Accomodation finders at Bangkok airport

This topic was created by R
[Wed 26 May, 8:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Does anyone know what time the travel agent / accomodation desk at the Bangkok airport arrival area closes?
Last year, I found them to be very useful in finding incredibly good value accomodation, well below prices we could've negotiated for ourselves. I'd like to use them again this year, but am not arriving in Bangkok till 11pm.
Thanks for advice.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 13:18]

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  1. Find your own accomidation and save some $$$ Added by: james (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I came in to BKK at 1 am and the desk was still open. i am
    assuming they are a 24 hr operation, but to be quite honest
    with you my impression was'nt the same as yours. I found the
    accomidations way to expensive, and the locale of the hotel
    was in the Bangkok boonies. i myself am a budget traveller
    and from what i saw the accomidations they were soliciting
    were not on the budget scale. Good luck!

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