where did i go wrong

This topic was created by world tour
[Sun 24 Jan, 9:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

The great two week world tour of Thailand
Buy lonely planet guide to Thailand
Rip out the disclaimer in the front section we don't need
Set up a hotmail email address
Buy the largest back pack you can find then fill it up with
things you wont be able to get in Thailand soap, toothpaste,
film, razors etc
Get the cheapest flight to Thailand (moan about the price to
anybody that will listen)
Day 1
Arrive Bangkok wander around the airport finally dig out the
L-P guide and head for khao San Road
Find the cheapest guest house you can find crash out
Wander up and down KSR wonder of wonders here in the third
world you can buy all those goods sitting in your backpack
and its cheaper
So you sit by the road rant and rave about saving $10 on
buying all those goodies here

Find other backpackers and start pumping them for
information on going up north
Spend all day long wandering up and down KSR looking for
that bargain travel to Chang Mai but everybody is quoting
around the same price
Remember I am a budget traveller must keep the costs down
Discover the night bus to Chang Mai with free guesthouse
room at the other end
Great saves money staying in a guesthouse
There isn't a catch is there?
Day 2
Walk to the grand palace wander round haven't bothered to
check the guide about standards of dress I mean all us
backpackers wear shorts and t-shirts that's ok
Get caught out you have to wear long trousers oh shit
A nice man out side offers a Tuk Tuk ride tour of the city
special price to you 20 Baht
4 hours latter been to tailors / gem shops/ gold shops etc
etc all part of the tour
Hungry now must have some good Thai food Mc Donald's that's
foreign food isn't it ?
You are sitting in Mc Donald's a man wearing a business
suit comes up to you and asks
Can I practice my English with you
Lets be polite I am now in his country ok lets talk
Turns out the man is a dealer in precious stones and hey its
a special buddist holiday do you want to come and see me at
Why not it will kill some time
So we go to a gem shop he explains at length this is a
government licensed shop and the government is very strict
about gem dealers some are bad and the government is
stamping on them
So after about 30 minutes lots of explanations on cut
clarity etc of various stones you are told stones are very
cheap here in Thailand and you can double your money
After a long think about it you buy $100 worth of stones
that's the emergency funds gone but what the heck $200 easy
money back home
Go to Patpong see naked ladies dance all very exciting
wander along Patpong
a man says "want to see sex a show"
You say "you bet" so you go upstairs to some dingy club see
a sordid sex show and are presented with a bill for over
$100 for a beer
Some big heavies come out off hiding and it slowly dawns on
you that you are being scammed
So you Pay up Go to the tourist police at the end of Patpong
road and explain what happens they just smile and take you
back to the club and get some of your money back
You have hooked up with some other backpackers
After some looking around you find a tailor and arrange a
suite to be made and pick it up just before you leave
Thailand great price
Its now the weekend so we go to the weekend market must be
by bus it's the cheapest way
Shit shit shit all that stuff I bought in KSR is cheaper
Travel overnight to Chang Mai
Day 4
Arrive at a guest house get greeted by the family who run it
There's a man here he's a tour guide do you want to go
Here's my recommendation book look loads of happy customers
Sorry I need to wash up and have a little sleep still a bit
jet lagged
Okay talk to you latter says the tour guide
so all day long various members of the guesthouse try to
sell you a trek
Do I buy lets go cheek the L-P book try Tha Phae gate
looking for treks everybody selling treks tours all
different prices which one shall I go for
Now I remember we go for the cheapest I am on a budget
I find the cheap trek tell tour guide in the guest house
Suddenly you must check out of the guesthouse by 8 am
Why I thought check out was midday
No the smiling owner says this is Thailand must you check
out by 8am
Discover the night bazaar lets go shopping look there is a
nice hilltribe bag that all the backpackers have its just
about the right size so I can put my L-P guide in instead of
wandering around with it in my daypack or in my hand.
Funny here all the Tuk Tuk drivers want to take me to some
place called San Kamphaeng it's a craft village very nice
stuff they make silver / gold/ wood carvings and furniture
plenty of nice things very cheap right ????
You can watch the craftsmen working on there products
Day 5
Go trekking wander up and down some hills really nice here
spend a night in a village
Look at all those kids lets give them sweets or money
Let's get the camera out lets take lots of Photos doesn't
need to ask anybody do I?
Day 6
Spend next day on an elephant safari all very exciting
Travel to another village spend the night there
By now you get up the courage to ask about opium shit wrong
time of year not much about and it's very expensive
Day 7
Next day go rafting all very exciting and not expensive this
is great
So you go back to Chang Mai the tour guide knows someone
with a good guest house it's a good place hot shower very
cheap okay lets go there then
We go the nice guest house got to go south soon not many
days left
Time is running out must scrap the trip to Doi Suthep its
only one of those temple things what's special about that
Day 8
Get a cheap bus to Bangkok then cheap bus to Surat Thani
funny thing about these cheap buses they are all full of
foreigners no Thais on them at all!
A man at the bus station says he can get ferry a ticket for
So you go with him get a ticket and get dumped at the jetty
start talking to other people
Day 9
Shit been stiffed again could have bought the ticket across
the road for much less money
Funds are drying up must be more careful with my money
Must find a cheap bungalow somewhere near Chaweng beach
So you wander up and down you really wanted to go diving but
its expensive and they don't give discount
Find a Thai restaurant and go for the cheapest food on the
menu sleep of all that bus travel
Day 10
Been rushing around to much its now time for some serious
work on my tan
Spend all day on the beach gets to the night time must go
out just for just 1 beer
so you find a bar and have a beer
A pretty Thai girl starts to talk to you she says lets play
a game we play connect four or dominoes but not for free if
I win you buy me one drink OK?
5 drinks later you finally figure out you've been had
So lets wander down Chaweng beach its getting late now
what's that its the Green Mango hey it's a free night club
lets have a dance its getting late its past midnight
Suddenly there is lot of Thai woman all tall long hair big
breasts real sexy woman
okay lets move in one
No problem end up taking one back to the bungalow
She takes off her clothes what's that it's a penis oh shit
it's a man anyway a holes a hole
You wake up next morning wallets gone been through your
stuff taken what they can sell
That's funny he/she did not take the rubies
Down to the tourist police excuse me mister policeman I have
been robbed they give you the look (stupid farang you can
afford it)
But I am a budget traveller I cant afford all this
Down to the post office make a collect call home help send
money out now!
Day 11
Spend all day hanging around waiting for some money to be
sent out great I can afford to fly to Bangkok check out
Bangkok airways book a ticket to Bangkok
Money turns up pay off all my bills
Wait a minute I been so busy I forgot the email thing I set
up lets check out see if it worked?
So you find an internet cafΘ check your e-mails send some
e-mail to friends saying what a great time you are having
etc etc
Now lets get out of town
Day 12
Arrive Bangkok into town
You go to the embassy get a new passport
Then you go to the airline get a new ticket issued
Then back to KSR
Do some sorting out got to cancel those credit cards and
those travellers cheques
Pick up that suite that I had made
End up feeling sorry for yourself spend the evening in a
cheap bar in KSR
Day 13
Fly home
Some days latter
That suite you had made starts to fall apart its poor
quality trash
You try to sell those rubies and find out they're worthless
Yes they are real rubies but they are of poor quality
You start to have pain when passing water and you find out
you have a sexually transmitted disease
You cant lose face so you go around telling your friends had
a great time what a great place Thailand is and I am quite
an expert on all things Thai now
But next year you go a normal holiday with your parents
In the mean time you lie in bed at night worrying about the
AIDS your are going to have to take

[There are 48 posts - the latest was added on Fri 23 April, 12:55]

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  1. six months later......... Added by: alan whicker
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 9:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    this topic was created by worldtour
    i'm planning on going back to thailand next january and now
    that i know a few of the problems and the HIV test was
    negative i think i should have a good time...............

  2. Hey man, BEEN THERE... Added by: travel dude
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 11:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    DONE THAT!!! (Good post-keep up the good work)

  3. Love it Added by: Nardo
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 12:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How about a Kuta backpacking adventure trip next?

  4. journal Added by: lu-lu!
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 17:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i thought this was what a journal was for-please spare us the pain next time

  5. There is always One. Added by: mike
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 0:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you are obviousely a sales man's dream and author of the great "Gullibles travels".
    Stay home with your mom and get a video next time.

  6. Trial & error Added by: Dani
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 1:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    One learns. But the AIDS-shit, I really don't want to have THAT again.........

  7. Hey Mike Added by: Dumbstick
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 7:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If WTs did that, Thai tourism would decrease 50 per cent.
    There in an economic slump, have a heart.

  8. Unlimited computer access? Added by: CC
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 7:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Get a life.

  9. What an Idiot!! Added by: Bill Petersen
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 12:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you really got caught up and suckered into all those
    traps there you are a bloody idiot! You sound like the type
    of person I wouldn't even go with for a weekend trip to
    Melbourne, you are prone to get into a mess no matter what,
    see ya.

  10. well done first prize tro bill patterson Added by: world traveller
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 19:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you sussed it bill
    you should have kept quite and see how many idiots belived
    lulu mike and dumstick fell for it
    the others obviously sussed it out
    little bit of background i spent 2 years in thailand
    1990-92 and spend at least a month a year there ever since
    some of the people i know have been there for 20years+
    their are much better scams but most people that read the
    above would not figure them out
    the other day i was thinking about how many fuck ups could
    you work into a two week trip to thailand so i had a chat
    with some mates and this is what we came up with
    we only used cons that we could verfiy
    to my knowlege the gems scam has been running for 20 years
    and there seems to be no end of victims
    the amount of foreigners waking up to
    find they have been robbed is astronimical apparently the
    current scam is the girls smear a jelly on their nipples
    which contains a strong tranqilizer one quick suck and you
    wake up 24hrs later minus eveything
    as for the trekking guides long ago i used to charge a
    bottle of singha for each fake recomendation i wrote in a
    book good drinking at the time
    but the best one i heard about was 2 english lads working
    out of the rose hotel near patpong they were making more
    money then some of the larger bars
    charging 100 baht to write love letters for hookers some
    had 6 or more farangs on the hook most never found out
    but seriously i also thought about doing a nice little
    travelogue on places to go and things to see which are much
    better than the ksr road backpaker hoards will ever see
    i know this nice little hotel in bangkok about 3-4 star
    swimming pool nice big rooms ac satelite tv all for 500b a
    night but its nowhere near ksr
    i also know a great indian resturant when i have the need
    for curry
    there are some nice resturants around banglanpoo but not on
    ksr most prople could not find them
    as long as joe cummings keeps recomending ksr it keeps all
    the idiots in one place and leaves the rest to us
    next trip diving from kho tao already been in touch with
    some guys worked out some good discount but i wont spoil it
    by telling how its done

  11. cc Added by: world traveller
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 19:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    its quite simple then you should have sussed it out
    write what you want to say in word or note pad
    higlight it
    press control c
    change application
    press control v
    next lesson
    suck my rancid knob

  12. . Added by: world traveller fan club
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 4:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    world traveller, you rock, you're soooooo cool man,
    why do even bother hanging out here with such

  13. Uhh WT Added by: Dumbstick
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 11:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We are so impressed by your knowledge oh great one. Should
    we all bow down in the presence of someone who knows the
    country like we never will? Or should we instead laugh
    about how pathetic the 90's expats have become? Post again
    when you have got your little knob sucked over at the
    shopping mall of sex in Thonburi big boy. Fucking git.

  14. Ahh what a waste Added by: Observer
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 13:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A real nice post, then the author appears and wham -
    just a little daggy. Remember besides WT deadheads on Khao
    San you also have the oh so arrogant Expat ducks. One should
    avoid both, or suffer serous mental health problems.

  15. I agree with Observer Added by: Jimmy Hoffa
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 14:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Before I read the follow on posts that 'World Traveller' had
    posted, I thought this was a fantastic post. Now, however,
    I wonder why someone who seems so secure in Thailand
    feels the need to impress the rest of us with his knowledge
    of Bangkok. Do I detect just a hint of frustration? All that
    knowledge and no one to share it with? It must be terrible,
    being so insecure.
    Perhaps If you learned the language and made some
    friends who weren't expat arseholes or whores you might
    feel somewhat better about yourself.
    Can I also take this opportunity to remind everyone that
    not all expats in Bangkok are insecure wankers. It seems to
    be mainly people with few friends who hang out in Patpong
    who get this way, don't worry, we're not all like that.

  16. not an ex-pat Added by: world traveller
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 19:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I did my expat stuff in Africa
    learnt about HIV and AIDS from some doctors I was working
    so when I went to SE Asia I had a shit load of money and
    was very aware of what could happen going with bar girls
    tried the $10 a day backpacker KSR crap didnÆt like it
    wised up to the shit in the L-P guides
    wandered of on my own to the far northeast
    where the road side signs donÆt have English printed on
    became an alcoholic
    sobered up
    met and interacted with real Thai people
    taught English for fun not money
    worked on a farm
    couldn't learn Thai I am tone deaf to much heavy metal in
    my younger days
    got a realy good job which allows me travel at least 2-3
    months a year
    took a look at this website with the intention of looking
    for some useful information
    had a good laugh
    started winding people up
    got bored
    wrote the world traveller story
    sat back and watched
    only real mistake was responding to Bill Petersen could
    have suckered many more

  17. "World Traveller - complete Wanker" Added by: GOD
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 23:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It just goes to show - you can travel extensively ;
    allegedly ; have a " really good job " with " shit loads of
    money " and still be a friendless loser getting his kicks
    out of duping bored internet followers. What a life you
    have " world traveller " , how I aspire to be like you !
    Looks like the heavy metal killed off more than the hearing

  18. hey god Added by: world traveller
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 0:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    repeat after me
    I belive in lonely planet joe cummings is omnipotent
    I belive in lonely planet joe cummings is omnipotent
    I belive in lonely planet joe cummings is omnipotent
    I belive in lonely planet joe cummings is omnipotent
    I belive in lonely planet joe cummings is omnipotent
    I belive in lonely planet joe cummings is omnipotent
    I belive in lonely planet joe cummings is omnipotent
    bah i am a sheep must go to ksr
    bah i am a sheep must go to ksr
    bah i am a sheep must go to ksr
    bah i am a sheep must go to ksr
    bah i am a sheep must go to ksr
    I never been to se asia but i saw a program on tv
    I never been to se asia but i saw a program on tv
    I never been to se asia but i saw a program on tv
    I never been to se asia but i saw a program on tv
    choice is yours

  19. Sympathy for the Devil Added by: Jimmy Hoffa
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 14:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    OK WT, so you've done a lot of stuff that most backpackers
    in Thailand havn't.. Spooning round the North-East is the
    way to see another side of Thailand, one that most people
    don't. Sure, the LP guides are sometimes wrong, and KSR is
    pretty shite. That's all true, but not everyone has the balls
    when leaving home for the first time to wander off in an
    area like the North-East. That doesn't mean that they're
    sheep or that they should be patronised, it just means that
    some people are more cautious than others. After all,
    wandering round Thailand on your own, with no knowledge
    of Thai, would be pretty intimidating if it was the first time
    you'ld left home. I know the first time I left home for any
    length of time ( to Turkey ), I was scared stiff. So just try to
    have some tolerance for people who are less well-travelled
    and less self-confident than you.

  20. Bullshit Jimmy Added by: Dumbstick
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 19:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Traveling in SEA is like europe was 20-30 years ago. I'm
    supposed to be impressed cause WT travels around Isaan!
    Shit, we have KSR clones and then WT who is oh so impressed
    with himself. Christ, I have a friend who 10 years ago just
    decided to backpack and bag travel - as in real backpacking
    - he claimed that it just wasn't fun any more - WE
    DESTROYED IT. I think we are looking at a couple of his
    reasons right here.

  21. World Traveller - devoid of I.Q Added by: GOD
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 23:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Missed the point somewhat didn't we "World Traveller" ??
    Can't really see the attraction in visiting 1 country over
    and over so I can spout my "words of wisdom" in a
    patronising tone to those who haven't been yet. Still at
    least you get to shag a lot of little boys on the same
    emotional wave-length as yourself - albeit with greater
    intellectual abilities ( not really saying much though is
    it "W.T" ) It's also hard to see the flesh pits of Bangkok
    rivalling Carnaval in Rio , Mardis Gras in New Orleans ,
    Running of the bulls in Pamplona , Hogmanay in Edinburgh
    e.t.c e.t.c ( I could go on - but I really don't see the
    point in being a smug WANKER - some people actually travel
    for their own self fulfilment and to meet interesting
    people ................ novel concept isn't it ??!! ). So
    you enjoy your 3 millionth visit to whatever under-age
    exploitative bars you frequent , and keep posting your
    superfluous crap on this otherwise excellent page - even
    mental defectives have a right to their own primitive fun ?
    Of course this could be a wind-up ............... but a
    man with your obvious lack of humility and cerebral
    material would seem to lack the necessary pre-requisites to
    think such a scheme up ................... and I repeat :-
    P.S "I.Q" - Intelligence Quotient and you'll get no
    other help with the poly-syllabic words
    P.P.S Who says it's not fun to mock the afflicted !!??

  22. Ha, Ha HAAAAAA! Added by: Partygirl
    [Timestamp: Thu 28 Jan, 5:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear World Tour,
    Guess I'll just have to be unpopular again, but thanks for
    the laugh - I'm not going to pretend I was above it!

  23. Cometh the day... Added by: Judge Dread
    [Timestamp: Thu 28 Jan, 8:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...cometh the man. I'm with WT. The rest of you are

  24. It's a dogs life Added by: Dumbstick
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 18:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry Judge, I believe I am the greatest living backpacker.
    Certainly far superior to you or WT. Shall we post
    countries visited ? or amazing travel feats on the TT ? Or
    should we take a cue from the animal kingdom. Don't dogs
    sniff each others asses? Why don't you just get back to
    your floater and fuck off. Cheers

  25. GOOD POST Added by: Good Post
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 21:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent a year in South Korea and was totally involved and
    soaked up alot of the culture. Afterwards, I went to
    Thailand seeking a somewhat similar cultural experience
    (as I did in Korea - being totally immersed). Much like
    WorldTour's post, I couldn't get away from hordes of
    travelers and the people trying to rip them off. My
    open-ended Thai travels turned into a shortened 3-week
    experience that was very very similar to his! I thought it
    was a great posting, and anyone else who has been there,
    certainly must have similar experiences. To all of you who
    miss the truth of the Thai experiences in his post,
    probably haven't experienced Thailand to see the great
    humor in it!! It certainly rings true to anyone who has
    been there.

  26. Good Post Added by: JH
    [Timestamp: Sat 30 Jan, 19:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Everyone loved his post, it's when he opened his mouth that
    people thought him pond scum.

  27. Good Post Added by: Robert (richly@samart.co.th)
    [Timestamp: Sat 30 Jan, 23:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Missed going round and round with a tuk-tuk driver,
    stepping in elephant shit and a full case of the trots but
    otherwise quite complete.

  28. Cool! Added by: Pascal (pascal_ca@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 31 Jan, 12:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  29. god Added by: world traveller
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 4:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I smell a rat maybe god hasn't been out Far East
    Or is he just one of the wind up wankers who frequent posts
    like this just slagging people off ?
    Your pretty good at slaggin people off
    But I donÆt see any clues to being a traveller
    What is it getting bored with going on holiday with mommy
    and daddy
    Do you dream of far of places ?
    Must have taken a long time to work out that little tirade ?

  30. KSR Added by: KSR freak
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 5:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey WT (also stands for White Trash??,shoulda called
    yourseldf International Traveller,IT sounds better) Don't
    knock KSR you stupid motherfucker.KSR rocks man.Keep all
    the fucking tightass backpackers in one place.If they all
    stay in KSR etc,I won't have to put up with the miserable
    pricks when I am out and about (at least they won't annoy
    me in soi Cowboy,the beer is to expensive there,and they
    wouldn't be welcome sitting there sharing one bottle of
    water for an hour.You know why on TT these fuckers knock
    all the people that are screwing bar girls in Thailand??
    Because 1 bar fine is their weeks budget.They are just
    jealous of guys that can fuck like maniacs for months on
    end.see you in Isaan sometime (And don't carry a fucking
    LP,don't the BP's look fucking stupid with the BP glued on
    their back and LP in hand whilst window shopping in

  31. Someone's talking sense. Added by: Depravity is Good!
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 14:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Number 30, spot on mate.

  32. Uuh, I feel hurt !!! Added by: Marpi (markus.pillip@planet-interkom.de)
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 3:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thank you for that great literature!
    But I feel ashamed for your readers
    having no sense of irony!

  33. POETRY Added by: Chris Beale (asiainfo@dot.net.au)
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 Feb, 18:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That's what it it is - sheer poetry :
    I've never see, read or heard, such a brilliant
    send up, with such shafting length, of the
    bull-shitting back-packer scene.
    Can we have translations - soon - in Indonesian,
    Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, German,
    French, Portuguese, Spanish, German, etc.
    You should get a Nobel Prize.

  34. World Traveller - walking thesaurus Added by: God
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 0:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Didn't take long for the so called "tirade" at all W.T (
    that's an abbreviation for World Traveller by the way ) -
    and unlike you I had the burden of spelling things
    correctly ! You "didn't see any clues......" to me being
    a traveller !!!!! Hardly surprising for someone with the
    investigative skills of a deaf , mute , Stevie Wonder
    disciple is it ? I didn't mind travelling with "Mommy &
    Daddy" - but I see you took the alternative option where
    you left mommy and daddy at home but fucked ( butt fucked
    ??? ) the kiddies. As I said before - each to their own.
    Keep up the good work , or as you might say gud wurk ,
    and good luck with the remedial grammar course for
    compulsive delusional self-abusers ................ with
    your natural attributes you're bound to finish Dux ( ducks
    ?? ).
    Long may your achievements live on in your mind ( space
    permitting ).

  35. gods back Added by: wt
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 21:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i see they fixed the school computer
    with your command of english you must doing doing pretty
    this obsession with anal sex wories me
    go on an abercombie and kent tour of thailand 14 days see
    you might believe its cheap at $5000
    buy a hooker have sex (dont forget the condom 50% hiv
    positive last who report)
    loose your virginity and then you might have more insights
    into how to have sex
    but then again you will have to wait 5 years before you can
    go on a club 18-30 holiday
    ps dont forget to do your homework

  36. W.T - Pathetic loser Added by: God
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 0:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Same day reply W.T ??? What a full and interesting life
    you lead ( look up " irony " in the dictionary ). And now
    you're the resident expert on sex ?!! Is there no
    beginning to your talents ?
    Could once again get into a protracted dialogue on your
    mental shortcomings - but what's the point of casting
    pearls before swine ...... sorry - but someone else will
    have to explain that analogy to you.
    Would be more than happy to stack up my travelling c.v
    against yours , but you're a lying sack of shit so once
    again I'll defer to your cerebral deficiencies -
    " never argue with an idiot , he'll drag you down to his
    level and beat you with experience ".
    If you feel obliged to retort - at least leave it a
    couple of days so it appears that you live in the real world
    See you on my school holidays !!

  37. It's Added by: My Mate
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 5:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a bit like Marmite really.

  38. You asked the wrong question Added by: kev
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 19:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it should of been, where did my parents go wrong ???
    Not using a condom springs to mind, any other suggestions

  39. Amazing Added by: Rand
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 20:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can't believe how many stupid, naive narrowminded people there are out there...
    I enjoyed your story - many good points were made!

  40. Getting your nuts caught in the wheels Added by: JBH
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 1:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We travel yes?
    This makes us better than other people?
    This makes us better than people who have traveled for
    less time? Over less distance? To less popular locations?
    Did we learn the language?
    Did we make new friends?
    Did this bring us closer to god/ moksha/ enlightenment/
    understanding/ the pizza place down the road/ those lil
    bitty multi coloured things you put on cakes what are yummy
    and whose name I forgot?
    Opinion, W.T.'s post was usefull. I'm headed for Thailand
    soon and a list of all the pitfalls, in an entertaining
    format, gets a big ol thumbs up from me.
    P.S. Is there a dominos pizza in Bankok?

  41. dominos are there Added by: dr m
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 21:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    one at least near sukhumvit soi 26.

  42. What a load of crap Added by: me
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 March, 17:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  43. This was the best laugh ... Added by: The Dogfather
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 March, 9:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that I've had since I've become a TT addict. Thank you, WT.
    To newbies, there are many lessons in there that will save
    you a lot of grief - this is really clever writing; it
    reminds me of the hidden purpose behind the book 'Clockwork
    Orange' where the author, Anthony Burgess, who was also a
    linguist, interspersed the dialogue with Russian, and those
    who read it would subconsciously end up with a vocabulary of
    200 words of Russian. Using humour to teach a lesson is not
    a crime, unless of course, your name is Voltaire.
    To the unimaginative slaggers who don't have the wit to
    write such a piece and choose to dump on WT's spelling, I'd
    rather have a drink with him than you.

  44. PEACE Added by: rodney king
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 2:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can't we all just get along?
    -Rodney King, L.A. 1991

  45. I,m with Added by: Cockroach
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 15:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    N0 30

  46. The Great One Respondeth Added by: Golden Foot
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 17:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm gutted that this guy got more replies than I ever do -
    I shall have to be more crass next time. In the meantime, I
    thought this was darn good - Thailand is a fucking shit-
    hole full of cunts (ie Thais). Oh yes, and backpackers.

  47. KSR Added by: scum
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 April, 12:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Probably more people would get out of it if it was easier to
    move around Bangkok. Personally, when I'm in BKK it's only
    to get visas, shots etc before leaving it again, so it's
    attractive to be somewhere where you can pay for someone
    else to take on the sodding traffic while you catch up on
    sleep and books and then get the bus straight out to the
    airport again.
    I'd love for there to be a decent underground system so I
    can stay somewhere nice and zip round getting the business
    done, but that ain't gonna happen in the near future.

  48. Still Laughing Added by: HILARIOUS (aardyvaark@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 12:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sadly I caught this message late, I hope you'r still
    checking the responses. Highly amusing and slightly alarming
    that some people believed it!! I'm still Quietly chuckling
    to myself after reading it. Well done old man!
    Now........what I want to know is the location of
    the 500Bt. hotel please, I only know the MIAMI, the GOLDEN
    PALACE and the ATLANTA that fit that description and I'd
    LOVE to know any others.

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