Transporting Bicycles

This topic was created by Rick
[Thu 20 May, 9:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I will be taking a bicycle to Thailand later in the
year.Having never taken a bike with me before, could anyone
give me any tips or advice on taking it on airlines and
through customs etc.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 16:19]

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  1. So Easy Added by: Angkana
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 14:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, Rick
    Just bring your bicycle to the airport before you check in
    and release the air in the tires. They will just load in
    for you. Maybe it's better to inform them earlier about the
    dimension of the bicycle when you confirm/book the flight.
    They will calculate the weight with your luggage as well.
    If the total weight is higher than what you are allowed,
    then you have to pay the excess luggage fee.

  2. so easy Added by: mat
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 12:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is that easy but be careful! I watched my friends bicycle
    get snagged on the first corner of the luggage carrier at
    Pochentong airport in Phnom Penh after he carefully taped up
    all the bits. broken cable ties flew everywhere. It is
    definately worth going to a bike shop and getting one of the
    boxes that the bikes are shipped and sold new in. It takes a
    little while to strip it down and get it in (about 30 mins
    usually) but it travels heaps better. also they won't want
    to check your tire tubes for drugs and stuff like that
    either when it's in a box cos it's more hassle for them. And
    it's easy to get a box from pretty much any country with no
    language skills or anything. just go to the bike shop. I've
    taken my bike on quite a few international flights like this
    and have never had a problem. It'll probably show up in a
    differant place to your other luggage at bangkok tho. . .

  3. they don't like it Added by: Bryce from oz (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have transported my bicycle on many different airlines
    and each company has different rules. It also seems to be
    that things are quite negotiable here as well.
    For example, when I turned up at Sydney airport with my
    bicycle to board a Japan Airlines flight (they knew in
    advance), I was told that I couldn't take my bicycle on the
    plane. This was midly upsetting to say the least as my
    purpose of this trip WAS to cycle.
    I found out later that what the woman really meant was "you
    can take the bicycle on the plane, but I feel a bit pissed
    off right now and can't be bothered finding the box that is
    reserved for you". After a telephone call to the company,
    the box appeared. The moral of the story is "no doesn't
    necessarily mean no". Be prepared for a hostile reception
    at the airport (airlines like people with suitcases and
    suits and ties). Be ready to negotiate (and lie if
    necessary) and don't take no for an answer.
    PS I don't want anyone flaming my post - those who have
    done lots of cycling around the world will know what I mean.

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