nite life in siagon

This topic was created by jimbo
[Fri 21 May, 1:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i am off to siagon for a week and need information about the
nightlife and reasonable shopping centres.
any tips on bar hopping and coming out alive will be

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 2:27]

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  1. 24 hr money spending in HCMC Added by: Dani
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The "exclusive" ones ($2-5 for a beer, fancy decorated, lots of expat office rats) are located in a
    cluster from about southern 5-6 blocks of Hai Ba Trung street and 3-4 blocks eastwards.
    The casual ones for backpackers are located around Pham Ngu Lao and De Tham streets.
    Then, of course, lots of them scattered all over, especially karaoke-bars.
    "Classy" shops at Le Loi, Nguyen Hue streets and there about. Cheaper at the backpack area. But
    then again, there's a shop of some sort in almost every house in HCMC, so I think you'll be
    Bar hopping survival tip:
    Unfortunatelly, there are a-holes at night cruising the "exclusive" bar area (as above) looking for
    an easy score = a dead drunk foreigner. So stay conscious and don't bring more money than you can
    lose ($30-40 is plenty for a night on the roll).
    Fortunatelly, it's much better down at the backpack area.

  2. REX Added by: Rick (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 8:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lest we forget, its pricey but the bar on the 5th floor of
    the REX hotel is not only famous but it also has a great
    view of the city, plus birds and x-mas tree lites hung
    around everything. Hint: have dinner on the inside
    resturant, and drinks out side, prices are almost half.
    Hi Dani, you about ready to get on a plane aren't you, have
    fun, wish I was going back with ya. The way things look, I
    might even miss TET this year, first time since 89. That
    reminds me, on a earlier post you indicated 6-7 Feb as TET
    dates, haven't looked it up but thought it was late Jan
    this year from what I read last year.

  3. Saigon Saigon Added by: Danangian (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 12:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Since the demise of the Q-Bar which was the coolest night
    spot in Saigon the "in-crowd" have moved over to the Saigon
    Saigon bar on the top floor of the Caravelle Hotel.
    It has better atmosphere, better view and better prices than
    the tired old Rex across the road. Most nights there is
    live music and you can sit outside and look down on the
    busiest intersection in HCMC.
    One tip : watch out for the working girls who cruise the
    perimeter of the bar like sharks. At 12 midnight they all
    dash inside and sit with (or on) any prospective client.
    Another tip: if you're coming to Danang try to Christies
    Restaurant - I own it!!

  4. TET Added by: rick
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 15:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You got it Dani, 5 & 6 Feb, why I thought it was towards
    end of Jan beats me.

  5. Hullo, Ricky boy & consortes Added by: Dani
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 16:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1. I thought you were there? No?
    2. That bl---y lunar year has always confused me, too. So, finally I bookmarked
    these are not as good as another site I checked some months ago, but then I didn't have the wit to
    bookmark it, and now I don't know where it is.

  6. Try this one Added by: Rick (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 16:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Got a good one with pictures at a VNI software site, put it
    on my desk top, don't ask why I only need it for one event
    a year "TET". No I'm not there, you forgot I'm in Japan.

  7. My favorites... Added by: Nadima (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 2:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Saigon Saigon on top of the Caravelle is quite nice, but it
    is not all that happening, it is more of a sophisticated
    place to go for a nice drink with a gorgeous view of the
    city. A friend of mine sings there, and it is mostly soft
    rock. It depends who you are talking about when you say
    the 'in-crowd'. A lot of the trendy socialites hang out at
    this place....
    If you want a laid back atmosphere with a lot of fun and
    crazy people then the Gecko Bar on Hai Ba Trung is a great
    place to head at about 11:00-12:00. This is my favorite
    hangout as it seems to be the closest thing to what I would
    find back home. Everyone is friendly, the owners quite
    often give out free drinks, they have wacky theme nights,
    funky music, and everybody always ends up pushing the
    stools aside and dancin'! Great place to start.
    Of course after the Gecko, a lot of us move on to
    Apocolypse now which is kind of sleazy, but a good place to
    dance with no cover charge. There is a nice outdoor area
    to have a beer and snacks, and a pool table as well.
    HOwever, this is bar girl central! It if fun to go there
    with a group of people.
    A newer dance spot that is becoming popular is the
    Pharoah's Cave on Hai Ba Trung St. It is not always busy,
    but some Saturday nights it is hopping. There is a live
    band that plays there with plents of space to dance. Not
    too bad.
    There is also Gossip, but that has a huge cover charge! 8
    US$. There is a Philipino band that plays there, and they
    are pretty good, but it is very loud, and smoky! Also lots
    of bar girls there.
    Globo is also a great bar to go to. It is more of a french
    crowd that goes there, but a wild bunch! There was just an
    African party at Globo the other weekend and the owner
    rented a python for it. We were all taking turns wearing
    For a good night on the town I recommend going to check out
    Saigon Saigon first for a nice view of the city, then hop
    over to Gecko and then Apocolypse. If you are in Saigon on
    a Friday night than also check out Globo that is the night
    it is hopping.
    Oh how could I forget. The Blue Gecko on Ly Tu Trong St.
    is also a cool little bar to start out with for drinks.
    There is also a funky live band who plays there...a lot of
    REM and U2 stuff.
    Hope that helps some.

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