
This topic was created by tfoundry
[Mon 24 May, 0:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I need some clarification here from those who have gone
thro' this before. What percentage of businesses in Myanmar
accept these FECs? Are there 2 separate price lists for the
guesthouses, restaurants, etc..? I'm assuming that the food
stalls, little shops, what little private business there
are, price their wares by Kyats. I'm also assuming that
these FECs are good for purchasing airfares from within.
Air Mandalay charges US$287 (I think) for a Yangon -
Mandalay - Bagan - Yangon circuit. That easily consumes the
FECs that one exchanges for.
One other thing, some folks here have posted, for eg., that
the Bagan Inn (Yangon) charges US$20 per night whilst the
travel books note it anywhere between US$30 and US$70 per
night. What's more advisable, just show up and request a
room (do you even haggle?) or call and reserve (btw, July
Many thanks.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 11:36]

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  1. Package Tour Added by: Daw Mya Sein (mogok@my-dejanews.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 0:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you book a package tour, you do not have to change
    US$300. More Myanmar tourist informations are available at:
    You are welcome to our "Shwe-pyi-daw".

  2. Myanmar Added by: Davo
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 1:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    FECs are accepted anywhere that tourists stay or buy
    transportation. Hotels, guesthouses, airlines charge
    foreigners in FECs, but will not reject US dollars if your
    FECs have run out. Some restaurants in hotels may have a
    dual dollar/kyat charge, but food and local expenses, taxis
    etc, are usually in kyat, except for the dreaded first trip
    to town on arrival, where the taxi drivers assume that you
    are ready to be milked for a fare several times greater than
    the one you will later pay to get from the city to the
    airport :-)

  3. fecs Added by: rpat (rpatter927@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 2:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Davo is right. FECs are used in hotels,some transport
    i.e.flights, the tourist boat from Mandalay to Bagan, &
    admissions, which can be quite expensive. Otherwise, use
    free market kyats. The real expensive restaurants insist on
    dollars, but everything else is kyats. When in doubt, offer
    kyats. Most of the time it works. bob

  4. hotel prices Added by: diogenes
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 4:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the LP guide update was done just before the supposed
    influx of visitors for "visit myanmar year" - mid 95 i
    recall. the promotion was a flop mainly due to a bit of
    student protesting in rangoon and mandalay. all hotels and
    guesthouses were under-booked. as a result prices have
    fallen dramatically. in addition there is very little
    business during the monsoon period, which includes july,
    and rates are even lower. the pitch up and haggle idea is
    OK provided you can do it effectively and are prepared to
    walk out if the rate doesn't go low enough.
    all the FEC stuff above is good stuff. for a traveller
    doing the "loop" by air the 300FEC disappears in a trice in
    airfares and some accomodation.

  5. Tours... Added by: tfoundry
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 5:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Many thanks for all the feedback. Another question.... Has
    anyone tried any of the existing tours? How are they? Any
    good? Expensive? Would you recommend any tour or agency?

  6. tour companiies Added by: diogenes
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 11:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    if all you intend to do is the standard loop there is no
    need to organise a tour for this. air mandalay or yangon
    airways will transport you and there are plenty of hotels to
    accommodate you. transfers are not too difficult but can be
    the one pricey thing in a bargain country. as in "WHAT, you
    want $10 to sit at the airport three times a day and wait
    for the planes coming in and take me to a hotel 10 miles
    away - that's robbery". if you spend a day or so in rangoon
    before you go up-country you can organise everything from
    there. use an agency like columbus tours and travel to book
    your flights and hotels if you don't want cold calling.
    i just noticed inle lake (heho) is missing from your
    itinerary. i would suggest missing something in mandalay and
    making sure you go - you will be missing the best physical
    thing to see in Burma - at least in the easily accessible
    bit. Don't worry, the boat ride on the lake includes some
    more pagodas to keep the cultural index up.

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