Out of the way places in Burma

This topic was created by Si
[Wed 26 May, 2:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I need some advice on where to go in Burma that's off the usual tourist track. Are Hsipaw and Lashio worth going to? Are there "better" places that are also relatively easy to get to by road/boat? I'd rather not have to fly if possible. Leaving in a few days.
Thanks for any info!

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 13:41]

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  1. Yes, but. Added by: Rhonda
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, those place scan be reached and are worth it, but
    transportation over there might be difficult/cost (bridges
    are out so indivual transportation costs) you a lot, also I
    found that the farther you get from the tourist route the
    more you pay for accomodation (10 US$ for a 2x2 dump with a
    fan was the cheapest I could get in Mawlamyine, only 3
    hotels accept foreigners there). But perhaps I was unlucky..

  2. Off Track Added by: Drew (andreww@qualcomm.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 3:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you are going to go off the beaten track in the monsoon
    season, be careful. I went to Mawlamine in the Monsoon
    season and was trapped as 3 bridges (and several vilages)
    were washed out between myself and Bago. Yes, Mawlamine
    hotel prices are outrageous for some reason. I don't think
    they are high because they are "off the beaten track". It's
    just a place that has been under MHT control for a long time
    and doesn't know enough about the economic downturn to stop
    screwing foreigners. Just a few miles away from Mawlamine,
    I got a Bungalow in Thaton for 1500 Kyat. Being that this
    is the Monsoon season, you may want to go off the beaten
    track, but still in the center of the country. There is
    usually less rain around Mandalay than down in the Delta.
    That would mean Monywa and Shwebo could be good choices.
    Maybe take the boat to Bhamo. All in all, Lashio looks good
    (not in delta region, reasonablly safe transportation),
    unless you wanted to play it safe and just explore the heart
    of the dryzone better (Magwe, Toungoo, Meiktila).

  3. let's be specific Added by: diogenes (diogenes_the_man@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes they are. Hsipaw because it's a nice town in a
    lovely setting that hasn't lost it's old world charm. Lashio
    for the drive to the town. The town itself is a bit of a
    Be warned the road is very bumpy. The best way to get there
    is by Lashio taxi from either Mandalay or Maymyo. These are
    special taxis that ply between the two. If you rent your own
    and pay the driver a bit extra you can get him to stop where
    YOU want not where he wants. it's only 150 miles to lashio
    but it takes most of the daylight to get there. if you stay
    in Hsipaw you might need to get a second taxi from there.
    I doub't if the road would be washed out this time of year.
    This is a strategic road and most of the bridges are Bailey
    bridges anyway put in after the regular bridges were washed
    out. i've driven this road and would do it again.

  4. Visa's for VN & Burma Added by: Dog (Jeradmelgard@hotmail)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am planning on arriving in Bankok in two weeks. I wish to
    travel over to VN. Do I need to line up the Visa before I
    arrive? Also, can I travel freely once I arrive and what is
    the usual time granted a traveler? What is true for Laos &

  5. Can you aviod the us$300 currency exchange at the airport? Added by: Jeff (jwc_naga@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm planning on going to Burma/Mayanmar at the end of June
    and want to try to minimise the amount of my money that goes
    to SLORC.
    Any other advice regarding this matter would be appreciated.
    thanks Jeff.c

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