Install and Use Newsbin Pro 3.0 in 8 Easy Steps 1) Run nb301.exe (or unzip if you downloaded the zip file) and select which directory you want Newsbin Pro to reside. If you have previously installed Newsbin 2.29 or older, install Newsbin Pro 3.0 in a new directory. You may copy your signature.dat file into the new directory so Newsbin Pro will not download files you have already downloaded with older versions of Newsbin. 2) Create a shortcut from your desktop for nbpro.exe, navigate from your "My Computer" icon to the directory where you saved Newsbin Pro and double-click on nbpro.exe, or run nbpro.exe from a DOS window. 3) Make sure you have a connection to the internet established. 4) If this is the first time running Newsbin, a series of help screens will be displayed to help you specify a News Server and select some news groups. After initial setup, you can add or change your news server under the "Server" button and add or change newsgroups under the "Groups" button. 5) Newsbin defaults in "Auto" mode. This means you just hit the "Go" button and Newsbin will automatically process the groups you selected looking for binaries. If you choose "Manual" mode, you can double- click on a news group in the left window (Groups/Server Window) and a list of headers will be downloaded so you can pick and choose the binaries you want to download. 6) Newsbin defaults to 2 tasks (one thumbnail per task). You can change the number of tasks by clicking the up or down arrow at the left of the thumbnails. The number represented (1-6) represents the number of files that will be simultaneously be downloaded. To maximize your available bandwidth, we recommend 2 for 28.8, 3-4 for ISDN, or all 6 for xDSL, T1, Cable Modems, or other high bandwidth connections. Actual performance depends on your connection speed and your news server. We have saturated a T1 with only 3 threads. You can change these settings on the fly. 7) Use this full featured release of Newsbin Pro 3.0 until for 10 days. You can then purchase a registration key that will diable the nag screens for $35. Previously registered Newsbin users can upgrade for $15. Just check the box on the order form stating you are a registered user and, after verifying you indeed are a registered user, you will receive a new registration key. You can register at 8) If you have any problems, send email to Full documentation is available online at