Visit a Go Go Bar

This topic was created by Expat Rat
[Sun 21 Feb, 22:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

This is a true story. Five years ago I was on a student
exchange program in Thailand doing research. One of the
other American students, a bright and attractive young lady,
was writing a research paper about Prostitution in Thailand.
Her point of view was basically the same as Froggy's,
Mattie's, et al. that prostitution in Thailand was a
phenemonen that involved indentured servitude, female and
child exploitation, and catered primarily to decadent
Western (and Chinese) men. When I asked her how she was
conducting her research, she explained that she was doing it
in the library. I politely suggested that it might be a
good idea to go to a "Go Go Bar", and talk to the women
there about their life and see if it corresponded to her
academic theories. At this point she became somewhat
enraged and told me that she would never NEVER step into
such an establishment. I invite Mattie, Froggy, and all of
their friends to go to a go go bar or a massage parlor and
meet the women who work there and see for how long their
academic theories hold up under the bright glare of the neon
lights, or how long these women are even willing to listen
to Mattie and Froggy. the fact of the matter is the Western
patronage of Prostitution services in Asia is but a blip on
the screen compared to other nationalities. In Thailand the
minimum wage is roughly 200 baht perday. Go go girls and
massage parlors get a fifty percent cut of the "Ka Doo-ah"
literally "body fee", and the tip is all theirs. In Bangkok
a massage parlor fee, on average is 1200 baht, a bar fine is
400 baht. So a woman that services two customers a night at
a Massage Parlor earns 1200 baht, and with an average tip
500, add another thousand, for a grand total of 2200 an
evening, or more than ten times the minimum wage. To add
some perspective on this there are a few brothels with
underage prostitutes who are indentured servants. These,
like most of the underworld activities in Thailand, are
controlled by the police. Prostitution is has been part of
Thai and Asian culture long before the Western sex trade.
And even supposing that Mattie's thesis is correct--that the
Western men that come here are too ugly or undesireable to
"score" in their own country, so what? What is the point?
That they should stay home and suffer so as not to offend
Mattie and Froggy? Do you really believe that no genuine
feelings of affection can occur between a professional and a
customer? These are two human beings coming together in an
intimate situation. I would venture that the majority of
Western men that seek prostitutes in Asia are not primarily
searching for sex, although they may believe that they
are, but are rather searching for companionship. America
and other developed Western countries are often soulless
barren places where it is difficult to connect with other
people. That is why people return to places like Thailand,
where there is still some human warmth. If it makes any
difference, and I don't think it has any bearing on my
arguments at all, I don't use prostitutes because I am
happily married, don't feel the need at this point in my
life, can't spare the money, and my wife would torture me
with guilt if I did.

[There are 106 posts - the latest was added on Tue 20 April, 2:41]

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  1. Other side of the coin Added by: wichanee (
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 1:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bar girls may earn 10 times an evening the minimum wage.
    But there is still the other side of the coin or the story. Most of
    the bar girls may start their trade for so many reasons - poverty
    is the most cited and accepted - but mostly they remain in the
    trade by choice. They have earned so-called easy and
    comfortable living and they would not leave for other kind of
    job,hoping that one day they would earn and save enough
    and retire to the country, if Aids don't get them first.
    Not all young Thai girls from the rural area choose this way out
    of their poverty. When you walk the street of Bangkok or any
    big cities, try to look at the construction workers whose job is
    one of the most dangerous and back-breaking. Look carefully
    and you will see that many of them are young girls. Some are
    pretty enough for Patpong or Nana and they could down tools
    any day and walk over to the mamasan asking for the job. They
    don't. Why? It's their choice. Western researchers who come
    to do the thesis on Prostitution in Thailand would gain some
    insight if they spend time with girls in other profession and hear
    the other side of the story. I would be happy to help. Just e-
    mail me.

  2. Life's not fair Added by: Rhonda
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 2:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hear hear, finally some intelligent comment on the subject.
    Expat argues very well that the reasons why are not so
    shortsighted as some people like Mattie and Froggie think,
    Wichannee's other side of the coin argues for the reasons
    why to enter and not to enter into the business.
    Main lesson : life's not fair, let's try to allow people to
    make the most of life without hurting and judging each
    other too much.
    And this applies to both parties partaking in prostitution
    as well as their critics.

  3. Thailand Added by: Paul
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 8:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    So how many employers care about minimum wages in Thailand
    anyway?? Most of the girls that work in the bars etc seem to
    come from the North East (Buriram, Surin etc) and let me
    tell you that the going rate for 8 back breaking hours in
    the rice fields, rain or shine, is currently between 100
    and 130 Baht a day. Around $US3. The people who go to work
    in Bangkok building sites get around 150 baht daily at the
    moment. Monthly wage for a teenage girl in a hotel/shop is
    around 3000 Baht. About US$80. I know this for a fact
    because I live in Thailand most of the year. Having a young
    Thai wife, and being in Pattaya a lot, I have a lot
    of contact with bar girls, visiting them at home in
    Pattaya with my wife, at their places of work and sometimes
    at their village homes. Frankly, people like 'Mattie' and
    'Froggie' make me want to vomit. No-one forces these girls
    into working in bars, they do it out of choice. (The poor
    souls drugged/kidnapped and kept locked in brothels are
    obviously the exception and deserve any help anyone can give
    them. And yes, it's often police who run these brothels.)
    Fair enough, if the girls stay at home for 100 baht a day,
    (if there is any work for them)they live in what we
    westerners would call poverty, but then so do most of the
    rest of their families and they survive ok. No, they see the
    girls who come back to the villages to visit families,
    wearing gold and nice clothes and realise what kind of money
    they could be making themselves if they went to Pattaya etc.
    Thats why most bar girls in Pattaya seem to come from
    Buriram/Surin etc. Imagine it, a comparison could be an
    English girl living in darkest rural Cornwall with no job or
    money, any man she marries locally will expect her to work
    in the fields for years and will probably womanise and drink
    a lot, probably beat her occasionally if she angers him.
    Then she sees what her friend does.... Goes to London, gets
    taken out every night by handsome millionares (believe me,
    they don't go with anyone they don't want to in
    Pattaya,unless offered too much dosh to refuse and theres
    plenty of young, handsome foreign men there a lot of the
    year) earns $US1500 a week, gets bought gold and nice
    clothes, stays in nice hotels etc and to cap it all may well
    find a husband to take her to Europe to live. Most of my
    wifes friends lives seem to be as I've described.
    Sure, some of girls get old and disease ridden but thats
    like some of us western people who don't plan for the future
    re pensions etc, just live for today until the awful day
    comes when it's too late.
    And as regards people at home thinking badly of them working
    in bars, if they even care, they just say they work in a
    shop or hotel.
    I wonder how many young english girls would succumb to the
    temptation, especially if prostitution was looked at in the
    same way as in Asia.
    I wonder................


  4. Very Good Paul Added by: Bill
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 9:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I too have married a Thai women and she has NEVER been
    involed in prostitution. I agree with everything you say
    because as you I have lived in Thailand and have seen most
    of life there and have been most places. Now I too wish to
    go and live there permenantly, it's just a much more happier
    and fuller life when I stay there. Back here in Australia I
    get sick and tired of hearing our people continually
    degrading and bitching about our migrants, they just seem
    to blame them for everything. If you don't believe me just
    check out the aus.politics newsgroup. Good luck Paul and
    maybe I'll run into you in Pattaya some time.

  5. Let it be Added by: Farang
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 9:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Paul has made many good points. You do hear about cases of
    young or underaged women being forced into this, however
    many people CHOOSE to do this. It's unfortunate that there
    aren't more alternatives where they can make the same kind
    of money. There are a lot of good organizations spreading
    the word about HIV/AIDS and other STD's and Thailand has
    admitted, long ago, that there is a problem, something many
    countries refuse to admit. I beieve women going into
    prostitution are a bit wiser about this issue. If they
    were smart, they would get out before their bodies are "old
    and disease ridden". Thailand's economy, along with many
    Asian countries, has experienced the high times and the low
    times. Having lived there for two years, I found that many
    people have become as materialistic as most westerners. If
    this is how they want to make their money, so be it. It's
    their choice. Unfortunately, some of them don't have a
    choice and I deplore the fact that some of these women are
    'sold' into it. My five baht.

  6. yes yes Added by: Gary
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 12:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with the original post and most of the other
    comments. When you live in Thailand the truth of the matter
    is all around you. Too bad that the western media and
    academics are too shallow to do their own research. It is
    pretty obvious what western women would be doing if born
    into a third world economy--just check out the former USSR
    citizens that "hook-up" to the survival game.

  7. Yep, some good points made Added by: Froggy - with a "Y"
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 12:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    But also the same old story. Responses;
    Expat Rat; offend me? Their postings don't offend me, they
    annoy me. I am not easily offended. I am not, as you seem to
    have cast me, a puritan by any means. I have been to a
    massage parlour and, in fact, have lead a fairly interesting
    life. I am not naive, having left home at 15 I am now 40. I
    find it exceptionally difficult to believe that anyone doing
    a thesis about people would do it in a library - if so they
    wouldnt' pass I can assure you, so I think this is a made up
    Paul; so you have a "young thai wife" - that's nice for you.
    So what? Yes its all so easy isn't it? You are a man, so
    how the hell can you associate with what its like to be a
    female prostitute? Have you ever had to sell your ass? No I
    doubt it - its alright for them isn't it, as long as its not
    you. I just disagree with you on the basic premise of what
    constitutes choice. I don't see economic hardship as choice.
    Paul; why would you negate that your Thai wife would have
    ever been involved in prostitution? I wouldn't have made
    that connection. Don't agree totally with someone based on
    where they say they have lived - that's dumb.
    And Gary baby; well that's it isn't it. "What western women
    would do...." We still put down and sell women. Not men.
    Just women. Don't you get it?
    All you men on this page just can not make the distinction
    that you will never be in this position. You are safe to
    posture on this issue, you and your sons, (and hopefully
    your daughters)won't be effected. You are the users of the
    service and never will be expected to become the servicers.
    Safe, smug, western thinking guys.

  8. Choice... Added by: wichanee (
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 13:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The peer pressure in the villages may send the girls to Pattaya
    as you have experienced. Another side of the story is that I
    have a maid at home who is from Surin -a pretty enough girl
    who could have gone to Pattaya on the first bus out of the
    eastern terminal. Her choice is to earn her living the best way
    she can wsith her unskilled,uneducated background and her
    choices are limited to be in the range of being a house maid,a
    construction worker, a factory hand,etc. She considers herself
    lucky to get a housemaid job, earning Bht 4,000.-a month and
    with her free time she took the external education programme
    provided by the government to advance her career and even
    asks me to teach her to cook so that she may become a
    housekeeper one day. My point is that the maid has her
    choice to succumb under peer pressure from her service
    trade friends and follow suit. She didn't. Why? Because she
    believes that her life should gravitate in another direction.
    There are millions of poor girls out there, if given a choice and
    adequate education or basic training,who would prefer other
    kind of job even if it pay s less. Contrary to your popular belief,
    some dirt-poor girls still possess what we call 'self-respect'or
    'dignity'. Our culture,no matter how materialistic it has become,
    still looks down on the sersvice trade as 'undignified'.
    Ironic,isn't it?

  9. to froggy... Added by: female perspective
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 13:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...have you ever been a prostitute? If not, your last posting is rather hypocritical.
    I have not been a prostitute, but last night I spent four hours fighting my way out of what was nearly a date-rape situation. Today, the guy had the nerve to call and appologise, like that was going to fix things.
    So, I'm not in the mood to defend men's rights with regards to sex right now, but even so, I believe a woman gets the right to choose her profession. If you take away her right to say "yes", you're just as bad as that bastard last night who tried to take away my right to say "no".
    think about it.

  10. some truth, some nonsense Added by: rich
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 15:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This thread contains some truth, but many misconceptions. I
    used to do HIV reserach in Thailand and got to know some of
    the sex workers through friends who worked with NGOs.
    The women who work with Westerners tend to be from the NE
    and tend to come from "broken marriages". There isn't much
    peer pressure. They make a "good living", but the money
    isn't as regular as some posters suggest and when you get
    used to having "big money" come in once awhile, you spend
    it. Many women come in with the intention of making a pile
    and going home. Most don't. The Israeli sociologist Erik
    Cohen has written extensively about this having done alot
    field work with the women and their clients. There are
    probably many more japanese and Korean customers than
    Westerners. Many Westerners are oil rig workers who live in
    the Middle east or other rather marginal guys. Others are
    "normal" business travelers or expats.
    The indentured servitude occurs in the low cost brothels
    that serve working class Thai men. These women make up most
    of the trade and come mostly from Northern thailand or
    nearby countries. The women from Burma, etc. tend to be
    deceived and coerced. The Thais know what they are getting
    into. The amount of social pressure to join the trade
    varies. It's hard to draw firm generalization about the
    thai women and how much "choice" they actually ahve and how
    much poverty exists in their families--in many cases their
    labor is buying tvs not helping families meet susbsistance.
    There are other kinds of indentured servitude besides sex
    work---this is a country that has "labor unions" or sorts
    (company unions actually), but no real labor movement or
    protection for workers.
    Prostitution is, in a certain sense, no more a part of Thai
    culture than any other. We don't talk much about it in the
    US, but there are is quite a bit of it here and, as in
    Thailand, there are grey areas, like part-timers and those
    who engage in "survival sex".
    Many women conciously choose not to do sex work although
    they could make a lot more than they do as construction
    workers, maids, etc. The values concerning sex work vary,
    even in the areas where most sex workers originate.
    The women in the sex trade are not, for the most part,
    inncocent waifs and such assumptions are as insulting as
    the assumption that choosing sex work is no different for a
    Thai woman than choosing to be a cashier a Central Dept
    Store. One need not visit a go-go bar to get this picture.
    One can also go to EMPOWER or one of the other groups that
    work with sex workers.
    No one has mentioned male sex workers, but they exist, too.
    they are young men from poor areas in the NE and North.
    Their circumstances are similar to those of women who work
    in tourist-oriented venues. It's a bit sexist to forget
    about them.

  11. Less Delicate Points Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 16:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bravo Rich, you have obviously done your homework. Some
    other less dignified points for Froggy and her gaggle, some
    of these women actually enjoy getting laid frequently and
    feel they have found the ideal profession. I would wonder
    Froggy, Mattie, et al, if you would be equally "annoyed" by
    an obese Western woman who travels to Egypt ot other
    Islamic/Middle Eastern country to get HER rocks off. It
    doesn't bother me in the least, because I think human beings
    are entitled to to a Basic Human Right to be touched, loved
    and bonked, regardless of their physical attractiveness.
    Could it be that what bothers you, deep down, Froggy, Mattie
    et al., is that seeing men, some unattractive, receiving
    attention from females outside of their own race/nation
    somehow makes you feel that your own sexual value is
    diminished? Would you prefer that males, especially
    undesireable males, be desperate pathetic creatures so that
    you can fully exercise your Feminine Power over them? In
    regard to your claim that my story about the American
    researcher was made up, No, I don't make up stories Froggy.
    But your accusation seems to be consistent with your habit
    to disregard any facts that do not agree with your
    pre-conceived notions. I apologize for my strong language,
    Froggy and Mattie, and realize that you are both intelligent
    and probably very kind people. Once again, my sincere
    invitation to visit a Go-Go Bar/massage parlor. I am also
    willing to take you there myself--I work very close to

  12. "Rich", post #10; Hear, hear Added by: Dani
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 18:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for opening the door. I've been reading and sometimes participating in fruitless
    "discussions" about this topic innumerous times. One point nobody (especially not women)
    understands is that it goes the other way, too. You ("Rich") are mentioning young boys in Thailand.
    Let me introduce another fact into this debate; the female sex-trips (on a HUGE scale) from
    Europe to, mainly, Gambia in NE Africa. It is EXACTLY a mirror (or opposite if you like) to what
    "Mattie" et consortes are talking about. It would be refreshing to read their viewpoints on the fact
    that singel females, perhaps older and very much "second hand" and that can't get laid back home
    can go there and be courted/bonked by young, black studs.
    I'm looking forward..........................

  13. No right answer Added by: Rand
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 19:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    None of us can really say what's right and what's wrong on this issue. Westerners and easterners have different cultures, different traditions, different laws, different religions, different views, different economies and different lives. Who are we to judge them any more than they are to judge us? I really have no opinion as to whether or not these prostitutes do what they do by choice or not. I have never been in their situation and luckily I never will. What I DO think is that prostitutes are different people just like the rest of us. And here in Europe there are prostitutes that are forced to do what they do - either by threats or by a severe drug prolem, yet there are prostitutes with a far better economy than their clients. There is no easy answer to this - no black and white line. Prostitutes are just like the rest of us, some are extremely unhappy, some not. Personally I don't think I could buy sex from one, knowing that this girl could be one of the unfortunates. That apart - I can't really see what's wrong with prostitution as an occupation. It's just the westerners corrupt christian "moral" that says this is right and this is wrong. In my country it was illegal to be gay only 25 years ago - today that seems silly. 25 years ago it was also a "sin" to have sex without being married...
    Let's face it - we don't have the answer.

  14. Somtam vendors Added by: Newspaper reader
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 21:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Today's Bangkok Post headline: "Somtam vendors' tasty
    Service": " A common sight around Hua Lampong Rail terminus
    are the many attractive somtam vendors wearing their best
    clothes who are earning extra pocket money by engaging in
    the oldest profession inthe world.""As night falls, many of
    them leave their mobile stands for a few hours to have
    dinner with customers, a euphemistic term for selling sex
    and the business is reportedly brisk." Any comments from
    Robert at Richly Travel?

  15. Mostly good discussion Added by: pol
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 5:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Save for some unnecessary but perhaps understandable
    tendency to get worked up, this is a pretty useful
    On the few occasions when I have seen Froggy's posts on this
    subject, I have tended to agree with her but a few months
    ago when I posed a query addressed to her which she ignored
    it. I repeat it here in brief: what should men (the above
    discussion suggests the possibility of women too) who are
    just unable have normal social contact or who are for some
    reason unable to get into a relationship with the opposite
    sex, do?
    A related query: is physical contact unaccompanied by social
    interaction pure anathema? Then what about those indulging
    in casual contact, (after drunken parties and so forth? Or
    is that social interaction enough?)

  16. ha! Added by: kate
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 8:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    froggy: just women? that's a laugh.

  17. difference Added by: M.S.
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 10:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wanted to say something to the people who maintain that
    women use prostitutes too; I know this is true BUT you
    cannot convince me that this comprises more than 1 or 2% of
    the overall, worldwide phenomenon. Also, I think there are
    fundamental differences, both physical and psychological in
    the dynamic when men employ female prostitutes, and when
    women employ male ones. Physical, because having someone
    ENTER your body leaves you more vulnerable than doing the
    entering yourself. Guys, think about the difference between
    sex where someone puts something up your ass as opposed to
    when they don't. Which type do you think would leave you
    more psychologically vulnerable? Also, physically, you are
    at much more of a risk of contracting STD's if you are being
    entered, this is an undisputed fact. Yes, some female
    prostitutes use condoms. Others DO NOT have this
    possibility. In addition, you cannot say that the world is
    the same for men and women in the realm of prostitution or
    any other. In every country I know of, the women are paid
    significantly lower than men, both because they are denied
    entry into higher paying professions, and because they are
    sometimes paid less money for doing the same job. Men,
    overall, hold much more of the world's wealth than women.
    I'm not saying there aren't exceptions, or that men in
    "developing" nations make more than women in "developed"
    ones, just that a disparity does exist. This means that the
    issue of "choice" becomes very convoluted. And I agree with
    what Froggy said above: it's very easy for (some) men to
    argue that prostitution is OK, harmless when they have never
    had to sell their ass.

  18. you're forgetting... Added by: detroiter
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 12:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... that the majority of male prostitutes cater to a male clientele, not a female clientele.

  19. Sorry Pol Added by: Froggy
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 13:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Probably didn't ignore it, sometimes I just don't log in for
    a while. Lately I have been having a boring time at work -
    and it shows in my preparedness to engage in these often
    useless arguments!!
    I do agree with Rand that we don't have the answer. But in
    an attempted answer to your question; I actually don't have
    a problem with prostitution per se. I get equally upset
    when people assume that I am a moralist or a bloody
    Christian - my opinions have totally nothing to do with
    either - I do not subscribe to the Christian fables in any
    way at all. My problem is that this erstwhile SEA Travel
    page keeps getting filled up with questions about how to got
    to get cheap sex. Which smacks of imperialism to me, as I
    still don't accept that economic hardship constitutes a
    choice. So people who fit the category you discuss Pol are
    quite free to do whatever they like in my opinon, as long as
    it doesn't take unfair advantage of somebody else. Even
    then they can do it, but we don't all find it acceptable.
    Also; "female perspective" - I am disinclined to tell you
    whether I have ever been a prostititute or not - and anyway
    that is somewhat subjective and irrelevant. Sorry about your
    experience but I fail to see how that makes me a hypocrit.

  20. To MS and the Ivory Tower Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 13:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As I noted above, many hookers are just plain old
    nymphomaniacs, and do not feel "vulnerable" at all, but are
    thinking about how sweet life is that they can get paid for
    their favorite hobby. The STD issue is a knee-jerk fall
    back-position when the anti prostitution gaggle realize that
    their other arguments are crumbling. Would they change
    threir position if there were no STD's? Of course not. As
    far as the Great Oppression of Females Worldwide, go to any
    Family Court in the United States, and watch the procession
    of "psycologically vulnerable" men having their paychecks
    and scrotums ritualistically mutilated to the cheers of
    women like Froggy who profess political correctness but are
    actually serving their
    own political/personal/financial/sexual agenda. And this is
    the only type of male ass-penetration that fits the context
    of this conversation. Maybe new carreer direction, Froggy
    and Mattie, Family Court Counselor. You can actually get
    paid for your anti-male rage.

  21. to froggy Added by: Blah blah blah blah
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 14:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    So your interminable questions and self-congratulating blather about
    how you picked out the koh-i-noor diamond in Burma for 50c and
    then got told it was worth blah blah blah, are more worthwhile to
    the great majority of travellers than talking about sex?
    'Smacks of Imperialism'? You don't beleive that economic hardship
    constitutes a choice, why don't you read the postings from
    Wichanee? Economic hardship does NOT force people to become
    Unfair advantage of others? Exactly how is it unfair? Is bargaining
    over the price of a sapphire that you know you can sell for more in
    your home sountry 'taking advantage of people?'
    Engage brain before opening mouth, you new-age anal retentive.

  22. One More Time Froggy Added by: FRoggy
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 14:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The conversation is mostly uselss because you have learned
    nothing from many of the people who are much more educated
    in the subject than you. Most of these women are not being
    Exploited. Reread the posts by especially by Rich, the guy
    worked with them in an NGO for Chrissake. Once again, I
    dare you, double dare you to go to a GoGo Bar/massage parlor
    and test your theories. I will personally take you there.
    This is why you are losing so much credibility here Froggy,
    because you don't address the facts.

  23. Poverty has everything to do with it Added by: mattie
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 19:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is odd how women are more willing to "choose"
    prostitution as their profession of choice when they are
    poorer. If you hadn't noticed, the level of prostitution
    rises in direct proportion to the level of poverty, it has
    been well documented in Britain over the years.
    Recently pimps in Amsterdam were lamenting the lack of Dutch
    women entering the business and saying how they had to rely
    on mainly women from Eastern Europe nowadays. Following a
    familiar pattern of Poverty = prostitution, which includes
    male prostitution - there are scores of little Sri Lankan
    boys from shanty towns selling their asses by the roadside
    as we speak, actively ecouraged by their desperate parents.
    Perhaps there are othere choices, but certainly Poverty
    primes women so that they are more likely to take the
    alternative that they wouldn't necessarily take under more
    favourable circumstances.
    People will do anything when they are poor, and once they
    get used to it of course it will become easier and then you
    might as well do it for a colour TV. The selling of livers
    and corneas is becoming more commonplace in India too,
    people will sell their children sometimes if they have the
    As for a bit of human comfort - I don't know. I've never
    viewed Prostitution as a trade that provides sincere
    emotional support - I thought it was more like 3 minutes on
    a stained mattress. Well if bumming small boys provides you
    with a bit of emotional comfort why not do that too? What
    about all the paedophiles a-la Lolita who genuinely love
    little kiddies and are all lonely and want a hug from a
    little friend?

  24. Dear Mattie Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 20:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Uh, Mattie, genius, ever heard of Heidi Fliess, the
    Hollywood Madame, a few years ago. Clientele and pros all
    well-off or the Mayflower Madame in New York several years
    before that, same deal. It's just that the richer they are
    the more discrete they are, they get arrested less and are
    less visible. My background is middle class, and I have
    known several middle class female friends, and at least one
    male friend, that have experimented turning tricks (through
    escort agencies) in the USA, and they didn't do it out of
    poverty. Many women (and men) love getting laid and are
    even happier to do it for money. Once again, my invitation,
    come to my hometown, and test your liberal artsey theories
    out on the bar girls here. (And incidentally, as has been
    pointed out to you innumerable times, but you fail to
    listen, the majority of prostitution here is aimed at Thai
    and other Asian men, and not Westerners) Just see how long
    these women are even willing to listen to your fantastic
    theories. You're a stereotypical PC male basher. Try an
    original thought occasionally.

  25. Somtam Vendors Added by: Robert (
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 20:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    see article at
    As a regular in the area I see this a lot.
    I've had a bit of dinner with them and sometimes stop for a
    drink, but the pinkish booze they're pushing is truly awful
    stuff. This is almost purely a local scene, in 5 months
    have seen only one lost looking farang sitting with them.
    Not surprising as none seems to speak any English.
    Haven't taken one out yet, as I'm still sorting out the
    obvious-mercenary-whores and several are obviously in the
    too-embarrassed-to-talk class. Working my way around the
    circle slowly. This may take awhile on a once a week basis
    but its more fun for me than say, Buckskins, where the
    invitation to foreplay is a hand thrust down your pants.
    Early evening this is mostly semi-pro action. You must,
    in effect, court the lovely as she feeds you.
    Some deliciously pretty girls!

  26. reply Added by: female perspective
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 0:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    froggy --
    your quote (above was):
    "...You are a man, so how the hell can you associate with what its like to be a female prostitute? Have you ever had to sell your ass?...All you men on this page just can not make the distinction that you will never be in this position."
    The reason it's hypocritical if you've never been a prostitute yourself is because you've accused the men of being unable to relate due to a lack of experience when you yourself have never had the experience. If you HAVE had the experience, you can at least state that YOUR experience with prostitution was unpleasant, but this still says nothing about the experience of the prostitute in general. You're also mixing your terms to lend strength to your argument. First, you refer to "female prostitutes" and then to "selling your ass." No man could truly relate to being female, period, anymore than we could relate to being male. However, this does not lead to men being unable to relate to "selling their ass." You refer to my comments as being "subjective and irrelevant", and certainly my recent personal experience can be deemed as such. However, my "hypocritical" reference still holds as both objective and relevant.
    Mattie --
    Above, you state:
    "It is odd how women are more willing to 'choose'
    prostitution as their profession of choice when they are
    I would like to point out that women are also more likely to choose to be waitresses when they're poorer. The pay is good, and you don't need to know much going in. I knew a woman who paid her way through medical school working as a topless dancer. The pay was good, and the late hours fit her schedule. Many med school students sell their blood at blood banks. Another woman I know danced at a strip bar and paid for her entire undergraduate degree this way. It's great when you have other options, or if you're willing to live with lesser options. Some people are just more ambitious than others, and are willing to pay a steep price to get what they want.

  27. What a tangled web we weave Added by: Rhonda
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 6:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm glad the entire issue is put into an american perspec-
    tive, not that it is relevant or applies to the asian situa-
    tion, but at least the shallow ones will be content in
    their disilliusional view of things as they would like them
    to be...
    I really didn't meet any asian prostitues who aspired a
    career, just girls who wanted to find financial security or
    some extra spending money... no noble causes... sorry to
    shatter your dreams...

  28. Now, I'm confused Added by: pol
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 7:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Froggy, I kind of have the wind taken out of my sails when
    you say you've no problem with prostitution per se.
    My problem is this: can one make a case for moral and
    ethical understanding of recourse to it? That presumes --
    and is it important that there should be this presumption --
    that some people voluntarily choose to sell such services.
    The above discussion (sorry, guys) fails to confince me that
    that is the case.
    (In other words I seem to be voting with Wichanee, Froggy
    and Mattie, dispite the at times ingenious arguments against
    them.) Of course, the vitriol accompanying this discussion
    clouds rational exchange, but as I said earlier, it seems
    unavoidable in this site.

  29. Thai women in Canada Added by: Apple (Ple)
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 7:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a Thai female studying doing an undergraduate degree in
    Canada. Having had the luck to be born into a upper class
    family I use to look upon the prositutes as "immoral" and
    wish westerns would not consider my county as a sexual
    playground. We would never mention the prositutes or speak
    about sex.
    I always wondered what was going through there minds when I
    saw an older farang walking around hand in hand with a young
    Thai women. I knew these women were prositutes and turned
    my back to them. I did not want to see it.
    I decided on a trip back home to do an honours project on
    the subject. With the help of a farang friend, I visited
    the patpong for the first time in my life and asked the
    other white men there opinion of Thai women and men.
    Interesting enough they thought we were all easy.
    Incidently 75 percent of my friends are waiting for
    marriage. I do not know where these figures that the
    western books get.
    I then took the report one step further and wrote a section
    from the Thai prositute point of view. Most of them on
    patpong were from the Cambodia side, although many were from
    up north. Most came to BKK to get away to the big city.
    Once there they needed money to be entertained. Bangkok is
    very expensive to party. With so much to do I ,like the
    prositutes want to do everything all of the time. We eat
    out with firends everyday, go dance at the techno bar. We
    want everything.
    With only six years education, prositution is the only way
    they can afford to do these things. Most of them hated
    having sex with the fat westerners. But they know that they
    had to do it. They are not doing it to survive but because
    they want everything.
    They are a mixture of people. SOme were very smart and
    could write/ speak very well. Others could not. Most were
    very friend when I was with a White person. On my own they
    were not.
    Even as a thai, I speak Thai it is hard to know what it is
    like for them. I still wish it would stop. I love
    thailand to much to see this. When you are there remember
    me and them, please treat them with respect.

  30. Bangkok Added by: Stickman (
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 12:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For a viewpoint on prostitution plus life in Thailand from
    an expat currently residing in Bangkok, check out the
    following no-nonsense page:

  31. thanks, Apple Added by: female perspective
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 12:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that's the most well-rounded view so far. I agree with Apple's point that some people want more, and are willing to do what it takes to get what they want.
    Rhonda, my point wasn't that Thai prostitutes are saving money for college. I was trying to show that EVERYbody who engages in occupations in the sex industry is not poor, lower-class, and uneducated (to counter Froggy/Mattie). However, most people who work in the sex industry do so because the pay is better than the local going rate for unskilled, transient labor. They want "something more", whether that be fancy clothes and nightclubs, a better way of life (outside work), drugs, or a college education, and they're willing to accept the risks and unpleasant aspects associated with the sex industry.
    I'd imagine most of them wouldn't be interested in being "saved" from their jobs, unless that salvation came with living expenses. Apple, you mentioned the prostitutes were friendly when you were with a white person, but not when you were alone. I'd guess they'd be friendly -- and willing to tell a sad story -- to anyone who appears affluent, generous and sympathetic. I'd imagine they recognised you as an upper-class Thai woman, and knew they wouldn't get sympathy -- or financial assistance.

  32. Thai perspective Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 13:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have lived in Thailand for four years, and I reside with
    my Thai wife and Thai family. I also speak Thai, and love
    Thailand. Unlike Apple, I am not from an upper class
    Thai family that has been taught to disdain prostitutes. I
    would venture to guess that I have spent quite a bit more
    time in Go Go bars than you. Why is it necessary to say
    "Fat" Western men? A bit of racism there? Or are you
    trying to distinguish them from "thin" Western men, or fat
    Thai and Asian Men? Even supposing you're story is true,
    what is a lower status country girl working in a bar going
    to reply to a question from an upper class foreign educated
    Thai who asks her, "How do you feel about bonking Fat
    Unattractive Older Foreigners?" By the way, APPLE, did you
    go to any local Op Awp Nuats or down to Lumpini Park one
    evening to ask the girls how they felt about bonking older
    drunk fat Thai men? It seems to me your western education
    has caused you to absorb the same anti-White male PC-ness
    that has affected the brains of Mattie and Froggy. What
    about the Arab and Black men on Nana, any comment?
    Rhonda: I'm not sure what your point is, about American
    perspective. I was trying to point out that many
    prostitutes go into the business because they like it and
    not out of financial need. And I was providing personal
    stories to serve as cross cultural examples. I have had two
    male friends that went into (primarily) gay prostitution,
    and three female friends that worked for escort
    services. This was in the USA, but I'm sure it could have
    been any country. And these are only the friends I know
    about. They did it because its an easy job to get paid for
    your company, and yes occasionally you have to put up with a
    slob, but not always. They all enjoyed sex, were middle
    class and well educated. In essence, same as with Thai

  33. I apologize Apple, Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 14:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For my harsh language. After re-reading your post, I
    realize that you are essentially agreeing with my original
    position, That the girls are a diverse lot, and are doing
    this out of choice. I guess you're "Fat Westerner" remark
    just pissed me off. I work out every single day, fours days
    with weights, and two days with Muay Thai. I am not fat.
    And I assure you that I don't think that Thai women are
    "easy". I have chosen to live in Thailand because I have
    such great respect for the Thai people and the Thai way of

  34. The Final Conclusion Added by: The Narrator
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 15:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Let me assist you all in concluding these circular
    arguments. Prostitution is the world's oldest profession.
    A famous saying and with good reason. There will always be
    an ample supply and demand. It is not peculiar to
    Thailand. White men are not the chief patrons of this
    service in Thailand, rather Asian and Thai men are
    themselves. Not only women, but also men work in the sex
    trade. It is sexist to say otherwise. The women who are
    involved sometimes, but not always, have more limited
    economic choices than than other women. Some choose the
    life for the money and hedonistic lifestyle. Others choose
    it because of financial goals and/or needs. Some of them
    enjoy getting laid; some don't. All prefer to get laid by
    attractive customers rather than unattractive ones. Some
    customers are attractive; some are not. The women who engage
    in these discussions are never prostitutes themselves.
    Women who are NOT prostitutes generally disapprove of
    FEMALE prostitution, but not for the reasons they profess.
    Rather, they view their sexual services as a valuable
    commodity, and seeing similar services sold cheaply devalues
    their own perceived sexual worth. Therefore these women
    must condemn the services anyway they can, whether these
    women are Asian or Western.

  35. Apple (Ple) Added by: Bill
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 15:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your comments got my blood boiling a bit. I am 38 and my
    Thai wife of 40 have been married for 9 years now. We love
    Thailand but the one thing that does piss me off a little
    there is the ignorance that you also showed in your post.
    You said "I knew these women were prostitutes and I don't
    want to see it so I just turn my back on them" Thanks a lot
    this happens to my wife and I and as I said that really gets
    me going. That is discriminative and wrong, I can assure you
    my wife never has been a prostitute. I wish those Thais like
    you would treat us all like individuals and not like one big
    group. When you look at a westerner walking hand in hand
    with a Thai woman next time just think that they could be
    husband and wife before you jump to any conclusion, thanks!

  36. Have to agree with Bill Added by: Expat rat
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 16:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was bothered by your posting Apple, although I felt you
    agreed with my major premise, that Bar girls do it by
    choice. I am sure if we met in person you're a very nice
    person, but you seem to have a few racist and elitest
    attitudes. And once again, white men are a) a variety of
    hues ranging from pinkish to cafe ole to brown and b) not
    all fat. I relish any and all opportunities to take off my
    shirt and flex my well proportioned honed and trim muscles.
    And please remember the King's daughter in America, married
    to one of us "hammy fat" Westerners.

  37. Threatened? Added by: mattie
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 17:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The argument that the only reason that Western women find
    Prostitution so abhorrent is because we feel our sexuality
    threatened by Prostitutes is just ridiculous.
    MOst women that I've talked to find prostitution
    distatsteful for the simple reason that we can empathise
    with these women. Not because we know exactly how they feel
    or what they are thinking, but simply because the majority
    of women wouldn't want to sleep with a man for any other
    reason than the fact they were attracted to them (just like
    most men I'm sure). It's just naturally nauseating to HAVE
    to sleep with someone you just don't want to. Cast your mind
    back to the last man who tried to chat you up in a bar that
    you really weren't interested in at all, and then think
    about actually having to sleep with him. Women just get
    freaked out by prostitution because it is literally one of
    the last things a woman would want to do. I have a hundred
    fold amount of respect for those girls because they are
    doing something I hope I will never have to do. I feel the
    same way about male prostitutes too. But of course women go
    on about female prostitution more because:
    a) there are far, far more of them
    b) it is something that we can empathise with on a greater
    level - ie coloured people will feel more deeply on matters
    of racism than white people, women will feel more strongly
    about issues such as rape even if they have never been raped
    because it is something we can identify acutely with as a
    threat to our independence, just as Prostitution is. Here
    men dominate women, from the pimp to the client. That we
    find threatening.
    Another thing, links have been made between the prevelance
    of women who have been sexually abused as children being
    more likely to be involved in prostitution. I really don't
    care whether a woman actively chooses to become a prostitute
    that's great, like the high class hookers of Heidi Fleiss -
    more power to them. It is just that most of the time it is
    the economy and the social situation that are more of a
    factor than a mere career choice.

  38. Hey Apple? Added by: Robert (
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 17:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Is your report available?
    Would be nice to have the research of a Thai female around
    to point to during the recurrent TT and continuous
    soc.culture.thai flamewars. You would have more instant
    credibility than most.
    I'm only mildly interested in the whole thing but the
    debate will not disappear soon.
    Am willing to host it if you wish to preserve your privacy.

  39. OK Mattie, Added by: The Economist
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 19:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    where do you think your prospects for a secure (and
    financially beneficial) marriage would be better: 1) In a
    place where a man could go and get his rocks off anytime he
    wants by a good looking girl for a pittance, or 2) In a
    place where a man seeking any sexual relief can either get
    married or massage his own tenderloin?
    Oh yeah, and APPLE, how many minor wives does your King
    have? Please explain this Thai custom to the readers and
    posters here before going on about Western consumption of
    the Thai sex trade.

  40. OK, I give in Added by: Froggy
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 20:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think all of you men who have great muscles (VOMIT!!) must be quite correct. It is quite socially, morally and humanitarianly (?) OKto be, or to be a customer of, a lowly paid prostitute in Asia. Of course, its even more good becuase Thai men use you too. If you have a Thai wife you are naturally reeking of credabilty, consequently nobody else has a right to an opinion. And of course, if we fail to appreciate the logic of your arguments we are overly emotional and lacking in cred!! And our education levels make so much difference - if we have high ones we couldn't possibly know what real life is about, and if we have low ones we aren't suitably informed. It seems we can't win, expect maybe by visiting a go go bar in Bangkok with the Mr Universe Expat Rat. Of course I really need a man to take me to a bar, I really haven't been and have no ability to get around Asia by myself. In fact I would be frightened and need a bit muscular man to protect me.
    There you are - my final comment. I just clearly don't share the same value system and lets leave it at that. I am off to Sydney for a week so you won't hear any more from me. Have fun boys and girls.

  41. Opinion Added by: The Sundance Kid
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 21:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think we should talk some more about this. That┤s all I
    have to say. I will let Kipling speak for me now:
    "East is east and West is west and never shall the two of
    them meet!"

  42. Blockfrog Added by: Max
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 2:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ooooh...can you see what you have done with all your
    arguments and pros and cons ? Now Froggy is insulted!
    The problem with Froggy is that she frequently partakes in
    the sextrade discussion without the intention of discussing
    anything. She simply likes to preach and insists on the
    rightness of her values like the CEO of the vatican. Try to
    discuss abortion with a dogmatic roman catholic...
    Froggy┤s on a crusade against people who talk about
    ôoffensive activitiesö (e.g. SEX). Old-school feminism mixed
    up with seemingly unpleasant personal experiences. There is
    no analysis, no reason, no stringent line of argumentation -
    and no willingness to accept interdisciplinary ideas on
    exploitation beneath her own view of it (...talking about the
    Burma issue...) . Instead a lot of curly-headed, flaming
    babbling about ôfeministic stanceö, ôexploitationö and
    ômacho-ismö in the service of telling MEN what cretins they
    are. Now, after too much conceptual counter pressure (even
    from her treacherous sisters), all she does is become polemic
    and declare that she┤s out of this....Until the next sex-
    related poster dares to pollute Mrs. Justice┤s hometurf (ôI
    just clearly don't share the same value system and lets leave
    it at that.ö - You are never gonna make it.)
    This is the first time I have seen a substantial, brainful
    discussion on this topic on the thorntree. Good one.
    For further info on the topic, the Erik Cohen papers are
    indeed a fine piece of work - probably the most balanced and
    thoughtfully researched so far. Most of them are collected
    in ôThai Tourismö (White Lotus Press).

  43. Dialogue of the deaf? Added by: pol
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 4:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    People, including some of the women seem to like getting
    worked up rather than responding in a level headed manner.
    Ah, well.

  44. Motivation Added by: Rhonda
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 5:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Expat, small remark on what you said in post 32.. in my
    view Thai prostitutes do not prostitute themselves because
    they like it and actually do need to do it because of
    financial need.. the obsession to enjoy their life to the
    highest standard they can obtain. (not necesarily because
    they are poor, but because they want to enjoy life to their
    highest financial ability..) Once they're in the scene,
    peer/group pressure builds from there.. And depending on
    the period in their lives they are on the look of a saviour
    to finance their life, not when they are young and still
    have a lot of financial prospects, but having children and
    getting older speed up this process. Just an opinion...

  45. Sorry to all those... Added by: Ple- Apple
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 6:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Apple here again.....To all of those that I offended I am
    sorry. I am not calling all white men fat. Far from that.
    It is just there was a few cases where I talked to the
    prositutes asking them about their first time et al. And
    more then one balled her eyes out afterwards beacuse they
    were unattracted to the older men who were their fathers age
    and smothered them with their bodies. So my fat statement
    was not a wide general insult to all western men, just
    relaying specific cases of individual women.
    And Bill, I would not consider you and you wife as a
    farang/prositute relationship if I saw you. You are too
    close in age. It is the ones at the airport when I fly back
    home that the 45 year old business man is kissing the 20
    year old Thai goodbye that I do not like. I realize that
    with all of the farang in Bangkok that one or two must be
    married to Thais. Good for you!
    Robert, I am considering making this a Masters project in
    September, so I can not publish it to the internet as you
    suggested. It should be ready in 2 years and hopefully
    published in a sociology journal. Look for it then.
    A friend just showed me this site the other day. I was
    happy to see the western perspective on it. I am currently
    reading "Patpong sisters" by Dr. Cleo Odzer and although the
    story is really good and has a interesting slant I am not
    sure where she got some of the stats. I am quite sure that
    90% of thai men have not slept around with a prositute
    before they were 20. I know my brother, father and
    grandfather did not.
    Economist... Do not say those things about the king. He is
    a great man who works very hard and helps out the poorer
    people in Thailand. He does not protitute them. Learn a
    little Thai History and you will know that the idea of Major
    Wife, Minor wife was abolished almost 75 years ago and this
    brought on the mass prositutes in Thailand in the 1900's.
    Finally...It is not the westerns in patpong, Nana, Phuket
    etc. that I despise, it is the men, like economist who show
    no respect for the nation I love and choice to use it as a
    sexual playground. I hate people think that if they can not
    get lucky at home that you can find a thai and get your
    rocks off. My point is most thai females like myself are
    not as easy as most westerns believe. A few of the tourist
    I met never saw beyond Patpong and had a wide sweeping view
    of Thialand as a fun land. For those of you who are guilty
    of this please leave patpong, and your western hotels/motels
    and view Thailand for what if really is.

  46. Apple Added by: Max
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 7:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Might be of interest for you:

  47. A new question Added by: Rand
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 7:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Whow - this topic sped up lately...
    OK - I still mostly stick to my post further up this page. A new question came to my mind however - and this goes for prostitution as a general institution, not simply in Thailand. If a guy buys sex from a woman isn't that a more ethical and honest thing than what guys usually do for sex: seduction? And I'm not talking about the neutral attraction kind of seduction. I'm talking about all those bastards out there who talk fair, make promises and tell women/girls how much they care and then dump them as soon as they get laid? And I'm not justifying prostitution based on this, but what's really worse? Again - I have nothing against prostitution per se - as froggy says. It's kind of like the death penalty discussion to me. I principally agree, but I'm still against it. Why? Because plenty innocent people have been fried around the world. And let's face it - there are plenty of abused prostitutes out there.

  48. Dear Apple Added by: The Economist
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 14:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I did not say anything bad about the King, Apple, as I do
    not think that having minor wives is necessarily wrong, it
    is just a cultural difference. You, apparently do think
    there is something wrong with it however. The practice of
    having minor wives may well have been outlawed, but
    prostitution is also prohibited by the Thai law and
    nevertheless exists openly as does the practice of keeping
    minor wives. Now, please answer the question without
    accusing me of lese majeste. You are not in Thailand
    anymore, this is an international forum and we're trying to
    have an objective discussion.

  49. Cop out, Froggy Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 14:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Last message was funny, but once again you destroyed your
    credibility by not addressing the issues, and resorting to
    personal attacks. Issue 1) Many of the girls are not
    poorly paid. Please see posts by Wichanee and Apple if you
    don't believe me. Issue 2) The reason why we bring Thai
    and other Asian men inot it is because you and your gaggle
    always focus on the western angle. I believe this shows
    your lack of sincerity in being anti-prostitution. If you
    were truly anti-prostitution you would not be adddressing
    those who participate on a minority basis only. My guess is
    that you don't like western men doing it because that
    directly affects you personally. Supply and demand. You
    don't like men in your social circle having sex easily
    available to them by women who may be more attractive than
    you. Issue 3) I am not more credible just because I have a
    Thai wife, but because I have lived in thailand for four
    years, and have spend a lot of time speaking with both Thai
    working girls and their customers. This is called empirical
    experience. Issue 4) In spite of being humorous, your last
    post is a Cop-out. You indulged in a personal attack, did
    not address the issues and then pronounced that you would
    not return because your going to Sydney. No Internet in
    Sydney I guess.

  50. Don't Run Away, Froggy Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 14:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Last message was funny, but once again you destroyed your
    credibility by not addressing the issues, and resorting to
    personal attacks. Issue 1) Many of the girls are not
    poorly paid. Please see posts by Wichanee and Apple if you
    don't believe me. Issue 2) The reason why we bring Thai
    and other Asian men inot it is because you and your gaggle
    always focus on the western angle. I believe this shows
    your lack of sincerity in being anti-prostitution. If you
    were truly anti-prostitution you would not be adddressing
    those who participate on a minority basis only. My guess is
    that you don't like western men doing it because that
    directly affects you personally. Supply and demand. You
    don't like men in your social circle having sex easily
    available to them by women who may be more attractive than
    you. Issue 3) I am not more credible just because I have a
    Thai wife, but because I have lived in thailand for four
    years, and have spend a lot of time speaking with both Thai
    working girls and their customers. This is called empirical
    experience. Issue 4) In spite of being humorous, your last
    post is a Cop-out. You indulged in a personal attack, did
    not address the issues and then pronounced that you would
    not return because your going to Sydney. No Internet in
    Sydney I guess.

  51. Thai woman and Farang man Added by: wichanee (
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 14:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To Bill and Expat Rat,
    Don't get too thin skinned with Apple's comment.
    She just reflects what the public opinion in Thailand has
    established since , I suppose, the Vietnam war. Apple must be
    in her mid-twenties and her view remains the view I
    experienced when I was her age - in the seventies when
    massive prostitution raged on in unprecedented scale. Time
    doesn't change people's opinion or prejuduce in this case.My
    friends who were brave enough to marry Farangs in those
    years suffer the public disdain without exception - the children
    are even called 'half-caste' very unkind isn't it? All of us are
    educated, professionals,upperclass even but we still can't
    override the public's confirmed stereotype that prim and
    proper girl won't socialize with 'Farangs'. When bargirls start
    flaunting their finds or customers along Sukumvit Rd, it's natural
    that the public would condemn a mixed couple as such.
    Upperclass reaction is to 'turn her back' as Apple said she did
    whereas lower class reaction will be verbal harrassment to say
    the least. I have many farang friends and I entertain a lot at
    home. My neighbours still view me as 'strange' after all these
    And to you Expat Rat - when the oldest princess married that
    American, the Thai public 's reaction can be summed up in
    one Thai word 'SIA DAI'. When a bargirl marries a Farang,her
    family considers that is a 'catch'. It's another way round here.

  52. To Wichanee, Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 20:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As a foreigner living in Thailand I am constantly reminded
    of my status, both legally and socially, as an outsider.
    However my experience with my wife, who is from a well-off
    Bangkok family, has not been as negative as you have
    portrayed. We have generally been accepted by her friends
    and her family, and never has a stranger made a negative
    remark in our presence. I think it has to do with her
    status and her bearing. If I were with a "lower status"
    woman from Issan, I think there might be a greater
    likelihood of negative comments. Nevertheless, thank you
    for reminding me that I can never be fully accepted in
    Thailand no matter how hard I try. ItÆs useful to have
    these reality checks periodically

  53. My Five Baht! Added by: Big Stud
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 0:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have been to Thailand about five times over the last 15
    years. With the exception of my last trip to Thailand, I
    have "purchased" the services of a bargirl. I have come to
    the conclusion that its NOT worth risking your life for a
    few hours of questionable pleasure. I consider myself to be
    reasonably attractive and I am only 35, but most of the
    bargirls weren't very keen to finish the transaction and in
    my opinion were only interested in the money. Most of time
    they were very friendly and affectative in the bar, but
    back in my room, they seemed get very mercanery.
    Alot of the bargirls I spoke to, were very ashamed of what
    they did for a living and seemed to be scared of what the
    future held for them. Afterwards I felt ashamed, as I
    thought I was just contributing to their problems.
    I would say that the average bargirl has a working life
    expectancy of about 10-12 years. After that time, her
    mental or phyiscal health would be rapidly diminishing. If
    she hasn't been able to marry a farang or save alot of
    money, her future isn't very looking good. She then finds
    herself on the "scrap heap" as she is held in distain by
    the most Thai's and farang men are no longer interested in
    On the other hand, having done it myself and I can see why
    western men are so attracted to asian women. Talking from
    own experience, I don't get a second look from most women
    at home, but in asia I have women practically throwing
    themselves at me! Its a huge ego boost!!
    I am planning a trip to Thailand later this year and I will
    try to abstain from "the pleasure's of the flesh" and see
    the other things Thailand has to offer!

  54. "Big Stud" is Mattie (Again) Added by: Non-Believer
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 1:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You're an female imposter posing as a male customer. It's
    so obvious. The "NOT worth risking your life for a few
    hours of questionable pleasure" ia a woman's argument. Men
    just slip on a condom and forget about it. That the
    bargirls weren't keen on finishing the transaction and only
    wanted the money. They get paid afterward, unless you're a
    complete sucker. Very, very few of the girls are ashamed of
    waht their doing--they are enjoying life and making the best
    of their circumstances. Prostitutes and their customers
    laugh, converse and play together in very normal ways.
    After their years of sex work are over, they don't have to
    tell anyone what they have done, and can take up convential
    Then your name, "Big Stud" is so obviously fake it's almost
    comical. As well as your last paragraph, the "women won't
    even look at me back home." This is Froggy's and Mattie's
    argument. Which one are you? My guess is Mattie.
    Can't address the facts or issues. Froggy has run away
    after a histrionic display, and now you. Resorting to these
    ridiculous transparent attempts.
    Why do you even care if two adult strangers engage in
    consensual sex? Get help Mattie. You need it.

  55. "Big Stud" is Mattie (Again) Added by: Non-Believer
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 1:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You're an imposter female posing as a male customer. It's
    so obvious. The "NOT worth risking your life for a few
    hours of questionable pleasure" ia a woman's argument. Men
    just slip on a condom and forget about it. That the
    bargirls weren't keen on finishing the transaction and only
    wanted the money. They get paid afterward, unless you're a
    complete sucker. Very, very few of the girls are ashamed of
    waht their doing--they are enjoying life and making the best
    of their circumstances. Prostitutes and their customers
    laugh, converse and play together in very normal ways.
    After their years of sex work are over, they don't have to
    tell anyone what they have done, and can take up convential
    Then your name, "Big Stud" is so obviously fake it's almost
    comical. As well as your last paragraph, the "women won't
    even look at me back home." This is Froggy's and Mattie's
    argument. Which one are you? My guess is Mattie.
    Can't address the facts or issues. Froggy has run away
    after a histrionic display, and now you. Resorting to these
    ridiculous transparent attempts.
    Why do you even care if two adult strangers engage in
    consensual sex? Get help Mattie. You need it.

  56. Froggy and Mattie... Added by: Toto
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 12:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I bet you both enjoyed "How Stella Got Her Groove Back",
    now din't ya.

  57. say it isn't so Added by: sidelines
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 13:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    froggy/mattie, say it isn't so. tell us you're not "big stud". either "big stud" is for real, or it's a woman. no man would stoop to impostering a post like that (specifically: faking an experience to gain credibility for an argument.)
    before my post degenerates into me asking what other experiences you fake, or whether this sort of behavior carries over into your professional lives (oops! too late) please, please, say it isn't so!
    "big stud", say something really masculine, and get the ladies off the hook.

  58. Big Stud is a Man! Added by: Big Stud
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 21:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am glad that Non-Believer and Sidelines enjoyed my
    posting. I am NOT Froggy or Mattie, but a 35 year old man
    from Australia. I was just trying to state my opinion
    formed from experiences, I have had travelling in S.E.
    Asia. I can see valid arguements on both sides.
    As I stated in my previous posting, I can understand why
    western men are so attracted to asian women and bargirls in
    particular. They're attractive, they usually come on to you
    first and compared to the hookers at home, they're alot
    cheaper! The bottom line is that if you catch AIDS, its not
    curable. My uncle was a bum-bandit, who died of AIDS four
    years ago. It took him about 8 years to die and I don't
    want the same thing to happen to me. My other arguement is
    that bargirl/prostitutes are human beings and deserve
    something better, then to be treated like a piece of meat
    to be disposed of, when they're mentally and phyiscally
    worn-out. I don't think the average bargirl has a
    "retirement plan" apart from trying to marry a farang.
    It might interest you to know I recieved the nickname "Big
    Stud" from an army mate when I was about 19, because he
    considered me to be over-sexed!

  59. Nice try Mattie, Added by: Non-Believer
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 22:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    but you still sound like a woman, especially the part,
    "bargirls/prostitutes are human beings and deserve something
    better than to be treated like a piece of meat to be
    disposed of." It's almost to imagine a male voice sounding
    these words. And no army buddy is going to give a nickname,
    "Big Stud". We men are decadent, Mattie. We choose
    names like "The Fisherman" "Alpha Male" "Gourmet Asian
    Pussy Expert". "Big Stud" is only suited to the limited
    imagination of our dear little Mattie. I've lost the
    little respect I once had for your intelligence with this

  60. grey area Added by: sidelines
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 1:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the "big stud" posts are sliding into the realm of a grey area; it could be a really sensitive, wussy guy, or Mattie is fine-tuning her guy imitation. I say, Mattie gets to lie, as long as her guy imitations are REALLY good. That way, she'll be entertaining even if she's lost all credibility.

  61. about Big Stud Added by: mary jane
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 11:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If a man says something about prostitution that's not all
    "yeah, it's great, it's fine, the girls love it, they're
    nymphos" everyone says he's not a girl, or that if he's a
    guy he's a "wussy" one. I really love these stereotypes.
    All femminists hate men and are ugly and hairy and bitter
    because they can't get a man. Any man who does not support
    (directly or indirectly) prostitution is not a real man, or
    is a wuss. Also the post about "which place do you think
    it's easier to get a secure marriage in, one with or without
    cheap prostitution" (Economist) made me laugh: who says I
    want to get married? Mysogynists just cannot accept the
    fact that women like me exist: I am attractive, slim, shave
    my legs, am heteosexual, love sex, love men and am a
    FEMMINIST. I'm not threatened by the phenomenon of men going
    to prostitutes--I don't want a man who's just interested in
    fucking and then leaving (or having me leave him--another
    post on this topic awhile back said that men pay prostitutes
    not to have sex, but to make them go away afterwards.
    Really great testimonial to the "emotional connection"
    someone suggested is the norm in prostitution exchanges.
    Also, why did you, expat rat, title your posting "thai
    perspective" when you're not Thai? Living in the country
    doesn't give you the perspective of a Thai, it gives you the
    perspective of a foreigner living in Thailand. And oh, to
    Mr. concerned about racism aka expat rat, what's cafe "ole"?
    Something out of a bad flamenco movie?

  62. To "Maryjane" Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 14:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lot of hostility there, MJ, but at least more intelligence
    than the pseudo feminists. To address your points:
    1) Nothing wrong with feminists, something wrong with
    pseudo-feminists. Prostitution is a right of choice that
    should belong equally to either men or women. Many
    feminists argue in favor of a woman's absolute right to
    choose prostitution and argue that the institution of
    marriage is more exploitative than prostitution itself.
    2) We are surmising that "Big Stud" is Mattie, and have no
    hard proof. This is based on (her) writing style and (her)
    lack of knowledge about the way prostitution is carried on
    in real life. Have no real proof. This however does not
    carry over to your conclusion that any man who is against
    prostitution is considered to be a "wuss". However, in my
    experience, most people who were against (female)
    prostitution were females and not males.
    3) My title "Thai Perspective" should have been entitled
    "Perspective from Thailand". What this has to do with the
    merit my arguments I fail to see. But I can assure you my
    male Thai friends are some of the most frequent patrons of
    the local water trade.
    4) "Cafe Ole" is not a racist term. Why you think it is I
    do not know.
    Enjoyed your post. Please write again. And can't wait for
    Big Stud's next entry.

  63. Hey Rat Added by: froggy
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 16:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    yes there email booths in sydney, i am in one but it has a
    keyboard that you need big muscles to use! No the posts
    above aren't from me (big stud), I am happy to own my own
    opinions. The reason that I haven't spent my holiday in
    Sydeny on the internet is, strangely, becuase I have had
    better things to do. Like spend time with my (male) partner
    of ten years. And before you ask , yes we have a normal
    (whatever) relationship! I am going back to my fuweekend.
    cheers, froggy

  64. Big Stud does exist Added by: Big Stud
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 20:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To Non-Believer & Sideline go fuck yourself! I am Not
    against prostition, as long as the women involved can
    control their destiny. I just don't think its worth the
    risk of catching AIDS for a couple of hours of pleasure.
    When I was in Ko Samui in March'91, I had a condom break
    when I was having sex with a bargirl. I spent the next
    three months worrying, until I got the results of the blood
    test. Sex with a prostitute, is just a poor subsuite for
    the real thing. I should know, I fucked enough whores!!

  65. Getting Better Mattie Added by: Non Believer
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 23:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The cursing part helps you sound more masculine. But you
    are still referring to Big Stud in the third person too
    often. You should also say "I exist", and not, "Big Stud"
    exists. It's a dead giveaway. Tell us more about your
    wild sexual exploits. Oh, and do your friends call you
    "Big" or "Stud", or is it the full name as in, "Hey Big

  66. Hihi Added by: max
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 9:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yeah...BigStud...(grin)...go! You┤re getting better (giggle).
    My favourite part are the last two sentences (snort of

  67. to Expat Rat & others Added by: mary jane
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 15:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Interesting that in a forum like TT that has its fair share
    of aggressive language (see above!) Expat says MY post has a
    lot of hostility. Irony? Second, it's great and all for
    you to be concerned about defending women's (and men's)
    right to prostitute themselves, and while I too support
    people's right to any employment they choose, I somehow
    think that far fewer women (and men) would "choose" to sell
    their bodies if their rights to enter into other, more safe
    and less invasive, damaging jobs were being more actively
    supported. I'm not trying to BLAME you, or anyone else for
    the negative aspects of the sex trade, or the inequities of
    the world in general, I'm just saying that of all the rights
    that women need support with, the right to sell their bodies
    is, while valid, low on MY priority list and I wonder why
    it's high on yours? Perhaps it's less about supporting
    people's rights than rationalising the behavior of those
    that employ them. About your male Thai friends using
    prostitutes, am I supposed to be surprised by that (gee, I
    thought only white guys used them), or change my opinion on
    it because of it? (If Thais do it too it must be OK)?
    Finally, did I say the cafe "ole" term was racist? No. I
    find it interesting that "Bob" called me stupid and
    completely unaware of facetious overtones but here you are
    saying that I called your term racist. I was being
    facetious myself, making a somewhat mean joke about the fact
    that it's really cafe "au lait"--with milk, not cafe with
    spanish equivalent of "yahoo".

  68. Good Post, MJ Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 17:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well thought out, etc. Actually, the right to
    choose prostitution as employment is not very high on my
    list of priorities of human rights. When I wrote my
    original post I wanted to shed some light on what I view as
    a pseudo-feminist, quasi-Victorian and uninformed bias
    against the sex trade in Thailand.
    1) Western Women like Mattie and Froggy object to the
    Western man's patronage of female Asian prostitutes. Why do
    I mention Thai men? The same reason why I emphasize FEMALE
    prostitution. Because Mattie and Froggy ignore the majority
    of prostitution, ie, Asian with Asian, and the large male
    prostitution business, I believe they are not truly
    sincere. They are only interested in curtailing prostiution
    when it comes to Western men, ie, when it affects their
    personal interests.
    2) Countless posts, by people who have worked in NGO's
    involving prostitutes, by expats living in Thailand, and
    even by Thai females bcak up my point that the vast majority
    of these women do it out of choice, and can make a fair
    amount of money from it. I say they deserve that choice,
    and I think my position is a true feminist view. This is
    why I entitled my post, "Go Visit a Go Go Bar". Go there.
    Talk to the girls. Don't take my word for it. So far,
    Froggy and Mattie, and their ilk choose not to take me up on
    this challenge, but prefer to bandy about the same tired
    3) I am not trying to support the people's rights who
    employ prostitutes. I don't even use prostitutes. The
    mamasans are usually women themselves, at least in Patpong
    and similar places. And if you would talk to these girls,
    you'd understand that they're free agents more than
    employees. The typical arrangement is that all tips they
    make are their own. Tips are generally between 500-1500
    baht. They get 20 baht for each "lady drink", and half
    the bar fine which is 400 baht. They can use their money to
    go to college, study distance education, go to beauty school
    or whatever they like. If they practice safe sex, avoid
    drug addiction and other evils, they can do well.
    4) I cannot speak for any of the other males here, "Bob" or
    whoever. We are not a homogenous group, and we all have our
    own opinions. I believe that you should be able to have a
    conversation without resorting to namecalling and hostility.
    I think the nature of this forum, with everyone being
    faceless and anonymous makes it easier for discussions to
    degrade into abusiveness.
    5) You are absolutely correct about "cafe au lait". But we
    only have instant coffee in Thailand and my coffee
    terminology is slipping, or maybe the "ole" was a Freudian
    slip indicating how much I am craving a real cup of coffee.
    Thanks for your post.

  69. I'm.... Added by: ....going down the pub.
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 19:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Some people have too much time on their hands.

  70. Trying to be sensitive Added by: John
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 20:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Amidst this very stimulating discussion, and a lot of good points
    have been made by many of you in this thread, I hope we don't
    ignore the point of "Apple" about Patpong NOT being very
    representative of Thailand. Many Thais are simply offended by
    such behavior, even though they may tolerate it.
    Ironically, you'll find this among the girls themselves, most of
    whom come from traditional, albeit impoverished "upcountry"
    families. Perhaps this explains why some of you got the
    impression that the bar girls were ashamed of what they did.
    And whether Big Stud is who he says he is or not doesn't mean
    that what he says he experienced isn't absolutely true. The
    apparent affection displayed by a girl in the bar can quickly
    evaporate in the motel room. Those who are looking for real
    affection should probably look elsewhere.
    This isn't meant to sound like an inditement of anthing. As I've
    said already, many of you raised very good points. Even
    though the arguments might seem to be contradictory, in real
    life they're often not.
    The girls, if they're successful, can make a lot of money without
    having to spend much time at it--or with the men who are the
    source of their prosperity. The men, those who are into it, get to
    enjoy being laid by some very attractive women--without any
    kind of emotional commitment. To some it's paradise.

  71. John is Mattie (again) Added by: Non-Believer
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 2:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's you again Mattie. Don't lie. I know your writing
    style already. The girls in Patpong are not "offended" and
    "ashamed". They are out partying and having a good time.
    Maybe you should go out and try to have a good time, Mattie,
    instead of making up aliases and moralizing about situations
    you know nothing about. By the way there are no "motels" in
    Patpong. God, you're pathetic.

  72. "John" is Mattie (again) Added by: Non-Believer
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 2:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's you again Mattie. Don't lie. I know your writing
    style already. The girls in Patpong are not "offended" and
    "ashamed". They are out partying and having a good time.
    Maybe you should go out and try to have a good time, Mattie,
    instead of making up aliases and moralizing about situations
    you know nothing about. By the way there are no "motels" in
    Patpong. God, you're pathetic.

  73. Just for fun... Added by: froggy
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 17:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Certainly not because I expect you to change your opinion
    Expat Rat;
    a; the thing that really pisses me off (and I know you
    probably are trying to do just that) is that you impute that
    my position on this issue is based on some need to stop
    western males from escaping my grasp!! What a total joke -
    firstly you overestimate the merchandise greatly, secondly
    your statement is very ethnocentric - like why would western
    males be any more desirable to me or anyone else? It
    doesn't effect my personal interests one iota. My position
    is that I don't like it when financially privileged western
    men go to asia for a CHEAP sex holiday. It smacks to me of
    imperialism - the rich nation taking advantage of the poor.
    The rich (and frequently undesirable)man taking advantage of
    the poor woman.
    b; secondly you hide behind this "Froggy and Mattie won't
    come with me to a go go bar" - which is clearly unlikely and
    ignores my previous statement that I have already done so
    without you thanks very much, and possibly long before you
    ever got there!
    Have a nice day....

  74. I agree with Froggy... Added by: Mattie
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 18:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sex for Western men should be expensive, hard to get and
    unpleasant. As I'm sure it is for all the men in Froggy's

  75. Truth of the Tail Added by: Grape
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 21:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a working girl in Patpong. I wish you liberated
    females would stop protecting me. I make more in one night
    than you make in a week. One night this Thai student chick
    doing resaerch came in and tried to relate to me, but she
    was she was scaring off all my customers. What a dog! I
    told her how exploited I was to try to get rid of her and
    she actually believed me. I wish she would've given me some
    money. That's what I was really after. If you want to know
    the truth, I don't brag about being a hooker, but I don't
    mind it. It beats working in McDonalds, I have friends and
    many of the guys are cute and good screws. What do you
    think me and my working friends talk about? We talk about
    penis size, how many orgasms a guy has, if they're handsome,
    and of course--Money. Sure, I have to screw some fat men
    sometimes, every job has its downside. Maybe if you Western
    women treated your men better they wouldn't need us. But
    I'm sure glad you don't know how to treat your men, because
    it's great for my business. Later, girls!!!

  76. Finally Added by: cherry
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 9:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A REAL bargirl from Thailand who gave her input! Well, now
    that we have a completely AUTHENTIC testimonial from a Thai
    sexworker we can put this debate to rest!

  77. Regarding impersinations Added by: Froggy
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 13:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I don't know who is who any more, but I am damn sure that several people are using Mattie's nick both here and further up the page, and also that grape has them. I used to wonder when I wandered around at Uni why there were posters up about courses focusing on feminism as an issue on the internet (yes I am at Uni but am 40, bummed out of school at 15 and returned to uni as mature age so please don't assume that I am a niave neophyte). This thorn tree branch has well and truly shown me why. So I thank you, I was getting complacent.

  78. Love you Froggy. Added by: Mattie
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 15:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How do I sign up for this course, "Feminism on the
    Internet", Froggy? Sounds really practical. Oh these men
    make me soooo mad. I think I'll get that advanced degree in
    Women's Studies just to piss them off. Froggy, you Go Girl.
    What exactly is a strap-on dildo, Froggy?

  79. Goodbye and What I Have Learned Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 20:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I began this thread some 79 posts ago making a simple
    challenge: that Mattie and Froggy and their sisters in arms
    go to a genuine go go bar or brothel and talk to the girls
    in order to test their theories. It's apparant that M&F and
    gang would rather stick to their comfortable theories than
    confront the women that actually work in these places (and I
    know Froggy is the big 40 and she MAY have already been to a
    go go bar and who am I to presuppose she hasn't.) I have
    learned that the M&F and gang do not compromise the majority
    of women, thank God, in their views. I have also learned
    that it is a complete waste of time to try to change the
    views of women like M&F, regardless of whatever facts and
    evidence you present to them. I have also learned that
    Internet Discussion Boards can bring out both the best and
    the worst in people, including myself, and are no
    substitute for in the flesh human contact. It's Friday
    afternoon, and as post 69 (great number by the way) has
    suggested, it's time to go to the Pub. So from the heart of
    Bangkok, Sawatdee Krap!

  80. thank you Wichanee and Apple Added by: Robert (
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 March, 18:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    for your input.
    Made this thread, now about to drop off the edge of the
    universe, a more fruitful and enjoyable experience.
    bye from the Big Wierd

  81. 666 Added by: &&&&&&&
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 10:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have you really learned something, Rat? It seems like you
    haven't changed your original beliefs any more than Mattie
    and Froggy. How do you know they haven't been to a go-go
    bar, (obviously, you don't, as you yourself said, so why
    bother saying that these women would rather stick to their
    theories than talk to prostitutes?) and how do you know that
    the majority of women don't share their views?

  82. 666 Added by: &&&&&&
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 10:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You obviously haven't "learned" anything, "Rat"; you, like
    Mattie and Froggy, hold the EXACT same views you did before
    this debate started. Also you have no way of knowing these
    women haven't talked to prostitutes (as you yourself
    acknowledged) so why bother saying that they would rather
    stick to their theories than talk to women in the sex trade.
    Seems to me you are sticking to your theories just as much
    as they are. Easy to tell others they're not being flexible
    or willing to confront their belief systems, huh? Finally,
    how is it that you know the beliefs of the "majority" of
    women on this subject? I'd be really intrigued as to what
    "research" allows you to assert that one.

  83. &*%$#@ Added by: &&&&
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 10:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry bout the double post!

  84. Aids inThailand Added by: Davo.
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 21:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can anybody tell me honestly, if you practise safe sex,
    what the chance is, of catching AIDS from a prostitute in
    Thailand?? I am really interested to know, as I am hearing
    conflicting stories.

  85. Last Goodbye Added by: Expat Rat
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 16:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear 666, I was here to instruct, not to learn. I live in
    Bangkok and am thoroughly assimilated into Thai society.
    You telling me about sex and prostitution in Thailand is
    like me telling Froggy and Mattie about University Sociology
    courses in Australia. Learn some manners. And yes, most
    women are not like you, Froggy and Mattie, they are
    open-minded and non-judgemental. I have no evidence that
    the sun will rise tomorrow, nor that you're a sexually
    repressed, prejudiced woman with no real knowledge of
    prsotitution, but I can make use inductive reasoning to form
    that conclusion. One more thing I (re-)learned here is to
    never argue with an idiot. Final goodbye.

  86. Who's this rat wanker? Added by: late arrival
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 18:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    "I was here to instruct not to learn...." what an arrogant cunt!
    "I am fully assimilated...." puke!!
    What a total tosser - is this someone taking the piss or does this guy really think his shit doesn't stink?
    He clearly never argues with himself or questions his own opinons- therefore the "never argue with an idiot' line.

  87. apple back from Spring break Added by: Apple
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 6:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Now that March (Spring) break is over I just wanted to check
    in and see what was new in the Lonely planet world.
    It was interested to see other Fruits on this branch. For
    those of you who do not know Apple is common nickname in
    Thailand. It is pronounced like "Buon" in English. I just
    translated my name into English to make it easier, plus
    nobody I meet in Canada could pronounce my real given name.
    There your Thai lesson for the day.
    Davo...Because Thailand is becoming one of the AIDS capitals
    in the world, many people are travelling to Thailand to
    preform research. Thailand based research has shown that a
    single unprotected sex act with an HIV positive person has a
    5.6% chance of disease transmisssion. IE if you have are
    male and have sex with a hiv positive female there is a 5.6
    chance that you will check the virus. So if you have
    unprotected sex one with a HIV+ female there is a 5.6%.;
    twice -11.2% etc. Studies with Females catching the
    disease are inconclusive at this time, but it is widely
    assumed that females have a larger chance of catching HIV.
    Probably double.
    There seems to be a different stains of the virus. Thailand
    has HIV "E" mainly. Other reports in other parts of the
    world estimate that the rate of infection is 3.4%. This
    difference (3.4%- 5.6%) could be contibuted to different
    stains or experimental design.
    Futhermore, because of the heat and improper storage condom
    breakage in Thailand is estimates at over 10%. But if the
    condom is O.K. there should be a zero percent. Another
    causion of warning for one of the first times since AIDS was
    discovered in 1981 a male caught the disease from oral sex.
    Robert... Thank you for the words of encouragement. I may
    stop buy your office and introduce myself in BKK when I
    arrive back home in May.

    Back to studying

  88. Apple's math Added by: ...
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 11:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for the post here, but your math is a little faulty:
    If the chance of getting AIDS from having sex with an
    infected girl is 5.6%, then the chance of getting it from
    doing it twice is 10.8864%, not 11.2%. I assumed you just
    doubled the 5.6%. One easy way to see that logic is flawed
    is that it would imply the chance of catching AIDS after
    having sex 18 times is over 100%!!
    More generally, if the chance of after doing it once is
    5.6%, tehn the chance after doing it n times is
    1 - (.944)^n.
    So in the limit, the percentage approaches 1. After doing
    it 12 times, the probablity is over 50%.

  89. oh my! Added by: sidelines
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 6:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a real mathematician! wait! come back! fancy a pint at the pub?

  90. "A pint at the pub" Added by: ...
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 16:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why do you people use such silly expressions?

  91. because it's quaint Added by: sidelines
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 2:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    do you honestly prefer "let's hit TGIFriday's/Bennigan's for a Bud/beer/cold one"? Or I could've asked "ready for a piss up"?
    What I wanted to know is, were you interested in joining me in ingesting malted grain beverages at an establishment licensed for this purpose? More of a rhetorical question than anything, said to indicate approval of your post #88, as our spatial-temporal locations are probably incompatible for consumating this activity. My calculations show a 90% probability that we're both currently located in North America (given 100% probability for one of us), but only a 12.346 % probability of being within 100 miles of each other. Sorry, can't show you the proof for that, I'm publishing soon.

  92. sidelines Added by: ...
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 9:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Post #91 much better. But one question - you seem to imply
    you're from North America - where do they speak like that
    "fancy a pint at the pub" or "ready for a piss up" in N.
    America? Were you born outside the US?

  93. hemispherically challenged Added by: sidelines
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 17:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    first of all, I said "currently located in", which has nothing to do with "from". So, although your conclusion is correct, your logic is at fault; since you didn't show your work, you do not get credit for having the correct answer.
    Since you didn't identify "they" it's difficult to answer your question. The Brits and Aussies speak "like that" whether they are in London, Melbourne, or New York. The Yanks generally do not, regardless of their location, unless they've spent a great deal of time in the company of Aussies or Brits.
    I was born in Baltimore, Md. which was part of the United States at the time of my birth, though I'm not sure what that has to do with the topic.
    I attribute my speech patterns to keeping bad company. Now, we can add some heuristics to my proof: I'm currently in Michigan, and you are ...?

  94. sidelines Added by: ...
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 7:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Very amusing... I'm currently in the disgusting
    metropolis of New York.
    Curious about how you've come to call Americans "yanks" -
    this is very Very non-American: usually, the only time an
    American calls someone a "Yank", it's a southerner referring
    to a notherner. You do keep bad company indeed. :)

  95. voila! Added by: sidelines
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 9:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well, there you go! we just can't get the spatial and temporal planes in sync! I was located in New York at a previous point in time. The disgusting metropolis? Is there more than one?
    The problem with the term "american" is it's rather presumptuous of us to think of ourselves as americans, while excluding other peoples of the americas. If "american" includes them, then it does not accurately describe the set of people to whom I'm referring. The term "Yanks", while off-putting to US citizens, is generally recognized by them to mean "americans" when used by non-americans; Brits and Aussies immediately recognize the term. Basically, if I use "Yanks", I offend folks from the US, if I use "Americans" I offend everyone else (especially the Canadians.) Majority rules.
    our next lonely planet ttyc group get-together is London (UK) on April 16th. (actually, there's a smaller one next week, but I can't make it.) I'm in New York on occasion, so we might co-ingest those brewski's yet. now, we're going to lose this thread unless we talk EVERY day. I'm on "your choice" quite a bit, but there's quite a bit of silliness and impersonations on that page. most of the "sidelines" postings are NOT mine. mine are the serious ones (relatively speaking) that stretch over 80 characters. let me know (here) what handle you plan on using, and I'll keep an eye out for you. I'm sure you'll find "your choice" extremely annoying at first, but after a few weeks you enter a zen state (not one of the 50 states) and you no longer notice. I assume you don't already visit there, because you didn't recognise me here. most of "your choice" is garbage, but every couple of days, someone posts a real gem. the ttyc (thorn tree your choice) board is very active. If you have a hotmail account, post it here, and I'll email you. I can't post my email address because it's a "real" one; if I start getting flamed or spammed, it'll take me forever to fix the problem.

  96. revealed Added by: ...
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 13:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, you see, I've made a number of very silly posts on
    that TTYC thing before - I find the site to be mostly utter
    trash, but do at times indulge in adding to the drivel.
    Amazing what one can say in the anonymity that is cyberspace
    (yes, it's completely immature to think that way, but,
    well, I'm just a silly little kid). As for what my handles
    might be, I usually use one of two handles, very much
    related, and if your tastes in math are anything like mine,
    then you ought to be able to figure them out without my
    telling you. But if you do figure it out, you're bound to
    get a very low opinion of me. Though, actually, oftentimes
    my posts are removed by the authorities quite quickly.
    hotmail account:

  97. Apple in May Added by: Robert (
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 14:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I will be cowering in the air-con, you are entirely welcome
    to join me. :-))
    We can call up wichanee and have a good gossip.

  98. fill in the blank Added by: sidelines
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 16:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    doesn't look like you ever posted on the unofficial TTYC directory, "Which Country are You Calling From"; I have a copy of it in Word, and nothing interesting showed up for New York. I don't remember any handles like Descartes or Euclid or cosine or square root. Guess I'll have to be more observant. Then again, if your posts are pulled immediately... the only post I can remember being pulled in recent memory was that Christian-bashing one (that was a good one!) but I can't remember who posted it.
    well, you said NY area, that could be NJ or Connecticut. Cris is from Connecticut... naaahhh! your math is way too good to be him. besides, he posts under about eight handles, not two. well, I wrote down your hotmail address, and as soon as I can figure out who you are, and be somewhat assured you won't spam or hack my account, I'll send you an email. a teensy, weensy hint would greatly facilitate this process. (such as, "one of my handles is _______")
    hey, nobody here but us chickens (and this Richly dude, who's got enough to worry about here on SEA. ain't that right, Robert?)
    No chance I'll get a low opinion of you. I don't even have a low opinion of Cris; he serves his purpose... but I wouldn't want him to have my email address :)
    see ya

  99. handle Added by: ...
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 5:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The guy was French and died really young - I've used his
    first and last name.
    You're right - I never posted to that where are you from
    Some posts of mine that were removed quickly were
    (1) wife-beating as a hobby rather than a problam
    (2) where to take my kid if I wanter enter into sexual
    relations with her (appeared on Kids to go TT)
    (3) What's with all these bitches on SEAsia TT
    Perhaps you disapprove - I was just testing the list
    You need not worry about my hacking or spamming your
    account. I got over that back in college...

  100. to "..." Added by: xyz
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 6:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you were trying to test the TT moderators how come you
    consistently (according to the above 3 examples you gave of
    postings removed) target women/ girls? Why not include
    non-whites, or gays for example? Expand your horizons, you
    could offend a wider cross-section of the population. Or
    perhaps, testing moderators aside, you have recently been
    rejected by a woman?

  101. Mr. XYZ Added by: ...
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 6:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I only target women because I'm afraid of being a labeled a
    racist or a homophobe.
    I was rejected by a women last night, actually - an
    amazingly hot waitress who was getting hit on by every guy
    in the restaurant, including every guy at my table. She was
    lapping it up, but, well, not putting out. So unfair!

  102. oh, yes!!! Added by: sidelines
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 6:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I remember the wife-beating post! ok, you're not Cris (are you monitoring the Big Fight, sponsored by Plastic Paddy, between Cris and Cloutty??? It just started.)
    all right, I'll email you. And if I get screwed, may you be reborn as a blonde ditz who can't balance her checkbook.

  103. easy isn't it Added by: darkvow
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 5:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have a pair of dirty socks with more character than a lot
    of you. "Oh I can't get the sex in my country,I think I'll
    go to a third world country where I can get it really cheap.
    So what if I help create another fatherless child I will
    never see him/her. If my girl dies of AIDS, I can always
    find another." You are all trying to justify what is clearly
    wrong. What if ALL of these asshole sex-tourists contributed
    money to a fund for 3rd world girls educations instead of
    exploiting them? Do you think we would have the problem of
    AIDS? Street children? Go ahead and justify and enjoy
    your sex-tourism. That is the only legacy your meaningless
    lives will ever have.

  104. go go look at you all Added by: steve (
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 2:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    doesn't it seem strange that the words prostitution, bar
    girls and have provoked all sorts of passions. i think you
    should all look at yourselves: those who've never been to
    thailand, let alone those who've never been to NE thailand,
    or even out of your home county. those who go to pattaya
    every year for sex and a good laugh ( everymans dream ).
    this question has probably reacieved more mail than every
    other travel related question put together. WHY? because
    its so interesting, and everyone thinks they have a divine
    knowledge, some people do, but not many. you want chuk wow?

  105. Quick review of this page Added by: A very late arrival
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 8:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It looks like this "thread" is basically over (very large topic change in the last 20 or so). I read through it
    quickly (but not quickly enough, wasted a lot of time). Agreed with a couple of the views of the "rat
    wanker" when he started, but he clearly appeared to be a tosser down the road (bugger all to do
    with the topics), thought "Big Stud" was the funniest bit; excellent visions of some beer-swilling ex
    squaddie/fat Aussie getting worked up that no one believed he existed. The two women (Fraggy &
    Motty (not the M.O.T.D. Motty of course, bizzare acid trip to think of him involved in this) were
    disappointing, the usual spoilt-brat western views of blah..blah (they took a pasting, anyhow).
    I guess the only thing that I am really moved to comment on is no.73 (I wrote down the no. as it's miles
    back up the page to the posting). No 73 said something about rich western men going to Thiland for a sex
    holiday is rich-country poor-country exploitation and is imperialistic. If you want to make a list of the
    no. of ways the west (read America) is shafting the rest of the world, the list is fucking huge (think about
    it: weapons, Nike, McDonalds, CIA-sponsored rebels + puppet regimes in vast sections of S. America
    and Africa for the raw materials (metals, oil, etc) just so the Yanks can have there fucking 89cents/gal
    petrol and live there "high standard of living" - which is excatly what everyone else on planet Earth wants
    hence (e.g.) prostitution to make money). I agree it's a bit sad to go half way round the world for a shag
    but it is very very low down on the list of ways that the west is being "imperialistic".
    Incidentally, it was amazing how the egos swelled and swelled, you can just picture these people reading
    the pages daily to see the "controversy" that they were generating and then telling their "mates" that
    it is time to speak to their disciples once more ("all these people are writing to congratulate me"). Do
    you think they have any friends? And finding a terminal to check your popularity rating while you're
    supposed to be on your hols, that's a fuckin disgrace.

  106. degenrate tourism Added by: david
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 2:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you people ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
    you go to a foreign country and expect good hotel service
    just because you have money. you expect good food, clean
    sheets, your room tidied up every day just because you pay
    for it. you expect to get carvings, paintings, clothes,
    ornaments that someone has worked long and hard for, just
    because you have money and can pay for it. you expect
    people to take you around and show you places - museums,
    churches, natural wonders - and explain things to you, just
    because you have given them money. have you no shame?
    you will burn in hell all of you.
    thank god there are some decent honest people who just ask
    for sex and nothing more.

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