Kentung, Burma from Mai Sai, Thailand?

This topic was created by joe
[Tue 18 May, 22:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Does anyone know about getting to Kentung by road from
How long is a visa for the Kentung region, bought at
Takalek(spelling?)at the Thai Burma border, good for? How
much money does it cost?
How many dollars need to be exchanged for funny money? Can
changing money officially be avoided? Is the black market
rate still much higher than the official rate? How are the
roads (it is now rainy season and I'm in Thailand, but I
can't find out much from here) and how long does the trip
take? Anywhere worth staying over on the way?
The Lonely Planet for Burma is 3 years old and there is no
update online so I need help!

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 2:15]

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  1. Kentung road Added by: Drew
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I went to Kemntung and Tachilek from the Myanmar side and
    not the Thai, but I can tell you what I know. The road was
    almost impassable in October. I think there will be no way
    to make the journey in the rainy season. We had to get out
    and push the jeep many times. The road is little more than
    an ox cart in places. It's at least a 10 hour trip. There
    was even some confusion while I was on the road, many army
    check points thought it was closed to foreigners. I think
    you only have to change dollars to FEC if you come through
    the Yangon airport; you probably wouldn't have to change in
    Tachilek. Tachilek uses Thai Baht, not Myanmar Kyat.
    There's not much to see in Kentung anyway, just an old
    battle site and a hilltribe; I enjoyed Tachilek more. You
    can cross to Tachilek for a day for about $5. The Thai
    customs office and the MTT office on the boarder have a
    reciprical agreement. I don't know where you would get the
    permit to go to Kentung, probably a Thai tour agency would
    be your best bet. Maybe you could cross to the MTT ofice
    (actually on the bridge) and talk to them about it without
    paying $5. The exchange rate is 335 kyat to the dollar in
    Yangon, but you would probably be lucky to get 250 in
    Tachelik or Kentung. There is nowhere to spend the night on
    the road. There is the usual food stop half way, but
    foreigners cannot stay there. I would recommend just
    visiting Tachilek. If you want to see more of Myanmar it's
    probably cheaper to fly from Chang Mai to Yangon than to get
    to Kentung.

  2. mai sai to kentung Added by: diogenes
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 8:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the theory is that you won't be allowed to do this. burmese
    visas are not valid for land border crossings. the whole
    idea is that you go to tachileik for border trade only and
    get a day pass to do this. you should also know that
    foreigners have been killed on this road in the past two
    years, and Drew did well to get through. Reading between his
    lines he wouldn't do it again and is saying it's not worth
    doing. As for flying into Tachileik, you have to fly Myanmar
    Airlines. Last year they crashed a plane near Tachileik in
    bad weather and it was reported in the Bangkok Post that
    there were survivors but because they were mainly army and
    their families the locals did not help them and just looted
    the plane. everyone was dead when they were eventually found
    by "the authorities". nice sort of area eh?

  3. Chiang Tung Added by: Farang
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 14:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The whole border area around there is very dangerous at the
    moment. The Burmese side is terrorised by a drug warlord and
    his "Wa Liberation Army." Only about six weeks ago, the Wa
    forces brutually tortured and beat to death about 9 Thai
    villagers in that area. There have also been several attacks
    recently on Thai border police stations. The US Embassy and
    other western embassies have put out a warning about
    venturing into that region. There is a distinct possibility
    that travellers might be kidnapped and held for ransom, so
    the embassies claim.
    Chiang Tung, by the way, is the proper name for the town.
    It's in the Shan States and that's the Shan (Thai Yai) name
    for it. The ethnic Burmese mispronounce it as Kent Tung,
    which is the way the Brits put it on the maps.

  4. Silly farang Added by: Kyaw
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 14:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are wrong about Kengtung - read the section in "Guide
    to Burma" (Bradt Publications) for the correct details.
    Farang kee nuk - stay in the Land of Pussies and don't
    bother us with your crap.

  5. KENG TUNG FROM MAESAI Added by: Viper (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 16:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, don't let these other fools answer distract you from
    doing what you want to do. I was just there and back, went
    for 8 days and drove all the way to the China border. 2
    Canadian ladies went with me and had a great time. Try
    King Kobra Guesthouse for the latest info. on travels in
    the golden triangle region. If it was this dangerous the
    authorities would not let anyone travel. Fec's, 100 for up
    to Keng Tung and 120 USD if you go up to the China border.
    Cannot go on local transport as I have reiterated to Joe
    Cummings. See you in Maesai. Don't hesitate to come to us
    for the latest. Viper...

  6. Thanks Added by: joe
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks everyone.
    I will see you in Mai Sai, Mr Cobra. Is it possible to get
    more info about transport, visas etc. now, so I can plan for
    next month at this time(Do you have an e-mail address so
    that I can contact you directly)?
    I have stayed at the King Kobra when I have visited Mai Sai
    (but I haven't for a long time) and you might know my face
    from Chiang Mai.

  7. Good Info Added by: Drew (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 1:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Good Info KK. Just cause you live there and have all the
    answers doesn't make everyone else fools. If some people
    want to go up the Kentung raod for 8 days, I'm glad you can
    arrainge it for them. Also, I think that Yangon Airways
    flies to Kentung and Tachilek, unless the situation is much
    worse in the area. Kyaw certainly woke up on the wrong side
    of bed this morning.

  8. Sorry Kyaw Added by: Drew
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 1:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry Kyaw. The flaming style didn't seem like your tone.
    I should have known it was an imposter.

  9. of course they do Added by: diogenes
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 2:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    here's the yangon airways timetable link.

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