disk Case Insert (back) USSDinsb.NTT US-Super Disk Case Insert (front) USSDinsf.NTT US-Super Disk Labels USSDlbl.NTT Video Products US-VHS Face Labels USVHSfc.NTT US-VHS Spine Labels USVHSsp.NTT US-VHS Video Sleeve USVCRvs.NTT US-VHS Video Wrap USVCRins.NTT Zip Products US-Zip Case Insert (back) USZIPj_b.NTT US-Zip Case Insert (front) USZIPj_f.NTT US-Zip Labels USZIPlbl.NTT Product Type Template Name MediaFACE Template Reference Audio Products A4-Audio Cassette J-Card (back) A4AUDj_b.NTT A4-Audio Cassette J-Card (front) A4AUDj_f.NTT A4-Audio Cassette Labels A4AUDlbl.NTT CD Products A4-CD Core Labels N/A A4-CD Jewel Case Booklet (1 panel) N/A A4-CD Jewel Case Booklet (2 panels) A4JCbook.NTT A4-CD Jewel Case Tray Liners (1 panel) N/A A4-CD Jewel Case Tray Liners (3 panels) A4JCtray.NTT A4-CD Labels (2up) A4CD2lbl.NTT A4-CD Print & File Pouch (adhesive) A4CDPnF.NTT Mini CD Products A4-CD Labels - 80mm N/A A4-CD Labels - 80mm x 63mm N/A A4-CD Labels - 80mm x 63mm Hold 'n' FoldN/A A4-CD Sleeve - 80mm x 63mm N/A DAT Products A4-DAT J-Card (back) A4DATj_b.NTT A4-DAT J-Card (front) A4DATj_f.NTT A4-DAT Labels A4DATlbl.NTT DVD Products A4-DVD Wrap N/A Floppy Disk Products A4-Floppy Disk Labels A4FLOPPY.NTT Jaz Products A4-Jaz Case Insert A4JAZins.NTT A4-Jaz Labels A4JAZlbl.NTT Magneto Optical Products A4-Magneto Optical Case Insert (back) A4MOj_b.NTT A4-Magneto Optical Case Insert (front) A4MOj_f.NTT A4-Magneto Optical Labels A4MOlbl.NTT MiniDisc Products A4-MiniDisc Labels A4MDlbl.NTT Super Disk Products A4-Super Disk Case Insert (back) A4SDinsb.NTT A4-Super Disk Case Insert (front) A4SDinsf.NTT A4-Super Disk Labels A4SDlbl.NTT Video Products A4-VHS Face Labels A4VHSfc.NTT A4-VHS Spine Labels A4VHSsp.NTT A4-VHS Video Sleeve A4VCRvs.NTT A4-VHS Video Wrap A4VCRins.NTT Zip Products A4-Zip Case Insert (back) A4ZIPj_b.NTT A4-Zip Case Insert (front) A4ZIPj_f.NTT A4-Zip Labels A4ZIPlbl.NTT 5. Images (Provided only on CD, not available with download) By default the images will be copy to your Hard drive. They'll be copied to the following directory. C:\Program Files\MediaFACE II\Images 6. Glossy Paper When printing on our glossy paper stock, it is recommended that you set your printer to the follow setting: Paper: Glossy or Photo Paper Print Mode: Best, High Quality or Photo You can change the setting in the MediaFACE II(R) program by doing the following. 1. Click on File, then Print Setup 2. This will bring up your Print Setup dialogue box 3. Then click on properties 4. Select the appropriate modes Note: These selections might not appear in your printer settings, due to the wide variety of printers on the market. Please check your printer documentation to find the closest match. Please check our website for our latest software and template updates.