
This topic was created by Andrew
[Tue 11 May, 8:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

For those that have traveled long term in Asia -- do you do
your own laundry, or do you typically pay somebody (guest
house owner, laundromat) to do it? If so, is this
expensive? Have you found it better to bring along some
Woolite and do your own?
Thank you.

[There are 18 posts - the latest was added on Fri 14 May, 3:02]

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  1. laundry Added by: jim
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 9:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well If your G.H. does not do it then it is
    easy (and very cheap) to find somwhere that does. ( I'm only
    talking about Thailand here but I suspect its the same all
    over.) I guess you could do your own, washing powder can of
    course be bought easily of course so you can decide when you
    arrive about all this really.

  2. laundry Added by: rich
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 12:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A lot of guest houses in Thailand will do laundry. If not,
    they'll tell you where to take it. Commercial laundries can
    be found in most touristy areas although they vary in how
    long they will take. As a last resort, you can always find
    one-use packets of shampoo at the local market (or at many
    guest houses) and do it yourself---works as well as
    woolite. I've been able to find places that do laundry in
    Laos and Cambodia, as well. If you're going well off the
    beaten path, it may pay to invest in some featherweight
    clothes that will dry quickly when you need this (e.g., see
    ex-officio's website for examples, REI and LL Bean sell
    decent knockoffs that are cheaper).

  3. go on, it's a wind up Added by: alan whicker
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 13:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    woolite and all

  4. Travelling light Added by: Colonial man
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 17:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I employ a cleaning boy who travels with me with the
    express task of cleaning my clothes he is number 9 in my
    group of locally employed slaves
    All at a dollar a day
    1. Valet to take charge of all the locals I will employ
    2. Translator who knows the local dialects donÆt want to
    lower myself and not speak English
    3. Tall boy to hold a umbrella to keep my fair skin out of
    the sun
    4. 4 baggage handlers (15 if I am travelling with my wife)
    5. Houseboy to look after my hotel room
    6. Driver in case the taxis are to dirty (must hire a
    stretch limo)
    7. Personal manservant to wash and clean my delicate body
    8. Personal cook just in case they cannot cook western
    food who wants to eat all that rice
    9. Laundry boy
    10. 3 armed guards
    11. Personal trainer
    12. Astrologer
    As you can see I employ loads of locals injecting money
    into the local economies
    Either Andrew is incredibly stupid hence I would not let
    him out of his own country
    Or as Alan Wicker would say ôitÆs a wind upö

  5. Laundry Added by: Washerwoman
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 20:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you pay my airfare and expenses you will not have to worry. I will bring my own woolite (what's woolite?) and will wash your clothes before they are even dirty. I will even iron them...while they are still on your body if you like!
    Me velly good washerwoman
    (Not scrubber)

  6. Courier laundry service Added by: Natty Dresser
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 20:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would add a few other options for the laundry service by
    Colonial Man.
    There was a time in the past when there was a service to
    mail the laundry to either Paris or London from S
    America/Brazil during the rubber boom (turn of this
    DHL courier does have a service in most SEA countries,
    where u could mail your laundry for a same day service and
    return by courier (to London, Paris or to Andrew's favorite
    laundry in Wagga wagga). This could be doone during your
    onward journey. Say, if you mail in KL your may collect in
    Does Andrew require his clothes
    - on a hanger or folded after ironing?
    -low/med/high starched?
    (as most 5* hotels would like to know?)
    If there are many other Andrews requiring this service, DHL
    may start a special laundry run. Laundering may be done in
    London but Andrew may trust the locals to iron. Wagga wagga
    sounds like the centre of the universe, where the rich and
    the famous reside!.
    If on the other hand Andrew likes to do his own laundry, if
    backpacking, here is a practical tip.
    Most wash basins leak and the stoppers are ineffective to
    hold the water for any duration, to soak the clothes in
    soapy water. I use a few large plstic bags, one inside the
    other ,placed inside the wash basin, to soak the clothes.ND

  7. Courier laundry service Added by: Natty Dresser
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 20:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would add a few other options for the laundry service by
    Colonial Man.
    There was a time in the past when there was a service to
    mail the laundry to either Paris or London from S
    America/Brazil during the rubber boom (turn of this
    DHL courier does have a service in most SEA countries,
    where u could mail your laundry for a same day service and
    return by courier (to London, Paris or to Andrew's favorite
    laundry in Wagga wagga). This could be doone during your
    onward journey. Say, if you mail in KL your may collect in
    Does Andrew require his clothes
    - on a hanger or folded after ironing?
    -low/med/high starched?
    (as most 5* hotels would like to know?)
    If there are many other Andrews requiring this service, DHL
    may start a special laundry run. Laundering may be done in
    London but Andrew may trust the locals to iron. Wagga wagga
    sounds like the centre of the universe, where the rich and
    the famous reside!.
    If on the other hand Andrew likes to do his own laundry, if
    backpacking, here is a practical tip.
    Most wash basins leak and the stoppers are ineffective to
    hold the water for any duration, to soak the clothes in
    soapy water. I use a few large plstic bags, one inside the
    other ,placed inside the wash basin, to soak the clothes.ND

  8. Courier laundry service Added by: Natty Dresser
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 20:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would add a few other options for the laundry service by
    Colonial Man.
    There was a time in the past when there was a service to
    mail the laundry to either Paris or London from S
    America/Brazil during the rubber boom (turn of this
    DHL courier does have a service in most SEA countries,
    where u could mail your laundry for a same day service and
    return by courier (to London, Paris or to Andrew's favorite
    laundry in Wagga wagga). This could be doone during your
    onward journey. Say, if you mail in KL your may collect in
    Does Andrew require his clothes
    - on a hanger or folded after ironing?
    -low/med/high starched?
    (as most 5* hotels would like to know?)
    If there are many other Andrews requiring this service, DHL
    may start a special laundry run. Laundering may be done in
    London but Andrew may trust the locals to iron. Wagga wag

  9. Thanks Added by: Andrew
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 1:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To those who took my post seriously, as it was intended,
    many thanks for the info, it helped.

  10. Do it yourself Added by: Lana
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 5:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We did it ourselves...had to wait too long and if it rained
    we had to wait longer to get it back. We did a little
    every day as soon as we arrived at a guesthouse...take a
    universal drain stopper and you can purchase bar laundry
    soap at any store.

  11. amazing... Added by: rich
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 12:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A newbie asks a concrete, newbie question and gets crapped
    on.....Many other people ask vague, uninformed questions
    like "what can I do in Thailand" and they're taken
    seriously. In the end, this all reflects rather badly on
    the would-be humorists here more than on Andrew.

  12. Ya Ya Added by: gart
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 14:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wash your own underwear and socks. When all the rest of your
    crap is dirty, pay someone else to wash it.

    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 22:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The point I am going to make is this
    Bring soap powder to Asia!
    What does Andrew think the local population washes their
    clothes in? Mud / Goats urine / DonÆt bother to wash their
    clothes at all?
    These sort of questions deserve a good slamming if he had
    thought it through and asked a more sensible question he
    would get a sensible answer
    Do you want people like this wandering around Asia with
    100kg Backpacks carrying everything like the idiot at the
    bottom of this thread of the thorn tree?
    But then again if you are the infamous rich of richly
    travel you would want someone like this just more victims
    to prey on.

  14. Colonial Man Added by: Jennifer
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 1:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well you are a mean, nasty, antagonistic and unkind piece
    of work, aren't you? Does it give you some sort of pleasure
    to see the worst and not just simply offer advice to a new
    traveler, even if he is ignorant in his question?
    He will learn, as you did, but hopefully he will be a lot
    more kind when he returns by offering advice, not
    beratement. Take your negativity and nastiness elsewhere,
    this is a supportive site, and people like you with their
    mean and bitter remarks make it rotten.

  15. I agree Added by: Emily
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 4:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The poster's question is not the problem here, it's this
    wanker's responses. We should pity people like Colonial
    Man, he is obviously quite a prick.

  16. it's still a wind up Added by: alan whicker
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 9:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i bet it's Kyaw making all the postings!!!

    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 17:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for the compliment Emily
    Wanking is without doubt the safest form of sexual relief
    in this current climate of HIV/AIDS
    Just been announced yesterday AIDS is the No1 killer in
    Africa now
    As to the soap powder slamming its still a stupid question
    has Andrew bothered to buy a guidebook?
    Has he started to read it?
    Small things jump out at you like maps with supermarkets /
    day markets / superstores etc what do you think is sold
    If you bother to follow this site you get the same stupid
    questions offered again and again even to the point where
    their maybe a similar posting lower down in the thorn tree
    just use the scroll bar
    Cases in point
    1. Current travel situation in Cambodia
    2. How wonderful is Khoa San road
    3. Cheap trekking in the north of Thailand
    4. What to take in my backpack
    5. How Good / Bad is myanmar
    6. How to get from the airport to?
    7. Where to buy counterfeit goods in?
    8. Cheap tailors
    9. Will my ATM card work in?
    10. WhatÆs the weather like in?
    11. Larium vs. Doxycycline
    12. Cheap flights in BKK
    But my all time favorite is can I pay for everything in
    Asia with US dollars with shall I take soap Powder with me
    a close second
    if you have a serious question i can answer i will answer it
    but i will continue to slam stupid questions !

  18. Hm Added by: Emily
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 3:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Looks like I was right. Thanks for the confirmation, CM.

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