--------------------------------- Binary Boy Attachment Finder --------------------------------- 1. What is it? 2. System Requirements 3. Installing 4. Uninstalling 5. How to Report Bugs and Suggest Features 6. Distribution Info for FTP sites, CD-ROM Distributors and Sysops 1. What is it? ----------- Binary Boy Attachment Finder searches internet newsgroups for pictures, sounds and other attachments matching your search criteria, then downloads and decodes the files. The adware version is fully functional Freeware. Features: o A scheduler for unattended downloads. o Easy searching and filtering using AND, OR and NOT. o Fast - Typically discards 1,000 or more unwanted articles in minutes on a 28.8k connection. o Search and filter globally, within a list of groups or specific to a newsgroup. o Assembles split uuencoded files. o Decodes MIME base-64. 2. System Requirements ------------------- o Windows 95/98/NT4 o 16megs RAM o 486 or higher processor o 3 megs of disk space for installation. o Several megs for downloaded files. o An internet connection o Access to a standard news server (MSN is not supported in this version) 3. Installing ---------- If the program files came in a ZIP file, extract the files to a temporary folder using an unzip utility, then run setup.exe. WinZip will handle this for you automatically. Click on the 'Open' button and double click on the ZIP file. WinZip will display a list of the files in the archive. Double click on SETUP.EXE. It's best to keep the setup program's default settings by clicking the Next button in each window, then selecting 'Finish' at the end. After you click Finish, Binary Boy should be available from the Start Programs menu. The first time you run Binary Boy, you should enter your news server address and dialing information. Click on the Settings toolbar button and select the 'Server' tab. Check your internet service provider's documentation for the news server address you should use. If you don't have access to a news server, you can find one by clicking on 'Search Yahoo! for News Servers' under the Help menu. When you find a news server, go back to the Settings and type in its address. The address will usually look similar to 'news.myisp.com'. Don't include any extra numbers or quotes. To enable unattended dialing, go to the settings and click on the 'Dialer' tab. Click on 'Use Phonebook Entry' and select the entry to dial, then click OK. Click on 'Help Contents' in the Help menu for more information. 4. Uninstalling ------------ Uninstall by using the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel. Click on the Start button, Settings, then Control Panel. Double-click on the 'Add/Remove Programs' icon. Click on 'Binary Boy Attachment Finder' in the list, then click on the 'Add/Remove' button. 5. How to Report Bugs and Suggest Features --------------------------------------- Report bugs or suggest features on the Binary Boy Info Site: http://www.binaryboy.com Or e-mail to: howard-support@redrose.net 6. Distribution Info for FTP sites, CD-ROM Distributors and Sysops --------------------------------------------------- There are no restrictions on the distribution of the ad version of Binary Boy. Add it to your download section or distribute it however you want. The adware version is available at http://www.binaryboy.com/dlbbad.html