Millenium Bug??

This topic was created by Tracey
[Thu 20 May, 15:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am planning to go to Thailand and Vietnam in early Jan.
2000. Is the Y2K bug going to mess up my plans (ie
reservations, money & general everyday stuff) in SE Asia or
will it just make it "more interesting"?

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 16:24]

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  1. Y2K Bug reply Added by: Ruth (ruth_a_carter
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 20:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    SE Asia is a rule unto itself. It seems to run OK in some kind of strange fashion, you never know quite how. I am also travelling to Asia (India October 99, Thailand December 99 and Vietnam around Feb 99). The main problem is the date 9/9/99 as 9999 is machine code to end all programs.
    Not much help really to your original question, sorry

  2. who cares Added by: pikey
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 21:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think the best spot for Y2K avoidance are countries with
    no computers. I am going to a Laos village( can't decide
    between vang vieng or pakbeng) in late dec 99 & hopefully i
    will be stuck drinking beerlao & laying back amongst
    friendly souls until supposeded crsis dies down. If i was
    spending NYE in thailand I would make sure i have a few big
    rolls of baht in the esky.

  3. Don't Worry (too much) Added by: Brent (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 10:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Y2K is exagerated by IT consultants to charge huge rates (I
    know I am one :-)) My personal opinion on the matter is
    don't let it stop you doing anything. I would take out
    enough money for about a month just in case, if every
    computer is down go old CASH will still work.

  4. Y2K gnat Added by: Farang
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 3:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Since Thailand and Laos use the Buddhist calendar, it's the
    year 2542 here already. So what's all the fuss about Y2K? It
    already happened more than 500 years ago! (Disregarding the
    fact that the 21st century doesn't begin until 2001 ...) And
    Malaysia and Indonesia use the Muslim calendar, which means
    Y2K is more than 600 years in the future.

  5. worst possible scenario Added by: Bryce from Oz
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The worst possible scenario is that the airline company
    that you flew with goes belly-up over the millenium and you
    can't get back home.
    With wages being as low as they are in these countries, you
    will be working for a long time to get the money for
    another ticket home (and remember that your visa will
    probably be only for one month, so may be fined here as
    I heard of someone who couldn't pay for the exit tax
    getting out of Cambodia, so he had to busk (playing his
    harmonica!) for 15 days to rake the cash to get out! The
    problem was that the money he earned each day barely paid
    for his accomodation for each night!
    Don't take the risk. Stay at home over the millenium.

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